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Feb 2019 · 385
Don't keep me alone
Christian Feb 2019
Placid comfort your hand gives to mine;
a frigid world we have to call home
and while this link can hasten up time,
my heart calls out, "don't keep me alone"
Feb 2019 · 863
Christian Feb 2019
Finish me with your lips flushed;
rosé on my skin, whetstone
that surrounds me with moans hushed
pleading to have her love sown.
Feb 2019 · 301
Lesser brilliance
Christian Feb 2019
When she saw you,
the moon turned to shine
through you
instead of the sun;
misfortune to those
who live where the moon
can't see you,
where the moon
is forced to be
content with the sun.
Jan 2019 · 498
Christian Jan 2019
We held each other, unbounded warmth,
our lips, only an atom away,
crystalized joy in our hearts was formed
and soon our lungs for our breaths made way.
Jan 2019 · 578
Christian Jan 2019
I caressed you under neon gleam,
blessed cold night, your heart mine stole;
just five days, what they may seem,
yet five rings the earth has strolled.
Jan 2019 · 950
Christian Jan 2019
Your voice,
hearsay of the breeze
when it caresses
the petals in our garden;
zephyr in my ears
as my hands reach your depths,
equanimity broken
like the branches under our feet
when we entered
this forest
called desire.
Oct 2018 · 392
Christian Oct 2018
Sweetest flower of April's touch
veiled upon your *****
permit yourself to blossom
and to these hands clutch.

Futile humility you carry
now that the ring adorns your leaves
our hearts feel genuine and merry
and love, only love they now receive.
Oct 2018 · 291
Eggs and toast
Christian Oct 2018
To the sound of frying eggs and ding goes the toast
I will think of you the most

because the only thing I wish
is to share with you this dish

but you are far away
and so my heart will stay

craving for a morning with you.
Oct 2018 · 277
Christian Oct 2018
There is a treasure hidden in Palestine
where the formless predict the past,
and in it's trap I've been smitten,
and my death, filled with life looms.
Oct 2018 · 518
Christian Oct 2018
Blackened heart that longed too long
charred to coal in smoking flesh
make ammends within this song
and cease the mind of this unrest.

To these weights do not cling more
the rusting chains that held you back
the sinking bonds beneath your pores
that made your feeling sadly lack.
Oct 2018 · 329
Christian Oct 2018
Please forgive me,

For being absent for so long
Then coming back with no excuse
Because this time I'm wrong
This time I lose.

For seducing you for my pleasure
While my head was on the ground
I've deprived you from your leisure
To the earth you were bound.

For playing god with your pages
When this is no one's book
And it will be for the ages
Dear poetry, my nook.
I made this poem when I started writing obsessively about a very specific topic. I felt like I had betrayed poetry in a way, or at least the way that I used to write before. Looking back to it, it's about a year and a half old and I feel it has aged well as I re-read it.
Sep 2018 · 5.7k
Cherry Blossoms
Christian Sep 2018
Pink and blue
was the night's hue
that you looked at me
and I fell for you.

Brilliant stars
surrounding Mars
light us up
in this home of ours.

Temperate air
emits your care
and the lovely strings
that form your hair.

Lovely hand
that mine demands
no more time
can I withstand.
Sep 2018 · 220
Christian Sep 2018
Each beat, a drum;
upon the steps I lay
for the ritual to come:
to carve out my heart
for the consumption of none;
for the crude reality
that is being alone,
and yes, you are here
but, are you here?
or just a part of you
stripped, dismantled
from intimacy?
and so this putrid voice
wishes to convey:
"begin your autopsy
in this body of clay"
Sep 2018 · 2.1k
Christian Sep 2018
You go up
and you come down;
I see it open up to me,
not a single frown;
it drowns me,
to the front,
to the back;
you're blunt
when you smile
in my eyes
like a child
your disguise
deceived mine;
you go up,
you come down,
not a frown,
but a smile
and a sigh.
Sep 2018 · 246
Christian Sep 2018
Oh, how noble:
the sound of rain;
soothing flow
containing our pains,
and turning
them into simple water;
a seeping pleasure
that purifies all
with each consoling
Written in a thoughtful rainy day.
Aug 2018 · 469
Christian Aug 2018
It was a dream;
that you sat on my lap
in the manner you were born;
in my arms I would trap
your delicate body
that's attached to mine;
your eyes on me
in all this time;
our kisses sweet,
your skin was warm,
your smile was perfect,
your beautiful form;
my chest was burning
and there was your hand
finally together:
the wood and the sand.
When will this forest reach the softness of sand?
Aug 2018 · 412
Christian Aug 2018
Oh, how our petals fall
from the depths of our eyes;
the reminiscence of our small
and warmly stricken sky.

Oh, how it crumbles mutely
striking hard upon the earth;
the ground now bleeds acutely
and still, we drown in mirth.
How we smile despite our pains love.
Aug 2018 · 370
Christian Aug 2018
My heart rest at ease
with the thought of her;
the keeper of my love,
solace of my soul
her absence, an arrow,
but her written words,
a force that is real,
more real than presence

When her light flickers,
my heart jumps with desire,
and when our eyes meet,
overflowed my soul pours
into a river across my cheeks
for her beauty urges touch,
and of touch
I am deprived and sentenced
to despair.
She is my warmth.

— The End —