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Has anyone survived, that remembers 1969,
Everyone, was experimenting with drugs,
You’re still alive, you were supposed, to die.
Peace & Love were the greetings, with,
Bright colorful flowers to brighten up each day,
Sharing, looking for the cool, positive in each other,
Giving hitchhiker’s a ride, no one in that extra seat anyway.
The Wood stock concert, held in muddy farm fields,
That season the farmers, lost some yield, as a pond,
Was their bath tub, they passed around, and shared meals,
Touching each other,
Showed love, sharing a sandwich, or ****, was no big deal.
Hundreds of thousands, left their homes, to protest,
Their feelings, and what they believed, they stood up proud,
The way Americans should be.
Protesting the politicians, for picking, shipping young people,
Across the seas, to fight in Viet Nam, they didn’t know why,
Or believe, the day they left, the last time for many of them,
Their homeland, they would ever see. Events that change history,
Marijuana legal today, politicians taxed it, so now it’s good, ok,
Those boys that came back, from war in body bags, they still lay.
The Original: Tom Maxwell © 3/30/2022 AD
A beautiful blue bird,
Landed so softly on the redwood,
Back deck rail,
A grayish body, with black, white, and blue markings,
From its head to the tail.
A very strong tough bird to survive,
The changing weather, and environment,
Even though they look so frail.
A background of nature, all a dark green, as far as I can see,
As I look out my window, to the west,
Across the old pond,
There are a few brown branches,
On a dying ash tree.

                                                                                                                               Tom Maxwell ©
                                                                                                                              5/26/20 AD
                                                                                                                             7:00 PM
What is reality, in our life each day.
I suppose we know, if were happy, or sad,
We can see if the weather, is good, or bad,
Is it real, for politicians, never to agree,
and the news media, keeping us sad.

The daily soap opera, is it all false,
none of it true,
Everywhere we go, cameras, recording you,
A few commit crimes, were all watched, accused,
This don’t feel like, reality & freedom,
More of A dark feeling of blue.

                                                                            Tom Maxwell 
                                                                         3:00 AM
It’s amazing how an addiction, can grow,
Taking over the human mind, cell phones, televisions,
Computers, the largest ever, to attack, the human race.
Think about the past, television, was totally free,
They start to sucker you in, then they say, cable & satellite,
You pay a fee, there will be no commercials on your TV?,
Your water or gas bills, at your home, you pay for what, you use,
Everyday, to put things in prospective, your television, and sewer,
They charge what ever they want, for waste, no meter, that’s,
Twenty four hours a day, if your home or away. Then they took,
Over the cell phone business, the same people, if not, their bed partners,
How else could they, sync everything together, without your permission,
Any time, on any day? The make many think the cell phone is what,
Keeps them alive, many would be totally lost, with no screens to stare,
At, just for the average person, many hours, in one day.  Vacations,
Use to be a getaway, relax, Leave the phone at home, no way.
People store, more personal information on their phone, than,
They would discuss, with their best friend on any day,
It’s sad, to think humans trust, strangers, more than people,
Close to them, and pay them, and they have no responsibility,
If all of your information was stolen away. Many people,
Can share a home, car, even a pet, mind control,
Share a cell phone, no way!

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 02/11/2024 A.D.
What’s important in this life,
Everyone can disagree,
Traveling through our time,
To what our future will see.

Changes in thoughts, and actions,
Like everything, will rotate with time,
Second chances, or opportunities,
To examine how we think with our mind.

A few words or actions,
Will not immediately change our ways,
Like learning to walk,
A few small step’s everyday.

                                                                       © Tom Maxwell 02/04/07
This life will always bring us new adventures along the way,
the only thing we can count on, is that it will come to an end one day.
Answers and confusion come and go all of the time,
some will bring smiles and others, tears from our mind.
People, places and goals, we seek during this life’s race,
Often, we have to choose, which one’s we will follow at our own pace.
Sometimes  we feel we are doing good and on the right trail,
then we find ourselves off to the side, hanging on to our life by the rail.
As we travel through this life, we will all have experiences that will turn us around,
we will never know what will come next, until after we hear our last sound

                                                        ­     Tom Maxwell 1/17/06
For years, I was always there,
Under any conditions, always supportive,
Caring, always sharing,
Keeping you safe, in times of fear,
Your only true friend,
Opening my home, if you needed to rest,
Understanding your problems,
Believing your stories,
Interested, in your ideas & plans,
Teaching you how to carry on,
Celebrating the good times,
Holding you in my arms, when you needed a hug.

