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Vamika Sinha Jul 2015
'Tu me manques'.
I miss you.

Or literally
'You are missing to me'.
I like that.
I like that it seems
as if
this person is so necessary,
so important,
so absolutely integral to my life that
they are 'missing' from me.
Like a limb or my skin or my thoughts,
things I can't live without.

'Tu me manques'.
My love for the French language knows no bounds. Also, this was originally a diary entry.
Natt Rozanska Jul 2012
Most days I miss you in English
On the worst I miss you in French,
You are missing from me
I am lacking in you
a vital part
as essential as air
as bones
as blood,
A lost immune system
that can't keep illness at bay,
an amputation,
a lobotomy.
There is no single word
that covers a lack of you,
I miss you out of language
But French is the closest,
tu me manques.
I don't speak French, but a friend does, and he explained to me how 'I miss you' in French translates closer to 'you are missing from me' which I think is way more accurate. Nice one French.
lina marie Sep 2012
J'aurais t'aimer
Si tu aurais m'aimer,
Comme un garçon doit.

Mais tu m'as menti,
Tous les temps.
Sans explanation.

Parce que tu m'a aimé
Comme un père doit aimer
Sa fille.

Cet jour j'ai perdu
Mon coeur,
Mon meilleure ami,
Et toi.

Nous ne nous parlons jamais.
Et tu me manques.
GieAn Jul 2015
In English means I miss you
But in French has deeper meaning.

You are missing from me.

Tu me manques, mon amour.
You are missing from me.

And I guess,
you will forever be.
Mariah Dec 2012
Tu me manques.

English- I miss you.
True English translation- You are missing from me.

Isn't that beautiful?
You are missing from me.
It's like a piece of me is gone.
You took it with you
when you left me.

Almost like a puzzle.
You are missing from me.*
"Here- I will give you a small fraction of me,
take it with you.
Never let it wander,
but since you feel the need to,
take this piece of me."
David Nelson Mar 2010
Tu me manques terriblement (I miss you terribly)

Missing you, wishing I was there right now, Kissing you,
hold your hand in mine, and dance round and round,
then I'll hold you in my arms forever more,

Feelin blue, wishin I was standing right there next to you,
look into your eyes, I'm mesmerized,                  
never ever wanna let you go  
How things got this way I will never know,                
But when I close my eyes I can feel our love grow
Tell me dear, If I was to take you away from here,
make you every dream, so very clear,                        
I'll do anything anything, you ask me too
Every word, every word you've spoken I have heard,
I'll climb any mountain, you've got my word,              
I just wanna be your lover man
How things got this way I will never know,                
But when I close my eyes I can feel our love grow.

Gomer LePoet ...
cryingfawns May 2014
what am i supposed to do when every single part of my brain is intoxicated with you?
i cannot breathe without you, living is not as easy anymore. there are only three words on this planet that can describe the thing i'm feeling and it is the french saying 'tu me manques'. because love, you are a part that is missing from me and i cannot wait to collect you and lock you up in the collection that i call my heart.
Brandon Jan 2014
There's so much depth to your eyes
The way they squint and tug at your frown
When you wake up wearing your bed head
And see me about to drown
Do you think it will be worth it
To close your eyes again and sleep in?
If tomorrow never comes
Then we'll never have to leave this bed

But I'm a fool of yours
For every word I've never said
And if it comes from me inside out
To tear away your clothes
And see the beauty in your dance
Then I'm here baring my teeth
For a taste of your romance

So write the saddest thought you have
Write your biggest fear
Now tell me darlin
What do you really have to lose?
Is it the thought that's too close
For you to hold dear?
Clutching heartache like its a fashion statement
The point of this
It's all exaggerated
You're the perfect specimen of who you are
You're the empty hole in my heart

It's another night and we're playing with knives
Getting sick on absinthe
You hold your words to my throat
And ask for the truth
Wanting me to lie every step of the way
There's danger in the way you love me so dearly
It's tender
I surrender
Don't cut any deeper
There's only so much of me I can hold on to
When I'm around you
Surrounding myself with the buttons off your dress
I know I've made a mess
And bathed in bleach
But I wanted that dead hue
Only to entertain you

But I'm a fool of yours
For every word I've never said
And if it comes from me inside out
To tear away your clothes
And see the beauty in your dance
Then I'm here baring my teeth
For a taste of your romance

So write the saddest thought you have
Write your biggest fear
Now tell me darlin
What do you really have to lose?
Is it the thought that's too close
For you to hold dear?
Clutching heartache like its a fashion statement
The point of this
It's all exaggerated
You're the perfect specimen of who you are
You're the empty hole in my heart

Why do you call it a fault
When I make you smile?
Why do you call it a lie
When I take your hand in mine?
Is it something I did
To make you wish me dead?

