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Sage King Mar 2013
One hundred to five to one to one
no one
They don't need your apologies
Come around the stand and say that to my eyes
you don't see
They don't crave verdict driven "sorry"s
nailed to a cross by a stone gavel
Burn that haunted cross
As the hearts and souls of the teaming
wish they could do again
trying to stand against definitions of self
definitions of manhood
little girl, only thirty-three years old
silenced in fear, silenced by fear
as the confident voices blow into her ear
times two
a grip that claims, that yells, that demands
a redefinition to the meaningless phrase
I love you.
Three months--- screams are muffled in horror, quieted verbals
ringing where only one can hear
Seven years---body is sliced by knives as she looks in the mirror
and sees a human hole.
How can you live, how can you say
that you know that everything will be all right with time
Who gets time?
Not ninety-nine thousand
demoralized, demonized, unrecongnized,
set free with a fine, or gone undefined alltogether
as Fear's closet of nails confines a million
ostracized and mortified
unable to band together
thank you judicial priority.
One hundredth of abusers given time
two years later out again
But one hundred-thousand others
hear you tell them
how to heal a womb ***** unsacred,
how to stand against a beast stripped naked,
how to quickly turn a limb placated
before it comes down to bruise her swollen rainbow skin.
And you justify a girl ripped open
entered in agony, her ***** broken
the first time she was eight years old
the hundredth time she was nine.
And you sympathize
as the sad man cries behind the podium
how can you not understand that no means no
no means don't
no means stop
stop means help me.
He understood that
he understood and he disregarded
every being on this rock for his own sick pleasure
I care about you.
he said to himself
Where were you when she got drugged in a bar
Where were you when he was ambushed by orange
Where were you when her husband refused to hear her terrified words
Where were you when they pleaded to anyone
Please please please please, Oh God make it stop
Now where are you behind your news desks, your podiums, your microphones, and your clipboards
when they risk their lives to ask for justice
when they cry out for the safety of their daughters
of your daughters
only so child souls aren't slaughtered
as they are thrown into a system that insists
they are not good enough.
A system of blow-up dolls, of pop songs, of stripper poles
defining a woman as only a hole.
He stole my innocence
You stole my dignity.
You stole my dignity, you stole my daughter's, my granddaughter's, sister's, aunt's, mother's
when you insist that the fix
is covering my body
shielding my ******
and saying no.
No is what I say to you
No is what I say to your apologies, your sympathies, your pities
She shouldn't have to get down on her knees for him
or for you
You say you've seen everything
Maybe you've seen everything
Films, shows, the **** scenes of everything
But you have not experienced everything
And I pray to God
that you have not done everything
But as far as I know, you haven't done anything
And legs and mouth and hearts
will be torn open
as hope is stripped from the holy bodies of the screaming unspoken
over and over and over again
Ninety-nine thousand lives you do deprive
where were you when she died
terrorized when the judge whispered
This poem was written to be slammed, focusing on the revolting ignorance of the justice system concerning cases of ****** abuse and ****. It may be triggering.
The human soul, as vile as bile,
Savage Cruel disturbed infected and distort,
The human soul, obsessed with foul style,
Sinful confused mishandled and extort

Devoid of ethical human feelings,
Inflicted with raw sadistic hatred,
Grotesque depraved dismembered killings,
Ungodly occultism, unsacred

Sickness requires resolute treatment,
Stitches to repair ripped incisions,
Reducing the risk of dismemberment,
Catastrophe fractured by excision

Ceased decaying crippled in dreadful despair
Emerging from darkness, disturbed and aware.

William James
Susan Hunt Aug 2013
DESTINY IS A S0N OF A ***** 01-22-11

Destiny most certainly means death
But down here, ***** murders are allowed.
A Low profile is seen as weak, soon
slaughtered by their predators.

Truth: Oakland gangsters are serous.

They bang it for the colors,
colors of their territory
collateral damage lay dead
in the street; the rotting innocent.

