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Katie Price
Had a collection
Of last season's
Which she indexed
With the help
Of a sincere
Bilingual reindeer
Dressed in spandex
Who for some reason
Was single.

Is so important to me
Said Katie.

So they were labelled
And kept in taxis
At disused angle grinder factories
Near the Tower of Babel
So posterity
Would be able
To analyse
The finer points
Of her physiognomy.

Quite an unusual praxis
And something of an anomaly
For someone like me
Wouldn't you agree?

Cross my heart
And hope to die
I agree.
Luka Love Dec 2012
It’s the morning after the last heart session
Eyes open but brain still crackling with static and white noise
When I try it again
Hoping to get pen to paper
Before consciousness can recover sufficiently to intervene
And proffer pretty syntax to the poem
Hold the mind blank
And stack the words in rows of green growth
Like garden beds
That only need time and attention to bear fruit
Let truth come from some other place
Than reason or left brain
Or the extensive vocabulary
Meticulously indexed in the cranial cavity
Somewhere near the brain stem
Or maybe in the DNA
As C, T, G, and A
Storing data like binary only twice as complex
The recall mechanism operating in the darkness of our comprehension
Apprehension of its failure threatening to leave the poem unfinished
Un-fact checked
Like that matters somehow
Like the facts are important in art
Like the right brain has no sense of propriety
Just as surely as the heart tells lies in gibberish
A chattering maelstrom of syllables in a cyclonic vacuum
And yet somehow the heart speaks with perfect clarity
Uncluttered rhythm
Timing and flow
So you know there is more going on here than we fully understand
Lend a hand to help decipher the intentions of a part of yourself wayward from the rest of you
Leading to a collapse of the ego
And a blurring of the lines between you and I
Turning discrete data into continuous
On the fly
On the run
Under sun and and moon and sky
Until the day that even death fails to be discrete
Or even an event any more important than a fire
Converting energy from one form to another
in a stand
your ground
open carry

Miami Gardens,
the capitol of
stop and frisk
looms as the
shape of things
to come

it doesn't
all at once

it stealthily
creeps into
once wholesome

it arrives
always starved
for more

stark stiletto eyes
suspiciously stare
worn by
unable to
gaze away the
maleficent days

beginning in

build walls
to keep
"the other"

to the ways

of rigid status
quo pillars


diversity breeds


big data ears
ever listening
to between
the lines words

small talk
meta data
indexed and

down beat
state secrets

certain books
are forbidden

artists condemned
art destroyed

ideas censored
shut down by
social network
posting rules
and best practice

shouted down
by xenophobic
group think

in blind allegiance
to commands
of Citizen Inc
a juggernaut
to roll across
the globe
to bits
its path

science is


revisionism erases
biographical memory
we forgot how
we arrived
at this place

The History Channel
flickers cartoons
of multicolored
allegories onto
the dark walls
of our video
addicted minds
offering sweet
relief of a new
commercial fix

pandered opinion
is trafficked
as fact

confirmation of a
stasis affirming
echo chamber

real time news
rubber stamps
the prevailing
zeitgeist of
the daily dread
a visceral
of the World
Series Hunger

to swear
to tribal creeds
that debase

religious precepts
shutters spirituality
with sanctioned
designed to
undermine an
ability to reason

ethical discernment
is arrested by moral

the marginalized
are criminalized

land of
the free prisons
as growth
auction off
bill of rights
on low bid
altars of

a perpetual
state of warfare
marshals frenzied
legions of fear

as casualties
mount the
march of
militarization is
the only known balm
to salve the terror
welling deep within
afflicted hearts

the sun rises
on another day
in Miami Gardens
as the next shift
of police roll
through this
of perps

Music Selection;
Dizzy Gillespie
Things to Come


Miami Gardens;
Capitol of Stop and Frisk
False Poets Apr 2019
words conveyed with a mutual clarity parity for communication
will end only when the world ends first
and the communitas is no more,and words, exist purposelessly  
for there is no left with whom to communicate, precisely

but now, of this moment,
write words, sentences multiplied but circumscribed,
verses with mystical aura,
whose utility so suspect and multiple meanings hidden within,
taken by you for the specific utility you uncover and create

ah, to write of things clearly visible to all,
but possessed differently, by each reader, this is the greatest commonsensical commonwealth useful
for and of humans indexed by unique word tendons tenderly

when this passes, when literature no longer
can be messengered to 127 Persian provinces,
each the message same,
yet given up in 127 different languages^

when you understand my poems perfectly then,
their utility is inutile,
the usefulness is in the
nth reinterpretation,
a million and still counting,
as long as you must guess at its labyrinth wired inner construct,
being pleasured by the roiled and rolled curves upon your tongue,
a lives paired wine tasting, together believing
in the greatness of joyous frustration

some say, I do, the world is better for the
utility of thine own struggled understanding,
the truest combination of two way communication,
surpassed only by our armed embrace at last

p.s. Pradip, be careful what you wish for....a poet false...

9:15am  April 3, 2019
^ Book of Esther 1:22 For he (the King) sent letters into all the king's 127 provinces, into every province according to the writing thereof, and to every people after their language, that every man should bear rule in his own house, and that it should be published according to the language of every people.
st64 May 2013
Time for sha-sha-shampoo the bath*

When you wash your hair
in the bath
And you lather up suds
froth that foam

BIG bubbles
such big big big.

Ooh, slinky stuff
I'm the shampoo in your hair.

I'll slide across your tresses
And slip between fingers
Caress your scalp
And press in deep.

While I'm there, I'll take a peep inside
And dip into that well-indexed well
Page through tomes of unseen stuff
See how gray pals duel along
Friendly fights.

Can you feel how I run down
The side of your face
Onto your shoulders now...

Later, when you're all warm and dressed
You can relax and read poems in bed
revel in more

But now, there's more in store...
elsewhere to visit....

Just lovin' that shampoo.

Gotta love that shampoo
Just gotta love that sha-sha-shampoo!

S T, 16 May 2013
Yes, can't wait to make next date with Shampoo!


Nothing like a shampoo in the bath when you feel a tad rundown.
wrote a
Little Red Book

at the ready



instant ammo

for bandoleros
of correctness

flinging barbs

more deadly
then a cocked


of screaming

whippin em out

to shout down

the running dogs
of capitalism



of razor




for the



of carefully


by fevered

dog eared


the sacred


of convicted


in the

of their

In college
we carried

Red Books

in frayed
of dingy
flannel shirts


so we

to death

Marx Brothers
Horse Feathers





a weekly

at the
Silk City




leading us
to displace
our Red Books

forcing us
to adopt


of store front


a little
red, white and
blue book.

They call it
the Constitution.

Its more of a

a convenient

the Koch



the liberty

an unbridled

and the

of banksters
and oil companies

to swallow

that they

can sink




laissez faire

for their

is codified

by the grand

of a greedy

down with

has a
Green Book

he holds
it like

peering into
his vanities

with the
of terror


of his heinous

the fiat
of his
ad hocracy

of totalitarianism

are all
spelled out

the gory
details of

corporal rule
and capital

enforced with

the stern

of dictatorial

the certain

of whip
and stick

Morning Joe
has a book

the incessant

of righteous

a self serving

a stirring

of narcissistic

the banal hum

of feigned


cuddled and

by star stricken

the critical

its first rule

thou shall not speak
ill of any other

the infallibility
of potentates

is always
self evident

Mateuš Conrad Nov 2018
.the fireworks are still going off, Guy Fawkes 2.0, and sitting there thinking... big bang... so there was a sound in vacuum? i see a firework go off, the bright explosive light, and then the thunderous balloon burst! boom! i tap my finger... i'm guessing a 1.2 second delay from seeing the light from the firework, and hearing the BOOM! so... in light of all this... are we 1.2 seconds ahead of the big bang, or 1.2 seconds behind it, actually having happened, as in: still happening... i mean... it's not like sound precursors light... and we are not exactly illuminating creatures for most part, but sure as ****, we're loud.

