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A bruised bird, full of blood hits hard rock
He leavest imprint in the life giving pursuit
In the way of sacrifice just no one can block
That glowing golden enchanting love route

Hunters are on the observation posts to see
How weak and strong animals quench thirst
That could be my friend either you or just me
To see and to follow in darkness the sunburst

Life is a strange hide and seek in life and death
With preordained destiny to complete the verdict
We are in cruel clutches of fate till the last breath
Without being in knowledge, perfect or imperfect

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2017 Golden Glow
Robin Carretti Apr 2018
What a face
Abruptly she yells
Matte burning dry
Just try
Too moisten her lips
She's the Red devil
From hell why does her
orange face peel sell?
The right color
a psychic won't tell

Wishing well drenched
He touched my orange juice
"All Frenched"
She loves to slice and
he peels what appeal
orange saffron sauce
One last juicy squirt

It's time for fresh squeeze
Too frozen concentrate

The happy hour "Orange" feel
  no other place like fate
Ten times real
"One" face peel has been
love absorbed
Like lemon meringue

Bitter grind soft butter glove
Do you mind orange flame
(The Spa) sells to be loved
Tra la so kind all Grunge
Going "Wawa" coffee cruel
Other colors haha
Movie set Orange payroll
lounge tease squirt

But destroyed by the evil
spell curse
Summoned on sunburst
But we need the Orange
before the sun comes

Like clones orange, you glad
we have "Green Apple"
One step beyond orange
I don't want to burst your
orange sauce
Grand Marnier starry twist
of orange
Two timing orange yogurt
Taste to tangy it hurt
Hey Yo Orange peel Spa
Still sticks Orange Julius

O outrageous P pick
What turns us on and gets us sick
Plan your work and work your plan
Never offend her
Let's see the chef make you love her
Creamified dreamlike Whip free
The orange mousse pie
Let me hear it yummy to lie
I was in an orange mood since the weather is getting nicer it is orange juice wake up call
Samuel H Oct 2017
It didn’t rain today
that struck me in a peculiar way
The sun is shining out
almost forgot what you were about
I think I’m ready for summer
for all you pretty brown eyes held me down no longer
I want to keep the sunburst I regain
maybe until i see you again
Frank Corbett Dec 2012
Sins of the father,
Wrought perfection among the world,
In ways I feel farther,
From where the rest unfurled,
Colors are more vivid,
Life is now peak experience,
The people are livid,
But men will take chances,
Among rolling hills,
And steep cliffs,
Into the nine hells,
Just to procure these gifts,
To create the song of progress,
And sing it from their peaks,
Where parasites arrest,
But with knives and leeches the hosts will leak.
The sunlight warms our skin,
And generates life,
And blights are gems we force to glint,
The straightest of diamonds are forged in strife,
Cut in sharp language,
Originating in the furnace of others,
Whether in joy or anguish,
The culmination of lovers,
The poets of life,
The artists of death,
Photographers of honor,
And authors of theft,
The illustrators of ethics,
Profanity’s architects,
Gaia’s ventriloquists,
And the firstborn’s defects.
Formulated impressions have no need to advance,
The darkness of these times,
Warrant no more than slight glance,
If mimes have nothing to say,
We’ll burn the sky as they dance.
This is the letter home from the warrior,
And the drunken hubris of a poet,
The weathered steps of the courier,
And those he had met in his journey,
Whether or not they knew it.
Frank Corbett Dec 2012
The artist is an old one,
Un-earthly and infinite,
Vast as heaven and the void,
The limitations of good and evil,
I am immune, yet soul crushingly bound to its power,
I am a toothpick,
Yet I am useful for now,
As I plan my escape,
Writing an endless map in memo pads and text files,
I tell myself it will someday be worth the while.
The artist is like you, reader,
The artist is ugly, disgustingly so.
The artist is beautiful, and puts me to shame.
The artist could burn the world with a thought,
But couldn’t break its teeth with a diamond,
No matter how hard it tried.
The artist is fictional,
Known only to I,
Especially as the artist.
I bet its laughing at me this second,
My feeble attempts to escape a napkin,
A tool to further other means.
I don’t mind it,
In fact, it’s rewarding in a way,
The artist lacks definition,
But moves with a sway,
It is hard to defend.
[(Impossible to define)]
My role is that of a journal of skin,
A memory bank to which it is akin,
But my limit is reached,
Something has come to a head,
I can feel the artist defined…
It has taken form,
And now,
I wanted to ask it what it was thinking,
But I think I know now;
Bad things.
John F McCullagh Jan 2012
These eyes have seen the fire from the sky
I felt the heat a thousand clicks away
At first no screams, just people turned to shadows
A sunburst touched to earth one fatal day.

