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3.8k · Oct 2018
Wet, Wet Love
AmeriMav Oct 2018
My love is like the brilliant sea
Glittering, bright, and wild
Her waves they call come take of me
Her eyes, her hair, her smile

And when upon her waters I go
I feel my heart might burst
Though in her ocean forever I’ll row
For her love I’ll always thirst
2.3k · Oct 2018
Rainy Days
AmeriMav Oct 2018
Rainy days are full of clouds and many say they’re sad
I think rainy days are special, in fact, they make me glad
Maybe it’s the sound of rain, the pitter, pat-pat-pat
Maybe it’s the cooler tones that make me feel like that
It doesn’t seem to matter if it’s a sprinkle or a pour
All I know is when it stops, it leaves me wanting more
So bring me rain in the early morn, let me wake to it’s glorious sound
Bring me rain on tin rooftops, let it rush down the spouts to the ground
Wet the leaves of the forest and the blades of the meadow, make the ground soft for the flower
Wet the roads that I travel, fill the sidewalks with puddles, every moment an umbrella hour
Now I know there are things we can’t do outside when it’s all a big muddy mess
But what can I say, the clouds make me joyful
Rainy days are the best!
1.9k · Oct 2018
Precious Moments
AmeriMav Oct 2018
It’s like a garden full of jasmine when the sun is going down
It’s like a rainbow, or a gentle rain, or an ocean’s rolling sound

It can’t be bought with precious jewels, or silver, or with gold
It can’t be stored, or bottled up, no strong man’s grip could hold

It can’t be forced, it must simply flow, it loses all value if faked
It shines, and dazzles, and wildly glows, especially for a loved one’s sake

It’s like a sunrise from a mountain top, or a relaxing tropic isle
It’s special, lovely, and unique, my darling, it’s your smile
1.8k · Dec 2018
AmeriMav Dec 2018
Even missing you
My heart is made so warm
By the light of love
AmeriMav Oct 2018
Can’t...catch my...breath
Thunderstorm inside my chest
Think fast...just can’t...find words
Like gazing from a golden shore
Dreams can’t...colorful...outer space
Thoughts every time I see your face
1.5k · Nov 2018
AmeriMav Nov 2018
Love me like the snowfall covers the winter ground
Fall upon me softly, light without a sound
Cover me with your beauty, over dirt, stone, and tree
So that when they look upon me, it's your flawless wonder they see
Soften me with the moisture of your passionate embrace
Melt into my soul, nourish my roots with your grace
Shower from the heavens, bring your reflective power low
Love me my sweet darling, love me like snow
1.5k · Dec 2018
AmeriMav Dec 2018
Light refracting gem
Dazzle me with your beauty
You color my life
1.1k · Jan 2019
AmeriMav Jan 2019
My lungs feel empty
Like floating in outer space
You’re the air I breathe
1.1k · Nov 2018
AmeriMav Nov 2018
Men look to the stars to be awed
By the vastness and beauty of space
Through the darkness, and void, and icy cold
They watch the planets race

The light of explosions, and birth of stars
The swirl of cosmos inspires
The never ending infinite decor
Through the endless light-filled fires

Yet I have been lost in a place more deep
Than the host of these can know
A world of light and shadows dark
Full of wonder, wisdom, and woe

It is in this place that I wish to stay
For my heart and my soul realize
That a world of treasure, and sorrow, and life
It is found when I gaze in your eyes
1.1k · Dec 2018
AmeriMav Dec 2018
Empty cold and dark
You now feel lost and alone
Tie your heart to mine
A haiku
955 · Dec 2018
AmeriMav Dec 2018
Although spring be flowering
My heart will still be wishing
For your smile blossoming
And lips made full for kissing

Distance can seem burdensome
Difficult and oft lonely
Makes me sometimes quarrelsome
Hard edged and sometimes stony

