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it's a constant stream of consciousness, the ultimate truth about how art and inspiration are just your perception and interpretation of life and the reality around you. listen to a song, and pause as the narration flows through your mind like sand through your hands – slipping through the hourglass and never staying quite on key. when your mind is always two steps ahead of the ink.

bury me with a pen, because god knows i’ll forever live in this altered state, and i’m destined to die here.

it’s about how everything makes you feel – how you’re more than human because you understand the true meaning behind the infinite universe and everything encompassing it. a super(ior) perspective. forever a self born monster with the hungry desire to dissect all in sight; until it means anything.

with all synapses firing, you understand the theories and ideas of the great intellectuals; the divine knowledge of utmost reality – art, beauty, life, humanity, and enlightenment. then you reach the darker side of the path; the bruised affair kept hidden from sight – the truth and knowledge and understanding of the mind of the serial killer, the sociopath, the ******; and the overwhelming desire to act upon it all. an unbearable struggle and battle within yourself to shut out the violence, to mask the hate and brutality – tucked in a corner for later analysis.

the truth is, this is enlightenment. ultimate inspiration and insight to reality. this state of being reaches your infinite heights, and these ideas are your pure gold philosophy. shine on, you crazy diamond.
november 10th, 2010.

this was me at my sickest, most addicted state. this is an echo of the worst schizophrenic episode I ever had.

I was only sixteen years old.

this was not truth. this was NOT enlightenment. this was the worst secret and delusion to ever haunt my soul.
mel Jan 2018
(the)re is
something about the (way) they leave
that recalls (my)soul's eternities
something the (eyes can)not perceive
but is felt in every (hear)t that beats
i feel (you) all ~ c o l l e c t i v e l y
the way my eyes can hear you
Yasin Jan 2018
Everyone is watching
Some humans are deducing
Singing, humming in their mind
Surrounded by flesh and bones
Neurons and skull
The true me bears a hat
Reliability buries mind control
The higher consciousness
belongs to astrophysicien

Your body is a vehicle and
you are driven by many influences.
You sit inside a vessel with a vast palette of buttons and a huge wheel.
A passenger sits beside you and both of you rotate the wheel.
The car is secretly controlled by an other force.
The one who has real influence to stop the other force has the potential to become complete.
Sincerely, Joy
But one thing's sure
The end.
Graff1980 Dec 2017
Your consciousness is restricted by your self-imposed ignorance. You are so much more then your consumerism impulses, your romantic fantasies/heartaches, your political ideologies, and your religious dogmas. You are a universe of potential, something that can be developed in the stillness of introverted introspection, something that is unique and beautiful, something that longs to be shared with the world. You are your own mechanism for self-directed emotional, intellectual, nutritional, andΒ Β neurochemical evolution. You just have to look beyond the predefined prepackaged reality and realize just because it is done this way does not mean it has to be done that.
Lana Eve Dec 2017
I once believed religion was created to solidify the separation of humans as a species.
It's taken dark days to make me rethink that claim.
I am no Neandrathal. I do not need to hunt to fuel my body.
Just as my enemies would never stand in front of me.
Honest. Clenching their weapon. Clear; their intentions.

No, you see this day an age, it's all a mental spare.
Problem is, your enemies all look the same.
Do you really?
Are you sure?
How can you know?
Inner thoughts become consuming.
Especially when you are dancing with fear, hope, desire, passion, and the idea of what is right.
The mental stress can drive a person, any person, to insanity.

Homoerectus too could not fathom the transition.
To live in a world, knowing there is more than what they see.
I wonder if the pit of this is making sense, then you must be lucky.
Naivety is bliss.
It's true, I have lost my mind.
But in this day an age, I can just go to the store and buy another.

I'm rambling now, I get that from my mother.
Like I was saying.

No wonder they created Gods.
Without them, they would've lost their sanity.

