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Oct 2014 · 321
You foolish Girl
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
In choir,
You have to take things,
To the next level.

You have to try,
Not half-*** your way through.

I warned you,
Call me a *****.
It doesn't phase me.

You think your stronger,
Your not.

Your just a mortal to me.
A very weak,

Start trying,
The instructor may stop.
With the criticism.

Start singing,
Instead of sleeping.

Call me a *****,
I don't care.
Start a fight,
You better hope you survive.
Oct 2014 · 1.7k
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Holy angel kiss.
Knife to your throat,
A spell.

Magical powers,
Wringing out prowess.
Super nova to Spare.

Magical Being,
Sorcerer, Dark One, Witch.
A twirl of her red fingers,
Spells mischief.

Young Witch scorned.
Scolded by mortals,
Mortalities breath.

Magical Witch,
Beautiful and ****** is she.
That of a Puma.
Hiding in the sea.

In the sea of people,
She awaits her turn.
To cause a Nightmare,
To bring fear to burn.

Magical Being,
Sinead Wool.
Spreads her wings,
Tricking the Angels..
Oct 2014 · 266
Curiosity's Greatest Poison
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Curious as it may be,
But still poisonous..

I stride towards my prize.
Thats lays in ****** fear...
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Beyond Comprehension.
Brow furrowing.
Thoughts arousing.

Deep thoughts,
Because of what.
They had said.

"There is more to this,
Open you eyes."

What could they mean?
My world is different..
I have to be perceptive.

It has been a long time,
Since the wolf has been awakened.
Since she has perceived,
Her last memory.

To open my eyes,
To feel the situation.

I must open my eyes.
Perceive once more.

Awaken the Wolf.
Perception has returned..
Oct 2014 · 600
White Wolf, Blue eyes
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
My eyes scan the horizon,
Their icy blue texture captivating.
Capturing all sights.

My wolf-ears,
White and fluffy.
So magnificent,
When it comes to sounds.

Their like vibrations in my drums,
Every sound I capture.
Every animal I hear,
Respecting the space,
We have in between.

Gazing upon the pale moon,
Miss Auroura my dear.
You are beautiful this clear night.

You light up the black sky,
Full of stars.
Full with your smile.

I howl to the moon,
Standing proud.

I growl at the sounds around me,
My muzzle twitches to all smells.

I walk alone,
Along this lonely trail.
Hunting on my own.
Every Elk I bring down,
Get's a prayer of respect.
For the chase was a blast.

Howling to the moon,
Melodic is the one of song.
The White Wolf,
Of Auroura.
Oct 2014 · 563
White wolf Searching...
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Replacing skin for fur,
That groan becomes a growl.
Those teeth to fangs.
Hands and feet to paws.

Morphing in the moonlight,
I strive to desire.
As White wolf,
I am apart of the moon.

I feel her sadness,
As she stares down at Mother Earth,
Her mind unwilling.
To desire him.

A howl escapes my jowls,
As one responds.
So loud and close,
I have caught my find.

Pounding into the earth,
I struggle to run faster.
Beyond the grove,
Is a male adolescent.

I wish to meet him..
I can almost smell his scent...
Oct 2014 · 240
Forever, Goodbye
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
My heart,
Second guessing.
My skin,
Very pale and bleeding.

My head pounds,
My heart pours out.
Staining the ground.

Memories of love,
Unjust by the decision.
To leave him behind,
In the placid desert...

The dust of our lives,
The wispy sands whisper.
Tells our story,
When we part forever..

I am sorry...
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
My heart is in protest,
My mind is racing..

I hate being anxious,
I hate anxiety...

Help me..
Another anxiety attack!
Just hit Me hard.

Making it difficult to breathe..
Oct 2014 · 437
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Beyond the gaze of gold,
Sterile fangs reign.
Overpowering the human inside.

Hungering for revenge,
You awaken into a being.
More powerful than any soul.

Born to ****.
The hybrid witch of our world..
Sep 2014 · 278
To those....
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
To those who,
Love, Care for.
Those who do not see.

Those who do not see peace,
Among the valiance scorned.

To those with a beating heart,
Survive a little longer..
Sep 2014 · 934
Engage the Soar
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
Love stricken wings,
Beat to the beat.

Soaring high over oblivion.
The great war of power has begun.

Valkyries engage!
Save this country,
From the evil rage.

Send love,
Send destruction.
Use fire,
To fight fire.
Sep 2014 · 1.4k
Answering the Call of War
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
Come now,
Answer the call of war.
Answer the cry for settling scores.

