Submit your work, meet writers and drop the ads. Become a member
The revolutionary ardent
Bordering on a prophet
For democracy's advent,
Up on grabbing
The rein of power,
With a superb
Acrobatic bent,
For a tyranny
An example set
For political thugs to emulate!
Leaders before and after election
The lapse of
An energetic lad
For the failure
Is a news grand!
'cause getting a balm
His scarred soul
Turns calm--
"I'm not single alone
With ill-fate marked born!"
The failed get reason of contentment when the able lapse
Keeping pace
While they fail
To stride ahead,
Falling down
They opt to be
A barricade.
To those with an evil mind.
A loving father and husband
To provide for your family
Heading to office
When birds greet
Dawn with chorus
Hark, hark and hark
Back home, sitting
Over a computer till
It gets pitch dark
Bearing a workload
That could cause
ED if not a heart attack,
You make sure luxuries
Your wife and
Off springs never lack,
To indirectly ram home
Your love for
Your better half
As a broad day light
Is stark.

But when your marriage
Lost its ****** spark
Her resolution shattered
She sought love
Behind your back.

You failed to sensitize
Her about her beauty
Your number one duty,
Also sometimes making
A paradigm shift
You were not
A bit naughty.
Out of line from a
Henpecked husband,
You failed to defamiliarize
That do not you realize?

You should have made her
Feel an object of desire
That was what could have
Rekindled the flame
And the fire.

When you make
Love to her
Think not what
Makes you buckle
Under depression
Such as lack of promotion,
Ego-rocking feelings
Must not distract
Your attention.

You should ever try
To scale ****** new height
Every night.

Workaholic, unless
You jog, jog and jog
When you go to bed
For her you will be
No better than a log.

To the dump yard
She could throw you
A broken toy
Unless you afford her
A joy
Cuckolded by a man
On the wrong side of a boy.

With someone else
When a woman gets into bed
She deletes you
Out of her soul, heart and head
That is why,
As her husband, she denied
You a go ahead!

Mindful of this fact
It is not too late
To fix a date
Stop your
Fate to lament!
(A piece of advice from a cougar to a cuckold husband, contemplating/also facing a divorce)
I . Taytu Betul as a leader

Ethiopia is famed for being
A peaceful,hospitable
And warrior nation
How come  then it failed
To come to your attention,
As bees whose hive is threatened,
Citizens are ever alert to
To foil provoked aggression!

The 1889 treacherous
Wuchale treaty
I will tear apart
A messenger,with a tail
Between your legs,
Before you depart.
The Italian version
That tries to put Ethiopia,
A sovereign state, a pawn
Under Italy's protectorate
Is completely opposed to
What Ethiopia's
Versions indicate.

Till we meet
Your colonizing troops
At a showdown,
As a punitive measure to
A cheater or a clown
I will be tempted to smack
Your face
To ram home,valorous,
For fear we have no place.

II  Taytu Betul a strategist

To deny the invading
Italian troops, advancing
from Eriteria,
Advantages of logistic
We could do
The following trick
Indeed, we could shift
The battlefield
From Adigrat to Adwa
Also we could cut them
From a key water point
Till for truce they plead.
To this end,
A battalion
I will personally lead.
What is more,
I will inspire
To fire!
Parallel to that
Our injured soldiers
To nurse back
Wounded in the attack
Also dry foods
To prepare and pack.

III Taytu Betul  as a wife

Though independent,
With lots of love to
Emperor Menelik II,
My king and beloved husband
I will lend a cooperative hand.

IV. A beacon of independence & standard bearer

True to my name  Taytu
— A sunshine—
I will flicker
A ray of light
The oppressed for
Freedom to fight!

For a military prowess,
Leadership and intelligence
Have acumen! ////
Battle of Adwa took place1-2 March 1896.Black and women's supremacy. See
When a
Remorseful convert,
Astray that had gone far
Blemishing his /her soul
With Sin's tar,
Puts a broken heart
On the altar,
By far,
S/he could enjoy
God's grace
Or even
Win a higher place
In His face
Than a devotee,
Taking pride
In his/her deed,
Who oft mount
A spiritual war
Devil's way to bar.

It is with
A broken heart
The culprit
Hanged by the right
Of Jesus Christ
Got to Eden's garden First
Though Adam,Moses,
Abraham, Job
And others were
Top on the short list.

It is by the virtue of
Their determination
Sinful ways to quit
Zacchaeus and
Mary Magdalene
Were seen fit
Than the hypocrite!

It is this line
From genesis
To revelation
God labours to bring
To our attention
So with conviction
Let us pray for
Our soul's resurrection.

Of course, no doubt,
Our devotion could buttress
Our chance to enjoy
His mercifulness!//

                      Who the Devil is Alem Hailu

He is an emerging  Ethiopian poet,translator and author of all literary genres in the medium of English language.
He is penetrating the global book market stamping a foot print on the firmament of literature.
If you peruse his work you could note ,with poems of local touch and national sentiment like 'Come to Ethiopia' and 'Great Tiding' , he is playing an ambassadorial role in several international poetry blogs from Australia to America .His poems have proved trending.
He has achieved global presence via
www­ / Australia
His books  and posters showcasing the knack of an Ethiopian author are cracking open publishers from Europe to America(www.united ) (Austria),, www.trafford .com America)
From the publisher  or amazon and the like, you can order for his books aiming at entertaining,edifying,style-showing,seeking an outlet to east African voice,finding a niche to Ethiopian authors in the global literary scene  and teaching the English language.
Specially schools,colleges,universities and libraries, people running stationer,book malls and cultural unites of different embassies could benefit from making his works available on their shelf.

To foreigners his work could serve as a window story.
His works include

1) In the Vortex of Passion's Wind

A poetic Drama on the Wrong Turns of life *** and AIDS
It is also meant to serve a language teaching material and Higher Learning Institutions and Preparatory Schools
A useful input  for performing artists
By Alem Hailu G/Kristos


2)A Boon of Classic Poems

(Translation in Amharic)
A collection of selected  classic  poem
By Alem Hailu G/Kristos

3) A Vent to Stifled Emotion
A debut collection of poems
By Alem Hailu
4) The Truth and Dawn
and Other  palatable Short Stories
of both mix: Art for art's sake and life's sake
By Alem Hailu G/Kristos
IBN 978-1-329-43915-390000

5)Pupil's poem(Full Color)

Rhyming poems for pupils and learners of the language
Systematically selected words and expressions to upgrade the language proficiency of students.
Inspires pupils to read as well as write poems. ,America