These eyes have seen my City turned to ashes
I have heard her women sobbing in despair
I stood alone amidst my city dying
No God above to whom I’d make a prayer..

And now I stand before a Buddhist temple
A different city and a river view.
This city seems most beautiful and vibrant
Hiroshima what has become of you?
The historic statue of Shinran Shonin, founder of the Judo Shinshu school of Buddhism, now stands in front of the New York Buddhist Church on Riverside Drive in New York City.. This statue of Shinran Shonin survived the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, in which 150,000 people died, and 90 percent of the buildings in the city collapsed or burned.  The action in the poem bounces back between  August, 1945 and August 2010. . The link between the two is the statue of Shonin..  this is poem 3 in the Hiroshima trilogy.
Nat Lipstadt Mar 2019
-for Zukiswa Mvunguse~
and for
~ Jul,
who once again,
loved each line best~

having already deduced that:

“the unplanned is his plan,
it’s his faceted flaws
that refract his coloratura”^

the titled alliteration teases him into thinking
there, is more to be said,
more to be prayed,
the unplanned lesser lesson is as-of-the-yet unlearned,
and the sunburst of a full fledged
lying-in-bed born from a static spark of kinetic energy,
awaking in an unfamiliar bed
or a too familiar state of mind,
begs for birth and vainglorious death-by-anon/amity
of another poem  

I have written poems commissioned,
“write about suicide,” asked a friend,
“take this word and artfully knead it,” once, was once an oft request,
twisty manipulate your scheming resources into
finely assaying a field rock raw,
laboratory mind-mine it into an essay that delve dives
where you fear to treacherous tread,
resultant, an awkward prayer, now, a valued mineral

no poem is truly planned and no prayer ever truly answered,
but as you compose, pushing the last, next word
ever farther to the right,
you self-confess, expecting no absolution, that the poem,
this one as well,
and the next, and the next, and the next

has always been planned since your inception,
always a prayer asked, and in creation conception,
answered even if not directly answered,
in the bare minimum asking,
is the answering,
is the planning,
is the poem and the prayer,
is his owned
spontaneously born at 7:57am on
Sunday, March 24, 2019

read her poems.
annh Feb 2022
so much depends
upon a green pencil
fitted snugly between
the blue and the yellow

upon a line drawn
across a page
where the sky
and sunburst clay meet

— as neighbours
who smile and wave
without names
or words exchanged —

upon a silence punctuated
by shafts of pine
shaved close by winding
laneways into storyteller points
so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white
- The Red Wheelbarrow, William Carlos Williams
Tammy M Darby Dec 2018
Sailing through purple skies unhindered
And breathe crystal snowflake frosted air
Floated past the mysterious Weeping Mountains
And yellow forests called Warlocks Fair

Wandered the underworld
Drunk with false courage from Cretan wine
Leapt bravely from star to star
Journeyed through red starred scattered galaxies
Witnessing the birth and death of time

The finality of the forever feared tolling
The ringing of deaths solemn bell
Conjured this was in my mind quite carefully
For I am she who tells the tale

Commanding the heavens and the earth with my pen
To me the four winds bow low and kneel
The water robed river nymphs pirouette
  Wild horned stags vault high to my music
You must admit the scene quite captivating and surreal

The moon kiss my cheek with shy affection
Apollo grace me with a sunburst arrow of gold
Syrian lotus seed the door to the universe
  Held tightly in small clutching hands
Where lies stories soon to be told

  She who tells the tale
Sprung from blood of ancient lands
Portraying in ink and script
The dark images of man.

