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 Jul 2014 Coco Li
 Jul 2014 Coco Li
if you are leaving
stay gone
 Jun 2014 Coco Li
Edward Coles
Hang the folk-singer in a straight-jacket.
Let him out to entertain the pained,
and to allow him his vanity
of seeing one thousand t-shirted candles
echo back to him, his own face.

Let him board the train to nowhere-town.
Give him time to walk a recovery,
to indulge in a sorrow
that was too often left ignored.
He'll come back with a black eye,
cradle and all.

Kiss your divorce on the mouth, as you
filter his coffee. You're coming out of
your shell, and out of the house,
you're meeting for coffee again,
in the sun-glass shade
of the afternoon.

Hang your clothes out to dry by the river.
Let yourself have a hayfever bout
in the grass. Allow your new freedoms
from the tyrant, that had long kept you
anchored in the past.
 May 2014 Coco Li
 May 2014 Coco Li
Im just a boy
They like to call gay
Ive heard all the words
They say it everyday

I can't go anywhere
Without getting some stares
They whisper in ears
The pain I can't bare

Why can't I be normal
Be like all the rest
Why can't I be straight
I pray and protest

But the prayers do not work
For theres no one around
I wait for the day
To live in the ground

I try so hard to change
I don't like myself
This isn't fair
I search for help

I find a light
That guides my path
I start to wake up
I breathe and I laugh

I know who I am
I let it be known
The darkness has left
And my spirit has grown

I hold my head high
And my feet float off the floor
Push away the sadness
I once felt before

Ive found my true love
He's just like me
Perfect in all ways
We both share are glee

I accept who I am
Im never a fake
This is who I am
So give me a break

If gay is so wrong
Let these words be sung
Your important and loved

Im not gay, but I understand how it feels to be ostracized. Share this with anyone who feels like being gay is wrong, is hurting or being bullied because of their sexuality. Lets get this treading:) it can save lives
 May 2014 Coco Li
Release the tension. Let it go. Let it all go. Empty everything out of your mind. And take a look inside yourself. Take in every last detail. Observe all the colors. From the red, too hot and determined, to the yellow, bouncy and wavering. From the orange, warm and confident, to the green, tolerant and comfortable. Behold the shapes you see. Observe the unity and perpetuity of the circle. Feel the connectivity and intimacy of the square. Follow the directivity and order of the triangle. Describe to yourself all these colors and shapes and they will describe to you your true personality, and it will be the most beautiful thing you have ever seen in your life.
 May 2014 Coco Li
Lenny Marie
 May 2014 Coco Li
Lenny Marie
I'd rather stink like a cigarette
than smell your skin lingering on mine.
I prefer the nicotine rush
to the surge in my blood when your lips touch mine.
I'd rather hear the click of my lighter
than the hiss and explosion of the Fourth of July
An ashen glow of smokey tobacco lights my way
And I'd rather put trust in this fading fire than
put my trust in the pounding of my chest
and the sparklers in my eyes
Because there's always one more pack
at yet another corner store
But, my love,
there's only one of you
and you're fading so fast
And without my addiction, how can I last?
i started smoking again after meeting her

— The End —