6)Hope from the Debris of hopelessness

A Novel with the theme “Disability is not inability!”
By UnitedP.C is in the pipeline
After I heard a preaching about soul's resurrection.I t drove home the repentant have a better chance to paradise
የሆነ ቀን ነው ነገሩ የተከሰተው፣
ዓመቱ ተገባዶ ሲሰናበት፣
ደርቦ ካባ ፀዓዳ ወተት!
ሊጎበኙት መጡ ሁለት ጎረቤቶች፣
የኮናርድ አብሮአደጎች፣
ወና ሆኖ ተዳክሞ አገኙት ሱቁን፣
ገርጥቶ ተቆራምዶ እሱን!
ተወት አድርጎ የሚሰፋውን፣
ፈልጎ እንዲሰሙ የሚለውን፣
“ባንጀሮቼ አድምጡኝ፣
ዛሬ በማለዳ
አውራ ዶሮ ሌሊቱን
በጩከት ሲሸኝ፣
ጌታ በሕልሜ ተገልፆ
ይህን አለኝ
‘እመጣለሁ ቤትህ፣ ልጎበኝህ!’
ይኸው አለሁ
ያለፋታ ቤቴ ውስጥ እንዲሁ ስመላለስ፣
የፅድ ዝንጣፊ ስቆርጥ ስነሰንስ፣
ጠረጴዛውን ስዘረጋ - ስጎትት ሳስጠጋ፣
የሻይ ጀበናውን ስፍቅ - እስኪያብረቀርቅ!
በመለጠቅ አድርጊያለሁ ደማቅ፣
ባለቀይ ኳስ ገመድ፣
በሸሪራዎቹ ቁልቁል ተንጠላጥሎ፣
በየአቅጣጫው እንዲወርድ!
እናም እስኪገለጥልኝ ጌታ፣
እየተጠባበቅኩ ነው የእግሩን ኮሽታ፣
ሲገለጽ በሬን ከፍቼ፣
ፊቱን ለማየት ጓጉቼ፣
ትንሽ ተጠግቼ!”
ባልንጀሮቹ የሚለውን ሰምተውት፣
ሄዱ ቤታቸው ብቻውን ትተውት!
እሱ እንደው፣
በጣም የተደሰተበት ወቅት ነው፡፡
ከዚያ ጊዜ ጀምሮ ቤተሰቦቹ
ተራ በተራ ሞተዋል፣
ኮናርድም ብዙ ብቸኛ ቀዝቃዛ
ገናዎች አሳልፏል!
ሆኖም ነበረው ትልቅ እምነት፣
በእንግድነት ስለሚገኝለት፣
ጌታ ያቺን ቀን፣ ቤቱን እንደሚያደምቅለት!
ነበር ተደስቶ፣
የሚያደምጥ ጆሮውን አንቅቶ!
ድምፅ ሰምቶ ቀጥ አለ በቅፅበት፣
መጥቶ እንደው ጌታ ድንገት፣
ለብርቱ ፀሎቱ ምላሽ ለመስጠት!
ወደ መስኮቱ ሮጦ ሲጠጋ
በዚያ በረዶ የሸፈነው፣
አስፋልት ላይ ያየው፣
ብትቶ የለበሰ ለማኝን ነው -
ምስኪን፣ አፍንጫው የተገነጠለ፣
ጫማ፣ የተጫማ!
“ደንዝዞ ቆስሎ ይሆናል እግርህ፣
ጫማ አለ ሱቄ በልክህ፣
ግባ ልስጥህ-
ኮትም የሚያሞቅህ!”
ለማኙ የሚፈልገውን አግኝቶ፣
ወጥቶ ሄደ ረክቶ!
ኮናርድ ግን
በመገረም ጌታ ለምን እንደቆየ፣
ሰዓቱን አየ፡፡
ከዚያም ቆመ ግራ በመጋባት፣
መቆየት እንዳለበት፣
ምን ያህል ተጨማሪ ሰዓት?
ግን ድንገት፣
ኳኳ የሚል ድምጽ ሰምቶ፣
በሩን ከፈተ ወደዚያ አምርቶ፡፡
ግን እንደገና አየ ሌላ እንግዳ፣
የፈለገች ለመዝለቅ ከጓዳ፣
አረጋዊት የጎበጠች፣
ቲውቢት የደረበች፣
ትንሽ ጭራሮ ከጀርባዋ የሸከፈች፣
እናም እረፍት የማድረጊያ ቦታ ጠየቀች፡፡
ለታላቁ እንግዳ በቀር፣
ሌላ ስፍራ አልነበር!
ጥያቄዋ የመማፀን ድምፀት፣
ነበር የተጫነበት፣
ኮናርድ ‘ቤት ለእንግዳ’ ብሏት፣
ሻይ አፍልቶላት
ከጠረጴዛው እንድታርፍ ጋብዟት፣
እነሆ ጠጪ አላት፡፡
ግን እሷን እንደሸኘ አዘነ፣
ሰዓቱ እያለፈ ስለሆነ!
ደሞም ጌታን ሲጠብቀው ስለቀረ፣
መልክቱን በደንብ ማድመጡን ተጠራጠረ!
ሀዘን ገብቶት ሲያቅማማ፣
ሌላ ድምፅ ሰማ!
“እባክህ እርዳኝ
የት ነው ያለሁት?”
ዳግም የደግነት በሩን ሲከፍት፣
ለሶስተኛ ጊዜ አለው ክፍት!
መንገድ የጠፋት ልጅ ነበረች፣
ሳታስበው በገና ቀን
ከቤተሰቧ ተለይታ የሄደች!
የኮናርድ ልብን ሀዘን ገባው፣
ቢሆንም ልጅቷን ማፅናናት እንዳለበት ተሰማው!
“ግቢ ልጄ” ብሏት እንባዋን አበሰላት፣
እንዳትረበሽ አረጋጋት፣
ቤቷም ድረስ ሸኛት!
ተመልሶ ሲገባ፣
ወደ ክፍሉ ሞገስ አልባ
“በቃ አለቀ ደቀቀ
ቀኑም ተጠናቀቀ!” ብሎ ተሳቀቀ፡፡
ያም ሆኖ
ስሜቱ እንደቀዘቀዘ፣
መፀለይ ያዘ!
“ጌታ ለምን ዘገየህ፣
ቤቴ እንዳትመጣ ምን ያዘህ?”
እያለ ቅሬታ ሲያሰማ
እንግዳ ድምፅ ሰማ
‘ጭንቅላትህን ወደ ላይ አንሳ፣
እኔ እንደው ቃሌን አረሳ!
በደጅህ በምድራኳ፣
በጥላዬ ተጠግቼ በርህን ላንኳኳ፣
ሶስቴ ጎብኝቼሀለሁ ዛሬእንኳ!
እኔ ለማኙ ነበርኩ፣
የቀረብኩህ ብትቶ እንደደረብኩ!
ደሞም ከድካሟ የታደግካት፣ ባልቴት፣
በመጠለያ አልባው ውርጫማው መንገድ፣
ለሆንካትም ልጅ ዘመድ’
(በሔለን ስቲነር ራይስ )
I think this  is the best poem about Christmas,we have to support the needy. I translated it in Amharic. Google and read Helen Stiner Rice's poem 'Christmas Guest'
The Americans call her an Ambassador of Sunshine for her uplifting poem
© Alem Hailu Gabre Kristos
It is good giving emphasis
To concrete jungles
And infrastructural development,
But first leaders must learn to cut
A corner in their subjects' heart! ///

Who  is Alem Hailu  ?