Love is o'er us towering
Eyes and soul are still aglow
Patience it is powering
In this soft hope-lit meadow
This poem is a "ae freislighe". An  Irish poem form
877 · May 2019
Nectar's Attraction
AmeriMav May 2019
Like apple blossoms
Entice bees to sweetly dance
So you call to me
Haiku form
848 · Jan 2019
Cold Hands, Warm Heart
AmeriMav Jan 2019
Cold hands
Bring to my mind
Such precious thoughts of you
You warm my heart with the same care
As hands
This is a Cinquian
846 · Dec 2018
AmeriMav Dec 2018
The moments with you
Whether hours or seconds
Are of countless worth
766 · Oct 2018
Naked (etheree poem)
AmeriMav Oct 2018
Light of the stars
Your radiant glow
Is quite opalescent
Glorious shine sets ablaze
Heart and soul in a dizzy haze
Fine as porcelain your soft white skin
A masterpiece like a pearl prized by men
755 · Dec 2018
AmeriMav Dec 2018
Brilliant patterns in a blaze
Snapping together as you turn
Seeing you without a haze
In the wondrous light, which you burn

Oh the color! What a glorious sight!
To watch you sparkle and shine
Each facets glint is ever bright
It is elegant, delightful, and fine

To watch you dance the days of life
As your jewels sequentially fall
Whether handling moments of joy or of strife
Its amazing to see through it all

See your beauty shine from the depths of your soul
Watch the rapturous mosaic of hope
Taking position in the spectators role
Peering through kaleidoscope
644 · Mar 2019
Mellifluous Vision
AmeriMav Mar 2019
This song my heart sings
Bigger than words can convey
Each time you appear
Shadorma form
644 · Dec 2018
Love in the Dark
AmeriMav Dec 2018
At times lights go out
We reach out in the darkness
Wanting another
Deep longing to feel their heart
I will love you in the dark
a Tanka
608 · Jan 2019
Ember Ember, Burning Bright
AmeriMav Jan 2019
My little soul spark
By you stoked and overwhelmed
Set me fast ablaze
586 · Apr 2019
AmeriMav Apr 2019
The lights of the cosmos are stored in her eyes
And I feel naked when I'm locked in her gaze
In their shine are no shadows, no secrets, no lies
The lights of the cosmos are stored in her eyes
Every starlight, and comet, and brightest sunrise
All that is dark or false is consumed in their blaze
The lights of the cosmos are stored in her eyes
And I feel naked when I'm locked in her gaze
Triolet form
576 · Oct 2018
Reasons I Love You
AmeriMav Oct 2018
You’re shot right through with little sparks of fun
Our conversations few could match
Silly, serious, ****, and sweet
The change ups even fewer could catch

My heart shouts, “Lovely!”, races in my chest
At the perfection of your face
And the music of your accented voice
Makes me long for your sweet embrace

I behold the beauty of your soul
When you speak of your passions and fears
And I’m awed by your powerful emotions
When they erupt in laughter and tears

Your smile makes me dream in colors
My eyes have never seen before
Your body is a wonderful poem
Always reading, always wanting much more

I want you every waking minute
When you’re gone it’s forever to me
It’s hard to think I could love you more
Our love is so deep and free

When I sleep I’m chasing you to tomorrow
My eyes light every time that you’re found
I’ll take you where I find you in joy or in sorrow
You’re my thought, my sight, and my sound

You’re the first thing I think of when I rise
Like the sun, the bright morning star
And you’re the last thing on my heart when I close my eyes
I love you, no matter how near or far
571 · Apr 2019
Bubbling Over
AmeriMav Apr 2019
I adore
The way you
Make me laugh

Moments that
Feel lighter
Than feathers

To the top
With a song

Or maybe
Fuzzy moths

You tickle
My very soul
With your love

I cannot
Contain joy
Found in you
Tricubes form
533 · Mar 2019
Equivocal Truth
AmeriMav Mar 2019
You must think love is blinding
Something of the sort
Repelling my attraction
My eyes do not work?
My dear you're wondrous
No mistake here has been made
You're simply gorgeous
Seguidilla form
530 · Jan 2019
AmeriMav Jan 2019
When long my lover's gaze I have not seen
Her sweet aroma long has been astray
And gone the music of her mouth's sweet sound
The love within my heart like evergreen
Won't wane but strong will beat while she's away
Like roots of oaks within the fertile ground
And when my love returns like sunshine beams
My soul shall run to her without delay
And blossoming with flowers all around
Shall rest within her love as if in dreams
A Curtal Sonnet
523 · Jan 2019
Le Tintement
AmeriMav Jan 2019
What is that chiming
Elegant descending sound
Striking my ear with delight?

