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Julius Dec 2013
For all the people who tell me I can't be a feminist

My feminism ruins my chat up lines
So much so that you couldn't call them that
I feel pathetic, ironic
Less of a man
Because I haven't touched a girl without her permission
Girls spill their drinks on me in clubs (with no apology), boys don't
Boys ask permission before they touch my entertaining hair
I love women, they're better to be around
I'm not gay, bi maybe but don't stick labels on me
Actually girls do that to me all the time
Literally, they rub their wet hands on my clothes
And stick stickers on me like I'm an object
But no a man is not objectified
Male equals misogynist
Equals creep
I can't criticise a woman's actions, thats sexist
They're in the struggle
This makes me wish I was a girl
I want informal privileges
I'm a ****** is that clear by now?
I don't know if I can **** a girl with my *****
With all of HIStory behind me

I suffer under patriarchy, but not like you do
I understand even non feminist girls,
Or bad feminists,
Still products of this gut wrenching, repulsive system
I'm crying now, an emotional wreck
My mates, some female, will tell me not to act like a girl
But that joke isn't funny anymore
It's too close to home and it's too near the bone
(or *****)
Literally the **** in my trousers is a curse I can't control
An animalistic cage that traps me within expectations
As I write outside a club, three people grab my hair
One male, so I'll take back the generalisation that they ask first. He didn't.
Girls look cold out here
They've come out like this for me
And I shouldn't feel guilty but I do
In the club I'm genuinely objectified
Girls get slurs, sexually abusive labels, they're human there
I'm literally shoved aside like a door by girls eager to look hot at the bar
The only feminist in a room full of chicks

I tolerate this because I love women
Is that sexist?
Is that gay?
If so that's very disappointing
But I've masturbated to **** involving girls
Is that sexist?
Female friendly ****
****** **** - Is that sexist?
I'm academic, I 'get' the gender binaries
Transcend sexuality labels - Is that arrogance?
Why don't these ******* love me?
Note the ironic slur
(Males can be ******* too)
So maybe I'm just the *****
But...I'm sorry
This is poetry, or prose dressed up like it
Emotional inadequacy dressed up like it
I've seen like minded men dispense with the term 'feminism' in pursuit of popularity
That tears me apart because women do the same
I'm not gay
I'm not gay
Stop with the labels
**** me with a strap-on if you have to
Get us back
But I'm not submissive, just overly dedicated
It'll hurt because my **** is virginal
Sure, I'm a feminist
But stop with the labels
This has become obscene
Put me on page 3 and call me a hero

I'm being sexist here
By noticing gender
Real feminists, please improve me
Fake feminists, how dare you use my views against me?
If I wasn't ugly I wouldn't be a feminist
(Product of my environment and all that)
Like you but with a rather different inferiority complex
As I said, please love me?
Or at least, let me be your friend because the average boy repulses me
Maybe we have at least that in common?
These men cause me to
Try to emasculate me
Women too even but it's understandably rarer
Though on the rise in our modern age
As feminism "succeeds"
But this is my pathetic emotional venting
My male sense of self importance
Or am I too harsh on myself?
Ok so I'll self aggrandise
I transcend your petty, completely logical movement
Look at yourself in the mirror
(I'm fat too, and some girls make me feel the pain of it)
Yeah I'm a feminist ally
But I'll school half of you

"You've" made me leave the club now
I can't look at these amazing women the same way they want me to anymore
But by 'you've' I mean 'I'VE'
The emphasis is on me to remain rational,
Calculating (my chances with who in the club),
The breadwinner
The one with the jeans
Look, I'd wear a dress if it wasn't for the connotations
I'm ahead of my time, let's agree on what we can
I'm on your side can't you see?
I'm big, I could hurt you and I hate myself
For representing what could be
What is
What my brothers do behind my back
(Because my sickly chivalry would have me try my hardest to pummel these ******* into the ground to protect the damsel in distress)
But I'm not a violent person
As I text, I cant go back into the club but to say goodbye
to my female friend who I came out with alone despite the ****** undercurrent
I half notice two men try to charm this girl
I hear echoes of 'This Charming Man'
(Later I will go and stand on my own, leave on my own, go home, cry and want to die)
These ******* 'gentle' men

But here I'm being arrogant
Self indulgent
Typically 'male'
I see a fight break out
The women aren't allowed to be involved
Their voices are drowned out though they push themselves between combatants
Men, we are responsible for wars
**** all of you (*some)
I'd trade social and political male privilege for free 'freedom from guilt'
I'd trade my **** away so I'm not called one callously
(You could even use it as a ***** if you wanted, but its not as big as the shop-bought alternative)
And the funniest thing is, I think my words are important
Think I can say all this and be a controversial,
Challenging figure
Asserting my intellectual dominance
Now that's ironic
Ironic to the core that eats at me
That makes me feel like your plaything
Because these ironic jokes like me calling you ******* are too close to home, too near the bone
The bone I gave away, possibly to you (but it hardly matters)
I'm too 'above it all' to be loved or to love faithfully (like Morrissey?)
But all I ask is for your love

That's all I ask
For me to **** on the **** of your respect and trust
Like I did my mother, using her for milk
For sustenance
So my kind survives
And now I go back to the wild,
To the looks that barely notice me as they smash or glance off me
That label me a pig
Or a creep
Or a ****, a *******
Or a gay,
Or a man
Or a feminist


