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Terry O'Leary Feb 2017
Awaking blithe each morning,
with eyes upon the World,
I wonder, are we mourning
with ebon flags unfurled –
or are they but a warning,
some draped like snakes and curled,
stray stars and stripes adorning,
sent from the netherworld.

I wander through the garden
with nothing on my mind
and say 'I beg your pardon'
alarmed at what I find
as winds begin to harden
and fate begins to grind.

Confused, I watch my neighbours,
they're wide-eyed, unafraid
to halt all useful labours
and join the death brigade;
the ritters rattle sabres,
the frail and fragile fade,
morticians tap on tabors,
the potentates parade.

The military blesses
(in tunics somewhat browned)
its crimson-stained successes,
hell bent and heaven bound.
Such scenes no more distress us:
a ****** battleground,
dissevered heads with tresses
and arms and legs abound;
the fourth estate suppresses
the heaps of bodies  found
(collateral excesses
discarded in a mound).

Society regresses,
now living by the sword,
with torture and its stresses
upon a waterboard;
a captive kid confesses,
his innocence ignored -
fallacious facts and guesses,
the guts of justice gored!

With canting vindication
a big brass bully brags
(with pearls of perspiration
and swollen tongue that gags)
of third world  subjugation
for gelt and oily swags,
of human rights' castration,
and on and on it drags.

The manifold migration
of refugees in rags
while searching for salvation
soon finds compassion lags;
uprooted populations
are fleeing from their flags
else dying of starvation
as naked hunger nags.

With trump cards politicking,
two little hands (all thumbs)
may send the Mad Dog siccing.
Insane! All sense succumbs.

Atomic timepiece ticking
until the Reaper comes
as Geiger counters clicking
drown out the droning drums.

Cast out for not conforming,
I wander day by day
to find the earth deforming
as nature wastes away,
with bees no longer swarming
(expunged with garden spray)
and ocean depths transforming
(neath plastic overlay).

With CO2 performing
the climate's led astray,
the atmosphere's been warming,
the grasses ashen gray,
eternal tempest storming
while permafrosts decay,
and ozone holes are forming
in deadly disarray.

The people profiteering
descend a slip'ry *****
destroying, never fearing        
of running out of rope;
instead they sit back sneering
“our wealth’s your only hope”.

Yes, Armageddon's nearing,
it's doubtful that we'll cope,
for Evolution's jeering,
she's scanned our horoscope:
we'll soon be disappearing
with whale and antelope.


The multitudes were jumbled,
some milling ’round the mall,
while politicians bumbled
when bracing for the brawl.

The World around us rumbled,
our backs against the wall,
as bombs were tossed and tumbled
across our broken ball.

My kneecaps creaked and crumbled
but I, too proud to crawl,
took but a step and stumbled  
yet found no place to fall.

And no one heard me grumble
although I tried to call,
or maybe I just mumbled,
as strength began to pall.

Well now the World’s been humbled
I seek an urban sprawl,
but since the feuds were fumbled
there’s nothing left at all.
CharlesC Mar 2021
The pavement and the bicycles

Skateboards and feet falling..seeming to very briefly

Deform the pavement gathering a sensing of the

Excitement of children looking for thrills of more

Risky routes..and of adults sensing the rolling of their

Soles on the sinking pavement..scenes of completion and

Perfection in the gratitude of no-thing deforming...
st64 Feb 2014
in the silver of morn, little bird joyful trills
five lines remain blank
the notes won't play on
its breathe lies below the sand
where tranquil bulrushes grow

in the hue of sombre afternoon
    knees drawn up to chest
    memories intent on knocking loud
cold harbour between these sheets
   no blotting out that light -- it has to be faced
there's no silver in the clouds.. so bulbous and so there
only a tie on the path

can you please let me be?
need to be left alone a while
while I clean up the righteous-mess of this dread
           hours to make me presentable before that
which must be lived through

smiles can be pasted on.. by old-habit, so well-mastered
it's an old tale caught in a twist by its own wick'd-tail
perhaps some gale to shake up the roster
and relieve from parallel track.. liberate
surely, they can hear the stylised bass-chords inside me
             leave their odd-resonance
boom.. boom

treble is missing..
your laughter, I can still hear your tinkling-laughter
         even as I see you being lowered slowly, slowly, slowly
s l o w l y
down into the bowels of where we all go to rest one day
you take with you.. the *one clef
needed for clarity to live

shut eyes tight against that bright-red insolence
        struggle with the process of accepting the impossible
reliving anguish through swollen eyes in a clip of vision
imposing terror.. grips tummy-muscles and twists
eternally deforming galaxial-dust in my eyes

in the grey of eve.. no hunger, no thirst
    place food in mouth - must
    shove fluids down constricted-throat - must
..baking sun waves at me, setting in gilt-smiles

clean out the navy-attic of my overdrawn-mind
find your blue bubblegum on the counter
and suddenly, my arms are clad in shivers-cold
                       head is spinning
I pick up the morsel, turn it over and unwrap
stare at it, discovering you.. again
tears well but never fall..
         I place the gum inside
         chew and chew and chew....................
it is you.. not lost
place the bubblegum on silver wrapping
'cause the clouds.. they offer no solution

