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Mia Wallace Dec 2015
She brushes her teeth
Spitting sins down the sink
Splashing water through rivers of laugh lines on her cheeks
And wiping maps off her hands
She brushes cities out of her hair
And undresses her mistakes.
She kisses goodnight Lust and  
Words spoken like wildfires
With a galaxy in her mouth and
Stars flickering out on her tongue
She floats in mellifluous dreams on stained sheets
Sleeping soundly
Having worn the world
Like the sky wears the stars.
Mia Wallace Jul 2015
The flood light pierces through my window
and I pretend it's the moon.
Metal on the freeway races through my mind like dreams of you.
Wild turkey and freeze-dried adrenaline,
we never slept watching and waiting under those green and purple lights.
Mia Wallace Aug 2015
I hope you never experience the distant, dark corners of your mind overlapping like molasses in a metal drain
I hope when you open your mouth to speak you don't expel whispers of ash from your burning soul
I hope you dream of colors that aren't me
When she plows into you
You feel edges of malleability
I hope her tongue doesn't burn you
And her thoughts don't *******.

I float from smoke-filled lungs
And the crackling of fire keeps me up at night but
Amber and honey
I love the taste of my volatile soul and I'm sorry you didn't.
Anger, superficial, love, hate, ***, pain, pleasure, fire, explosive, heavy, intoxication, paper, lust, danger, volatile, soul, seduction, envy, greed
Mia Wallace Sep 2015
Raina Grace is stardust!
-with abundant sources of love. She's friendly, sensitive, trusting and brilliantly mischievous.
Rain's stubborn at times but empathetic always.
An animal lover and adventurer prone to tone-deafness.
She does what she does with entirety and concentration.
She likes her things the way she likes her things and we admire this, we call her Greg jr as she takes after her daddy.
Raina's a leader most days and a team player on all days.
Raina doesn't cry in baseball and she might 'dot an eye' sticking up for herself. Little rainbow is powered by love.
She'll be the first woman in baseball, first to land on Jupiter, the next Taylor swift, a world-conqueror, a cowgirl and a unicorn simultaneously when she's grows up so you better get an autograph while you can.
       -her sister
Mia Wallace Oct 2015
I remember things he says
He's profound and absurd
Using words that penetrate
His language swims through my skin like roads on city maps
I'm a discovered recluse painted.

His tongue doesn't grow flowers and plausible reactions of mine don't provoke his words
Our mouths intertwine with unmanageable forests
Without echoes
An unkempt birthplace of toxicity tunneling into our
black hole hearts
Mia Wallace Nov 2016
walking across the stage in adderall brain
they're pulling off my fingers and I'm spitting up sounds
it's dark pastels and Pisces Syndrom
you can't hear me but you're blood orange baby
like night-time sunshine

I feel your frequency and its the only thing keeping me
Mia Wallace Jul 2015
I want nothing from the world for it owes me nothing
I want only to exist
In the simplicity of the vast wilderness
I want my heart
And my soul to be like the wilderness
Wild and alive

I want to be alive everywhere and absorb all the beauty and wonder of it all
And return it back to its keeper
The flowers
The ocean
The soil
All of it.
I want to become my mother
The earth.
I want the stars to teach me all they know
I want the sun to wake me
and tell me when I should rest
I want the forest roots to guide me
The birds to sing me the songs
of the world
I want to feel spring water against my skin
I want to feel the unadulterated dirt of the earth against my feet
I want nature to heal me
Detoxify me from mans creations
the material world
I want the wind to tell me her secrets and bring me all of her wisdom
I want all of the universes' intangibilities.
I want to scream.
I want to be anonymous
I want not to be tainted by the small realm that confines me
I want never to forget the scale of the universe and
Remember that I too am a star
A toxic
Ball of stardust
A wonder of creation
Floating in a inexhaustible,
eternal sea
Rough draft
Mia Wallace Sep 2017
I'm weathered and weary from shapes of greed
Their colors mislead me
I am naive
But I know eyes that taste
Without seeing
Now you know me, don't you?
But you are just waiting.

I am tired of this misinterpreted concept
I am tired of our tangled body's, this act between two that is only about you.
I'm tired of not being able to dance freely in fear of needy hands and sharp teeth
Pressuring possessiveness
Climb into your soul and off of my body
See that I am a creature of uninterrupted freedom
I will not answer to your hollow eyes
Your misconstrued ideas of love constructed by a society that forgot to feel
That forgot to see
That forgot that you are you and I am me

I will not answer to your hollow eyes
You are not welcome here.
Mia Wallace Oct 2015
I feel pretty empty now
And I'm **** sure I'll feel a lot more empty when your gone
But that's no reason to keep you around.
I'm not that selfish.
I'm a flight risk anyway.
You'd be uprooted every time you felt comfortable and you'd learn to run away from love.
You'd live your life saying goodbye without being good at goodbyes
And I'm too hurt to love you.
I want to show you the world but I haven't learned it yet.
I want to take you to the brightest places and keep you from the darkest
But it's dark out here and I'm lost.
I want to show you hopscotch on the stars and read you stories from the moon.
But I live underwater.
I want you to meet exuberance and elation
But those relatives live far away.  
I'm sorry.
Mia Wallace Nov 2015
"The most beautiful part of your body
is where it's headed. & remember;
Loneliness is still time spent with the world."
Ocean vuong

