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1.1k · Mar 2017
in the rain
I'm covered in the stain of my own past regressions
I'm buried in the pain of old and new obsessions
I'm crying out in vain, can you hear my confessions
I'm smiling in the rain to hide these tears
1.1k · Feb 2016
The Birdman of Pine Grove
Winter wind makes it's way down this Virginia mountainside
creating the hum of bending trees
dogs bark at moving deer
light slowly leaves
as it nears closing time at this country store
wood burning stoves are stoked
and the small mountain town of Pine Grove
settles in for a cold night

One last visitor arrives
his quiet stride moves with the wind
I'm greeted with that childish grin
that never leaves the Birdman
he is James Dean cool
John Wayne tough
and Jimmy Stewart kind
his visits are like a good bottle of wine
always ending too soon

He winks and says; 'Goodnight brother'
then walks into the darkness
the Birdman left us this night
riding the wind to the kingdom he knew awaited him
The Birdman (Todd Torrey) died at age 53
he was a regular customer in my little country store
I sent this piece to 2 local papers and they each published it
one morning just after opening
his widow walked in my store and set about a dozen letters
she'd received from friends regarding the piece on the counter
they were all very positive and she said I had captured his spirit
if I never have a book published or have my work read beyond the friends
that stop by this site, those few words from her were all the reward I'll ever need
1.1k · Nov 2018
down the valley
it left one night
when the wind was unusually heavy
and the air was biting cold
it is brutal this high
in late December

I felt it go
making it's way down the hall
and lingering at the door
for an unusually long period of time
I cared not that the snow was deep
and the wood was thick
the whispers of your fleeing love
could not be heard above the deafening roar
of Winter in these mountains
I stopped to listen or to see something,
anything between the gusts and the landing flakes

I had been gone an unusually long time
as you watched from the bedroom window
by the time you made the call
after finishing your coffee
the tears had long since frozen to my skin
and my pleas had long since echoed down the valley
1.0k · Jan 2016
and should this night find you alone
staring into the abyss
shivering in the chill of hopelessness
fire the candle
dip the quill
and speak to me
for i await your solitary tear
your desperate moment
giving rise to the beauty that cries
deep within the soul
of the poet
1.0k · Jan 2016
Some say I reflect only shadows
only darkness
only fear
am I to be negated for this
accurate observation?
did Poe write of whimsical romps
through flower gardens?
did VanGogh paint in colors of glee?

the dusk
the dawn
the unwitting pawn
the king who holds court
the peasant who merely survives

view from my pulpit before you judge
stand in my shadow before you declare
that I am without light
1.0k · Mar 2017
such a beautiful word
such a beautiful word
as if the sight itself could be heard
the soft glowing light from the sky
when the Sun is below the horizon,
caused by the refraction and scattering
of the Sun's rays from the atmosphere
it's so clear
come close
do you hear?
there is a dictionary's description of the word 'twilight' that begins and ends within this poem verbatim - It was so good I thought I'd use it
1.0k · Feb 2016
cloaked within the desolate,
merciless shadows of time
i cling to that which has held me
when the dark becomes darker
and the hours become longer
i clutch the only hope remotely viable
in this wretched isolation that follows me
not like a curse
but more a tortured friend
i dream in the pleasure of sleep
and scorn my first waking thought
encircle me now
your shade is my only salvation
1.0k · Sep 2016
slightly stoned
being of sound mind and body
I must write of the days when I was slightly ******
when I would disappear into the beautiful abyss
with headphones
'Dark Side of the Moon'
or 'I Robot' taking me on journeys
only I could take
my room the isolation tank
from 'Altered States'
my mind the well that echoed within
the sitar vibrations of an unspoken thought
my dreams the night before realized in a wave
of painted sound
and when the consciousness of awake
and the boundless landscape of sleep
fused with the lost chord
one was as close as one could be to God
on this plane
1.0k · Feb 2016
my father
curious child
peering from the bedroom door
half open
standing in the shadows
i watched him
he sat in his easy chair
right elbow propped
cigarette placed between index and *******
light from the tv flickering off the walls
smoke snaking its way to the ceiling

my Father
in his sixties then
lost in the vapid juvenility of Hee Haw
my Father
whose poetry i had discovered
tucked away
out of sight
out of mind
this little black book where he kept his soul
if he ever decided to find himself again
or perhaps to just remind himself