@ Copyright Tammy M. Darby Dec. 12, 2018.
claire Aug 2015

You cannot give back what you stole from yourself. You can’t feed your body the things you denied it while it was quivering beneath the whip of your merciless, perfectionist dysmorphia, or erase the scars you’ve carved into it, or stroke it tenderly all those times you wished you could jump out of your flesh and become somebody else—a goddess-girl, a radiant impossibility, angelic fire with taut skin over crystal cheekbones and a torso so trim it could snap in a storm.

But you can start again. You can make vows to yourself that you will spend the rest of your life fulfilling, because to hell with comparison. To hell with the wars waged on magazine racks. To hell with GET SKINNY IN 3 WEEKS and HOW TO TIGHTEN YOUR ABS and 10 TIPS THAT WILL MAKE HIM WANT YOU. To hell with the mythology of thin—this vile word, this grotesque title, this dismissal of your vibrant heart and humming brain, this slaughtering of your entirety. To hell with the numbers that made you ill. To hell with calories/ scales/ grams/ portions, the formulas that stabbed you and wrecked you and violated you in ways so wicked you still cannot breathe them aloud. To hell with it all.

All this time you have been confused by yourself, thinking it ugly, despicable, criminal. All your life you have suppressed the sunburst inside you. Now, it’s time to release the latch. Time to push the lid open. Time to make whatever noise you were never bold enough to make, because none of it matters, you know? Size and measurement and all that soul-splitting *******. You are not bone or blood or cell; you are dizzy blue light and skipped heartbeats, the intersection of potassium and sodium, that chemical eruption of color, that running down unnamed streets amid stars and heavy breathing, that feeling of pushing through bodies of strangers to where there is the sweet negative space in the eye of it all, waiting for you to pull your hair off your face and dance like you are waterfall upon waterfall come to life.

You are not an equation. You are not pounds and inches. You are breath and sight and noise and movement and growth, and you cannot squander another pounding of your sweet, open-palm heart loathing your body for the misdeed of not being something else. The extra flesh protecting your vital organs is irrelevant when all the world is an electrical impulse roaring its beauty for you. The precise width of your hips is immaterial here in this place where sleepless people are kissing and comets are screaming through the atmosphere like fallen gods and tomorrow is unfurling in great, glittering swaths of potential.
Andrew Durst Jun 2014
Maybe we can kiss the sky
until the sun sets and fall
like ashes into the ocean
from burning up in the
sunburst colored atmosphere.

and as steady as
   the sky
        the stars,
             the sun and
                     the moon.
I swear my heart will beat for you.
Feeling a flow.
Joseph C Jul 2010
We were primates swinging from the branches of skyscrapers
And our cooing come ons lost in translation
Sharing body heat to keep us warm inside old office buildings
Where the ghosts of typewriters flit about the ground floor
And we let our blood vessels ebb and flow
We became cynical at the thought of falling in love
Like hard tack candy caught in the teeth of giants
We're getting older but our mouths still tastes like strawberries

We'll build our home on a mountain of shopping carts
Our children will be the hum of the generator
And the occasional sunburst we get through the grimy window
Can be the laughter of a family board game
Unconscious of our own bodies, not knowing our own
Only the ebb and flow you, the sky, that falls
Upon the roar of I, the wild ocean
With our bodies building a sanctuary for the sparrows

Will you still love me when the bomb turns the cities to snowflakes?
The sky is on fire but at least I know you're warm
John Ropoulos Sep 2014
A story about a captivating woman I know and care for:

      The city was dark and desolate, filled with vermin, decayed. She walked down the different lanes of alternative artistic mediums, listening for a place where her soul would find itself.  Empty dilapidated homes, homes that people seemed to have lived in though there was no sign of them; there were no misplaced lawn gnomes.  There were empty clay pots.

