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Colm Aug 2021
I can see it
Clear as night

The future as it breathes
Life as it could be

And I, am I
In all of my unbeing

Have nowhere left to search
Or find, even

I am at odds with what I ought to be
141 · Dec 2021
The Passersby
Colm Dec 2021
When I ask, I ask
It's no longer in me, to run
As a young man no more
I walk, and will not stir from discouragement
Even when you choose
You pass
140 · Aug 2019
Colm Aug 2019
Everyone believes in something

That they are the one
That they are someone
That they are nobody

Everyone believes in something
140 · Nov 2022
Free indeed
Colm Nov 2022
Mountain airs
Beautiful trees
Unending ridges
Or winding seas

The colorful furns
The flowery bees
The fallen rains
Or the whispering leaves

No looks
No sights
No sounds
Nor scenes

Can ever keep me from my words
Or yours from my eyes and hopeful promise to me
That if written or not
One day I'll be free
140 · May 2019
True Growth
Colm May 2019
A strong person
Although possibly repetitious
Is never the same
As the person they were
Before they became
Their current self
Because strength is change
And change is strength
In the arms of regular growth and application
140 · Jan 2021
When She Won't Ask Or Speak
Colm Jan 2021
Speak me a sound
  Not so that I can hear
  Or so that you can seem
  To be more interested in me
But speak to my heart
  And appeal to my mind
  And ask questions of my eyes
So that maybe we both could believe
That one day neither of us could be alone
140 · Feb 2019
Looping Songs
Colm Feb 2019
And suddenly with bass
The speakers explode in an old home
Like a storm blown over a country complete
As all the inhabitants of this one mind know
That this song is new
And while it glows with coals turned blue
It will newly be here on repeat
When it catches your ear just right and unifies the inner country.
140 · Apr 2019
Brass or Gold?
Colm Apr 2019
Would you hold my crown every night?
Polish me until I shine?
Until we can see
The reflective wish in the others mind
Would you polish me all night?
You wouldn't believe me if I told you - Polish
139 · Aug 2021
River Vision
Colm Aug 2021
Find me in this flow of day
Till the warmth of sight escapes my bones
And in realization that this rivers flow
Is no more than water, no less than true
In its careless, passing, way it goes
And so speaks to me in a rippling ease
Reassuringly to let me know
That I am almsot free
Of my own being, in alone
Visions and lights (10)

These ten made me happy, to make their acquaintance today. Better.
139 · Jul 2021
Grace Kelly
Colm Jul 2021
Breathing isn't royalty
Breath is commonality

These thrones of men
Standing over nothingness
Devoid of meaning

But life, true life
Doesn't discern from either you or me

All of man will fade
All of made will unmake
And in time you will see
Learning ever on

That the time to make up your mind about people - Is never

That the time by which you may even see me - Is limited
Grace Kelly
138 · Dec 2021
your place away form my own
Colm Dec 2021
well or ill
or thought of or not
means less to me now
having been the constant
attentive focus
of your forgot

and yet fine
is me
in this unnatural sea
for your hold has no sway
and I have no such need
of you to set me free
I think it's funny. That after all these years, I still can, and do, attract the same kind of people to me.

Very ironic.
137 · May 2019
Thought Selfish
Colm May 2019
Are thoughts all the happier
When they think they're thought?
Or tucked away in a book pressed flat
And stored away for another day?
I think not
At least speaking for myself and for my own thoughts
They are quite demanding, unfolding
And unwilling to thought of as naught
137 · Sep 2019
Just Belief
Colm Sep 2019
I could euphorically find and dive into a pleasure yet know by this good man, goodnight. But I won't.  

I could buy myself tastefully, everything I could ever want in this life, and be perfectly lost for but a second. I know.

I could kindle an old flame, stoking it bright, though all that would do is just burn us both.

I could go out, be seen, eat my fill or hide. And in pretending so know that no one else does.

I could try every old well-known thing under the sky and be unimpressed. I think.

Because the only thing that turns "I" away and doesn't circle back to "Me" is belief. Just belief.
Just Belief
Colm Jan 2020
Listening waters
Breathe and flow as breath being
Chest heaving under
Sound of streams and rocks smoothing
Over current ears which hear
Water Over Stones Smoothing (A Tanka)
Colm Dec 2021
Seeing is not see
You pass me by and in wonderings if
We the other, remember each
As clearly as a birthday bright
As cool externally as moonless nights
I say
No more to try and persuade
My cause to alter that of your own mind
Instead I sip
Juat as you know I wish
For more than this

Because, I cannot help it
My subconscious is attracted to your subconscious

And that is why I wish
137 · Sep 2022
A Sight
Colm Sep 2022
On the days when I
Am aware and awake
And in balance with the world
From each stream to each oceans lake

I swear noone else can contest my sight
Or explain my innate insight
Or see the light as my eyes perceive

Where shadows meet
Both the man-made eaves and the un

I am there in feeling just beyond the chest

It was always me
The set about creations . 10

A mix of self, self reflections, beliefs, and observations about the world which currently holds me. None of these will change the world, but over time these have certainly changed me. For better or worse, I remain. Mr. Constant. (:

