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417 · Jun 10
Poetic Eagle Jun 10
Every time l try to forget,
I remember everything could be better with you
A line from one of my peoems
411 · Aug 2021
Midnight thoughts
Poetic Eagle Aug 2021
It's 2am, staring at the stars,
Spread so bright
A reminder that in the beautiful night l am not alone
Thoughts scattered in my head
Emotions too confused to fit in one poem
I am tired but what exhaust me still keeps me awake
One of the many dreadful days
411 · Dec 2018
Comfort zone
Poetic Eagle Dec 2018
What l thought Was my comfort zone
Turned out to be my worst nightmare
It killed all the  potential l had
Nothing can be achieved in your comfort zone.
409 · Apr 21
Poetic Eagle Apr 21
In the silence of the night, falling out of love
For in letting go, l find freedoms gentle grace
No longer bound by what's unsaid
Thou loves flame may dim, it leaves behind a spark
I do cherish what was once dear
The beauty in endings, we discover new beginnings
More happy falling out of love than inlove with you
407 · Feb 2019
Poetic Eagle Feb 2019
You took away everything
But failed to take the memories
Whenever l look back it hurts
But l smile because it was worth the pain
Tears dry memories last forever
406 · May 2017
Poetic Eagle May 2017

Sometimes it's just good to let go
Some wounds don't heal they just stop bleeding
402 · Mar 12
Forgetting you
Poetic Eagle Mar 12
I never wanted to learn without you
But your absence taught me regardless
Letters to my bestfriend
397 · Dec 2019
my nature
Poetic Eagle Dec 2019
they set the limits
I break them
enough is enough!!!!!!!!!
397 · Sep 2019
Poetic Eagle Sep 2019
l don't break the rules
I just make new ones
random thought
391 · Aug 2018
Heal my soul
Poetic Eagle Aug 2018
"Will love you until the end of forever"
Those were his words

Now I'm running to reach forever
Maybe he will be there
Just hoping the forever will be long enough to let me enjoy all his promises
Thanks for reading. People always lie to be there forever and some are too blind that they continue to hold on to something that will nolonger  exist.Forever cannot be reached let go
388 · Jan 2019
To the abstract person
Poetic Eagle Jan 2019
If imaginary world existed
Together till the end of eternity
Wouldn't be so far to reach
Thanks for reading
Always keeping the faith that one day forever will be within reach
Or should l let go
388 · May 2019
dance in the rain
Poetic Eagle May 2019
it was pouring,
you couldn't differentiate my tears from rain
and only focused on the dance
people focus on what they want not your pain.
388 · Mar 2018
Love 2
Poetic Eagle Mar 2018
Love doesnt hurt
Hurt are those who have
Never taken the risk to love
385 · Nov 2020
inside poet
Poetic Eagle Nov 2020
its the poetry in me  that still loves you
my heart already let go
why do you end up being the person behind poem
382 · Dec 2019
self love
Poetic Eagle Dec 2019
there could never be space or time or another you

embrace your flaws and find beauty in peoples differences
that's the starting point of happiness
380 · Mar 2019
1 4 3
Poetic Eagle Mar 2019
they say love is pain
but the tears are so sweet
love is blind...……..
but would rather stay in the dark as long as you remain there with me
but inside im screaming
378 · Oct 2019
Poetic Eagle Oct 2019
If silence could speak
The world wouldn't be such a lonely place
I wanna break free
378 · Aug 2017
Poetic Eagle Aug 2017
Gone ,away, again l embark
On my journey away from . You
Own me , you own my heart
Despair not else my mind will compact
But now l must go my hands slip from yours
Your face , beauty will reign my mind's eye
E* eternity, we belong, together and now

Goodbye you are the best thing l ever had . You are remembered RIP
377 · Sep 2018
Poetic Eagle Sep 2018
I fell so hard , so hard
That my heart broke
The feeling faded
The pain ended
The higher you go the harder you fall and the more pain you will feel
374 · Jul 2019
Poetic Eagle Jul 2019
nothing is permanent but don't forget
love is also eternal
everything can last
371 · Dec 2019
Her heart
Poetic Eagle Dec 2019
Stone hearts love the hardest
And may never break
Get e saying that I'm cold hearted a lot
369 · Aug 2019
Poetic Eagle Aug 2019
no need to see my scars
to know that I'm hurting
368 · Nov 2018
Poetic Eagle Nov 2018
I don't know how l found darkness in what they all saw as light
Can darkness be found in light????????
I need answers
366 · Dec 2021
Poetic Eagle Dec 2021
roses have thorns,
even  beautiful things can still hurt you
366 · Feb 2019
Poetic Eagle Feb 2019
I have fallen a thousand times
And it was hard enough
To dig a foundation
Now I'm stronger than ever
What doesn't **** you make you stronger
362 · Aug 2018
Lost inspiration
Poetic Eagle Aug 2018
I smile at my grief
Thought l would get some relief
But my conscience betrayed my belief

My victory was in my ambition
But l failed to have the determination
What was the use of the demonstration
When life proved to be nothing but violation

Although it hurts l get up
I was taught never to give up
It's hard to get to the top
But the view is beautiful from up

