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13.0k · Jan 2016
In silence...
Ekstyn Jan 2016
In silence I loved him,
And in silence I have lost him.
In silence I've longed for his hand,
And in silence I've met emptiness.
In silence I fell,
And in silence I heard my own heart breaking...
1.9k · Feb 2016
Something Sort of Nothing
Ekstyn Feb 2016
Perhaps it was easy to fall back
into what it was,
what we were...
An almost-friendship
rather than what we could be-
like an almost-lover friendship...
no, that'll be a harder fall.
Because we never really had
any memories to forget, never had,
never will.

I am seeing 'this' for what it really is,
A fragile bubble too easy to pop
with single pin *****-
and the larger it gets,
the thinner it becomes-
as it goes untouched,
it will just vanish
into nothingness without any
trace of its prior existence.

And that's what it is, was...
a something sort of nothing.
It was one sided all along, and I had to break my own reverie to wake up from a beautiful nightmare. Because you can't, you won't.
1.7k · Jan 2017
Can you do me a favor?
Ekstyn Jan 2017
Hey, can you do me a favor?

Let me know once it stopped, okay?

Tell me.

Tell me no matter how much it may hurt me,
tell me once you stop being in love with me.
Let me know when your heart no longer whispers my name.
Tell it to my face,
that it’s over.
I don’t want to hear it from someone else,
please at least have the guts to tell me
that you don’t love me anymore.
I know it sounds pessimistic,
but can you blame me?
We live in a very unpredictable world;
one thing can turn to another within a span of a second.
I don’t want to deal with a heartbreak because I ended up believing that love is all about hearts and flowers. And that love can withstand anything. I don’t believe in forever.
I believe in the now.
See, I can’t promise you these superficial things and vague whatnots.
I can only give you what I have now.

And I don’t expect you to promise me the stars and the moon,
no, don’t give me forever.
Don’t give me something you don’t have.
I don’t want to hope for something that may end up nothing.
Save me from the heartache of believing in love too much.
The sad thing is that we can’t even promise our tomorrow.
We don’t hold the universe in our hands,
we don’t know what will happen next,
we are no seer.

So, here I am, promising you my now
and only asking you the same.

So tell me when you don’t love me anymore.
I want to hear it from your lips with your own voice.
I want to hear the same voice that told me iloveyous,
telling me the idontloveyouanymore.

Tell me once you are slipping away,
but I won’t promise that I will not try to keep you,
because I will,
I am only a human too.
Promise me that no matter how broken I become,
you will walk away,
because you don’t love me anymore.
I don’t want you staying because of pity,
you can walk away with the memories:
I’ll keep what I need,
and you walk away with yours.

I won’t blame you, no, I really won’t.
I will cry, but all the same,
don’t comfort me.
Let me mourn the death of a love I once had.

If ever this shall end…
Please tell me and have the decency to
break my heart properly.
Letters to my future lover
1.5k · Jul 2016
Worlds Apart
Ekstyn Jul 2016
Inches away
from each other's presence
Miles apart
from each other's world...
I couldn't leave mine,
And you wouldn't
leave yours.
See who's keeping the distance?
1.1k · Jul 2016
Uncertain Possibility
Ekstyn Jul 2016
How painful it is to see
The possibility of true love
In someone's eyes,
And knowing that
The world will not take
Your side as you fight
Against all odds
For the impossible....
Because we are words apart even when we're inches away from each other.
Ekstyn Jun 2016
What if my heart was a mistake?
What if this wasn't the heart for me?

What if this was meant for another person,
and I got it by some sort of accident?
What if my heart is out there with the wrong person?
And my other half has found it,
loved it, but got broken in the end
because it was my heart on someone else's?
What if I was never meant to have the heart to begin with?
Because my mind is a dark place where a feeble heart cannot survive.

What if this beating heart in my chest is breaking
slowly, painfully, dying on its own...
Because it was never mine to begin with?

