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"I  like  living.  I have been  wildly,  despairingly,  acutely
miserable,  racked with sorrow; but through  it  all  I  still
know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing."  
                                                                          Agatha Christie

As  humans  we  need  regular doses of  unreasonable  beauty,
sublime anomalies, beguiling ephemera, and inexplicable joys.

I  chose  to  be  optimistic,  it  feels  better.  I choose also  to  be
truthful, gentle, and fearless.

Time is really the  only capital that  I or any human being  has,
and it is the only thing we can't afford to lose. Let your choices
reflect your hopes, not your fears.

The past is where we  learn the lesson. The future is where we
apply the lesson.

It is only a short trip. Enjoy it. You are not what you have done,
you are what you have overcome.
                                                       ­                                      Jon York   2024
Jon York Apr 8
All  the  words and thoughts
behind my words come from
a  place of love as I  travel the
roads in the memory of this poet.

Walking the streets of this poets
memory I come to a meeting place.

Where the river mirrors the sky
in glassy completion, where the
earth gives way to water, where
two souls surrender to their smallness.

A fleeting moment in a temporary
existence, this moment is met, again
and again in a place that transcends time.

We were together for such a short
time but in my mind she will be for
a lifetime.

I have to wonder why? It seems only
the blink of an eye and she was gone.
                                                                                              Jon York  2024
Jon York Feb 29
Stop waiting for the right time.
Time isn't waiting for you.

NOTE TO SELF: You got this.
Know your limits and crush
them. Rid your mind  of can't.

When you see something beautiful
in someone, tell them. It may only
take a second to say, but for them it
could last a lifetime.

They will love you or hate you, Either
way, you're gonna shine!

You decide who you want to become.
Don't listen to other peoples opinions.
It's just noise. Learn not to give a ****,
You'll be happier.

One day you'll wake up and there
won't be anymore time to do the
things you always wanted.

Do it now.
                                                                                             Jon York   2024
Jon York Feb 20
She was a special person I always cared to
know,  for our lives would intermingle  no
matter  where  we  would go or where  we
would  be.

She was always a shadow or an image in
my mind or a faint and hazy memory that
life had erased with time.

The days  went by, the  weeks  rushed on,
and before I knew it a year was gone. Then
I looked up and 50 years were gone.

If from life you take the best, and in life you
keep the jest, if love you hold, no matter how
the years go by, no matter how the birthdays
fly -- you are not old. But if your ambitions'
fires are dead -- then you are old.

It is the human touch in this world that counts,
the touch of your hands and mine which mean
far more to the fainting heart than shelter and
bread and wine.

For shelter is gone when the night is over, and
bread lasts only a day, but the touch of a hand
and the sound of the voice sing on in the soul. 
                                                                                              Jon York  2024
Jon York Jan 24
Everything changes in an instant.

Not sure if I need ***, sleep, or to
punch someone in the face.

I  have  to be stronger  than  my excuses
and I have to hold myself accountable,
stay committed and never give  up.

I  have  to start with who I am,  use
what I  have, and do what I  can.

The man who is a master of patience
is master of everything else.

I must find the fighter in myself and
realize the fact that if I'm not where
I want to be, that should be enough

A wise man once said nothing.

I must make a conscious effort to hear
no  ****, to speak no  ****, and to  take
no ****. Life is what you make of it,
not what you think of it.
                                                                                             Jon York   2024
Jon York Jan 1
What  new  influences
and opportunities will
be headed your way in
2024 ?

In  2024  set  aside  all
expectations about what
the past implies and what
the future may bring .

Instead cultivate a desire
to recognize and respond
to the raw truth of each
moment in 2024.
                                                                                                Jon York    2024
Jon York Dec 2023
Though  these words  may never
find you, I  hope you knew I was
thinking of you today...

How is it that you are always in
my  thoughts, even  when  I  am
not thinking.

Love  is the most beautiful of
dreams  and  the  worst  of

Your  smile  and  your laughter
and  those  baby  blues  lit  my
whole world.

I choose to love you from a distance...
for distance will shield me from pain.

There is an ocean of silence between
us...and I am drowning in it.

You were both everything I could
ever want... and nothing I could ever have.

A true love story never ends.                                         Jon York   2023
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