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Graff1980 Jul 2015
He say it is his right
To take what he wants
Respect by a bullet
Money by the bank full
And property from the poor
Drunk on false history
Abusing society
God complex in shadows
This swaggering drunk
Takes what he wants
With a little pill in the drink
He puts the world to sleep
***** in hand to demand
What he thinks
He is owed as a man
Robbing and murdering
****** and lying
The courts let him off
The cops call him boss
While I fluster in rage
Watching that *****
Get his way
Graff1980 Apr 2017
His face was gray and peppered white chaos
with wrinkles crossing underneath
the tangled mess that strangers see,
concealing a few rotting teeth
that leave only a slight lingering odor.

He holds up a cardboard quality plea
for some human decency.
I oblige in a kindness drive by,
no bullets but, a banana, an apple
a gallon of water, and some love.

Hefty lady at the McDonald’s counter
says that she saw a beggar
pull out a huge ***.
Another worker said she saw
a different beggar taking his donations to
the liquor store on the next corner.

I sit back in a bent black rolly chair
while a friend points somewhere out there
at a young brown skinned man
with his pants sagging partly down
and says that he is a ****.

I do not engage in this conversation
because I do not know any thugs,
so how could I observe and classify
that stranger who was just passing by.

White shirt, and black cap
my friend sits back and yells at
his cellphone
because it won’t play
the current football game.
I smile and try to keep
the chuckles inside of me
as he is cursing his expensive
piece of modern convenience.

I watch these people
but I cannot judge them,
because I know they are all fragile humans beings
and I only have enough heart left to love them.
Graff1980 Jun 2015
A voice whispers dig a little deeper
No time to be a sleeper
You are a secret keeper
**** the sheep herder
Or the mad hoarder
There is something to be found
Deeper, deeper, down, down
And the ground opens up
And the sound throws up
And the liars show up to shut up
And the thoughts runs on
To places where they don’t belong
And I ever the fool follow them
Drowning in my own idealism
Forgetting and recalling realism
Knowing that cynicism
Is usually closer to the truth
I follow that dark river
Cause that is what I am driven to do
Past the fake fair and balanced news
Past the Preachers and politicians
Past the cops, judges, and lawyers
Back to science and philosophy
Through literature and history
Till the discord in me finds some peace
And I fold my cold self
Into blankets of new and old truths
Even then my inner friend
Says digger a little deeper
So I try to
Graff1980 Dec 2014
She is dark haired
Faired hair
Blue eyes
Brown eyes
The curvy perky pervy mermaid
Of quiet joys named Maria
The fairy queen of the Autumn roads
Master and mistress of mystery
Shaded tints
Of unknown
Digital history
Cloaked in anonymity
Baring my solemnity
Wearing layers of dignity
And desire
Is inspired
A crackling volcano
Of unmeasurable passions
A shadow thief who stole my heart
Monument made of more than beauty
By all the curiosities
Of Casual conversations
It is not out of obligation
Or out of courtesy that I court
Her kindhearted pleasure
It is merely for my pleasure
That I treasure such a jewel
I will never meet her in person
I will only know her in poetry and prose
And as far as that goes
It is a grand gift she bestows
Graff1980 Jan 2015
She is a digital echo
Hollow hole
Binary string
Stuck in my memory
Pictures pasted on facebook
Tumblr and twitter
Technological footprint
In the internet sand
A ghost in the system
Server soft saved
Humanity lost that day
But she still exists
Graff1980 Feb 2017
Dinners end
Table cloth must be put away
Butchered heart
Silver spoon
To mark this moment
People passing plates
Take their meals and look away
Hands touch only for a second
Charged by old memories
The knife reflects
Tears not yet
Wiped away
The ****** beef
Salty and sweet
Oil caked skin
Digested grossly
Like lazy lovers we depart
The dinner with stomachs empty
Desires unfulfilled
Wasted day without a meal
Move on
Move on
Graff1980 May 2015
This is a disclaimer
Despite the fact
That I wish they would attack
To bite your fat ***
In zeal cause you might
Taste like veil
Zombies are not real

This is a disclaimer
Contrary to your belief
And desire to find relief
Angels do not exist
The spirit does not persist
And you waste much energy
In the pursuit of this
Fear of death

This is a disclaimer
Cause it’s lamer
By todays standard
To stand hard
Against the ignorance
And superstition
Than it is to sit around fishing
For fantasies
To comfort ourselves