What if I broke it completely?
Of what if I let someone else break it?
Will it hurt as much, even if it's not mine?

I want to know because I can't feel anymore -
All the wounds left ugly scars,
the horrid bruising brought by my own
filthy hands...
*What if it's dead inside and I am slowly
being poisoned, crippled
Until I'm completely numb?
696 · Apr 2016
Hate is a strong word
Ekstyn Apr 2016
Hate is a strong word,
not because of its degree of intensity...
but because it stemmed from
a very delicate - powerfully so -
Hate is a child of LOVE.
Along with sadness, sorrow and longing...

After all,
You cannot hate someone
unless you've cared enough,
unless you've loved enough.
633 · Jul 2017
Ekstyn Jul 2017
There will always be someone else who
Loves you more than I do,
I cannot measure their love with my own,
And I do not think love can be measured by
One heart alone, we are all too different from each other,
I have my own ways of loving, so do you,
So do they…
But I do hope there is someone else who
Loves you more than I do –
I am not infallible, I am only human
Promises and sweet words will not be enough
To keep me from making mistakes…
To absolve me of my mistakes...
I will make mistakes, I don’t know when, but
I am sure I will,
So I pray that someone else will love you
More than I can, someone needs to be able to
Pull you from me before I can
Make too many mistakes
Out of loving you
This is not me telling you that
I don’t love you –
Because I do.
And love has blinded many people,
Love has triumphed over history,
And I, I am nothing but a human.
I will, believe me, love you until
It is the only thing that runs my reasons,
Until sanity has left me,
I will always love you in my own way.
It won’t be by your books –
Or by anyone’s, for that matter.
I will love you the way I am wired to love someone
More than myself,
Bare and raw, and painfully human.
So, I am wishing to God,
That someone else loves you more than I do...
625 · Aug 2016
Humane Fault
Ekstyn Aug 2016
Sometimes we forget
the things we don't see.
We look at the smiles
and think it's okay...
We hear laughter,
someone's happy...
We are so painfully human
that we take things
at face value...

And we forget that
most fatal wounds
are often unseen, unvoiced.
*It's easier to be a human, more forgiving.*
567 · May 2018
Ekstyn May 2018
When you want to write something
but the words won’t come to you
and you wonder if it’s about vocabulary issues
or just personal issues.
You ask yourself,
why the heck can’t I
write this down
when all I think about
is how I wanted to see the words inked
(maybe, just maybe, it’d help me forget).
You start to doubt the integrity of your craft,
you ask your muse
and get nothing but a sad look
(like, somber and defeated and sorry altogether because you can’t)
You have a lot of words running through
your mind but none has made it past your pen,
none has made it through that wall.
And then you ask your heart why.
Why do you do this to yourself?
Is it not better if you keep it inside your head?
To not have any concrete evidence that such thing existed
(wouldn’t it be easier to forget then?)
You look at your reflection and see your past self,
asking you to please stop.
Stop, stop punishing yourself with memories.
You must remember that there is no sin in loving someone
even if you are not loved in return.
Lovers are not sinners
regardless of any circumstances,
love is the only religion we can all agree on
(funnily enough, love has punished a lot of people – exhibit A: You).
You look at the words you’ve written before
and the shadow of the people behind them.
Will this be the same?
You haven’t forgotten any of them
but time has salved the pain
and all you have now is a hollowness you can’t quite explain.
You look at the paper in front of you
and think of how you’d be reading the words
you’ll eventually pen down in the hopes that it’ll balm your wounded heart.
Will time be enough to let you have a peace of mind?
You look at him and you know the answer
(tomorrow you write, but not today)
Writer's dilemma
543 · Mar 2016
Ekstyn Mar 2016
is the taste of your name on my lips (whenever I try to recall the sweet thoughts I had, before the bitter aftertaste of what we were).
539 · Aug 2017
Of love and solitude
Ekstyn Aug 2017
See, I have yet to meet
someone who I can love
more than myself...
I've been alone for so long
that the notion of
someone beside me seems
so foreign.
I figured that if no one
would bother with me,
I would just love me
as I am.
So, I do not need someone
to shower me with affections,
And I can give myself
whatever I want,
I am used to being by myself
that I have resigned to a life
of solitude.
I can be my own lover and
I can be a home to myself.
But you see,
Not needing someone
doesn't mean I do not
want someone.
I can take care of the needs,
It's the wants that keep me hoping...
See, I have yet to meet
someone who can love
me more than myself can...
513 · Jan 2016
Ekstyn Jan 2016
Ink blots,
Words blur...
I can still
see the
of your own
written between
the lines I've
penned when
I still have
the heart to love.