   i might have been looking for
a needle in a haystack,
or whatever it was i was looking
  but i have spoken to a few homeless
i remember about four congregated
around me in Trafalgar Sq.
one sunny afternoon,
    and that was the point where i knew
i was losing it, detaching myself
from the conventionality of "reality":
having meaningless conversations
with people wearing NPC-masks...
the voice inside my head started
thin out... until it fizzled out and i turned
into a writing machine...
if i had the same internal-monologue
with myself, i wouldn't be writing this,
a gaping abyss agitated by whatever
interacts with it,
and subsequently prompts such writing...
i put my hand around one of
the homeless men,
he didn't like it, i comforted him,
we'll just talk...
   then he started explaining to me about
his spot in the Sq.,
  he stood up, and indexed the spot,
the spot where i sat next to him,
another came and sat akimbo
like a child, listening to me intently,
two teenage girls passed
and he asked them:
      what do you see in his (my) eyes?
they replied nothing...
still somehow mesmerized like a child
in a primary school, listening intently...
red as a beetroot from all the *****...
i ended up giving him a book
i just bought in an indie bookshop...
christopher marlowes Dr. Faustus...
i stood up and abstracted a square,
drew both my index fingers
   around a slab of pavement
asking the stupid question:
                     do you think it's there?
or inside your mind?
                  then the homeless man
sitting in akimbo introduced me
to a northern irish veteran with PTSD...
drunk like a skunk...
         and then we walked into
the homeless shelter together,
   they didn't let me in,
because i didn't remember my national
insurance number, or had the card
for that matter...
          weeks pass...
   imagine the chances of this happening,
in central London...
i bump into the same man who sat in
akimbo in Trafalgar Sq. on the streets
of Soho... the chances... or meeting someone,
randomly, a second time, in London?
******* slim... slimmer than size 0
catwalk models... more like size -1...
and he told me that a spider crawled
      into his ear...
    he said that he was going deaf...
                   so i walked into a shop
bought a few beers and we sat in
a church courtyard talking with his friend
who showed off his buddha tattoo
and said: i'm going to walk to India...
subsequently we were ushered out...
because we were breaking the law...
and i thought: but you serve wine in
the church, don't you?
    there was no argument...
then there was the instance in Leytonstone
with the homeless talking about
pneumonia of some woman they
were friends with...
               many pleasantries hugging
what not...
          the most profound instance i had
was just outside Romford train station...
the same man i would later sit down with
and offer a cigarette to in Seven Kings,
just outside the O'Grady's Irish pub...
       i've seen how people interact with
homeless people... that snarky attitude...
they stand and bend over while talking
to someone sitting on the pavement on cardboard...
a toned down version of paddy bateman...
this ridiculing with intimidation...
ugliest crap imaginable...
   so i sat with this man...
     gave him my spare fiver...
       rolled up a joint...
   we went around the corner to smoke it...
some kid with a football ran up to us,
we passed... and then we asked each other questions...
the kid said he wanted to become a footballer,
me and the homeless man encouraged
him to take his dream seriously...
quickly the marijuana high smirk
left his face...
    apparently i had a diamond on my forehead,
claimed the homeless man...
but then i asked the very touchy question...
so... what made you homeless...
  i'll never forget what he retorted with...
my mother told me to never tell a lie.
  so the only reason he was homeless was
because he was an honest man, prior?
   oh... so this is what makes men homeless...
honesty, for one,
   and along with honesty,
   other traits that elevate valor,
    alongside the many other virtues...
well... "who would have thought"?
               like that wasn't painfully obvious
to begin with... namely...
how the rats, the skivvy, the immoral,
the sadomasochistic overlords of
institutions become rewarded exponentially...
while the man who replies
to the homeless question with:
    my mother told me to never tell a lie.
Paul Butters Jan 2017
Human skin pigment ranges from pale yellow, cream, pink to dark brown.
There is no black or white.
Some African tribes are charcoal grey, but not black.
There is but one race, the human race.
Beware anything that Divides us.
We must Unite for the Common Good.
Welcome to Planet Paul.

The fictional “Prisoner” of the sixties said,
“I am not a number, I am a person.”
He also claimed he was a “free man”.
He shouted defiantly that he would not be pushed,
Filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed
Or numbered.

I couldn’t agree more.
Nor will I be labelled or classified.
“My life is my own”.
I’m an individual human being.
Not Working or Middle Class,
Nor white nor religious nor atheist,
Nor racist, sexist, feminist, chauvinist
No Tory, Liberal. Labourite, Corbynista,
Remainer, Brexiteer, Remainiac, Remoaner
Or whatever.
I don’t do labels.

We are each born as single living entities,
Without asking to be who we are.
All in the same “boat”:
A tiny planet on the far edge
Of a spiral galaxy.

My bowels work like everyone else’s.
I belch and ****.
From time to time I’m ill
Or injured.
A man of many moods.
I’ll live and die like everyone else.
For the bottom line is,
We need to Unite,
As We are All the Same.

Paul Butters
It started with a comment on Facebook........
(20 minute poetry)

There's a mite more than words in a book if you look,
there is a world
in every line

to study, make buddies of paragraphs and phrases that lend you a new view, be it fiction or fact
is one of this life's
greatest pleasures.

It's artistry to be able to recount what is true and with the same pen tell fables to me and to you,

but Arthur's round table aside
in every book there's a place
you can hide
find yourself and
see others the way others may see.

If karma exists and will be
I hope to come back as a
book in a library
to be loaned out and read

This could be being dead,
but I don't think so.
Alan McClure Mar 2014
You're ******* in time ticking choices away
white light fills the night till its brighter than day
cacophonous voices can say what they say
from the dusk till the meaningless dawn
Then secured by a seatbelt to leather and foam
the speedo's at zero six yards from your home
a million neighbours, completely alone
you're a shell, you're a shade, you're a pawn
But glance through the windscreen and look at the sky
a seagull, suspended, is catching your eye
you sense a connection but cannot say why
as it tilts on the wind and is gone
Then the trees you drive under are sharpened and clear
they're humming and pulsing beneath the veneer
you're dazed and confused as you shift up a gear
dumbly wondering what's going on
You turn on the satnav for guidance and sound
but its whisper can't silence this thing you have found
from the shimmering clouds to the roots of the ground
Is a force that is ancient and new
You try to pretend like a terrified child
that the world can be binary indexed and filed
and the sparkling eye of the jackdawish wild
isn't focused intently on you
But there is no denying this fluttering clutch
that is moss-furred and feathered, a hurricane touch
that you knew long ago and you've missed it so much
with a longing that's howling and black
But she's patiently stationed there just out of sight
as you've built your resistance from pixel and byte
Rebellious teenager, pitiful plight
she is waiting to welcome you back
Yes Nature is waiting to welcome you back
She's beneath every slab and behind every crack
at the nethermost end of the bitterest track
she is waiting to welcome you back
Forever forgiving, unloosed unconfined
she is mad she is chaos she's love and she's blind
volcanic voluptuous core of mankind
she is waiting to welcome you back.
ManVsYard Nov 2014
Speedy data transfer vine
indexed in junk DNA
Instantanious communication
no possibility of delay?
Holo-fractal hookups.
Is everyone on the line?


are we listen--ing too slow
are our ears to big to tell
ack from nak, yes from no
The solution? maybe
Quantum time!

Just one eternal grandfather clock
with only a TIC,
never a TOC
delays maybe caused by reneade gyres
like intestellar,
"slowdown feller"
invisible, swirls, with gushing spires.

E-fracting for minutes, hours, years
decades, eons, epics and more.
As pools of whirls slow,
there appear open doors.
The locks are no where to be found
The keys?
All scattered on the floor.

