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J M Surgent Oct 2013
One of the most amazing things about women is, they shine early. At age 20 you can tell the girl you’d love to love, and she shines. Her smile and her eyes light up the room like a roaring fire. And while she smiles, she loves the world around her, twofold; like a young girl in lust and a woman in love. She draws you in, and you cannot escape.

When you’re young, she will never love you as you deserve, if you deserve to be loved, which is a conundrum in itself. And that’s the motive here, and I apologize to those looking for a more obscure message. But when you’re 21, with a ****, and hormones, and a life waiting for you to **** it up, chances are you are not ready to be loved. But you want to be, because we all want to be. It’s our incarnate desire as humans to love and to be loved, unconditionally. And while she smiles, and while you think you love her and she’ll love you, understand she’ll always be looking towards the future, because the future right now is the best she has, and if you aren’t the future, which you likely aren’t, say goodbye.

It will get better than you. It will always get better than you, statistically. Statistically speaking, you are not the best. Statistically speaking, you will never be the best. It’s statistically impossible, and even I understand this having failed every math class I’ve ever begun. It’s impossible because you are you, human, and from two parents who were also human, so therefore perfection was never truly in your nature. You can try, and the rest of us will watch you fail. And as you fail, we will laugh. We will joke, and we will make fun, until it is our own turn to fail, wherein we shall weep and expect the sympathy of those around us.

But she’s still smiling, only now, at other guys. And these other guys have bigger chests and more defined arms than you. **** IQ and emotional reality, they have abs you couldn’t ever work for, and they’re southern regions, let us not digress. She wants Superman, all you can offer is Clark Kent, before he’s cool. You are not a superhero. You are mortal.

You will love her, you may always love her. She had the smile to draw you in at first, the smile to draw you in at night, and the smile to keep you awake for years after. She was it, she was perfect, she was the one, or so you tell yourself. Because hindsight offers the beauty of 20-20 vision, and you want so badly to see clearly. But you are young, as is she. And in youth comes lust, comes the man with defined features, chiseled abs and the IQ of your ******* dog.

BUT he’s not as hairy, thank god, because you own a Golden Retriever and you’d be ashamed to know the girl you loved is ******* someone hairier than you dog. At least you can pet your dog, but petting a man is, frankly, a little creepy. At least you know she’s not ******* someone like you, who undergoes the self conscious activity of man-scaping every Friday, when your friends pump you up enough to get you dreaming you have a chance of getting laid that night. So you pluck every extraneous hair hoping Ms. Lucky will not notice the red marks and the razor burn where you tried to hide the history of your sad genetics.

So call them Fido for me, of Fluffy or something else that sounds like they dog they are. **** him until your ***** is so ******* sore you forget what my name even was, how I spelt it, or how I pronounced it. And keep doing that, until you realize, eventually, of all the men you saw, of all the men you slept with, maybe one of us knew you’re middle name, and maybe one of us knew how you pronounced your last name correctly, and one of us us knew exactly how you spelt your first name, with the two t’s and the e at the end, every try, no regrets.

I never got it wrong.
This is supposed to be read aloud, and while I cannot read it for you, I suggest you read it aloud to yourself. It flows much differently that way, and was written for that medium.
lil j Sep 2014
I'm trying to escape this body but I'm trapped
I'm hammering my fists against the walls of my veins
but there's no way out and no way in
I'm left alone in this dark space that used to be my mind
there's nothing left here besides my slowly deteriorating corpse
I'm sorry
June 14 2013
Seán Mac Falls Dec 2014
Held in the pens
Of womb, little one
Squirms to see light,
Before the bars of crib
Encroach and bind one
Growing into childhood.
Then to be left off, bounded,
For chaste schools to yearn how
To keep such place whilst learning,
Never knowing that old, bracing sun
Is all around until frightful bell— calls
Recess, for these are the walled gardens
We made for ourselves, the coldest brick
And mortar chambers we place as lambs
Are encased, when finally we are pushed
Into the dark, the drabness, of the drowning
Work a daze whirled, the open prison of our lives.
Lost in my Head Mar 2019
It’s roughly time for a jailbreak
Time to escape from hell
Now that the guards are down and sleeping
Time to sneak from my cell

As I begin to leave
I think of all I’m going for
Then of all the bonds I’m leaving
Which would splinter more?