Torn pages,
erasures here and there-
I have tried to
write you off,
but it seems
I cannot ****
what's immortal.
More so, I cannot
erase what I
have written.

Tear stained,
scratched papers-
I have bled
enough blood
to tamper
the words I've
But you...
You, I cannot
and I, I was
the only one
at fault...
It was my own
that made
you immortal.

*When a writer falls in love with you, YOU CAN NEVER DIE.
507 · Jun 2017
Fairy Tales and endings...
Ekstyn Jun 2017
Of the two of us,
you need to be stronger...
Not because I'm weak,
but because
I don't know
how not to be strong.
I've been raised
to have my chin up and
head proud,
so, my dear,
I ask that you
steel yourself more,
you need to be stronger...
Because we need to accept
that there's a possibility that
we won't be good for each other anymore...
when love alone will no longer suffice...
My prince, please be stronger -
Walk away when you feel
that we are slowly dying
out of loving each other.
We are only human,
I am only human,
I will fight for us,
but I will not care if it's right.
See, that's why you
need to be stronger...
I ask that you fall deaf to my pleas,
I ask that you close your eyes and
walk away...
I will not hold in against you -
I will not.
So please, be strong enough
for the both of us,
when you feel tired and when
our love is nothing but poison to our hearts,
I pray that you
will have the courage to
break my heart.
Walk away and don't look back.
The last thing I want
is to hold you back...
Please be strong enough to let go
even if I'm still holding on.
Leave me be and
I will understand.
I will not keep you from happiness.
I will never forgive myself if I do.

Don't rescue me,
when that time comes,
think not of me as your princess...
I am a bitter queen keeping you from
your happy ending...
Let's not believe in forever and have contingency plans.
491 · Jun 2016
Theory of Relativity
Ekstyn Jun 2016
When I was a young girl, someone told me that love shouldn’t be a burden to anyone. But it made me curious whenever I see my mother’s tears, and my father’s frown. It was one of the things that made me question some commonplace knowledge, because love was such a foreign word to me even when I was nothing but a small child. I needed to see something before I can believe it.

Then came the (word) happiness, it was vague and so easily misunderstood. Another foreign word to add to my growing list of words I’ve yet to understand. I was told that I am happy whenever I laugh, whenever I smile. But why is there an emptiness right after every laughter, and there were so many distorted smiling faces. It made me question a lot of things, and it made me wary of smiling people.

Now, sadness, I am quite familiar with. It was unexplainable, but it was something that came natural to my own person. It was like meeting an old friend and cuddling in an empty room. It was cold, but somewhat warm as well. It was something I could deal with because it was the only thing I understand.

I saw anger as something I’d rather not feel, it was destructive and it introduced me to fear. It was the words that were flung to me whenever I made a mistake; it was something I often see from my father’s eyes. Back then, the only companion I had was the constant fear of being not good enough. But every now and then, I embrace sadness and fear as I look back at my own reflection. It was strangely comforting, because unlike happiness, it won’t leave me disappointed.

Growing up, I realized that somedays are not meant to be lived. Some are just meant to pass by, it was enough to survive. Then I began counting days like I’ve counted the time, taken for granted because it was inconsequential. It was hard to know if the days passed me by, or if I passed them myself. It wasn’t hard to see that I was just probably trying to live; I didn’t have the time to have a life.

