I'll sit....
...and I'll wait.
Beat me, brand me, berate me.
I'll sit...
...and I'll wait.
Tell me I'm nothing, tell me we were nothing, tell me you don't love me.
I'll sit...
...and I'll wait.
Starve me of your attention, disappear from my sight, remove all memories of us.
And still...
I'll sit...
...and I'll wait.
"Poor idiot."
They'll say.
"She'll wait forever if she doesn't learn to leave for herself."
Sometimes patience is not a virtue, learning to let go of someone is hard. Letting go of an idea of someone or something is difficult, particularly when that idea is so whole and complete for you, the notion of it not existing has never occurred; facing that reality can be testing. Learning to let go for ones own well being is crucial to moving on.