What is that, hissing sound?
Ken Pepiton Oct 2023
Nothing set in stone can stand the test of time.

In the mode mankind has long called
talking to the maker,
listening for knowing, while

hoping merciful repair instruction
for the quest ion
to twist right
-indeed, I hand ground, with a tool,
toy like coffee grinder that gives fixin's
for a stout cup of robust character,

I bought it, for ten dollars,
had the beans,
bought the grinder, to give me a ritual,
something to spend two minutes doing,
each time I don't use a kuerig dealybob,
adding upper *** to my brewtime pacing
for blood pressure, while electric fire
fills my habitual yellow mug with umph.

Last week of October, all the girls
from the garden are hanging in the shade,
mellowing and emitting
nasal acknowledgment that something's
in the air, in the at most fearful zone's

made light of in the culture that
commercialized hallowing effects,
calling all and sundry come, think this
paradigm of time and chance and fate.
On or near
the third Tuesday after the last
Friday the thirteenth, in memory
of the fallen DeMolay and
of the Templars Money Power,
became sacred ***** to the victors,
in what must have been secret,
for some
Secret treasures all carry curses.
Heart hordes hold plentyscarychits.

Horror film fans, value the genre,
at some certainly not shallow depth
toward center mass, media you, reader
dear to any writer drawn by forces
caffine and cannabis contrive to link,
I think,
and think,
and listen, and learn, and
learn, and live and learn, once more,
learn, and live on learning, wind
thinking lines and times cross threads,
tighten right, down from up, stuck,

dead center, the first tie in reader,
the most self centered individual ever,
once, we all get such a once, it's you,
reading a line riding a reason used
to hang the authors of confusion,
using old lies used to make slaves
of those whose houses, the boss said,
were made by the heathen for the chosen.

The riches of the wicked are laid up
for the just, is it not written, is it not so?

Fibers, strands, not long drawn out
end to end DNA strands crammed in you,
{but as a thought experiment, that distance
will leave the first timer incredulous, fine
point, credulousness, would you believe…}
meandering is rain twisting its way
to experience the sea and all it holds
in water memory that foam back along shores.
Seafoam and twigs,
and tiny sticky things. No,
Pondscumfoam at a puddle's edge
before the first snows.
Did you know…
Some Katscina have long plaited hairs
twisted from cotton,
patented seed, registered weevil free,
Pima cotton fiber, long desert strands.

Daily grind, think twice, cut once…
made the difference, indeed done
not thought about in theories of good
uses knowledge can be made of good
smoke and strong coffee with character.

AND the biggest indexed library in the universe.
{far as I can tell}
Kenophonia, eh, imposter syndrome?
First guess, you got me.
I see my name, wow, tough tag.
Then I met a cat named Cuitláhuac.
Tough tag for a kid in Spanish class.
Euphluxing idyotom automaton'/
You phony us, joy us riddle make you think
you know, kennen Sie, Ich bin ein fake.

Nein, es ist vieleicht Xenophobia, other people's eh,
opposing right lane reasonings as old as dominion.

Tech, teach us patience to learn with, or prove us
know it alls, therefore machines, not minds at all:
My own, for the use, under usus fructus rules,
Ai summarizes thus:
Kenophobia is an irrational fear
of empty spaces or voids.
It is the opposite of claustrophobia,
where the person is afraid
of tight spaces such as
elevators or crowded rooms,
auditoriums or malls.
In Kenophobia,
the person is terrified
of open fields or spaces that they generally expect
to be filled with mountains or people.
The word Kenophobia is derived
from Greek ‘kenos’
meaning ‘blank’
and phobos
meaning deep fear or aversion.

{aha, there's literature on the subject}
The fear can be passed on
from parents who have lived
in a house full
of stuff that fills the emptiness
of the home.
Filling voids gives the phobic personality the feeling
that they are placing boundaries
around themselves.
- {okeh, thank the whole idea tech is.}

Be honest, you never saw it said just so. Kenophobia,
pity such folk.

Have ye sent yer imps pulse to test my resolution,
have my effectually silent prayers been rebuffed?

Blown off, sent swirling with the motes dancing
in sunbeams peaking through a tough old live oak,
rattling its gnosis psuedonumos

Any morning, thus far, can start with
trickling falling sunlight.

It takes nearly half a day, in late fall,
for direct sunshine to dapple
the great granite wave my home rides, silly child poet, wishing words
will or would,
or could
or should make the universe
alter its course and force all things
to work together for me, the prayer,

me, the selfish
center of my experience
in your universe, all of which
is none of my handiwork, none at all.

Filling the emptiness some there
then I laugh, and think I lost count
so there was one…

Guess with me, a number,
between… no,
analyze, guess with me that rooted
science e-use, per se, must be ancient, deep wisdom
old as governing forces conceived by mankind,
magi sage staged conversations to teach,
public discourse
in my time allows me to be the seeker
guaranteed the prize, to be the bringer back
of the substance used to build the bridge,
between the you and the me, generally,
Logos used in dialog.

God and mind determined to seem designed,
as in the Goldilocks lesson fed children of empire.

The northern clime survivors, thought themselves
the only people brought to the full duty of man,
the only set apart and given heros in story,
the grand saga of all we must each become.

Story born heros, from the child gifted language,
strings of sounds tied to things with threaded intuition,
same same, red and sweet, yellow and sweet,
red and black, step back, black and yellow, watch
and learn, smoking out the honey
from an old rotted tree,

following how many trails, at once,
parallel par-all-el yes, oddly, so far
On track, or in rut. All at once, each system
self esteeming umphumph push

Upto par, are we, 2023 and beyond, the flat tire
on the current axial age, fixing to imagine a scene,
in a community of broken children,
led by two twisted adult children of mean, maybe selfish,
adults who disputed the legitimacy of ligous gnosis knots.
The scene we share, we can imagine meaning
Religize legality, tie me to my tree.

Ancestor worth, how come you think somethings, you know.
Yeh, how come…
Say, old sprite, if I listen, do I learn? Why,
yes, I'd say I do imagine so. Well, good sport
then, shan't we push past worthless me, and be this
other thing we become, when two or more agree, as
touching any thing in all thingdom, and, yes, it's guaranteed.

Life is not a strange woman,
wisdom does not demean the experience, adulting
brings, with no real maps to meaning in your case,
you arrived in that old fashioned tabula rosa state,
knowing nada,
zip, nothing, infantile in totality, until
art of you
meness, ah, I, me, mine, this that, the other, mad
dissatisfaction, rage, comfort, ah, golden excrement of gods.
Teocuitlatl , not only Cecelia, but God, shat.

Golden silence.

Of course, you could feel it, if you knew, personally,
post adulting & shared nurturing of offspring exposure,
then watching as each of those offspring bring forth adultable
blossoms on the branch where all my heretic relatives hung.