I have to eat, my hunger grew
my sanity is toast

yes, smiles can be pasted on.. by old-habit
        but not this time
why let love be secured so.. then harshness steps in
to wrench away.. leaving such monstrous-gaps?
perhaps it's safe to just.. not love..
close up the heart - pack away in congelator

(weird.. a heart is just a piece of meat)
love-letters and sweet-poems are for the eyeless
hearts for eyes.. render blind-suite
tenderly hack out these.. hack, hack!

the only remnant now.. a hard-ball of gum found stuck
      hid as a half-moon under the pedestal

still.. earth turns again
          birds sing on

your laughter never lost.. completes the score
        the symphony unfolds
as sage doth reveal..
one step at a time :)

S T -  14 Feb 2014
hello, earth.. can you dig it?
I so like the smell of Eden.

sub-entry: pedestal

when these toes finally quake
feed my heart and brains to the birds
that way, I become useful.

developing allergies to this century's din
erstwhile kings and counts climb on
today, pedestal is.. a false-friend.
RILEY Sep 2012
Some time you feel as if you're lost in space
Where you can not feel your weight or control your pace
Strong emotion rushes through you...a fervor of a certain state
For  once you believe in something...deforming it, is your fate
For u dissect the rules to make them your own regulations
And u manipulate the semantics of the words to empty your frustration
A man is not put in cages...unless he himself have carved and built the bars
One can not leave an impact on you...unless you admit the scars
I think; therefor i am...they say...everybody thinks...but not everybody is
I write this note in a dark unworthy mind a poem of great amiss
I do not say this with a heavy heart...but my image is quite clear
Being scared of something is impossible...unless we emancipate the fear
But if impossible is possible...than everything is potentially right
And i would never argue with you on this point for i don't know how to hold up a fight
Stop whatever we are doing for we are digging our own graves of regret
Repent on your sins weather you believe in God or in humanistic respect
A poem of thoughts, feelings, and grand reflection
For if you don't have empathy you have affection
You love your self and we love you gone...we sure do
With all your suites,fake propaganda and formalities, ow how i wish the sky above us was blue
It is blue in color, but not blue in mind
It is true inside; but truth is hard to find
sobroquet Jun 2013
renegade memories
relentless effrontery
rogue  fractured intruders
a formulable formidable aside inside
man is a modified monkey
a jackdaw in peacock's feathers
contradictions, the multiplicity that is a unity
a patchwork of odds and ends
snips and snails
                                  dreams and delusions                                
hopes and fears
a mystifying  knot of  phantasmagoric  disquietude

agape in a stupefied bewilderment
as an autistic child swept up in minutiae
inscrutable incongruities
melange of matters beyond  explanations
maundering machinates
necessary inventions repeating and reforming
sheltering some aspect of the mind's deforming
'reaction formations' sotto voce instructs the analyst
defending emotions at the personalities bequest
    merrily merrily merrily merrily,  life is but a dream
psychotherapy is no mere scheme
partial selves
Lotus Mar 2014
Sun stained eyes
Salt textured skin
Mouth breathes in the ocean air
Nose tastes the sea-gulls shrieks
He seeks
Ocean speaks
One gives
The other takes
And both make
A balanced happiness

Sea-gull's wings glide
Mirrored by the ocean's tides
Through the folds of wind
That causes ripples and constant change
Here, there, and everywhere

Salt liquid waves
Blue stained waters
Always moving
Always changing face
Detaching shells from the sand floor
And deforming the crusted and colorful reefs
It has been awhile since I've written any poetry. So much has been happening and changing. Feels good to be back. I have also started a blog on WordPress. Here is the link
I hope everyone is having a wonderful week!
Demonatachick Feb 2017
Between day and night, choose fight or flight, hide out of sight, shield from the light.

Cocooned in our beds, words trapped in our heads, a poets mind is forming, ideas begin their swarming.

Not conforming
              Lines deforming
                        Minds contorting
                                       Rhymes consorting.
May add more to this later

I had the Glory—that will do—
An Honor, Thought can turn her to
When lesser Fames invite—
With one long “Nay”—
Bliss’ early shape
Deforming—Dwindling—Gulfing up—
Time’s possibility.
A fine kid raised
in the thoughts of everybody around
applying to the norm
forged in wise conformity

Body and soul
by the coldness spoken
with your heart-warming voice

Creation abandoning
words become worlds
deforming reality
inside and outside your mind

Do as you please, fine kid
'cause justified your actions are
within the peace of your heart
and the ignorance in your soul

Education as weapon
in a war behind your eyes
freedom achieved
by awakening yourself