      Down a dark alley she found a concave mirror, she stepped into it.  The heavens rumbled and the stars condensed and exploded into black holes and gas giants, the Milky Way sped up its rotation, the sun became brighter, and the Earth was scorched.  Just the order of the day.  Then she stepped out, covered in a sunburst gown, her hair had gone from midnight dark to sunrise bright, she looked back in and smiled.  Just a smirk.  She walked up the dark alley as every step breathed new life into the cold concrete.  The sound of music played.  Flowers and trees sprang up from the cracks, more were created.

   She laughed loudly and from her lips beams of light showered forth onto the cold earth.  She flung her hair back and water shot forth from its motion, the streets flooded.  Two men in a boat, one wearing green the other a light lavender came rowing to her.  He asked her, “Which one do you think is asking? Which one do you think believes?”.  She smiled.  Then she awoke, to find herself on her knees, hands together pointed towards heaven.  All she had to do was ask, what music was playing?

- Life
Keith Ren Jan 2011
The fearless instraction.
The love of things, willow.
The newness of strings in a row.

A topic injusted,
A fated carnation.
Lapelled in your silkiest glow.

I want you not nearly.
Horizoning sunburst.
You're the fewest that I'll ever know.

I'll meet you on morrows.
With clumsiest wordings.
You're the seeds that I've not seen to sow.
Ellie Stelter Nov 2011
Time hasn't been good to you, has it?
It took you in its rough hands and it threw you up against that wall.
It was slow torture to you, all those questions of how and why,
When no one would even tell you who or when or where.
You didn't even know what life was then-
That first sunburst, first roll of thunder,
Didn't make sense, not any at all. Not to you.

You try to forget but it's not like that this time.
You try to talk about something, anything else-
And yet your life just comes spilling out; a torrent,
A cascade, a parade of all your worst daydreams-
****** in front of his face and clogging his ears and nose and mouth,
Congealing in the winter sun. And suddenly you feel that weight fall off your chest,
And stand, leave him there; dying, drowning, choking on your memories.

If anyone needed the drug it was you-
You needed the weightlessness, the carelessness it lent you.
First the Vicodin and then the morphine, always on the hunt
For something stronger, something that could really ****
All that pain and time and **** piling up inside you. And you found it,
Found your release, that sweet drifting sensation it gives you
And no side effects! Or so they swear, all the ones who went before you,
Walked down that road lined with needles
And turned it into one paved with something stronger,
That one drug you'll never get enough of: **words
for someone I know who's had a rough life
Colin Kohlsmith Feb 2010
We are all just fallen angels
Who’ve forgotten who we are
Sunburst from the realm of glory
Shadows of a distant star
Created, formed in perfect splendor
Placed in time and space and earth
To live and move and have our being
Touched with wonder from our birth
Alex Clarke Mar 2015
The lines
your eyes
and mouth
with every
sunburst smile
are the
little maps
of where you have been
where I hope
to travel.
Jordan Jun 2016
I want to taste your constellations
Freckling your galaxy
I want to feel
Your sunburst kiss.
Guide my hands
Around your orbit
Where I can drift
For eternity.
I am your satellite.
Your daybreak smile
Constantly in my head
Running revolutions
During my day.
I could get lost
In your cosmic gaze.
HRTsOnFyR Apr 2015
His body grounds me...
I was an alternating current
with a frayed wire
Sputtering... sparking...
Alone and flickering in quiet desperation...
Then he drew me in with his hands
Held me tightly, pulling me close...
Inviting me into his Center
Insulating my circuits from the heat of their own charge,
Reigniting those cold, dead connections...
Redirecting, realigning
Aeons of my dissipated energies.
I become more, now, than some
Reckless, erratic sunburst...
Snapping and flaring on the mere surface of things...
A loving so strong it makes me re-enter the belly of the beast,
He and I, we become the pulse...
Folding ourselves into the warm, primitive heart of God...
Selflessness... Sacrifice...
Joy, Radiance... Gratitude...
I find all these things here.
And everything false just quietly disappears.
Kyle White Oct 2015
I imagine you Sunburst
like that of a tye-died
Cloth I got at Folk festival

