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Paul Donnell May 2014
Such a mess               Deep breaths
Im depressed             Dont regress
I cant speak               Dont be meek
It all looks bleak         You're not that weak
Yes I am                     Dont listen to them
I am what I am          No, your a very strong man.
Leave me alone         Fine, I'm going home.



                                                                                      **** it..
Paul Donnell May 2017
I'll be your whiskey sacrifice
Adonis smiled thrice that night
Once for me and twice for you
I'll be your love sick sentinel
Your love **** receptacle
Look I think the moon is blushing
Rushing blood taste of tongue
murmurs of a languid soaking love
Paul Donnell May 2017
When did you start dreaming? When did it become that the stars struck something beyond inspiration. When they started to talk? Low vibrations from eons away the caterpillar trials soon gave way to solitude and then I guess you grew wings.

I had dreams long before you did. Where are my wings? This cotton field, this mountain that looms, these spring flowers that wash the passes with crimson have become something of a prison.

I heard you found something. It glows and shimmers and you can hardly hold it in your soft pink hands. You tired eating it, naively tried ******* some strange power but I heard it bit you back. News of this glowing person comes in from dusty drifters from lands I wish I could see. I take them with all my sense and taste briefly where they're from.  Sometimes your light is washed upon them.

The days have become forever here. The sun broke I think, or maybe it's tired of sharing the sky. It hangs low and turns everything this strange vibrant purple grey and all the moon flowers have died. Does the sun still work where you are?
Paul Donnell Jul 2014
Social situations stress me out.
My head is full of **** and I'm full of doubt.
My friends all say that I should go out,
But social situations stress me out.
I wish I lived in a different time,
Where it was alright to be the quite type.
I'm a ****** in strangers eyes,
The few friends I've got, think I'm alright.

I like hanging out with my shadow,
I like the sounds of the trees.
I find comfort in the dark,
While all my friends are fast asleep.

Inside me, I feel,
All alone and unreal,
Far away, across the sea.
A private island made for me.

The sails cackle and laugh at me,
The sailors point at what they've seen
A crazy man, without a home,
A desperate man, all alone.  

Reality crashes with the waves,
And I am left with the shattered remains,
I try to piece together what ya said,
But it never clicks inside my head.
more lyrics from another simple strung out song.
Paul Donnell May 2017
Murmur languid passion
Crave, convulse caress
This flicker of fever
For you, wet ecstasy
Could give shudders
luscious agony
Paul Donnell Jan 2018
at a table i sit
in an empty room

the ambient hum of myself in silence settles around as the smoke from my marlboro swirls around my fingers

fingers that ache for the impossible

the weight of my posture says more than all of tchaikovsky's musings...

as i consummate myself and dread with whiskey saved for a time just like this
shadows spin and dance and i become entranced with the spell i cast

soon the silence breaks and heaves as whiskey magic brushes a soft hand upon my cheek and fills the room with vibrant perfume

my fingers ache for the impossible

i break myself upon regret

i blink away the spell till i can see...

the ambient hum of myself in silence settles around as the cherry on my marlboro dies in the ashtray

just a moment
in an empty room
If all i can write about is you
than i'll write about you
until you are nothing but words
scratched into paper
Paul Donnell Sep 2017
I got my boots laced up tight and i guess that means i got somewhere to go,
But im nailed to the wall.
Legs bounce and dance eager to get it on but i cant rip myself from this frame.

I decorate this place every weekend a peice of modren art, weird,
Whats it mean to you

The whiskey glazed sunrise hit my bleary eyes and water poured from my face and i tried desperatly to keep it from watering my roots, i dont want to be anchored to this room
I want to float.

Cirrus clouds above could hold my damaged head and the albatross criss cross contrails and sing just for me i might finally sleep.

But i tap my feet, three times, close my eyes and im still here. Mouths motion mourning and id decipher the damage but my codex is broken, the language spoken is one unfamiliar and the toll for imagining somethings wrong is something finally is.

If i said everything's fine could you pick up on that lie?
Maybe drop me a line, static in my ears cotton in my lungs yes im on the porch contimplating bugs.