This conflict, this senseless war
between three colors, blue, red and black
is why violent Oakland is now called
..... "Baby Iraq", yep you heard me: BABY IRAQ

a ****** occurs every three days
....over red, blue and black.
They say they fight over turf and colors.
I think they're the same damm thing.
Thier colors mark the poles like dogs.
The scent of the enemy is evident.

Intel from the neighborhood walls
reveals the constant dissonance
and the unwillingness to lose.

A grenade of spray paint,
criss-crossing, the others' lines
until it's time to get some respect,
Ya feel me?!?

I hear this phrase so many times
it hardly phases me anymore.
Yeah, I feel ya, dude,
now whatcha gonna do?

This one boy's eyes had me mesmerized.
As he talked softly into the distance.
He began to rock in a sad back and forth,
as his homies began to surround him

He was the wise one, the shot caller
even with  his weak form peeing in a bag
hanging from his wheel chair.

Javier was wearing black, the color from his hood
He was just a gang affiliate until color blue
( or was it red?)pulled up and shot him...
he's no longer walking, in a wheel chair instead.

He was beautiful I fell most in love
with his angelic face with an elf's chin
coffee with lot's of cream color skin
He was smooth as porcelain

He had a youthful moustache
and a memory of a war veteran
He is a gang member now,
in the middle of a warzone.

"Be Bait", "Play Chicken",
take chances, on the enemy's
turf, become victor or victim

Names of games, dangerous,
and fun provoking the violence
passed down through each generation
Some sort of genetic adrenaline.

The series of small deadly battles
leaves a smell of fresh gun powder
asphalt and blood spilled iron
three colors pouring out,
turn into the color of wine.

Hopelessness is proven out
by the swollen death count,
mounting up, the line of corpses
waiting to be thrown off gurneys
entering the morgue, then
tossed into the freezer
with the rest of them.

Baby Iraq has become
a force of its own on the street.
If they ever figured that out,
They'd be running the nation.

They are too caught up
in their fathers' hatred
History repeats, written line by line
Raw power in the clutch of stupid minds,
begins and ends with small apocalypses.

In dire situations, they eat their young,
like ******
The gobbling up of offspring is
nothing new or unsacred.

It's what they do to
postpone their own fate.

Any beneficial gain is not felt yet
but will be, in the events that
did NOT happen