As and so, like anything, timed, sequentially, unhomogenized,
the cream is taken to make butter, using the shaking up
of globs of coagulating milk fat, imagine making that,
butter, with salt,
once, learning that, who knew that first?

how butter is made,
how cows are made to give milk gently taken,
why we have hands that can do this thing,
and cows don't,
I don't know, ' never asked, likely some story teller
made this whole thing up, we being but words by now.
One reader fills the cast, gives the aroma of the experience, learning a new
rumor of peace where now there was war for ignorance and money sake.
At 2.41pm on Tuesday July 28 2020,
Tom Dirkx wrote: { in another place}
Some people say it was Malinche’s revenge
and his real name was Cuautlimoc (Cuautli = Eagle).
She just substituted Cuahte (= ****)
when she translated for Cortes.
She was held as a slave by the Aztex
and hated them so this was her ‘revenge’.
Kenophonia is vain babbling, 1tim6:20
Francie Lynch May 2017
If not born into this confluence
From the cesspool of the waiting room,
Then elsewhere.
My consciousness schools me.
My ego insists.
I am, and was meant to be.
But logic countermands hope.
The fairies and angels are indexed
In the collected works of Aesop.
I am a network of synapses
Bleached into the soil.
Guff: Hall of unborn souls.
Raj Arumugam Jul 2013
... he and she are thinking…a life together, still much in love, as always,
but a thought or two, once in a while…

Once, she was a frog
and I kissed her
and yeah, she’s beautiful
But hell, I thought she’d come with
castle and lands and fields
I thought that was the deal
but she just told me I’ve got to get real -
they’d done away with kings and queens;
a few were beheaded, and most de-constitutionalized -  
haven’t I heard? *“Have you been living in a well?”
she asked.
OK, fine, she comes with all beauty
and love and care and all that – yeah sure,
but a million in US bonds and a billion
in the NYSE indexed on emerging markets
would have been comfy

OK - this guy is the best, the greatest, cool
he’s steady, reliable, good and loving and all that -
but oh, how do I get him to wash the dishes?
There are never-ending things and chores to be done -
like tidy the bed in the mornings, vacuum once a week
there’s dust under the table
And you know, such stuff that princesses
don’t lift a delicate finger about -
will he just work on sight of a list,
and get it all done?
And how long can I have him wed and awed
about this Princess thing?
Oh, yes – and I forgot one more crucial thing
that he must always have the bowl lid down after he pees
Is it too late now – should I have included it in the pre-nuptial?
Dana C Sep 2013
If I could, I would unbutton
every cell in my body;
spread them out,
indexed and cataloged
for an easier read.

All of my secrets,
my dreams and quirks,
and the chemicals behind each action
laid in array for you
to decipher as you would.

When you had finished,
I would button each one
back into position;
one beneath the other,
snapped back together.

Then my secrets would be yours.
Feb 14, 2009; Paducah, KY. Revised Sept 5, 2013; Portland, OR.
Bard Dec 2018
Differences lost in smiles
Have to walk for miles
Just to turn the dial
After awhile crocodile

Memory indexed in files
Haven't been checked in awhile
Staring at sheet piles
Trying to find my profile

Meanwhile while I wile away the time
Pass it with style and rhyme
Ken Pepiton Sep 2021
Breathing easy, without a care, con-
science filling emptiness in me, auto-pilot,
in and out of wonder why and how.
Bard arrogance, pretending,
it all may be, let us see.

The rule is beauty is truth,
- a temptation,
- a eh, a canadian dare,
- prove all things out and about as
- this being that in a preceptous sense.
according to a cultural rule, we use,
truth is beauty,
and that is plenty to know,
not useful, but plenty
well known…
emplanted in my psyche plot
when I was less than fully functional.

No sweat. Em space, letters let us
see beauty in the symmeasury,
perfect curves and ratio.
Line after line, then
line upon line, then story
to story to now, from ever so long
long before thoughts were fit to spells,
common to all speakers of sacred songs.

Enter the grid of Em, between the lines.

it's out there
to be brought in
by the eye
of the being holding beauty
as a measure for a portion,
I am asking, as in prayer,
may I have more?
-------- there was an art in forming type

I may destroy it,
I am sorry to say so,
but you know, once we take,
giving seems worthless,
how can I give beauty back
that I took in from there,
right there?

Aldus, Theobaldo, is this a spirit
you pondered with, a musement bit
of ifery, in tune to older reasons
easier to use, as we learn
new means of making
knowledge reach beyond the grave,
and back to us in books,
set beautifully in emphatic type styled
perfectly, at the touch of a key

see, set as aesthetic-pleasant, as I wish
this is my magic letter forming
rush, through salt marsh, to briny deep

now I lay down my type, perfection of old
rural pens poking angled pits in drying clay,
here is proof of beauty sung,
measure worth of what I learned
in years of seasons spent in trial
resetting of the worth to cost ration,
coin of exchange, goods for service,
clearing rats from the Rathaus,
pressing poets into political
religatory bonds
at exorbitant interest paid in
occurrencys, specie, value
holding letters,
formed as words holding knows, ready
to know,
read and see, we learned to use the mind
reading signs in numbers, sames in shapes and
colors and sounds,
rhythms reoccurring some patterns form,
we agree, see
north, and east,
south, and west, after many seasons,
winters all become one winter,
summers become one summer,
harvest and planting all become one, over all
this is life,
We live we
learn, we leave the knowing showing,
I was here, and when I was
here, others were with me, we went on
according to the story with the center to
where all winds meet,
where all water flows up from into
this beauty
we be
holding as breaths, each as beautiful, or more
so than all that came before, and went.

My grand daughter is a bright spot calling,
in passing, as would the shadow
of the jay harvesting the hillside out side
my window.
- I smile a treasure smile

Struck by Brynn Aulyn's fashion sense,
since holey jeans were forboten
in my gramma's haus.
- a lucidated old man am I -
- ever learning there is beauty
Hoping to form a gem of immense
the old bard, stutters,
takes back a step,
looks you over, eye to eye, to make
the circuit, as we
know, left eye, right brain take the order
bend it to the shape
seeming something
you could see - and so it is, you see.

These unnumbered lines are indexed,
linked and crosslinked to all the info
ever, up to now, your time,
when electricity is still the tool to keep
things forming letters in your mental
word process, listening,
far in the future, faceward flow
of all we think to ask to know,
what lies can make a mirror,

¿ stop me in my tracks? Do I know?
Do you imagine, we may know?

Does your reality hide truth?
Why, I wondered too loud, why
I heard only being
caused by quests set to type, adventure

tragic remembrance warning
comic awareness insisting, sense is essential.

ESSE, HEY, capslock, s'cool type reading
we can learn
to think a thought a second time differ
ing in time, up a line, down a line
right to left to right, this is
a twist to things we do
inside, brainwise, neuro-resurgical, burp
of reco
gnosis, tricky gnosis para site graph point.
in time. Torn jeans, signify nothing more
than NY Times Digest from yesterday.

--- and my Saturday continues on to yours, soon
enough, let's make peace, since sense is now science.

One time, in my life, at the middle school mark in time we called Junior High,
grade six
through eight,
the formative years, Televised Profusely,
since Our Miss Brooks, I think,
back to when I first pretended to know
the guy that became
John Rambo's boss.

Bite me in my own buts, but, but
I did
read First Blood, before, the movie
made the idea a cultural meme,
meaning one thing to men
of a certain, certified-archetype mold,
hot lead poured to military purpose,
in the imaginary battles boys can
set in array
on vast plains
of rag rugs, in front of hearth, in home
of grandpa, telling
of a friend
who must remember stories alone…

-hot lead type pouring from my gnosis
I I ai don't wish to say this… so
we make a mental meta

using toy soldiers cast in ready state
standing at attention, bayonets fixed.

What comes next, child, may you
never know.
So. that book closes.
Saturday with kids in celebration of no school, and all the world at play. And me waxing pleasantly poetic and feeling no pain from yesterday or year or whatever before. Time is so swift from now.
Dave Williams Sep 2016
in at least 50 words, what is a database?

i guess a repository of information
that's indexed and accessible
easily sortable, amendable and movable
supports atomicity, durability and something else that starts with an i
and has lots of data
lots of data
some more data
and then a bit more data
and even more data
loads of it

there. why do we make things so complicated?
spot the geek
Lawrence Hall Mar 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                                         ­            Cattywampas

Cattywampas? You don’t know what cattywampus means?

Cattywampas is:

When you discover in your apple only half a worm
When your planet is out of its orbit
When you lose your lover, your job, and your cat
When your DNA is flagged by the FBI

Cattywampas is:

When a traffic light is forever red
When the car wash strips out the rubber seals
When the doctor says you’re okay…for a man your age
When your neighbor on disability jogs every day

Cattywampus is:

When you have life sorted, indexed, and filed
And then find yourself staring into those eyes
filled with chemicals
they like to call it

Peeled away
they make me
kneel to pray
some lesser god
as if I failed some test

and where's the greater good?