If i dont make sense its because i just dont.
Its simple,
I might be manic corrosive, eating litmus paper and dreading christmas.
I wish i knew what the **** i was talking about
Paul Donnell Mar 2018
your name appears in so many places that there is no denying the significance of you.
coincendence and sequcenalities be ******.

you are there and here and there again.

It must not be the same for you, as my name is not so common.
Perhaps rolling by the in credits of B rated movies or heard amongst an ornery crowd.

Yet you know as well as I, the crows carry my name on their breast and call.
They know me as well as the wing takes flight...

knife edge white upon the canvas of black night the moon gossips with the stars.
she whispers things in the early hours that only dreams can decipher,
and so
you are there as well.

inexorably tangled in this web weaved by gods...

have you cursed me?

I wonder if I have cursed you.

a dark and desperate part of me hopes so.
But secretly I do
Paul Donnell May 2014
As the sun rises so does my mood, the golden light exercising my shadow from my being and casting it across landscapes. I stare into the blinding gold and bask in the solar radiation. It warms my skin and my heart, for the sunlight shows a world worth compassionate thoughts and love. Clouds wax and wane, glowing with shades of pinks oranges and blues. Lovers and the Loveless wake in unison. Lovers share the new dawn with morning rituals and the loveless become hopeful once again...
At least for a moment.
Paul Donnell Mar 2017
Saturated in steely blue clutches, sweating from the 75 degree Georgia night
strung up and washed out with a serpent woman that keeps bringing on the blight
Singing you a song of bliss and blinders.

A big brick red boot on your neck and a green collar that reads The Gardens *****
The Garden takes the taxes tightens up the lead and never relaxes
Hit ya where ya like, the pain is disguised, leather tastes like candy, The Gardens got ya hypnotized.
Your late night camping sight attracts the moon light parasite, that acolyte of appetite, Tonight your the Gardens Delight

You wanna run but she's got those hooks between your shoulder blades feeling like an inexorable **** of silk, smoke and skin.
She gives you every thing you need,
Fountain heads of intemperance and black out nights
Whole streets smelling like grease and charcoal charbroils
Men and women of dexterous lechery, feverous severance, and generous deference
Crystals for your cranium, high altitude dives and the lowest lows.
A cacophony of any entertainment you might want or need, just as long as its seedy.

The Garden keeps blinders on your head to make sure you can't see anything she doesn't want you to.
Try to remove em and the punishment is usually severe.
She might give you the greatest loves you've ever known and turn em to photographs, blot em with LSD and trip you out on memories.
And when you come back to what you think reality is she'll take those photographs and burn em up right in your face and leave you asking if any of it really happened while feeling like it was the realest thing that ever has.
She'll break you and build you up, build you up and break you worse. A cycle of bad things feeling real good.

The Garden will do everything in her power to keep you right here.

But if you can get all those straps and tight leather off, all those hooks and chains.. If you can escape her steely blue clutches,,

You'll finally see how wrong you've been done, and your still gonna want her back in some strange way..
but you might start to heal....
But know this.
No matter where you might run off to,
You'll still be hearing The Garden City call.
That siren song of bliss and blinders.
**** this city.
Paul Donnell Sep 2017
I went to the edge I came from the center
wanted to broaden my perceptions
but i came tumblin down
I crashed in a grove
the faires ran from the alien
told stories of a star man

Every word I spoke floated up above
traveled in the leaves never heard by anything
I put together a story that I wanna tell
move my hands and the gnomes start to yell
fear in their eyes as I tell em I love em
I'm always lost in translation
they ran from the alien
told stories of a star man

I donned a cloak made of willow and marsh
tried bein a ghost if im already scary
maybe some one will take pity
im wordless im airy.

Alone and self centered awkward and cratered
the cliffs to high
I shouldn't be here.
Paul Donnell Nov 2014
Has something happened,
Have I gone crazy?
When I like chaos,
But living lazy.

I wake up early,
And life's a movie.
There's people dancing,
And monsters burning.