He is an emerging  Ethiopian poet,translator and author of all literary genres in the medium of English language.
He is penetrating the global book market stamping a foot print on the firmament of literature.
If you peruse his work you could note ,with poems of local touch and national sentiment like 'Come to Ethiopia' and 'Great Tiding' , he is playing an ambassadorial role in several international poetry blogs from Australia to America .His poems have proved trending.
He has achieved global presence via
www­ / Australia
His books  and posters showcasing the knack of an Ethiopian author are cracking open publishers hearts' from Europe to America(www.united ) (Austria),, www.trafford .com America)
From the publisher  or amazon and the like, you can order for his books aiming at entertaining,edifying,style-showing,seeking an outlet to east African voice,finding a niche to Ethiopian authors in the global literary scene  and teaching the English language.
Specially schools,colleges,universities and libraries, people running stationeries,book malls and cultural unites of different embassies could benefit from making his works available on their shelf.

To foreigners his work could serve as a window story.
His works include

1) In the Vortex of Passion's Wind

A poetic Drama on the Wrong Turns of life( *** and AIDS )
It is also meant to serve a language teaching material to Higher Learning Institutions and Preparatory Schools
A useful input  for performing artists
By Alem Hailu G/Kristos


2)   A Boon of Classic Poems

(Translation in Amharic)  
A collection of selected  classic  poem
By Alem Hailu G/Kristos
ISBN: 978-1-312-94998-0, America

3)    A Vent to Stifled Emotion
A debut collection of poems
By Alem Hailu
ISBN: 978-1-4907-5675-2(sc)  
4)    The Truth and Dawn
and Other  palatable Short Stories
of both mix: Art for art's sake and life's sake
By Alem Hailu G/Kristos
IBN 978-1-329-43915-390000

5)   Pupil's poem(Full Color)  

Rhyming poems for pupils and learners of the language
Systematically selected words and expressions to upgrade the language proficiency of students.
Inspires pupils to read as well as write poems., America
ISBN: 5800111090472

6)   Hope from the Debris of hopelessness

A Novel with the theme “Disability is not inability! ”
By UnitedP.C is in the pipeline
I appreciate servant leaders that are considerate to citizens than maximizing material wealth
Sometimes you have
To think out of the box
"Flog the workaholic ox
So that the indolent one
Dragged by the yoke
***** nilly ,together,begins
To work!"
Some bosses at times shows such behaviour.
You are accused of theft
Because with beauty
Adorned to ****
Many a man's heart
You steal
With which
On your diary
You want to  make
A little hill!
Some women steal men's heart to lock it in their board of chests
Despite Blue-Nile
-lower-riparian countries' clamor
For possible dearth
Of water
So that GERD, condemned,
A reversal suffer
They are  now inundated
By the river.

Had GERD not been
Born to life
Imagine how their
Plight could be rife!

See how the stance of
So called a great leader
With a brain of a bird
Proved absurd.
Nature proved them wrong thx to God.
Read  my poem That wicked woman from a wicked man I wrote four years back
The rose in the garden slipped her bud
And she laughed in the pride
Of her youthful blood
As she thought of the Gardner standing by—
‘’He is old—so old! And he soon must die!’’
The full Rose waxed in the warm June air
And she spread and spread till her heart lay bare;
And she laughed once more as she heard his tread—
“He is older now! He will soon be dead!’’
But the breeze of the morning blew, and found
That the leaves of the blown rose strew the ground
And he came at noon, that gardener old,
And he raked them gently with the mould.
And I wove the thing to a random rhyme,
For the rose is beauty, the gardener, time.

ቀበጧ ፅጌረዳ

እንቡጥ ፅጌረዳ አንገቷን ሰገግ አርጋ
ብቅ አለች ከአትክልቱ ሥፍራ በአበቦቹ አልጋ
አፍላ የወታጣትነትን ወራት
የሚያጅበው የትኩስ ደም ኩራት
በቃ አፍነከነካት!
ከጎኗ አትክልተኛውን ቆሞ ስታስተውል
የሓሳብ ብርቅታ አላት ውል
‹አርጅቷል በጣም አርጅቷል
በቅርቡ ይሞታል!›
ሞቃታማው የበጋ አየር ስለተስማማት
ክንፎቿን ዘርግታ በስፋት
ምንም ለመደበቅ ሳትዳዳ
ከፈተች የልቧን ጓዳ::
ስትሰማ የእግሩን ኮቴ አንደገና
አሳቃት ደና... ‹አርጅቷል፣ አፍጅቷል
ብዙ ሰንብቷል፣
አሁንስ ይሞታል!›
ግና የማለዳው ንፋስ ደርሶ
ስፍራውን አተራምሶ
ሲሄድ ተጣድፎ
አስተዋለ የፅጌረዳ ክንፍ
በአትክልቱ ቦታ ተነስንሶ፣
ቀተር ላይ አዛውንቱ አትክልተኛው
ሑሉንም በሹካው ሰብስቦ ከላው!
እናም በዚህ ጉዳይ ስለተመሠጥኩ
የስንኝ ቋጠሮ ከተብኩ
እኔ እንዳስተዋልኩት
ፅጌረዳዋ የውበትን
አትክልተኛው የጌዜን
ምስል ነው የሚከስቱት!
(አውሰቲን ዶብሶን) //
Who are we to interfere in the works of God?
On Christmas, when we mark
The saviour's birth, taking
The night out for a non stop bout
Running amok round the clock
Is a far cry from Christendom!

Christ is not risen for the season.
Oblivious to " Give one if you have two"
Hoarding 20 pairs of shoes
Under a lock
While others walk
Even without a sock
In Christendom doesn't work !

Don't you think we have to visit
The imprisoned and sick?
Also be polite & considerate
With others when we speak!

Humble, Christ was born in a barn
So that modesty show we can!

Christmas conveys a message
Past description about God's incarnation,
In the miracle Saint Mary deserves
No less attention!
Christmas must be a time for repentance, reunion, being happy of our salivation but not otherwise!
I will be the gladdest thing
under the sun!
I will touch hundred flowers
And not pick one.
I will look at cliffs and clouds
With quiet eyes
Watch the wind bow down the grass,
And the grass rise.
And when lights begin to show
Up from town
I will mark which must be mine
And then start down!

ተራራው ጫፍ ከቀትር በኋላ

ከፀሐይዋ ሥር
ደስተኛ ፍጡር
አቻአልባ በንፅፅር!
መቶ አበባዎች ብዳብስም
አንዲት እንኳን አልቀጥፍም!
እንደዚሁም በመደመም
ኮርብታውን ተራራውን
ሲያስጎነብሰው ንፋሱ ሳሩን
ሲነሳ ሳሩ ተራውን!
ከተማዋ ከሩቅ
በመብራት ስታሸበርቅ
ብዙም ሳልጠብቅ
ጠንቅቄ የኔን መንደር
እጀምራለሁ ቁልቁል መንደርደር::
(ኤድና ሴንት ቪኒሰንት ሚሌ) //
Appreciating nature greenery
In musical  notes composing
Ethiopia's giant
Saint Yared , irate, once
Opted to run away
From an ecclesiastical school
Dubbed by his priest teacher
An idiot and a fool
Worse still
Looked down and ridiculed
By class mates, not cool.

Desirous to burn his boat
He Trekked past a forest
And a pool
Determined never
To see those
Who cherish to pull
Over his eyes the wool.

Tired,he took a rest
By a tree shade
"I am good for nothing!"
Resonating in his head.