Thanks friend.
137 · Feb 2020
Sean's Haiku
Colm Feb 2020
Regret has no name
In a life well lived with lone
Expectations loud
136 · May 2019
Colm May 2019
I suspect that I also am your old drug as well
It's just that you're clean
And ever cleaner than me
I suspect that's what commitment does to people
It keeps them clean
As clean as can be
136 · Aug 2021
Hesitation, A Haiku
Colm Aug 2021
Hesitant to move
Or in part become fulfilled
Lest I be caught still
136 · Apr 2020
Burning By Nature
Colm Apr 2020
There is no dark side of a star
Only hydrogen and heat
Careening forward and beyond
The bitter cold of knowing

Unaware of the reality of fall
Unpersuaded by all
Afraid of nothing that has been
We are not falling stars, my friend

No we are not
Colm Jan 2020
Know not what you know, it's true
   Though thoughts are yours
      Are concepts such?
         Is learning found?
            Be it breathed inward by yourself
         Or with locking lips
      No such life and thought
   Must first be instilled by this teaching within you
Wisdom, Knowledge, Thought, A Kiss
136 · Oct 2021
October Eyes
Colm Oct 2021
My eyes cry out
My heart winds down
And all that's left to see is sky
This universe waiting to be explored
Lies just behind
Oct Headache 9
136 · Sep 2022
A Challenge
Colm Sep 2022
Waiting for the Lord

As the soul waits for the wind
As hands wait for the friend
As homes wait for each of these

Small beings no more than the grassy seas
Just as rain is sent by the lord again
So that all of these may grow and be

I **** at accepting gifts
The set about creations . 9
136 · Jan 2020
Colm Jan 2020
No matter how tall you walk
How modern you get
How far you seem to fall
Or how hard you try and forget

The stars will always wink and smile
The waves will always crash goodbye
Just as the sun will always set on you
And the earth will always rise

And so you shall also remember
Until the day you die
136 · Jun 2022
Colm Jun 2022
Perhaps one day
These eyes will know
The other side of the sky
(That is mine)
And your mind too
In all of its reassuring glory
With its own sunshine
Each morning in tow

No night shadow will ever come between
Such bright and glowing
Stream fed eyes as these
(Which glow as one)
And hope to never be parted from
This earth in all of its grounding ways
Just as your sight cuts deep
So does that movement which you've yet to know

My eyes will always wait for yours
135 · May 2019
Worlds Around
Colm May 2019
Perspective is perspective based
As it takes no magnifying glass to find
That there are hidden worlds all around you to be found
Long lasting and prior existing
With Windows tall, and short, and high
If you'd only take the time to see them
And open your eyes
There's no telling what world next you'll be wandering through
Just to leave behind
Worlds Around
135 · Jan 2019
Storm At Seas End
Colm Jan 2019
Slashing orrs
in the water
beneath the Moors
and bitter limestone tombs

Crashing waves
run smooth beneath
the ruptured wood
for a second or two

When all around
is breaking chaos
in the land of turning
there is no room

For fear of breath
this watery beneath
for the moments chest
to beat the gloom
135 · Dec 2020
A Feeling
Colm Dec 2020
Even when I'm nothing
This something
Drives me
134 · Dec 2017
Colm Dec 2017
The water with its honest breath
And the inevitability therein
Will always waiver with the tides
And bring such truth back to me
Like a tempest, with ebb, it begins
From a day long past. When I couldn't post.
134 · Dec 2019
A Goodbye, Never Hello
Colm Dec 2019
(Of Me)

I have my eyes
My tested heart
And know not where else to find what flies
Beneath such Carnelian skies as these

An Easterling I’ve been all my life
Lost within memory until such days arrived

So I asked my God the other day
What should keep me here
Ought to make me say?

And I prayed he’d open up my eyes, be seen
My ears intent on what could be
No more than the simple rustling leaves

And then like an opal
There nestled within the rolling green  
Your words spoke in whispers like the hemlock trees

(To You)

And now, say not a word at present, please
My distant friend
If you are joyful and in sated bliss without me

Full of heart and with brimming mind
Contented with this newfound sky

But again, if you ever you find yourself free
Ever at ease
Devoid of attachment, soul, or being
Your essence adrift like the sun each morning
Before your first cold step into the dawn anew, then please

Don’t wait for the newborn leaves to color
Don’t search for the old lines in rearrangement to be  
Don’t wait for a second without such a thought
Since the one still waiting, is me

Be it regardless in passing
I wish you more than just well
More than a sunset sound to be quelled

Would you please be as well
And I will also

Take care, OK?
Colm Jan 2021
As a support of one such political property
Of a soul who seems to be so happily
Bartered off and begged and sold
On the corner of progress
Like prime the rib real estate
(Which ***** is)

I fear no more for my self or my morals
But for my mind I fear ardently
That this IT will unravel and unwind
If ever again I look at either side and see
Anything less that a creaply constructed property
(Sold off seemingly without want or kind)
Is there no one left to actually serve and do the will of the people? Absolute disgrace across the board.
134 · Nov 2020
Colm Nov 2020
The best thing is. At the end of the day. It ends.
134 · Sep 2019
First Fall
Colm Sep 2019
Your raven hair
A recollection now
Like the memory flown before your own

