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White Chocolate**

In a realm where ivory whispers dance,
Soft as moonbeams on a lover's glance,
Lies the essence pure, a taste so sweet,
White chocolate dreams where hearts do meet.

A symphony of creamy hues entwined,
Where tenderness and passion find
A canvas blank, yet richly spun,
A tapestry of two made one.

In twilight's tender, hushed embrace,
Where fingers trace a lover's face,
The world dissolves in pale delight,
As day gives way to velvet night.

Like white chocolate, melting slow,
Love's tender touch begins to flow,
Infusing warmth in every kiss,
A sugared breath, a silent wish.

Beneath the stars, where secrets lie,
Two souls conspire, a whispered sigh,
Wrapped in a bliss that's soft and rare,
A Caucasian love affair.

No bitter notes to mar the taste,
Just silken threads in sweet embrace,
A symphony of skin so light,
Love's pale glow in the quiet night.

Each touch, a promise softly told,
In whispers warm, in stories old,
Of love that's pure, untainted, bright,
Like white chocolate in the night.

So let us savor moments pure,
In this embrace, forever sure,
For in this love, both sweet and true,
White chocolate dreams are made for two.
They are penned with love.  Words eloquently describing a crush by a melanin girl with a European Caucasian
Neelmani Kumar May 2021
Has no shape
Has no color
Has no meaning
Has no dimension
Is different for each………….

Could be craving for body
Could be making out in bed
Could be lust between two couples
Could be vulgarity couples offer
Could be kissing all-day
Could be in laughing all the way
Could be crying together
Could be comforting each other
Is different for each…………

For me,
Is the way she stalks me
Like a tigress stalking from behind bushes
Is the way she talks to me
Like sweet raindrops of love falling on my body
Is the way she cares for me
Like air, can’t be seen, but exists
Is the way her heart beats for me
Like waves in the ocean on their way to my beach
Is the way she sparkles with her smile
Like a spectrum of colours vivid and bright

Is a feeling she feels
Is an emotion she exhibits
Is the bond she has with me she carries
She Is Love in disguise
The only definition, Of love in my life
The lone Love Of my Lonely Life
For me,
She is Love
Love Is She
Only she
Neelmani Kumar May 2021
Has no shape
Has no colour
Has no meaning
Has no dimension
Is different for each………….

For others,
Could be craving for body
Could be making out in bed
Could be lust between two couples
Could be vulgarity couples offer
Could be kissing all-day
Could be in laughing all the way
Could be crying together
Could be comforting each other
Is different for each…………

For me,
Is the way she stalks me
Like a tigress stalking from behind bushes
Is the way she talks to me
Like sweet raindrops of love falling on my body
Is the way she cares for me
Like air, can’t be seen, but exists
Is the way her heart beats for me
Like waves in the ocean on their way to my beach
Is the way she sparkles with her smile
Like a spectrum of colors vivid and bright

Is a feeling she feels
Is an emotion she exhibits
Is the bond she has with me that she carries
She Is Love in disguise
The only definition, Of love in my life
The lone Love, Of my Lonely Life

For me,
She is Love
Love Is She
Only she
Cné Aug 2015
Silently I cry hoping no one hears
Secretly caring for another in love's affairs
Experiencing love's worst of weapons
Heartbreak ominously beckons

Silently tears fall as I lie alone
On the bathroom floor unbeknown
For there are no more words, no more lies
Only a silent tear that never dries

Silently I cry with images of his face
Dimpled cheeks, his kiss and warm embrace
Hopelessness ensues for the way he held me tight
Remembering he's with her tonight

I lay in bed at night beside the one I'm bound
Holding my breath as tears compound
Feeling the love I once gave and then knew
All the while he's with someone new

Silently shedding tears as my life takes its toll
Killing my very essence, my mind, body and soul
Hearing the words, feeling the crippling pain
A lover's secret inevitably ends in vain
imparo Sep 2019
You and I
have a story
behind closed doors,
sneaking at night,
stealing kisses,
secretly holding hands.

But you and I
both know
this story
shall never be told
not even to a single soul.
letmebeanon Jul 2019
Confused and depressed
Not knowing what comes to life next
A promise that started so beautifully
He changed, and now, is he really ending it this slowly?

In the dark, while I savor the pain
I longed to be happy and then you came.
At a brisk, I let you in
Consumed my mind and invaded my soul.

Your eyes, I couldn’t help but stare
Your voice, that became music to my ear            
I wish the time was longer – that’s a shame
Why did I meet you at such a wrong fate?

How can I tell him about you?
You belong to someone else while I do too.
Albeit amiss, the times with you felt nothing but right;
Never was I this proud of the wrong, never in my life.

Lost with bewilderment, who does my heart choose?
HIM, the person that I have learned to love?
Or YOU, the person that suddenly caught my heart?
I’m guilty of even having to question myself that.

The negative thoughts, the guilt, the constant fear.
It has now started drowning me in.
I realized, this affected him and I wanted to do the right thing.
So, I had to choose him.
I wrote this October 2017.
July 2019 - (the person I chose left me) - Karma.
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