He continued
To lament his fate
Unaware God
Has a plan
To make him great.

While battling
To forget his pain
He saw a God-sent worm
Trying to climb a tree
Again and again in vain!

To his surprise
The undaunted worm
Didn't fight shy
In its seventh trial it
Managed to climb
The tree high
To enjoy the fruits laden
On the boughs
Outstretched to the sky!

Drawing a lesson
Saint Yared
Returned back to school
To out smart all
Who took him for
An dummy and a fool!

At long last he
Pioneered in composing
Ten path breaking
Musical notes that
Have no match
By any of, to date,
Succeeded batch!

Strange as it may appear,
Oblivious to
The unintentional
Piercing of his foot
By a king's spear,
His ear
To angels' orchestra to God
Engrossed, he was seen
With a similar passion
Praising the Lord!
Based on a true story! Google and read .Saint Yared,musical composer from Ethiopia.
S/he who
Our amity loves to cherish,

S/he who
The fulfilment of my wish
Has a bent to relish,

S/he who
Serves me a right arm
To parry,towards me,
Inflicted harm,

S/he who
Like a mirror
When I err
Gently draws my attention
To self-image
Tarnishing error,

S/he who
Basks in my success
Than covertly prove
An enemy adverse,

S/he who
Like a wolf in a sheep skin
With my closest ones
Doesn't commit a sin—
Which to forget but not to forgive
I will find hard
Before I am sent to
The graveyard

S/he who
Like a cat or snake
A retaliatory measure
As a knee-**** action
Does not take,
Also  with gentle admonishment
Willing to forgive
My mistake,

S/he who
Without ifs and but
My inborn follies willing to accept

S/he who
During all seasons
Agreeable or adverse
A chameleon
His/her stance
That doesn't reverse,

S/he who
That doesn't
Behind my back gloat
When I lose
A battle fought,

When the aforementioned
Conditions set
Are met,
As gold is tested
With fire
A genuine friend
I admire!
A poem for friends day
My beloved
I always remember
Once my soul
Had taken a ride
On  a marital-bliss river
Jubilant nothing or no one
Could put us asunder.

But after I learnt
You have sown mistrust
On the fertile ground
Of my heart
When you cheated on me
Wilfully letting
A cherished corner
To a lover another
The quite donning
Ecstasy's river
Which I happily
Used to ride
Had taken leave
For ever
To uncharted water!

Bringing warmth
To my hearth,
Once you have made
My life a paradise on earth
Soon to change it to
An earthly hell
Worse than what sinners
Expect after death!
I have noticed that once a love partner cheats on a friend,the feeling of the victim is deadly than death!
If one pulls
A sheep astray
The flock is sure
To move that way.

To fish in a troubled water
De-constructing history
Thwart we could
The old social fabric of unity
And create we shall
A generation
Suffering a crisis of identity!

“Ask me not why
They are better than
My  peers and I
Also sensitize me not to deny,
What I see with my naked eye!
In attire,grooving,life style ,
Cosmetic application and civilization
They galvanize youth's attention!”

Come up with a generation
We shall
That does not bat an eye
Our dictates to buy,
A generation that does barter
An age-old culture
With fads,for such a venture
Proves  to it an adventure.

To achieve what we terribly sought
If we use somebody of note
Fame that has got
Say an artist or a poet
The mob will not
Fight-shy to drink a lot
From our poison ***
Without a grain of salt
“God doesn't exist "
Could be top on the list!
Alas, we could say  “Worship us!"
"Forget the Key And Lock theory!
Why should you worry?"

Or social and religious  norms
We could rock
With *“A lock could lock a lock
even in a wedlock!”
For an Ethiopian poet who recently debased his soul for monetary rewards.
There is nothing  so stupid
As arguing with the stupid
An eye for an eye
One mustn't kickback an ***!
Sometimes it is quite meaningless to argue with the staborn!
Once upon a time

There was an old king

Who used to worry

About one thing

'Surely one day

I will pass away!'

As many me advise

Among my sons

The wise

An  heir

Must take over

To govern

My subjects better.

Next to God,

To corporeal things

Who is above,

I want to check

The strength of

My sons' filial love.

Thus his sons he called

To “How much

do you love me? ”  respond.

Answered the elder

“I love you like honey

That has no parallels any!”

He won the warm laughter

Of his father.

“I love you like sugar

Could honey be any better?”

Answered the second

Thus a corner

He succeeded to cut

In his father's heart.

“I love you like a salt,

For there is no fault

As missing this ingredient

In any dish

We want to relish!”

Said the youngest

Proving the wisest.

“Come over here

Take over my throne

You are a king born!”

Replied the king


From his heart

The lifting

Up of something!
The best tale I heard while a kid
Though Ethiopian
Orthodox patriarch
Unfortunately, as
I’m not race blind
Please excuse
My being
A tad pitiful and kind
To the political Judas
From my Ethnic side,
You see such
An act has become
A political fad
Even if
That sounds bad.
Mind you, at times
Devoid of reason
Oblivious to God
The pious mind
To a halt could grind.
Intoxicated with bigotry
Excuse me the hill
As a mountain
And also vise versa
If I find.
You see with vampires,
Who opened the door
For my current position,
For 3 decades I had dined.

Please forgive
My blind eyes to the
Whole truth till today,
Also skipping
The commandment
”You shall not lie!”
To my likes
A word of support
Tolerate me to say!
Is it not how the adage
“While the sun shines
Make hay!”

About the genocide
In Mai Kadra—on par with
Why should I worry?
Because it was
My likes, shedding blood
Who likes, suffering
A defeat,
That opted to hack
The innocent
And to efface track
Victims to bury
Were in a hurry.

Also the blood flood
In other parts of
The country—Metekle,
Wellega— didn’t
Draw my attention
You see
Terrorizing the region
Was my likes’ objective,
While I was pretentiously
On Christian mission.
So condoning that
I have to commit
Crime by omission
Also I had
To indulge in
Crime by commission
Drawing a big attention
To possible complication
That attended ENDF’s
Law-enforcement operation.
Than the root cause
A question I’ve to pose
On the attendant ill
Beget by own debacle
For it allows vicious cycle.

Firing rockets
And proving unruly
Judas that hail from my race
Were to wipe out
Fellow neighbors,
From earth’s face
“Man is created in
God’s image! ”
Was shrouded by
Our rage.

All troubles
That, we see
Everywhere in
Ethiopia today, are
TPLF junta’s deed
Junta the fiend
That sowed
A hatred seed.
But, now exposed,
The culprits
My support
Terribly need
I must pat them
On the back indeed.
True to
WHO’s Director General
Abusing my position
Let me cry foul
So that TPLF remnants
Get a stalemate.
You see
An oasis in a desert
They terribly need
How could I
Fail that to heed?

In courting trouble
TPLF was proactive
Reactive were those
On the other side
But this I like
To systematically hide.
Conniving with
Insincere NGO workers
I could enjoy a media ride
To be the security
Council’s untruthful guide
And so called great nations
On the toe to sniff possible
Shortfalls from Ethiopia’s side
And ready to swim against
The truth tide,
Though this is
Dragged to light and
Known far and wide!
So to speak
They could encourage me
An asylum to seek
Honest traitors as they
Adore hand to pick.