in the early stages of alzheimers
i saw him cry for the first time
wondering aloud
why after struggling for so many years
he was rewarded with a failing mind
and the loss of a friend
a friend left behind in a black book
a friend i never knew
1.0k · Dec 2015
as the light fades
In my passing
what will they say
as they gather round the death display
will they shed a tear
for this pallid face
or feign a moment of silent grace
the final glances
the final sighs
the final light on sleeping eyes
the coffin closed
the voices fade
I watch them walk from Sun to shade
back to their homes
back to their lives
where perhaps a piece of me survives
1.0k · May 2016
Desert Sky
Fleeting signs of a body lay
dried by time and desert Sun
chosen sanctum
here he'd stay
rest his heart
end his run
crisp clear nights
spark cleansing dreams
spirits walk the cooling land
evil fears what Heaven deems
a haven in the sand
hope had sent this bitter soul
to seek content in death
beneath the nightly desert sky
a smile precedes
his final breath
1.0k · Mar 2016
love's colors
the colors of love reside in you
i am black, gray and midnight blue
sun meets moon at daylights wake
yellow skips along ocean’s break
clouds of black soak waves of green
raise a rainbow briefly seen
my lover dreams in night’s caress
of flower petals and wedding dress
while in the shadows
i sleep content
the color of her love is meant…
for me
999 · Feb 2016
in this face
I see the varying yellows and reds
of leaves dancing to the ground
after a slight wind
I see bluejays, cardinals and robins
jockeying for position on the birdfeeder's step
I see deer walk across the field
as I peer from the kitchen window
they seem at home in their freedom
I see the distant mountaintops fading as the Sun yields
to the approaching night
I see the emerging stars and the glow of the moon
as it begins it's nightly watch
then I see you
secure in the maple frame
I gaze endless
until the call of sleep awakens me
my home is wrapped in beauty
but all the beauty I see
begins in this frame
in this face
so far away
995 · Jan 2017
Saunders Field
shadows buckle
from the weight of the rising Sun
and the chirping birds and grasshoppers
provide no deference to the bodies
that are strewn across Saunders Field
dew glistens and blood oozes
from the wounds
as the souls look helplessly about
not knowing which direction to walk
the heat grows rapidly towards noon
and soon no-one would come
this day or the next
ashes to ashes
dust to dust
the Moon be my witness
as here I sleep
988 · Mar 2017
lost spirit
it can be hours of silence
I strain to hear above it
adjusting the headphones
the small voices that hide between the wind
and the settling of the house
the leaves jostling about
brushing the roof
I push myself to continue
whispered footsteps from upstairs
birds greeting the yet unlit morning
this house is alive
with the dead who remain
and when I am about to succumb
to the blur of exhaustion
the child comes through...
not once, but multiple cries
the sadness and fear in her voice
is palpable
and I am helpless to help her

how many hundreds of years has this child
repeated her cries
in this house
in this room
refusing to leave
still searching for her mother
I recorded the voice of a child in an old brick house built in the 1700's. I have numerous evp's from this property that has several buildings, but this was the most profound and indeed has had a lasting effect. Anyone interested in hearing the evp can message me and I will send a link. You will need headphones to hear it....but once you do, you won't forget it.
985 · Aug 2021
the old truck
I'm guessing from the 60's
now being devoured by trees
at the edge of this farm
melting into the hundreds of acres
a remnant
I took the back roads this time
on my latest sanity saving trip
to the Outer Banks
Where I'll pick through the
fragmented shells
looking for the few that made
the journey in one piece
like the scavenged souls we meet
I took some pictures where the
lighthouse peeks over the dunes
and spotted something in photo
after photo
an orb appears in each
and changes position with
every click of the camera
perhaps a soul
victim of a ship gone down
from one century or another
stepped out from his grave
the Atlantic
to enjoy a stroll along the beach
Outer's shores known as the graveyard of the Atlantic
983 · Mar 2022
his worst enemy
i sense the walls of sanity cracking
trying to hide in the foundation
trying to escape
but there is nowhere to run
the clues begin to reveal themselves
we drive silent into the country
my Father and i rarely spoke
revealed our fears
our doubts
but today i saw a frightened man
a man dealing with an enemy he couldn't control
'I worked hard my whole life. This is not fair'
he fought back tears
but i could not
my father passed away from the debilitating effects of alzheimer's
973 · Jan 2024
It's a Point Pleasant thing
I returned from my second trip to Point Pleasant
much like the first
carrying back with me a feeling that I'd left somewhere I belonged
somewhere I had been before
not just once...but many times
perhaps I lived there
100...maybe 500 years earlier
things happen when I return home
the normal oddities that I experience
come rapidly and with more intensity
coincidences are rampant
and the spirit that makes itself known once in a while
becomes very active
a few mornings after my recent return
a glass light cover on the kitchen ceiling
managed to unscrew itself and crash to the floor at 5:00am
a few days later a 1990 ticket stub from a Paul McCartney concert
squirmed from the corner of a framed portrait of The Beatles
that I had hung on my dining room wall next to the table
it somehow bypassed the 6 inches of space between the edge of the table
and the it didn't merely leaped
and the numbers...yea, the numbers...111 and 1111
all the time...everywhere
I was watching a video on youtube about the JFK assassination
It was very well done and I was curious to see if it was receiving
a high number of views...when I checked...
his total views at that moment were