It's a tough time for dreamers

"No one becomes an artist unless they have to."
Janet Fitch
Mia Wallace Dec 2015
I'm still learning how to fill my body.
Let alone the universe
What kind of space do I take up?
Not enough.
The answer is always "not enough".
On the couch I curl my body
Until I'm camouflage.
I sleep alone on my bed
Leaving room for entire cities
I walk down busy streets
Dodging bodies and buildings
Like I might ignite them.
My voice is a cracked window
Down the street from my soul.
In bright rooms
I dance in shades of black and white
With feet that don't quite fill my shoes.
Yet my poems use the reddest colors of the solar system
On pages too small for my pen
Mia Wallace Aug 2015
His mind wrapped around my neck like a snake
His eyes were sharp and constant
I Knew they held truth
When they held mine
We spoke to each other in a way that froze time
Lapses of speed and light around us while we sat with our wine in a force field of intensely still and silent air
You could cut with a knife
He's dangerous.
Mia Wallace Nov 2016
you stay and you're pretend-boy
stuck in space like you're alone, afraid-boy
you call me runaway-girl
but I'm just being natural
collapse and explode
like space molecules, I rather float on my own
than stay the same, boy
I hope we cross orbits another day.
Mia Wallace Feb 2016
Why do you feel the need to make me conscience of the way I appear to you?
I don't need to hear you analyze my mood
Or the way I talk, walk, and breath
Go home and evaluate me in your ******* journal

And stop shrinking people to fit into your unambiguous definitions. People are more fluid than that.

People aren't their pasts or disorders or behaviors at work that you can sum up in a punch line.

What you see is a tiny window into a deep infinite Galaxy  

"Be still and listen"
Mia Wallace Jul 2015
Together and in pieces 
but always liqiud
open-hearted and wild-eyed until you reach the sea
Free and infinite.
Ill remember you.
Mia Wallace Dec 2015
Who is she to say you're a liar?
Maybe with every fiber
you loved her.
Like you do with your
Recklessly floating heart.
You two were different lovers.
She's the kind of girl with metallic blood.
An ancient stone
heavy in her chest,
Unusual and destructive
When it arrives late.
You were wrong to have loved her like butterflies when bones like hers require sorcery.
Mia Wallace Aug 2015
2010- the year society decided I was able
2011- the year I went far away from home
2012- the year I became an experimentalist, more.
2013- the year nothing made sense
2014- the year everything did.
2015- the year I found love.
-My favorite year of all.
Mia Wallace Sep 2015
We watch the perpetual war in the sky
The vivid colors of the gods
Bleeding before the mountains
A sultry foreshadow of nightfalls' catastrophe
He waits for the Suns' demise
Under the Gemini Moon
My Twin Legs split open
Wolves echo in synchronicities of
In the morning I call for Zeus
God of Thunder
Crack the earth open
Let my lovers fall to the underworld of your brothers  
Wash the scents of greed from my hair
And the hyrogliphic bite marks from my thighs  
Or bare my soul to wind
Starvation and feast
It all tastes like love
under the Yellowstone moon.
Mia Wallace Jul 2015
Our wavelengths aren't cohesive.
I think in terms of art, poetry and music
I belong with an artist.
And when the world's on fire we'll make it seem beautiful.
Poetry, art and music is the worlds only freedom.
The only thing that turns tragedy into something lovely
Mia Wallace Aug 2016
tiny mirror girl
molasses in the metal drain brain
run from sticky fog
smoking **** for silence
turn it down
feels like a thousand fingers pulling the inside of my skin

i won't save you

your thoughts are so ******* loud
shallow breath and the beat's too heavy
bathing in your blood but i didn't cut you
bookshelf dreams
I'm screaming
tiny mirror girl
metal drain molasses brain
Mia Wallace Nov 2015
"The pearls weren't really white, they were a warm oyster beige, with little knots in between so if they broke, you only lost one. I wished my life could be like that, knotted up so that even if something broke, the whole thing wouldn't come apart." -Janet Fitch
Mia Wallace Feb 2016
I look nothing like my father.
Not even my genes left a trace of him.
Mia Wallace Feb 2016
I wish I'd fall from orbit and grow in the dirt somewhere.
I can't come to terms with life itself because I have too many questions.
If you wonder why I don't listen to half the things you say it's because I'm too busy counting the molecules of your breath.
As a detached, extraterrestrial floating in a sea of unfinished ideas, I thoroughly enjoy solitude. Colossal tragedy wouldn't give me a perspective anything short of that of a rubber band, pulling me down to the earth for a moment only to plunge me deeper into an anti-social abyss. Blades of jagged titanium churn through my flesh and I can't help gawking at mellifluous shapes of crimson.  
13 billion years ago the universe manifested from explosives and sometimes I can't tell if I'm ADD, sociopathic, a poet or if some of us are made up more of
fire than human.
Mia Wallace Dec 2015
Roses are black
Violets are dead
I'm such a good poet
I live in your head.
Mia Wallace Mar 2016
Baby sister, keep growing up slow..
I promise to give you the world in little pieces
I'll never give you too much to hold
And I'll always help you carry it around.
Mia Wallace Jul 2015
An effect I thought I was impervious to


My soul lingers on my skin
Like smoke on walls

I'm transparent.

Many men have come with their ice picks
Desperately chipping away at the cold encasing my heart
And here you are

A wildfire.
Restless and tactful
Every scar I have earned
My armor
In ashes.
I'm terrified


— The End —