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649 · Sep 2016
The moment
Poetic Eagle Sep 2016
There is a moment when you feel all is gone
All hope is lost
That moment when you feel abandoned and rejected
The same moment when you feel life being taken out of you
That crazy moment when you feel like commiting suicide
The very moment when you feel your heart bleeding in silent tears
The moment when you feel so in the dark
That moment is simply LIFE
Life is PAIN
Inspired by a late friend
643 · Jan 2017
Poetic Eagle Jan 2017
Just wishing all the poets a

Hello 2017
It's a new year let's forget the past n focus on the future. Make the best of this year coz there can never be a better yesterday
641 · Nov 2018
Poetic Eagle Nov 2018
If criticism was a superpower
I would be flawless
Unique in my own way
640 · May 2022
Now and forever
Poetic Eagle May 2022
Now and forever, always ringing in my head
Could be a story to tell
Imaginations reaching far from reality
A fuel to my everyday life,
the company in my head  keeps me sane

Now and forever, could have been different
If only l had known now is the forever l wanted
But...l didn't loose it all, a part of it is within
Laughter and joy, never a sad moment,
The only tears dropped are the ones that build happiness and create memories,
Memories l hope we could both remember

Now and forever, l picture it every day
A fantasy too good to be true?
I dream with my eyes open so reality can never bring be back to brokenness
Look and become, they say
Just a piece of my heart
Work in progress
625 · Mar 2019
dear crush.......
Poetic Eagle Mar 2019
one day you will miss me
as much as l miss you
another random thought
612 · Dec 2018
Poetic Eagle Dec 2018
Ever felt like living is useless
All you want to is give up
If only suicide could set you free
That makes the 2 of us
So hard 2 enjoy life  
611 · Feb 2022
confused emotions
Poetic Eagle Feb 2022
just like my text , l wish l could unsend my feelings
rando m thoughts, work in progress
605 · Nov 2018
Poetic Eagle Nov 2018
When l said you were a dream
I knew l would wake up
That's why you aint here anymore
Dreams are meant for sleeping
602 · Sep 2019
wicked world
Poetic Eagle Sep 2019
they are waiting for me to break
so they can take advantage of my pieces
random thought
599 · Apr 2021
Poetic Eagle Apr 2021
"it is finished"
The only debt l could never repay
591 · Oct 2023
'fading tears'
Poetic Eagle Oct 2023
Tears fall, here and there, a silent stream,
I forget, yet the pain remains, it seems.
Involuntary tears that remind you, it probably still hurts
588 · May 2022
Poetic Eagle May 2022
They said, thoughts are transferable
So, are you thinking about me too?
Random thoughts
588 · Feb 2017
Poetic Eagle Feb 2017
Sorrow is my name
Poverty is also my name
So is pain and loneliness
Who really am l ???

How did l get here? Who put me into this world?
Do l have parents, relatives or background
Am l even human without an identity
Who really am l ?

I roam around the streets day and night
Bare footed sometimes with torn stockings stitched together
And heavily oiled legs
Hoping to find myself
Who am I??

Eating food from the trash
Was and is always my daily meal
I get arms from people daily
All of them calling me with the same words
Yet I don't know what they are saying
My question still stand
Who am I ??

The street kid is all l hear
Now I guess lm the one born to suffer
Born to be in pain
The unwanted one
Born and mothered by the streets

As long as I remember it's always been the streets and l
This is real, this is me
So here l am the illiterate son of the streets
I'm the **STREET KID
Let's work together and make this world a better place for all of us. Many r suffering with nothing to eat who r we to pretend not to hear their cries
572 · Feb 2019
Strong at last
Poetic Eagle Feb 2019
I wont lie and say cant live without you
But what's the purpose of life with no inspiration
Just having negative vibes lately
565 · Jan 18
Poetic Eagle Jan 18
I kept wondering what it would be like falling in love after a heartbreak
And **** why didnt l let go sooner
Let go and make room for new
565 · Oct 2023
Poetic Eagle Oct 2023
l talk you just reply,I wait, it's true,
like a chase we play, me and you.
Hearts can only bear so much weight,
Someday, I'll tire of this endless wait.
A peek into my thoughts
562 · May 2018
Blast from the Past
Poetic Eagle May 2018
I see you everyday
You torment my soul
Hunt my dreams
And abstract my vision
And now all l see are your memories

Distance has taken you away
You so far yet so near
Your shadow follows my every step
All our conversation keeps playing in my mind

I wish just your voice could do the healing
But the brokenness needs more than that
Your words brought me to live
And now they keep me awake

