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Mark Wanless Oct 2021
can there be a one
conqueror of time knowing
i do not think so
Mark Wanless Oct 2021
the conquered waits
chooses time and place
to bite the hand
amy Jan 2020
c utting
o pen wounds
n umbing
q uickly
u ltimately
e nding the
r espiratory system
e levating the chances of
d eath
Sonu Tyro Feb 2019
you were late,
lust conquered
me before you.
choco is late Jul 2018
Soaked from the Storm
Tears blending with the pouring rain
Grasping sand from the broken hourglass
Putting back scattered pieces
Shards of glass creating cuts on your hand making it bleed and feeling a sting
But God didn't send the rain without the mellifluous sound on the background
We shall learn how to dance in the rain
To wash away the blood stain and the pain
Each of us have our own struggles but whatever you are going through, know that you aren't alone. Believe in yourself and the people around you who's been there for you. You can conquer it. God will be there to guide you in the means of your Loved ones, friends and other people. Hang in there! You got this!
You conquered my heart,
own and keep it.

But I never wanted to be
        I never wanted to be
             All I wanted is to be
Andrew Ewen Feb 2018
Sometimes mountains can be put up to make our lives harder.
Sometimes it may feel like you only have a pick-axe to get through.
Some mountains though, are made to be conquered.
You have the heart of a warrior and can't be stopped.
There is a light so great in you, that however strong the darkness gets, you will always shine in the dark like the moonlight.
That fire in you will never burn out.
You've made it this far and keep getting stronger.
There will only ever be one person like you.
Don't ever be afraid to be yourself.
The road to happiness, starts with being happy in yourself.
Shamik Mazumdar May 2015
I have a fear, an irrational one.
But it glows in me deeper than the sun.
A fear of looking in to a mirror
I'm afraid I am a sinner.

Why mirrors? I have been asked,
I believe they have been sinisterly tasked.
When I look into one and I stare back,
I ask myself sharp as a tack.
One question I really dread,
But for far too long has been said.

"With all the life that you had,
All the times happy and sad.
After all the things you had to take and give,
My friend did you really live."

I'm have always been afraid answering that,
My voice refuses to be flat.
What have I really done?
Have I really come undone?

A rat race that I voluntarily stepped into,
A fallacy that was committed unto
Myself, I really wanted to be offbeat,
But instead here I am taking the heat.

But then I think about the happy times,
When I sat around and made stupid rhymes.
I loved a girl and was loved in return,
For all of that my life sweetened.
I made friends I made people smile.
Even if it was for a while.
I had fun , I grew a lot,
Not just in age but mind and thought.

So maybe my fear is dwindling how,
Perhaps I am not afraid to face mirrors now.
For the next time my reflection stares back,
I can answer myself sharp as a tack.

"With all my life that I had,
All the times happy and sad.
After all that things I had to take and give,
My friend I did....I did really live"

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