Fighting prohibited
fleeing futile
as truth lies when lies come true
will you transcend?
The title and also the poem itself are takes on a famous phrase out of George Orwell's '1984', beginning with 'War is peace'...
Derek Miller Feb 2011
Rampant, bold uncertainty; at times it grows unchecked.
A fearful twinge too often spreads, surpassing all holds kept.
The bars affixed to life you've grasped, once linear and true
Now seem to veer so far from straight, away from all you knew.
What's to do when what you dreamed distorts and changes shape?
Nightmares born from vivid roads bisecting checkpoint's gate.
Stages sought now can't be reached, but detours linger there.
Sadly pointing, often though toward distant, lone despair.
Reluctantly, an awkward press results from giving in.
Ignorance, or lack of choice compels minds to begin.
Unwanted course, embarked upon, bears pressing weight, deforming.
Contorting souls which once had known the warmth of 'morrow's morning.
Expected glare from dawn's first light was ne'er a surprise.
Hated trials through distant lands create some darkened skies.
Reactions learned are useless then, accustomed as you are.
Anticipated outcomes are like flies within a jar.
Choked free of air, they surely die, but more then take their place.
It's these replacements, newly born, one tries to hold with grace.
Seeping through the cracks in hands that have no strength to hold.
Should you have used that jar at all? Why has this life grown cold?
Perhaps a high regard was due to that you took for granted.
Or maybe something just turned up, and shook the feet you'd planted.
Regardless, here you stand unsure, so lonesome is this fight.
Who's to know? What's now to come? Just tell me. Is this right?
Mateuš Conrad Dec 2016
the internet wasn't originally intended as the playground for the young, who have no reason to convince themselves of a need to either dogmatise proper spelling, or proper diacritical-punctuation... hálo humpty-dumpty! utter that hark like a dragon!

i have something more volatile than atoms
to construct an atom bomb and
cite Oppenheimer -
i have letters as atoms, words as minor
twitches, and language as Samael:
the death-breathing harvesting resurrector...
  i call the film *a beautiful mind