They don't get it
there is no benefit.
They all just die.
Frida Virrueta Jun 2015
That idolized word of yours - "virginity" - and my nature fail at getting along
Virginity steals my freedom
Why does my desire for ****** activity have to make me impure?
Why must I disengage from an uncontrollable arousal to be considered worthy?
You make the most sacred activity seem so unsacred
As if with every touch I lost my value
Why do you make my nature seem so unholy?
As if with every touch I stained my soul
What am I losing ?
If only gaining physical,emotional, and spiritual insight
g Nov 2013
You're standing on the front porch with your arms wrapped around yourself and you stare up at a spider weaving a web of every memory that ever left a hand print on the walls of your home. It all comes rushing back.
Do you remember the night after the fair when we sat quietly on the porch swing? "I believe when you tell me you love me," I whispered for the first time. I will never forget the way you grabbed my face and kissed me, because that was the first and last time I believed that it was possible for another human being to hold my demons safely.
Do you remember the time we sat on the bench in front of your house and we both stared blankly off the porch in hopes that my nervous shaky hands wouldn't upset your demons any longer and my tears wouldn't spill into your lap along with every other unsure promise you ever made me. Or have you tried to forget that as easily as you forgot how badly it bothered me when you wouldn't look into my eyes.
What about the time I first realized you were using me? It was summer then, and you begged me to tell you why I wouldn't leave that ******* swing. I did math problems in my head as you begged me to come back inside; back inside to that bed full of anxiety and I swear our smell was embedded in every ******* fiber of your sheets.
Do you remember the time I had given my innocence to you? Because I do; I remember how horribly planned and spontaneous it was, but after you had touched my face so softly and told me you loved me. You told me every time after that, too, and I think that's where we confused lust and love. But remember the couch in your living room, where we had laid ever so closely after our innocence had been taken. I had never felt so close to you, and I would do anything to have that safety back.
Close your eyes and picture us back on the couch in your living room. Feel every gentle touch and every "I love you" tangled between blankets that we used to keep each other warm when our bodies were cold and our hearts were even colder. Try to imagine the warmth we brought to each other between safety nets of our twisted legs and kisses that seemed to travel miles on our skin.
I try to forget the time I was an hour away for a whole week. It was our first time spending any time apart, and I had begged you to come to my rescue. You did, and I was thrilled to see you again, but we spent the majority of the time touching each other rather than talking and I guess I wish it had been reversed, because I hadn't heard your voice in days and my heart envied the attention you gave the rest of my body with your hands rather than your voice. I guess I just wished for more, and maybe you couldn't offer much more in that living room. I can't lay on that couch without imagining your weight upon me and I realize that maybe I should have given that couch more credit for keeping all our secrets locked inside it.
I can't help but remember the time you danced with my demons in my kitchen while telling me this is how things were supposed to be. A ghost in the form of steam raised from our cups as we spoke of our memories and watched each other laugh the same way we watched our goose bumps raise every time you said my name
My favorite memory of us was the first time you taught me how to Waltz in the middle of your kitchen. I was never really good, but you never stopped teaching me and your family became an audience of smiles and appreciation that was reflected within your own eyes.
but your eyes soon became puddles of tears when we grew further apart and our waltz became more of a sway between closeness and distance and the cold time floor in your kitchen were no longer covered in our footprints
Do you remember the time we had to go to a wedding, and I called you just an hour before because my hair wouldn't cooperate? You drove here as fast as you could in a fit of confusion and I still find it remarkable that you could fix all my problems, (including my hair of course), with just a smile and your creative hands. That bathroom had seen my insecurities, but you fixed them in just a few minutes. I wish it hadn't rained that day, because I felt beautiful for once, thanks to you.
your hands carefully crafted a smile on my face countless times. I can still see us laughing with our heads thrown back as we washed paint off of our legs which stained our hands more than the memory of your smile when I touched you ever would be engrained in my mind
The bathroom rug knew me well, because my tears stained it's cotton the day you told me you never loved me. Was it only days before that you had followed me into the shower? I wish you hadn't; I scrubbed the smell of rubber from my skin but soon enough we were back to touching. How foolish of us to think that there was nothing more to us than the feel of another's skin, because that bathroom rug knew far better then you ever will, just how much I loved you.
you undressed my body the same way you undressed my demons and stripped my heart of any walls I had ever put up to lock you out. I wonder if you still remember the way the hot water felt running down our skin or rather the way your lips felt like acid kissing my body one last time. I don't think you saw my tears through the water but my shaking body firmly pressed against yours was enough. Silent whispers of "this is all we'll ever be" came from the shower walls and I knew it was true
You left the bathroom. You had taken all you could and we moved into the yard. I remember the first time we were there; the wedding. Do you remember the way you squeezed my hand and looked at me as they said their vows? We talked so much about our future, and it was as if it was being displayed right before us.
I miss the time we helped your grandparents pick the garden and somehow ended up throwing berries at each other. It was such a waste, but we ended up playing tag and eventually you stopped me and kissed me in a way I don't think you ever had. There was not a cloud in the sky and there wasn't a cloud in your eye, and I think that was the first time I had seen you truly happy with me. I miss that yard and the childish comfort it brought.
It didn't take long for the rain clouds to roll in trapping us inside. It's funny how I've tried to forget this day over and over again but it keeps creeping back into my mind. I think that day in the office is when it hit me; or rather, you hit me. I was used to kisses on the cheek,  but not like this. Not with your knuckles. No force of impact could have possibly compared to the way it felt when you told me it was a lie all this time
I have never felt so content as the time I did when we laid under covers in your room and you fell asleep beside me. I watched your chest rise and fall and wondered to myself how something so beautiful could turn into someone I feared most
I remember the time I thought you'd be angry with my unwilling to let our unsacred touch happen another morning, but you held me close and said "It's okay, cuddling is far better." I had never felt so safe in your arms and the feel of you breathing was enough to regulate mine. I have never met another person who breathed at the same rate as me, and that saved me more times than I'm sure you could count.
But my breathing became far too unsteady for you to ever keep up with and my affectionate gestures became as boring as your excuses for why we needed to do more.
I guess our affection had run out, because four months of mixing up lust and love was getting old and eventually I had left. I swear everything became cold at that point; your once welcoming eyes, your words, the ground. I remember your comforting whispers in your bed, but I also remember your rough grasps and I guess we could never have both. I remember you, but do you remember me?
Hanna C S Jul 2019
Faith found me in the crowd,
With wondering eyes and messy hair,
Leant against the bathroom wall.