So next thing I know I'm with a load of girls again
(Rugby playing girls my mate knows)
I'm the only 'lad' (Irony really hurts)
I'm told my presence makes them claustrophobic
I give them five minutes
(Because my male voice counts for nothing when deciding on a club)
I tell them I'm a feminist
The more honest way out than pretending I'm gay
Its OK now
Thanks, labels.
I swallowed and dealt with the rejection because I'd just had this emotional vent
Thanks vent
And thanks girls for trying to make me feel small and unwelcome at your table
Because it makes me better
Makes me stronger (like men desire to be)
Only I was a step, a poem, a vent ahead this time
So I wasn't crushed or pierced under your high heel
High horse
You weren't willing to flip the tradition on its head and buy my entry to the club
When I couldn't pay
But it's OK.
At least you were real with me
And I'll be there in spirit
In my dreams
Checking you out while you buy drinks
Then wake up and hate myself again

Tears were in my eyes when the girl said that to me
But I, like a true misogynist,
Fought them back and remained a gentleman
Polite and robotically rational
But really, how painfully ironic are these semantics?
To 'fight' emotion
To 'fight' honesty?

Like men do, because we're all the same
Ann Beaver Sep 2013
Gather, rather throw together
A set of words
Birds talk the same amount of nonsense

Translate these electrical impulses
Repulses of boys
Or men
(I can't tell the difference anymore)

This body
Because its shoddy
It's not all have

But it is all
I am willing to give to you.
Practice practice practice?
Parnini Jun 2015
I am not beautiful...
        I am choked up tears, cover-up smiles
        the kind of light that turns you blind
        from having too less or more than enough.

I am not beautiful...
        I am scratched out scars, burnt out heart
        the kind of storm that wrecks up lives
        creeping stealthily through the night.

I am not beautiful...
        I am not your quintessential girl
        the kind that walks with a perfect stance
        swaying waist of 26" and pretty face all made up

I am not beautiful...
      I am edges and curves, messy hair and everything you *never
dreamt of
       The kind that repulses you by skin, and attracts you by mind
       Someone you'll never know because. . .

I am not beautiful.
Ok. So this is a tribute to all the girls out there who feel inferior in some way or the other to someone else because of their looks. Who crouch up infront of a mirror singling out every pimple, every scar, every curve of cellulite wishing em away.

No, I'm not going to say you're beautiful. I'm not going to say those girls you stalk on instagram and facebook are plastic dolls. I will say, it's okay. Its okay if you're not pretty. It's okay because at the end of the day there is always going to be someone better, smarter, kinder, prettier than you. Its okay because nobody has it all. Its okay because there are other things you have. You could be a writer, a poet, a dancer, a stand up comedian, a cartoonist... heck, anything!

The world these days is obsessed with made up faces. It categories humans into ugly and beautiful then says the only thing that's true is inner beauty. **** that. You don't need that. Its okay to be you. Being beautiful isn't everything. It's okay to be not beautiful.

Hugs and love,
I didn't know exactly what your name was for a long while. You've been inside of me on numerous occasions. Sometimes when you visit, you stay for weeks, other times you might only visit for a day - whatever the length of your visit you never cease to leave me questioning my ..sanity  (If sanity exists any more)?

I can’t tell whether you’re part of me, or if you’re merely a confused visitor, who happened to once find some empty cavity in me that could foster you for a while, and have since returned from mere convenience. Either way, I still haven’t yet decided whether I like your company or not. We shall see.

I appreciate that you never let me become too content. You omnipresently remind me that I do not deserve to be too happy, too blissfully at peace with my surroundings. I thank you for that. It reminds me what I need to do, who I need to help, what I should do, and who I should be helping.

I don’t like how guilty you make me feel. I don’t like how I've grown to become frightened of what you might, one day, make me become. You've made me think and consider things I've only ever shunned others for thinking and doing. Why the **** do you do that? Do you know how confused it makes me? You've made me feel like I'm only controlling about 90% of what goes on up there. I hate that feeling. I'm still in control, I know that much - but even that measly 10% that you've taken from me makes me feel robbed.

You've made me doubt my aspirations. This is what I probably hate you the most for. I know I want to write. I want to write about the people who deserve to be written about. I want to sit with them, I want to watch and feel their suffering, and I want to somehow translate that into words and put it in print for the world to read. But I don’t want what I write to become merely a story to the people who read it. I want them to read it, and feel it seep into their skin. I want them to feel the pain of the people whose pain I am writing to them about. I never want what I make to simply become a ‘show’ to people. But I can’t do that. That’s not how people are made.

You make me think I adamantly hate people. I know I don’t, I hope I don’t - but you trick me into thinking it with such conviction that, when you decide to leave me, I'm left wondering whether it was really you or I who put that in my head in the first place.

There are bad people in the world. Hell, most of us are bad. We are horrible. Our morals and our beliefs turn us into things we never wanted to be, but somehow all ended up as. And once we've become a monster, very rarely can we become the pure, good, perfect things we were born as.

But, I know that some people have goodness in them. I hope that I am one of them. It frightens me like nothing else to think that, maybe, I am not a good person. That I am as disgusting as the people who switch the channel when something comes on their television that isn't a fictional drama, comedy, ******-mystery, whatever, because they find it unpleasant. Or because it doesn't effect them.

I don’t want to be just another person who donates money to charities, walks around in old, inexpensive clothing, volunteers and help people, and does it because she wants people to look at her and think “****, she’s a good person”. I don’t want people to think of me as a good person. I don’t want people to think of me at all. I don’t want people to know what I do, why I do it, or how I do it. I just want to do the things I can, have people benefit from them, then remember the THINGS. Not the face or the name of the person who did them.