or a Dream-purple
vivid, visceral
a victory dance
with watery wide-eyes
bright and blue
perceptive, magnetic
hair of indecisive, interchangeable colour

A silhouette, a whisper
that smokes and billows
into the night sky
into the blood Moon bleed
-ing constellations
swallowed by Oblivion's jaws

My Sagittarius,
in whom I have found
a grace in the graceless
and serenity within the chaos
Dedicated to Panjo
Erin Suurkoivu Nov 2016
who told you
you were not beautiful?

does that mean
not worthy of their time?

but anyway
they stated as such

if anything
their actions proved otherwise

but no matter
I’m trying not to mind

that I was never real
figment of imagination

whatever you cast me
I betrayed love

and cast heroes into new moons
beached jellyfish

I’m learning to gather bones
painting a canvas

instead of
reading newsprint

sculpture of messy clay
ultimate opus

good gold
honest trinket

bees’ honey
I recognize my self

ageless blue

in all that is

small practice
sunburst navel design
"B side".
RJW May 2020
the skyline melted
a soft molten candle
spiced tea and honey
steeping in the roof of the earth
the seawater flecked golden
in the mirror glazed shore
undescribed radiance
inside this hallowed cove
muted sea-spray and sunrises
Stu Harley Apr 2015
a pond of
water lilies
eggshell white
sunburst purple
reindeer red
mango orange
butterscotch blue
bloom at night
we capture
the starlight
It’s been a whirlwind of days. I’m writing after being inspired again by a Gonzo documentary. This revolutionary style is the contribution of journalist within the story journalism. Which is magic. Sticky, delicious connectedness. Because to write a good story, you have to be an interesting writer. And an interesting writer must be an interesting person with interesting experiences and thoughts. Lame people write lame stories and great people write great stories. It’s just that if your lame you’ll like the lame story and think it’s great. No classifications are really necessary, you drooling evolutionary creature. As your spirit sings to the addition of added information to your consciousness. So, gonzo journalism- now you suddenly added a wildly interesting character to your story. Yourself. It’s a fool proof plan. Because each one of us know that we are the best. But how far would the individual go for their own story? It's an every day test. And yet, how authentic can you continue to be. Not to say that Hunter Thompson didn’t fabricate stories. But he matched a level of absurdity that by logic made the truth and fabrication indecipherable. A terrible, carnival maestro puppeteer planting questions in place for the reader to suddenly wonder about the writer, did that really happen? We could never be sure. Because even if the writer confirms in person of the account, we can still never be sure because we do not have the concrete ability to tell what that specific experience was. We cannot tell because in this world there are truths and lies and it doesn’t ******* matter any way because it’s all the same. It’s all a creation. It’s all one, whole thing chillin together in a small plot of city grass hidden by a paint peeling fence in a sunburst alley in some stinking city. While we separate our books into categories- what is real section, what is not real section, this section, that section, and other stuff. Mostly because we always want to know what we are in for. Because if we know what we are in for, then we get something. knowing. Like a lousy christmas gift. Which has no practical application. It’s an acorn swimming in a sea of acorns and walnuts and the squirrel god just likes eating nuts in general. He doesn’t give a ****. To be frank, he’d actually like if there was an even bigger variety of nuts.