a perfect case of a beautiful propaganda
machine that backfired...
  if that mathematician who died "tragically"
in car-crash was anything to go by
with having his negation of ease hijacked,
exemplified, magnified to scare the public,
then Gabriel must have been a really sweet
soothsayer in Muhammad's ear...
   because someone with that kind of imagination
to conjure up people should have never
worked for the emerging C.I.A. or F.B.I.:
but Walt ******* Disney... to be sure of it:
Bukowski run parallels with the story:
staying drunk: to keep up with the sober-imaginative
collective: i would have done the same...
can you believe i've passed the 50h mark
on not sleeping under a self-imposed
example of what's barely a scratch of the
siberian gulags?
                   can you imagine that i...
simply had a fetish for it? imagine being awake for
over 50 hours... and having a nearing-****
audacity to not fall asleep for a minute?
can you imagine the military rigour of such
an endeavour?
   must have been self-taught and therefore, very
much indie: selling to the highest bidder.
oh please don't take my literal Monday's worth
of vocabulary truthfulness on it:
i'll play truant on it:
   i don't have people-friendly devices to keep
up with gossip, the rule is:
you can only go mad once,
you can play double jeopardy with madness...
    talk going mad a second time...
        i'll talk about recreating carnage park
in essex... you know what's scary about
that horror movie? it happens at high-noon...
there's nothing eerie about the night...
with the night i think the solace of death
and the never-ending and the never-shifting queue
of names, dates, and the ultra sensitive invocations
of faking epitaphs, i mean, inscribing things
on graves the people who "own" the graves
never had the capacity to say, in the first place.
but you know what scared me about
the film carnage park? the first horror movie
based upon Hitchcock "resurrected" -
but it was never about it... there's no close-proximity,
you actually see the culprits face...
   the idea being: humanising the man executing
moral justification by tugging the guillotine
or pushing the switch on the electric chair...
it's all about moral ambiguity,
hence the horror is all about daylight,
daylight representing the quasi-assurance of your
own judgement: and could you do the justice
by bypassing all jurisprudence paperwork?
  daylight is important in this movie...
                 nothing is hidden, nothing is romantic,
because the man in question is a ******,
he's not a torturer... the invocation of agoraphobia
is seminal! no... subliminal! Greeks invented little
fears and allowed them to be wedded for magnification
given that theatre is extinct... little phobias
create big budget exploits...
   but this is a first of exploiting agoraphobia...
       and agoraphobia could only be exploited in
high-noon... when i think of night these days
i think of the j. r. r. tolkien romance novels of
what man once had... adventure...
these days? plain talk? tourism.
                            i never could think it could be done:
but apparently is has been done...
           the ever distant voyeurism is also gone...
how can anyone be voyeuristic in an agoraphobic space?
   you're basically knitting and deforming
a large space into a pixel... there's no sadism either,
no loch ness barrage of torture methods,
only what man employes to capture animals...
   it's militarism: solo...
        the true essence of a renegade:
   antidote to indoctrination...
             exemplified by the fact that no matter what
mask you give the horror, the mundaneness of it
doesn't go away: because it's not hidden,
  the placebo horror scenario -
          we fake hiding from it... horror these days
is medicinised by fantasy... which is the abhorrent
quality of our times: over-assurance...
    our times are too self-servient, too self-assured...
too comfortable... we're championing
arrogance, calling our predecessors incompetent
*******... oil on the flames? maybe...
                       we prefer to imagine dragons than
see actual dragons among us...
                       that's why we seem to begin with
congratulating dinosaurs into having begun
   as abstract spines that the serpents of our times are...
us? to our inheritors? brains in pickle jars.
we have already started the process of pickling ourselves
by extracting as much as we could from our being
and encoding it into artificiality...
        anyone with a global invasion tactic can easily
tap into this "economy"... it's not an encyclopedia...
it's an economised unitary model readied for
exploitation for invasion...
       do i share the film's culprit paranoia?
well... i share his defence of environmental study...
but having provided the most adequate striking-point
             with the utmost drama of cyber-warfare debate
and all counters against ourselves...
            would i choose this maniac over a wall st. yuppy?
          what's that... vomito ***** vs. huey & the news?
if only i was paranoid after having watched this
movie... i'd see it spread akin to the bubonic plague...
but it's apathy that's the bubonic plague:
since it's the most effective safety-mechanism virus...
you get that docile look and try to suddenly say huh?
with surprise, but you get a choking sensation
as if you just swallowed a hazelnut.
      people get these fantasies about other evolutionary
lifeforms... it's not ******* c.i.a. crap about
      everyone working for them being called mr. &
mrs. smith... just so they can dodge bullets
   and buy milk at their local supermarket...
                      without being asked for autographs and
selfies... and have you ever seen a film critique engaging
with a character that says very little, and then
hysterically laugh, with a sense of music akin to
playing front 242's album 06:21:03:11 up evil?
      the true test of horror is music... the visuals can
be Marquis de Sade in Disneyland... and no number
of groans will do it... if the music has
         transylvania's chant of the chastity of anti-sodomites
written all over it... you're in for a knee-jerker...
the diabolical thing about this film is that it
has the double-effect whether it's watched at night
or during the day... the first horror movie that
doesn't invoke close contact between predator and
the prey, along with not even making the night
as something orthodoxically necessary to craft
                                      horror thematism.
well... plus it's a testament to existentialism
in the case of the hostage being "unrightfully"
attested in a crime... the existentialist would
simply conjure up: possible bait / excuse and
unwillful thinking necessary for his own
             victimised self-reflecting-counter-via
the reflex-of-against-self-discriminatory-collective-input...
radical­ised into a reflex puritanism:
   abiding by cohort norms was not enough
                for the cohort minimum:
                    pyramidal elevation was necessary,
               and there was no human explanation
beyond certain matters, all else was justified
in the three digressions: diabolical, angelic or genius:
the madness only came when one claimed to
hear instructions from the devil, or from god,
                        or claimed to be a geniusº.
  disregarding the two fabrics of a self,
the one prior and the one post collective-input
    regarding a doctrine needing a "self", an "individual",
nevertheless: but a pawn.

      ºthere's no articulation of god, which is why
we have no article ascribing a definite or an indefinite
nature toward him, which is why paupers reduce this
argument, debase it to the level of pronouns -
the reason why we cite a genius and the devil...
is because only angels have names...
                              even the fallen ones...
           for they have a misnomer of god, as we have
a misnomer for many a good things.
agdp Feb 2010
When we enter this reality
Through the uncalled memory
Of our birth,
Crying with nonsense
To newly unveil senses.

The doctor readying his slap
To insure
You’re aware of the world.

The initial daybreak
Grasps with instinct
From the stem
Of our brain,
But we develop
Further in life learning
To walk, talk,
And even further
To tuck in that dress shirt,
All in all learning
The basic facets of living;

Only to further learn
That we cannot know everything
Undefined definite definition
A plotting knot of resolved fiction,

Dualities, influences, susceptibilities,
Insecurities, indecencies, and tendencies
In us all for us to see
And choose not to be.

The card game
Of social exposition
And inquisition
Learning to understand our face
And the people that we trace,

Forming, deforming, uniform
We stumble,
To return standing;

Challenges in holding hands
Returning affections, and mental afflictions
Gaining understanding
That we are being human beings
Refractive in and Reflective at seeing

Birth parallels death
No choice, versed vice
Falling and stumbling sadly
Last moments
Of our lives, begin

Talking gibberish,
Eating mush,
Having no memory
What happened yesterday?
While you lay in your crib
Asleep to a reality
12/10/07 © AGDP
Derek Yohn Aug 2014
The azaleas came early this year,
flashing pink in the spring
against their own unruly green.

My dog pants heavily, bounding
across the yard, chasing his
shadow from the azaleas to
the Japanese Maple and back.