I want a stranger to think “Someone gave a homeless person their shoes. I could do that. I could give a homeless person my shoes. I have another pair, I don’t need them. That’s what I’ll do” and do it. Then maybe someone will see them and do it also. But to think that someone would think of the deed then link it to me, or to a face generally - that repulses me. It repulses me into thinking that, somehow, every person nowadays is objectified, and every object is personified. And it’s terrifying.

I go to sleep every night with that thought in my head. I don’t know who to blame for putting it there. If it was you, Electra, just make it clear that that’s the case. I will forgive you. I will still let you come back when you have nowhere else to go. I would just like to know.

For now, that’s all I have to say to you. I hope your stay is comfortable, and you’re experiencing a pleasant refuge from whatever you are hiding from. When you next leave, please make sure to leave me what is mine. I often find myself feeling, after your visits, that part of what I had has left with you - which, generally wouldn't bother me, except I've never gotten those bits back.

Love, your ever-accommodating E.
Yanehs MagTa Nov 2012
Awaiting was I,
patience safely intact.
As the wind so fiercely flew, 
it blew my patience, away too .

How rude.

Walking was I, now,
confused was how I felt
as a sudden overwhelming sadness
Tore it's way through my body,
thrusting through my chest spitting tears upon my breast.

I stumble as my pace starts to increase...
it's thoughts of you that surfaces to my brain.. 
how dare you settle amongst my mind
how dare you resurface when I had this all sorted out
How dare you pretend you know me when I no longer know myself
How dare I contradict the very essences of my being through, thoughts of you.

A way with you distraughting thoughts, for you have always had a way of fracturing my fragile mind...

The rain she came and put me to more shame.
lame is my heart as my thoughts would not depart.
You may not be the first but, my God, I hope you are the last.
for you make the sun shine through my rain you are the stillness to my day
you are the laughter that chokes my throat.

I know you are with another, but I'm not just any other.
I don't wanna be with you for that repulses my conscience brain, even though I feel for you so. 
I want you to take this all away way, shove it in a bottle and chuck it out to sea
for the lovers that we will never be, to greet.

The echo of your "tomorrows" still ring in my ears,
Tis the creases upon your smiling face, I would still love to embrace. 
I know i said tis the happy you i'd chose and refuse the grump that most times appears..
but i fear that it's the all of you i'd like to greet when it shows to my feet. 

I heard me beat in side your heart once upon our time... 

Don't tell me it's normal to feel this way.
Don't tell me this is how it was all meant to be
and that you were meant for me
For it's still her untouched body that i crave 
what happen to my brave.. 

did you take that from me to the day i spoke to you...

-Yanehs magta
This was written walking home one evening, when suddenly an overwhelming burst of emotions hit me as the rain feel in the same split second it was crazy, i tell you. Suffice the present moments pain i sat on the sidewalk and wrote this. This poem's a product of a few dramas in my life its not one I'd choose to share but I know few can relate to these feelings of being so I share my weeping words, with a smile
Joshua Michael Mar 2018
Its the feeling you get when your mind is a war zone, a warped home where grimmy thoughts roam, with no guidance or support zone, your so frightened to fight it on your own. More poems of suicide and self harm, you ever dreamt you died and felt calm? Just a truant mind with health crimes, help cant cure a ruined life in Hell's palms. You fell in to a ditch and because of it popping bottles of pills that you mixing your ***** with, then nodding off a bit picturing god and all of it, a doctors on the phone telling you to ***** it. Consistently monitored, the alcohol, the quiting , the six, seven seizures, its the moment a schizophrenic freezes, hearing a voice that whispers when it pleases, the vigilant bulimic, the obsessive and compulsive,the bipolar mood swing and stomach ulcers. Its the hidden issues that the medicine alters. Its the judgmental that the depression repulses ,the anxiety, the psychs with the notes, the post traumatic stress and the vices to cope. The prices of dope,the ice in the pipe that you smoke. The knife the rope, the temptation of slicing your throat. Its the stigma determined to scare you, when the bourbon your served is your urgent repairer. When not feeling nervous becomes rarer and your mom quits  her job to become your permanent carer. Its the psychotic episodes, the days that you lost seeking help, but being crazy isn't something I am ashamed to admit, so stay strong anybody who relates to this, please.
chloe Jun 2010
i wake up and i think of you
and i look out of my window
it is grey and the lights stopped
glittering a long time ago
and i smoke and i smoke and i smoke

i pour my coffee and i think of you
my mugs are stained, the blemishes plaster the
cups and never come off. they have left
their mark, exactly they way you stamped yours
and i smoke and i smoke and i smoke

the shower beats my skin and i think of you
i scrub; i scratch my pores with soap
but the filth resides, it clings and
fills my orifices. i am choked by dirt
and i smoke and i smoke and i smoke

i exist through my days and i think of you
everything is dampened by desolation and every
one has your eyes. this city repulses me, it sneers
at me and growls ‘there is nothing to keep you here’
and i smoke and i smoke and i smoke.
Patricio Salazar Aug 2011
I need to catch a break from everything.
I need some rest, it's going to be good for me.
All the weight on my head needs to lose all those pounds.
I can't even go to sleep with all the concerns that i have.
Half the stress around me doesn't even belong to me.
I have hate towards these burdens that aren't involving me.
Take my running shoes off, stay barefoot.
Take a warm, but closer to the colder side-ish shower, then jump into bed.
I don't want to see anyone for a while.
Im sick of too many things.
Im sick of people not being able to relate to me.
Im sick of the current.
And im sick of being sick.
One thousand curse words to daily negativity.
Break me off a piece of that Kit-Kat bar.
At this point, im too sleepy to see any other points.
I really feel like i need to write seven billion letters to all the nouns out there.
1 to the devil.
2,000 to all the disrespect going on.
442,000 to all the poverty in this world.
999,555,999 to all the worldly temptations that half of me wants to give into.
And six billion to all the people telling me i can't reach my dreams.
Chill out.
Something else that needs to stop is the lies. Im not diggin' the tall tales.
By the way it's unattractive how you only talk too much; it repulses me.
Makes me sleepy.