This is a disclaimer
It would be far vainer
For me to say
That I know it all
I may
I have been wrong
All along
But I highly doubt it
Graff1980 Mar 2015
War makes its’ wicked artistry
Upon the flesh of humanity
Tearing skin
Inversing flesh
Transposing bone and skin
Organs and eyeballs
Such a sickening alchemy
And even when
The flesh remains
Untainted by such warring ways
The soul destruction reigns
Savaging mortal wits
Breaking stern hearts
And turning gentle folk
Into to mad man made monsters
All who come and go
And even those
Who come no more
Are disfigured by the
Horrors of war
Graff1980 Jun 2015
A mirror of truth
Will see the dissonance of me
I am a brave coward
A mournful comedian
A hopeful pessimist
And a wise fool.
Graff1980 Mar 2015
Clear water and blue skies
Distorted through glass eyes
Watery distortions
In the human mind
Heavenly perceptions
Made to confine
A spectrum defined
By the untrained minds
Cloud kings and underworld gods
Flaming pools
And cumulous mansions
Made to make us accept
The status quo
To slow our roll
We are Sisyphus
Pushing a boulder
Ever upwards
Without water
Without a break
Till they steal our last breath
They say only fools believe
In what they perceive
That the spiritual
Is the factual
But Plato’s Socrate’s cave
His allegory
Fits our life
Explains it with a perfect fable
Graff1980 Jun 2016
The world does not want
one more poet activist
crying out against
all injustice.

The world does not want
a moral philosopher
plunging the depths
of the lies we tell ourselves,
discarding illusions, and
barely overcoming confusion
to become a better human being.

The world does not want
another hopeless romantic
faithful lover,
god under the covers,
explorer, and discoverer
of all untraveled depths
that women possess.

This world does not want me
and I am almost okay with that.
Graff1980 Jul 2015
I want to write a song that flowers in the darkness
A tune that smiles under the moon
Swelling sounds that swoon and confound
Singing hymnals of love that astound
Hands helping the healing start
May not be able to restore broken hearts
But maybe I could write something
That eases suffering
Perhaps something to make them smile
Or something that makes them laugh
With words I tare myself in half
To give those sentences back
And do something good
Graff1980 Apr 2017
Do not let them
press your pain
against the fence,
scraping your
thin skin veins
against its sharp
metal parts.

Do not let them
mutilate your heart.
It is not their part
to play an
integral roll
in how you grow.
You will rise
despite them.

Do not let go;
Know that though
you are only
passing familiars
that tread
the creeping causeways
driving in, around,
and eventually
all the way out
of this living town,
I love you all.
Graff1980 May 2016
Could we break it down to an algorithm
Brain chemistry working like mathematics
Measured and predicted with perfect precision
Calculating the chemistry down to the last molecule
Timing the firing with pharmaceutical accuracy
Flip a switch to fix that ****
So pain only exists if you want it
Machine men and women
Flesh formed robots
Modern nanobots
Becoming more assembly line
Then we already are at this time
Sure, but let’s not
Graff1980 Jan 2017
You raise the flag of rage.
You rise to spit your hate.
I feel the venom of your pain.
Why do you spend it that way?

Please don’t make me bury my brother.
Soft dirt moved to fully cover the
dried brown ground they put us all under.
Please don’t make me bury my brother.

You’ve got loads of bullets.
You’ve got armor piercing type.
You’ve got the will to spend them
and reap their red counterfeit.

Please don’t make me bury my brother.
Soft dirt moved to fully cover the
dried brown ground they put us all under.
Please don’t make me bury my brother.

You say that you’re an American patriot.
You say you’re a cowboy soldier.
You say you want to save this country
with the blood of those who oppose you.

Please don’t make me bury my brother.
Soft dirt moved to fully cover the
dried brown ground they put us all under.
Please don’t make me bury my brother.

One day you will have to face it
all the hate and faith you misplaced it.
Bullets spray shred red rays right through it
when you finally make me do it.

Please don’t make me bury my brother
Soft dirt moved to fully cover the
dried brown ground they put us all under.
Why do I have to bury you my brother?
Graff1980 Feb 2016
One slip, one little trip, barely a blip
one second
to hit
one ledge or hardwood floor.
Ribs crack.
Breath runs away.
There he lays
on the verge
of leaving pain,

Blood inside
Blood outside

It hurts.
He is scared.

