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 Aug 2017
Rebel Heart
She's always the center of attention
Gracefully floating through seas of people
Swimming in the flashes of stardom
Surrounded by millions
And yet
She's so empty inside...

Tell me how does a smiling face like her's
Feel so alone and broken
While surrounded by so many people loving her?

Tell me how does a privileged status like her's
Feel so isolated and depressed
While surrounded by so many riches adoring her?

Yet behind her smile
And into her eyes
I can see it all
I can see past that disguise

Because beyond the lights
There hides a lonely girl
Who'd been tossed
Into an unforgiving world
One with plastic smiles
That slowly robbed pieces of her heart
Till she was left with
Talk about a throwback because its this poem's anniversary... While I won't reveal the year this was published I know for a fact RH was only 11 when she finished the poetry collection this poem was a part of. Each poem, despite being written by an 11 year old version of my best friend was amazing, but I felt the most connection to this one. All of you are awfully great supporters so I hope you enjoy this as much as I did ~BM
 Aug 2017
Rebel Heart
Meeting you was a breath of fresh air
A new beginning
And a chance to forget the past

Little did I know our time was limited
The clock ticking
The sands escaping every moment in our hourglass
You never know when the person you meet might disappear, so hold them close and hold them tight and the longer they'll last...
(I miss you my one and only forever best friend and I'm crying just thinking about you)... ~BM
 Aug 2017
Rebel Heart
My heart
Is not your toy
That you can come and use
At your leisure
Then throw away
When it becomes used and broken

And I'll let you in on a secret...

It may look shiny and new
But its shattered to the core
Broken beyond repair
Simply dressed to impress
So it can stay on the top shelf
For its highest bidder
So that its cycle can continue
I'll let you in on another secret.. your heart is worth the most when it belongs to you...
 Aug 2017
Rebel Heart
There's something about
Being Alone
That leaves me
A peace of mind


There's something about
Being Lonely
That leaves
My mind in *pieces
An excerpt from one of RH's unfinished memoirs of the same title. It was one of her projects I wish she would've completed for it was so heartbreaking but beautiful. This was one of my most favorite quotes from the book that I now share with you. Enjoy ~BM
 Aug 2017
nothing ever grows in the dark
besides demons and monsters
 Aug 2017
Rebel Heart
Our childhood was scarred by the efforts to erase it
Our memories mixed with emotions and bitter ghosts
Our time was limited since the moment of our first breath
Our future painted grey at most

We tried to break free of our chains
And the ugly demons holding us back
We tried to break free of these useless rhymes
But our destiny was doomed forever trapped

Life became nothing more than broken vignettes
Held together by seams of bitter hate
Whether it was reality or just an illusion
We wanted out of this dreadful fate

We'd die young and alone
Forever unwanted
We'd die with no tombstone
Forever haunted

But if you look closely
You'll see our tragic stories
drawn across our wrists

Lines jaggedly flowing
You ignored our suffering
But save the others
(With my last breath)
*I insist
To everyone who has suffered before or are still suffering please don't be afraid to reach out to talk, I'm here for you. Nevertheless, the struggling for some of us never stops but I'm glad there are those out there always willing to reach out and lend help when they can and for that you guys are truly wonderful people. The world could use more healers and lovers like you... ~BM
 Jul 2017
Rebel Heart
I'm dreaming of summer nights
And the sound of the ocean breeze
I'm dreaming of the blanket of stars
That'll watch over us out by the seas

I'm dreaming of your electric touch
As we make out by the campfire
I'm dreaming of your endless love
And the reckless nights full of desire

I'm dreaming of dreams
That keep me awake
I'm dreaming of fantasies
I never want to break

I'm dreaming of you
Though I knew it wouldn't last
You're nothing but a dream
Stuck in a summer past
An old poem I dug up from 2010.. Simple and worth sharing... On a different note I appreciate all the support this wonderful poetry community has given my friend, RH, and I can't wait for her to see how well her words are loved by all you wonderful people. Stay cool ~BM
 Jul 2017
Arcassin B
by Arcassin Burnham

And you say you have your life together , But you were poor.
Whatever it is you've been through , I have been through it before.

The dream doesn't make the person , the person makes the dream,
Whatever it is you've been through , I've already seen.

I've crashed through so many doors,
Shame was coming from my poors,
Doing all these Payless chores,
I've been through it before,

I've been through it before,
I've been through it before,
I've been through it before,
But it's whatever.


Flowing through another human being's emotions like essential oils,
You could  possibly choose the fate that they set, or
Live like society's pet,
Or you could become the vet,
Or you could run up a check,
Getting the hell out of Dodge,
Facing problems always to an extent to be labeled​ savage in a world
Don't Even give you the care you asked for, but,
What dose it take to get respect?
See all we do is recollect,
Most of us are too blind to see in this dark country where the enemy
Is camouflaged.
 Jul 2017
Rebel Heart
So what if I die today?
The strange blue and green marble of chaos keeps spinning
The meaningless beings of hate stay floating
The sun and moon rise and set day in and day out
The broken cries of that starving child still cry and shout
The bullets keep flying and the bombs keep dropping
And as much as we'd like to leave our marks on the world
The world always forgets and moves on
Down the same destructive path
Over and over
And over
Until all our marks fade away
Till there's nothing left but
Another cynical poem by RH. It's strange though because the RH I know is both cynical and hypocritical and basically a walking contradiction. She's pessimistic yet believes she can help change the world for the better and leave her mark and I have no doubt she'll do just that just like all of you wonderful people will one day accomplish your goals as well. Happy writing ~BM
 Jul 2017
Rebel Heart
Raindrops crafted like

the color of my broken eyes...

The storm mirroring

the one raging within...

I find myself drowning again

From the inside out...

The scars I painted over

Reappearing on my cold skin
Hidden back in 2014 this poem really stuck out to me. The title, I believe, can be interpreted many different ways as the rest of the poem. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do..
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