     I like to see the real me in my dreams. Where's my break ?
      A healthy rest is my escape.
Bell Apr 2021
Our saving grace
now leaves me with a perplexing taste of hiraeth in my mouth
In our moment of need, we clung to it
although simple
and dashingly ordinary
we wouldn't be here without it
but now that it inches toward its inevitable end
I am filled with bitter nostalgia
one of empty promises
for even when our season was ending
I cared for you nonetheless
I clung to your ruminating sweet taste
for even when your newfound thorns engulfed me
I held on
watering jug in hand
and laid my eyes on your grand opulent tree
just as fondly as before

Now we are back in season
but my hands have grown rough and weary from the thorns of yesterday
your once dulcet taste
repulses me
for the taste of my blood is surprisingly pungent.
Our season is nearing once again
(Read last two poems for more context)
dorian green Jul 2021
sunsets ripple across southern skies
like skipping stones across a pond.
i'm thinking about how we all die.
what will nothing feel like?
what did it feel like before?
i catch myself guessing -
the void and cold conjurings of a
scared temporary consciousness.
loneliness beckons and repulses me
in equal measures, existential inquiries
painting me into nihilistic corners.
is this just some brief gift?
i hem and haw and waste the light,
i become the universe i fear,
endlessly eating my thoughts,
embodying entropy as i gasp for air.
Gidgette Apr 2017
The stone Angel fascinates me
and repulses me
It stands about 8 feet tall in a fountain
Its made of white fake stone
It pees
He wears a gown and has wings
His white hands gather around his middle holding a far too small water jug
Unless your within 2 feet of it
You can't see the little stone jug
It stands at the Corner of Tennessee Avenue and Beech Street here
in front of an ugly little strip mall
I walk by it and we smile together
That Angel and I
I said to it one day," How lucky you are to get to eternally **** on this MayBerry Hell"
He smiled back
He pees as the children play by
As temporary lovers hold hands
He pees as the old people hobble by with their canes
When giving directions, people here actually say,"You know, it's down by where that Angel pees." ***
Sometimes I wish I were he
Just a passing thought. Not very well written but it suits my mood today. Pissy.
And yes. This ******* Angel does exist.
L E Dow Sep 2010
Bo, I’ve just been Playing Pretend.
Putting on make-up and brushing my hair. Putting on dresses and smiling. Faking.

Dear, I wish I could say you’ve replaced the past, but all I can say is I hate me.

I’m dragging you about. Breaking your heart one atrium at a time. I’m putting you in his place, taking you to our old haunts.
Truthfully, I hate the product in your hair. I despise the nick-name “boo.” I could care less about champagne and “fine dining.” I wish you read more than non-fiction. I want you to laugh at my cheesy jokes. I wish you’d gotten upset when I told you about the boy. You claim to be free, but you’re more caged than me. Worry worry worry. About one word answers,  about slow responses, about me, about the non-existent us.

I’m offering apologies, because I never told you. I’m sorry, dear, but the way you offer me your cheek offends me. The way you put my hand on your leg repulses me. Your damp fist in mine, makes me reach for hand sanitizer. Your love for eighties fashion causes me to worry for your sanity. Your style drives me crazy. I want band shirts, and thrift stores, but you want quality over quantity. I want fifty-seven fifty cent skirts that I’ll wear once.

I’m tired of playing happy for you. I’m sick of being sweet.

I was in it because you were interesting, now I’m in it for the drugs.

I’m avoiding your gaze more. Hoping you don’t see the things I do, because dear, I’m afraid to be alone.

Honestly, sweetheart, your hands get me nowhere. Every touch is just that. I’m sorry dear, but your kiss stops at my lips. I apologize love, but you’re not in my head. Or my heart. You’re just a placeholder.

You’re me trying to find solution.

Try, try, trying to find the answers. Trying to find the cure.

And failing.


All I’ve figured out, is I can’t stop looking left, when you’re sitting to my right. All I know is kissing you feels like cheating. All I know is I can’t get him out of my brain. All I wish is that I would have fought harder. All I see is how us ending has pulled him further from the surface. All I can worry about is his masochism.

Darling, I’m sorry, but I’m dead weight. I have nothing left to give you.
Copyright 2010 Lauren E. Dow
Sarah Jystad Feb 2010
Here is the situation,
As unfortunate as it is,
You no longer have a significant part of my heart.
Once there used to be a time, twice a time, when thoughts
bombarded my mind and chances were they concerned you.
But now my eyes, as reluctant as they are, can see you,
You unintentional enchanter.
You accidental seducer.
You oblivious snarer of infatuated captivation.
You are the alpha of canker blossoms.
You are the epitome of everything that frustrates me.

I used to live in a house where the
Walls were your voice and your face.
A mental institution in which I was never voluntarily admitted.
A house of mirrors in which I couldn’t see myself or anybody else,
My thirst for your infatuation reflected,
Mocking smiles of every kind.

I cried blackened tears that fell to the
Ground and then flew into the sky like
Bleached ravens, like childhood dreams,
So carefully groomed by the mommies and the daddies,
Collapsing into little liquid drops dripping through the desperate holes of a strainer.

