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271 · Sep 2020
haiku no. 140
Christian Bixler Sep 2017
tassels like little golden angels dancing in pattern without discernible sustainability some it seems fallen skirts blown back, or else kicking high in un-understandable ecstasy, beyond the grasp of my limited recognition of cognition, of understanding fullest being, expressive nonsense..Acceptance that this is not so, or at least only partially so, one being one mind one heart soul eternal there is only peace. Joy. Love. the depths of despair are only a manifestation of too deep a rut, too deep a meshing in the superficial nature of things, reality. Simple truths seen as incomprehensible because they are seen from eyes flipped upside down, backward set them right with the primal pattern which always is and always will be. See from the heart and the mind will settle in peaceful abandon...
Write to recognize the depths of confusion throw it away when one wishes to see the truth beyond limitation...mind not good not bad one with all a recognition of the truth is by no means necessary, only be, the fullest extent of yourself nothing means anything beyond there is nothing beyond self, which is all things...there is only being. Ever-present within without the dynamic expression change is an illusion fostered in the depths of blind submergence...
269 · Sep 2017
haiku no. 100
Christian Bixler Sep 2017
border of bright
eyes it seems pinned
the bamboo
268 · Sep 2020
haiku no. 139
268 · Feb 2017
A Winter Meeting
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
I see a bird, red
and black his wings, fluttering
bright eye in glossy head

will he speak?
266 · Sep 2020
haiku no. 138 revised
Christian Bixler Sep 2017
standing before the beat wooden table, artificial, I'm staring at a painting of white water, cool trees in late autumn, and a wide dim blue sky, clouds manifested as broad dashes of faded white blending somewhat with the blue behind it, so that the detail of the trees and the long staring streaks of cloud seem to express the fundamental oneness of opposites, the dim light seems to portend a storm hovering on the east winds...a waiting portrait blurred in a long time gale soaked with rain from the rolling Atlantic, all without the streaked panes of glass barring my eyes from the frantic surging.
somewhere sometime a lost sparrow's beating in the spray before sight of land..
264 · Sep 2017
haiku no. 104
Christian Bixler Sep 2017
how do artists paint
a leave-taking
260 · Mar 2017
haiku no. 59
Christian Bixler Mar 2017
sleeping tree, roots
how deep--my heart
even in apathy
260 · Mar 2017
haiku no. 72
Christian Bixler Mar 2017
winter echo
and an empty nest
A sketch, perhaps a metaphor.
258 · Feb 2017
Haiku no. 12
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
Sun streaming
the green smell fills the air--
cold burns my nose.
A laughing moment today; set here in beauty.
257 · Feb 2017
Haiku no. 1
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
Green fields, shining, calm
deceptive beauty; I watch
trees fall to either side.
My first true Haiku. Treat it kindly; it is newborn yet, and still must learn to fly.
256 · Oct 2017
haiku no. 109
Christian Bixler Oct 2017
not yet
waiting for night
and a family gathering
though the lines of this poem do not fall into the accepted format (short-long-short), it does I feel express the anticipation and energy experienced in this moment, in waiting. So I add it here.
256 · Sep 2017
haiku no. 102
Christian Bixler Sep 2017
seeing it another way
it is peace
255 · Sep 2017
haiku no. 103
Christian Bixler Sep 2017
sightless bear
perhaps in time he
will grow into it
a white statue of a bear with the eyes shadowed by the light of the lamp.
255 · Feb 2017
Haiku no. 13
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
See, below the hill
trees sway in even's breath
red poppies underfoot.
A beautiful scene, seen long ago, when flowers still grew wild on my fathers land.
253 · Feb 2017
Haiku no. 17
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
Butterfly, green as
leaves in springtime, fluttering--
sound, heart's chords.
Sight of a green butterfly twirling on the currents of the air. I watched it so for as long as it remained in my sight. Then I went and wrote this verse.
252 · Jul 2017
haiku no. 95
Christian Bixler Jul 2017
dragging wood
now at the end of a long day
a song for weariness
Singing an old song under the roar of the mower, and in those times when I found myself alone as I worked to clear several stands of new growth saplings. It was a shame to cut them. The song helped in keeping up my spirits.
251 · Mar 2017
haiku no. 80
Christian Bixler Mar 2017
for nine days
dust has smoothed it
this worn cup
sometimes through disuse, for a little while, those things we thought familiar and essential are shown to us, perhaps and perhaps not so; and in either case in a new and unexpected light.
250 · Feb 2017
Haiku no. 22
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
By an old road
gate shut--
a blackbird darts past.
249 · Mar 2017
haiku no. 64
Christian Bixler Mar 2017
in spring
robin wings to robin--
this empty cup
sitting outside, I saw a styrofoam cup, left carelessly in the middle of the yard; and all around me birds were singing: so I composed this verse.
248 · Aug 2020
haiku no. 138
247 · Feb 2017
haiku no. 54
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
feet bare, in bare
sand, I walk--always mindful
of seashells
247 · Feb 2017
haiku no. 50
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
as the wind blows
the dog cherry tapers off
like a tail

in the wind
tail streaming--the grass
a scattered mirror
A poem in response to one of Basho's early verses.
246 · Oct 2017
haiku no. 107
Christian Bixler Oct 2017
there a twilit orchard
is barred


now at my back there is
a fading orchard

now as I turn there is
an orchard
note on the third: this one was made in the process of composing the second. It is included here because of the sound and the feel of it, though the words are misleading.
246 · Mar 2017
haiku no. 62
Christian Bixler Mar 2017
standing, on the
edge of green, the wind roars past--
a white tarp