Alone in there
cannot catch
any breath
cannot call out.

Tears grease
his worn face.
Years do not race
across the space
of his anxious mind.
Only one thought
can be found
like a skipping record
or a scratched cd.

I do not want
to die alone.”
Graff1980 Nov 2015
Children playing
Little echoes of long ago
Brothers and sisters
Chasing each other
Running around the small town
Coming home to the farm
The building breaks
The wood rots
The porch cracks
Under a creaking
Rusted door frame
Sunburnt skin flaking
In the harsh summer wind
Oily flesh now dried
Swept up
Soon turns ashen
Praying for tomorrow
Dreaming of the old days
Her child says
Hope doesn’t die
She replies
With tired eyes
But we do
Graff1980 Aug 2015
The diabetes has defeated me
And I am one leg down
Cut off like prime beef
But it was as diseased as me
One eye fades
Milky white clouds
Make their way
Half of my poor sight
Has already said goodnight
Then a mild stroke
My face doesn’t work
As well as it did before
Then a heart attack
Loved ones come and go
They may not know
I will be gone soon
But they tell me they love me
And I say thank you
Graff1980 Mar 2015
I pop the **** filled pocket in my gums
Not because of the pain
Or the feverish swelling
I let the dripping drainage
Linger on my tongue
The bitterness
It is an answer
To the tension
The struggle between
Living and dying
My body is trying
To do both at once
Cells wither and wash away
While new ones form
The DNA patterns
A copy of a copy
Of a copy
Of a copy
Upon imperfections
And multiplications
Of defective cells
That is aging
Your body waging
A battle against the decaying
But we know
We will lose the battle
Graff1980 Nov 2016
There’ll be days
precious moments
see them sunning
by the bay
till, the sea
sees the star light,
blinking angels

There’ll be years
yarn unspinning
as we stumble
towards our graves,
but the seconds
in-between breaths
are what make
this life so great,

and the children
that we leave
littles daughters
full grown son
are like blooms
that lose their trees
as our roots
wither and flee.

Till, the song
that I am singing
becomes the song
that they passed on
and the love
that I was bringing
are the wheels
that just roll on.

So goodnight
little planet
precious place
that I lived on.
I know you wont
miss me one bit
but I was grateful
to call you home.
Graff1980 Aug 2015
Perched perfectly on tumblr and facebook
For everyone to get a good look
At how I felt a month ago
But why wait so long
Because words need trimming
Stanzas need perfecting
Lines need to find their proper place
And that takes time
And in my mind
A thirty day cycle will suffice
Graff1980 Jul 2015
Her eyes look like exploding stars
Two spheres of smoking color
Expanding around her pupils
Twirling in the chaos of space
Spinning in the finite universe
That we call here face
Graff1980 Jul 2015
Injustice should makes us seethe
Writhing angrily
Seeing someone else’s sorrow
Should make it hard to breath
Buried in grief cause we believe
That their pain is ours
So I don’t know what hurts me more
That fact that I feel their pain
Or the fact that you don’t anymore
Graff1980 Feb 2015
I sat in history class
Must have been
My senior
Or junior year

On the screen
Came horrible things
Human beings

Numbers tattooed
Bodies burnt
Gas chambers
Stories so cruel

Years after we read
Anne Frank’s diary
But no one really had a clue

The pictures
Were part of a documentary
Made to remind us
Of human insanity

Skin and bones
Broken men
Barely left standing
Human suffering

I couldn’t help but cry
But behind me no one else did
And then I couldn’t help but wonder why
No one else felt the same sadness in it
Graff1980 Jun 2015
The bitter bruises
That mark my bare flesh

Bring me closer to enlightenment

The harsh words of enemies,
Family, and friends

Bring me closer to enlightenment

The cruel human suffering
And daily acts of violence

Bring me closer to enlightenment

The **** I see on my computer screens
The darkness of our society

Bring me closer to enlightenment

You know what
I don’t need to be that enlightened
Graff1980 Sep 2016
Everything is leaving.
Water evaporates.
Currents race away.

The leaves part ways
with the trees that sway.
Flowers lose their petals
then loose themselves.

Bees take off for the hive.
Butterflies take off for the sky
then die.

Particles pass away
separated from what
they once were.

The seasons leave
and when the new year
gets here
the old one disappears.