Tired, finally, he scratches his
back against the bush, scraping
against the limbs, deforming  the
bush, shaking the blooms down.

I yell at him to stop but he ignores me.

He is young.  He knows only the joy
of the moment, the scratching of that
itch.  If only he could understand that
their beauty is frail and annual...
I want to tell him, but I don't
speak dog and he doesn't listen
anyway, so I lure him inside with
a treat and leave the blossoms
until next year.
I've been slacking on posting here....trying to get back in the habit.
Terry O'Leary Mar 2017
That crude-spoken Sovereign commands a big stick,
runs the world into ruins, once our bailiwick.
Questioned why, He grins grimly, pale lips slightly pursed:
"Vindication? Straightforward: It's Me and Me First".

(To mesmerise people He’s conjured His spells
with the pride and the power that Lucifer sells –
using tricks of the trade, evil voodoos well-versed
well engendered His mojo: "It's Me and Me First").

His friends (not His foes) form the skeletal men
along trails of dead ends (for they're armed once again)
and they're counting the bones of the bodies dispersed
by His bombastic lyrics: "It's Me and Me First".

The crater walls crumble, the dust drapes and smothers,
as drummers drown screams in the dreams of the others –
while beating and throbbing, like red veins aburst,
bleating echoes redouble: "It's Me and Me First".

A warrior departed to fight for His flag
and returned as a body brought back in a bag;
alas, such are the stories of soldiers coerced
by the Devil's damnation: "It's Me and Me First".

Beneath His thick thumb, the deprived do and die,
when subjected to whims, promised pie in the sky –
yes, His heavy hand rules, and the weaklings be cursed
for accepting His sermon: "It's Me and Me First".

He's minding our business by forging fake fears
and He'll serve and protect as the bogeyman nears
by ensuring our fantasies' phantoms are nursed,
smirking: "why should you worry, It's Me and Me First".

The media moguls flash news so fantastic –
their hearsay on Honcho's forever elastic
with doctrine and hogwash and hype interspersed
'twixt the dictums of hell and of "Me and Me First".

The masses partake in His royal cavalcades
giving chase to the hearses in midnight parades
through the catacomb caves where we're falling headfirst
down the bottomless pit of "It's Me and Me First".

The children in ghettos, like slave mutineers,
vainly venture to flee before youth disappears
but their ship's on an ocean that can't be traversed
for their sails line the abyss of "Me and Me First".

While His Highness drives oxen, He's sipping champagne
thinking "each shares a trough so that none need complain",
but the water hole's drying, we're dying of thirst,
so says "sorry you guys but It's Me and Me First".

A drifter once hinted behind weary tears
"overall the world's dying or so it appears";
He replied with a flash and a sudden outburst:
"yes, but who really cares when It’s Me and Me First"?

In Great Again moments we get the DT's
from His paranoid penchants, quite like a disease,
one which spots us, then rots us, then worse comes to worst
when He utters "just Trust Me: It's Me and Me First".

When profits are plunging (approaching the pits)
He won't give up the ghost or start calling it quits,
instead purges our pockets; again reimbursed,
says (re-groping His kitty): "It's Me and Me First".

The King condescends to a sharing charade
by dispensing desserts at the penny arcade –    
yet while crawling for crumpets, the crowds are dispersed
being slogged by the slogan: "It's Me and Me First".

When faced with the facts, He's the Greatest denier
that global abuse means all life may expire –
He scoffs at the thought that it can't be reversed,
says "it's not about you, no: It's Me and Me First".

With profits performing, He smiles, misinforming  
- of weather that's warming (whilst whirlwinds twist, storming),
- of jungles conforming to nature deforming,
- of bees no more swarming, thawed glaciers transforming
bold mountains to molehills on sand bars submersed –
can the earth persevere when: "It's Me and Me First"?

If you're feeling unsettled, there's no need to fret
for it's all a delusion, and lest we forget
He repeats His old mojo (a line well-rehearsed):
"just like almighty Yahweh: It's Me and Me First".

The remains of the deserts and wasteland lie here
where the vacuum implodes and the silence is sere
when retelling the tales of the sagas immersed
in the mythos and legends of "Me and Me First".

The stone statuettes (swapping vain epithets)
consigned rational threats (those that wisdom begets)
to their nothingness nets spread in dank oubliettes,
losing aberrant bets with no real regrets
(scorning pale silhouettes that the conscience besets).