As I pass through rusted gates
And cross the dusty way
I think again of those behind
And whatever they shall say

But in the end I’ve come to know
This woeful, echoing descant
Many of those who you leave behind
Wouldn’t think of you if they had this chance

I stand out here, truly tested
Looking at the world through new eyes
Thinking I could be normal without it
Thinking I could keep the guise

So this is it, truly the end
Of my long and distant prayer
As I sat back in my prison cell
Knowing nothing else but the pain I’d face out there
Jonny Angel Aug 2014
It's more than just a silly game,
this thing we call love,
& I always go to jail,
while the rest of the world
quietly passes by.
Seán Mac Falls Oct 2015
Held in the pens
Of womb, little one
Squirms to see light,
Before the bars of crib
Encroach and bind one
Growing into childhood.
Then to be left off, bounded,
For chaste schools to yearn how
To keep such place whilst learning,
Never knowing that old, bracing sun
Is all around until frightful bell— calls
Recess, for these are the walled gardens
We made for ourselves, the coldest brick
And mortar chambers we place as lambs
Are encased, when finally we are pushed
Into the dark, the drabness, of the drowning
Work a daze whirled, the open prison of our lives.
Nic Burrose Nov 2011
blurred through the mumbling atomic cafe
i thought i heard you say
i am become deaf
destroyer of words
but you were breath
become butterfly effect
spiraling within the stereophonic white-noise drone
of a static radio station
tuned to the music of the silent colossal rotation
of the planets, stars, sun and moon
behind the drawn curtain of a vanished polaroid

still these beating hearts to a murmur
slow these breathing lungs to a whisper
and attach the cello strings of your bloodstream
to that glittering confetti cloud of satellites
strobing, circling the sphere of our atmosphere
strung out on geo-synchronicity
the turning tunnel of the tides
the aeon-spanning volcanic swirl of magma
subsonically writhing
beneath the magnetic pull of the ocean floor
and just...listen...

can you hear the flaming  crackle
of the fire burning in our bellies?
if we slit our stomachs open
the flames that spill from our hari-kiri'd entrails
will fill the darkness in the corner of our closet
and burn it to ashes

in a dream
i saw us laughing together many years from now

when the blast-furnace of our blood, sweat, tears and acid dreams gapes wide
we will laugh in it's face
at the absurdities
of death and taxes

and as the years push through
we will laugh
as we go blind in our old age
growing brighter than the glow
from within the dollhouse home we assembled
from sticks n stones

and we will grow gray together
and fill the soles in our shoes
the holes in our soles
with the dirt, rust, ash, concrete and angel dust
of these city streets

and we will laugh like pyromaniacs
as we **** on burial plots
soil our own graves
and erase our fingerprint smudges
from the blueprints
of our jailbreak escape plan

flames will erupt from the holes in our heads
consume us
spread in a tectonic shock-wave
and lick the pale toes of angels and dreaming junkies
hovering on ghost clouds of ***** soot
just above the foot of our bed

the outlines of our bodies will liquify, disintegrate
and reform as the jagged teeth of a cityscape skyline
crowned crookedly upon the head of a crippled pigeon
ascending in a stuttering climb
towards a heaven
that does not exist
for us

shaking ash and bone-dust from twisted feather
our flames will spread further
devour prehistoric forests
**** roots and tree trunks to bare bone
and march in a coronation parade
upon the city gates
behind a revolutionary brigade
of angry red army ants

finally, those flames
will surround a broken boombox
lost behind a landfill-mound
of moth-chewed cardboard moving boxes
containing the soft stains of dream and memory
tagged, painted, and graffitied
in white out, in sharpie
duct tape peeling from perforated speakers
the flashlight-sized battery compartment
an empty coffin

i didn't cry the day you died. i'm sorry. the reality that you had passed away at barely twenty-five didn't really hit me, even at your eulogy and that still haunts me. they say that denial is the first stage of addiction but I assumed that you knew that death was a possible side-effect of your prescription. about two weeks after your wake, it hit me like a train. i was riding the n judah to the end of the line at ocean beach when I passed a throw-up piece that you had painted a few years before in the train tunnel near haight and cole. it was a big letter "a" in lowercase with an exclamation point next to it. i once asked you what it meant. you shrugged and said, "i just like the shape of it," and something clicked. it was then that i realized (that)

the flames of our light, love and laughter
move faster than the speed of life
and those flames pass us by in the blink of an eye
if we're not quick enough to catch 'em
and return the letters like stars
we borrowed, typed, stole, scribbled and scrawled across the pages of the sky
back to the sprawling library of the night
where they belong    
where we belong
written in collaboration
with Glass Slipper Girl

Is it ecstasy or agony
How you make me feel
What you do to me
Bliss when I am with you
When you're gone, I'm incomplete

My mind you have infected
Gave you my heart
Which you gladly keep
With just one taste, I was addicted
You fulfilled my every need

Yet, I fear that everything's twisted
It's too late though;
I'm in too deep
I've been robbed; only you I suspected
My mind convicts while my heart sets you free

If common sense is a train
then I missed it
Took a chance, circumstance was defeat
All my plans, with one dance
You dismissed them
Still, these actions I'll always repeat