Hair, skin, and teeth
Wrinkle, fall out, or just
become dust.

Even those you love
family, friends
pets, and partners
exit this stage.
Till, it is your turn
to find your place
and fade away.
Graff1980 Dec 2020
“I hate to be this way,”
mother nature says.
“I gave you a chance
to be the steward
of the animals and plants,
on this little blue planet,
but you made other plans.

You prioritized greed
and made impossible demands
on the resources
you claimed to command
in this beautiful land.

There were signs,
obvious trends
to portend
a horrible end
to all men,
but you wouldn’t listen.

Even the children
you claimed to cherish
jumped on this important
climate issue.

So, despite several generations
of obvious observations,
about natural education,
and the best efforts
of kindhearted
people who have started
social movements,

at this particular moment
mother nature declares
that you are not important
and should proceed to locate
another biosphere to occupy
because while you have been
grabbing and destroying
evolution has decided
you’re no longer invited
to stay on this planet.”
Graff1980 Feb 2015
The foaming sea
The turtle stone
Marks the beach
I stride alone
Made of
Vain and venomous vipers
The present
No longer pleasing
Convulsive flesh
No longer easing
But coughing
And wheezing
Snotting and sneezing
Waking to sleeping
Living while dreaming
Loving but leaving
I melt my skin
Loose what is within
My vice so called sin
Lay slip slip slipping
Drip drip dripping
Identity and vanity
Escape me
Eyes loosen from their socket
Lost picture burnt from
Mother’s never was locket
And I become the same salted sea
Distasteful, though birthing place
Of the entire human race
Drowning, oozing, and losing my illusions
Of once dear held humanity
Graff1980 Apr 2016
In the before, before we ever were
We were the primordial
Till our ascendant transitions
Overtook our **** poor positions
On the rearranging food chain

When we changed to five fingered beings
With high octane ape brains
Transcending our vocal limitations
With new sonic imitations

A long lineage lining up
For one improvement then the next
Rising with each step on the DNA stairway
Loosing and gaining, gaining and loosing
Till, organs become vestigial
And even we cannot suss out
Their original purpose

We barely know the steps
To this historic dance
Just taking each adaption
As a matter of chance

Till tired tangents separate
Grow and aggregate

A billion years finds us here
Stewing in fear of
Our own irrelevance
Not knowing that by growing
Such creative brilliance
We have discovered
Our own non-magical miracle

Twigs sprouting leaves
Protein powered trees
Our heritage ascending to the state of
Such a prodigious poetic primate
Graff1980 Jun 2015
It used it to be
That younger me
Loved working out

From long bike rides
To short runs at night
To long walks
From light weights
To heavy sets

Couldn’t go a single
Day without
Some sort of exercise

From nineteen
To twenty three
I was learning how to be

From Twenty four
To Thirty one
It became a settled pattern

From Thirty two to now
I do not know how
But the energetic young one
Who had so much fun
Is struggling to find
The same set of mind
To do
At least thirty five
Minutes a day
Graff1980 Jan 2020
It is dust, death, and hunger
that drives me.

Watching and walking
as other human beings
go on passing.

With each stranger
I imagine a world
written in untold pain.

A lady in an old jean jacket
with long wavy hair
walks out there
on the side of the road.

Carries a load of pain,
as she pushes an empty stroller.
Indentions in the fabric
mark where there was
once a dearly cherished child.
Now sorrow is the shadow
she lives with.

An old man lays still,
cold and stiff
with a whiff
of **** and decay,
as his mutt whines.
A pure white pit bull
with a faced messed up
by years of abuse,
then adopted by this
homeless dude,
poor pup will not move.

Whilst ten blocks away
in a well to do place
an elderly lady
is having her face eaten
by her little darling
cause there is no one left
to check
in on her.

Then there is me
wandering to see
what is left of this world.