Let there be light
To truly see, is absolutely torturing
But it sure as hell beats the darkness.
David Bojay Dec 2017
i notice them in my experience
i notice
the postivies
the negatives
what drives me crazy
what i should ****
who i should care for

the things that fall out of my memory
what i should remember

what peace is

how to be aware of pain without acting

my love... for whatever happens

my hate... for nothing that doesnt make sense
Suzanne S Dec 2017
I will give myself to the sea
To the sunset
To the stars
I want to be unraveled by something greater than two hands

Cracked apart at the ribs
In feast
A hollow empire no longer
Filled with cloudless sky
Venom dripping from my ears

β€œEat” he hisses holding
A ventricle to my lips
****** and raw
My own; still warm
Pouring rain

He takes a bite
Tearing chunks with glittering pillars of jagged salt licks
This is how it is done
How you get a dying bird to eat
Or freeze in the night

Ribs a ladder exposed that my body
Might cower beneath
Leaking blue blue sky
Mouth agape
Puffing clouds into the darkness for him to drink

The bird with no wings
Choking on aorta

A sacrifice to the stars.
Jon Sawyer Dec 2017
Dear Beebabe,

I know you're not feeling well
The torrent of your own mind can become
The dagger that slices you and makes you frail
But it will end soon, then you'll hum
To find that you never really left home

And when that day arrives
I'll be by your side
And then you'll ask, where did I get these knives?
And then I'll say, they came from the wide
Hole in your mind

When you're recovered
You won't remember the day
That these knives did more than smothered
The bright flame that makes you sway
Your hips when you're feeling gay

The slits in your consciousness
Won't compare to the inner you
That resides in my blessedness
You will ask, why did you allow me to chew
On my beebro? Dear, you seem so renewed!

I'll reply, because even though
You're not my flesh and bone
You're own love for me saw me through
The weeks you sat on depression throne
I knew that one day you'll find your way home

That you never did leave.
I saw you through these hard times
Because I knew your mind would cleave
To see my own heart and soul chime
In the tune that makes you mine.

And mine you are
And shall never not be
Because you mean more to me
Than my very own bare
Heart, soul, and mind
Given solely to us, the beebro three

I'll hear you say, I'm soory
I didn't mean to make you woory
I guess I just choose my own folly
That bittersweet throne, golly!
I'll say, dear, miss molly

Tonight we take the trolley
Climb aboard, we'll go rolling
Through the hills to make you see fully
And not pretend we represent Fern Gully
And you'll see that depression is just a bully

That in the end, will never,
Change the you inside

Live in your moment now.
Your mind will heal tomorrow.

But for today rest in the knowledge
That I've also been through the sludge

Today I just hope to be
The bright light for you

That you miraculously were for me.

With love and compassion,
Signed therein:

Me, your soulmatage.
6 Dec 2017 - written as a poem-letter to my wife, who is in a spell of depression at this time. "beebabe", "beebro", and "soulmatage" are our terms of endearment.
Jon Sawyer Dec 2017
We live amongst the nature around us,
the supposed serene root of our own nature
from which we feel so distantly arisen from.
We are and are no longer belonging to this one world.

What are we for and
why are we here?
Forever questions asked
by eternal minds.

The progression of a mind towards an awareness
of itself that surpasses its body reaps the
products of contemplation for the sacrifice
of the health of the mind and body.

Risk is overshadowed by the intense
illumination of a conscious dream.
A daring beyond animalistic reaction
to manifest imagination outside of reality.

An organism of the Earth graduated to creator.
Not just moving mountains, but planets.
Why do our bodies yearn for us to beg our spirit and soul to brighten our eyes when our minds are as capable as space itself?

Insufferable and deceitful promises of purpose and the avoidance death
fills the painfully visible hole in the heart of an aware animal to domestication.
Did nature intend to make an animal that
unyieldingly yearns for an alternative consciousness?

As the dominos have and continue to fall
we experience our position in time,
and will yield our use of our domino’s energy
when the momentum of each millennium continues ahead without us.

How does a species that knows of itself rationalize itself?
Take awareness as a token of magnificence or as a side effect of entropy.
Only that which can see past its nose can be the authority on whether their
screeching pains of unsilenceable thoughtfulness is an advantage or an oversight.
by my wife, Adyson Wright
1 Dec 2017
Mark Wanless Nov 2017
I touch the mirror thinking i know
       the truth of reflection
Not separate but i moving i stare
       mesmerized in dream worlds
Flat      two dimensional      pieces of now
       pride swells to safety mastery thought
Of all claimed a union intimate wisdom
       if but shyly humbly
An ant whispers      hallucinating lions roar
       lions will      and billions of other ants
       see deluded      gold bushy mane
       carnivore teeth      breath of flesh
Braincarving rationalized existence
       ecstatic hope or fear for the moment
       in mind
Sight touch sound taste smell
       consciousness sensate
Variables infinite shaped perceiver
       perceiving perceived perceptions
Wave after turbulent wave
       light      gravity
       x-ray      thought
       one object      cause effect
       different view
Holding together a mote of cosmos
       non other than we this
       mountain meru
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