-----------------                 -----------------

Is it fantasy or reality
fleeting feelings defying gravity
what you do to my sanity
bona fide madness
sensuality off the charts
our own poetic sensual Rhapsody

Dizzy dazed lost in your Oasis
chasing your sweet enthralling embraces
**** salacious temptations
seductions of ***** flirtatious
stunning me senseless
leaving this Texas girl breathless

A harden criminal
for “the love” you had become
detained and handcuffed
you had to know I was gonna run
trapping a thief of hearts
just can't be done
escaping your enticing assaults
this prison cell sweetheart
made her jailbreak, the Great Escape
before you knew it
I was already gone

Yet, sometimes
every now and again
with my “Get out of Jail” free card
this fugitive still takes a look back
wishing I hadn't gone so far
jumping that railroad car
running away from those
Train Tracks of Love

I would like to personally thank Glass Slipper Girl for her amazing talent and contribution to this piece. Not only are you a truly amazing person who is filled with love and compassion, you are a gifted poet with the ability to bend words to your will. You are truly a star among stars!
anastasiad Dec 2016
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Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
keep this.
it's yours. you might enjoy the rambling brook with both toes.
we can't sleep now. this is how jailbreak is ****; Salomon's Mines, all yours.
say what you will. i got you. relax and configure
the dark nook of my profile...
come at me at an angle, and i'll arrive untethered; coping with real ****
stitching heirlooms to re-breathers... pinning neon
to your gold tooth.

all dribble. no bib.
just an avalanche of weightlessness, jamming signals. a sumptuous void,
undulating in indefinitely... keeping me sane and losing my things.
in ivory towers of strange radio
this is eclipse....

gone nova.
You have a body.
I know you never sleep there,

spend less time breathing than contemplating,
jailbreak daily from your ribcage,

harbor kitchen spoons to feed your escapism.
hide the entrance
under stale white hotel sheets.

Born to be an actress
with no script, you ponder this
in every mirror.

In every mirror you inherit this vacant body,
enough money to live in a studio apartment
in Washington, Vegas or anywhere

men would pay for three phone plans,
calf-length black socks and pseudonyms.

A room at the Marriot to trade scars,
connect you again with your skin.

At a political dinner
roasted hog, blueberry pie,
gilded knifes protecting the spoons.

Dog mouths are wet for scraps.
They bark beneath the table,

"Unoccupied bodies, should start charging rent.
Have you considered being a *** worker?"

"...Oh come on,
you never even turn on the lights."
Viseract Jun 2016
He has words
Hiding in his mind
That he's ready to release
A jailbreak, another crime

But he chokes
The words fall
Back down his throat
He can't call

He can't speak
How the hell is he gonna pass his speech
His class looks
They all look up
Simultaneously closing their books

Another failure
Oh wow what a surprise
Contrary to behaviour
He can't talk, so who the f_ck's gonna play saviour?

I will

I'll say what he had to say
Seeing as how he can't say it in his place
Because his face
Is paralysed
As he looks up to the skies
As deep inside his hope dies

Just like it did, that one day
When a strong current almost had him swept away
But a girl came to save him
So stunned by events his response was a grin
The situation grim
She calmly smiled back
Told him everything's okay, there's no pain, just relax

They spoke once the got back onto the shore
Laughing, pushed him, like "why'd you scare me for?"
Introduced each other, so close like sister and brother
In love with one another
But thinking the other doesn't feel that

The last time they spoke, a warm summers night
He kissed her hand in polite mockery, said goodnight
Because to him you see, she was royalty,
And he truly believed
He'd see her soon
But was deceived

He was barely three blocks away,
So caught up in images of her face
He didn't hear her scream

Now every year, on a specific day
He says "Happy Birthday" above her grave
To a corpse rotting underneath, that felt no pain
But was blissfully unaware of his suffering

And every year would you believe he shed tears
This helplessness he felt became his biggest fear
It flowed through his veins, a part of his blood
So in his misery he was so often misunderstood

And nobody knew, because he didn't tell
Of that one day he fell from His Grace to burn in Hell
He felt guilty, despite his hands being clean
He wasn't the killer but was haunted by that scream

The one he never heard

So many people wander, suffering alone
With memories untold, oh so broken and cold
Believing, knowing, that no-one cares
As they huddle by a fire hoping for a share

A little piece of that place called Heaven
Hoping that when they go, sins'll be forgiven
And hoping it's soon, praying that they'll be taken
Don't mean to be rude but in my eyes they are mistaken

How can someone who suffers be sent to God?
So many suffer and I think He just forgot
To come back to us, he's abandoned us
All we need is someone to turn to, somebody to trust!

How can someone so innocent and so **** beautiful
Be taken so easily, misplaced, a broken tool
Who when smelted, smelted down in the flames of Death
Be truly at peace with their last breath?