As far as I have gone,
I know I do not belong
because it is a mixed bag
of beautiful and *******
simmering in the inevitable
stew of loss.
Graff1980 Feb 2017
When I exit this existence
There will be no mournful songs.
The cosmos will not cry for me.
Sirens will not sing my sad melody.
Angels will not weep passionately.
Gods will not even notice me.
When I pass through that parted veil
I will not see heaven or hell.
I was never good enough for one,
Or bad enough for the other.
I do not foresee any sort of forever.
When I die I will just be dead.
Graff1980 Dec 2015
The darkness does not stop
The reckless destruction
Does not deliver us from
The real cold steal devil
It only offers us respite

The night is cool and quiet
Softening the day’s violence

But the heated current
Still cuts through to
The next new day

Coursing copper won’t stop
The electric advancement
The expansion of mansions
And corporate headquarters

Piercing flesh piercing earth
Till both bleed oil
The hot crust touches both of us
And though you strive
To work and thrive
I ride the night to survive
And live a slightly more
Peaceful life
Graff1980 Jan 2015
Is this some silly explanation
A frantic manifestation
Of hopes for this generation
That time and distance
Are not truth

That chaos is intertwined
And the patterns that we find
Say more about us
Than about reality as a whole
Graff1980 Jun 2015
I have spent decades waiting for you to remember
Past the bombs and bullets
Past the warfare made easier
By the fast talking politicians
The Patrician and prodigal preachers

On to me
Screaming in the back of your head
But you continue marching on into the dark
Breaking my ever human heart
My voice fading still praying and saying
I love you, please stop it

Until I am gone and the madness goes on
No more conscious cause you killed it
Forgot how to feel it and your humanity is dead
Graff1980 Jul 2016
I can only resist
for so long
challenge that which is
so strong
before my mind breaks
and age takes
what makes
all resistors great.

I can only be an insurgent
casting shadows of love
instead of waging raging
battles of blood
for so long before I am all gone.

Right or wrong but mostly right,
I can only fight this lonely fight
before the light fades
and I say goodbye to my
better days
Graff1980 Dec 2014
False friend
No more shall you deceive
To receive our *****’s interest

Seeder of disparate words
Court jester playing king
Folly’s fateful fool

It is destruction that you bring

A shade upon my shroud
A specter upon my soul
To stain the heavy hanging cloth
To burn the priestly robes

Purposes only bound to your own
Yet you claim a saintly cause

Give saint’s reason to blush and pause
Because liars have the best honey words
But share the worst intelligence

Your company makes me
The court of fools for trusting you
I was courting tools
Brushing my teeth
With ****** wool
Fleecing my flock unknowingly

Oh false friend
Fragrant fiend
If it was up to me
You would die slowly
Suffering shallow cuts
And bleed and bleed and bleed
I am not really homicidal. I swear.
Graff1980 Jul 2016
Fare thee well.
Silence may not be golden
but it is the best teacher I know.
I’m a failure but what the hell.
All the lies I told myself
were a way to buy
a ticket out of my hell.

Fare thee well.
I won’t meet you there,
and I am not coming back from
where the streets cross to black
but please don’t cry because of that.
I was always headed that way,
one foot on the road
and the other in my grave.
Planting my spirit
On a broken highway
with my hands in my pocket
and nothing much left to say.

Fare thee well.
Particles passing in space.
It is time for me to go
thrown out with the rest
of this waste
we called the human race.
Graff1980 Sep 2015
Fear and uncertainty
are the bane of humanity
poison to the populace
yet, with knowledge
they can be conquered.

But tamed social schemes
proposed by powerful people preying
on those who feel powerless
are detrimental to all human beings.

So, in the face of the unknown
my brothers and sisters
accept the enslavement
giving in to the higher force
that does not exist.
Faith persists
And flourishes
in the realm of fear
and uncertainty.
Graff1980 Apr 2017
I want to feel her arms around me
Like folds of flesh
That engulf me
To feel her squeeze me tightly
As if she wants and needs me
To feel her breast upon my back
Keeping the void that lays behind me at bay
I want to feel her holding on to me
And we don’t have to say
A single word at all
Graff1980 May 2015
I feel like I am neurologically deficient
That a lot of my brain cells are missing
Like a punch drunk doped up punk boxer
A pimply muscle bound ***** on steroids
Hanging out at my old high school locker
No shocker that I am no medical doctor
But I always thought I’d be just a bit better
I guess on average I am a little bit smarter
But the bar is set so low that it requires
Very little to grow and go over it, you know
In comparison to the other young men
I may be grandstanding and one upping them
But when it comes to grand scheme of things
When compared to past people
Who shared my glorious dreams
Like Percy Shelley and John Keats
Like Ginsburg and the other Beats
I think I am drifting of course just a bit
Lest we all forget the **** cut the crap to fit in it
Maybe I’m okay few travel this way anyways
So who’s to say if I’m doing it the wrong or the right way
But I still feel like my brain needs a chemical treatment
A diet with more nutrients and sufficient Supplements
Because I’m feeling neurologically deficient
Graff1980 Jan 2015
You faint and fawn over pretty faces
A person who can buy you nice things
A sociopath with sic six pack abs
Who places passion over common sense
A perfect prince charming to make you swoon
Who will sweep you off your feet
Fly you to the moon and all those other
Outdated overrated simplistic *******
Fairytale dreams
And you wonder why the world *****