So write the saddest thought you have
Write your biggest fear
Now tell me darlin
What do you really have to lose?
Is it the thought that's too close
For you to hold dear?
Clutching heartache like its a fashion statement
The point of this
It's all exaggerated
You're the perfect specimen of who you are
You're the empty hole in my heart

And if it comes from me inside out
To tear away your clothes
And see the beauty in your dance
Then I'm here baring my teeth
For a last chance at your romance
Tu Me Manques is French for you are missing from me
jay Dec 2019
.in french
you dont say
"i miss you"
you say
"tu me manques"
witch means
"you are missing from me"

sun stars moons Dec 2014
In French,
you don't actually say
I miss you
you say
you are missing from me
- you are essential to my being.
you are like an *****, a limb, my bloodstream.
I cannot be without you.

how incredibly poetic.
Oyashumi Mar 2014
Je ne sais pas où je viendrai
Je ne sais pas où tu seras
Mais je sais que ce sera
Circa 1994 Jan 2014
and you're perfect for all the wrong reasons:
you like cats more than you like people
your favorite days are ones that don't involve putting on pants
you can't seem to chop onions without cutting your fingers.

and we work despite the distance:
we hate the same things
we have synchronized Netflix dates
we like each others' frequencies.

you are perfection that fills up an empty bed
you are everything I want

and you are
**missing from me.
You walked into my life
And strode over my feelings
My heart
In every step
Throughout the path
You traversed
My blood marked your way
When you ran back
To the entrance
Fearing I would value you
A little too much
Scared that you would fall in love
A little too much

But Alas ain’t I the little girl?
Who had once sent a prayer up above
“Watch over him, Lord!”
And you struck me down with your words
And your actions so well constructed
And I?
Being the little girl as always
I didn’t even try
To chain you down with the fire of my love
What if it burned you down?
What then would be the remedy?
I didn’t even try
To drag you back
With snarles of seduction
Or little sweet nothings
I didn’t even try
To smoke your cigarette
And kiss your lips
To match your taste

I just watched you
Walking across
A patch of grassland
When you mistook my tears
To be
Mere dew drops

Dear darling friend of mine
Some day you will find
A star shining bright up in the sky
Beckoning you to love
Not to criticize
Dear darling love of mine
And that day you will realize
That the sparks of success raining down on you
Have already been paid for
With the life of a little girl
Loved you a little too much
Cared about you a little too much
Let herself fall down thirty storeys
In loving memory
In French, "I miss you" isn't really said. They say Tu Me Manques which means "I am missing from you". I came across this word in tumblr while going through my feed. It is - indeed - a very intimate word and since I am detaching myself from most loved ones, I hereby say TU ME MANQUES MAYAA
Liana Veteto Apr 2013
Think of what it is to miss someone.

They are missing from you.
A part of you,
That is now elsewhere.

The place on my skin
Where you once fit
Now aches with the memory of the feeling.

I miss you.
I want you here.
I am empty without you.
Jae Elle Jun 2012
you swallow
& no matter how low
your expression
I will always see you
climbing the highest
in our pitch black
hell forest
trying to find me in
the slip from
deep within your chest
& its fierce desire
for youth

I can hear it in
the way you
when we're alone

I can hear it in
my shallow breath
& the taste
of your cologne

the way you move
your hands
is next to godliness

& I would sell
my soul
sweet dear

to forever be their
"In French, you don’t really say “I miss you.” You say “tu me manques,” which is closer to “you are missing from me.”

I love that. “You are missing from me.” You are a part of me, you are essential to my being. You are like a limb, or an *****, or blood. I cannot function without you."
d Apr 2016
It's an ache unlike any other.
It's rough round each edge.
Hard to swallow,
it burns as it goes down.
It's constant.
Lover's quarrel.
Void in between each other.
Void in our bed.
Void in between each word.
Tu me manques,
I am missing without you.
Tu me manques,
without you, I am missing.
To me manques,
you are missing from me.
David W Jones Oct 2013
My nights were endless;
the beating of rain
reminding me of all
that I lost.

My hope exchanged
for contentment;
I surrendered beneath the
weight of unhappiness,
my soul suffered behind
a smile.