Who said a patriarch
Could not be naughty?
Going out of
My religious duty
I will give
A kiss of life
To world-ever
Terrorist party.
History has it that
There were pops
Who blessed
Military arsenals like
Artillery and tank
If so, why not
I give a statement
Behind Synod’s back.

May God
Forgive my sin
For the heart of
The credulous
With my
Sanctimonious face
I could win!

Please excuse me
I’m not race-blind
Sanctimonious patriarch
One could ever find!
TPLF is a party
By the Ethiopian parliament
Unanimously dubbed
Terrorist and naughty
As blood is thicker than water
Supporting it is my duty.

Soldiers who spent
Almost their entire life
In garrison and barrack
Did suffer by my likes’ attack
Behind their back
Though their blood
Cries before God
Please excuse me
I have to favor
From my abode!
The mob, elites, journalists
As well as poets like I
To our environment-unfriendly bent
Turning a blind eye
Also tardy in asking  "Why
We strip of mother nature's green mantle,
While to maintain the statuesque
It gets locked in a sever battle?"
Equally not checking overgrazing,
We allowed fertile soil and sand
Amok,wild floods ride
To a close by touristic lake,
Whose mouth an expansion
Used to make
As much as its foreign body intake.

Soon,with the vast array of
Flora and fauna it supports,
Before we knew it
The magnificent lake died
Ceding place to a barren land,
An eyesore that looked a dump yard!
We used to believe  the talk about environment change is a far-fetched prognosis but things began to change before our eyes.Seasons simply bear their name their features are completely changed! Dedicated to Haromaya Lake!
The hardest way
It came to my head,
If  a linchpin doesn't  fit
The axle,
It is as good as dead!

An honest man
Amidst many a ragamuffin
Is just like one the last  nail
Is hit on whose coffin!
Speaking the truth where the truth is buried under heaps of people or collogues without integrity proves futile
On my way to work,
Whenever I pass through
The Holy Trinity church,
After a brief prayer,
The tombstone of a martyr
My eyes never fail to search
As his eulogies sensitive cords
Are sure to touch!

I admire
The tombstone’s design
A flickering torch,
Whose tongue
Is the  martyr ’s statue,
That talks loud his virtue!

“Holy Trinity
Till I crossed the river of death
Allegedly, striped of my health,
Poisoned by evil doers,
Who hanker
By unfair means
To amass wealth,
I had been
A public servant
Adherent to my faith! ”

“Holy Trinity
To abide by
Your commandment-
Don’t steal-
Was my desire
Also to pull out   millions
From poverty’s quagmire.

Across the board development
Working better than one's best
Efficient resource utilization
Also drew my attention! "

“Holy Trinity
A generation
To corruption averse
Is all-out
The bad scenario
In my country
To reverse.  
A generation  for
A developmental ******
That has lust.

I have come to understand
The coming up of
Many a lass and lad,
Whose rights that  demand
I need no more reward,
When in front of you
This way I stand
Justice to demand! ”

Children of Oromia,
Ethiopia’s elephantine branch,
You have to detach
Your state, your country
From the impudent
And the corrupt
That still exercise
The outmoded
Divide and rule
As a fool .

A corruption fighter
Development’s workforce
Is also a hero
Like Ethiopia’s
Valorous and dear sons
Balcha Abanefso
Geresu Duke,Abdisa Aga
And Jagama Kelo.

Children of Oromia
Giving to divisive guys
A deaf ear,
You should hold your
Country Ethiopia,
A cradle of mankind
And civilization, dear
Do not forget
Adding up
Is the current road map

Evil doers
Killing a hero
Could not bring
The change drive
To zero.

As a poet what I can say
“Evil doers
Stop to opt for
Devilish way!
But if you
Keeping going astray
You will go
To the grave in
Ignominious way!”//
Dedicated to  a higher government official allegedly poisoned  for staunchly fighting corruption
Parking his car
By the gate of a hospital
A man got into a bar,
From an eye-shot  
Not far!

After a thief unfastened
The 4 bolts of a tyre,
The sale of which
Helps him make his day,
Seeing the owner
With the four bolts
He ran away.

Stranded, the owner
Was forced there  to stay
At a loss what to do
And  say!

"If you take  a bolt
A tyre from the
Remaining three,
With three bolts each
All the tyres will agree
To allow the car move free!"
Advised him a man tall
Who with patients'
Pajama sat
On the hospital's wall
Observing all.

Doing so
Thankful the driver
Managed home to go!

On the morrow,
Taken by surprise
He wanted
That mentally sick
To speak.

Going to the hospital
"Tell me pal
With such intuition
How come
You join this hospital?"

"My friend,
If you deviate
From the normal
You are abnormal,
It is the likes of you,
The mentally sick,
That stranded me here
a maverick!"
Deviants like poets could be seen abnormal
A mellifluous song
To titillate the heart
Has power strong.

So also your
Laughter has power
To piano finger dance on
Every which of
My fiber!
Loving object of love's voice
Though I’m
Less attractive
As I’m not a fool
I set criteria
My wife to be
Ravishingly beautiful.

Though I have
A wandering eye
Cast yours
On lothario’s why?

Though my
Achilles’ heel
Is infidelity
I demand from you
Unflagging loyalty.

The breadwinner
Is I
To juggle
Two or more jobs
Try not you why?
Of course
Forget not to tackle
Domestic chores.

Though I come home
When peep stars bright
Get home when
Days cede place to night!

Though I’m spendthrift
I expect you
To prepare a dish
I relish.

Though I don’t know
My son’s grade
I’m afraid
Help him out with
Assignments you have
Before he
Goes to bed.

Though I’m
Growing grotesque
And old
Why don’t you
Exercise care
Your beauty to
Maintain or hold?

Though I’m peevish
Fix in your mind
You must not
Pay me in kind.

Though I’m
To you
Less respectful
And rude
To whatever I say
Be crude.

Though I’m dictatorial
And prefer to use
The stick
This habit of mine
Get not sick.

Though I’m
In love making weak
Contentment elsewhere
Do not try to seek.
Though I’m
Willing with you
On marital avenue
Long to walk
Shun we must
On the complication
A hard talk.

Though I’m
A grown up
Pamper me
As a newly born
Its mother
That has to worn.
A director general
Ensconcing on WHO’s chair
As a hoodwinking trick
You cry foul
“The case in Ethiopia
Is horrific !”
You must be mentally sick!
Have you forgotten
It is high time
You be thrown
In to prison?
For involving
In embezzlement
Terrorism, genocide
And treason.
So a wolf
In a sheep’s skin
To give a statement
You have no reason.

WHO must be weak
For being tardy
From office
Out you to kick.

It is really
A mockery of justice
A parliament-
wanted terrorist
Like you
Gives lecture
On humanitarian issue
Accountability to resist,
Or are you acting so
Rest assured
Self-seeking hypocrites
The likes of you
Are ready to assist!///
A wanted criminal playacting innocent. A member of a mourning-killer party.
It is when
It climbs up a tree
An ape's bald butts
Nitpickers can see.

Before  having
The talent on hand
An upstart, one mustn't
Forge forward!
There are people who want get higher posts without acquiring
Though I often watched
Many pretty girls
On the street
Walking to and fro
Ravishing, you managed
My undivided
Attention to draw.