Why it’s getting worse
Because your desire is tied to your Gucci purse
Because if sociopaths are what you want
Then every other guy will strive to fit that bill
Will hollow himself out to live up to that deal
Cause you are the best reinforcement for bad behavior
I know that many women are not like this. However, I have seen this to many times to not think it is a problem our society faces.
Graff1980 Apr 2019
I say nothing is heavier
then it’s fifteen to ten
as I stuff it in
a backpack
for carrying
to stare at the air
of deep despair
there in.

Photo after photo
clicking and clacking
with predatory pain
that is ready to claim
my comfort,
ready to strain
this tired brain
with the terror
of its truths.

After days
of lugging it around
I have found
the one thing heavier
is the horror
of enlightenment
that resides
behind the page.

The way
it burrows
my skin
to the source
of my emotions
and makes me feel
something more
for the suffering
who are starving,
the poverty stricken
oppressed by
wars of hate, and greed,
wars that partially stem
from various religions.
Referring to a large book of Photography "Fragile"  Howard G. Buffet
Graff1980 Jan 2015
Ok, despite the fight
How I try to resist it
I still miss it
I still feel it
I’m another male pig
I desire her
And society makes desire
A social offense

Mind crimes
Make for strange times
My body was made
For being depraved
For being enslaved
I evolved that way
And you want
Me to feel ashamed
While you claim
That your greedy ways
Are far more tamed

Seems a bit too simplistic
Bad ideas fly like bullets
And other bouncing ballistics
From the religious to the feminists
I won’t get specific
On what I would do with it
But, I’ve had enough
Of your repressive *******
Graff1980 Feb 2017
If time shall fail the fool will fall
Knowing little but loving all
Past his prime pushing prose
Pasting poetry writing to slow
If he has done his job
Knowing what he knows
Going where he went
Where only dreamers dare go
He is me the hopeful heart
Slightly swollen ego
All I ask is when I am done
When my time is up
And I am gone
Please know I loved you all
I hope that the world is just a little better
For me being me than nothing at all
Graff1980 Mar 2015
I was a firefly child
A glowworm in the night
Burning strange colors
To signify
How I knew I would die

Chased down
Ripped to shreds
For children’s amusement
The abuses

My pretty little fluttering light
Inflamed in pain
For your entertainment
For her relief
That release she needed
When her knuckles
Kneaded flesh

Even though
She never punched me
The scars you see
Were etched deeply
And the blinking
Got slower and dimmer

She pulled my hair
Because she cared
She slapped my face
Because she cared
She yelled and screamed
Because she cared
I lost my glow
Because she cared
She showed her love
With so much rage

And the wishes
Got colder and grimmer
Till finally I wanted to rip
My little light bulb but
Out of my tired and red marked back
Graff1980 Sep 2015
Silver, white, and glittering scales
Cross fins as they gather themselves
Cool pond partially reflecting
The warm lamp lights on the ceiling
With the grace of a cat the carp
Crosses over coming closer
His mouth bubbling open
Expecting food pellets from me
Graff1980 Sep 2016
He says with a certain amount of spit
that if they step on or burn it
he will **** them.

My feelings are torn.
While I mourn the loss rational thoughts
the passion of what he was taught
does not seem permeable.

I do not think I will be able
to separate him from the unstable
emotional connections
stirred by bland patriotic symbols.
Graff1980 May 2016
Turquoise children
In the field
Like some acid trip
Or *** plant with a low yield
Purple flowers
Prancing posies
Posing in the summer wind
Yellow flowers
Over there is were
Beauty begins
Graff1980 Jan 2015
The world looked like a
Sic and strange set of circuit boards
Green and brown patch work fields
Black sands punctuated by golden roads
Buildings built up like little transistors
No sign of humanity
Other than a cold construct of state wide
Electronic life
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