Skyrim is in chaos,
War threatens strongholds.

Purify now,
Purify their souls.
Make peace,
Answer the call.

War will whether the souls,
Of the lost.
Stand together,
Whatever the cost.

Though your shield may falter,
Though your swords will fall.
Answer the call of war.
Aid your homeland.

Skyrim is in Chaos,
Answer the call.
Save it!
Thanks Miracle of sound! (Disclaimer to the lyrics from the Call by miracle of sound!)
Sep 2014 · 769
Sovangarde in Terror
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
From the mist,
Of Nahkriin's Awakening.
A tunnel to a different world,
A world of  
And Justice for all.

A spiritual world,
Where all have died and gone.
Only to face Alduin's terror.

Their soul's taken,
Their pride destroyed.
They call upon their  
Come now!
Alduins jolt knaws at our skin,*

He takes our souls,
To never be reborn..

Sovangarde will be saved,
Await my arrival my brothers and sisters.
I will come.
Sep 2014 · 3.3k
The Saga: Journey Begun
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
This land.
It's strange to me.
It's cold like Solstheim.

My mother wouldn't tolerate this!
The breeze danced,
Bringing an icy feel.
To skin so pale.

Hailed to be a Nord,
With Ancient blood of Talos.
With Ysgramor's spirit.
In war.

I must find my way back home,
To the Ashlands.
I will adventure here.

A journey holds the key,
To experience.

I am Jaedin,
Daughter of Alaken,
And Calina.
My village is of the Skaal.

A great evil has come,
It has set over this place...
They say dragons have returned,
What might be in store,
For a young Nord?

Exiting my ship,
I say Hello and Hail,
To Skyrim.
Sep 2014 · 1.8k
Skyrim, The beautiful Nord
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
The sun rose,
Over the snowy lands so cold.
Over the treacherous terrain,
Of the Reach.

A beautiful one,
Who roams this world alone.
Only to have a horse by her side,
But no lover to take pride.

Roaming this land,
She is Jaedin.
Her mate awaiting her appearance.
He who is handsome and kind.
He who loves and cares.
For anything in the world.

Jaedin will find that mate,
He will find her.
Marriage will commence.
So will children.

The sun set,
Over Tamriel.
Over the hearts as one.
As they embraced,
Under a high moon.
Sep 2014 · 1.4k
Guardian Angel of Love
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
Beautiful Wings,
Shining horns.
Blue eyes adored.

Guardian of the skies,
Is she who believes.
Fate and disguise.
She appears mortal,
To you and me.

Guardian Angel,
She will protect her love.
She will heal him of wounds.
Give him life,
To his lungs.

She will always protect him,
Never faltering her stance.
Even on deaths door,
She is the Valkyrie Angel.
The Guardian of her love.
Sep 2014 · 245
The Beast
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
Blindness by worth.

Mistaken by judgement.
Burned at the gate,
To hell.

The beast is inside,
It claws at the surface.
It's rage unexplained.

It roars,
Hunting for an opening.

This is what my anger feels like,
It feels like a beast that is destructive.
It doesn't fear man.
God, or creature.

It claws at the surface,
If I snap.
Everyone is in danger.

Of Nightmare.
Sep 2014 · 990
Suffocation to Promise
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
The air,
The pressure.
It suffocates me.

It's undesirable,
As my desperation is at the core.
I long to be by his side.

Scrambling to the top,
Climbing the mountain of decision.
I chose him.
He is mine.
Now and Forever.

My eyes deceive me,
When I see his shadow pass by.
He is states away.
Yet I feel him near.

My love is growing stronger,
The craving is beginning to grow.
Growing everyday,
Stronger than before.

I believe in my heart,
Though is has deceived me,
Countless times.

He will come,
As I await for the knock.
Upon the timely door.

The pressure is consuming me,
My heart is changing me.
Transforming the beast inside.

Forgive me,
My love for you are dear to me.
You have given me this gift,
I take it kindly.

One promise,
Even if this world destroys me.
If I am a lamb,
Led to the slaughter.

I will always love you,
I will always protect you.
My wounds mean nothing,
When I know our bond is strong.

The beast will be subdued...
A poem to the one who I found earlier this year..I thank him greatly... and am Honored.
Sep 2014 · 1.3k
Hail to thy Heart
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
Hail to the heart,
The keeper of souls.
Hail to her,
She rules this world.

The heart is divine,
It has power.
Thy ***** of red,
Love, Lust, devour.

