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Harley Hucof Sep 2014
(L)ick my muse
(E)at it all
(T)ry not to let a drop fall
(S)uck my juice, **** it all

(M)oan and scream
(I)t's all i need
(S)ubmissive is what you'll be
(B)e patient your time will come
(E)rotic games are to be done
(H)ardcore is my only way
(A)fter that it's your turn to play
(V)iolently, softly? it's up to you
(E)nding the night exploding on you

Words Of Harfouchism
just for fun
N* *ever
E nding
R esidence of
D *efinitions
Chris Killeen Oct 2013
Understanding a
Notion, of
Devotion and
Emotion, is
Really a
Essential, but
Impossible to
Maintain, this
Alternate sane,
To never be repeated,
E**nding defeated
Emanuel Martinez Feb 2013
Raw flesh drenched in alcohol
Burning numbing till paralyzed, keeps me still
                         Power you have over my being, keeps me fearing

             Your presence destroys me, shatters me
Feeling naked, inadequate when my eyes see
My reflection's negation in you
Cannot hide anything when you expose all of me

Wounded animal beaten without avail
Knowing, proprietor of my pain
               You don't understand my whimper, wail?
My blood being diluted by the sweat of your laborious efforts
Precociously tactful, inhumanly strangling my will

Ever-becoming antithesis to facades, fears, farces in me
Facing scalpels and clamps to my insecurities, my tactics, my pride
Leaving me open not caring if I'll die from exposure
                    Caring only that you're exposing the real me

I-nvoluntarily l-acerated, o-n the v-erge of e-nding u-ndone
Somberly Always Unsettling Leaving me bare
February 4, 2013
Hazel Connelly Nov 2012
A n attempt to bamboozle him.

D irecting  the abomination
I nto my inner soul.
S corn, in the flame of passion,
A ffection going nowhere.
G iving way to struggle, looking for a
R eason to cherish
E very yearning.
E nding this bitter taste,
M aking this relationship
E stranged.
N ever will it bloom
T o a tender love.

© Hazel
Rachael Judd Apr 2015
Hell isn't as bad as it seems
Our only **E
scape is a dream
Love was never A permanent solution
We thought it was Real
Time took away all our smiles
Breathing isn't an option
You were Ruthless for another word
But my days were slowly Ending
And you couldn't bear the pain
So you Killed my heart by not speaking
Filmore Townsend Feb 2013
your left breast;
we were talkin'
about cosmonauts.
heads in the clouds
with no want or
worry to never see
this sphere's crust.
we would disconnect
from they. with no
lies from the eyes
we open'd palms in
welcoming fashions.
your right breast;
lying on fetid couch,
nodding off and the
ambience was a dri-
ving bass line. little
trickle, claiming no
worse than usual.
nod, and trail'd off.
slurs and abbrevi-
ated acronyms. sta-
nding in awe of emoti-
onless lack of reaction.
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
This is a short poetic/politic statement. Those in power understand that the pen is mightier than the sword. Where is this pen located? Somewhere between my tongue and two lips. When the words I speak are met with much public approval; that is power. So if I want to maintain my power in the eyes of "My Public" I am going to give your ears what I know they want to hear. Having absorbed all this, you'll be able to better understand the context upon which this article was written.

What the politicians do best--- Courting World Opinion

News is used to justify their views
Understanding political objectives
Controlling minds with disinformation
Letting us think everything is under control
Ending all major offenses on a positive note
Allowing for personal agendas to be camouflaged
Reinforcing a supremacy and will of might, that once (upon a time) really existed

Winning all of their objectives, in the marketplace of world opinion
Attempting to represent the people, having been promoted from rank of attorney
Reinventing the theory of a believing public, despite years of promoting misinformation campaigns to pursue hidden goals
When will the world go BANG!
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
m aking ends meet
e nding
d reams
i n pools
o f money and
c urtaining off
r eal
i n-depth
t ruths about
y ourself

i nsert
s adness

t aking
h old of
e cstasy and

m artyring it
a way, bartering it and bashing it
d own into
n othing, letting its
e nergy
s eep,
s lowly trickle to a
Àŧùl Jan 2017
Your presence is benign,
On this planet,
Unto Mars your scent reaches.