I met you from a distance;
I found you interesting, the fool
within me willing to ignore this gem.
You were tender poetry; my spirit
was mesmerized.

Frightened by the notion of falling in love
again; I needed to hear your voice, to know
you from beyond the veil of
an intriguing premise.

That moment of clarity;
removing the ambiguity that choked
my heart.  This feeling of absence defined
by your missing touch.

I need you.
Sergio Gonzalez Mar 2021
There’s so much pain in my heart
That it seeps through when I sleep at night
And when rivers flow
I can’t help myself to drown

I miss you everyday,
For I can’t see you
Even if you’re near
I’m torn apart
You feel so far away
My heart aches
Because I do this to myself

One thing I know for sure
Even if I’m two galaxies away
It doesn’t mean I’m gone
For I’ll always live in your heart
Because I’ll always be you  
Just don’t forget me
And when you need me the most
Just remember,
I’ll always be here
Hungered for a taste
  of your elixir's essence,
drunken inhalations
   of your poetry
a splendiferous whirl
 of time & space 'tween
darkly scented moons
    and sun's adoration,
blithe starry nights
amidst meditative new
dawn's effervesce,
 spirited of the heart,
gleaned in the soul,
yearnings of another
  chapter's paradise
universal experiences
etched of hourglass sand,
 written upon endlessly
    chimerical verses
wildflower gardens drenched
    of dandelion's plum wine
swooning under a
hypnotic scripted spell,
intoxicating power
of unchained symphonies
dancing amongst skies'
released euphoria
 resonating in a song's
   reprised melodies,
breathlessness of delirium's
  celestial pauses
  in vaporous breezes'
  unfurling undulation,
captivated by rhythmic
  destiny reverberating in
     *****' pleasurable calling
  quenched of sacred
     offering's quell
transcending earthly
   persuasions' rhyme,
let me lick the nectar from
   your  poesy's  insatiable  lips,
sweet mercy's healing
   captured in rapturous
   surrender's reawakening ~

Je veux que vous tous,

tu me manques*

Ce que vous manquez de moi?
Je te veux - I want you
tu me manques - I miss you
brxken Dec 2015
I find it strange
The more we know each other
The distant we become.

I miss the old us.
Grizzo Apr 2017
The only French I speak,
I learned
from the
uncrossable space
in bed



I learned it
when we started
to just say bye
in the mornings

When we stopped
hugging after

When I was too busy
playing games,
watching Netflix,
on my phone,

and you had already cleaned
the kitchen, put away the laundry,

You wanted something
you won't take now
because I wasn't too busy and I don't even play that game anymore, and I can't remember the shows but I'm sure they are still on Netflix,
and phones will always be a distraction from people to put everything down and take off the masks
we make so we can breathe
every day and connect as people. In those moments, I started missing you and you were already missing me. I just really wish I could stop going Supernova but there's a slowly swirling marble rock ball that's slowly making its way from sitting in fire of the pits of my stomach,

rolling up my chest, bouncing off ribs, escaping to the small of my back, rolling up my spine, spinning
counter clockwise
in figure eights
across my shoulder blades until it sits over my heart and sinks to my

Now I've lost form and more and I really just need to get my

**** together and restart.

Look at what you've done
to my poetry.

Em MacKenzie Apr 2020
Let your mind slip for tonight
forget who and where we are,
alter the wrongs to make them right
return to the sky each faded star.
We could succeed in changing time
turn a foe to trusted friend,
is it even really a crime
to repair what was never meant to bend?

Even when the sun forgets to rise
you’ll be there lighting up the skies,
hypnotized by the galaxy in your eyes.
And if the world can no longer turn
you’ll see that the fire continues to burn,
and learn that there’s no need for concern.
You’ll know you’re irreplaceable.

This is just part of who we are,
we couldn’t escape it if we tried,
and even when you’re so very far
you still know I’m by your side.
It’ll be like this forever,
no matter what we do,
things change just like the weather
but never me and you.

Even when the sun forgets to rise
you’ll be there lighting up the skies,
it’s both beautiful and tragic how fast time flies.
And if the world can no longer turn
you’ll see that the fire continues to burn,
you were worth the wait and necessary to earn,
you should know, you’re irreplaceable.

And I carefully watch the constellations,
that take form within her deep eyes.
A million blank pages of declarations,
impossible for me to ever summarize.
I measure love from ground to mars,
and how I’ve never felt so complete,
but it spans all across the stars,
the same space where our souls meet.