                                                                       Tom Maxwell ©
                                                                                                9/27/2019 AD
                                                                                                   12/35/19 am
No one knows for sure,
Where we are, in our journey today,
A puzzle for our soul, along the way,
Some live under lights, others, in the darkness of night.
Life, is all about our soul, making it perfect,
Like snow at night, falling under a street light.
Most roads we explore, have been traveled down before
We are to discover, creating, learning, and seeing new sights.
We each are here for a purpose, our roll,
To find, Peace, Happiness, & love, for our Soul,
None of us are to know, before, our time to go,
This life, one short stop of our travels,
As we prepare our soul, for our final goal.

                                                          ­                                                                 ­                            Tom Maxwell ©
                                                               ­                                                                 ­                         10/14/2021
No one has a perfect life, on planet Earth,
During this journey; period of time,
For our Soul, is here to learn, many lessons,
As we travel, through good, and bad signs,
We have to look at, negative situation,
As one of life’s experiences, when were in a bind,
A mistake, we repeat, at least twice,
If we change after the first,
It was a lesson learned, within our mind.

                        The Original: Tom Maxwell ©
                                                    10/22/2021 AD
All we have in this
life is time,
Everything else we borrow,
Till the day we reach,
Our dead end signs.

We each have different hills, to climb,
Be careful, for mountain slides,
Trying to reach, the summit,
Avoiding all binds.

Decisions change with time, years,
Always be yourself, what you feel,
Others may be totally wrong,
Lazy, full of fear.

                                                                                                                       Tom Maxwell ©
I always take you in, any time that you are lost,
I’ve paid your bills, whatever they cost, now you leave me feeling, so alone, and lost.
I helped you out countless times, in many different ways, whenever you call, I am always there, any time of day,
now you have no feelings, for me in anyway.
I always did the right things, to satisfy your mind,
you couldn’t count the day’s, or hours I gave you in time,
why are you being so unkind.
You used my house so many times, when on the run, to hide,
I always welcomed you, and made you feel safe inside,
and now, you make up lies, about me, why?
Whenever, your heart was broken, I was the only one who cared, when you are sick, I am always there,
And now you show appreciation, leaving me alone in a stare.

                                                          Tom Maxwell 08/11/05
You Know someone Like this....
A trusting honest person in this world today, always seems to get pushed aside,
for thinking and caring for others and going out of their way.
Someone who will come to help you late at night or early any day,
with open arms of love we should never chase away.
Everybody has someone in their past they pushed aside,
for something they thought was better,
that took them on a downhill ride,
When their world falls apart and all the good times go bad,
only then their thoughts go back to that special friendship they lost,
and wish they still had.
If a long-lost friend ever takes the time to give you a second chance,
let them know how special they are, try to repair that broken branch.

   Copyright Tom Maxwell 03/26/03
A trusting honest person in this world today, always seems to get pushed aside,
for thinking and caring for others and going out of their way.
Someone who will come to help you late at night or early any day,
with open arms of love we should never chase away.
Everybody has someone in their past they pushed aside,
for something they thought was better,
that took them on a downhill ride,
When their world falls apart and all the good times go bad,
only then their thoughts go back to that special friendship they lost,
and wish they still had.
If a long-lost friend ever takes the time to give you a second chance,
let them know how special they are, try to repair that broken branch.

   Copyright Tom Maxwell 03/26/03
It’s hard to find an honest person in this world of today, to have a true friend that loves you is worth more than anything in this life that will pass your way.
Someone who cares no matter how you look or feel, always waiting with open arms and when you are hunger, they will feed you a meal.
A person you can count on to help bail you out anytime, and willing to work with you when the relationship gets in a bind.
You can play the people you pass on the street, but always be honest with a true friend, life is short and another you may never meet.
No one is perfect in this life’s game, when we never admit our mistakes all we do is ruin our own name.
Finding someone who loves you, and you love too, is a gift you should cherish and be honest with them in anything you do.
It’s never a matter of who is right or wrong, it’s someone you always want to be with and share life like an old love song.
Never being greedy about material things, we think we should have in our hands, the high should come from having a true loving friend to share, and explore each day on this land.
Always showing appreciation for everything, and never pushing them away for the excitement you think a few minutes of pleasure will bring.
Never making up stories or hurting them to make you feel better inside, the worst thing you could do a lover and friend is betray them or lie.
Always come forward and apologize if you turned on a friend that has always been good to you, remember your luck or game will someday come to an end and you will be all alone, and no one will be there to help no matter what you do.