So I found Faith in a cafe chair,
With hot coffee and a smile,
More sober than before.

I find Faith in things I thought I buried;
In smaller sensations and softer senses.
I find Faith in holding hands;
And crying over movies;
In hugs and daily check ins;
In stupid jokes and surprises.

In small reminders of how easy
loving is supposed to feel.
I thank Faith for the Faith she has restored in me.

So for our Father,
Who art in heaven,
Hallowed be her name,
When her kingdom comes,
Leave me undone,
As on earth she is my heaven.

And I would make this my daily prayer,
If my disposition allowed as much,
You see Faith had a Faith in me,
Just as the Faithful have Faith in false prophets.
I've never been so good at religion,
My mind questions too much-
Has too little Faith in Faith and the Faithful.

So as I leave this altar running,
Hail me the false prophet,
And pin my memory to a crucifix.
This crown of thorns hangs heavy in blood;
These feet find their way to the confessional once more.
I never meant to be a sinner.
Father forgive me,
For the damage I've done.
Daniello Mar 2012
I walk to the newsstand over
blue gray cobblestone jumping up
my soles, the windows of
every mother in Viterbo
looking at my swaying arms,
at the very reason I love

the squint of eyes in morning sun.

Because I am free from anticipating  
a slow sinking earth, hung twined,
hung taut, hung thin, hung dried,
peeling off the body like
scree, relenting.  

Because I am ten.

From five lire scrunched in a fist, from
a father’s request for Il Messaggero,
steps can brim with direction, with place,
with an appetence for growing
a grown man would lunge at.
Could make a mute anchorite sing again
to an unsacred sky: “a son is a son as
a song is a song, this is that I am

is why I belong.”

I walk to the newsstand
under glaring windows, under
the look of all Viterbo’s mothers,
under the sluice of morning sun
that piques the eyes as sliced brine,

and the stand is shuttered.
Dirt metal slats I touch once
to make sure, and then I walk
straight back, back with the sun now
behind, illuminating stone, in front of me.
Marshall Gass Apr 2014
In the burning ghats where the earthly wanderer
leaves his leftovers to be singed and scarred to ashes
taking with him his soul wrapped in a white sheet
God knows where, I am with you on that final journey

In the temples where the joss sticks burned
and childless couples shaved their heads
bared their naked bodies in sacrifice for a gift of life
I am with you.

In the quiet clinical streets where test-tubes babies
are mixed and matched like cocktails
seeking world headlines, guessing at the outcome
I am with you.

In the back alleys of the brain where
dungeons of demons reside purged
from loneliness and depression. Crying
in their incompleteness
I am with you.