And leave behind a legacy in just one's heart
That to this very day still shreds him apart?
When this happened back when I was just twelve
And deeper and deeper into my skin I delve

Trying to find an answer to this riddle
Clench my teeth, with a blade and with my nerves fiddle
Trying to dig her out, she left me helpless
And I cut myself, self-destruct because I was helpless!

Kids at school they still tease me
Bully me
Laugh at me
Just to make me angry
Like all I want is just to be happy
But can you be happy when others aren't happy with me?

These are the words he wanted to say
Didn't want a warm welcome or biblical praise
He's just another broken kid with words to rhyme
I hope you understand, and thank you for your time
I believe this shall be my school poem performance.
Jonny Angel Dec 2013
Thai smoke swirled,
uncoiling snakes
reaching into Heaven,
lungs exploding,
ecstasy released.

Harmony we found,
us herbal warriors,
enlightened smiles,
high-fives all around.

We sped in slow motion
across the emerald sea,
only to be stopped
by a jailbreak
so loudly
on FM radio.

It was silly,
us on the bridge,
looking around
as others drove by

We laughed till
our buzz blew away
with the fading traffic.
I love Thin Lizzy...."Jailbreak" is classic!
I'm compartmentalizing my thoughts and delivering them to you on my tongue. Gift wrapped in a silver metallic paper, with a tiny pink bow on top that bounces jubilantly with every step I take. Waiting to be opened and heard, the gift sits on my tongue.

Sometimes no ears are lent so I swallow the thought and redigest it.  It falls into the black and finds itself trapped back in my head. It ricochets from wall to wall, eager to be released.

          One day I found out no one wants to listen.

So I bottle it all up, and the thoughts start getting crowded. I become scatter brained, my head hectic with inmates, jailed without a crime. They riot, burning me out each time. My head sizzles like road **** in the heavy heat.

                         It's time for a jailbreak!

I pick up a pen and release the inmates into my veins. They pump through me and fill me with life, violently pounding their way through my fatal heart. Once I channel their energy, they flow out my fingers, into the ink and onto the paper.

          They bleed as they're released, finally free,
singing the song of a man compartmentalizing his thoughts.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Donall Dempsey Jun 2015

Top blouse button goes ping!
“Oh! That sort of thing is always happening! ”
Happen again...please!


Ravishing cleavage!
“Are you looking at my *******? ”
“Yes!  Oh yes...oh yes! ”


A trickle of sweat
comes to rest between her *******.
Natural jewel!


Playing Strip Poker.
You fully clothed  &  me


So...playing Strip SnAP!
Huh! Slightly evens things up!
I’m quick  &  you’re ****!


A cascade of hair
covers & uncovers where
her lips leave kisses.


“So...hello” she smiled.
“It didn’t look like you would
say hello, so...hello! ”


Your breast touches my
arm by mistake on purpose.
You smile – all knowing.


As I order                  wine
your foot teases my   crotch.
“Yes...the...Char...don...ay! ”

SHE’S GOT IT ALL *******!

“Can you tie my lace? ”
she plonks her foot in my lap
parts her legs & laughs.


Ever so gently
you brush against me softly.
“Oh! You’re so – hard! ”


Walking down the road
you stop...adjust stocking top
as cyclist crashes.


Clothes lie scattered on
each successive step of stairs:
You...naked - in bed!


Cradling our bodies
the boat rocks us back & forth


Watch Casablanca
cry: tell you you're my
tell me I'm your guy!


She dances naked
dressed only in the sound of
wind chimes & bracelets.

Husband & Wife Team

Party! And your ****
pops out...and I...pop it back!
I'm handy like that.


“X X X “ she texts
& yes...he feels it as if
they were real kisses.


She, prim as a pin:
emerges from the LADIES
skirt tucked in knickers.


Writes a poem for me
about my naked body
on my bare bottom.


You in a tutu
and...little else: my eyes wild
dancing with delight.


Edible knickers?
Tasty! My favourite flavour..? you...!


Sewing button on..
your head near my crotch - you bite
the thread... job well done!


Black painted toenails
beetles on a red carpet
white lake of spilt milk

Caught in that shower
you dry my male attire
as I wear your dress.


Your fluffy white towel
falls: reveals all your assets!
Stock market goes up!


Lost in reverie
she combs her beautiful hair


How can I forget..?
Kisses taste of Chardonnay
Camel cigarettes.


Boil kettle for tea
make love water
turns itself to steam!


Knickers & fishnets
stuffed into the left hand shoe
****/lighter in the right


The height of summer!
You in that little blue dress ice cream melting!


I watch you watching
T.V. Soap(in the ****) .
Me... just you!


Oh! An *******
(kind of thing that grows on you)                        
Handy thing to have!