Tom Maxwell ©
It’s hard to find an honest person in this world of today, to have a true friend that loves you, is worth more than anything in this life, that will pass your way. Someone, who cares, no matter how you
look or feel, always waiting with open arms, when you are hungry, they will feed you a meal.                                                                          A person you can count on to help bail you out anytime, willing work with you, when the relationship gets in a bind.                     You can play the people you pass on the street, but always be
honest with a true friend, life is short, another you may never meet. No one is perfect in this life’s game, when we never admit our mistakes, all we do is ruin our own name.                                  Finding someone who loves you, and you love too, is a gift you should cherish, be honest with them in anything you do.               It’s never a matter of who is right or wrong, it’s someone you always want to be with and share life like an old love song.   Never being greedy about material things, we think we should have in our hands, the high should come from having a true loving friend to share, and explore each day on this land.                                  
Always showing appreciation for everything, and never pushing them away for the excitement you think a few  minutes of pleasure will bring.                                                                                              Never making up stories or hurting them to make you feel better inside, the worst thing you could do a lover and friend is betray them or lie.                                                                                              
Always come forward and apologize, if you turned on a friend that has always been good to you, remember your luck or game will someday come to an end and you will be all alone, and no one will be there to help no matter what you do.

                                                                           Tom Maxwell ©
It’s hard to find an honest person, in this world of today, to have a true friend that loves you, is worth more than anything in this life, that will pass your way.
Someone who cares, no matter how you look or feel, always waiting with open arms, when you are hunger, they will feed you a meal.
A person you can count on to help bail you out anytime, and willing to work with you when the relationship gets in a bind.
You can play the people, you pass on the street, but always be honest with a true friend, life is short, another you may never meet.
No one is perfect in this life’s game, when we never admit our mistakes, all we do is ruin our own name.
Finding someone who loves you, and you love too, is a gift you should cherish,  be honest with them in anything you do.
It’s never a matter of who is right or wrong, it’s someone you always want to be with, share life like an old love song.
Never being greedy about material things, we think we should have in our hands, the high should come from having a true loving friend, to share, and explore each day on this land.
Always showing appreciation for everything, and never pushing them away for the excitement, you think a few minutes of pleasure will bring.
Never making up stories, or hurting them to make you feel better inside, the worst thing you could do a lover and friend, is betray them or lie.
Always come forward and apologize, if you turned on a friend that has always been good to you, remember your luck or game will someday come to an end,  you will be all alone, and no one will be there to help, no matter what you do.

Tom Maxwell ©
You have never felt true love,
So, you hide your confused heart,
Keeping something else first,
Always an excuse and afraid to start.

Only wanting someone,
For what they have or can do,
Not knowing how to totally commit,
Now your children learn the same from you.

You have been given more,
Money and material things,
With freedom, still afraid to learn about true love,
Never opening up to feelings and peace it brings.

Take time learn to give and accept,
The feeling of love in every way,
You know where it has been waiting for years,
So many good memories to expand every day.

Tom Maxwell 09/14/06
Alone, in front of your computer,
Or with your phone in hand,
Looking at pictures on the screen,
Many are cute, ****, honest nice,
Always beware, some devious plans,
Is the person in the picture, the same,
As they say, wanting you to believe,
If you never have a meeting plan,
It’s just a fantasy, in your hand.
Wherever your thoughts, or decisions,
Take you, stay cool, don’t feel blue
Keep a good attitude in 2022
The Original Tom Maxwell © 1/1/2022 AD
4:20 AM
We can control almost any actions or thoughts that come into our life each day,
the one thing we can never keep totally in line, is when our emotions come out to play.
Many of people have wished that someone they knew would die, but as soon as it happened,
they were the first with a tear in their eye.
Any sort of relationship love, friendship, or trusting when it stops for bad or good.
our emotions can put us in a daze for days, and we think about what we never understood.
They are a built-in reality control to put us in check off and on during our time,
think about how everyone is always in a hurry, then count the people who try to cut in front of you at a funeral line.
Emotions can even change our body temperature in an instant like a switch inside,
we can have warm to hot feelings, to a chill with goose bumps from our toes to our eyes.
Always let your emotions flow if you try to hold them in,
you will feel lost and alone, as if you were locked up in a closet or bin.
The quicker you release your emotions, your spirit will guide you where to start again,
always remember your emotions are stronger than you, for no one can totally control or hide them within.