Even when the sun forgets to rise
you’ll be there lighting up the skies,
you’re the one exception to every rule, none applies.
And if the world can no longer turn
you’ll see that the fire continues to burn,
you’re all I want, I long for and yearn,
you’ve always been irreplaceable.
Jon York Feb 2019
Distance doesn't
    separate  people...      
                  silence does.
In French
you don't say,
" I miss you."
You say  "Tu Me Manques."
which means -
"You are missing from me."
                                                                                              Jon York   2019
when you're gone,
i'll paint my fingernails
and when you come
back and ask why
i'll say my hands
were missing
Abdelmalek Gucci Apr 2014
Phrase Courte d'amour
Si tu veux une fleur il faudra la cueillir mais si tu veux mon cœur il faudra me séduire.
Phrase Courte d'amour

Je suis un arbre, mes fleurs c'est toi. Je suis un ciel, mes étoiles c'est toi. Je suis une rivière, mon bateau c'est toi. Je suis un corps mon cœur c'est toi.

Avec une larme d'émotion merci de tout cœur. Je me sens la plus heureuse sur terre grâce à toi mon cher je t'aime.
Phrase Courte d'amour

Toi qui illumines ma vie et m'inspires la joie. Tu habites mes nuits, tu habites mes jours, non ça ne change pas et tant mieux pour moi. Phrase Courte d'amour

Tu te souviens pourquoi on est tombés amoureux? Tu te souviens pourquoi c'était si fort entre nous? Parce que j'étais capable de voir en toi des choses que les autres ignoraient. Et c'était la même chose pour toi mon amour.
Phrase Courte d'amour

**** de vous je vois flou et j'ai mal partout car je ne pense qu'à vous, je sais que c'est fou, mais j'aime que vous.

La lune est comme un aimant, elle attire les amants regarde la souvent, tu trouvera celui que tu attend la main il te prendra pour la vie il te chérira.
Phrase Courte d'amour

Phrase Courte d'amour Pour vivre cette vie j'ai besoin d'un battement de cœur, avoir un battement de cœur j'ai besoin d'un cœur, avoir un cœur J'ai besoin de bonheur et avoir le bonheur j'ai besoin de toi!

Un baiser peut être une virgule, un point d'interrogation, ou un point d'exclamation. C'est une épellation de base que chaque femme devrait savoir.
Phrase Courte d'amour

Il ne faut jamais dire c'est trop **** puisqu'on peut toujours devenir ce que nous souhaitons être et aussi avoir ce que nous avons toujours désiré.

Le soleil ne s'arrête jamais de briller tout comme mon cœur ne s'arrête jamais de t'aimer.
Phrase Courte d'amour

L'éternité c'est de passer qu'une seule seconde de ma vie sans toi, mais qu'importe cette seconde si à mon retour tu es toujours là.

Aimer est un sentiment d'appartenance à une personne de confiance.
Phrase Courte d'amour

L'amour n'a pas besoin de carte, Phrase Courte d'amour car elle peut trouver son chemin les yeux bandés.

Dans ce monde l'amour n'a pas de couleur,pourtant le tien a profondément détint sur mon corps.
Phrase Courte d'amour

Le cœur est comme une fleur quand elle manque d'eau elle meurt.

L'amour que j'ai envers toi est incompréhensible aux yeux de tous ... Même de toi.
Phrase Courte d'amour

L'amour est un mot que j'écris pour qu'il soit encore plus beau.
Phrase Courte d'amour
L'amour se vit dans la richesse comme dans la détresse, dans la pauvreté ou la beauté.
Phrase Courte d'amour

L'amour commence par donner de l'importance et finit par l'ignorance.

Les plus belles choses dans la vie ne peuvent pas être vu, ni touchés, mais se font sentir que par cœur.
Phrase Courte d'amour

Qu'importe un océan ou un désert, l'amour n'a pas de frontières.

Il Parait que quand on aime, on ne compte pas, mais moi je compte chaque secondes passée sans toi.
Phrase Courte d'amour

Toi mon cœur, mon amour, ma joie, je te dis ces quelques mots en pensent à toi, je t'aime et je ne peux pas vivre sans toi, à chaque moment, à chaque instant, je pense à toi une minute sans toi et tu me manques déjà, alors toi mon cœur, accepte moi, prends moi dans tes bras, embrasse-moi une dernière fois.
Poeme courte d'amour
Amelie Jun 2012
My heart's now filled with melancholy,
My lungs with smoke, my eyes with tears,
My liver with a poison
That I drink to forget you.