I want to be in hope not hopeless
I want to love not to be broken
Dont want to be weak but I'm shattered
I wish l could bring back the old times
I wish l could go back and live in the memories
If only l could.......l would
554 · Sep 2023
Poetic Eagle Sep 2023
Gradually finding myself ensnared by your words
So much so that your silence becomes a vexing void
Poetry is still a safe haven
549 · Oct 2023
Poetic Eagle Oct 2023
If l could be anything
I would be everything you need
530 · Jun 2019
Poetic Eagle Jun 2019
my God aint't ordinary
so l wont settle for nothing less than
life becomes easy when you know whats exactly meant for you
never settle for less than what you deserve
thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!!!
528 · Sep 12
Poetic Eagle Sep 12
Sometimes it's easier to build new bridges
Than try to repair broken ones
Midnight thoughts
526 · Nov 2018
free at last
Poetic Eagle Nov 2018
the best feeling is letting go
of what you never had
and finding happiness in what
you can have
for the 16 years l have lived l realized we often hold on to things that can never be ours forgetting what we can have. it all starts I n the mind
523 · Oct 2016
Its life(c'est la vie)
Poetic Eagle Oct 2016
Life is a crazy roller coaster
Full of ups and downs

You laugh and the world
laughs with you
Weep and you weep alone

Life is real
Life is Ernest
Without its ups and downs
It wouldn't be so much fun
Just thought about life and decided to write
522 · Oct 2023
Heart chronicles
Poetic Eagle Oct 2023
Pain stings from those we hold so near,
From hearts we cherish, love so dear.
Separating love from hurt's cruel art,
Is the challenge of the tender heart.
A puzzle, in life, we'll still impart
Life lately
520 · Apr 2018
The heart that never spoke
Poetic Eagle Apr 2018
Heavy heart
Eyes filled with tears
Thoughts swimming in the uncertainty of tomorrow

The fear of loosing
The pain of befriending loneliness again
The Feeling of being neglected
Are slowly drowning me

Dont want to break another heart
My silence already broke mine
It cried in silent tears
Pleading to be freed from the heavy burdens of the unspoken words

"But he caught my tongue by the neck and left me speechless"
Last line from tsiie. Idk just wrote my heart out
509 · Mar 7
Poetic Eagle Mar 7
I just need a whisper
Tell me I'm not as unforgettable as your silence makes me feel
To the person who existed in the abstract
507 · Nov 2018
Merci -(thank you)
Poetic Eagle Nov 2018
As l reminisce on the past days
All l can say is thank you God
Had so many downs but still got up
Not by might not by power
Better is the ending than beginning of the matter. It's been a long  hard year but behold everything had passed away. After all joy cometh in the morning
499 · Dec 2017
Poetic Eagle Dec 2017
Until next time, 
Now all will close,
The day has expired,
I sink in my woes.

Your arms were my castle,
Your words were my battle,
But in twinkle of an eye ,
You said goodbye.

I now yearn for your warmth,
It helps me progress,
In this life that drags on,
In this life that's a mess.

Now its a million degrees below zero in my blood,
Its like I'm buried fifty feet underground,
You left me isolated and deserted
Now lm feeling rejected.

Until I, see your face again,
That hole inside will never fill,
a restless souls that cannot cease,
a mission that i must fulfill.

Although with a hallowed place inside my heart,
l say back off loneliness and hello tenderness,
Opening my feeling and feeling smart,
Only to be struck back down into brokeness
Its hard to let go of the past, maybe l need help
497 · Nov 2023
Dear bestfriend
Poetic Eagle Nov 2023
Despite our endless  battles of words, hearts aflame
My heart still beats your name.
So even at the end of the chapter,
I'll wait for you
From the movie love, Rosie
493 · Oct 2023
Poetic Eagle Oct 2023
In tales told near and far, I stand alone,
Always the villain in stories, widely known.
But deep within, a heart yearns to change,
To break free from this fate, rearrange.
When you realise you are the bad person in everyone's story
488 · Aug 15
Poetic Eagle Aug 15
They asked if we still talk
I told them we not strangers
That spoke volumes
475 · Feb 2018
Poetic Eagle Feb 2018
she gave him a smile that knocked down common sense to his knees
Want whispering like silk through through his mind
"Everyday shall be valentines" he assured her
do not wait for valentines to show love ,everyday should be valentines
lets spread love
462 · Nov 2023
"Love in memories"
Poetic Eagle Nov 2023
If l could, l would keep you close,
Insight, everyday
Sounds impossible
So l will love you in memories
454 · Dec 2023
Whispers of promises
Poetic Eagle Dec 2023
Once upon a time your words meant everything that held on to them,
Until l saw every promise pass by.
Now, l yearn to believe each word you speak.....
But it all sounds like a poem that caught the right muse.
In the hit of the moment we say so much but with no actions,words slowly lose their meaning
453 · Mar 2019
Healed 2
Poetic Eagle Mar 2019
We could have lasted for eternity .
But we were short lived.
Guess it won't be true love if not painful
You left me *******.