Purpose by equal,
Anthem of lore.
Hail to the heart,
Your very bold.

Imagine it,
The world of only love.
The world of all power,
By a single dove.

Hail to thy heart,
Hark and sing!
She will be abundant,
In all who believe.
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
In the night sky.
The moon of lore.
Hangs it's face high.

All creatures commence,
To it's worthy glow.
Responding in frantic galore.

The wolf of lonesome reign,
Treads lightly.
Careful not to be seen,
By any human.

Unlikely Beta,
Her soul torn immensely.
Love is her guide,
To her mortal seed.

Archaic one,
Hides her one secret.
Under the full moon,
She grows mortal instinct.

Phasing into a girl,
Young and beautiful is she.
Her body bare,
Under the ghostly moon.

Cringing at the sight,
She searches for him.
Her loving eyes,
Scan the forest.

He promised her he would show,
To give her one last request.
The request to keep her forever.
Bonded by rings.

A wretch like her,
She hates herself..
Her soul is cursed,
By the moon that dwells.

Sounds of snapping twigs.
In rustles leaves,
Footsteps at ease.
He stands before her.

She covers her beauty,
By the way he stares.
Awestruck by his intimacy.
Craving her then.

A shy beta,
The archaic one.
Has met her mate,
For the first time..
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
Glowing white,
In the  ebony  sky.
It's face smiles.

It's scars,
Visible by the naked eye.
All creatures stare to the sky.

Howling winds,

The masters of the woods,
Look to thy moon.
Craving it's power,
That adrenaline.

Wolves of Color,
Alpha of Black,
Omega of *White

Thy pack howls,
Thundering through the forest.
All creatures run,
Caressing the hand of death.

One Beta stands out,
With eyes of ashure.
Fur of mane.

She who stands out,
Challenges the enemy.
Silver lines of worthy,
Claws of a lion.

Thy Beta wolf.
Stands mighty.

She is without pups,
Without love.

The wolf,
Almost Archaic,
To the family.

She walk's alone,
Under the pale-faced moon.
Searching for hope,
Of finding love soon..
Sep 2014 · 644
Love is a Gift
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
A gift that be cherished,
By ye heart.
Love my dearest,
Is a true art.

Love is a gift.
A gift given from above.
Whether it be God, the sky.
No one truly knows.

It teaches us how to express,
To feel.
All the emotions that we hold,
Inside our walls of steel.

Love is a beat away,
Like the beat of a drum.
It moves your heart,
To a plethora of soul.

Love is a gift,
That is trusted by many.
Young and Old,
It keeps us alive to seek.

Though your heart may break,
It may be crushed by envy,
Always remember Love.
It is most true,
To it's meaning.
A poem to all who know that love is true either near or far. I've come to know it by my soul. And experience. <3
Sep 2014 · 493
Anthem of Promise
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
Anthems so sweet,
Soft gallantly stringed.

Hearts beat,
Sorrow weeps.
A song of merrily dreams.

What man is this?
Whose heart is bliss.
Thou loved a maiden,
Of Anthems swing.

Whose love adored,
When all was torn.
He hailed thy keep.

Love is kind,
It doth not envy.
Even An Anthem.
Proves thee.

Maiden of Sweet songs,
Whose voice angelic along.
Sings to thy heart.
To keep thee.

"My love,
You are my life.
In peace and in suffering.

Though I may become wife,
I'll always love thee."

What child she brings,
To bear his fathers eyes.
To speak of lordship.
Behind thy eye.

Bear a child,
I will accept thy offer.
A family for us,
Will last forever.
Sep 2014 · 1.2k
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
We will reignite,
Thy love that was lost.
Thy *love
that was unseen.

Behind the battlefield,
We will find each other.
Within the ashes of the war.

Praise thy sun!
Become one with hearts.

We will reignite,
Over the sorrow.
Over the toil.

Thy beauty will commence,
Sending our souls to dance.
Connecting the strings attached.

We will Reignite,
Thy  flame  of love.
Thy sun's fire.

Our hearts will not fail,
*We will live to tell our tale.
Sep 2014 · 921
Fiery Heart
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
Thy heart burns for love,
It burns for your touch.

My body shimmers,
Wanting to feel how close,
You can be.

Our hearts burn,
Fiery and refined.
As our souls entwined.

My love,
Thy fiery heart yearns for you.
It craves your soul..

It will burn still,
Even if you.
Are close.
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
My heart is screaming.
It's becoming more and more.
Powerful with every waking second.