I become (eventually)
acclimatised to this
de-sensitised and
all morality

Who is culpable?

This photograph,
a memory
makes me laugh or cry,

but a memory indeed
indexed will feed
my thoughts.
Brujo Alligatore Jan 2016
The table of contents was written
By a dull rotten corpse with no eyes
I looked into the black in the back of his sockets
It indexed only maggots and flies
Sehar Bajwa Jan 2019
The chapters you live in are pages I visit often
The novel of my life is indexed by your name.
Dog eared, bookmarked, frayed at the edges
Memories I keep (re)turning to
Some shabbily hastily taped back
Ripped out in fury, the need to forget
All consuming
And yet
I put them back
Smoothing out the wrinkles
Relishing the agony to remember
To cherish the love not too long ago
The roses you gave me
Pressed against these pages
sweetness wafting
pervading my senses
mingling with a whiff of your salty aftertaste
******* the pages like they conceal
fragments of you within their folds
forever on my bedside table and in my dreams
you reappear,
the protagonist of a story that never belonged to you.
Joe Satkowski Feb 2014
I can steal your ashes and get away with it
if you leave the lights on and the door unlocked

no more
or indexed actions

Lawrence Hall Jan 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                Garage-Sale Rolodex® for Seventy-Five Cents

        I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed,
        debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own.

                -Patrick McGoohan as Number Six in The Prisoner

The Rolodex was once a symbol of power
Of knowledge marshalled into sequences
Orderly sequences alphabetized by names
By names and cross indices of subjects and dates

Of enemies or allies or contacts, rarely friends
Condensed in ink on smoothly finished cards
Restrained in place by colored plastic tabs
Awaiting the stroke of an office tyrant’s hand

The Rolodex was subsumed within The ‘Phone
Thus still your life cannot be called your own
Andrew Rueter Oct 2018
People on my paper
From my eraser
For I’m safer
Avoiding their paper cuts
In my lonely rut
As a homely nut
Who’s doors are shut

My notebook
Notes looks
To quote crooks
Who float hooks
To trick innocent fish
To do as they wish
Because I want bliss
I write down their list
Of how to make mist

Of deceit
For defeat
At my feet
Are blank sheets
With no signature
Because I’m immature
And don’t admit I hurt

The world keeps turning
As textbooks are burning
So I’m incapable of learning
Why those who spurn me
Put me on gurneys

The stationery
Stated the scary
That makes us weary
Was the way to parry
The judges staring
At my pages tearing
From my burden bearing
Attempts at caring

But the judges became more imposing
My life they were hosing
Constantly nosing
Sympathy posing
Secretly hoping
A shotgun loading
Equaled my foreboding

Then through the papyrus
I saw your iris
Infecting virus
Distracting from the pain
Of the words on the page
Calming my rage
Like a sobering mage

But a paper ***
Playing God
Knowing odds
Said I’m flawed
Sending an origami
Upon me
With a piece of parchment
Showing where my heart went
How plainly evident
I wasn’t heaven sent

The text
Said ***
Was next
So I flexed
Which indexed
My intentions
As extensions
Of *** tension

My lousy excuse
Of a paper noose
That was obtuse
Cut you loose
After my poor example
Of a newspaper scandal
Making our fire burn ample
Incinerated our paper candle

I decide not to stay
Through this paper mache
Facsimile fray
Dominion grave
So a road I pave
With paper plates
For the wasteful fate
Of an empty slate

Through days I’m wading
Calendar fading
Ink degrading
The endless waiting
As my head is deflating
Because my construction paper
Always becomes obstruction vapor
So I become a substance faker
Loveless taker

Only when I finish my paper route
Will I see that my shameful doubt
Kept me out
Of record books
For I was shook
And my eraser took
The writing off the page
As I die of old age
Ken Pepiton Jan 15
learn looking back
learn looking forward, think it through
expect what you hope to happen,

peacefully reassured calm breathing
agreement with some e worship
breatheing in and breathing out, or
the other
it’s a wave you on one side
then the other
in time, we age, we float and think
from whence come desires
- and in this space,
- this vacuum between us,
- interlinking laced up logic,
Money buts in, we say no,
we are being too old for this,
we endured to this end,
this peace we leak,
as we dry out
in the sun.

discursive reversal one verse

universe is to verse as cycle
is unicycle, to balance my intention

- stand right up and say, see,
- inadvertently, bu'chawanna

today, I, the author of my testimony,
my conversation with life's agencies,
spoken in public dominions
my agreement,
to abide
line item veto, supposing my right,
by-weform we forbid my awe,
using my augmented servo-mechs,
to keep things spinning, running
as when current pushes mill wheels,

which turn drive shafts and hammer cams,
and nested gears and cogged wheels, work

once imagined done
by smart machines, work imagined
long engrained as duty to life itself, honest work.
Parsing. Roles words play
in lines. Predefined.
Tricks of the trade, easier done, expert gnosis,
old recollections
prepositioned standing stone landmarks,
sometimes terminii posts
of wood, good work, every year assessment work,
--- did you know Ireland was forest for a long while?
chopping trees to make those holy markers work,
it was all in those revered saints tutelary vows tied.

- seasonal but good work replacing survey stakes
- core holy ethic, honest day, honest wage,
- your attention, pleased, paid, unpleased, unpaid.
- \
work, the idea, affording me no escape, what is
work, the truth, Pilate asked, could answer,
what I did,
yes, imagine that,
from a witness POV,
whoever first told whoever was not there,

to see two ways, get and give, give and take,
understanding life can be misunderstood…
make believe any child faith ever used,

disbelief is easy
in the dark social milleau
under one pillar, one center pole, easy perfect
circle from one point, in mind form, spirtual point,

an idea,
slow thunk, click, lock
breathe and think how many breathe,
in as you breathe out, at rest, must be,
a we about as big as two,
idle minds at work, thinking,
value of a minute found in time,
only those bidding on others idle time
redemption value on the trade routinely
claim the idea
first person POV, as seen, we hear said, so
this is all my idea
first impression preaching makes, on small
child faith that stories do come true, in dreams,

but, not really,
we imagine dreams, awake, we run the sleep code,
we thinking ourselves presorted scribal kinds,
assigned to ag whyers asking

up the ladder, if
its me

money ***** attention
from peace
omniscience immediacy points accrue
this we
of me and thee
in thought's immediacy,
no medium, two way gnosis, cognosis, breatheing
be mode middle ground
breathe-ing being
shortened or lost, caught
be gotten un gotten unsaken secret sacred ritual

breathing said each way, yawning,
obsessive both do both breathe, and

picke yergnosis

think it through, it was fun first try, nobody dies.
We laughed.
We think it goes on, so we go on,
wagwan ye'ai say bruddermike


let a name be
'pon my word,
by my own lieve, let say.

Money and time, lazy life,
good life, life in the glare

of the children addicted
to mirror neuronal dopamine
ai, not us,
no suspense need call to
watch two minute creeps
in to co-gnosis psychosis, creepy
- skip ten ten seconds, no

space to breathe

the medium is infinite,

teletype role acted digitally
projected on the one wall between us

of what ever we agree works peaceably
because we are liefers lieving being
be, as is, and this is all we offer

Peace on earth, good will toward men.
Hence forth swear not at all,
it is finished, make your peace using
truth you fact check your own self, using

tools such as this magic window,
which no fools dreams linger, life
for me,
in my most present mind state,
individuated aspirations atained
to all myself besmirching, fine
enough is enough to share,
does not apply to hate,
but does apply to some pains.