Nonetheless, when the cosmos and chaos conversed
they but hee-hawed the hubris of "Me and Me First”.
Dreamer Mar 2015
Insomnia is an insidious thing.
It creeps into your mind,
twisting and curling crooked fingers around dark branches of the brain
altering, deforming your thoughts
its such a simple thing! Sleep is only but essential!
yet it haunts you every night
only to wake up again into the exact same nightmare.
Not yet finished, a work in progress! :)
Just wanted to get some thoughts down
Salil Panvalkar Jan 2012
Trying to escape from the ghosts of the present 
Counting every moment as the wrinkles deepen
Looking towards a land undiscovered 
Wishing for a movement of the land masses 
The air stands still yet the leaves flutter due to a force unseen

Staring into headlights hoping to wash away these monochromes
Windows that look into a world made of ash and trees 
Crumbling into a state of acceptance as the bricks stack themselves 
Thinking of faces etched into memory with no names

Facts amuse as fiction intrigues 
Solid shapes deforming into energy as speed falls into time  and distance is but an illusion 
Boundaries keeping some in and some out, and the sense of touch is all but lost
Words flowing into an empty canvas through tongues unspoken 
As these lines blur into an essence of raw emotion
Through well lit passageways lined with charming smiles hiding the fears that If faced would turn back time
Kerli Tulva May 2015
Like a snowflake, melting
In the depth of warm hands
Evapourating back into eternity
So brittle, silky, mystic
Is our love.
Catching every spark of fireball.
Flames burn the heart badly
Scars, last for many decades
Deforming and taking a new figure
Never completely forgotten.

Dripping into eternity.
Smashing the time
And collecting the seconds.
TLK May 2013
-- 1 --

He has a need to expend his seed: it is a never-ending endeavour, the smack of wood against leather. In the hot rush to consummate his love he must burn a more energy-rich depravity -- must look for a certain seriousness, a gravity. Right now he is past the ‘******’ and the ‘hos’, “just girls,” he says, “just girls pretending to be women pretending to be *****,” and he wants to see real girls naked and ashamed and cutting themselves for money. He gets off on the very idea of people deforming themselves for his pleasure.

-- 2 --

Here he is, being driven by his car. At each corner he sees girls huddled together, sharing warmth. Their lips are locked in thin lines of glamour and they swap his salty substances without even the slightest tremor of desire. At their waists they hold daggers, levelled at each other’s bellies. All the better to cut out the cancer of pregnancy.

-- 3 --

His vices have turned to hate. So equanimous before, so confidential with his needs: now he does not just implore his occasional dates with the soft sad pressure of his bulging eyes; now he asks direct. “Dance for me,” he says, in the privacy of his own filth. “No, sexier,” he exhorts, imagining the first ****** excitations caused by an unspeakably illegal piece of *******. He blames them for having bodies that do this to him. He blames them.

-- 4 --

He blames them.
J J Aug 2019
Along the grass,beneath the sky
The draconic sun vitrified
The lover figurines.
Flattening them
Adjacent to the surface,
Skin blent in crackly tessellation,
Deforming to fit the sphere,adhering to it's
Wondrous silence.
Frail limbs minute,heart's heavy as whole islands.

Is it not love embodied to lay defined as an image?
To be held as shatterless glass,reflecting it's deity's melting
In progress, 'neath the star that impelled a shelter,
The star that paved their meeting,that overlooked
Their life and death in a predetermined stasis,
The divinity that shimmered underfoot at all times,
The star that held all places of the earth in one.

The figurine lovers, faceless mannikinis
Sentenced to worship forever without a choice,
For prior love, for prior sins,
It matters not--they rot and twist as the Sun's play-dice.
Computer screen pulsating
With a blue feeling of vulnerability.
There is a death in the hours wasted
Cast in the trashbin outside existence.
The soon to be lost addresses you
From afar like an old childhood friend.

Computer screen claiming
To know where’s your place of belonging,
An alienation parasite feeds on
The frontal lobes of your brain.
The soon to be lost is sweet and loving
Prepares for you shelters from life.

Computer screen deforming features
Claiming to know, to care deeply
Unloading promises, nurturing futures,
A basic means against routine and apathy.
The soon to be lost is aggressive,
Fighting is futile!

Computer screen derailing
The sight into a state of numbness.
Simple! Easy! Fast! It’s done!
Efficiency by the bucket-load.
The soon to be lost is scary,
Corroding from within all possibilities.

Computer screen misleading eyes
With a bleak mist of wonder
Only the oracles can keep asking questions
Or googling answers.
The soon to be lost, a warning
The internal walls – collapsing.

Computer screen, devastating
Disease for the billions to come
No survivors permitted! A crisis’ peak!
Men hung themselves to find peace.
The soon to be lost is weird and tactless.
Are you burning?

If your brain’s not on fire
You’re not burning enough.
Moss M Jacques Jan 2021
Power of speech

I stop squeezing my mind
For what happened to me
Since I scavenged
For my philosophical stone
In a deforming mirror
I had to look forward to cracking
Any astrological luck left
On my shoulders
Stretching me to the limit
Of defying gravity
while leaving behind
A convoy of scattered stars.

What if I could make gold with gold
Think like Leonardo Da Vinci
Write a  computer code
like Tim Berners-Lee?...
I wasn't trying to square the circle
Nor invent my own immaculate conception.
All I wanted to accomplish is
To speak and be heard.

