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816 · Jul 2019
Crown Shyness Jul 2019
I'm me
You're you
We're all different
It doesn't matter
We love
We hate
We're human
"Our emotions, the negatives and the positives, make us human. Our mistakes and our sins and our weaknesses make us human."
809 · Jul 2019
I wish you knew
Crown Shyness Jul 2019
Wishes don’t come true
And I thought you knew that
Reality is harsh
And I want you to know that
Your journey will be harsh
And you will know that
Keep traveling on that path
Because you’re too far
To turn back
"I'm worried you'll grow up and I'm worried you won't. I want to protect you but I can't all the time."
731 · Jul 2019
Surprise, Surprise
Crown Shyness Jul 2019
Surprise, Surprise
I might just die
It seems some of my friends
Have crossed the line
"Some friends are like weather vanes, they can turn quickly."
593 · Sep 2019
Our Creation
Crown Shyness Sep 2019
Our creation was our benefit
Now it will be our downfall
Because we didn't end it
"We thrived, but now it's time to die."
563 · Jul 2019
Crown Shyness
Crown Shyness Jul 2019
The trees are very nice to me
They block the sun and give me leaves
They let me climb on their limbs
So I can be free

The trees are pretty shy like me
They don’t like others among other things
They shy away from others like them
Sometimes they get along in the end

The trees have nice crowns like me
Mine is a mess but theirs is so pretty
I tell them all the time
They don’t like to share designs

They shy away from each other
And keep their own crowns
Crown shyness, I say
As I feel the same
Crown shyness is a natural phenomenon in which the crowns of fully leaved trees do not touch each other, leaving channels in the canopy.
538 · Aug 2019
It isn't
Crown Shyness Aug 2019
I laugh
Because it's funny
No, it isn't
Because I'm bleeding
"I'm laughing, I'm crying, it feels like I'm dying" - Melanie Martinez; Pity Party
499 · Nov 2019
Crown Shyness Nov 2019
So crisp are your lies
For they are easily broken
You try to avoid the demise
For what you have stolen
"You know you are guilty"
493 · Jul 2019
Mirror rorriM
Crown Shyness Jul 2019
Mirror Mirror
Tell me why
This reflection
Isn’t mine
"Have I changed this much?"
482 · Jul 2019
My life (right now)
Crown Shyness Jul 2019
I have a pain in my legs, and my right foot
I can't tell if it's from running,
being tense all the time,
or if it's growing pains

I have a sore throat
It hurts to swallow
You know, it's summer
But I think I'm catching a cold

I have a bruise on my head
A patch of hair missing the size of the nickle
I think it's from when I (accidentally)
Ran headfirst into a wall

I have an ache in my heart
A hole in my brain
I can't tell if it's from thinking too much
Or feeling too much
It's all the same
"I feel like such a mess right now it's hilarious."
This was me on July 14/15. As of now I actually have a cold and my legs aren't sore anymore.
465 · Dec 2022
Tree of the Forest
Crown Shyness Dec 2022
To be a tree
I would be tall and mighty
I would provide food for the beings of nature:
The insects, the birds, the rodents, the fungi
I would provide them shelter:
A home for families of squirrels, birds, and owls
And when my leaves would fall in the cold
I would give the insects and the rodents shelter,
A place to rest in the leaf litter
And I will give the soil nutrients