Go straight on into
your dreams: turn right at Love &
find me.

How To Decide What To Get Him For A Present

She remembers how
he stroked...kissed.. her thighs: & buys
- the most shocking tie!

I Knew You'd Find It In The Bath! -

Note in a bottle
tells you: 'I'm shipwrecked in bed
...come & rescue me! '


Eh? What can it mean?
Next letter explains: ' Sorry...
forgotl to put...letter in!


You pour me a drink
from your mouth to my mouth &
I am drunk on you.


The umbrellas merge
become as one as they fall
in love & puddles

* *

Laughter & chatter
the share the same umbrella
totally in love.

* *

Heads joined at forehead
lovers walking & talking
not noticing...rain.


Trapped in fluffy towels
one breast tries to escape but
gets stuffed   back inside.


Your fluffy white towel
falls: reveals all your assets!
Stock market goes up!


A curtain of hair
hides that knowing look I know
you are giving me!

Coming To A Haiku Near You!

Yes! Appearing on
Brighton pavilion...a kiss
starring me & you!

Death By Telephone

The phone rings & it's:
...not you! Rings again - still not
you! What will I do!

'Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! ' - A Haiku

Naked, she drinks milk
...spills out of mouth...over *******.
She grins: 'Ya want...some? ! '
Tommy Johnson Jan 2015
The meeting of the minds is taking place in a booth in the back corner or the pub with those beer nuts you like so much

The Cheapskate
The Peddler
The Chiseler
The Swindler
And The Big Shot

Originally it was supposed to just me the Big Shot and the Peddler
Then the Chiseler squirmed his way into the scheme
Since three was already a crowd no one protested to the company of the Swindler and The Cheapskate

"Around of scotch for my homies!" says The Big Shot to the barmaid
The Cheapskate turned pale and whispers into The Big Shot's ear

"Four scotches and a tap water!" The Big Shot called out

The last time these five character went in on something together it turned into a huge power struggle

The Big Shot got too big for his britches
The Swindler tampered with the numbers
As he and The Chiseler blamed the blame game
While the Peddler was managing the tensions and just trying to get all he could off his hands
And the Cheapskate putting as little as he could in to get as much as he could out of the whole thing

Those were their salad days
Wheeling and dealing
What a shame they never came out clean
At all
Such a shame

But this time they will not repeat the trauma
They're in it to win it
The sweepstakes scam of the century
The feel good moment

They all knew none of them got along
But they had to get on with it

The plan was intricate
First the Chiseler would take every love letter intended for a physicist
Then rewrite in as a hate note
Upon reading the phony expression of disdain
The physicist would dive into his work to get his mind off it
And develop his studies of String Theory

Then The Swindler would buy the theory from the broken hearted egghead with the money The Peddler made from selling the spinning squares that make a dizzying circle he got at wholesale from his guy in Cairo

The Cheapskate would then gather a few undesirables from the abandoned paper factory and have them ransack The Physicist's lover's house and hold at gun point to have her cough up a few of her ***** little secrets which include the fact she had been sleeping with The Big Shot

The Big Shot would at that point step in and end things with the Physicist's Lover and tell her it was because she could even protect the material things she owned
Which made him question if she could guard and protect his heart

So The five masterminds would have the rights and royalties to The Physicist's String Theory, his lover's every last belonging, The Peddler's wacko drugs and his connection and a few of The Lover's unmentionables
Plus the Big Shot gets to get laid

Not bad for five guys who couldn't get along

And not a single cop out or snide remark thrown

Thusly it was agreed upon with a five-way spit hand shake that if anything would happen that could incriminate any of them, The Swindler would answer for everything with his feet on the ground
Because the Chiseler had Plan B which involved a jailbreak
Elise Marie Jan 2012
I wish you were my cellmate
In this secret jailhouse heart
Shackled wrists and captive soles
Our bond a metal spark
Of sharp steel keys
In sharp steel locks
That hide us from the air
The air dragged in through two great lungs
The gateway to this lair
We’d spend the days devising plans
For solace and escape
While secretly devising plans
Preserving this round shape
For there’s no jailbreak from ones frail heart
As small as it may be
This red hot blood flows swift and coiled
Sanguine cycle will not cease
Until my red hot pedigree
Flows free and unconfined
By walls of flesh and stark white bone
A mortal contract signed
The day we swim in freedom blood
The day we will return
To mingle true with dirt and roots
And end this prison term
Paul Andrews Jr Jan 2013
I could scream all day
In my cage
Shouting all my questions
And curses
Behind sound-proof glass
My mind is a prison
That I built for myself
And this is a jailbreak
KM Ramsey Aug 2015
it's not a prison that
keeps me segregated from the
general population to
protect their neurotypical minds
that are terrified by
a blood lust directed toward the self
or perhaps that urge to consume
and consume
all just foreplay for the
grand finale where i'm
bent over the toilet and riding
that stratospheric high
catapulting me out of this world
and into the forest of stars
a pinprick in the infinite black of