I will fly the highest
Who said l cant be the greatest
When l can work the hardest
And someday will be the best
Not like the rest
Tired of being 16 but the dreams are within reach
361 · Jun 24
Imprint of you
Poetic Eagle Jun 24
My mind, a collection of unspoken words,
Letters to you
If only you could read my mind
Maybe l would not be a poet
355 · Mar 2
Poetic Eagle Mar 2
I write because how else would you read my mind
Midnight thoughts
354 · Jul 2019
10w (iii)
Poetic Eagle Jul 2019
if l ever cried for someone then it was love
if only l could.....l would
352 · Aug 2019
free at last
Poetic Eagle Aug 2019
time heals no wounds
it just gets you used to the pain
such that the pain doesn't hurt anymore
352 · Jan 2018
Poetic Eagle Jan 2018
I was born different
To make a difference
Always thought was unique and l still believe so. Im a little different from the rest hope its not a bad thing
347 · Mar 12
Poetic Eagle Mar 12
Life is easier learning to unlove you
Than trying to love you
You never made loving you feel easy
From struggling to find ways to reply you the right way so we keep the conversation going
To wondering how to break your silence, just so l don't feel forgotten by you
346 · Oct 2018
Poetic Eagle Oct 2018
We all thought it was passion,
Because in his presence l could feel his devotion.
It's like when l was with him l lost concentration,
And l became so sure that he was mine.
Little did l realise that it was just an infatuation.

I thought he was my prince charming
Yet he left me hanging
I didn't realise when l drowned in his love the same way l didn't notice his feelings were drastically fading.
He left me crying as he continued running.

When l was with him l was truly living life
But now I'm just surviving.
I miss his singing as well as his drawing .
At times l feel like his around me yet l'll be just hallucinating.
Still l don't picture myself healing.

Through his love l lost my reputation.
I thought l could see his love through his expression
Since his actions were full of connotations.
And his love came with destruction
Yet this happened without realisation
Now my life is full of humiliation
Since what I'm left with now is lamentation.

# Diamond Pickle
345 · Oct 2020
Rake my world
Poetic Eagle Oct 2020
Forever was only a fantasy
Till you came along
Midnight thoughts
336 · Mar 2018
Poetic Eagle Mar 2018
Love ain't blind
Blind are those who
have never loved
334 · Jun 2019
Poetic Eagle Jun 2019
how will l heal when my wounds  bleed every time l see you
whenever you hurt l find myself in pain
if only tears could dry
just a random thought
333 · Nov 2018
Poetic Eagle Nov 2018
Why is  death
such a jealous man
Cant stop wondering
328 · Nov 2017
Let it go
Poetic Eagle Nov 2017
How can you let go
When the person was never yours
But still lives in you
It's so sad
324 · Nov 2020
Letter 1
Poetic Eagle Nov 2020
Dear hope please stop making people believe in impossibilities

Yours truly reality
Random thoughts, nothing is impossible
323 · Aug 2019
ma vie
Poetic Eagle Aug 2019
even poetry failed to keep the wounds from bleeding
not everything that bleeds eventually heal
319 · Feb 14
Poetic Eagle Feb 14
So today someone made me smile, even laughed
Today l set for coffee, lunch and dinner
And never for a moment did l look for you in anyone
Today l did everything l wished to do with you, even more
And no thought of you crossed my mind
Today everything that once reminded me of you
Didn't bring any memory
Today for the first time in a long while l didn't look forward to your text
Today your absence felt normal
And it didn't make me cry
Today l don't miss you as much as l used to
So Today l realise maybe l am slowly forgetting you
It's what I wanted but why does it still make me sad
Letting go of the part that loved someone is never the easiest
319 · Jul 2023
Poetic Eagle Jul 2023
Somewhere in between he is not her type and they are just friends
She fell in love
Random thoughts
318 · May 2017
Poetic Eagle May 2017
My life is an empty hole
Filled with mess
Fallowed with stress
That l cant embrace

The distress
In the emptyness
Deep in the hallowedness
Of the heartless

Taking my sadness
Away from the hapiness
That brought my fullness
Makes me lifeless

My life is an empty hole
That l cant embrace
its all part life ,l guess
316 · Jun 28
Poetic Eagle Jun 28
Never thought this day would come
Where l remenance on our best days
Instead of making new memories

So close, yet far from reach
A step I'd take,
If l knew l would meet you somewhere
In uncertainty,
I will hold you from a distance
Full read on letterstomybestfriend, side collection
315 · Jan 2019
Love 1V
Poetic Eagle Jan 2019
Love is in the air
Thats why it always disappear(evaporates) after sometime
Love sometimes ain't meant to stay
313 · Oct 2018
Poetic Eagle Oct 2018
Haters: wake up dreams are
                 meant for sleeping
Me     : l will wake up when l get
311 · Dec 2018
Fleur de lis
Poetic Eagle Dec 2018
forever is promised i won't break it
i'll make a wish for every twinkle in your eye
even if we lock eyes, your smile shall set me free
fireworks you create
is Shalom
leaving vast particles as sweetened pieces of art in wildfires
the nostalgia became a beautiful memory
amnesia is lost in every scent that displayed petals
within flowers i found thorns, in foresight a Lily like you was found
By Mc Donald
309 · Nov 2023
Without you
Poetic Eagle Nov 2023
My favorite show lost its plot in my sight,
Games lack the thrill once felt in their height.
Realization hits, a truth now clear,
I loved them all when you were near.
Sometimes you love things not because you actually love them but because people around you bring meaning to them
308 · Dec 2019
Poetic Eagle Dec 2019
Sometimes excess love becomes toxic
Moving closer to an obsession
307 · Oct 2016
Poetic Eagle Oct 2016
I never want to go home
But l guess
The art of being a good guest
Is to know when to live
Be it so humble
There is no place like
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