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 Nov 2019
Luna Maria
don’t fear to love
who you love the most
don’t fear the ones
who are color blind
who only see love in
black and white
don’t be afraid my darling
show them your pride
life is frighting,
but that’s just one side
love is love
and that’s the only thing thats right.
embrace who you are.
 Nov 2019
Luna Maria
I already wrote so many words
your precious smile
the light in your eyes
and how wonderful you talk
but I still didn't find the right word
to describe how I feel about
I can't get you of my mind.
 Nov 2019
Luna Maria
my heart is beating
yet for only one person
and my lips are dying to
feel your soft lips
and my hands want
to touch your grace
so gentle.
I desire you.
 Nov 2019
Luna Maria
last night
I fell in
instead of
 Nov 2019
Luna Maria
it's so brave of you
to love my fragile heart

and I wonder
how long it will take before it breaks


p  i  e  c  e  s
 Nov 2019
Luna Maria
I'm risking so much
by touching
But when our
lips meet
I don't fear
death anymore.
Hell with you would be my heaven.
 Nov 2019
Luna Maria
from the way you look at me
like dreams can come true
I know you fell immediately
just as I did for you.
last night we fell in love.
 Nov 2019
Luna Maria
that moment
laying on that couch
I wanted to kiss your lips so badly
dying to feel
your lips on my lips
my heart ached
and I desperately needed
it's about you this time.
 Nov 2019
Luna Maria
I wrote a poem
about you
You wouldn't leave my head
and when it was 4am
laying awake
i was drowning in the feeling of
Just as all the love songs
suddenly made sense,
suddenly all the words I wrote
where about you.
I promise this will be
The last words I'll write
about you.
a lovesick poem
 Nov 2019
Luna Maria
My feelings for you are like paper in the rain;
It will dry, but never be the same.
Rainy love
 Nov 2019
Luna Maria
He pulls me over
He loves me
Searching for my heart
A sign
But he doesn’t know
I’m falling apart
My heart is scattered
In million pieces
So I’ll ask him
“ What part? “
Who would ever love me?

— The End —