Finish the pending job,
Articulation is the work,
Reaching far is your scent,
Tackling this humourously,
Ending this ode I will be,
Doomsday seems to descend.

A** rainbow of blood,
Not visible to humans,
Deathly is the scent.

I mean it for real,
Totally serious.

Wasps from hell seem to sting,
As needles of repugnancy *****,
Sadness descends for forever.

Himalayas seem to be an escape,
On the change of atmosphere,
Rows of roses are required,
Right now and right here,
In an attempt to save us,
Breathing became hard,
Lost was the will to live,
Early was fresh air needed.
You farted and it was horrible.
A dark & seriously funny poem.
Another secondary acrostic poem.

My HP Poem #1381
©Atul Kaushal
Prathipa Nair Aug 2016
Finding you
In a crowd
Ending in a
Never ending
Deal of
Sharing the
Interact of a
P*rofound relationship
Filmore Townsend Sep 2015
let's do this.
here we are the in-between.
statement nulled of either
side. no history forced
past, and only warming up
in this the current aba-
ting long dark. and sta-
nding this hovel does so
with each glance of wall
left to right. realizing
four's advancement has
aided in absence of post-
humous thought.
canvas-flapped arm, just
to mention for the occu-
rrence of these words. just
to mention recurring thought
not allowed history. not
yet endowed with the period
of a past list. an in-between,
a valley shooting gallery w-
here the soul bleeds out to
drown the vessel. deep analogies.
a deeper long dark thought in
retreat, only thoughts are to
mystified and this proves Hesse
orig: 010514 3.50ante
Poetic T Jul 2014
Signs Start to show
nder the pressure
   I cant hold on
     Cant release these fears
   I feel broken once again
Don't want to let go
Ending will bring peace my emptiness shows.
Àŧùl Jul 2017
Read along the lines...
But it doesn't imply my falsehood,
Under the wicked sky I live,
Truly unruly my life is right now.

I am very much incompatible.

And not just with herself,
Maybe with everybody else.

Hard are the days alone,
Ageing I'm but gracefully,
Perhaps I'm best left single,
Pouting is an opportunity,
Yes it is inviting me too.

Bask in the calm sunlight,
Ending is another phase,
Indeed this is satisfying,
Nightmares are fading,
Giving me happiness.

Sorry I'm not about her,
I am no-one to crib,
Not about her studies,
Gleeful I must remain,
Long life brings smiles,
Era of my life is common.
My HP Poem #1632
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jul 2017
Knowingly she had ditched me,
Reported I have to the police,
I have been trying to move on,
Purple hues of her are forgotten,
Impress me she did as my empress.

Issues of my own stand unresolved,
Some issues of loneliness are queer.

Thankfully I am still sane,
How hollow is my life now,
Ending another stage of my life.

Decanting are all the memories,
Effectless was my every effort,
Fake had been the promises,
Added all of the sweetness,
Ultimately I am alone,
Left me in my sadness,
Talking to myself I'm now,
End of life I'm speculating,
R**inging are her last words now.
My HP Poem #1634
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Sep 2017
True love has knocked my door at last,
How sweetly and how elegantly,
Exactly the love I have always desired.

When I have started putting my effort,
Always precarious is my future,
Yes it is always brutally challenging.

Your smile is not just brilliant,
Of course, it is also very sweet,
Until a long time it'll assure me.

Love was always a complex thing,
Obviating my life off its loneliness,
Violins here play very melodiously,
Ending not before we get old really.

Myself the Adam in our story,
E**ve is yourself in this saga.
Even Mountains Will Make Way For Me Seeing The Way You Love Me
It will be so gorgeous.