In the starry night where lovers meet and kiss
and cuddle and forget that tomorrow is another
day to rethink their togetherness in love. Starry eyed
I am with you

In the unsacred gaps in the scriptures where
fairy tales and impossible connections
are made, broken and burnt, often too old
to believe anymore. I am with you

On the journeys that you take
sheltered by the thousand pilgrims also
seeking the blazing light of holiness. Unknowing.
I am with you

I am with you as you walk the grass verges
of the sacrosanct temples and mosques,
the highways of information and the byways
of underprivileged children looking out for
another day of isolation in the busiest streets
of desperation.I am with you.

Even as you gird your ***** and prepare for the battle
that will help you survive in this raging metropolis
of unknown faces, names and destinations
coming from  no particular place
I am with you.

As human as I am and completely in synch with your ideas
of humanness and love and laughter
husbands wives and children and futures
I think with you.I am with you. Human as......

Nothing can separate me from your own journey
into that limit beyond the limitless
where chaos, culture or organisations
are born from the same mother of reason
I am with you in that questioning. Why?

Author Notes

A reflective poem that asks ourselves on why we are human and yet
set out on journeys that takes us different directions. We are here for a reason and what is that reason?
© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved.
I fell in love
With you
You were made so
It was **** easy
I am
A mere mortal
Your eyes
Cast a spell
With their sparkle
Hard to avert
Your voice
My ears
To listen
To the smooth
On my soul
Your lovely hands
With their exquisite
Were made for
My rough ones
Your hair
Formed a halo
Dark and lustrous
Around a full moon
Sacred idol
That I worshipped
Your soft lips
Turned intentions
Desire turned
To longing
At their redness
Your tongue mocked
My self control
With its tip running
Briefly across
Like a little flame
That set a fire raging
In my breast

For many years
I carried
Your picture
In my heart
Till a raging storm
Tore my body
Casting me
And forlorn
On an Island
Wasted and barren
Till your ship
To my rescue
I fell in love
All over again
You were made so
It was **** easy
I am
A mere mortal
Your eyes
So gentle
Cast their kindness
Hard to resist
Your voice
My heart
To beat
To the soft
From your soul
Your lovely hands
With their knowing
Were made for
Gently erasing
My ravaged ones
Your hair
Formed a shelter
Glowing and silky
Around my own
Broken down face
That I worshipped
Your healing lips
Turned intentions
Desire turned
To gratitude
At their fullness
Your tongue talked
My self control
Into returning
Firmly back
Like a little spark
That lit a warm flame
In my being
Carlo C Gomez Mar 2020
When the volcano erupts
they blame the gods,
it's a common theme.

Blood thirst is contagious
as one and all turn to
homicidal maniacs.

Witches, thieves,
philosophers, princesses.
Burn, stab, bludgeon, maim.

See here! The winds
of change bear arms.
Fear and loathing have no friends.

A prima facie they call an act of war.
But cold-blooded ******
is the criminal de facto.

Heathens in chaos
can offer no justification
for unsacred slaughter.

It's methodical
and evil as the Tempter.

A flag to hatred
when they'd given allegiance
upon the heads of their children.

And so, the sins pass from father
to son, mother to daughter.

The acquired taste for blood
will one day claim them too.

These very same kids
will smoke mom and dad
with the same zeal and spite
they butchered the collective royalty.

Barbarism begins at home.
Nik Bland Jan 2020
First pleas
Red eyes
Dry riverbeds
Here lies
Buried six feet deep in regrets

Seconds pass
Out of time
Speak now
I’ve tried
Spelled out
Words repeat
Words first said as you fade to sleep

I call to you
Thrice more
Beyond veiled view
Same hour
Twelfth night
When fate took you from my life

Madness drives
To forefronts
Darkness arrives
Forever more
Your deathly dance
Unchained from mortal coil and my hands

Dark night
Fifth on same day
Answer me
In my dismay
Where she
Still alive
Would she stand to be my wife?