Kids would try to climb my branches
High enough to reach the sky
Though I wouldn't let them
Maybe one day
I will be met with someone who's soul is with nature
Her heart would be full of
Forests, plains and meadows, and mountains
She would treat me like a being,
Embrace me and climb to the sky
And when the wind blows through my leaves
I would whisper to her
The tales of the past,
Of the beginnings of Earth
"Once upon a time, there was nothing"
439 · Jan 2022
Crown Shyness Jan 2022
The moon is full tonight
It shines brighter than the street lamps
Brighter than the stars
However, the light in you
Was brighter
"All of this pollution chokes out the stars"
420 · Nov 2019
Crown Shyness Nov 2019
I feel so heavy on this road
The way you hold me so
Just put me on my feet
So you shall be free
"From me"
414 · Sep 2019
Eye and I
Crown Shyness Sep 2019
Flowers have eyes
And they blink up at me
The trees have eyes
So many it's scary
The animals have eyes
More than just two
We have eyes
More than just a few
"Eyes; they can see everything, even if we can't see them."
376 · Jul 2019
A story
Crown Shyness Jul 2019
I want to tell a story
But I don't know what to say
I'm feeling inspired
But not every day
"I have so many thoughts, but not enough talent."
Funny how I then continued to write four other poems.
359 · Jul 2019
Coloring Book
Crown Shyness Jul 2019
Life is like a coloring book
You may color outside the lines
You may make mistakes;
You may use colors
You may feel happy;
You may use black and gray
You may feel sad;
You may not feel like coloring
You may not feel like anything;
You may hurt your wrists
You may experience troubles and pains;
You would finish the page
And life will feel complete
"I hurt my wrist coloring a coloring page while listening to a podcast for the first time. It was worth it though; the podcast is good and so was my coloring."
351 · Jul 2019
Crown Shyness Jul 2019
Wishing on dandelions
Watch their seeds fly up to heaven
"Shh! I can't tell you my wish or it won't come true!"
317 · Jul 2019
Until the end
Crown Shyness Jul 2019
Until the day breaks
The moon will rise and
End with the crickets
"I will stay."
I really wanted to try a poem like this where the first words in each line spell out a sentence.
308 · Sep 2019
A flower I picked
Crown Shyness Sep 2019
I pick a flower
And it screams
It pierces my ears
And makes them bleed
"Nature is always too quiet for us to hear."
306 · Jul 2019
Finding Myself
Crown Shyness Jul 2019
I’m wondering in the dark
Trying to find the light
Stuck in the lost
Where there’s no sky
Not a glimmer of hope
On where to find myself
"It's either too dark, or too light. There's no in between."
289 · Jul 2019
Blurring Memories
Crown Shyness Jul 2019
Your face
Your eyes
I think about all the time

The moment
The picture
I keep replaying it in the future

I'm awake
I can't sleep
It feels like a dream

But I know it's not
I can't remember
They're blurring memories
"It's past midnight right now, I can't stop thinking, remembering, everything that scares me and everything I want. I think so much that I can't remember what's real and what's not; how something feels, like emotions and such..."
289 · Aug 2019
Thinking ahead
Crown Shyness Aug 2019
I look to the future
And there I see a picture
It might be all in my head
But there's only death
"The death of what?"
I always worry about what's going to happen in the future and always expect the worst to come of it. This poem is a bit exaggerated; "dread" can work instead of "death"
285 · Jul 2019
Our story
Crown Shyness Jul 2019
Even if we choose one path
Of a few, it will still end the same
I would wake up, and you wouldn’t be there
And you wouldn’t wake up at all
Because it will all end the same
No matter what path we take
"There's a lot of different paths our life can take. When we choose one, we leave so many other possibilities behind. But in this life, every path will still end in misery. You were destined to die in every path we could've taken."
281 · Jul 2019
Open your mouth
Crown Shyness Jul 2019
Open your mouth, open your mouth
Say something out loud
Speak for others to hear you
But don’t be too quiet

Open your mouth, open your mouth
Speak, speak, speak
My mouth will not move
You’ll have to do it for me

Open your mouth, open your mouth
Stop, stop, stop
I’m too quiet
And I fear
The people in the crowd
"I hate crowds. They're too loud and they have too many eyes. Nasty creatures they are."
280 · Nov 2019
the sky and the ground
Crown Shyness Nov 2019
I soar through the sky
Through the clouds and the trees
I lay on the ground
And get stung by the bees
I smell the flowers
And can't help but sneeze
I use charcoal to read the graves
But I can't find your name
"I'm in the sky, you're in the ground"
273 · Jul 2019
I found
Crown Shyness Jul 2019
I Found Myself
Deep In the woods behind the house
I found me
Lost in space because of all the gravity
I found I
Bleeding on the floor about to die
"Oh, what has become of myself, of me, of I?"
256 · Jul 2019
I will never be the same
Crown Shyness Jul 2019
People are driving me crazy
The human race is insane
Everything’s looking hazy
I will never be the same
I kind of like to sing this to the small tune of "ring around the rosy"
250 · Sep 2019
Crown Shyness Sep 2019
Over the end
Flicking a switch
Forgetting all emotions
: Emotions are currently turned off. Would you like to turn them back on? :
241 · Jul 2019
Myself and others
Crown Shyness Jul 2019
Who can I be
Everyone hates me
They try to be friends
But I don’t trust them
"I'm kind of a hypocrite. My words are so contradicting and my sentences don't have anything in common."
I wrote this relative to my feelings of anxiety around others in the past. I felt incredibly self-conscious and felt as though no one really liked me back then. I had friends but I also had my doubts sometimes.
237 · Jul 2019
Crown Shyness Jul 2019
They lay in cases
People get them out
And start to play