So I jumped high
Because to touch
The sun aimed I!
From the lapse
Mortally wounded
I was about to die.

Aiming at a lamp,
While many a man
Opted to jump
For the ceiling
Bold, I did
A nice thing!

From hibernating in
A long winter
A brief summer
Is by far better!
I went for the best one but tasted the bitterns of failure to the full but the game is worth the candle.
Derartu, Haile, Tirunesh
Kenenisa, Meseret, and all
With a similar footfall!

Displaying a superb
Long-distance athletic feat
When many superstars
Awe inspiringly you beat
And as a result of it
When your sought-for
And nation- prayed-for
Dream proves a hit
And also with kudos
A stadium full of people opt
You to greet
And when spectators
Accord you a high five
It is for your country's  flag
You  immediately dive!
Also on the podium
while Ethiopia's row-wise
Green,Yellow and Red
Emblazoned flag,
Shoulder high,
Soars above
You express
Your  umbilical cord-tight
National love
With tears that
Trickle down each of
Your cheek,quick.

Is it because
Reminiscent of
Each living hero
With a life sacrifice
That brought colonial
Aggression to zero?

Is it because
The bounty of the land
You grew up
Seeing first hand?

Is it because
The cherished corner
You cut in the heart of
The poor but prideful
Ethiopian neighbour?

Is it because
The unity in diversity
That showcases
Ethiopia's identity
Or citizens hospitality?

Is it because
At heart strings a tug
Or ,among others
Gratefulness to
Your iron-strong lung
When you hear
Ethiopian anthem sung?

Is it because a secret another
Deep down you harbour?

Is it because the Fertility
Hope and Sovereignty ideals
The flag advance,
Also Ethiopia's being
A beacon of independence
What is more
The nation's renaissance
Which in a curtain of mist
Before your eyes dance?
A poem I prepared this time in connection  with the celebration of the flag day,Ethiopia
Though monetary wise,
It doesn't promise to pay
I craft poems everyday,
For instance say

'Why my dream object,
To affections mine
Is adamant to reciprocate!'

The other way round,
Though to acquaintances
Absurd, it may sound,
Some, I have to spend
My poems to newspapers
Magazines and
Websites to send!

For love of the labour,
I will never
Letup the endeavour!

There is a
Great deal of satisfaction
From sitting hours,
To put words into action,
Racking brain
And stretching imagination,
From the earth's core and crust
To the sky and firmament!

At night, when all is quiet,
Till I hit the nail
Right on the head,
I will not repair to bed!

Reading poems
Has satisfaction
No less, for it affords,
Handshakes,with poets
Of all ages,
Poets with poems
Of all colour shades.

Probably the works
Of Shakespeare
That we hold dear!
What is more,Tagore.
In my duties
I will be remiss,
If I forget  mention
Savo,Anna Akmatova,
Sara Teasdale
And Salomeja Neris.

Till getting a cherished corner
­Ecstatic I was never!
Now I peruse the websites
Of contemporary poets,
Displaying poetical prowess!

I want to add of course
An east African voice!

Out, a poem to digest
One could make a descent
Into wisdom's pit,
So poem virgins
Why don't you go for it?

From my experience,
For uplifting poems
'Start with Helen Steiner Rice!'
It is my advice.

'It is by the brow of one's sweat
One could paint
The future with
A rosy pink,
Don't you think?

Sitting idle,
Dreaming a rose-bed
Is quite absurd!'

Reversing such mind set
Go for targets set!
First I was wondering how poets come up with astounding poems.

Then I was daydreaming of becoming a poet by some miracle.

Through reading poems, learning poetry and trying my hands on crafting poems, paying every sacrifice, now I have a book bearing a collection of poems some admire.

Not only mental exertion to be a poet one has also to out lay some probably from a modest income.
Though monetary wise,
It doesn't promise to pay
I craft poems everyday,
For instance say

'Why my dream object,
To affections mine
Is adamant to reciprocate!'

The other way round,
Though to acquaintances
Absurd, it may sound,
Some, I have to spend
My poems to newspapers
Magazines and
Websites to send!

For love of the labor,
I will never
Letup the endeavor!

There is a
Great deal of satisfaction
From sitting hours,
To put words into action,
Racking brain
And stretching imagination,
From the earth's core and crust
To the sky and firmament!

At night, when all is quiet,
Till I hit the nail
Right on the head,
I will not repair to bed!

Reading poems
Has satisfaction
No less, for it affords,
Handshakes,with poets
Of all ages,
Poets with poems
Of all color shades.

Probably the works
Of Shakespeare
That we hold dear!
What is more,Tagore.
In my duties
I will be remiss,
If I forget  mention
Savo,Anna Akmatova,
Sara Teasdale
And Salomeja Neris.

Till getting a cherished corner
Ec­static I was never!
Now I peruse the websites
Of contemporary poets,
Displaying poetical prowess!

I want to add of course
An east African voice!

Out, a poem to digest
One could make a descent
Into wisdom's pit,
So poem virgins
Why don't you go for it?

From my experience,
For uplifting poems
'Start with Helen Steiner Rice!'
It is my advice.
I write for love of the lobar without any return fighting against all odds
Though  time flew by
And old age drew nigh
The love-smote I
Despite the indifferent treatment
Of thy
Forgot you not why?

Forget you not why
The love-smote I
Till the day I die
Though I know
You are a pie
On the sky?

Wh,why &why
Your eye-catching eyes,
Despite a cold-shoulder
Treatment dominates
My soul's firmament
To date.
Sometimes things go this way
Suicidal, reclining on a sofa
Gazing at his partner’s photo,
A handsome friend of mine I got
He was  by an
Overwhelming love smote.

To optimize hers
And his pleasure to trim
She opted
Suddenly to desert him.

Buddy, what weighs
So heavily on your mind?
Get it off your chest
A solution I may help you find!

“This picture-perfect girl
Sweet-talked me into love,
She playacted
As one sent from above.
But all of a sudden,
Before I had figured it out,
A mishap,
She dropped off the map.
You see, she was ready
To flee to
Her secret fiancé abroad
All the while grabbing
My hand
To lead me
Along love’s road.

With her fiancé
Stashed in
The back of her mind,
In a manner
A lead to her secret
I may not find
She was aware
Our love
To a halt
Would soon grind
However absurd
Her act I might find!”

I recited to him
A poem from Debebe Seifu,
Ethiopia’s famous poet,
Cognizant a well prescribed
Poem is an antidote
"You served me
An asinine chalice
Concocted of
Honey and gall,
Which at one shot
I gurgled down my throat.
Your fingers caressed me
To make me forget my pain
To lullaby me in to a sleep
Upon awakening from
My hallucination to get myself
In a thorny bed again."

Reading, re-reading the poem
Laughing out loud,
His anguish he soon forgot.
So make note,
To normalize a mood swing
Reading poems is a nice thing.
Based on a true story
(Scene I)

Heeding golden days pays

Making a circle around a big oak tree in paradise Ethiopian patriots are seen sat. The valorous Yohannes IV, Alula Abanega, Tewodros II, Menilik II, Balcha Aba Nefso, Jagama Kelo and the like are seen on the front. They were discussing the current political situation of Ethiopia.