if you visit Point pleasant
stay at the Lowe Hotel
stop at the Mothman Museum
walk alongside the Ohio River and allow yourself to absorb the energy
that is Point Pleasant
and finally...say a prayer for the 46 souls that lost their lives when the Silver Bridge
collapsed in 1967
961 · Dec 2018
the road
the days come and go
like mile markers on a highway
miles turn into weeks
the years are brief stops
to take a look back at what I'm leaving
this time
the valleys between the mountains
the beaches along the coastline
the storms between the Sun and stars
all add color and begin to define the canvas

the journey nears it's end
a destination never planned
if only we could turn  
follow the road back to it's beginning
...and start again
955 · Aug 2016
they roll in like storms
upon a quiet shore…
these memories
unforgiving in their clarity
yet i protect them
nurture them
your twisted, unwavering distrust
enveloped me in it's pain
and fed your misguided cruelty
i lived to enable you
for a glimpse of love
would appear from the shadows
in those rare, quiet nights
when you allowed yourself to love me
the few moments i remember
being alive
942 · Mar 2016
distance between thought
the irrelevancy of this day
blots the Sun
with the suffocating light of indifference

the urge to scream is often there
just below that inane giggle
that maniacal grin

that ever recurring crystalline voice
whispering from the lips of a fading thought
'we are all undeniably
937 · Feb 2016
Dyatlov Pass
It is not the secrets that we should fear
but rather, that which is known

The savage cold
the howling wind and blinding snow
the unforgiving heart of Mother Russia's Winter
this is what we endure
lest we shall never be called the best

Today we have drifted slightly off course
and must pitch our tent on this mountain side
so as not to surrender valuable distance
in the tent we warm ourselves
with our bodies and small heater
we tell stories of our childhood, our families
and our sweethearts
these are the moments most cherished
moments that we take home with us
that remain forever

Just as the swirling winds are about to send us to dream,
flashes of light, the scream of some unholy machine
and the shadows of terror thrash about like demons from our worst nightmares
someone grabs the ax and begins to rip the tent
from the inside out and we run for our lives
barefoot and frightened beyond all comprehension,
beyond all logic
we run as fast we can into bitter cold and biting wind

Four were ravaged while the others were separated
and they watched us until we froze,
too panic stricken to move toward the tent where warmth awaited
perhaps the thought of an even more unbearable death
kept us there
where we were found

this is our story
known as Dyatlov Pass,
named after our leader
and harboring nine souls
who never crossed
the mountain of the dead
February 2nd, 1959