I look at clouds,
And they tell me a story.
Life is fleeting, and life is boring.

I think they caught my depression.

So when I wake up at the edge of my bed.
And everything that's wrong starts fallin' outta my head.
I'll say I'm sorry,
I'm in a bad mood.

So I found beauty,
In all I hated.
In this scene of ***** ups
and desperation.

Maybe one day
I'll find my way.
With walks to new towns
And mental break downs.

I hate to tell ya kid,
You'll never be okay.
They won't listen
They'll hate you anyway.

So lose yourself in the chaos.

So when you wake up at the edge of your bed,
And everyone you love is slippin' through your hands.
You'll say I'm sorry,
I'm in a bad mood.

*Well something happened,

and I went crazy.
song I wrote and have yet to record.
Paul Donnell May 2014
His mother smoked Diamonds while he was at school,
And after blocking out those who would rule,
He liked to get high and remember the summer,
When times were better.

He wore his pajamas most of the time,
He wore his long sleeves to hide late night red stripes,
Because the pain it felt better than too much of nothing.

The robins wait for spring and he waits for his release,
He's jealous of their bodies that rise above the grief,
If he could fly away and look down,
Well it might get better.

He might sing a happy song or hum a happy tune,
His smile would walk in and light up the room
but this knot in his stomach is heavy,
It weighs him down.

They ask him whats wrong and he says I don't know.
They say nut-up kid, at least you've got a good home,
Your melodramatic ******* is bringing us down.

Some think that he's strong 'cause there's weight in his eyes,
Some think that he's special for the way that he cries,
But he is frail, he is fading, he is falling,
Faster than ever.

All the friends that he had,
They were his angels.
All The friends that he has.
They are his angels.
lyrics for a song im working on. Though as a write i suppose it does just as well.
Paul Donnell Jul 2014
Imagine if you will.
One thousand, thousand birds,
Flying above,
A deafening cacophony of fluttering wings.
Each bird is a thought from your head.
And Imagine if you will,
You gatta look up,
And try and find and grab a thought,
So you can tell others what you think.

But all you can manage
Is a few feathers.
Half words,
Of what could be a beautifully constructed sentence.

So it doesn't make sense.
Not to you,
Not to who you're talking to.
Desperatly trying to explain what its like when I talk to people.
Its incredibly difficult for me.
By the time I actually catch a thought.
The conversation has moved on to something else.
And its no longer relevant.
Paul Donnell May 2014
I think I've got this thing in my mind.
It likes to flap its wings and beat on my brain.
I think it's a bird of some kind but I can't tell.
I can tell It makes me feel crazy.
I like to fly sometimes, really whenever I can.
To Just kinda take off from here,
Though, I've never needed wings.
Sometimes I'll fly to twilight zones with trees,
Other times ocean blue places wrought with abuse.
Or even red brilliant fires where I dance and scream.
(People say I shouldn't say but there's also a place of black and pain deep somewhere in my cerebral-whatever.)
I grew on my own winds one time. They carried me past the limit of what I once knew.
Something called the sky.
Then my wings melted.
I fell,
And I still am,

I think I've got this thing in my mind.
Paul Donnell Feb 2016
I'm ganna rip out my ribs,
and wear as wings
Dead leaves for feathers,
and strung up on strings.

My heads in the clouds,
My boots in the dirt.
I'm stretched thin,
I'm ganna fall an' meet the earth.

And I can't breath
I can't breath
I'm ganna fly.

Now those old robins,
ain't they just like me?
Red chest plumage,
and waitin' for spring.

So I'll shoot through,
that electric blue.
Chest wide open
and bleedin' on you.

*And I can't breath.
I can't breath.
I'm ganna fly.
lyrics and ****
Paul Donnell Jan 2018
Sometimes I try too hard,
Sometimes I get confused,
But I pack my bags and I hit the road,
Im a bird with leather shoes.

Well I know my magic spells
And the cards they tell me well,
They tell me I'll have wings to fly
On the winds that I do find.