(--> Enters Mai Kadra holocaust victims/martyrs)

Hacked to death
By those who
Lost their mental health
Obsessed by ethno politics
In the wrong-headed
‘We and they’
Political matrix
And also who
Sold their soul
To devil
Inured to acts
Dubbed horrifyingly evil
The fledgling, feeble
Children, pregnant women
Their feet and hands tied
What is more chopped
Were committed to
A mass grave
When the atavists
Lost battle
In the hands of
Nation’s cherished
Sons & daughters brave.

(Stands up Yohaness IV and putting his hands on his head says.)

How barbaric?
To me such an act
Is Greek.

(Enters Ethiopian soldiers who were attacked by the Junta, while maintaining peace.)

Deployed to guard
The border
From any enemy
That conspires
To put Ethiopia
And its people asunder,
By traitor Juntas
We were stabbed
In the back
When it got pitch dark,
Yet, heroically,
We mounted
Counter attack
Till support
From hinterland
Arrived from
Our side.

Traitor Junta’s
Plan had to fail
Together we chased
Them away
Between their legs
Placed their tail.

(Balcha Abanefso stands up and waving his pointed finger says)

It was standing one
Many battle engagements
We won,
Unity, love, peace & cordiality
Must mark our identity!

I am angry
Ethiopians’ super chemistry
Is fast turning
Behind us left history.

This send
It must be known
It is high time
Ethiopians reverse
This trend!

How come, selfless,
The land
We kept once
Barring it
From colonizers’ advance
Fast gone?
This calls for a new dawn!

(Stands up Jagama Kelo and walking to and fro says)

How come the self-centered
And selfish
Than their mother Ethiopia
Their ethnic base relish.
It is with chemistry
Great things like
Adwa or Karamara victory
People accomplish.

In the face of adversity—
Colonial aggression
What is more
Helped us most
Unity& fraternity
To preserve
Our religious, language,
Cultural identity.

Forgetting what
We are displaying today
Let us live
In forefathers way.

Come rain or shine
Considerateness, unity
Peace are fine.

                      A poetic Drama – Scene II

Rewarded Satan’s way

A weekly devil council about evil prowess is being held in hell. Devils were standing on tongues of fire waving their tails and howling in a frightening manner that sends a chill down one’s spinal cord. They were gritting their saw-like teeth and holding double-forked arrows. All were soot greased horn to toe, twisted and long. They were submerging the sinful like Judah deep into the fire.

(Enters lost- in-action TPLF Junta’ informal army members referred Sameri.)

Aghast, at last
Vanquished, to retreat fast
Inflicting vengeful attack,
Tying and strangulating
Mai Kadra people
Brutally, we had made them
Breathe their last.

(A Satan on the front puts his hands together and says ‘How impish!’ ‘What news to relish!’ Then he says,)

Spilling the blood
Of fellow human beings
Is something
We appreciate
The level of
Your cruelty
Is  not
Heard to date.

By inflicting on
The innocent damage
With us
You have come to
The same page
As goes
“Out Heroding
Herod!” adage.

(Enter Junta group members. They were the ones who were killed by counter attack, while stabbing the northern wing of ENDF in the back. Rearing his grotesque face out from the fire ‘bravo!’ says Judah the culprit. A devil pushes his head back into the fire)

Averse to
“Love your friend
Like yourself ”
We ambushed
Fellow soldiers
Off their guard
Though our action
To the sane
Is hard to understand.

Looting heavy arms
Heavy damage
We were to score
No doubt
Had it been successful
Which sadists and Lucifer
Would adore.

(A Satan at the back stands up to accord him a high five)

Stabbing in the back
Fellow soldiers
In the military ditch
Is something
Not heard to date
That is animosity
We compliment,
As it is top
Among sins
God said
“Felony I hate.”

(A veteran TPLF official on top of his voice says)

Unless ethnic groups
Get at loggerheads
We didn’t feel comfort
Because we are heinous,
Who understand
“Cut your cloth
According to your coat!”

We adored
“Divide and rule”
to exercise,
Cognizant to outsmart devil
That is an approach wise.

In a two-year-and-half time,
One crime after a crime,
We had committed messes
To 113 which add up
In the nation’s
Massacres map.
As a result
Reigned supreme turmoil
On Ethiopia’s soil.

We didn’t want
The prime minister
Ethiopia, tranquil,
To administer.

Without us,
The diabolic,
In the top brass
Also trampling on
The broad mass
Allows we not
Ethiopia to continue
Reformed or anew.

Fabricating lies
Was our characteristic feature
As we got it by nurture
And practice it as if
It was our nature.

(At last when a pin drop silence falls Satnael got up and said)

Outsmarted by TPLF junta
For three decades
That lavished
The flow of blood
Like a flood
And which milked
The destitute
But pious Ethiopians
Till they cry
Until their woes
Reached the sky
“God punish us
With TPLF Junta why?
Alive must we die?
For what evil
Are we being punished
By those
Ever who outperform
The devil?”

I have to reward you
My way
“I will throw you
In to a more
Smoldering fire—
As atavism
Is your desire!”

A lacerating fire
Devoid of light
Will be
Your plight.

Devils are seen outrunning each other to drag the atavists into the inferno.////
Unheard of story
He took his wife
A punching bag
He is at liberty to hug
Or to blow up steam
By her hairs to drag.

As it may sound sad
He opted to project
A façade
A doting husband
With noting bad.

Vocal when she became  
About this to his parents
Who she called
Mom and dad
"We do not expect
Our well brought up
Son with
Something underhand!"

"We are afraid
The complaint is not
Plausible as he has
A cool head!" they said.

One cold morning
Verbally abused by
Her spouse
His mother sought
To take a refuge
In their house.

"Mom, your son,for lunch
Will be back soon.

To prepare for you
A special dish
Which you will relish
The neighborhood market
I will scour
It may not take me an hour.

Feel at home
Putting on this blanket
On the sofa take a rest."

After a sleepless night
And in her head and
Outside a fog
It didn't take his mother long
To sleep like a log.

Her son came back soon.
Instead of saying
"Wake up my dear wife
Good afternoon!"
He kicked her
In a manner
That allowed his mom
See his true color.
A galvanometer needle
She got on her feet
"My sanctimonious
Dear son
Is that the way
Your better half
You greet!"
Petrified he stood
No where  to retreat.
Against domestic violence
S/he who is coerced
To move with
A straitjacket
Above the dead
And below the living
Is whose fate.

A horse dragging
A cart
A genuine message
To impart
In fact
No better than
A doormat
Unloading words
With a servile pen
On a bread-winner journalist
Inflicts a harrowing pain.
Covert and over censorship.The fate of journalists in the government run  media.
Passionately playing dart
With cupid's arrow
To pierce your heart
I did squander
Many a year
Oblivious I am making
A blunder
Aiming at a goal post
That non-stop wander!
A pensive girl I met in a bar, remorsefully related to me how the man she loves,spent a quality time with and helped for a decade still  downplays and abuse her.
When I regretted
Why God is stingy
In showering me
With wealth
He took my health
Goading me
With a threat of death!