        Copyright Tom Maxwell 08/15/03
We can control almost any actions or thoughts, that come into our life each day,
the one thing we can never keep totally in line, is when our emotions come out to play.
Many of people have wished that someone they knew would die, but as soon as it happened,
they were the first with a tear in their eye.
Any sort of relationship love, friendship, or trusting, when it stops for bad or good.
our emotions can put us in a daze, for days, we think about what we never understood.
They are a built-in reality control, to put us in check off and on during our time,
think about how everyone is always in a hurry, then count the people who try to cut in front of you, at a funeral line.
Emotions can even change our body temperature, in an instant like a switch inside,
we can have warm to hot feelings, to a chill with goose bumps, from our toes to our eyes.
Always let your emotions flow, if you try to hold them in,
you will feel lost and alone, as if you were locked up in a closet or bin.
The quicker you release your emotions, your spirit will guide you where to start again,
always remember your emotions are stronger than you, for no one can totally control or hide them within.  

Tom Maxwell © 5/18/2003 AD
We can control almost any actions or thoughts that come into our life each day,
the one thing we can never keep totally in line, is when our emotions come out to play.
Many of people have wished that someone they knew would die, but as soon as it happened,
they were the first with a tear in their eye.
Any sort of relationship love, friendship, or trusting when it stops for bad or good.
our emotions can put us in a daze for days, and we think about what we never understood.
They are a built-in reality control to put us in check off and on during our time,
think about how everyone is always in a hurry, then count the people who try to cut in front of you at a funeral line.
Emotions can even change our body temperature in an instant like a switch inside,
we can have warm to hot feelings, to a chill with goose bumps from our toes to our eyes.
Always let your emotions flow if you try to hold them in,
you will feel lost and alone, as if you were locked up in a closet or bin.
The quicker you release your emotions, your spirit will guide you where to start again,
always remember your emotions are stronger than you, for no one can totally control or hide them within.

        Copyright Tom Maxwell 08/15/03
She was A fun loving girl,
That would brighten every day,
With eyes that would sparkle,
And steal your heart away.
Always so positive,
A bright future in her mind,
Whenever together,
Good memories every time.
Now time has passed,
It’s been over A year,
That free spirit inside,
Is confused hiding in fear.
We all have A spirit,
To guide us each day,
Learn to catch the signs,
They come many ways,
When your spirit is happy,
Remember those times,
A feeling of positive freedom,
Showing we are right in line,
Many ways are tried,
To feel good every day,
Never realizing,
It’s someone else’s spirit,
That set’s ours free to play.
Your spirit needs freedom,
That is so missed in your mind,
You can’t substitute that feeling,
Anywhere, anytime

Our physical body,
Can get lost, in these material days,
Often our choices,
Keep our spirit locked away.
Who we are,
Is our spirit,
that guides us where to be,
To the spirits of those,
That set each other free.
We all have A spirit,
To guide us every day,
Learn to catch the signs,
They come many ways,
When your spirit is happy,
Remember those times,
A feeling of positive freedom,
Showing we are right in line,
Many ways are tried,
To feel good every day,
Never realizing,
It’s someone else’s spirit,
That set’s ours free to play.

Tom Maxwell  copyright 3/17/06 AD
Always Listen

We create our own ambitions,
Convincing ourselves, what we would like to achieve,
In our dreams, then bringing ideas out, to real life someday.
We accept and agree with others, who do the same,
For moral support, even if they are failing their goals,
Falling away.
We should always listen, to experience, take time,
Try new options, understand, realize, we are the weight,
Holding ourselves down, often a simple attitude change,
Will turn our life, and ambitions around.
For most of us, our daily routines,
Someone showed us at one time,
To bring something new in our life,
We have to let something else go, that holds us behind.