In the process, should a writer ever really delete and edit what they say while they are writing? You said something and suddenly you don’t want to say it anymore- delete. A cohesive piece to your **** storm brain’s thought process, gone. Will the reader understand you less or more now? Does that really even matter. Does the reader matter? More than anything. The readers hold all of the knowledge. They seek out and absorb information from their personally groomed selections as predictable as a trophy wife in a tennis skirt. Words, like toothpaste oozing from a toothpaste tube, will not go back in. Unless you have the technology to put in back in, to prove a grueling point to a close friend that you have to win the argument over. This is the 21st century for crying out loud you ******* idiot. We can do whatever we want.

So this is all frank language. Because brilliant men, are mad. And brilliant women, are beautiful. And it comes off matter of fact when in another universe I am writing the antithesis to every word delivered to this page. Like my evil twin. The dark matter to my matter. While I’m the one on Earth writing the coupe de grais of bathroom poetry. Words- the trying, conniving, carefully plotted seeds of rash giving plants. Affecting everything they touch, spreading thought and emotion feverishly, plaguing us nationally, while they remain the same. Genderless lines, basic shapes, swirling into a vortex of time when you could not yet read but still saw words. We keep words around, always around, kept close within reach, always in eye sight. Just look around.
Stu Harley Nov 2015
made of passion
young pony
Andrew Durst Apr 2014
I watched the birds fly above the hilltops and steady cliffs.

I saw the sky fade from aqua blue to sunburst orange then to a deep purple.

I felt the ground below me massage every crevice I couldn't touch.

I realized right then and there that everything was going to be okay.
Ian Beckett Mar 2014
Fifty years a-growing with my pigtailed friend
I was frogs and snails and she was sugar and spice
Attraction of tortoise petting a perfect way to diet
Red-faced, tongue-tied, secret Confirmation admirer

Nucleus beauty besotted beard route to romance
Coffee and gooseberries companionship cooking
Chicken and almonds the way to this man's heart
Townley Hall first loving to closeness ever after

Tented separation in Mweenish was chilly silliness
Yellow bikini starvation Brighton beach memories
Sneaking bedroom cuddles in Westone wedding
Graduated to Beaufield dinners and Blue Nun

Parents fret about their two kids with two kids
Life challenges met in the riches of poverty
Grateful when God's surprising Gift was given
Altogether life more balanced and beautiful

Entrepreneurial pride of parents flying high
The stars of sons the brightest in the sky
The workaday challenges a learning lesson
Lunch in Powerscourt the pleasure of poverty

We fly and we fall but catch each other every day
In heaven at last in the castle of our dreams
"Ticks all the boxes" of my blonde beauty
Perfect harmony a Gateway to perfect storm

Togetherness triumphs over taxman trials
Best times ever as we conquer the world
Olympic pride and gradual OU degrees
Make sunburst of pride as we grow

Icarus-like flight forgiven not forgotten
Revalue every "for granted" magic moment
"I want to grow old with you" wish and fear
Strength stronger than stupidity and stuff

In fear and loneliness I see fire and I see rain
I see sunny days now that we are one again.
Joel Hayward Apr 2016
What did it take?

A beautiful boy packed tight
With no hint of a man’s chin
By his dad who
Kissed him goodbye
With a hope of seeing him later

What did he know?

Carrying a sunburst in canvas
To strangers who never noticed
That their end stood five-feet-two
With a running nose
And a mind full of his mum

What did he think?

Avoiding all eyes as he stood
Among them with a small chest
That felt ready to explode
With the pressure of keeping
A secret for moments more

What would he think?