These birds will know my name,
As my wanderlust remains,
I follow crows as they do know
Where treasures lie and wait

These roads are very long
And the rivers are so wide
But ill cross them too and ill see you
in the moments i pass on by

so if you miss me while im gone
Remember this old song
Look towards the moon im looking
My light it will find you
Paul Donnell Mar 2018
The Black Hat Crow, sittin on his throne
Countin all the money that he owns
Collectin pretty bits on his dark wing
He made a fortune on lifitn things

He got a suit like oil, he got wicked eyes
He got a voice like deaths hangin on his side
He got one eye on heaven, and two feet in hell
They say he stole those wings from micheal himself.

You better hide your money its a new moon tonight
The black hat crow hes takin flight
Your wallets
Your purses
Your shinest things
It all belongs
To the black hat crow

The beggars all know him as a givin man
He cross they path he puts a coin in they hand
A little information is all he needs
Like, where ya been and where ya sleep
The coppers cant get him, hes ten steps ahead
He got eyes and ears all over this land

God forbid you ever witness this
the black hat crow got a red right hand

You better hide your money
Its a new moon tonight
The black hat crow hes takin flight
Your baubles your heirlooms
Your shinest things
It all belongs
To the black hat crow
Song lyrics
Paul Donnell Mar 2017
I left tomorrow yesterday
I saw myself in the door was open

Stella froze the east coast just as I made for leaving
I was burned by the same name and now shocked to slowing

Everyone has a right to their wrongs
You wanna say something but sometimes
Just let it lay.

The feelings of loneliness where words are all you have gripping your phone in your left hand because your right feels wrong like maybe the wall punch was not much like maybe the last lie was too much. The face you saw already a memory post op perfect colors and emory embroidered by the good times the truth gets stitched in behind.
Gingivitis is meet with ginger two part ***** cigarette than three more why take care if your spitting blood but it doesn't hurt why bother setting up the future when you already know its coming to a screeching halt what a ****** up romanticism Dorian Grey nothing left but play. Everything I ever tried I was good but at **** that see the world die young thats why I try only reason why I try anything. All steps to just drop it and take one.

I left yesterday to tomorrow

It ******* ***** when theres a brain buzz and its just words all fuzz no coherency no story just a flowing ******* leaking brain grey matter turned chromatic  in the sense of no sense color wheel ****** up no complimentary matches complimentary, complimentary? It's free with your purchase, italic smooth bold this was told points in a parfait  I feel better feeling this way oh hey coffee house drama non sense non sense non sense make sense
big mouth super sayan saying nothing important just words of calloused over used broken down 92' classic

I left tomorrow to yesterday.

pompaloose I'm feeling loose like dancing with this pre-made noose I'm hanging there I'm hanging there my tongue is hanging on the stagnated air. Stagnated? Deer horns air horns air burns skin goes shiver here take a sliver, its complimentary
Love is the air, air is the lungs everything that comes with that just like bugs come with the hugs, put on it repeat let the moment steep try to understand exactly what you can, your not very smart surgery on art
pull it all apart now ya ****** it up made it ugly with the cuts.
Hang on. Back to love.
Love is in the air, air is the lungs, the brain is starved of oxygen you start to speak in tongues.
Nothings making sense your running for the fence you get over there she is as you start to **** your pants

This is all just tired sleepy randomly generated subconscious whispering ******* words that flow without thought little time for a litter of words don't ***** the pooch redrink the *****

Why write craft crack no point

buzzy fuzzy brain that just won't slow down making up making progress feels like a fire thats running down my spine. I'm still standing in line! Could walk out the door at any moment gotta go but I don't why not dont know or maybe I do so hey subconscious whats going on man talk to me get the words out your in control aren't  you why do you only whisper sub concise not so accurate or trusting get out get out get up get out.