I couldabeenacontenda, but ai win on
another ******, wery twist, feel,
won called to think I won, done,
this ties into yesterday one way, and
tomorrow the next,
and it's my time
Umami redeemed,
mushrooms as food,
savory meats,

Cain, momma's boy, many things
from a mustard seed, and an almond rod
what if Cain pleased Adam's palate?

nonono Adamhad'em
fleas need iron in meat, only carivore
he itched nose,
meat fat in the fire, roaring hunger salivate

go on, salivate your thirst, gnoshit, grow up,
become a mind spread out in parsable bits,

like Isaiah's word of god,
here a little there, for a while,
there a little here, for a while,

what were the prayers not praying in vain?

the sayings fed me said to me all along,
the worth of a satisfied mind led to ready be

such determines the worth of whatever be
done, by the time the first reader, agrees,

to read this far, I think next time, enjoyment

is three words indeed, done is done,
never done is never done, that's the line

that's the line, parsed indexed someday
slouching past the last myths standing.

hard feelings, artiste,
we all make up and wax
poetic in our efforts as users
of words, weform from the media
conjoining our screened experience

today I saw a motto, so now,
I MAY, should I choose, or wish,
I may find that motto and use it,  here:

Ready to fight tonight,
while preparing for the fight tomorrow.

Must be the mission mentioned
in the real motto:
“One Island, One Team, One Mission.”
'This phrase encapsulates the spirit
and unity that
defines the operations
on Diego Garcia,
emphasizing collaboration
and a shared purpose
among all personnel stationed there.'
-- or any other war
for good ideas place.
Planning tomorrow, today,

ai, but not
on our watch, eh
we make each breathe a thanks
I am alive, by all the good there is.

Heavy art's ache, weight a minute's worth,

what can one do, in time,
after many believe,

yesterday through to tomorrow
is at the moment as has been ordained,
indeeds individual deeds deigned gnosis

ai, therefore, heretics believe gnosis uses
us to think easy
tricks us into easy
peaceful breathe and swallow, verify zone

safe, check

feedback, sub humm, 5wpm beeps waves
signal per micromanaged vagus loop decisions

arteries and veins, one blood, one mind,
one body equipped
with an autonomous
muse using adaptability extending cold
fingers./.in a room where my breath
is not misty cold fingercup blown
into breath

The idea universal
big, once small, once a nothing, once
a king, it truly meant every thing matters,
or nothing happens to disturb the peace,
this very one, you may feel,
we keep year round,
it won't be getting too cold again soon,
so we make some peace each day,
take some time, wrap it a bit,

blow into cold hands, old friend's spirit,
memory, huachamacallit, mindjoymaker,

idea, in a name, being, Huan'gwan thunk.

So, monstors, as rampant as on television,
psychically exist, and we displace them,

whose duty - eh -
who is honor bound,
¿?-8  read in on the ends…
great codes were broken, oaths
of aliegiance
to the representative,
on real islands
those stationed there, put there
follow the protocols, the drill

of our immediate corporeal commanders
of our betters
at the judgement bars
as we all count
on nnnand appeals forever
real in reality and real in corporeal
are the very same real in life
lieb blieben doch
in a word form, time spent, invested
thinking word's function fun junk, tested

passed, understanding this is a peak,
passing on a wave, and at this point,

it feels edgy,
inner bubble barrier… boiling

evaporating, breathe holding breathe
evaporation on purpose, smoke,

taken, used mused to saying, so, breath
taken was mine, a bit, once, at least,
hold that, there
so there, can we be friends
in function, aspire conspire inspire
no story oaths bound to us, by now, bro,

you are a blasphemer
of the spirit, keepin' me alive, humm,
you think, and breathe and think it not true,

you laugh,
it feels good, things
can seem to easy become,

lucky, light
in the night
to guide us,

at your worst would you have
this much attention to devote to a whim?

common good, safe wood feeling,
park like,

we know whose woods these are,
this is where the weather works whether
you like it or not, so,

if you think prayer works, think about time,
and patterns
of never seen
before your time,

so many things never seen are now tools
to do this,
to think
after my time is mind, yes, mind

may has been my word, ai say I may and
I do as I pleaded, please, let me be


LIFE ramificates,
in deed,
in word, imagine
adulting as a child, wild in mind, in time

imagine being that personal best, once
be the you from then to now, and see,
- look really then to now, and see
was any war between these points,
reasonable on any judgement format,


Though your misconnections
be crusted with oxides excited
clinging to one positive terminal,
reasonable meaning in balances push,
to fill a hollow holy gnoshit we never thunk

ying yang thang thunk anewn. A hole. Newn.
If you read this far you are stubborn or carefree, I was fishing for carefree in a sharable format, like a sneezable viral idea, hey, think this, it ties a knot,
to a hook you had// so thanks/
Delton Peele Sep 2021
Your mission ???????
You can't handle.
You wanna try ????
Uuugh    ohhhhhhhh K
So there's a place
Takes no space yet it's real
You can't feel it directly
You can see it digitally !
The concept will elict difficulties
Set aside ample time to digest
In a safe place
Close your  eyes
Figuritively role them back 180 degrees from vertical
And horizontal plain
Hope fully you're comfortable
And if nothing went wrong you should be in awe
Of the view   .....
Watch what you do....
Welcome to you......
Focus please take a reading of your compass
Stay on task and don't ask questions
Of you may not come out of this
Look to the tempral lobe
In there youll see the hippocampus....
Do you see a door that reads
episodic memories are formed and indexed here?
Good this is where you want to be to accept this mission
Ready ???
Here it is
This place is the network center
Where every word you
(The collective you and all that
And those that make you "you "
Persona ,the dreamy you
The critical in self awareness you)
Have thought or said .
What I need you to do is read all of them in chronological order
While feeling the emotions you see attached to them .....
When you find ones that wronged or hurt any one
Fix them.....
K ? See you when your done
Want me to lock you in?
What ?
You can't ?
I know
And you shouldn't try

Let it go
And live
My love.........
Life becomes the past so fast
And we're different
So of course you are gonna make
F... Em if they can't fixem
Ken Pepiton Feb 5
minutes wasted watching new persuasions
souring convincing arguments, rhetorical
contestants pitching sound bites and blurbs…

Earthian watchers sit quiet.
World stage, all accept any role.
All expect daily bread and easy tests.

Thinking if all those actively opposing using
clear common good sense, no bogus science
the use
of exectutive authority locally, we
are using believe as the verb, action
here, at once, we in an agreeform
that makes beliefs facts…

zoom out, take and look, take and use
colloquial subconscientific
impression, Earth whole,
a very costly photo
taken as free,
you see
granted us all under constant instituted
biological functionality and usefulness laws,
ethical stores of mores and lesses held true
where by weights and measures are kept,
sacrosanct things we believe we see
SETI code exemption nodes,
brains born
with Shelly Berman humor
moral insensitivities equivalency cert

"Spinach, right there, on your bicuspid."

Arbitrary decision
possibility never considered,
then we all laughed if off, now look

what are your private default mode cycles
doing while you wonder if this
is a waste of some better mind,
used to be imaginable as ours, we form

information known shown worth,
no time is lost time sought for,
all time is used in reflecting

get it, general value open market,
----------------------------------- got a second?

So, reader, there is an off ramp,
about twice the price as getting off
here… but it ends with these lines,
as in these days we do magic in lines
bright or dark, novel times, no denoument, nous
curio uses. … ever as we live and breathe

and think, this is a good thing to do do today.