I cried because you seemed to find it
Necessary to seek interests in other girls
And never me.
I am not a bruised apple;
I am not a crushed autumn leaf;
I am not a discarded baby blanket;
And I am not unworthy.
So why in god’s oh so deemed holy name
Have you not seen me?

Or maybe you see it right on my face,
Like I’m a displayed canvas as easy to
See as red blushed from a pale, void surface,
And you are just messing with me.
Playing with me
As I am your spaniel and you can treat me as such?
Like I am a doll whose string you pull
And receive a pathetic voice pleading,
Love me love me.
Am I below your standard of interesting?
What could possibly be so wrong with or about me that repulses you?
Not you really, but more your interest in me.
At this moment I am wound tighter with exasperation
More than any moment before.
You will always be a tug of war in my life.
If only I could simply expel you,
The nuisance you are.
Mauri Pollard Apr 2013
I cannot do this.
I fear.
I fear repetition.
Repetition that I crave, yet also repulses me at the same time.
An internal battle between neurons and ventricles and atriums.
My chest burst open today when I recognized the face
under that mocked brim and,
for two moments,
the Doppler effect was just something scientists invented to make themselves feel better.
But it all came crashing down without
the connection of soul windows.
Blue? Brown?
Who remembers.
Remember is such a simply complicated word.

I fear the anger
and the holes in the wall
and the murderous screams.
and ripping church out of ears and heart and mind.
cause that hurts.

I fear November.
My best and worst two days in heaven.
And how badly I that to happen again.

Next I fear the eyeless,
lover of hands.
The shallow one with a faux deep soul.
The hypocrite.
Her acid words that burn through screens.
They rip away the moment they penetrate my skin and touch my heart.
I fear her disapproval.
because she will disapprove,
this I know.
Silver tongue like the snake.
Venom pointed at me, her sister.
So she will disapprove and that means much.

Then I fear giving half of my heart,
that is his,
Well, it wouldn't be half, because is it still dipped deep in love.
So a sixteenth of my heart-his heart- and that is still much.
For us.

It is just a crush. and that is it.
But isn't that how everything starts?
Tender pressings on your heart until they become the pulses and beats and poundings and crushing sensations.
Only once that has happened to me.
Still is.
And even if it is unrequited,
I fear losing that.
I fear fearing.
I fear rejection.
I fear losing the one thing that I care about.
and I fear not finding something.
Or finding it to only lose it in a few months time.

So I will refrain.
Jake Edwards Sep 2013
He left his mark on me,
angry and aggressive.
His clutching fingers scrambling for purchase
on my delicate ivory skin.
He laid his claim like one would mark territory,
so that every absent touch would bring back
the phantom of his teeth,
haunting my flesh like a ghost.
Under covers at night it lit a spark in me,
but the dawn broke with my smile
shattering with the burden of my regrets.
I am filled with such shame
that the break in my skin
is a wound that winded it's way deep into my gut.
Your mouth upon my skin
raises the bile in my throat,
and I am sick of lust.
I am sick of the memory of you - of us -
and if I could wish away the night,
I would.
If I could wish away my fluttering heartbeat,
the fumbling darkness,
the alcohol in my veins,
I would.
I would wish myself away
in a second
because the thought of your hands on me
repulses me.
I am sick of your face,
burning in my mind.
Willow Branche Mar 2014
My insides are broken,
They bleed and they weep,
For I've been unkind,
To this soul that I keep.
I find that I'm ugly,
My insides are thick,
My outside, it jiggles,
So I make myself sick.
This addiction, it started,
On account of a name,
The boys called me "Thunder-thighs"
As a part of a game.
This name, it would scar me,
And darken my heart,
It convinced me of things,
That would rip me apart.
I thought that when empty,
This pain, it would cease,
Yet it only encouraged,
The growth of the beast.
This beast that I speak of,
It lives in my head,
It plays on my fears,
And it wishes me dead.
It screams in the night,
From it's den of deceit,
"You can be lovely,
Just purge what you eat!"
So I bow to my ruler,
At a porcelain thrown,
I flush out the ugly,
And I'm never alone.

Now with each phasing moon,
The pain grows in my chest,
My hair has become brittle,
And I can't seem to rest.
I search in the mirror,
For some noticeable change,
But it only shows failure,
Our mind is deranged.
This reflection I see,
Is fat and so vile,
So I run to my throne,
And puke up more bile.
I want to be pretty,
And I want to be thin,
So nothing will stop me,
This war I will win.
But my bones become weak,
And my skin becomes dry,
I can't seem to breathe easy,
And I can't seem to cry.
I cut into this flesh,
That repulses me so,
I cover with clothing,
So no one will know.
My head spins in the chaos,
As I fall to the floor,
The blackness engulfs me,
As I reach for the door.
I call out for help,
But no one is home,
No one can hear me,
I am alone.
xyloolyx Sep 2014
we remain the one percent
might as well lose restraint
go all out go all faint
occupy the fruit bowl
pay the troll toll
sniff the shiny paint
trickle-up poverty
ignore public property
on all fours run those victory laps
the meaninglessness in facts
generic hacks
how do you like them apps
near but no cigar
so close yet too far
how so pleasantly bizarre
how you miss the golden bar
that of his too repulses me from afar
acting like the "one percent" provides an escape from the daily dumps
La Jongleuse Mar 2013
you remain at all times,
in my mind, not so much
a whisper  but more of
a dull scream that i cannot
stiffle, even after years of
relentless practice

at times, in the night,
i awake frightened,
sweating, my mind
bloated with the fear
that maybe you ****** up

my eyes sore from
raining in my sleep

i reach out to touch
anything that might
assure me that it was
only a nightmare
& that you have
not just yet embarked
on yet
suicide mission

before, these dreams
were my  reality &
you never seemed to
be able to keep the
two apart for very

the sleep,
the bills,
the ***,
the drugs,
the drink,
the endless charade
of doctors, bottles,
& new clothing

i watched in awe,
petrified by terror

despite the promises,
despite the progress,
you are forever hell bent
on sinking & leaving
no captives alive

you remain in my mind
at all times, breeding
anxiety, like spores
spreading their cancer

they are going to
eat you alive &
you let them
how can i carry that in me too?