Ah hell.

guess its over.
This one anyways.
Paul Donnell Jan 2018
Mandala ******
Bird brain herder
Pack of wild wolves
Owls without.
Grit teeth say please.
Sea of folks different strokes
Non of genious
And certaintly not I
Mind is feeling weak
Strap boots to feet
Got em brand new,
Brunswick stew
Over Converse☆ conversation.
Grossly mass produced.
I hate you.
Thats my good pen.
Bought not found.
I like the way it writes
Hate the way I do.
**** me, love you.
Paul Donnell Aug 2017
I Wanna break down yeah I wanna cry
Condensation on bottles reflect my plight

I'm getting lost in the city lights
I'm losing my head to the mountain tops
If I could figure out what seems right
Maybe my legs would stop shaking and I could fight.

I wanna break down yeah I wanna cry
little dew drops on the mountain rye

I'm the little ruby in your pocket watch
tickin tock talks in the secret grove
cutting into trees make a timeless notch
My breath still smells of your favorite scotch.

I wanna break down yeah I wanna cry
I remember you laughing at an open sky

I said it'd be okay alright
but I guess I'm a liar sometimes
I said it'd be okay alright
but I guess i'm a liar sometimes

Help me decipher your rorschach face
your finger taps mores code, yeah I'm sure
Your arcane eyes always state the place
I lost the message I have to retrace

I Wanna break down yeah I Wanna cry
Pointless I guess against the gust of wind you shot from your chest.
Paul Donnell Jan 2018
It was supposed to be listned to loud but i could not get loud enough
Seasonal pain seasonal change
My guts feel like marbles and tantrums
Its gonna be with ya the rest of your life and anything ya do soured by random access memories chunking down in the deep down deep things listen deep things scream it was supposed to be loud but i could never get loud enough
Seasonal pain, seasonal change
Dread, 2018, age of trumpets judgement jumping to concussions brick red smoke black starts at the fingers then shakes at the knees fire inside the call was supposed to be loud but i could never be loud enough
Seasonal pain, seasonal change
Shot to ****, slow cooked peppered preped and sold, lies stack trust me ******* trust me catastrophe careening on buses across the country destiny will bury me i shoulda cried louder but its never loud enough
Seasonal pain, seasonal change.

Whats it matter any way.
Help me
Paul Donnell Jan 2018
Fissure fissure flippant ****** forcing a shedding of skin
chitinous mass decays in grass
panic manic hindsight batters shatters
teeth cracks crosses
blind in three eyes senses fail burning up and eating air
non conducive heart elusive
ego wagon broke and passive
trails here trails there
float on to anywhere. What else.
But not really
Paul Donnell Jan 2018
Choked on chicken bones with a throat made of paper.
Rigamorits already in my joints but mostly in my jaw
A diaphram full of marbles that causes shaking at the knees.
Mostly im just scared to speak
Shut up
Paul Donnell Aug 2017
psychosis grips, grins.
Shake my head.
Take a sip of gin, make the gut glitter
touch up brainwaves
rainbow palisades carousal ride around repeated word again left right up down **** me wheres the ground movie movie I'm the star listen wait, let me out the car.
Grips. Grins.
Sip. Gin.
How do I scream with written word? It would take a page or clever words but all I have is a sound. Doesn't translate.
Then again, nothing does.
Paul Donnell Apr 2015
I thought i was in a good mood.

Turns out i'm just manic.

At least it's something.

Something to hold onto.

It always turns dark though.

Like a cold star.

Or another contradictory thing I can't be bothered with coming up with.
Paul Donnell Apr 2015
Dark Waves Cascade out from my center.
My heart shakes and groans,
my gut twists in discontent.
My mind races.

Dark waves radiate from me.
I am the epicenter of a room full of malice.

Why bother with, uh..

S'whats the point?
quick write. blegh.
Feelin dark, feeling ancy.
Paul Donnell Nov 2017
Your rickshaw riptide truths felt real and dangerous. Cracked my fragile creme brulee mind.
And oh how you enjoyed your sweets.
Paul Donnell Sep 2014
I'm too childish for a mature love. No matter how bad I want it.
I imagine it would be like a child pestering his father for his first sip of beer.
Wanting it so bad, because he sees how much everyone else drinks it, and how good it makes them feel.
Only to take the drink and realize its horrible tasting and bitter and sickening.
Nothing like he imagined it would be.
Paul Donnell Jul 2014
I see stars while I wait for the lights to turn green.
Drunken thoughts are sober truths,
they say.
Old friends rekindled,
with a fifth of whiskey,
and an old man to look up to.