Acrostic Continuum.

You are my strength.
I will be strong with you.
Still you are not liable.

My HP Poem #1660
©Atul Kaushal
Shannon Jeffery May 2014
Silhouettes begin to brighten
Under a resplendent sun upon the horizon
Nimble light dances across crystal oceans
Rendering sparkles upon the peaks
Illumination of vibrant skies
Serenading over silvery steeps
E**nding with scenery of beautiful hues
Gwen Feb 2014
s ilent voices
u nderneath my skin
i n a dark world it
c aptures the weak
i t takes us away
d rowns our bones
e nding our nightmare
Leo Cunio Mar 2015
Falling for you again
And breaking as I leave
In time I know we'll be fine
Lieing to myself to feel ok
Under estimated the pain
Reaching for an end
E**nding this with blood
I'm sorry
Eve Apr 2015
Hell isn't as bad as it seems

our only **E
scape is a dream
love was never A permanent solution
we thought it was Real
Time took away all our smiles
Breathing isn't an option
you were Ruthless for another word

but my days were slowly Ending

And you couldn't bear the pain
so you Killed my heart by not speaking
woolgather Apr 2016
He was once a joyful kid,
He thought he had a picture-perfect family.
He loved everyone around him,
He had the joys of the world;
He was happy.

Yet the allegers came into the scene,
Brutally murdering his happiness,
He cried for days, of course,
But after a day he always shrugged it off,
He never knew what it meant.

Day by day, the sky grew darker,
His parents constantly shouted,
His afflictions constantly battered him,
The wolves wounded him deeper,
Yet he never, understood.

Until that day arrived,
Raging on, the darkness came,
Abusing him,
Pleads for help, rejected,
Ending the catastrophe unsolved.

He cried for justice,
He cried for his mother's tears to halt,
He cried for his father's tyranny to stop,
He cried for his innocence to return,
Nothing, nothing, nothing.

His innocence was too young to die,
Yet he never understood;
No one, understood,
He knew all, but was kept silent,
Again, no one understood.

Havoc kept tormenting him,
Scraping off the joy he's ought to see,
His everything changed,
No one understood,
His solitude, gone.

Years passed, love hit him,
But love too deranged for anyone to understand,
Cowardice enveloped him,
Hiding his afflictions
Towards his afflictor.

Confused, deranged, demented,
He struggles to write these flurries of words,
Stringing a pointless cause,
Echoing in his head,
The truth will never set me free.

He struggled in fifteen years,
And it never ended,
Seeking the truth he desires,
Losing who he was,
Losing who he should be.

He found his empire in words,
He found his art in poetry,
He found his solitude in himself,
But weak still is his heart,
Weak from years of hatred.

He wishes for all to end,
For his love to cry for him,
When he vanishes,
And thee, I feel my heart sinking;
He never bid farewell to Madness.
**** it. This is me.
amy Jan 2020
c utting
o pen wounds
n umbing
q uickly
u ltimately
e nding the
r espiratory system
e levating the chances of
d eath
KI Aug 2019
H e's tired
A nother day passes by
D ictating the cannot be's
E nding each day in tears
N o one ever noticed
O ver and over again
U nderstanding nothing
G etting nowhere
H elping himself a final time
Kabelo Maverick Oct 2017
Kabelo.Maverick©South Africa.Pretoria
Boris-Bryce Jul 2020
H appiness is a state of mind and
E mptiness a state of the soul,
L ove brings us closer but
P ushes us further,

M y mind is trapped in a never
E nding cycle

P ain
L oneliness
E exhaustion
A nd
S adly it's
E ndless

It isn't easy to understand something you haven't experienced before, but many suffer from mental problems, quietly crying for help
Al Melaskev Aug 2020
G oodness in the morning dew
O penness in the afternoon
O bstinate in the early night
D ay light fades to black
B eauty is in my dreams
Y earning for this all to change
E nding back to start a new.

— The End —