They're used to make such a beautiful melody

I don't like them
The only sound they make
Is white noise
"What if instead of beautiful noises, each instrument made a type of white noise. Like static, you know. No notes. Just eerie sounds, nothing peaceful."
226 · Aug 2019
Crown Shyness Aug 2019
Rain, it comes on down
it washes the ground
it leaves behind an earthy smell
and soothing sounds
"The approach of dark, ominous clouds are something I look forward to sometimes."
226 · Sep 2019
A royal mission
Crown Shyness Sep 2019
Left, right
Up, down
We're on a mission
To save the crown

Through the woods
Down the path
Creatures in the dark
We pass
"To be continued...!"
I dunno
215 · Jul 2019
I repeat your lies
Crown Shyness Jul 2019
Nothing will come from this
You say on our bed
Nothing will come from this
I repeat to your head

Dreams mean nothing to me
You say at the table
Dreams mean nothing to me
I repeat as I am able

We’ll all be nothing
You say as we stargaze
We’ll all be nothing
I repeat in a daze

You cover my face
You cover my eyes
You filter my mouth
Now all I tell are lies
"Your voice is so sweet. But are your intentions?"
207 · Nov 2020
Crown Shyness Nov 2020
Your hypocrisy is no surprise
you choose to close your mind
than open your eyes
"We can be who we want to be."
176 · Aug 2019
What to do
Crown Shyness Aug 2019
You didn't think it through,
Did you?
Now you're lost,
Because you don't know what to do
176 · Nov 2020
Crown Shyness Nov 2020
Practice makes perfect
Is what they say
But what if I'm not perfect
And mess up everyday
"Let's normalize saying 'practice makes improvement'"
175 · Jul 2019
Tick Tock
Crown Shyness Jul 2019
Tick tock
Goes the clock
Time is running out
Tick tock
The clock has stopped
Your time has run out
I feel a villain would say this
174 · Jul 2019
They forgot how to live
Crown Shyness Jul 2019
Like knives cutting skin
Bullets digging in
Happiness flowing out
Grief flowing in
Lost in their own world
Hurdling down lower
Past the positive
To the negative
They forgot how to live
"I can't seem to find reason to go on anymore."
173 · Jul 2019
Crown Shyness Jul 2019
When you walk or move
Everyone and everything moves along
Everything but the sky
Is it even real?
"I try to be wise, it just never works. Lol."
172 · Nov 2020
Crown Shyness Nov 2020
I've had months
But the tears are still there
You've been gone for a while
But I still expect you to be here
"I've moved on and it's painful. Every time I look, I remember that you're not here anymore."
171 · Jul 2019
Crown Shyness Jul 2019
No Breath
Push Away

"Words that rhyme and relate."
170 · Jul 2019
Crown Shyness Jul 2019
Blood is red
And red stains
Like the red slits
On my wrists
That leak red
in the drain
And that leak
"Oh, how I enjoy looking at those scars."
164 · Sep 2019
Crown Shyness Sep 2019
I look up at the ceiling
Pondering what I'm feeling
I want to take a picture
I want to play a song
I want to paint a picture
I want to dance along
But I look back to the ground
And I'm always somewhere else
"Motivation always hits me at the wrong time."
I'll literally be sitting in class and suddenly have the urge to pick up my violin that's not even with me. It's the boredom in life.
164 · Jul 2019
Amongst the night sky
Crown Shyness Jul 2019
The moon is outside my window
Telling me to go to sleep
I look for you among the stars
But I can't find you
"The moon isn't full and the street lamps outshine the stars."
162 · Jul 2019
My eyes
Crown Shyness Jul 2019
I cry and cry
But it's behind my eyes
"There's a storm in me."
160 · Jul 2019
Crown Shyness Jul 2019
I love you so much
It hurts
Knowing that it'll never be true
'Cause I never knew how to love
"Tell me: what does love feel like?"
155 · Oct 2020
Crown Shyness Oct 2020
She was chosen
"save the world,"
they told her
but she couldn't
"It's all gone"
152 · Jul 2019
I'm in between
Crown Shyness Jul 2019
I’m not happy
I’m not sad
I’m still alive
But I feel dead
"I've heard this is how depression is."
151 · Jul 2019
Crown Shyness Jul 2019
Can I be alive again
She asked her reflection
Can I go to heaven
She asked the one considered golden
Can I move on
She asked again
And she kept asking questions
"Not all of them have one answer; not all of them have an answer at all; and not everyone can answer them."
148 · Oct 2020
Ocean Deep
Crown Shyness Oct 2020
There is no land
beneath my feet
I'm sinking
in the ocean deep
"My lungs are full of water"
147 · Jul 2019
Crown Shyness Jul 2019
My stomach feels sick
I feel like I’m ill
In my throat I feel ******
Where are my pills
Getting jabbed by sticks
I’m not out for the ****
"My symptoms, my thoughts."
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