Am I honerable?
well I'm not sure.
I have morals.
but do I follow them?
Well I'm not sure.

Hey kid,
how are you now.,
that youve grown a bit more.
Seen some more ****.
Can you walk in other shoes.
Now that youve seen through others eyes?

The sun will guide. Ya dont be scared.
You'll find your place.
in this crazy world.
ya dont worry now.
You'll find a bottle
Oh, you'll find your words,
Whats that you say?
Imagine if you will.
One thousand, thousand birds,
Flying over head/
each other with a thought from your head.
And Imagine if you will,
You gatta look up,
Pick a bird, so you can say a thought,
But you get a feather, half a word,
it doesnt make sense,
not to you,
No, not to who your talking to.
Kid im sorry,
thats the way it is,
for you at least,
Are you sure at least,
that others dont feel like this,
is it just you?
Are you sure,
Son are you sure?
Well i'm seeing stars
waiting for lights to turn green,
I'll find that bottle
so I can chase my dreams.
I am very very very very drunk.
Ive drank alot.
in my time.
before the moon.
Shown me
diffrent views..
Paul Donnell Aug 2014
Elders from ancient times
Gifted with hardy skin
And cleansing hands.
They tower above to scrape at wisps of floating rivers.
Their sentinel  gaze watches over horizons we have yet to behold.
From unseen omnipotent forces,
For weak and humbled.
Paul Donnell Nov 2014
If you took away all my sadness
and useless rage.
I'm afraid there wouldn't be
Much left standing.
So I'm not asking for
Your cure.
I just need a few bucks
So I can drink,
With my friends.

So maybe tonight won't be
So God ****** rough.

Music is my medicine
but lately,
It's not workin'
I'm ganna need a double dose,
To feel alright.
So I'll blast crystals to my cranium,
So I don't feel so low.
I'll play my guitar and sing
until my lungs explode.

So maybe tonight won't be
So God ****** rough.
Paul Donnell May 2014
I'm on the verge of mental breakdown.
Can't you see it right behind my eyes.
And I can gaze into the silence
And bring back your muffled cries.
And I can hear the Darkness speaking
It says your fake and full of lies.
I'll bash my face into the pavement,
So I might keep my seldom highs.

The Smile i wear is lying.
This toothy grin will gnash your throat.
My cerebral core is crashing,
And I'm hungry for your hope.
I can Taste the sound of hatred,
And I adore the way it smells.
And the smell and taste of sanity,
Just doesn't suit me very well.

So it'll be One last execution,
A muscle twitch, a trigger click

Polished lead rips through my crazy.
Paul Donnell Jul 2014
     Dauntingly so.
Haunting light.
From hazy heads.
****** writing while listening to Muse, Symphony of Origin.
Paul Donnell Mar 2015
They say normality is overrated, but **** that man my head is ******* hating


and these.

and those.

Moments were the conversations are fluid, out a mouth and into  heads.
It's intimate.

I am a thief, taking up all those words and not giving anything back. Not twisting them into new ideas, just locking them down to think about later.

So I sit there and when i try broken fractals just kinda fall out of my face. Onto the floor. Viewed as unclean and unwanted by the words already floating around.

Normality seems nice. It seems soft and comforting. Like you can belong anywhere.

Instead of having to search so ******* hard for a niche you can fit in. Not just fit, but fall in.

So how should I end this?
Theres probably a way, but, once again,

Paul Donnell Jul 2014
Teeth chatter on,
Like a playing card
Against bike spokes.

Eyes mercilessly burn
Holes into their fabrics of

You are Frozen.
A block of dead nerves,
That remember how to hurt.