Why is this feeling so strong?
Why am I in love!?

My heart keeps screaming his name.
I give in to it all.
I want to meet you.
Please come..

To see you,
Would bring the beast to rest.
Would save my dying soul now.
Sep 2014 · 635
The Rising Sun
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
The bright sky,
Provides life for those.
Who have the heart to love.

Frozen in this world,
I can only crawl.
Crawling to your guiding eyes.

The rays of light,
That make thy heart beat.
Faster than the speed of light.

You are my rising sun,
You are the light that guides the way.
You are the key to my hearts desire.
The one I should mate.

The sky has become overpowering.
With your every glance.
I can see us together.
In each other's arms.

You are my rising sun,
You are my heartly guide.
Forever and Ever.

The Fire and Ice will collide.

The Rising Sun.
To my mate.
Sep 2014 · 173
Remember or Forget
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
Being forgetful,
Can be poisonous.

Can be a curse.

You can only choose one,
Not both.

It makes life so much harder...
Sep 2014 · 169
There comes a time
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
There comes a time,
You must be born.
Take your first breaths.

There comes a time,
When you make a choice,
To seize opportunity.

And there comes a time,
When each breath.
May be your last.
Sep 2014 · 604
The Sword, Heart, Moods
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
Hilt of a heart.
Dazzling shine.

Stainless steel,
Amulet of the wolf.

Dark marks,
Sharp fangs.

Don't mess with me today...
Sep 2014 · 477
Tedious Love
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
Time is tedious,
Even beyond the sea.
It's waves crash and bound.
Against the shore.

Love binds,
When two hearts connect.
Equal or not.
Opposites attract.

You and I,
Are not so different in this world.
We hide behind masks,
Our true nature unfolds.

Bodies as one,
Tangled under the covers.
We make love till dawn.
Expecting a child.

Love is tedious,
Fair and Kind.

No judgement can come,
When We see each other,
Through our own eyes.
Sep 2014 · 147
Loves Fire
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
Anything in the world, 
Beyond the golden stars.
I wish to be where you are.

My screams are silent,
My demand is high.
I wish to be in your arms,
I wish to see love,
In your eyes.

I can see us,
Holding one another,
Kissing deeply under a full moon.

I can see a ring,
A future for us both.

My screams will be heard,
We will find each other.
Behind our hearts,
Is burning fire.

To see each other again.
Sep 2014 · 315
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
It's coming..
Approaching faster than before..
That terrible day.
Of year 01...

Reqiuescat en Pace..
Sep 2014 · 664
Breeze of Holiness
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
Thy breeze,
It's beautiful beyond all lies.
Its honest and holy.

It's creative,
It's the truth.

You hear its beautiful words.
Becoming a sovereigns child.

This Breeze is holy.
It's of Holiness.
It's of love.

Thy Breeze of Holiness,
**Reigns down on the kingdom..
Sep 2014 · 1.1k
Valkyrie's Purpose
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
Valkyrie's of justice.
Serve for one purpose.

Fly alongside their beasts,
Spears shining high.
They fight for one purpose,
Their world.

They are worth nothing to mortals,
They hide in the shadows.
Serving Kings, Chiefs and Dragons.

They have purpose.
You just have to search for it.
Sep 2014 · 500
Terrain of Tranquility
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
The breeze whispers,
Carrying it's wise words.
Feeding its nature to the beasts.
Of the wild.


They all become heard,
Under the full moon.

Breathing downward.
Chasing scents eastward.

The forest,
A Desert.
A meadow.

Each terrain is different.
With it's own personality.

One thing,
It's Peace.
Sep 2014 · 255
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
I'm going insane,
Why do they play these games?
The games of mental breakdown.

To make me feel guilty,
To make me feel the sting.
When I already know..

I'm not sorry.
I said I wanted to move,
When I was eighteen.
You walked away,
Rejecting me.

Now you send your wife at me?
To scold me,
Break me down.
Make me suffer..

I may not return home,
Because of you.

Why won't you just understand!
I'm trying to make you proud.
Everytime I mention my mother,
You create a war!

I'm done.
It's too much for me to bear.
No words,
Just disappear!
My dad doesn't realize what he just caused.. I'm finished living there..
Sep 2014 · 3.2k
Spin my Fairy (Final)
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
Damsels of distress,
Wings of vivid crests.
All elegant in a romance.

Spin my Fairy.
Tilt your head.
Sprinkle fairy dust,
To ressurect the dead.

The dead who don't dance.
Who stand in awe of your crest.
Spin my Fairy,
Recruit the rest.