It's the soft clear bell
Lifting lightly from her lips
My lover's enchanting sigh
Sedoka form
523 · Dec 2018
AmeriMav Dec 2018
My heart smiles bright
At the light scattering gleam
Of your topaz eyes
518 · Dec 2018
Heart Song
AmeriMav Dec 2018
In moments like this
All my delight is in you
You make my heart sing
A Haiku
501 · Dec 2018
AmeriMav Dec 2018
Glint, gleam, wink, and flash
Come shine with utmost delight
Red, blue, and yellow
Sparkle with stained glass essence
And scatter your emotion
500 · Dec 2018
AmeriMav Dec 2018
You say I’m your rock
Your hero, your champion
I think my cape tore
489 · Nov 2018
Autumn Musings
AmeriMav Nov 2018
The sky is like slate, down falls the rain
Wetting the world with cool breaths of fall
The trees of rich color, leaves all in flame
Setting the contrast in the shades that I saw
The color more resplendent when set against gray
The beauty much more vibrant to me
It's true of the season, and more I would say
It's true of your features I see
Your white skin so bright, so pure, and so soft
Sets the colors of your body apart
Topaz eyes, pink ribbon lips, dark hair set aloft
You're splendid, a true work of art
All these delights, are for many to view
While jewels of your soul, are between me and you
461 · Nov 2018
AmeriMav Nov 2018
Life is a mystery, a journey, a play
Sometimes rays of sun shine so bright
We run through the meadows, we climb to the heights
Many days the wind floats our kite

But since it’s a long road, with many a turn
Not all days are spent with a smile
Shadows creep in, and monsters come out
We don’t know what comes that next mile

So this is my pledge, the place muscles flex
You need a strong heart as your go
In sunshine or rain, in warmth or in cold
There is something I want you to know

No matter how dark or how stony the path
No matter what valleys you go through
My heart will embrace you, you won’t be alone
I’ll walk though the shadows with you
461 · Apr 2019
Soothing Song
AmeriMav Apr 2019
Soothing strength
Superhero serenade
Waxing with whispered wavelength

Calm to comfort pointed pain
Or placate fear pervading

Singing to give gifts of grace
Your chant cheering champion
Treochair form

She says my singing is my super power
456 · Jun 2019
Creeping Warmth
AmeriMav Jun 2019
It grows more deep than one can count
And never can your wits surmount
True love's overwhelming, so bold, yet soft
as wool, and never cold

Describing it can be hard to tell
Like number's taste, or color's smell
It's sweet and it's crushing, fragrant as red
roses, but more brilliant
Byr a Thoddaid form
449 · Dec 2018
Distant Grief
AmeriMav Dec 2018
Tears, words, and thoughts fail
To give the whole of my soul
Only shadow like
I want to be so near you
That my own heart breaks with yours
A tanka
439 · Mar 2019
Missing You
AmeriMav Mar 2019
It seems I'm always missing you
Whether your laughter or your kiss
There's never something I don't miss
Making our moments seem too few

It's too simple to say I'm blue
The great complexity of bliss
It seems I'm always missing you
Whether your laughter or your kiss

I'm not sure I ever quite knew
A feeling so hard to dismiss
Hits harder when I reminisce
No matter what I try to do
It seems I'm always missing you
Rondel form
433 · Dec 2018
AmeriMav Dec 2018
Swiftly let my wind blow down
Untangle you from your rope
Bear you to a place unknown
Catch you in my hope
Lift you high above the clouds
Where sun and moon are bright
Never shadow, never fear
Only wondrous light

Swiftly let my river flow on
Wash away every blight
Bear you to a place unknown
Glistening brilliant and white
Take you through the twists and turns
Cool and brisk the stream
Til we find a tranquil pool
And float there in a dream  