You are Frozen.
Not of Nordic winds
And confining ice,
But of ancient demons
That have you dead to rights.
****** writing while listening to Muse, Symphony of Origin.
Paul Donnell May 2014
I have to say,
**** this and **** that,
Everyones a ******* rat.
******* and **** them
I dont need my ******* friends.
**** your love and **** your boyfriend
I hope you two come to a tragic ******* end.
**** myself and **** my feelings
Ill make it numb and get higher than the ******* ceiling.
**** being strong 'cause i know I'm ******* weak
everything thats wrong with me its 'cause im ******* meek.
**** this life and **** the ******* world.
I'm screaming out obscenities that would make you ******* hurl.
I'm tired of this ******* anger
I'm tried of this fight.
Maybe tonights the night ill end it,
Ill say "**** it" and take the ******* knife.

And I'll bleed and bleed and ******* bleed till im lifeless on the floor and i'll scream and ******* scream till i cant say **** anymore.
Paul Donnell Dec 2016
A nuetron star born in a silent room for a breif moment. A cascading caphoney cracked and cratered my cranium in a moment of concious exhileration. Dumb struck and reeling as i found my self in the malestrom of a magnificant multichromatic  multiverse.  Touching to touch what crazy subconcious thing have you seeded into my mind.
Paul Donnell Dec 2016
I saw ya in the ICU
With Tubes in yer vains
The pillars of heaven shook
Callin your name

My foundation was blasted
With unspeakable rage
How could you do this
Ya passed on your pain

So bury my head in the mountains
Dont wanna see this place no more
You found peace on a crescent
I found you in the moruge

Now this storms here to greet me
Back from the northren blues i am
This south Georgia city
Aint been kind to this midwestren man

So give me a fist full of lightning
Put my fire in my hair
You hung yourself on a crescent
Pretty soon Ill see ya there.
Paul Donnell May 2014
My head is full of ****
And my heart is ******* Ill
Your bruisin me your cuttin me your love it ******* kills.
My mind is running fantasies
My hands, a nervous twitch
I try and stay away from you but i cant you ******* *****
It aint right to be so sad
It aint right to be so mad
But if you just dropped dead tonight well Id be ******* glad
And I know that i cant have you
But my chest it ******* heaves
Cause whenever your around me its the way you ******* tease
And if for just one day
That i could hold your hand
Well I just wouldn't care that your boyfriend wants me dead

Just stop teasing me and leading me on and every day im just mopin round im crying i just want my ******* way. Now i know im unappealing and i know i aint too bright but if you would just come to me and cure me of this blight well I'd treat you really well and I'd save you from your hell, but i know that it wont happen so i hope that you can tell that i want you ******* dead and i wish that you were gone cause my love you hurts so bad that im just ganna crawl in a hole and die
Paul Donnell Oct 2017
I crashed the gates of heaven
My guts on silk and linen
I am an astronaut
Paul Donnell Jan 2018
My heart is just paper mache, silver strings and georgia clay
A mass that drips and sings sad sad songs

You plucked the strings now out of tune
You said said goodbye we're done its through
So I left it on the tracks and walked away

It gave me wings and clipped them too
the feathers fall and fly to you
Jealous of the bits that float away

And the birdies say hey
gonna peck out your brains
You stupid ******* whatd you think

The crows they ate and now they know, my heart lies hidden and over grown
Maybe theyll take flight and eat that too

My gut it has some words for you but misery will follow suit
Something wicked always comes this way

It hit me like artillery from far away my ears still ring cant find escape in sleep its my dreams

And the birdies say hey gonna peck out your brains, you stupid ******* whatd you think

I break down put it on repeate cross the country break my feet always walking walking walking pain

While the sky was blue I thought of you
Sky turns red and the sun is dead
Skys now black and the moon it laughs

im just wax and Ice alive, candles melt but i survive
**** man,is all I do

But i am strong, or so im told
Not strong enough to face the feelings that i hold
I hold inside
Please hold my hand
I think i need help
Lettin go of the ******

My heart is just paper mache, silver strings and georgia clay
Lost it on the tracks
Not sure its ever comin back.