Resentment greeted me like an old friend, like some phantom pain from an old wound. There wasn’t even a scar to prove the point, just a faint memory with strong feelings. It was the day I learned that despite what parents tell you, they do play favorites.

Contentment often rhymed with happiness, I learned. While it wasn’t a jolly feeling, it was something concrete enough for me. It was enough to make me believe that I too, am capable of happiness. Given, it wasn’t some boisterous laughter and sunny smile, but I take what I can. This world isn’t really as generous as I thought it would be, not even for a lost child.

The thing with sadness is that it grew up with me, some way or another, it became melancholy. Or I became melancholic. Either way, it wasn’t just a simple snap feeling of being sad. It was something that I learned to live with, sometimes it’s a handicap, but mostly, it keeps me grounded.

*The problem with these words is that they are often relative. *No two persons have the same definition, but there is a general idea behind them that people tend to agree with. And it doesn’t help that people don’t often mean what they say, or that we are fumbling with words to say what we mean. *Isn’t it ironic, thousands and thousands of words and we’re often misunderstood.
487 · Jul 2017
Ekstyn Jul 2017
I am but
a writer for myself...
But if I can
have one
Let it be a
I am not a destination,
I don't want to be -
My words are
for the passersby...
It would be
an honor to
be a part of a journey.
It would be a
pleasure to keep
your company
as I write these
untold memories...
*For Annie, my number one fan. Happy Birthday!*
472 · Feb 2017
Ekstyn Feb 2017
And until I find my North Star, I am but a traveler fumbling here and there, forever wandering aimlessly...
421 · Feb 2016
Ekstyn Feb 2016
It was
becoming pathetic...
The way
her eyes
would chase
him all the time,
the way she
hides a small
when he
catches her eyes...

It was becoming
more and
more pitiful,
the way
she does
these random
for him...
and him without
the knowledge
of her

It was utterly
sad, and miserable,
when she watches
him smile
for someone else,
when she sees
him happy
with someone else,
when he broke
her heart
and still loves
him anyway.
It was sort
of a disgusting
display of raw
that it makes
me nauseous...

It was
how she
had laid herself
for him,
and end up
broken, unnoticed.
It was like
looking at
my own reflection
in a broken mirror...
It was
like seeing
at her
smile, unnoticed.
393 · Feb 2016
Ekstyn Feb 2016
The way it started
Was nothing
Short of
A boring
Of a ******

But it was
The in-betweens
That makes
The story
The stolen glances,
Shy smiles
And voiceless

The things that
Often go
But perhaps the
Most vivid
We keep…

The silent whispers
Of hope and unrequited
The hidden lines
Between what
Has been written

It is the in-betweens
That made
Me want to
Tell our
Not the lackluster
Definitely not
The ending-
It has its own charms,
But I’d rather
Not relive
The feelings
I’ve killed and
Buried deeper
Than six feet.

But as it is,
We won’t have the
Without a

So let me,
Let me tell
How it started-
From how I remember
Them, how I saw
Things from my own eyes.
And I’ll let you
Tell yours
Should you ever
Want to
Reminisce what
Has been-
I’ll just leave this here
For you.
*first page of across the room*
391 · Jan 2016
Behind, there was...
Ekstyn Jan 2016
Behind the boys
I wrote these words for,
there was a man
I fell in love first...
One whom I could
not love beyond
attraction and such,
for I was not the woman
he would love back,
he was a man whom
love cannot fathom,
he was far beyond my
reach, someone I
can only look at from afar.

He was the man
whom I wanted before
I met the boys who
would break my heart
into tiny words
I used to etch
the poems
into papers...