i fear, maybe
you have contaminated
me as well :
to have absorbed you,
repulses me & i'm forever
purging these feelings
******* full circle

my anger, my void, my mind
bloated with memories of your
half-shell & filmsy pharmaceutical courage
you were eventually swallowing
everything you could devour

your consumption : horrifying

at least, before you
pretended to be full
dollar, appointment =
attention, satisification
if only temporary

now, your eyes lie flat,
you have become absolutely
nothing & it's the something
that rots my joy & agitates the
the demons you've passed on

i ran away but you are never far,
the telephone brings your
contagion, manifest in words
i hear it in your voice
i cringe at the dial tone,
i tremble when you pick up
what bad news now?

at 15, she said she hoped
you would just die, i never
had the courage to agree:
preferring the slow boil;
the one that encourages
the fungal growth of your
disease. it takes root

you put me at dis-ease woman

die or don't.
antidote or arsenic?
voodoo May 2020
white surfaces flash in fluorescent lighting –

this is no opus, heaving on cold bathroom tiles,

blood and grain against porcelain,

convulsing creature in all its grotesque obloquy:

bleary and snotting. four-walled, windowless, antiseptic vivarium;

life crawls outside. it thrives, it devours, it fortifies.

inside, here, it repulses. ****** effluvium of all kinds.

sharp shrieks of skin across glossed floor, tears soak

before the cliff of the jaw. nothing stays.

wiping drool off the sterile sink and sweat off my knotted back.

snarls choking into sobs, sobs gasping for air.

this is no opus; blackening from corners,

the repugnant vignette held between fingernails –

for the contagious odium of the resigned abhorrent

bleeds and drips and stains.

neglect and rejection strewn like pearls,

pearls, worth nothing, feeling everything.

a fly buzzes in the stark fluorescent light,

and blackness climbs in. blackness consumes.
Clay Skeeters Oct 2014
Light peeks through the
black curtain and I feel pain
It is an old friend
whose presence repulses me

I once was luminous
in the presence of shadows
But now the obscurity of my vigor
offers a crying shoulder to my sensors

I’ve been told that the light will set me free
But the comfort in darkness
offers a daunting bliss with me

I find myself most of the time
searching for ways to pass the time
And then I remember.
Tomorrow morning I’ll be fine
and I’ll go through the motions
just another time
There is cast among us each day
Such garbage and filth and trash
Things that need to be burnt, destroyed
And turned forever into ash

We walk each day among the filth
It blocks our path upon every side
Sometimes it seems to overwhelm
And causes me to seek to hide

It repulses the senses as rotted flesh
Clouding up my mind
A path not littered is what I seek
But that path it seems I cannot find

This rotted filth of which I speak
Floats all around unseen
Near the ground and n the air
And is unto our ear a fiend

The trash the filth the rot
Is mankinds spoken word
In songs and speech and poetry
Are uttered things that never should be heard

Matthew 12:36-37
Maliyah Bernard Nov 2014
To Him:
I can honestly say that this is the truth in its entirety
And that it needs to be said.
It needs to be said even if it absolutely repulses you.
Even if it’s only whispered at 3 a.m.,
When you’re hardly awake- much less listening.
Even if I have to write all this down
And poke these words into your auditory canal with my tiny fingers.

I am so sorry for what you’re about to read,
And I am endlessly apologetic that
I will be forever too sheepish to find the words to apologize to your face.

I’m sorry that the way you hold me during bad times makes up for the
Five thousand days I had to face relatively alone before I met you,
And I’m sorry that your kiss makes up for the nightmare I put myself in.
If truth be told, I’m sorry I’d get on my knees
And beg you not to leave if I had to.
I’d have words spewing out of my mouth, ears and nose- probably.

That was overly dramatic, maybe, but this is getting relatively important. So, if you haven’t stopped reading at this point, PLEASE continue. Sorry. You don’t have to. That was too demanding- I think.

I’m sorry that I get jealous most days and don’t tell you,
And I’m so sorry that I noticed that the lyrics to your favourite song
Are in her twitter biography
And that sometimes that makes me want to puke.

I have to worry about her reading this now, too. I’m sorry to the both of you; I didn’t actually think this through at all.

I’m sorry that that I’m a lost puppy without you,
And I’m sorry that I took your statement
“Three thousand things is a lot of things to like about someone”
As an excuse to start writing a list.
I’m sorry for not maybe making a big enough effort to make friends with your friends.
I don’t think they like me very much,
And I guess I should apologize for that too.
I promise to try harder.

And I’m sorry that I feel the need to tell you that when you said
“Your heart beats faster when I kiss your back”
I fell in love with you nine times over
(Once per word)
And I’m super, duper sorry that your friends will probably read this.

I just really, really love you
And it’s important you know.