A wall between walls whispers
To the darkness
That my saddlebag of hopes
Has been lost regretfully
Last autumn
in the stream of an unsuspected wind.
Let's get this clear
Once and for all
I may not have any hope to talk about,
Don't  expect  me to shut up
until I die with my mouth full of words.
© 2021copyrighted material provided for educational purposes only
Ambvision Dec 2014
He is a shattered mirror,
with no purpose.
His jagged edges let the world know
that he is trouble,
and trouble shows no mercy.
He lies to me,
but he doesn't care.
His only purpose is to mock,
making me doubt the things I have.
His reflected surface forces me
to disfavor myself,
wishing that I were someone different.
His cracked images twist me,
deforming who I truly am.
I attempt to look beyond his flaws,
but I am engrossed in his disturbed memories,
studying every reasoned blemish,
trying to distinguish the cause.
After learning his history,
I know his distressed faults.
Every scratch an untold story.
Every crack an unread book.
When you look closely,
you start to see the unintended beauty.
When the light shines on him,
his brilliance illuminates.
Every flaw is now radiant,
bursting with flourished creations.
His dark side is masked behind allurement,
astonishing me.
But the light soon fades,
leaving behind the same him I've always known.
His beauty is gone,
leaving him shattered like before.
He attempts to change me again,
but I walk away.
Michael Marchese Nov 2016
The selfish life is killing me
Instilling me
With boiling kettle enmity  
Staining shell of steel
Evaporating empathy
Deforming each ideal
To freshly-brewed misanthropy
Are spilling me
Onto the skin of vanity
My scalding heat is real
This melting world in agony
To puddles we conceal
Still slipping on my sanity
Fulfilling me
By pouring out my clarity
As liquid suns of zeal
Into your cup of apathy
Sip on the warm reveal
Don't burn your tongue on lunacy
*Drink only what you feel
Dustin Dean Jan 2019
To run into another temple
In hopes of a swift escape
Is desperation at best

Circular atrophy it is
Deforming and decaying
Albeit forever persistent

Mankind may always ask
Forgetting to listen
It is then, when
The circle will reform
JP Goss Nov 2014
A quiet revolution
Flashed its little white flames across the distant hill,
Its pockmarked mirror throwing
From its sudden arrest
The furry, the passion, the tumult

They burn, foreseeably fade
Such its pastiche make-up, a portrait
Of lonely little people, effaced by a vague hope
Faintly the earthen hues in which he melts.

Do I dare look with him, with her,
Towards that jutting alcove upon which
Its determined optimism finds its end
I run my finger along the surrogate river line:
A whole, telling narrative—
Makes me question the lack of detail, the crude
Blotches casting shadows, deforming
Reforming, waylay the blankness
I swear, is put upon.

Hands, it says, I say,
Were once in one, drawn together as drawn in twain:
Instantaneous, as a second thought—
The cold bound them together,
Blue is transfixed on the exhaustion of intensity
They burn frigidly against
Cast from the Eden of their own hearts
Their, the single one, intensity
Leaving them bled out and scattering into the world,
Helpless to the waves of idle chatter,
Helpless to directions, east-to-west,
Helpless to the fantasies of mauve peaks abroad
Goading the stars to glimmer filthily
The feeling whose glimmer thusly ceased
If only circumstantially.

They become one with the road, recovery
Surely falls fat fruitily, under cover
Of evergreen arms, protecting ‘till then, pagan sprites,
Make due—
If you cannot hear the sound of the city far off
If you, faithless, in the endless road
You will understand when one with the earth
The forest promised emptily,
As my gaze just handed them off
To nonexistence.

Take breath of the almighty pearly city!
It holds its own hand, all they could drink in
Drunk off their own
Drunk off blithe luck—to be drawn into the world
Blurring with careless craft into the other;
Toast to our contrast!

I raise an invisible glass with diffidence—do they hear the music?
Do they dance in the eyes that hurt their hearts
Do they wonder of the other? Of what was sacrificed
To inspire quiet contemplation?
I’m witness as this reluctant martyr
Contemplates their eternity, bereft of salvation,
The other may, in the tip of the brush, alighted with red
Soaked, flecked like whiskers
With collusion and abandonment, still call out.

But, the spectacle can only fade; their gates were closed
And I am, sudden, brought to the other pockmarked mirror,
The rude proscenium, marring and barring
Those hands from ever touching.