Behind the words I wrote,
there lies the
silhouette of a man,
a man whom I
fell in love first.
Between the lines
he sleeps,
between the spaces,
he lives.
389 · Feb 2016
Ekstyn Feb 2016
It landed on my feet
like an unsuspecting
leaf, tossed around by the wind
until it's here
the first piece of a puzzle
I didn't know  I was solving,
and it was a very
inconsequential piece,
so random that
I didn't have any idea
what I am looking at.
...and it was the random piece
that started the  go-fish
sort of a game...
until it was no longer just a game...
Because piece after piece,
I was beginning
to see a vivid picture of a person,
and it was  an ugly repercussion
that I liked the little pieces I picked up...
Perhaps the more
bitter truth of it  was that
I didn't know what to make of
of the imagery before me...

Whether to believe
the little pieces,
or to see for myself what
kind of a person
the whole picture is.
384 · Jul 2017
I am alive
Ekstyn Jul 2017
I have no need
to be indestructible,
I am alright as I am -
with my bleeding
I know
I am alive.
374 · Feb 2018
Bedtime Story
Ekstyn Feb 2018
Someday, when I'm
Old enough,
brave enough
To have my own
I'll tell them about you...
About a man
I loved so much,
About how I longed
to hold your back
whenever I'm
walking behind you...
About how I wrote
Love letters and
never let you read
any of them...
About how I prayed
and hoped that
You'd be brave enough
to love me too...
About how I almost
told you Iloveyou
on a New Year's Eve...
Of the teasing smiles
And hapless denials
that broke my heart
every time...
Of the small things
I did to show you
the things I could
never tell...
Someday, when we're
all aged and jaded,
When the heart
No longer fears
I will tell my
Children that
You were my first love
And my only

And how I could
Only hope
to tell them that
It was you...
Their father broke
My heart a million
Times but
loved me all the same...
If only I was brave enough to tell you all of this and you were strong enough to love me too...
363 · Jan 2016
Ekstyn Jan 2016
To write
without hurting
with the
I want to

To write
in order to
hoping that
the words
will ****** away
the memories
from me,
and I'd be a
new page again...

To see you
from afar
flinching at
my own

To smile
at the
things, menial
random pieces,
a ghost
of your

To move forward
the shackles
you put
the heaviness
of your love,
of our past,
and our
hopeless future.

To see your face
without remorse,
and smile
regrets and
to you

stay with
and still love

*because we both know that it's not just about love anymore
We can always say the words without realizing the baggage it entails, and so we leave when the words starts to sound like a broken record...
361 · Jan 2016
Who are you?
Ekstyn Jan 2016
Who are you?
Who are you behind those smiles
you wear every day?
Behind those words you rarely meant?
Behind the face everyone knows?
Who is that person you see
in the mirror
whenever you wake up in the morning,
raw and vulnerable...?
That person who cries silent tears, do
you perhaps know him?
Who are you behind the
name you did not choose?

When you are stripped bare
of everything you put up
to be someone you thought
you can be...
Would you still recognize
your own person?

Who are you?
349 · Feb 2018
Ekstyn Feb 2018
I wanted to tell you
a lot of things,
so I settled for silence.
I thought that
if you understood me
without the words,
you'd get to
understand my
unspoken ones...
But the thing is,
I've written you
thousands of words
of confession,
and you get to read none of them.
306 · Jan 2016
Ekstyn Jan 2016
Suicide is a
plea for
So how many
times do I have to
fling myself
from every
cliff I see?
How many
times should
I cut myself into pieces?
Do I have to
hang myself
right before
your eyes
just so
you'd hear the plea
of my broken heart?

*Loving someone who will never love you back is like committing suicide every time you see him smile, how every laugh can make you bleed because you it wasn't for you. IT WILL NEVER BE YOU
290 · Feb 2018
Ekstyn Feb 2018
Our history is blurred
between your nonchalance
and my loneliness,
we have written our
memories differently,
I kept what I needed,
You left what I wanted.
Between your plain words
and my complicated heart,
I have written the words
you refused to say
and erased the ones
that hurts the most-
This is how I wrote
our history,
heavily edited, and
forever unfinished.

— The End —