but do not misunderstand
it is not some sort of jailbreak
a streaking figure in the
black and white stripes of shame
clinging to my exiled body
it is more the futile pulling
i am not stuck in the trap

i am the trap

and i lock down on my
vices and the
self destruction that sings
the most sickly sweet songs
that somehow convince me
that if i am pulled even tighter
i might somehow break the mould
and no longer lash myself to
those actions and thoughts
that terrify
and destroy

i worry i am the strip
of glue that hangs in the kitchen
to catch the fruit flies that
come to visit in the summer and
pester me until
they land their feet on my
they can't escape
and so they die

is that what i do to them?
is that what i do to you?

do you become paralyzed
by some sort of
noxious agent or
a viscous bog that
cements you here
and forces you to watch
eyelids held open
as i dance with the demons that
you assure yourself
you will be able to tame
you will be able to banish

but they're the one's who've been there
decades of companionship
and torture
Stockholm syndrome that
ties me to them
through some sort of
vital connection which i can't escape
clipping the umbilical cord
and leaving me bleeding on the ground
aching for that part of me
that is gone

so i pull myself
i stretch myself so thin
and the harder that
your fingers fight to escape my trap
the harder i clamp down
because i want you to go away
to prevent the inevitable pain
and yet i pull you tighter
i lock your fingers into me
my nails digging into your back
as if somehow i can affix myself
to you.
letters to you i'll never send
Aditya Roy May 2020
If you believe
In yourself
Flip a coin

Stay out of jail
If it says heads
You're dead

If it says tails
You have made it
You made bail

Flip the coin again
Because the world don't give chances to cons
Jail is safe
Satirical one.
Qualyxian Quest Jul 2020
The prison of the self
poems as taps on cell walls
I put on my mask so I can take
These scars from life off my face
I brake these bones they begin to heal
These open wounds begin to seal
But the damage I've done for much too long
Leaves me scarred and all alone
Loaded gun but 5 bullets shy
6 and 1 chance to die
Ill leave this world and utter mess
Six to one five to guess
The drowning spiral of a life misused
Born with a short fuse and a lit match
No chance at all no lock no key
To put on this latch
To keep my demons locked away
Jailbreak an easy escape
a lousy morning for a beautiful wake
I put on my mask so I can take
These scars from life off my face
Loaded gun but 1 bullet shy
Five times the chance to die
No more need to live a life a lie
I remove the mask scars revieled
One tear one eye
One to live five to die
We all cover up who we trully are
Qualyxian Quest Jan 2019
it’s true i’m drawn to mystical madness
because I feel the terminal sadness

my mind a jailbreak plan
when man is wolf to man

and omens regarding women
haunt me, keep me swimmin’

Neils Bohr and quantum theory
when I’m down and wonder weary

opposites together
like me and joyful weather

reality beyond appearance
craziness adherence

if Emily’s species stands beyond
where to share their coming dawn?
-- Oct 2013
My poems of you-
my poems-
Always feel unfinished
The poems come alive in between times my eyelids are open and they ***** their feelings into my eyes
Metre and foot and rhyme and symbol and comma and comma and period.
I count out the syllables and hear you
Wait, the sound again I hear it you
You led the jailbreak the day they hanged me but at least the noose whistled
*i love you
Jonny Angel Jun 2014
We passed the precious stone
at lunch hour,
great buds all of us,
young ******* cowboys
flipping birds to those
authority figures in blue,
we called them the men.

We knew we had the power,
lizard kings
with strong lungs,
filled with
the burning stick.

They called us
real quick studies,
banging heads
& knocking boots
of a few cute ones.

The beautiful  peace pipe
made its rounds
& we inhaled deeply
to find
the true meaning of life
as we knew it.

Whiskey & tequila
on the rocks
were our
second & third choices,
that made us cocksure,
but the ****** made us mad,
just like those eggs
seen on the tellie
frying in a cast iron pan.