But you didn't take my courage.
The painful memories became a motivation.
The emotions could have killed me.
But instead gave me unimaginable stamina .

I lost my senses l went crazy .
Never imagined myself healing .
But now my heart is like a singing bird.
My mind didn't just stabilize l actually got a sixth sense added.

Your love came as a volcano .
Leaving me totally shattered.                      And gave me a nightmare of a lifetime .
But finally l can say lm healed
She was broken but now healed
After all there is an ok in healed
@diamond pickle charmxy
451 · Jan 2017
True hapiness
Poetic Eagle Jan 2017
I waited for long
Only to realise in the darkest hour
that true HAPPINESS lies within
I couldn't wait anymore ,lm so sick and tired of idiots who come into my life only to ruin it. I know l can make myself happy
450 · Oct 2023
Poetic Eagle Oct 2023
Spoken words,
a comforting embrace,
Lift the heart,
bring solace in grace.
447 · Jul 2018
The story of her life
Poetic Eagle Jul 2018
"I will hold you till the end of eternity"

The few words she valued but caused her grief
She failed to understand eternity  for him  was just a short time

She believed in a happily ever after
But later realised it existed only beyond imagination

She fell too hard till sorrow became the song
Loneliness the chorus

And now she is long gone with betayed love
Thanks for reading.  Just a random thought l had. Please like and comment
445 · Oct 2023
Poetic Eagle Oct 2023
Aware of life's beauty, I find my way,
Surrounded by wonders, I'm happy each day.
In nature's embrace and with each smile's glow,
Happiness blossoms, with every step I go.
Being aware of your environment brings peace and happiness
442 · Mar 2019
........ my only wish.....
Poetic Eagle Mar 2019
How will the memories fade when sunrise and sunset always remind me of you

If only l could sleep forever
If wishes were horses everybody would ride one
438 · Oct 2023
"missing you less"
Poetic Eagle Oct 2023
Thoughts of you begin to fade, but still,
In missing you, my heart feels the chill.
Slowly, time will heal, and I'll find my way,
Learning to live without you, day by day.
432 · Nov 2020
Poetic Eagle Nov 2020
Stories change

Memories are forever
Midnight thoughts
431 · Aug 2017
Poetic Eagle Aug 2017
Some wounds may never heal
All they can do is stop bleeding
But the pain will never ease
It's been four years now but l can't stop thinking about you. The scar in my heart you left is always there Return If Possible. Besties for life
431 · Nov 2018
If only
Poetic Eagle Nov 2018
I were poetry l would be seen in between the lines and felt in the words
But invisibility is my super power
426 · Aug 2019
Poetic Eagle Aug 2019
they told me to go get a life
and l got you
random thought
423 · Nov 2023
Chasing stars
Poetic Eagle Nov 2023
Somewhere in between
"He is not my type" and,
"We are just friends",
She fell in love
423 · Oct 2023
Poetic Eagle Oct 2023
In stillness, without thoughts, I find delight,
My heart soars free, in happiness' pure light.
Living outside my head
422 · Mar 2019
finally awake
Poetic Eagle Mar 2019
finally realized us wasn't written in our forever
but like they say if dreams don't scare you they aint big enough
should l let the fear die?
some questions are better left unanswered
420 · Sep 2019
not a poem.....
Poetic Eagle Sep 2019
l put down the words
all lies?????

Maybe the paper wont understand the feelings
Or its the fear that even poetry could know my story

its all hidden in between the lines
And in the letters l find my solace

Can l find my true safe heaven on pen and paper?
its all an illusion, nothing gets better

Maybe it all comes down to being emotionless
Am l unhuman????? NO

My heart is just too big to store everything
Originally it was meant to pump blood but that changed

Why it never pops all the feelings or get tired? idk
its still a mystery

Even l want to know when l can finally break free
for now its safe to say its nature...……..
is it normal to feel nothing?
418 · Oct 2023
Love in verse
Poetic Eagle Oct 2023
I wrote my heart on a paper,
Words, light they seem,
Yet poetry can't erase this dream.
For still, I want you, it's clear and true,
In these lines, my love shines through.
Love from a distance
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