To demons now
Here I plead
Hear my vow
Disaster struck
Her voice I know
This pain in me only grows

Heaven now
At my back
Seventh cry
Into the black
Driving words
In my mind
Wond’ring how she left me behind

On the hour
When hands turned cold
When life turned sour
Thoughts careen
Into the fade
Twelfth night bereft of the day

Knees, you bleed
Heart is torn
My love, a corpse
With child, unborn
Words I read
Pure sacrilege
In hopes to breed words from the dead

Both hands dig in
Fingers trembling still
Hear my plea
Unsacred will
If she would speak
These words to me
Maybe I could finally sleep

All attempts failed
No price to much
Gouge out these eyes
Hands go untouched
One this wicked month
Short of a dozen years
I drive myself to bring you here

Oh Twelfth Night
What terror you bring
As words arise
From Hell’s opening
The inferno rains
Words burned in my head
“With this wedding ring, I thee wed”
Erwinism Nov 2024
Scream! Scream! Scream! The cardinal rule of silence. Scream! The next cardinal rule of silence.

On words aching for a voice, a generous gaze be fixed. Lend a ray of light and shine on shadowed corners where thoughts have cowered. Forsake me not in unsacred matrimony of stagnation and decay, lest, I be not I. For voice not be voice which breaks when it disguise unmasks. Such is life.

Into the fabled lands of golden chance, my car rode my soul, glittered rot and creaking joints, not I, but my ferry for this diaspora unbidden, for one, but one quest—****** tomorrow from its tree and fill the pockets of whose vines to the roots with whom I share.

For it gives them so much pleasure, to measure worth with what gift is on a hand, failing to see its callused back. Faces neither painted with hardened sweat and spit, nor eyes crafted with sight. Their comfort a measuring stick of whatever weaves the blood. It thickens with the sun and diluted in the cold, worse still, vapid in trying times.

Pictures are nothing like my reality, for no hope feel I, no shores see I in this sea indifferent to drifters, no reasons have I to follow behind the whims of my feet. In solitude, in its warmth, I bathe, than nestle in the wintry arms of feigned togetherness. Such a dear friend loneliness is, when it holds out its hand and speak with profane eloquence.

Until you set your fear free, then walk away you cannot. Until you walk away, then find who you are you cannot. Until you find who you are, then grasp freedom you cannot.
So note to self—be not afraid. So with all mustered fire; let go. Let go. Let go of fear.  Be done with people who see you as Wells Fargo. Let go. Let go. Let go of thankless gratitude.
My compassion will not bend their will anymore than they can bend their own, for theirs is absolute.

Today, I’m an outcast cast away to distant shores by my need and my compassion for my blood so now I must reflect on how much of myself remains. I’ve grown arcane. How much of myself I have given to the twilight and what of me remains.

Yet, I’m torn between love that I’m nothing without and love no more and live.
The Evilness of the human soul
The human soul, as vile as bile,
Savage Cruel disturbed infected and distort,
The human soul, obsessed with foul style,
Sinful confused mishandled and extort

Devoid of ethical human feelings,
Inflicted with raw sadistic hatred,
Grotesque depraved dismembered killings,
Ungodly occultism, unsacred

Sickness requires resolute treatment,
Stitches to repair ripped incisions,
Reducing the risk of dismemberment,
Catastrophe fractured by excision

Ceased decaying crippled in dreadful despair
Emerging from darkness, disturbed and aware.

William James Stevenson
Carlo C Gomez Jul 2020
Punished by the sun
in a desert of our love.

Slipshod the sailing stones,
how dispassion speckles the playa floor,
salt pans dissolve motivating force.

I'm a man returning to his ground.
You're a woman seeking refuge
in the cracked crevices of my rib cage.

So far below sea level,
where does love go from here to survive?

Perhaps, Chloride City
and the grave of a James McKay?

Maybe at Bottle House in Rhyolite,
the "Queen City"?

Either way, this sensation has become an unsacred mirage:

the watering hole, a leadfield,
with which we can only look back from.