In the storm-lands flat as gasping chest
Your ghost was static on my fingertips
A whirlwind in my inland mind

How your wingless thoughts and seamless ways
Taught me to fly
On that fateless day
First Fall
134 · Mar 2021
the girl I breathe in
Colm Mar 2021
in sketch or smoke or clouded streak
I just want another draw of you
(to etch and breathe)
134 · May 2019
Cloud Spirit
Colm May 2019
I fell from the sky
Ages ago
And that is why I like the rain
Because it reminds
And disguises that I, am not home again
Because when it rains
I can smell the clouds
I can even pretend
That I’m living in the sky again
I fell from the sky
Colm Mar 2021
eyes as sharp as shining hooks
deeper oceans than wellsprings
of talking could ever be

so this hope is set onward
free into this prospective
sight whatever sea could be
133 · May 2019
Colm May 2019
Learning to be selfish
Unlearning how to think
Aware of the ocean bottom fear
I am not
But still in my mind
And steady my will
Lord strengthen my prayer
My resolve
My being
Colm Jun 2021
breathing out your resonance
like a memory smoke
or a clouded day
brings a sunlight smile, wide as the sky
for me at least
for you slow me no more
but reverb me still
in memories now uncombined

That's why I was no good for you
133 · May 2022
When I feel unkind
Colm May 2022
We are all beings alike
And of opposite nature

Like wood and sand paper
Like true grit and true lies

We are distant and on top of
Each one another as neighbors

And to judge a persons beliefs
Is the epitome of crime

With a nice bow wrapped up
So that we all can understand

(Who the real villain is)

When in truth we fall, all as one, aligned
For we are human beings of the most unkind
Presentme . 6
Colm Jul 2021
I can hear
As it (comes)
With a distant approach
And a whisper which mingles
With treeward sounds

The rain (which gives)
Unabashedly as it pours
It summer heart out
Over and down
On us

It approach, quiet
133 · Feb 2019
Colm Feb 2019
Quiet lips
I want to kiss
More than any girl right now
I miss
The silent whispers in the trees
The quiet hour on the back of the moon
And my ears full of you
Miss nothingness
How your quiet lips find only words
And thoughts within
To manifest
How I miss you now like I’ve missed my room
And the space within
To acquiesce
132 · Apr 2022
Talking on my own
Colm Apr 2022
No amount of silence
Can fill the void
Of which and in which
Would live the presence of yours

No song to last
Or calling bell deprived of joy
Cast in iron fast

Your voice

Leaves me hungry and listening
For this tension to break
Like the fast between these many hours

I wish
That such a sound
Was known to these walls
And echoed all around

And that these talks were not just me alone
And of my own
Colm Feb 2021
Don't hate the snow
Or the cold of life
  A breath is still your choice to breathe
And if you wanted to (so badly)
Noone is stopping you (but you)
  Maybe you should leave
131 · Jun 2019
The Other Me
Colm Jun 2019
My feet a mass of broken blisters
My mind quieter than the sleeping trees
A thousand fireflies ignite in front of me
And I dance beneath a joyous clouded sea
Because I have forgotten the old me
I have forgotten the old me
The Other Me
Colm Feb 2020
I cannot satisfy myself with flowers
Out of fear of never seeing the trees
Swim in puddles
When I know that I ought to dance in the ocean
Selfishly, I'm not sorry now
Though I may once have been
If you are niether as tall or as deep as these
But I want no wattage less than sunshine
No new life born of less than me
You will learn this quickly, perhaps
That I am a proud and patient sort of being
Maybe she was right to give me that nickname... Welp. OK.
Colm Apr 2022
Felt as felt
Between two warming ears
And snow, the kind of snow, which disappears
Into pools of eyes so blue and crystalline

You are somewhere between ***, and coffee, and jazz, and caffinated cares, and mystery

And I cannot help but see
130 · Feb 2020
Cut My Hair
Colm Feb 2020
Remove all cares
Cut free the ties
Of prior strings
The jagged becoming of nothing
Which you were
Becoming more
Of everything
Of all that is right
And just of being
Straight and narrow
Clean and keen
In this nothing chair
Breathe again
The breath of escape
And cut my hair
130 · Jul 2019
Colm Jul 2019
Dark hole star
Carved without knowing into the corner of my heart
With an appetite for bloom in it's glorious range
For apples, for trees
For meadows, for plains
As it is for the seasons prior desire
It is that which you want
As your taste requires
Quiet Devour
129 · Jul 2018
Colm Jul 2018
Old stories have ever burned
Even in the deepest, darkest, winters of my heart
As they are renewed with every new year
And rewritten in the memory of every new spring
129 · May 2019
He Was An Alcoholic
Colm May 2019
I bought him a drink
But not that kind
Unable to grant answers in any amount
All I could offer him was this
The most basic human commodity
And I did
I offered him time
Praying for that kid.
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