Praying when
I recuperated
I realized
Foolishly I had been
Daydreaming for wealth
My health
Is my
Number one wealth!/////

Who is Alem Hailu?

He is an emerging  Ethiopian poet,translator and author of all literary genres in the medium of English language.
He is penetrating the global book market stamping a foot print on the firmament of literature.
If you peruse his work you could note ,with poems of local touch and national sentiment like 'Come to Ethiopia' and 'Great Tiding' , he is playing an ambassadorial role in several international poetry blogs from Australia to America .His poems have proved trending.
He has achieved global presence via
www­ / Australia
His books  and posters showcasing the knack of an Ethiopian author are cracking open publishers hearts' from Europe to America(www.united ) (Austria),, www.trafford .com America)
From the publisher  or amazon and the like, you can order for his books aiming at entertaining,edifying,style-showing,seeking an outlet to east African voice,finding a niche to Ethiopian authors in the global literary scene  and teaching the English language.
Specially schools,colleges,universities and libraries, people running stationeries,book malls and cultural unites of different embassies could benefit from making his works available on their shelf.

To foreigners his work could serve as a window story.
His works include

1) In the Vortex of Passion's Wind

A poetic Drama on the Wrong Turns of life( *** and AIDS )
It is also meant to serve a language teaching material to Higher Learning Institutions and Preparatory Schools
A useful input  for performing artists
By Alem Hailu G/Kristos


2)A Boon of Classic Poems

(Translation in Amharic)

A collection of selected  classic  poem s

By Alem Hailu G/Kristos

3) A Vent to Stifled Emotion

A debut collection of poems
By Alem Hailu
4) The Truth and Dawn
and Other  palatable Short Stories
of both mix: Art for art's sake and life's sake
By Alem Hailu G/Kristos
IBN 978-1-329-43915-390000

5)Pupil's poem(Full Color)

Rhyming poems for pupils and learners of the language
Systematically selected words and expressions to upgrade the language proficiency of students.
Inspires pupils to read as well as write poems. ,America

6)Hope from the Debris of hopelessness

A Novel with the theme "Disability is not inability!"
By UnitedP.C is in the pipeline

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We have to be grateful for God simply because we are healthy.
Only on grounds of seniority
By default
You try to assume authority
But mind that
Though for a century
Under water comfortably sat,
Swim like a fish
A stone can't!
With no effort to acquire knowledge, at times  some members of the old staff undermine the young staff !
Like walking
In a sunny rain
Yearning for you
In vain
Was a  sweet pain!
A confused feeling
The *** called
The kettle
‘Black! '
The kettle rebuffed
‘***, cry not foul,
Nor must you bark,
While it is stark,
You are a sooty reflection
Of a night, pitch-dark! '

While the blood of children,
The fair-***, the feeble and the old
Is still fresh in their hand,
Perpetrators of genocide
Demand, the less democrats,
Cursed and shunned
From a diplomatic mission,
Must step aside
By humanitarian law
As they don't abide! /
Wrangling super powers
Slavishly touting laudatory
Remarks that
Run counter to his belief
Could not let a journalist
A moment's relief!

"The incumbent
Has flickered
Darkness piercing light
Now as things are bright
None stop
We have to condemn the past
To catapult the present
On the infallible mast!"

Conveying messages
Without beef,
Also forced to turn
Eyes, to reality, deaf,
He is smote by
Excruciating grief
Freedom of expression
Turned brief!

To spare himself
A stomach pang
He has to allow
Political thugs,
In the guise of
Media bosses
That form a
Government's favour
Ingratiating gang,
His mouth to gag!

Intimidated by them
Into self censorship
The facility of his pen
He could not keep!

A mainstream press,
With a toothless face,
Rather conveys
An autocrat or,
To be precise,
A clinically dead
Government in place!//
The fate of genuine journalists across the globe who have to work for no other option of living in a country, where democracy is gasping for air.
When my ambition hits its mark
Or when I am in black
No one shows me his back.

Many are at my disposal for sure
So long as, I have some to offer.

They bleed me dry
And away they fly.

When I am in the red
I have no one around.

A true friend
Without saying it goes
Remains close
Despite the test
The turn of events pose!
Alem Hailu Gabre Kristos
I like all season friends!
A ship sustaining
A tiny crack or thick
Is destined to sink,
Awaits the same story
A pilferers-leached country!

All the grotesque
Faces of corruption—
Task procrastination
What is more inefficient
Resource utilization—
Must not go out of
A developing
Nation's radar,
Expected corruption to bar
In its bid  to spur
The ship of development far!

Needs no less attention
Fighting the new faces of corruption
Such as post placement
By political affiliation
Divorced from talent,
Which should enjoy
A greater weight!//
Whether petty or grand corruption which has ugly faces has to be averted.Political corruption is one of  the emerging faces of corruption
Awe inspired
While the whole world was
Expecting a
Brilliant lady
In the white-house,
Drawing a blank
It witnessed a
Clown in a Farce
With the rob of Democracy
Takes stage Autocracy!

If spoken must
Be the truth
The revolting unfolding
Augurs ill to the youth--
The successors,
The task forces of
A given nation,
Who deserves
More attention
To take the nation
To a new height
Where it will prove
A beacon light!

Vampires to
Their hearts' delight
Hold and chew
More than they can bite
Blind to others' plight!

So we must slam on the face
A ****** speech is out of place!
"As the saying goes 'Back to square one--
subjugation, segregation
,gender and colour discrimination...
We shall again be
A predator &brutal; nation"
"Business has become red hot
By fair means or foul
Let us get rid of
The non-Anglo Saxons
Rivals from the melting ***--
Putting in the dark
From where we  ourselves got
The ***!"

The bottom line is,
Brushing aside
Democracy's mockery
If preference treatment
Is necessary
Setting aside (college vote)
It is successors'
Voice that must get
More weight
In making a nation great.

It is also little
The attention of the fickle(with3 wives)
For the fair ***,
This we have to battle.
Due to internet connectivity problem I was not posting timely poems in this blog
Never at all
I'm on the
Religious ball
If prophet Simeon's
Painful message
"A sword will pierce
Your own soul!" (Luke 2:35)
That shows
The selfless sacrifice
The immaculate has
To pay
To achieve God's goal,
Fails before me
To stand tall.

For the sagacious
Suffice a word
The immaculate
Herself said
"Great things untold
Things manifold
Had done to me
The Lord
My Son
and my God.” (lk 1:49b)

Take note
When we pray
Excepting her
Is a fault!

On the cross
Before He depart
"She is your mother
And you her children!"
Was what
Jesus wanted to impart.
(John 19:26–27:)
Read my poem the immaculate too. Also read
That ethnic group,
A tyrant,
Was not a democrat!

On our right
For long it had
Indifferently squat,
Our throat, mercilessly it
Was about to cut.

Now scenario's reversed
The rein of power
We have gripped,
Democracy we
Have introduced!

To the follies
It made in its heyday
It has to pay!
Come on, on it
Swing a stone
The dark days
Have gone!
A change of leaders but not the system
There are people
When you treat
Them polite
Who become rude
To all forms of
Decorum ****.

To your  relief
And delight
When you treat
Them rude
They become polite.
I practicaly checked this
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