                                                                                                                             Tom Maxwell ©
You arrived in this life, with an open hand,
Everything to learn, no direction or plans,
Never knowing, what you will find,
Around the next turn, someone you never expected,
Is your true best friend, and those you thought,
Were so cool, we’re looking at you to burn.
As a child, everything so entertaining,
That enters your mind, then you learn, to separate,
What is good, and what will lead to binds.
Everything grew smaller, as you started standing,
Higher, on your feet, Your dreams started expanding,
As you planned, on reaching the tallest peak.
Dreams do come true, some you never even realize,
A different, person, time, and place, than the original vision,
That came to you. Always plan, look ahead a few years,
The material world can be fun, many end up with empty hands.
None of us know, until our last, how many we will have till our final day,
Angels and your spirit will guide you, to help lead your soul to perfection,
The only part of you, that will travel on, after this life’s stay.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 7/22/2022 AD
4:20 am
I worry so much about your actions I see,
because they remind me of mistakes made by me.
I could count my mistakes like drops of rain
, and to the people I love I gave so much pain.
Remember, I will always love you till my final day,
Regardless of the roads you travel or your actions or ways.
Even during our good times,
Or bad, life will always bring us happy times together,
and others when we are sad.
I worry all the time trying to accept whatever this life decides to deal,
Often, I am clueless not showing the emotions I feel.
I try to hold inside so many actions of my life in the past,
Always trying new adventures to turn my world around at last.
Remember, I will always love you till my final day,
Regardless of the roads you travel or your actions or ways.
I know I am supposed to lead you standing tall and strong,
I’ve always tried my best and sometimes I am right, but often I’ve been wrong.
Many times, in the past I was wrong in the way’s I’ve sowed my seeds,
    I will always love you and be there in your times of need.
Remember, I will always love you till my final day,
Regardless of the roads you travel or your actions or ways.
I know sometimes I seem insane when my feelings come out from inside,
letting out pressure that builds, while trying to survive, during this life’s ride.
Life has so much to offer us and a lot of knowledge we can share and gain,
Always look towards a happy future, even during our times of pain.
Remember, I will always love you till my final day,
Regardless of the roads you travel or your actions or ways.

          Copyright Tom Maxwell 05/10/03
This life, we are traveling through,
Our classroom, to learn, respect,
Very important, accept, be thankful,
So much to explore, always try,
Different ideas, at any age
Your best talent, maybe,
On the
Other side of the door,
Even if a garage, is center stage.
Our body and brain, are to be used, they need movement,
They give us signs, aches and pains,
Then negative thoughts, passing through, a board brain,
Do the same, start forgetting, can’t concentrate then insane.
Our fuse is lit, we never know, when we will go,
Forget, the sayings, I can’t, I wonder, what if, …
Take the time, be proud, even if you’re slow.
None of us know, the best day of our life,
Or when we will die, until our last, goodbye.
The Original: Tom Maxwell © 12/16/21AD 5:45 PM
Many buckets of rain, have fallen to the ground,
The water in Maxwell’s Creek, kept rising,
To the top of the banks, then out of bounds.
The weight of three large telephone poles, deck boards,
With chains and anchors, kept Schaubert’s Bridge,
Safe and sound, as the water was racing under neath,
Flooding many streets, and low areas down – stream,
Even some major interstate – high ways, had to be closed down.
The next day, the sun was shining, the water was back in the creek,
Birds were singing, the deer were back, roaming around,
As we wait for the next adventure, God, shares with us, through Mother Nature,
When she comes back, to visit our town.

                                              The original: Tom Maxwell © 7/21/24 AD
It could be over now,
It could be any time,
When we think of each other,
We will only Have,
Memories in our mind.
All the good ones,
We hold on to,
They will be treasured, every day,
Each of us have a few, over time,
We are reminded,
By certain words, actions, or signs.
Treat others, how you want to be remembered,
Honesty, trust, your caring ways,
At any moment, we could become,
A memory of yesterday.

                                                              Tom Maxwell ©1/09/21  11:AM
I often day dream, what this life, plans,
Have left for me.
There is A reason, I have the freedom now,
To let the inner me free.
Sorting incoming energy, mixing together,
With my emotions, in my mind,
Always, listening for, guidance,
Am I right/ crazy, anything could be A sign.
Looking beyond Days and nights,
Never realize, what my inner powers are ,
Pulling more in, from out of body sights.

                                                                          Tom Maxwell 
                                                                                               3/2/19 Ad
                                                                                              1:10 Am
Sitting in my office armed with a pencil in my hand, I just felt like writing, now all I need is a plan.

It’s an early December evening, the temperature outside is cold, with the wind blowing, to stay out long you must be bold.

The nights seem long this time of the year, with colorful lights shining all over, you notice the season of Christmas is near.

The radio is playing some friendly songs for me to hear, while my dogs lay on the floor so near.

I am still trying to think of something to write about, at this time I guess it will just be a moment in this life of mine.

