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 Apr 2020
Luna Maria
I secretly hope
my pillow still smells
like you

(it doesn't)
can you hold me at night
 Apr 2020
Luna Maria
can you sleep next to me
at night?
when all my fears
hold me tight

I want to hear you
breathing close to me
And when I wake up
you're the only
thing I want to see.
 Nov 2019
Luna Maria
both appealing but addicting
and will give you a
painful death.
 Nov 2019
Luna Maria
oh darling,
undress me
I want to feel
my lips against your lips
skin against skin
hands wandering on your
damped body
touching you
careful and slowly
kiss me passionately
                 & love me deep.
promise me that you will love me forever.
 Nov 2019
Luna Maria
do we fear the love
we think we don't deserve?
"you deserve someone better than what I could ever be for you."
 Nov 2019
Luna Maria
I want to pour
the overwhelming amount of
out of my heart
as a
sticky, pure red liquid
and use it as an ink
to write a love poem
as an attempt to
describe what I feel
for you.
you are making me feel things I've never felt before.
 Nov 2019
Luna Maria
I want to take you
to the prettiest places in the world
and tell you
their beauty
doesn’t even come close
to yours.
loving deep.
 Nov 2019
Luna Maria
they say we are


but when I'm with you
everything feels more


than ever before.
for the girl that makes my heart beat so fast
 Nov 2019
Luna Maria
does loving too deep
makes you suicidal?
Darling, I want to crawl,
please rip my skin
and cross my heart
so it will b l e e d

Oh, lover
take me as a sacrifice.
Pour my blood into
bottles, so you won’t forget
how much I cared about you.
do you build me up, or break me down my love?
 Nov 2019
Luna Maria
and in the dark
under the sheets
where anonymity saved us
it didn’t matter anymore
that we were two girls
in love
we kiss, tender
while we realize
we won’t reach heaven
we will never belong in this strange place called earth
 Nov 2019
Luna Maria
the feeling of
l o v e
spreading like a
venom through my veins
my hands are trembling
my body shaking
my head is dizzy

and in the end of the day
I only can think of
                                        ­           you
 Nov 2019
Luna Maria
beautiful yet so self-destructive
will it destroy us?
 Nov 2019
Luna Maria
shatter me
break my heart
& my bones
kiss me passionately
love: beautiful yet so destructive
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