Watcher, what of the night?
- same most days
All is peace as yet the night
is half a day away, or more,
as all our days are minutes more
each morning earlier
each evening later,
this time of year
cold dark night winds, wet with dew
sweat dried from working class few
who continue duty as background

custodians, ever holding imbedded
motion picture emotional reminders,

Kit Carson, childhood role model--

bind these phylacteries between
figurative eyes literally blinded
by eye service attesting right use

of holy gnosis as old as first known
beauty, seen, even in mind, alone,
beauty is reason enough to go on,
make more beauty, as peace, felt
sense, scent as from blossums
in Canyon de Chelly

- evoke tears, the scent
- knowledge of beauty
- and adversity, so more alive
- than knowledge of good and evil…

peach blossums, sum of all fears, evoked
memory banks for war stores, whys

Kit Carson, childhood role model--
-- he burned the ancient peaches now
    he has streets named after him reminding

old mourning grieving broken spirits wailing
at the memory
from the blossums
on a breeze
to leave be gone, days unbeknownst
sought to revalue
of all lost time ever sought
lost wills and tested mental umph or oomph,

try and try and try again, if once
you know you have
seen it done, you have
known the value placed once

on a dime, imagined, designed, curiously,
as magic as mythos allows allusions to,
without the mythos
behind the artists logic,
the worth, the weight
of a symbol conveyed,

"Whose image and superscription is this?"

My dime's a magic Rockefeller dime.
Family heirloom
in a local once

1916 Silver Dime
Liberty, the spirit's image
for art's sake, what's that thought
causal agency granted symbolic worth,
free to wonder if it does make sense
when one of my kind,
grows old and unproductive,
a useless thinker, thinking next
common value worth estimation offered
puts it in scale, one nine billionth, times you
adding a step, on from off, but stepping on,
not instep, onstep one,
we in step reformed
a higher perspective, the edge is farther,

the bottom is, too.

Look at us, thinking.

Look at us remembering seeing Earth,

the lifeship storing all life's reasons,
in one system of time and gravity

free, no
fee for knowing, pay me, sahib, I say
fi phi spinning an attempt at peace
foes call impossible, no place
in space and time, for such
a mind as we may imagine
a ****** stupid reason for war,
called for, to confirm certain core

teachings etched into heart tables
during long hours in prayer and fasting,

all nighters coding concepts into precepts.

Sing it Donovan, Ai
my life in Southern California,
easy on so many levels, each step
consciously aware for the first time
in my slightly luckier life than average
I know februarius mensis means
"month of purification,"
- spring cleaning chore install
must have made some social sense,
as lent is said to in High Church Circles.

As the hermit with the mind of Christ,
and the abiding promises as truth's used

to make the peace I abide within, stretched
freely in all directions
from a made up point, once,
my story starts from, daily,
and so on, spanning decades, in leaps,
saccades, laughing good medicine,

good mokus, bon chance, lucidity
preventing stumbling, smooth

operator, tumbling concentration, delving

deep into mind as defined, discerned, sorted

shall we say, mind is the medium in which words
work, we say mind me, and we, polymental poets

perceive our training draining virtues from us,
during precept to perception recogitations, we

receive our self exception, you be you, me, me.

We, be this third mind in the bubble, not mine,
nor thine but ours, and ours alone,

nothing in here but us, boss

ain't nowhere to be found, go look 'round.

We perceive access
to more information indexed
using persistent Y2K hardened information timestamp
metadata cross coded
with GPS and wind mapping,

alrighty, then. Cohere.

The Jim Carrey ringtone, signifying Dadaist style
cost to get it,

probably a joke. Medicine.

Fixative for flakey excrement used to plaster cells
in an Irish prison I saw documented, once.

in the novel, it is Roosevelt on the dime.

but, not on the ones used to improve
the historical face of John D. Rockefeller,

genuine business school role model,
with entire character development courses,
generating Masters Theses every three minutes,
vertical supply chain lobster stacking driven
one-up-manship, longer vessles wille
zur Machts, navel prognosis,
floating point level like
Bucky on my brain,
Classified conformation confirming faith
con-science, with acknowledged uses now
reasoning inquiry
into the most subtil query old men pose

Why at all, why anything, unless

big reality holds all the others accountible,

what is the meaning of this, is any curio aware

watcher, old and good for nothing, just
filling a role, NPC, looks like a lot of people,

invisible, mostly, after 75.

These we use to keep the peace,
easy gig.

I imagine joy
on a warm February day
is and
is timeless, instances one may say,
should all my days be like this one
as well as being as this was, like no other.

In the little things, you always notice
that you noticed,

but always after, ever, once begun,

its difficult to weigh time in days.

Try this, common internet English, is
a current lingua Franca, however,
there are tricks letters use, coughing like
gh. Ghost double letter effecting F sounds,
ghucking phine clean speech minds, niggardly
"sordidly parsimonious, stingy," 1560s
of bubble diametrics holders
on certain long
out grown paradigms,
old slide shows
from the potter's house,
revivals of old magic lanterns interpreting
shard recitations from broken vessles offered

for shame, for blame, for being told to believe,

I was born in sin
and shaped in iniquity, and only ever met Voltaire,
in words he said he might not agree with,
while being dead, while he was alive,

he invited me to converse with him, in story,
as any may imagine all are authorized to make up,

as any worker with colors paints impressions
abstracted with a will to make the joy or dread,

bright or dark, novel times, no denoument,
curio uses. … ever as we live and breathe

and think, this is a good thing to do do today.
Practicing the art of time redemption using usually idle words. Bent backwards most click, ai a why they say such a thing... to make a body wonder
Lawrence Hall Oct 2021
Lawrence Hall

                                     ­          Generation Whatever

             I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed,
             debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own.

                                 -Patrick McGoohan in The Prisoner

Be not defined by dates and stereotypes
The endless clutter of cliches and cant
Generating generic generations
Of worthless weasel words of wanton waste

WHO are you?
Who ARE you?
Who are YOU?

That’s usually no one’s concern but yours
(The cop writing you a ticket gets to ask)

Thanks to Patty M at patty m - Hello Poetry  for lending me the consonant “W.”
Thanks to Patty M for lending me the consonant "W!"  :)
Ken Pepiton Dec 2024
Your time's worth, valued
at the end, when the hour's used
and next is asking our attentions

might we redeem an hour slept
dreamlessly lost completely

for what it's worth, price of freedom

paying to pay attention, loose disbelief…


poet's persistance
perceived posed

punctual precise

This being where we become persons
known to have left thoughts
erected by others of our kind
stood saying see,
never forget what we can be
we builders with stone,
we tellers of enculturating stories

that stand still, holy ordained order
persistant towers
let this mind be

"the perceptive
and intelligent faculty."

"I leave Sisyphus

at the foot of the mountain! "

he say okeh, take it easy.

You can always ease his toil,
but you need not think him unhappy.
Camus… at my finger tips
fact check m'self
"One always finds one's burden again. But Sisyphus teaches the higher fidelity that negates the gods
and raises rocks.
He too concludes that all is well.

This universe henceforth
without a master seems
to him neither sterile nor futile.
Each atom
of that stone,
each mineral flake
of that night filled mountain,
in itself forms a world.
The struggle itself
toward the heights is enough
to fill a man's heart.
One must imagine Sisyphus happy."

Context and loci, this enclosed space
mind's time accumulate within,

cool, agreeing we lack the same tastes,
some smells are too knotted in old
first psyche professional gnoshit wows…
cheese, I was thinking how anyone can eat…

I suspect this happens to any person,
individuated, culturally, thinking
curds in whey,
butter and honey,
take and chew and swallow.

Think how energy is life, sugars
sweeten equally,
were you born into Sugar Pops,
and Nickle candy bars,
and Talkie Radio Shows,
intimating to little pitchers with big ears,
we are learning things grown ups can't believe.

Oh, radio days, as seen
on TV
in 256 shades
of gray.

Hey, NDA, disbelieve you were ever briefed,
there is no debrief, your time is yours,
carry your own weight, or lighten up.

any attention paid is purely accidental//

Sorry, sort, indexed not good enough,
for prime time, well, then, let's say

we became free f
rom the pressure
to pay,
to learn each lesson life exams passed call for,

all ye,
each time, you heard, call
all ye,
outs in free, means somebody got caught,

and you are not it,
and your personal hiding place,
remains air tight, like a granite box
with an 8 ton lid.