                                                                               Tom Maxwell 12/06/05
I’ve told you many times I think I am an angel on earth to you,
I always come to your aid get you back on your way and never hear a word, till you have another deed for me to do.

I’ve been your excuse countless of time’s, anyone else would hate you forever, but I always forgive in an instant it’s behind.

Over the years I couldn’t begin to count the hours and days, spent to keep your life rolling, often without no appreciation and never no pay.

You know the mind connection we have between us gets stronger all of the time, you often give me that funny face, when I say what you’re thinking without no clue or sign.

Whenever you ask, I always have handy exactly what you need, and often positive advice on what problems your future will see.

Whenever your life is fun and everything is going great, I never hear from you till a fence blocks your road, and I’m always there to show you the gate.

So many times, I know your intentions and thoughts are wrong, even when I show you the truth you never bow, because your pride is too strong.

You have even taken credit for ideas that from me you found, I must be an angel in life for you, I always here when your life turns around.

Tom Maxwell copyright
Soon the sun will be out of sight,
As it falls to the west, we begin our night,
Then, the street lights will shine so bright,
Later as everyone starts yawning, they say good night.
We just lived through, another day,
Never knowing, how many more, may come our way.
There is no rhyme or reason,
We each have a different length, to our personal season.
In this life no one, forever stays,
We each have an unknown time, place, and way,
Our reservations have been made.
Think positive, learn, teach, help others, every day.
No need to complain about things,
You have no power to advise or change,
Many times, in this life, we will have to rearrange,
Be thankful for this life’s short stay,
In the morning, the sun will rise, in the eastern sky,
Shining bright, to light our way, another day.

                              The original: Tom Maxwell © 3/15/22 AD
As I lay in my bed alone at night,
I wish you were here to hold me real tight.
Feeling your warmth and those kisses so sweet,
just thinking of you, my heart starts to pick up the beat.
Remembering those time’s you were here with me,
such special memories they will always be.
Wondering when I will see you, it could be any night or day,
you just knock on my door, and your special love always shows me the way.
You answer my dreams, then you are up and gone, and I’m the new subject of a sad love song.
You’ve been hurt before you’re afraid to open your heart to me,
you know how I feel and the love I have for you, that will always be.
So much love to give you, it brings a tear to my eye,
you will never know what we could have if you don’t ever try.
I know in my heart you may never just want me,
then my thoughts of us forever, just dreams they will be.

   Copyright Tom Maxwell 03/14/03
People are one of the most important ingredients,
In each other’s life, to survive every day,
Many we never meet, although their work and services,
Keep us alive, and comfortable in this life, many ways.

We never know in the morning, how often plans will change,
We find ourselves in another place, at the end of the day,
Knowing anything can change, or happen, at any time,
Who we may need advice or help from, during this life’s stay.

We each should appreciate others, more than material things,
That we often save and collect, not knowing why with our time,
Hoarding objects, knowing we will never use again, in this life,
Then look for reasons, we do not want certain people around.
A thought to think about in our mind.

The Original; Tom Maxwell ©
2/22/2022 AD
4:20 pm
A one-of-A-kind planet,
In A universe of space,
The only one known,
With life, the human race.

Many countries divide,
Planet Earth, our place,
Different cultures, and religions,
Along with colors and race.

This globe, of land and water,
Reproduces, all survival needs,
Slowly being destroyed,
By the people, and their greed

© Tom Maxwell 06/22/07
A one-of-A-kind planet,
In A universe of space,
The only one known,
With life, the human race.

Many countries divide,
Planet Earth, our place,
Different cultures, and religions,
Along with colors and race.

This globe, of land and water,
Reproduces, all survival needs,
Slowly being destroyed,
By the people, and their greed

© Tom Maxwell 06/22/07
Some people appear in our life,
At a very precise time,
To help us close A chapter,
Opening A new one in our mind.

They will pick up our spirit,
When it has fallen down,
Then as fast as they appeared,
They are no where around.

Showing us different views,
Of how our world could be,
Which may not be our choice,
What our mind, needed to see,

We will all come to crossroads,
Confused which way to turn,
As we decide, our direction,
A part of life, live and learn.