Thick magical-smoke
uncoiled around us
like cobras
& with their venom
coursing through our veins,
we cruised across
glimmering shades of azure
in the noonday sun,
jamming to Lizzy,
crooning loud
our jailbreak.
Qualyxian Quest Dec 2018
the self so often a prison
     isolation like an incision
          yes, Virginia, I have a vision
                 yet unknown still is my mission
Qualyxian Quest Mar 2019
from the churches to the jails
      prisons produce wails
          hope desperately...

        to set the prisoners free.
vanessa ann Apr 2020
what are you waiting for, little bird?
the day has just begun, there was an angel
at 5th street and she told me to say hi to you,
little bird. what’s your plan for today?

you cannot sit around and wait for a suitor to offer words of praise,
you must learn to sing your own.
you will not get a thousand retweets on that little bird app but you must
do, anyway. do, anyhow. do, do. i do.

i bear with me no key to help you flee
there will not be a kind knight to hear your plea

o little bird, remind me
of your plans of jailbreak last night, speak
to me, have you learned to bend metals with your beak?
will you set yourself free?
The Only
One Left
Here A Stain
On My Heart
That Tells Us
Our Bars
Are Divided
By Love
We Were Born
All Alone
In A Cell
For Our Jailbreak
For Our Lives
To Be At Steak
To Be Free Of
Our Lives
Without Chains
Without Hate
We Are, Innocent
Of The River
Who Have Cried
Our Hearts Out
But Always
Always Abandoned
In The Cell
B59 It Is
I Have No Name
I Am A Lone Survivor
Seeing Blood
On Every Corner
Smeared In Killers
I Must Get Out Of
I Am A Wolf
With A Chain Over
My Heart
~Paris Styron~

B59 Is My
Name It Is
A Scar That
Has Numbers
That Are Black
And White
With Strips
59 A Number
A List
Of Neglect
Of Hatred People
Have Given Me
Long Enough
Loving Prison
Is A Place
Where My Acid
Where My Pain
~Paris Styron~

Is A Name
B Stands For
Burst Of Pain
59 Is A Number
Of The Number
Of Patience
I Have
Before I Break Down
In Tears
~Paris Styron~

Its Either Love
Or Be Loved
~Paris Styron~
Mr Morningstar Jan 2020
It was a match dropped into an oil field
And so these flames depicted the hellfire that reigned inside of me.
A pure rage
Unbridled and ever growing
What volatile emotions unleashed while their warden was away.
A jailbreak of hatred enticed with frustration and fueled by confusion
A soul that once new peace
A heart that bloomed love
Now fields of brimstone wishing harm to those who destroyed the garden
Oath breakers, eyes void of soul. Liars the lot of them cast together with no sense of right or wrong
Yet wielding a hammer of “justice”
There is no balance to these scales
No punishment befitting this imaginary crime.
I pray you all be destroyed, in worse ways than you destroy those around you.
My hearts misses who I was.
My soul has forgotten peace.
And my mind is ever burning with the devils blue flames.
-Mr. Vaun Niklaus Morningstar.
My confusion keeps me awake at night and so sometimes I write.
Keith W Fletcher Oct 2023
...Something so familiar
seemed to be hanging
just outside my periphery...
like an annoying honey bee
Suddenly I popped up
from a languid moment
of heat driven exhaustion....
knowing something
had to be done.
So I grabbed my official hat
out my office door I...hobbled along my left leg being asleep
"wake up you fool"
I muttered as I angled
past the front desk
that new deputy stood playing on some little box
"Is that an IPOD?"
No sir! what's an Ipod ?
never mind
just keep people off that bridge
till I return and tell you different! Is that clear?
Yes sir Danial...uhhh chief ...!
Good now get going.

I got to go talk to the D. A.
then out I went to the most oppressive sept heat seen in decades

"NO! No way! That's not possible!"
You think so...? the chief asked
well just look out there in the streets.
Where are the kids-
home studying for school when it's still 2 days away?
Raymond Frazer D.A. for Upton county + 2 more back in the hill country.
so you coming?
"Yeah chief...but just to prove you...
can't and won't
overstep your authority."
And who would determine that? Judge.... Willoughby?well let's go see what he has to say then.
If you can get him
to approve your overreach
I won't say another word!

Hello Judge my dispatcher call you?
"Yes. She did and ,I must say...lunch?sure ,but it sounds like a walk down memory land lane
We might as well! gonna get some good bbq and cold beer out on the hiway.
10 minutes.
We will pick you up
after you get done with Betty Lou

oh and write this on a sheet of of cardboard and post it. .*** the judge chuckled
be there to pick you up in a jif.

Who's Betty Lou? And where we going now?
Find that Deputy of mine give him a special assignment.