To Her:*
I can truthfully say that I am being entirely honest and that this needs to be said.
At this point, we both know that it is not now-
Nor has it ever been-
It is okay to whisper things at 3 a.m.
Because I will be awake and I am always listening.
I appreciate you writing things down,
But poking the words through any of my canals might hurt.

I am not sorry for what you are about to read.
I don’t feel as though I will ever have to be apologetic to you about my feelings
Because I love you.
I promise to find words to tell you this every day.

I’m not sorry that every second that I hold you
Makes up for the fifteen years of loneliness before I met you,
And that your kisses make up for every bad decision I have ever made.
Truth be told if you wanted to leave me, I would let you-
Because if you love something let it go.
If it ever loved you it will come back.
I know there is not a universe in which
You would not be in my arms again.

Yeah, maybe that was also pretty dramatic,
But it’s just important to me as it is to you
So I guess it’s okay to do that.
But please, keep reading.
I’m trying my best with this, I really am.

I’m not sorry that I let you into my life,
Because it was the best thing I’ve ever done for myself.
I always thought it was weird that another person could be
The source of all my love,
But it’s true.
I’m not sorry that I had to let some people go in order to
Make it possible for us to be together.
I have never felt an ounce of regret.
A song is a song, my dear.
I love you more than anyone on the earth. Ever. You know that.

I think you should keep this to yourself.
If anyone saw it, I wouldn’t want to take back anything I’ve said,
But you should keep it just for you.
Read this when you want to know how much I love you.*

I am not sorry that as a person I have never had a good sense of time
Or direction.
So, we’re really just lost puppies together making our way through life.
If you listen to my favourite song (Wish You Were Here, by the way),
It will mention something about that.
I am not sorry that every morning
Since the day you gave me that list of things you love about me,
I have read one, appreciated it,
And placed the paper gently back on my shelf.
I am not sorry that I appreciate you.
Friends will come and go.
You are who you are.
Don’t change- for me, them, or anyone.

“Your heart beats faster when I kiss your back”.
I am not sorry about telling you that by the time that sentence left my lips
I was completely in love with you.
I have fallen in love with something about you every day
Since the first time I turned around,
Saw you standing there,
And was totally terrified.

I just really love you, and it’s important- you know?

NitaAnn Jan 2014
I am on the cutting edge tonight.
I feel it…the overwhelming urge to cut.
I have the razor blades laying here beside me.
The light reflects off the shiny metal beckoning me to pick it up.
Looking for a sign?
This is it.

When this all bubbles up I can no longer just shove it all back down again, not like I used to.
It just lingers in the back of my throat, in the pit of my stomach, and threatens me with nausea and the taste of ***** when I least expect it. I wanted the therapist to help me but earlier he was not that nice on the phone so I reciprocate in kind.  But I need his help but don't deserve it.  I want to scream! I want to just get what I deserve! Just do it already! I want to disappear from it all. I hate it! I want to destroy the parts of myself that make me “her”. I’m so tired of feeling overwhelmed and alone in this. I don’t want to remember. I want it to go away, and yet still, it lingers. It feels like a razor sharp slowly piercing my skin from my elbow right down to my wrist. It leaves me bleeding, an open wound, scars on my soul. I know exactly how it feels, I can imagine it right now, the sensation of the razor piercing my skin and it thrills me and repulses me at the same time. Why won’t someone take it away? Even just for a day.  

Why doesn’t it go away?
Why can’t I trust?
Why can’t I get through this?
I am lost and afraid.
If I reach out, he could hurt us, if I don’t, I could die.

Reached out.  
Bad Idea.
He was mad at me for bothering him.
I could tell.

I don't want to play anymore.
Pick it up...put it back down. That's been the last hour. I want to be stronger but its so hard. I can feel the relief it will bring me if I just make a few cuts. Maybe just 1 or 2??? or maybe 3 or 4??? Who is going to win this battle? Feel the cold metal as it parts the skin...ah the richness of the bright crimson blood as it flows down the arm....

Sorry, I lost the battle...
R Jun 2014
I can't sleep on my side. He might touch me again. He always liked me when I was on my side.
I can't enjoy sleepovers anymore, not even with my girlfriend. He likes to change her face with his, messing with me was something he was quite fond of.
Occasionally, even touching her repulses me. Not because of you darling, but because I'm so very afraid... It could be him. He's everywhere nowadays.
I'm scared to hold onto you. *But you're also the only thing keeping me from hurting myself.
Diana C Jul 2014
When I let go of your hand I realized how tightly I was really holding on.
My fingers unraveled in between yours with the intensity of a ship being sunk by a anchor with the weight of the world.
My world at least. My whole world.