Never should this have been the foundation
For the house of faith.
And out into the world, I tread,
On to see it tomorrow, cast in similar light.
Jesha Aug 2017
My words are like smoke
Tendrils of murk branching out
Disintegrating at my touch
I try to grasp them, each and every one
Forge them into weapons to slay the world
Carving truths into skin, deforming souls
But they slink away and leave me hollow
Like wild beasts, they can't be tamed
Shoved into little boxes of rhythms and rhymes
They fear me as much as I fear them

Maybe the trick is to sit and wait,
Let the fog consume me
Use me, forge me, I beg you
Make a weapon out of me
Scar me with your truths, warp my soul
Dig your claws in and pull my strings
Rip me apart, if you must

Whatever it takes
I surrender.
lauren Oct 2017
i have spoken
to the ghost in which
resides within the depths of

for it resonates in my heart
and lives within
the ache of my chest
       it haunts my home
       my body hurts
it crawls like the spider
spindling through my veins
deforming the vessels that once
so beautifully sculpted me
nobody said you weren't beautiful
for the sunflower that grows,
even though i hadnt tended to it
lives on without me but

maybe it was the ghost

i have spoken to it ,
for it dictates the lack of
productivity within me  
      (they had mentioned that the
economy was weak)
everyone told me that she was beautiful
but even the arc de triomphe
is flawed.
i wanted to believe otherwise but

maybe it was the ghost

who are you?
because i had heard that the ***** dishes
     my sink
weren't going to get washed unless i found
out who you were
you blasted old thing
      rotting away
                   at my soul

i bet you had
heard otherwise but

maybe it was the ghost
these past few days have been painful
Tasneem Moosa Jun 2017
I saw you standing there
A silhouette of my soul
Walking right into my life
Promising memories untold

I watched as you moved and I began to synchronize
Swaying with you in utmost delight
Entranced I watched as you enslaved my heart
I followed your tune as it played Mozart

I saw your smile and it broke my soul
That one so pure could love me so bold
Your strings matched mine and played so well
Together we made a ballad that cast a spell

Yet everything is not as colorful as I thought
The world started deforming through your onslaught
I stared in shock at the magnitude of your power
Awakened by an arrow cast into my heart from your towers

I took great care to pick up my pieces
Running to your side begging forgiveness
I loved you blindly from the depths of my soul
Yet your love for me was riddled with holes

I waited for our love to overcome this pain
True love can overcome anything they say
What a fool I was to give my heart so careless  
When all this time yours was empty and loveless  

Now we part for good this time
I walk away with nothing but lies
Pieces and slivers of my soul lay bare
I wish you well on your journey elsewhere.
Graff1980 Sep 2016
How strange it is to dream
That we could meet in-between
In some romantic scene
Existing outside reality
Living in a bubble world
A place where neither extremes meet
Where there is no soul deforming opulence
Or in comparison no division
That leads to chilling forms of poverty

If we could dance in love
Away from the ways of hate and greed
Fulfill the need to feed the hungry
Cure all the disease
And seed hope
For each generation after

If there was more laughter
And fewer tears
Till only natural sorrows remained here
What a sweet romantic world that would be
Michael Marchese Apr 2017
If only she knew
My raven, my dove
Has taken the form
Of my only true love

Like the sun and the moon
Equilibrium's force
She's my wind and my tide
She's my energy source

She's the opal-eyed skyline
Divine is her power
So how do we let down
Her flower-haired tower

Then pluck every petal
And cut every strand
Then toss her away
Like a raggedy Anne

Quick **** for a buck
To the coal-mining reaper
She screams out in pain
But we keep drilling deeper

Her willows now weeping
Her beauty erodes
In each drop of your ugly,
Corrosive payloads

To her womb of creation
Deforming it's birth  
When all life is valued
In financial worth

Why can we not share
In her warmth every day
Feel this thermal attraction
I'm melting away
Mateuš Conrad May 2017
i'm drunk, and brimming with emotions... it's not supposed to make sense... i've been listening to feministic poetry for the past hour... i can't make a coherent sentence even if i wanted to... a kettle is boiling in my head... oh and the love of women in relation to lies... ah... the child aspect, of the innocence of satan saying the first lie... that's who he is... those monsters that came later? he's scared of them more than he wished to have liked, to not have instigated, by telling his take on: the original sin. simply? a lie. oh such regerets in deforming his original guise.

    well, how very ******* amusing...
             now i have to clean up all this filth in my life...
   lying was the thesis for the theology behind the genesis story
of the, now, seemingly-less "original" transgression...
      *choke a monkey till it says the word donkey
    rather than have it say ooh ooh?!

- now the hard part -

fair enough, you subjectify me not objectifying you
in order to not get an *******
     but when you objectify me not subjectifying you
in order to get a partner...
     you objectify me to subjecrtify you toward
                    my own objectification of a phallus...
blood flow.
so what would you rather me be?
                                  a feministic... limp ****...
come on... even moby is winking and telling a joke...
i'll just go to a bulgarian *******
                                        that might allow me,
to take out concept-**** and just make the **** thing
             *****, from what you otherwise demand
                   in "conversation":
of it being floating, in a pickle jar, and apparently floating
with something... that resembled my brain... hmm... sherlock!

so... we have: do not objectify women... as ****** partners...
   and we do not subjetify women... as partners in matrimony
and                equal in law...
so what the **** do we do?
    ah... **** it... let's allow another billion chinese to breed
themselves into the world;
   and if you're panicking... oh hush... don't worry...
    the darwinistic theory will survive, **** sapiens will survive...
he just won't be white, or have blonde hair.

— The End —