Praying the sulfur in the sky
passes on from this place,

before we turn into something sodium, something akin to
Lot's careless wife.
Aleska Servian Jul 2016
It's not his fault
and neither is mine
If you can not let the fear get inside
your bruised thoughts
to teach you that
love does not always treat you like that

I gave you peace
I gave you war
I never asked for nothing but not be harmed
by your promisses
that cut just like a blade
my troubled mind
filled with mistaken mistakes

We exorcized our demons on an unsacred bed
It was all about time
what a beautiful night we had
you were not supposed to take home pieces of me
that put together
show that I'm a confused symphony

And now that you're gone
I'm still thinking about
did I do something wrong?
and what those midnight talks were about
Mark Lecuona Dec 2014
My heart is not broken
It is only in pieces that have learned to live apart

It was a choice of survival
Connected by the same body of water

Though unsacred, shared experience records the nobility of freeing oneself to become every moment of your life

North is happy
South is sad
East is angry
West is glad

A mission trip to the four corners of future dreams

Armed with diverse darkened hopes sailing beyond each horizon but touched by the same sea

My heart is not broken
But it will converge one day

Washed ashore upon understanding lands made whole by the hopes of others who decided their journeys no longer could hide them from dreams that are ready to awaken
Third Eye Candy Jan 2018
i had come undone... but my virtue,
however unsacred...
saved me.
i simply had to be strange.
and continue.
Leeching octopus to pains surplus I keep the gats burst
Fill the hearse my soul in thirst for a verse still I terse
All of the hatred unsacred religions evilness of Christian
Turned wiccan spells casted from the depths of Hell
Lucifer lost long brother no other can lay the graphic colors
Of spectrums rainbows got a powerful glow souls
I know chilling at the horizon Aurora cant ignore the Torah
Black is space black is god sitting on events with God
Titans mighty fighting liquid swords from my vocal chords
Gza gave me the scholastics unwrapped the mastered
Sick ******* hazards dethroned since I learn my bones
Dominoes effect with the tech even fill the hearts of infants
Rocking the cradle feel the spiritual label's through cables
Tryna weigh us down humans and spirits drowned
With each other over 40 days of rain no delays I always
Stay true to my inner self annihilate my image percentage
Five points to chose quick to bruise let the fuse groove
Til the last circuit's is blues fried and died magnetized
The lost scripts of vagabond brace the laws of Ma'at
I turn mental riots quiet once this heat meets ya diet
Get it pop champagne exquisite deep wonders visit
My souls in the night time show spiritual vessels
Telling me how to pretzel the ****** puff the cigar slow
Corner of my mouth thinking of ways to glow Pacino
Godfather tactics no reenactment pin check embezzlement
At my dispense say I ain't God? I'm moses holding my rod
Out to the fishes break ***** dishes cursed from original witches
Lilith first feminist yo are you hearing this diamonds is crisp
Sparkle lik the sun when its having heat stroke poke broke
My way out of the tentacle of the unyielding pain pinnacles
Sometimes Starr Feb 2018
without a substance to rely on
i'm a ghost.

without a ***** to give my lust to,
i'm a ghost.

without a pride to give my bride to,
i'm a ghost.

whether holy or unsacred
if you take it all away
i'm just a ghost

if you simplify the problem
i'm a ghost.

if you look at me too closely
i'm a ghost

if you thought i was a human
you should know

i'm a ghost
i'm a ghost.

i'm a ghost.
messing around with this idea of bodilessness recently,
an ideological progression from my recent theme of centerlessness

do you HAVE a body? like, do you OWN it? okay, well prove it.

and you do, but the proof gets washed away and the cycle starts over again.

in Hebrew mythology, Satan (meaning "the enemy") does not have a body. so i think it's interesting, by saying "i don't have a body, really" it's like Satan speaking through me. except, God (El, the I am, the infinite, the Universe) manifests that. the two concepts clearly go hand in hand.