standing, on the
edge of green, the wind roars past--
the white cloth, rippling
An impromptu verse.
245 · Jul 2017
haiku no. 97
Christian Bixler Jul 2017
yellow tassels
set in disarray perhaps
a static seabed
239 · Jan 2017
Sight's Journey
Christian Bixler Jan 2017
light, the falling
in endless

t­he ocean
of the
of the void
each step
the seeds of

I see,
the world
the Universe,
is not,
and all
is nothing;
But within,
past the
Mind of
the Lost
I see
and so,
the Universe.
To me, the greatest hope that mankind could ever gain
would be the yearning to see the Universe through the
eyes of God, the Divine; to see it in love, in love, and compassion,
and pity; for all of these things and more, they are God, the embodiment. Have peace, all of you, wherever you are, whoever you are. For within us all is God, ourselves.
237 · Mar 2017
haiku no. 78
Christian Bixler Mar 2017
what chance
meeting in a locked door
two kinds of fortune
Coming to the door late, after a nights work, I found it locked. Before entering the other way, I looked up, and all the stars were burning, marvelous in their number, and in their light.
235 · Feb 2017
Haiku no. 4
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
See the drifting leaf,
bud, in sights embrace, fair so
Loss, perspectives gain.
Though sight is good and beautiful, it is perhaps true that if one comes to let it go, even if only for a moment, he will see the world through new, and different eyes.
234 · Mar 2017
haiku no. 71
Christian Bixler Mar 2017
clean air
even with nothing, my hands
grow still
While waiting for work in my part time job, I stood in front of the cutlery cupboard and noticed an u usually fresh and clean air. After breathing this for awhile, my anxiety left me, and I grew calm. So, this verse.
234 · Feb 2017
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
Love; thorn
in the brier
in its kisses'
the breath
of life in
the brittle
soft succor,
the shoots of
Spring: Peace
in the needles
In order for one to love fully, one must be willing to sacrifice fully; in order to gain everything, one must first lose everything. When one can look upon the world, its joys and sorrows alike, and see in all Love, and recognize it in love, then will the ordeal be complete, the sacrifice concluded; and peace and love and joy will all be yours, and wisdom
shall reign in your heart.
233 · Feb 2017
haiku no. 51
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
how small, swimming in a
balsamic sea
230 · Feb 2017
Life, Throughout the Storm
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
Swells in the sea and
My little boat
fares on,
For the
World to
228 · Jul 2017
haiku no. 96
Christian Bixler Jul 2017
there on the waters edge
a shells beginning


there on the waters edge
a shells beginning
228 · Mar 2017
haiku no. 73
Christian Bixler Mar 2017
hanging red
beneath an old nest
226 · May 2020
haiku no. 129
Christian Bixler May 2020
plain shapes
hose, cube, cone
colored homely
Lamp fixtures
226 · Feb 2017
Haiku no. 5
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
Clear, shining music--
Fall branch hanging down, black, and
red leaves; droplets fall.
Expression of the beauty of nature, water falling into an Autumn pool; yet perhaps comfort,  offered in the knowledge of life's eventual return, or of beauty serving to console us, in the time of life's withdrawal.
225 · Sep 2017
haiku no. 105
Christian Bixler Sep 2017
is there a way
finding in an old photo
Viewing a small anxiety since passed by.
225 · Feb 2017
haiku no. 45
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
as tea's steam, I must learn
to let it go
224 · Feb 2017
Haiku no. 2
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
The cup forgotten,
left, upon the rain-wet sill
will I drink tomorrow's dew?
Working Title; but judge it as you will.
224 · Mar 2017
haiku no. 79
Christian Bixler Mar 2017
for nine days
this worn cup has lain untouched
wake-up call
I have not written or given much thought to poetry for about nine days, or near enough, as far as I can reckon it. It is time to put away the dreams of the past, and of the future, and to live in truth, in the present.
223 · Feb 2017
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
Through the light lanes,
Through the dark lanes,
Through the paths beneath
the sky, I wander,
And the sun a *****
Brilliance in shadow,
In the blue-green-brown speckled
Beauty of her Eye;
Revolving, revolving in ad infinitum,
Dancing in a
Faery dream..
Will she blink?
An exercise in Imagination
223 · Mar 2017
haiku no. 81
Christian Bixler Mar 2017
for nine days
cupboard dust has smoothed it
that which is careworn, old, mended, lacking in some way from the ideal of perfection...these may by some be accounted as perfect in another way, for the express reason of their flaws.
222 · Feb 2017
Haiku no. 27
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
Among the trash
wanton strewn
a golden flower.
221 · Mar 2017
haiku no. 67
Christian Bixler Mar 2017
after waiting
this deep chord--
we turn to empty seats
Waiting outside the auditorium, we were at last allowed in when about ten minutes had past. filing past, I heard a deep, rich note from where the students were tuning their instruments. It impressed me so much that my annoyance vanished, and I sat eagerly to hear the rest of the performance.
220 · Feb 2017
Haiku no. 21
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
For beauties' sake
I trace this wooded road--
trailing pennants.
Trailing pennants: plastic bags caught in the trees beside the road; yet also maybe the Spanish moss that hangs from so many of the trees here.
220 · Feb 2017
haiku no. 37
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
small flowers
clustered, at mound's base
ant's garden
219 · Mar 2017
haiku no. 68
Christian Bixler Mar 2017
after waiting
this poised air, released--
218 · Jul 2017
haiku no. 94
Christian Bixler Jul 2017
dragging wood
now at the end of a long day
an easy task
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