I'm celebrating today
Four weeks of being all alone;
Four weeks of being dumped, violently
Oh, please pour me another drink.

And even though you've moved on,
We're staying friends, we're still talking ;
Oh darling of course you're still in my heart.

Of couse I'm still in love with you.
Of course I still wish I could hold you tight,
tight against me.

You can't imagine how much it hurts
To pretend I'm feeling good.
Nobody knows for real.

And what I talk to you, I can smell your perfume
It reminds me of all our nights together.
Nothing can harm me more..
Oh darling, of course I still love you.

Et je me dis que plus rien ne sera comme avant,
Je ne pourrai plus te dire que je t'aime,
ou que tu me manques.
Je ne pourrai plus te serrer contre moi,
embrasser ta nuque et rire avec toi.
Et même si tu pars bientôt,
que je ne risque pas de te revoir avant un certain temps,
c'est toi que mon coeur a choisie.
Et je continuerai de t'aimer.
tu me manques tellement.
Ally Aug 2019
Your touch
your voice

All of you
... Tu me manques
Sha Jun 2018
Do not let love be missing from you.
Embrace him in all his glory and light,
Walk together.
Spend eternity in love's kingdom forever.
K Nov 2017
I like to find beauty in the Ordinary but You - you are Extraordinary.

As you sit next to me typing away on the computer whilst I attempt to stay awake, there is a stillness in the air and time just slows down for a split second. Then you lean in and plant a gentle kiss on my forehead - one that restarts the clock ever so slightly that I didn't even realise that it had stopped.

I love you, the different parts of you, and every last bit of You.
You are missing from Me
Yejin Lim Dec 2012
They say that
Black is not a color,
          it is the absence of.
Cold is not a foe of heat,
          it is the absence of.

Just like when I say
          Tu me manques —
          *You are absent from me.
"Tu me manques," in French, means I miss you; in literal translation, though, it means "you are missing from me."
Circa 1994 Sep 2016
I was teetering on the precipice
of something.
edging towards the glimmer.
mashing tongues,
you tore me limb from limb.
I'm glazed with sweat.
you baste me in honeydew.

in the bedroom we speak in vowels:
The sounds of death,
Long awaited for.
I died like this every night and loved every minute of it, bruised down to my bones.
i i i, want moremoremore.
Give my teeth a whitening.

You are the eye of the storm
the first leg into a pair of pants
the bone with the best sense of humor.

you left me high,
but not dry.

accept this broken french as a gesture of my affinity:
je taime
tu me manques
je tadore mon lapin
bisou bisou
G May 2016
Le tiroir
De  la vie
S'est ouvert ici
Un matin noir
Sans bruit
Sauf un cri.

Ma mère
D'avoir ouvert
Dans l'air
Du temps qui fuit, à l'envers.

Tu ne manques
Pas d'air
De courir si vite
La distance.
Sans en avoir l'air
Je suis la fuite

Des jours
Fleuris de sourires
Ou rincés de larmes
Aux alentours,
L’amour s’en va languir
Et sonne l’alarme

Bonjour la vie !
En ce beau matin
Qui efface l’ennuie
Et réveille le destin
De la fleur de jouvence.
A ma mère, Simone, qui me donna la vie, un beau matin gris de 1949.
Valerie Csorba Feb 2014
I apologize if I'm too persistent in telling you that you matter to me and my heart in ways no one ever has. I've become melancholy in the thought of being alone since I have never been treated like anything but a waste of space and values on a clock. Years have gone by since I've felt like I truly existed to anyone for reasons beyond carnal need and emotional comprehension. I'm not accustomed to feeling a purpose. I've become distant from my own mental standpoint and blood-pumping center whereas I can find no direction. I've been abandoned by those who claimed they would never surrender. I've been damaged by those who stated they could never, would never, misuse me.
When you re-arrived in this shattered existence of mine and evaluated me as an actual being with sentimental value, instead of falling apart, I found myself falling together. Every last piece of me discovering the significance of who I am, always have been, and hopefully always will be. I lost multiple opportunities in which I could express to you the amount I care for your entire essence, I could beg to show you now. However, I will do so as you're willing.
You appeared in my life and became a part of the character I never expected to be. "Tu me manques." You are missing from me.
this was for someone who doesn't matter anymore.

— The End —