And the birdies say hey, gonna peck out your brains, you stupid ******* what you think?
This hurts
Paul Donnell Jun 2017
flowy brain *****. Ink pen space rocket. Cross the stars and dot the quasars. Build a bridge to beyond.
Paul Donnell May 2014
beyond everything he thought possible.  
              and                                    ­                              Down,
   He floated. Up                                                               ­                    far below
                The Earth  
             nupS                 Spun
             ekil                         like
             a                       a
               Celestial top
 ­   Magic, He thought,                                                         ­     The only thing
             to hold this dance together.
****** writing while listening to Tomita the planets.
also. Its being a ***** and wont let me have it in the structre i want
Paul Donnell Apr 2015
I need some holy water
Holy god I'm feelin' dead,
I'm thirsty for some water
But I'll drink coke instead.

**** all the grass,
Keep your flowers in boxes.
You makes jokes about death
You breath in more toxins.

Windy days and *** head haze
Push kick rhythms an' trails to blaze.
Gangrene fingers and rusty old strings
Rusty old souls and rotten new wings.  

On the corner with nothing but truth in your pocket
Screamin' bout the lost lovers in their lost gold lockets
How about that, a louder song than before,
Silent storms
You want more.

So **** your gods and drink your coke, grow your flowers and smoke your smokes. Get high and skate, go somewhere new.  Play that old song and make it you. Get angry, get ****** about who and how you lost. Let the new song scream and wash off the moss. Go wander for a bit and clean your soul. Let it be known that you are not life's *****.
ugh yea i dunno man.
Paul Donnell May 2014
When I'm outside at four in the morning standing in the bitter cold smoking my cigarette,
I always look towards the stars and wish that I could fly so ******* far away.
I wish I could sit upon some celestial body with a searing atmosphere and powerful storms so I could rage and scream and my flesh would boil and my bones would melt; my mind would break and my soul would toil on the depression and torment of love and loss until I am nothing more than wisps of carbon on blistering winds.
Paul Donnell Oct 2017
Im cradling my phantom heart
a phantom pain that flutters with writing art.
Im crashing on a wild wind
might cross the country on a whim.
Going crazy where is my head
******* its lost again
Out at sea the water swells
salt in my eyes i scream i yell

Its all internal.
Im a statue in a park
watching it all transgress.


I let it get the best of me.
Paul Donnell Oct 2017
If trees could talk theyd tell stories.
Of a moon mad boy that travels between the seams.
A guitar motor.
A love punch horror.
A love **** taker,
The holy rock maker.
Crashing gates
takes the face
from bark.
Stoic as the trees
sonic as the sound
crazy loon lashing
dance around.

Heard a voice
One with the birds
birdy brain feather
emergancy of words

Killer killer
the liqour drinker

the little libra
The sinatra fevor

The apple eater
stream water drinker

the hopefull hopeless
Cautious curious

bring it back

the fat cat

the heart beat speaker
detuned reaper

an desperate dreamer of romamce roads and rigamorits

Carolina fire flies
tenneses weeping walls
arkansas arkane maw

The dandy dandalion
Photosynthesis the good times.

The photo prisim
The self made prison
The wall written upon
the wall dashed upon
friends family lovers understood
break down rebound
Some new coast bound.

Nothing but words,
And one with the birds..
Paul Donnell Oct 2017
From start to finish i am ******
eyes red capillaries broken
can you break me
you berate me
thos second self that speaks in solar winds
blasting apart my ******* head
I blink
the star dust mixed with red
you follow me to bed
whiskey cant silience
Bright lights blink twice for no
shut up
i want to be alone
Paul Donnell Jun 2015
Rage and rage inside my mind.
This ugly thing inside my head,
Black as crow and apple red,
Grows and spreads like mold on bread.
Rage and rage inside my mind.
It smells of rot and lack of care,
But in the mirror; breath of air.
I must be real, I'm standing there.
Rage and rage inside my mind.
Guilty, puncture; made of blood.
My song is this, too often sung.
My strand of fate was never strung.
Rage and rage inside my mind.
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