County ordinance or 2
So ....
we were trespassers
By all truth of right, wrong or law...but
No harm meant by the rules
we bent
Telling too many seemed the major flaw

That overbearing, solar flaring, heat streak
summer of desperation turned inspiration
When seeing people instead of watching people
Gave me different ways of creating separation

From what I see and what I'm shown
What I'm told and what it is
I actually hear
What I say and what I truly believe
And how somethings really are...just as they appear

Amazingly enough this cyber shift implosion
Crashed thru the outer me
careening around within my fragile core
While crouching down in a clump of bushes
Staring into caramel brown eyes of a girl...who was
Just as naked as me

It blew through town back then  like a hot dry wind on a July day
When people were melting like long stick candles   bowing
like an emissary to a King
In any window where the aftenoon sun shines bright
As it is the stupid cruel rumor

A rumor that a farmer broke a water main while plowing

Literally what else would it take to break
That fragil overbearingly irriatatingly ******* monotony
that held the midwest
American small towns dying summer that
a near-death grip
Except.... maybe...if
the rumor had
turned out to be phony

The trail of misfit cars, pickups, motorcycles rolling North
must have looked like the jailbreak/ carnival parade it was...that
seemed to gather stragglers like a magnet gathers iron filings
Soon on saddle bank road 120+ kids
Naked and as innocent in the fact...
That one might think that today was the day
they were born and in some ways...
they were! Fully fledged
in exodus
from the womb
of pure monotonous ladened
claustrophobic morality... have way to languished hedonistic daydreams

Static groups of slow-melting apparitions
Unaware uninspired unintended refugees
Of homes...
of family...
and abject boredom
of that sad summer of high petrol- low crude performance and
Summer jobs never blooming and now... add a drought.

As the final Saturday wilted on the absentee mind
Before the Monday rises to drag them back in... the ritualized killing of all who found
The looming tedium  of lessons and tests
unbearably cruel to have school begin its pull
Without ever even having a glimpse
Of the dying ghost
of a summer break that never was.

Until...that steady drone
rose from a distance
Those 90cc pistons
spitting hope as its frantic echo
to somehow announce
from 3 miles away
"help he's killing me!"

Razer was making that hybrid bike scream
then...right down main he came shouting thunderously
But to no avail... every word

"...daughter shake
common shop..." was the word that ppl heard....

...then it died
PISTON ROD took off over the barbershop
Headed for the moon

Razer stood over the smoking carcus
Spit on it ...kicked it... then saluted it ...
Before saying hey common nowz its flowing and growing
Quicker than quick ...
and that was how summer came to a glorious end.

with a ten acres puddle
Water spraying 30 ft high and by gawd we took to it like
butter to hot biscuits.
until that is
the cops arrived!

And we all run to hide.
.. so here's where
I started this tale

Shhh.. I said
to this *******
beside me
Flesh-colored and glistening ...
We better stay put
you know...
... till it calms down
Hey!  I don't believe I've ever seen you around...the town before...
do you live here... in Braeden  I mean?

We just moved here
she said.
Hi, I'm Joy-Ann Hope
And she surely was at that!
  forever  ...well
Until I changed her last name and she became Joy-Ann PAYNE.
9 MONTHS  later we
met a little girl
named Summer Dawn Payne!

We know all that Daniel...but you cannot expect us...the DA and Chief judge ..not to mention members of the school board and...
Shut that up Judge Willoughby...
and be Mickey Willoughby and Ray Ray ...not D.A.Frazier for a second so you can remember.
Think back 38 yrs and how that line of dried out ,dusty, forlorn kids suddenly came alive that day ...the horns honking, bicycle tires spinning and Ol Joey P his soul on that horse of his as it clattered along the concrete and clopped by the lead car by galloping along the grass shoulder.
Beat us all to the puddle and I will never forget what we saw when we got close
Him and the mare neck deep ...ha haha ha Yes. Joey P and Nantucket Grey were good people. Rest in peace old friends.

Okay ...the heck with it say the judge mickey to the sad moment of revered silence ...I'm about ready to retire and as I recall that day now I realize 1 thing
Crystal effen clear now
I saw Mary Hortons ...uhh Who that day..and that I somehow got old.
I'm sold Chief ...Sorry, Daniel what do we do?
Well Ray Ray County DA what do you not have to say now?

Just Question guys...shall we go get a tractor or sledge hammers?

Oh come on guys this is the 21 century and I am chief of police with ... well army surplus courtesy
of the fed gov and everything we said we would fix when we got "growed up"
Maybe today we help the next gen or two know what freedom really feels like.
Ray .. call the sheriff " little Bobbie Jones " and tell him
- and them-
to stay the f away.
Judges order.  
Hope wins again.
Andrew Rueter Aug 2020
Chasing darkness
surmising depth lies in the depths
trenches are dug in craters
the holes we dig make us special
so we keep on digging.

Subterranean cranium
head in the sand—soul buried in soil
paying the undertaker in advance
the shovel feels lighter once it's smoothing the dirt
guarding the top of the grave.

Coffin solitude
dormant tears loosen the Earth
         the clay dam breaks
jailbreak mudslide
birthed from a muddy womb
crying, gasping for air.

We cleanse ourselves in the healing waters of time
donning our Sunday best for church
joining the choir boys standing at Jesus' feet
singing a chorus of denial
"I never asked for this".

— The End —