i just think it's really interesting that none of these ideas are really apart from modern science. in fact, they are rather harmonious with it.

am i trying to hard to make it fit? do you think the two concepts are harmonious or discordant? let me know in the comments.
The lion man

There was a gang of thieves in Napoli made their living
stealing at night, they found themselves in a basement of a big house
and found a smallish lion in a tiny age, they freed the animal
that turned out to be friendly and followed aroun
They let it sleep in the garage; having such a big can't bein the house
as lions have little sense of order.
They began taking the lion with them at night using it as a guard,
this was noticed and the press called them “the lion gang”
The chief of the police got the idea of killing the animal and thus
demoralize the gang, and one day when the young thieves
were cornered the lion was shot.
And to their shock the lion underwent a change turned out  
to be a naked man with broad shoulder and long hair
and no one knew who he was since he had no identification
The chief of the police was sacked and other officers disciplined.
There were anomalies as the skin of his hands was that of a lion,
he was buried on unsacred ground as a John Doe, and as most
of the gang was behind bars and could not attend his funeral.
Next day the grave was open, no lion man
he had simply disappeared, perhaps become an animal again
gazelle hunting on the plain of the Serengeti.
Nathaniel Aug 2018
Gracious is the girl whose eyes look soulfully into your mind
None of her movements show elements of hurt, her motion so divine
Fluidity upon her sweet careful lips, who sip bottled wine

Her body creates a religion that no God could ever compare
A heavenly choir charms the clouds whenever she is bare
But every man she’s ever met could never take a slight glare

For her beauty was not created for mankind’s unsacred desire
Pleasure was not in her description unless you were to only admire
Heaven for the first man to witness the soul purifier

When she spoke, a certain note, came out like an angelic song
Her voice had a certain charm that switched every brain on
And upon a listen the girl’s noise could be heard from long

Her face was fabricated by the greatest artist of time
Chiseled in hedonism, during his limited prime
Every feature independent but beautiful in his mind

He worked on the slight curve of her hips for years
And molded her to perfection, stained with blood and tears
If Eve was flawless she was sheer
Folks living their lives off a dollar dream
Thinking of ways to make cream
See the media sting attention draws an o-ring got multiple stations sibling
Social dribbling crippling minds way behind the humanity realism signs blind
The dumb and deaf scared to look left cuz of a virtual theft take a deep breath
Inhale exhale woosi ultimate golden eye deepens the pain of hidden spy
Check the meal tickets that click it chirping like crickets sounding hounding
Social distance beyond astounding no grounding financial bounding
Welcome to a new world engineers of fears grab beer gimme a few of ya ears
Watch the tears begin to roll expose the vessel scrolls articles of particles
Sample simp for aggressive women passive looking at the infection of the masses
No crashes avoid the lane of love throw a few doves after that I dipped over above
Bridged hatred marriage treated unsacred
Basic fundamentals dumped for the wasted
Toxicity of masculinity only excel for a golden opportunity ** the feminist community
Brace the unity my styles be on point
Like a sharpie harpoon rhymes
Wail 'em Everytime preach from a higher divine thoughts flash like a nine
Millimeter slides like Jeter beater
Of a false chaos harsher burns than Ross
Criss cross ya lifestyles got ya enjoying
The styles of a foul foolish child
Only learn from wise men shave the sins
Cultural industry attacking man sanity
The man in me can't stop the blasphemy
Feeling like Jesus laid by Judas rugers
Held by the women's verbal *******
Split the shooters invade intruders
See how many men happy from breaking up divorce through conflicts held within
Only speak truth from a pen rather sitting in a pen behind these broken women
Learn to stay to self that's real health read books of wisdom grow your mind
Focus a grind look at a women's soul and not her behind feline flexing spines
Tryna get a glance of chance slim romance money on front court table dance
I broke the bands no Lord of the rings sh*tI stick a knife to the unyielded corporate

— The End —