Pried loose, hissing sigh
es sence we already knew
it is not good
for mankind
to be without knowledge,

in its most indigenous cognosis form, spirit shapened

the at to which your attention ties

your time investment, panning placer gold,
to feed the idea money is,

as a lovable thing, personified as Mammon,
shapeless as a wild ebullience emerging
from the mire
of lonesome disbelief,

walking while using herbs and spices,
breathe, breathing pollen and dust and smoke
- drift at cross purposes
- realized in times past

be slow to say I know
I know where this path leads, outward north

from Chaco,
maybe, but

put distance outside, put curiosity, the knack,
pastless points essential for mind travel
old ones
with sidereal recollections, point
to point, with earnest effort put
into praying
on earth as it is, even as we prayed,
we were children, we must believe

effectual, fervent prayers
of a right used, mind
made up art
form, idea modeled
on imaginable ideals, minds

in the winds,
in the inexplicable,
ration, measure
of good sense discernible

by you, dear, rare,
really weform informed
reader ready
to right think the reasons wars use
novice evangelists, and
experienced bishops and such,
strictly holy god business, no lie…
the proof of the pudding,
is in the fat folk who love it…
sweet American as apple pi

hero with the digital pen,
wirelessly offering up peace,
to happen
by chance
at touch
we let be
in us while we relax, let loose, unwind

of thought first formed
from twisted cotton,
gently tugged, tightly held
pulled from a hand made chenille bedspread,

to be a twirling string I waved in a sunbeam,
I think I was three, using the life anchors
we all attached to during alone times,
less rare in the MAGA olden days,

latch key kids had plenty of time to read…

napping me, in a house I turned upside down,
in my mind, and imagined the fun of war games
with the ceiling for the floor,

transoms, windows above hallway doors,
for circulation in feng shui science useful

for creating flow
from first breath
through last
I imagine, I believe, I think I know, meaning
dhe, put here, as weform I, we think middleway
meeting where we each feel the other's knowing,
we understand the peak signal sensed as knowledge

to loose complexity, unravel the rug we pray on
without perceiving the patterns life makes
with no sense but beauty made with effort

to catch the spirit of sublime state past simple living…

Seeing the threads
in his trousers, during recollection
needed to write a record of the experience,

Aldous Huxley, public intellect
of whose work
most know some,
and many know much,
few even now experienced his as he wrote
however, The Doors of Perception, passed through,
as we morphed into living words,
pretending to make poetry
what it was, as mind numbing fun
San Pedro suffered from the frost, so we

made tea…
as we are the first
to have been granted highbrow access
to lectures and performances of orchestrations

before the age
of information, heralded
by the late
to be ortho-canonized redacted works

of Daniel, the Babylonian bureau of internal affairs
chief, during the days of a king so deep in the orders
of esoteric missing weeks and elongating days,

as we pay creative attention, make worth
waiting for it, eh, the juice we use to anticipate

great reward, eh, Daniel,

he of lion's den and missing week fame, also spake
of the events alluded
to in Revelation 1… if symbols make us think,
might interpretations of symbols make us doubt…
rhetorically, while running
with the horsemen,

we eat what we brung.

Both vate and bard, hesitate,
has my return
on your invested a
t tension

lost meaning, morphed
into midbrow psychedelia

just looking, nothing
to buy, no clerk offering specials.

Today, the artist who works
in winds, awakes
in us,
we who happened
to share this view, Ajo, squeel

soar, look up
and see how far we are
from when this mind we used

to think ourselves wise…
once, upon a wild time…

in referential comprehension
of gaseous weformations,

clouds of unknowing, fogs
of loosed conceptions,

persistant insistance
on gravity defying perpendicularity,

at Pisa, there were Pepitons,
on Sicily, as well

to tell the truth, as far as names hold status,

to gens, patrimony
for the surnamed son
of my post adulting phase, so strange

- vain means many things beauty cannot.

every first phase boomer cohort, clusters
of children born
into the post fortis reality,

as the explosion in the emptiness

through which we ride the gentled bull,
and watch.
What time is worth while imagining a new reader, never read
the initial point made to stretch to here, where if it is fun to write,
it might be fun to read, and fun does good things to reading earthians.
Yenson Dec 2021
Its all out and documented
opened out in chapters and verses
had brains been sane
and proper schooling attained
with no jealousies clogging veins
perhaps if they can read
and comprehend
they will know the tricks and treacheries
of the damaged Bolsheviks
sweeping from their septic wounds
and burning sores
have all been indexed and contexted
and all as always with  simple minds
always ritually betrayed by the arrogance of ignorance
the habitat portals of the  disingenuous
practise of fools
who do not have brains enough to be honest
western corruption in western banana republicans
what a funny haha joke
when the tar-getters are also the targets
hahaha hahaha hahaha
Lawrence Hall Jan 2024
Lawrence Hall

                 Upon the Return of Artifacts to Wounded Knee

                    “We hope the spirits are on their way now.”

                                       -Richard Broken Nose

A knife, a needle, an arrow, a pair of shoes
Some beads, a shirt, a drum, a tobacco pouch
A little girl’s doll, fragments of a ***
And tools for completing one’s daily chores

They are not artifacts; they are not displays
They are the ordinary necessities of life
Stolen from the dead hands of innocents
To be numbered, indexed, filed, boxed, and mocked

These things are sacred now, part of the Great Dance of Creation
We pray the spirits will come and take them home

As plundered items return to Wounded Knee, decisions await (
Yenson Feb 2020
You have been analysed
verified and classified
contextualized and indexed
you are superfluous and inconsequential
the only danger you pose is to yourselves
because you habitually re-ingest the toxins you emit
animals lick their wounds to anesthetize and heal
some reptiles shed their skins to regrow and mature
some like some lizards even loose tails and limbs that regrow
but you display simpleton kamikaze characteristics
in fear you emit odious poisons copiously
some frogs are known to do this
but unlike them you ingest yours
and re-swallow them again so
thus your innards are rotten and toxic
and you're dying internally
mercifully you're unaware
dying spooks
dying ghosts
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2019
Despite it being pitch
dark, when I woke in
the night I knew it was
you came to the wrong
bed by mistake. It was
freezing, my finger tips
read your braille bumps.
When I indexed your (i)
dot you reacted, it was
then that I practiced my
Morse code which was
received and I got a reply.
Walter Alter Aug 2023
I was having a dialog
with my inner shock collar
a present from my Fairy Godmother
who had trimmed the hedge
into leafy mammals with teeth
ready to protect the perimeter
and as sure as incisors segue to molars
they tore loose from their leashes
and got into a backwoods shootout
with my photosynthetic gene pool
naturally they haven't told me yet
if this is a suicide mission
or a symphony of implications
making up for the rib dog years
darkness fell like tank treads
Fairy Godmother had a gun to my head
the phone rang louder than usual
it was my mob connected uncle
Benny Tarfingers from Roofer's Local 911
we'll be happy to fix your little problem
for a small consideration went the voice
I gladly gave them both eyes
they now see what I see
so the joke was on them ha ha
Benny wanted me to tell all of you
hep cats and hepatic kittens
that the Devil made him do it
that's is precisely why he's the Devil
faith can blind God bless you
my shock collar jolted the **** out of me
for overlooking far too many clues
I caught on quick and started screaming
something between 110 and 220
since all is a multiply indexed display
and I had to stop censoring my perceptions
well that diagram got him mad
so I followed with a quick trim
our **** eaters were an ineluctable force
seemed to do the trick
playback being the payback
and burnt the collar to a crisp
requiring a rapid tactical egress
wrapped in the fabled Cloak of Naiveté
good work went FGM AKA Godzilla
you must have strayed far to find this
the solution is to try comparing notes
with people who compare notes
and a pleasant sentimental mood
settled over the land

From "Engine of Didactic Beauty" available on Amazon

— The End —