His life now a curling photo on a shelf
In a home where a family once laughed
And dust on a street where people still
Buy drinks, phone covers and fruit
Hank Dorsch Sep 2012
Sunburst water, reflected up.
Rising above till it’s gone.
And where is it from
This potion of love.
Ponder on this
Till the autumn turns crisp,
Reflect the orange,
Send back the brightness.
Return the blues and the
Different hues.
The clean earth, the clean palate.
The clean, clean white
Rises above the kites.
Solaces Nov 2013
my black and white........
my soul colors taken away..

dreamless space station..
orbits my empty mind..

her face, her smile..
the splash of her tears..

shadow of the moon..
sad false night moments...

white sheets as curtains...
flow and dance to the music of the cold wind..

white sunshower please bring me color..
wash away this black and white nightmare....

ill connect with your soul again..
bring my color back..

satellite eyes fall into eachother..
sunburst star shower brings my color back.......
Beyond the stars lies emotion..
Ranjini Malhotra Dec 2014
when winter arrives
with fingers of ice
that creep across
the window pane

i recall him in
my solitude
is he warm now
in another's embrace?

too easy do I recollect
every facet of his face
the jaw i traced
with trembling hands
eyes of emerald
flecked with gold
arms encircled
'round my waist

mouth that plundered
kisses bold
fingers fine
that intertwined
my own hands
and passion wild
velvet tongue
his saving grace

poet's words enamoured hearts
noble brow for kisses chaste
soul that claimed mine
as its own
smile like sunburst
warmed his face

laugh that charmed
a bashful child
mind all beauty
to behold

but winter dwells within his heart
there alone, it's ever cold
I still just can't forget the burning of garden in spring
Would I be able to get someone to interpret my dream
My vision carries all the pain of my life to bring in string
Beams of light pave way for my eternal little life stream

Love is not ordinary wine be taken from a shop of wine
It carries the essence and fragrance of hand of beloved
Lover in sheer trance cries that you are mine, you are mine
And in intoxication takes the entire bottle by opening lid

The priest deals with exterior while sophist deals interior
Love is what tinkles in clean heart and is not sunburst
Faith is matter of heart hence remains eternal and superior
Surface be damaged while remains intact the submersed

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2017 Golden Gold
Flicker Jun 2014
If I were naked
it would be different
flaunting my body
being naughty
a being
only physical
people would see me
and drop to their knees
just because I am beautiful
let me capture your eyes
but not your love
for I am only physical

I am mental
a dreamer inside a dream
the hero to the story
a beauty when the outside is boring
the subtle collapse of darkness
tears when the rain is pouring
killer stalking your heels
a sunburst laughing
the one who catches you
faceless I hold you
caressing your hand
I am the love
your light
the one who matters
when the world goes blind.
D Conors May 2010
In the misty shades of morning light,
Where daytime breaks the dark of night,
You come to me in sunburst streaks,
With love’s seared flames upon your cheeks.

And in the meadows near the rivers,
Where knights and maidens have gone by,
In my embrace I warm your shivers,
Within a world now lost in time.

With your certain precious powers,
You capture me in chains of grace,
Bathing us in love’s pure showers,
As joyous  laughter wreaths your face.

Now as the sunshine glows brighter,
And we hold each other tight,
Our sweet souls become much lighter,
As we speed together towards the night.
D. Conors c. 29 May, 2010
hey be on the automobile , more ready than i am to bust this place up
and set goes to the flames tyrannous soaring tape real effects sunburst
seance in carbon manifest this back from the heavens and **** up
beyond my better half, be on my bed for half, the night beyond
better hash, better sheets, better open your feelings, better love
better ****, better up and away,
                                                         bet all in or double down teasing
me play me open handed up and halve me open hand feelings and saying
feelings open feelings open everything you keeping inside feeling till you are
feelings open feedings on me from the inside all i told you i that i really really shouldn't have
want and want and wanton love for wanting more of want and love me for it
till i become a ghost, better feelings, beyond this feeling you have for me
become a ghost, till youre better feeling better beyond belief feeding me
information of your better halves and feel this heat on my arm, I've wanted
this for such a long time such a novice of getting whatever the **** i want
so why wake in doubt, run away in flame far out, faking nothing but the front
3 2 1 we came for the ruckus, put away your cleavage and give me all your moneys

— The End —