Tom Maxwell Copyright 2009AD
We are tested in life in so many ways, believe me the hardest is when someone we love,
journeys to their next life, always a cloudy day.
Others will say they are sorry, and offer anything they can do,
no one can ever fill the hollow space it leaves inside of you.
Why will be the question that will often come to our mind,
we will never know the answer as we travel through life, this time.
We will never again in this life see their physical being, but often in our times of struggle,
we will receive guidance, help that their spirit will bring.
It’s reminds us of how much we don’t know and understand,
we must be strong and carry on, for it is a part of this life’s plans.
It helps us appreciate people, for the happiness and joy they bring,
not to worry so much about material things.
Be thankful you knew them on earth for the years you were brought together,
always remember in a few short years we will also move on,
our spirit’s and soul’s will be together forever.

          Copyright Tom Maxwell 07/27/03
We are tested in life in so many ways , and believe me the hardest is when someone we love , journeys to their next life, always a cloudy day.
Others will say they are sorry and offer anything they can do,
but no one can ever fill the hollow space it leaves inside of you.
Why will be the question that will often come to our mind,
we will never know the answer as we travel through life this time.
We will never again in this life see their physical being,  often in our times of struggle we will receive guidance and help that their spirit will bring.
It’s reminds us of how much we don’t know and understand, we must be strong and carry on , for it is a part of this life’s plans.
It helps us appreciate people for the happiness and joy they bring,  not to worry so much about material things.
Be thankful you knew them on earth for the years you were brought together,  always remember in a few short years we will also move on , our spirit’s and soul’s will be together forever.

           Copyright Tom Maxwell 07/27/03
The winter cold, has come our way,
Everything is covered with snow, on this sunny day.
Squirrels raiding the bird feeders, to ease the hunger
In their mind, as the birds circle, above,
Waiting for their feeding time.
Some resting, on the branches, of trees,
That the fallen leaves, have left bare,
Such A peaceful, beautiful site, as I,
Look out my window and stare.

                                                                     Tom Maxwell ©  12/19/2005
There are people in the U.S.A. that think their life is so bad, if they had to move to the other side of the world,
they would appreciate everything they ever had.
In this country everything is taken for granted every day, most people could not imagine living in a grass hut,
that’s their life long home to stay.
A polluted river is their bath tub, and clothes washer too,
many Americans get excited about a spill on their shirt, so embarrassed, what to do.
A home without electric and other convenient luxuries, and they get by just fine,
in America if the power goes out, most people will complain, what to do with their time.
Everyone is spoiled that lives in the U.S.A., no one is ever satisfied, and greed makes them want more every day.
Soap, deodorant, toilet paper, and hair spray, many in the United States would not go outside without using, and never dream about working hard just for food every day.
The world is one piece of land, should it have stayed that way, separating it into countries,
caused wars, poverty, and greed, it seems to get worse every day.

                                                           Copyright Tom Maxwell 09/27/03
When you call someone A friend, the thought, should be true,
One of the greatest relationships, of all mankind,
No one should ever come between you,
Special emotions, together you feel,
Help each other, any day or time,
Friends, are honest and real.

Tom Maxwell copyright 8/19/03 AD
The bright color of their yellow flower,
Wild mustard, line the creek side,
As I look out my window, sitting comfortable inside.
A dominate color, of the season is green,
From the zoysia  grass, to the fifty-foot trees,
Through the screen, I can hear the birds sing,
As they seem to float by, with the breeze,
A very natural scene, as far as my eyes can see.

Tom Maxwell © 06/17/2020 AD 3:10 PM
When I hear about someone with an addiction, television is the first thought that enters my mind,
everyone that watches it is into robbery’s, ***, and violent crimes.
They all sit quiet like a rock staring into space,
with no movement at all, a cold blank look on their face.
So many of them have trouble deciding, changing channels all of the time,
So, for gone they can’t concentrate, or make a decision with their mind.
Many of them got started years ago, someone turned them on to it for free,
now that they are addicted, they are happy to pay a high monthly fee.
Television teaches children bad habits in so many ways,
watching the weather man getting paid to lie, then they learn the truth the very next day.
The viewers hide from their families and friends all of the time, has anyone ever told you they have to go, they can’t miss their fix, of a repeat TV show.
If you count up all the hours they waste, years over their life time, that’s why their called addicts, because they altered their state of mind.
The next time you, faith full watchers see a story about an addict on Tv, you can hold your head up high and say, that guy is just like me.