Vivid streams,
Violet strings.
Strung on thy lute of play.

Spin my Fairy,
Sing your song.
Of Vibrance.
Of Honor.
Of love.

Spin now,
Your wings beautifully carved.
As a monarch or a sprite.
You give life to the crowd.

Elegance above Royalty.
Love above Lust.
Play your reverend strings.
Of Story Springs.

Spin my Fairy,
Flare those vivid wings.
You are the final act.
Praise your Lute of Rings.
Inspired by Mythology and much more. Keep spinning Auroura!
Sep 2014 · 295
Spin my Fairy (Part one)
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
Chosen symphonies,
Swinging wings.

Spinning fairies.

Music only ancients,
Choose to dance to.
Sep 2014 · 4.1k
Assassins Amongst the Crowd
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
Amongst the weak.
The strong will rise.
Bringing our blades of justice.

All in disguise.
We rise together.
Along the line of the crowd.

Were at the corner of our fate.
Destiny will take us all.

Blades thrusted forward,
Arrows blacken the skies.
We charge into battle.
We fight for our lives.

For Freedom,
For honor.

But for whom?

I fear not what we face.
We will rise together.
Assassins for one.
AND all.

Together we fight,
Against the Templars.
We may be an Animus,
But our hearts are true.

Abstergo Destroyed a brother.
Or maybe hundreds.

They die by our swords.
Our blades of honor.
Will create a world of War.

Beware the Assassins,
We've Come to ****.

You will die,
Drowning in the seven seas.
A little inspiration from Theme music. RISE UP my brothers and sisters! We are the creed!
Aug 2014 · 497
Sensational Sky
Dark Jewel Aug 2014
Whispering breeze,
Graze me deep.
Shudder my bones,
Light up my blood.

Blow wind blow.
Shudder our souls.
Cool wind against skin.

Sensations of the Sky..
Aug 2014 · 378
Dark Jewel Aug 2014
Gazing upon me,
It pounds me.

The pressure is unbearable.

You are Unbearable.
Aug 2014 · 124
Dark Jewel Aug 2014
A light in your eyes.
A beat of your heart.
As you lay against me.

Our hearts race,
We smile like it's nothing.

The red rose.
Of our hearts.
Aug 2014 · 443
Dark Jewel Aug 2014
Our heart,
Our minds..
Our souls.

Into become old.
Aug 2014 · 154
This I believe
Dark Jewel Aug 2014
I believe in Right,
I believe in the way.
I believe in blades,
That solve everything.

I believe that sweets,
Can comfort the soul.

I believe that people **** people.

I believe in the Hierarchy,
I believe that what you do in life has consequence.
I believe that learning is a step towards victory.

I believe in the wings that guide you,
I believe in the Creed.
I believe in Earths Resolve.

I believe in the free of the free.

I believe that we,
Create our own destiny.
Wherever your faith resides,
Is what you can conquer.
Along the ocean Tides.

Strive, Create, Maintain,
Your own destiny.

This is what I believe....
Aug 2014 · 181
Dark Jewel Aug 2014
Lonely soul,
Oh where oh where.
Could thou hath gone?

I only wanted to be your friend.
Now I can't.
Why are you gone Lonely?

Didn't we have something special?
Shared one thought.
One misery.
One pathetic excuse.

Oh Where,
hath thou gone?
Aug 2014 · 458
Black Eyes
Dark Jewel Aug 2014
Black circles,
Trace wild lines.
Under my eyes.

Colour no storm can deny.
Lightning flashes,
In thy Dark, shadowy,
Aug 2014 · 319
Resenting Life
Dark Jewel Aug 2014
Resentment of the obvious.
Into the oblivion.
Cursed by refuge.

Callouses by fear,
Anxiety by control.

Aug 2014 · 464
The night before
Dark Jewel Aug 2014
The night before was painful,
As I came home from work.
Took my greasy clothes off,
No shower..

It was so late then,
No bathroom open.
I sigh.

I put my pajamas on,
Now I lay me down to sleep.
I pray the lord my soul to keep.
If I die before I wake,
I pray the lord my soul to take.

Only tears shed,
From my grey eyes.
Their vibrant colors gone.
Now I am in disguise.

This pain always repeats.
The night before.
I get no sleep...
Aug 2014 · 247
The Heart
Dark Jewel Aug 2014
My heart jerks,
At the sound of your voice.

My mind does it's race,
When you come near.

Is it love..
Or lust?

Please don't make me choose.
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