And when I gave you a final kiss my eyes were wide open. Usually when people in love kiss, they close their eyes because in that moment they imagine the future with the person their kissing. They imagine a picket fence and hundreds of plane tickets hung on the walls, with stories written on the backing. Don't try and tell me you haven't thought of how you would propose or get proposed to because we've all been there. Everyone wants a fairytale no matter how much they say that it's not for them. No matter how much anyone says that love ***** and that the thought of someone else holding and loving them forever repulses any part of them at all. We tell so many lies that they consume us with absolute terror. But I kept my eyes open when I kissed you because our child reduplicated "goodbye" can't have another hello.
wordvango May 2015
beats  musically  the eternal
recalls remembers replications
rhythms  flows  driven
we just act innocent, is it all  all about hooking up
attraction, repulses magnetic ferrous responses,
******* or not,  crude, or maybe
I am not fooled.
It's all about how many times we get a nut.
How powerful we are, the total amount of
genetic code we leave.
Only one way
to do that.
We are,
all animals.
CC Dec 2014
I really miss you
I wish I could write down everything I want to say to you
I wish I didn't feel embarrassment when I think about how long I'm missing you and how much this song reminds me of you, how your love of nature disconnects me from anyone who feels the same and how I wish I didn't feel guilty when my sadness becomes beauty to others. How I wish that when I am trying to express how much I miss you and that I'm sad about you being gone they wouldn't take advantage. You didn't.
I really miss you
I miss the smell of your clothes when you just woke up
I miss rubbing my nose on your shoulder so I can be immersed in your smell
I regret it
Because the smell of detergent makes me want to break down and cry
I miss having you by my side
I miss your sweet smile
I don't say it enough
Because I didn't say it enough when you were around
I miss you because you were pure
And now I hate to turn this all towards me
Because now I'm rotten
Now I'm vile
And every good thing that you were that I see in other men and in myself
Repulses me to know end
Because you left me
You left everybody
And I cannot forgive
This will be until the end of my life
On and off
You're a bulb that's not dying and the switch is broken
I miss you
I miss you so ******* much
I wish you were around so that I could wish you dead
I wish you fought back death so that you could live until the end
With all of us
Your friends
Be with us
Why did you leave?
Why are you gone?
Why are you dead?
The only thing that has come of this tragedy
Is narcissism
You're gone
And I'm staying.
I'm surviving
I'm not thriving
I'm not steering
I'm not the same beautiful soul
You stupidly fell for
No, I am not the same.
But I am not dead
And that is what I wish you were instead.
Not dead.
cole Feb 2014
i wish i could hate you
every bone in my body
repulses your touch and
your hair and your eyes
my mind says no but my
fingers crave to explore
every inch of your skin
and my palms want to
touch yours and my nails
need to dig into you to see
if you’re even real, my eyes
deceive me and say how
lovely you look even when
you’re a bit tipsy and high
but it’s okay because even
then you’re too cool for me
how am i supposed to feel
nothing, when im so addicted
to feeling everything with you

cole 1/24/13
Get away from me
Your presence repulses me
With all honesty
When I said
I meant hold me

I hate you
You make me feel the worst
Truth of the matter is
When I said
I meant I love you

You annoy me
I regret ever saying yes
With overflowing truth
When I said
I meant thank you for choosing me

I promise
To keep you
To live for us
To care about your interests
To be yours and only yours
When I said
I meant it
Caleigh Dec 2014
I started punching holes in the walls where our pictures once hung. Kissing you felt a lot like signing my death certificate.
I lit my cigarettes from the rage that burned in your eyes every time I told you how I really felt.
You never did handle the truth very well.
God started to burn all the places I thought we could be happy in.
Starting at your bed and ending at your grandfathers grave.
I sipped wine from your collarbones but it never tasted as sweet as the bitter words that seeped from your mouth.
I started a revolution in my mind just to see you smile.
One time I stole the moon because I liked the way it reflected your brown eyes.
The moon repulses me now.
People try and correct me when I tell them that the moon is brown and not white. And that the dark side doesn't exsist. It was just the part you always kept hidden.
You didn't like when I joked about death or when I painted pictures on my stomach but you I didn't like when you touched her hair and kissed her lips.
I didn't like that I would simultaneously die and yet live every ******* time you touched me.
I covered up my hate for you through side ways glances and holding your hand.
I showed my love for you by telling you I was okay and making sure you fell asleep first.
I kissed you one last time tonight and put the seal of approval right next to my time of death.
I hope you find the girl who falls asleep first.
I hope you find the girl who falls asleep first.
repressi0n Jun 2017
Half-way through the year
got a new phase to adhere
A new vision in life
that would push me to be right

No more sad songs
no more falling where I don't belong
Build a place I can call home
may it be like Paris or Rome

No more saying, 'Is it July yet?'
only that would make me grumpy, I bet
Collect a set of motivation
I could use for satisfaction

Half-way through the year
got a new phase to adhere
A new vision in life
that would push me to be right

No more I did this for them
as I don't want to end up in mayhem
More I did this for me
that's what's all important, you see

No more flowing impulses
'cause this world's full of repulses
More mindfulness on what I do
'cause I don't want to lose another you
"And in the day, everything's complex,
There's nothing simple, when I'm not around you." -The Cranberries, When You're Gone
Kevin May 2017
it's spring and green around
but inside, writing feels a chore.
a block, within myself, for caring,
thinking, feeling, "THAT" cannot be written.
emotions without ties, no leads to follow.
a flavor all its own.
you won't feel me
when you read my words
you will have some feeling,
but it will not be me.

i'm stuck between to tell or not,
torn in two directions.
raw truth; flavor; repulses the "refined".
delicacy, balance, thoughtful discretion,
are not words i would use to
describe the way i cook.
natural, pure, unprocessed.
a punch inside your mouth,
a thrash inside your belly,
a burn on top your tongue.

skepticism revolves around each dish,
fear of the unknown. strong, fragrant flavor,
draws the noses near. mouthful mystery amuck.
unsure of utensils, unsure of this potted truth.
their is always a passive audience,
too afraid of the tastes i know.
should i write aloud?
should i write just as i cook?
this is where i sit,
afraid of my own dish.
i have a storage unit inside my mind, full of powerful emotions. Like my pantry, full of powerful flavors. I am aware of how to cook and express a particular thought but, when it comes to writing, I somehow struggle containing emotions into a compound used to express feeling and experience.

i don't care all that much if someone doesn't like what I cook when I'm cooking for myself. So, why do i care how i write, when i write for me?
R Apr 2015
your arrogance truly repulses me

— The End —