                Copyright Tom Maxwell 08/18/03
If you train A young child to watch Four hours of television a day, and they live into their eighties, add up the years....
When I hear about someone with an addiction, television is the first thought that enters my mind,
everyone that watches it is into robbery’s, ***, and violent crimes.
They all sit quiet like a rock staring into space,
with no movement at all, and a cold blank look on their face.
So many of them have trouble deciding, changing channels all of the time,
So, for gone they can’t concentrate, or make a decision with their mind.
Many of them got started years ago, someone turned them on to it for free,
now that they are addicted, they are happy to pay a high monthly fee.
Television teaches children bad habits in so many ways
watching the weather man getting paid to lie, and then they learn the truth the very next day.
The viewers hide from their families and friends all of the time,
has anyone ever told you they have to go, they can’t miss their fix, of a repeat TV show.
If you count up all the hours they waste, years over their life time,
that’s why their called addicts, because they altered their state of mind.
The next time you faithful watchers see a story about an addict on TV,
you can hold your head up high and say, that guy is just like me.

                 Copyright Tom Maxwell 08/18/03
Looking for changes, to come my way,
Staring out my window today,
Thinking, all the parts I’ve played,
Chasing sour dreams, I never found,
Passing some sweet one’s, I turned down,
Many lonely nights, just driving around,
Searching for that golden crown.
Always listen to experience, look at the signs,
In life were told so many lines,
Do they live the life, you want to find.
In life we will often, change our way’s,
Those who care, won’t walk away,
It’ only changing, your part in life’s play,
Take A moment, are you truly happy today.

                                                                                       Tom Maxwell ©
                                                                                      12/06/2019 AD
                                                                                    3:15 PM
Those who care, won’t walk away,
It’ only changing, your part in life’s play,
Take A moment, are you truly happy today.

                                                                                       Tom Maxwell ©
                                                                                      12/06/2019 AD
                                                                                    3:15 PM
There are accidents to diseases,
With countless other, obstacle’s, in between,
If we always worry about everyone, of them,
We can miss the life; we should have seen.
Our mind controls our body, every breath, heartbeat,
Down to each word we say, look towards the future,
Think positive, your body will flow the same way.
When A person always says, I can’t right A way,
Could it be they are too lazy, or afraid to try,
Your better, to give it your best first,
Then, convince your mind, your ready to give up, and die.
When you talk about the weather, more than twice, A day,
Are you using your mind to think,
When you have to look outside, A window, for something to say?

                                                           ­         Tom Maxwell 04/21/2021 AD
                                                              ­                                                      9:00PM
There are accidents to diseases,
With countless other, obstacle’s, in between,
If we always worry about everyone, of them,
We can miss the life; we should have seen.
Our mind controls our body, every breath, heartbeat,
Down to each word we say, look towards the future,
Think positive, your body will flow the same way.
When A person always says, I can’t right A way,
Could it be they are too lazy, or afraid to try,
Your better, to give it your best first,
Then, convince your mind, your ready to give up, and die.
When you talk about the weather, more than twice, A day,
Are you using your mind to think,
When you have to look outside, A window, for something to say?

                                                     Tom Maxwell 04/21/2021 AD
As the morning sunlight rises,
In the East, behind my back,
To start this day, lighting everything,
The warm rays, touch along their way.
A few hours later, the dark nimbus cumulus clouds,
Start to cover the sky, blocking  the sunlight rays,
From my eyes, after a few rounds of thunder,
Raindrops start falling to the ground,
Nothing in its path stays dry, as the wind,
Starts blowing the falling moisture around.
The darkness continues to increase,
Looking towards, Schooley’s woods,
The white and yellow honeysuckle, I could normally see,
Across Maxwell’s creek, hiding in darkness, the only,
Light for a landmark, a lone light on, Schaubert’s bridge,
As I look downstream taking a peek.
The rain will slowly fade,
The sun will light the rest of the day,
The water in the creek will flow under the bridge,
Downstream on its, way.

The Original: Tom Maxwell  copyright 5/19/22 AD
2:00 pm
The slow internal destruction of our country today
Dividing, judging, labeling all of the people,
Many in need, all because of personal greed.
The belief of a better future, trust in your fellow man,
Taking time to listen, work with, and understand,
Has all been flushed down the drain, by a few,
Those who buy, a political office, for control,
Personal greed, nothing about helping citizens,
Only those putting cash in their hands,
Their ideas trickle down, many follow,
Knowing somethings are wrong, can hurt others,
They don’t follow their beliefs, why,
It’s more important, to be greedy, politically correct,
Than to help those in need, taking away their relief.

                                                             Tom Maxwell ©
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