Swiftly let my heart beat race
Can you hear it in my chest?
Bear you to a place unknown
As you lay your head to rest
Hold you safely in my arms
Drown your worry in my love
Run my fingers through your hair
Set you free on the wings of a dove
427 · May 2019
AmeriMav May 2019
In my arms, can this be the day?
No more waiting, no more delay
For months we've waited, seemed so long
Yearning to hold my soul's heartsong
Now playing at a grand forte

Our smiles beam with brightest ray
In this moment, no sky of gray
Holding me, where you belong
In my arms

Silent starburst of love's display
Emotions roar like waves at play
Feel my chest, heart beating strong
Oh time stand still, this touch prolong
All I want is for you to stay
In my arms
Rondeau form
421 · Apr 2019
Sparkles of Love
AmeriMav Apr 2019
In bluest day
Sunlight play bright
To slay shadows
Your smile glows like
Flame blows across
My heart dross skimmed
To gloss and shine
Than-bauk form
416 · Apr 2019
AmeriMav Apr 2019
Beauty of the moon
Lady of the star filled night
Sunlight does display
Though its true form and splendor
By its phase remains unchanged
Tanka form
408 · Mar 2019
AmeriMav Mar 2019
Kisses of your mouth
So soft and yet so striking
Over and over
Haiku form
396 · Oct 2018
AmeriMav Oct 2018
Missing you is a wonderfully awful feeling
So deep that words fail to shed any light
It cuts, and bites, and sends me reeling
And I am lost, turning left and right

But there is a beauty in such deep devotion
A tenderness that many have not known
There is such love found in this emotion
The memories of you are around me strewn

And this is the light in my darkness
384 · Oct 2018
AmeriMav Oct 2018
Far away is strange
Relative yet relevant
Even so, nearness
368 · Feb 2019
Night Vision
AmeriMav Feb 2019
Laying in the dark
Vision obscured in passion
Hands tremble to see
367 · Feb 2019
AmeriMav Feb 2019
Heart beating fast each time you draw nigh
No one would question, no one ask why
As birds should be free, we all plainly see
Your bright beauty belongs to the sky
Gwawdodyn form
366 · Nov 2018
Snow White
AmeriMav Nov 2018
Snow falls to the ground
White and pure and wonderful
Reminds me of you
Your skin the beauty and glow
So soft as you cover me
This is my first Tanka poem
364 · Jun 2019
AmeriMav Jun 2019
One bright sunny day, my lover did say
Please tell me the height of your love
Looked I to the sky, clouds don't fly as high
Nor mountains, or wings of a dove

One morn rain suppressed, my love did request
Can you tell me sweet is your love deep?
Thought I of a cave, obscure dark enclave
It's deeper than creature dare creep

One dark winter night, she asked in twilight
Your love dear, how far will it go?
My love's measured best, where east meets the west
Never ending in sun, rain, or snow
361 · Apr 2019
AmeriMav Apr 2019
When darkness threatens
Burning brilliance of your love
Never lets me go
Haiku form
360 · Feb 2019
Ever-flowing Yearning
AmeriMav Feb 2019
The longing runs like river wide
Which flows to meet the boundless sea
It is not false, won't prove belied
It ever flows 'tween you and me

In downpour fragrant rains of grace
The longing runs like river wide
White foams and spins with rapid pace
Its current will not be denied

When freezing waters ice outside
Still undercurrent steady strong
The longing runs like river wide
So soft, but still it sings its song

And when the heats of summer bake
Mountain streams in time have died
Its goal the waters won't forsake
The longing runs like river wide
Quatern form
359 · Jun 2019
Glimmer in the Dark
AmeriMav Jun 2019
In the deepest dark
As just before the dawn breaks
Your light bids me see
Haiku form
357 · Jan 2019
AmeriMav Jan 2019
Cold and gray skies
Icy glaze of morning
Reflects the deaf frozen state of
My heart
Awakened suddenly your voice
Burst of sunshine on me
Melts my cold world
A butterfly cinquain
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