It is not the secrets that we should fear
but rather, that which is known
there are no confirmed conclusions as to what took place at Dyatlov Pass
931 · Mar 2017
the cue
a long time coming
the snow
two weeks from April's warmth
and calming showers
it has finally arrived
mother nature's way of saying
slow down
sit back and reflect
take the day off and build a snowman
with the kids
when life gives you the cue
have always loved the snow
914 · Mar 2016
at the end of this storm
called to scour these transient shores
i am slammed against graffitti'd walls
by winds of hate
and waves of steel
in silent vigil
i caress the promise time has made
the place that fate holds for me
i can see
i can touch
i will find
at the end of this storm
912 · Mar 2017
the dragon lives
down here
behind his Master's eyes
behind his hollow smile
awaiting the chance
the Master's call

rain has soaked the dense, hot night
steam rises like thick breath
from the pavement
laughter dances with the leftover sounds
of a city's hard rain
as she catches the Master's eye
he pauses
strikes a match
inhales deeply the Marlboro smoke
the signal for the Dragon to awaken
903 · Mar 2023
shallows of time
In the shallows of time
I call to thee
When the weight of this burden I carry
Brings me ever closer to the edge
I seek darkness while the Sun serves
only to more clearly expose
my longing for solace
I know not how to reach you
But I sense you with every breath
Perhaps the next life will be ours
Speak to me once more while I slumber
That my heart may be renewed
That my longing be not in vain
899 · Sep 2021
I have an angel
the little girl said
in a voice that quietly screamed
her loneliness
I could not respond then
because I did not hear
and continued walking
past her
in the dark hour I listened to all those voices
I could not hear
some ominous, some disjointed
and some just
I have an angel

I have gone back to look for her
look for some sign as to where she rest
in this graveyard of lonely souls
in a 20 minute evp session recorded in a nearby cemetery, I recorded this little girl very clearly. If you would like to hear it, feel free to ask
898 · Mar 2016
slow motion
the invisible weight
of blind transition
climbs my back
sits upon my shoulders
laughter goes silent
colors once vibrant
turn black and grey
I move in slow motion
every thought enslaved
every dream a nightmare
my monster has returned
889 · Apr 2016
rhythm of love
the beat changes in your presence
skips to a slightly altered cadence
more blood, more power
the awakening of my heart
the eyes more perceptive
the brain aglow
the scent of you kisses the marrow
and ignites every nerve
these moments
I breathe you
absorb you
quiver in your touch

such is the rhythm
of love
889 · May 2016
Exceeding the passion of these most love torn dreamers
he languishes in the glow of his millionth Sunset
then vanquishes the dreams of his millionth soul
a paradox
lover of night
taker of life
walks silent and alone
living not by minutes, days or years
the pros and cons
of never-ending life on earth
the ecstasy and the terror of immortality
to never die
to never love
for to love a mortal
is to watch her succumb to the ravages of time
and human time
is but a blink
she curls into a quiet sleep
and dreams of Sunrise
he kisses her upon the cheek
and cries to the moon
884 · Aug 2023
fading mist
he was sitting back on a shaded picnic table
his wooden cane laying across the bench
peering towards Luray and Shenandoah Park
absorbing it's beauty while he still had the chance
I was on my morning walk
a few miles
my attempt to remain in some semblance of shape
stave off the inevitable for a bit longer
I wasn't far behind this gentleman
perhaps in his late 70's
10 - 15 years passes like an unrecognizable blur
when you reach this stage
what was he thinking about
I wondered
the kids he never sees
the wife that may or may not still share his days
or perhaps...the love that he let slip away
into the fading mist...his past
I thought I'd say hello on the next pass
but he was gone
874 · Oct 2018
i lost sight of her
somewhere along the way
like sleeping through a storm
her tears falling, unseen
crashed like silent raindrops
and washed away the road
we walked in different directions
intending to meet at the same location
destinations and destinies
yet never one
...and the same
872 · Jan 2018
my heart so dark as to shadow thee
I seeketh shade from the opaque
rest thy soul neath a linden tree
smell the life in Grasmere lake

in thy rest a lass wanders by
she chats me up a bit
I see her face as clear as sky
yet something does not fit

she whispers me a lovely rhyme
then turns and bids farewell
'I've loved you since the dawn of time
through heaven and through hell'

she disappears like foggy mist
in the wake of a rising Sun
our hearts were merged in that first kiss
for eternity we've run
865 · Mar 2017
on a distant shore
two moons dance in the light of the Sun
on a distant shore the reflection of one
bounces on waves and laps the clean rock
an oasis unseen, unknown by the flock
they step from the waters
make their way to the beach
from the old world Atlantis
to the new world they reach
removing their headgear
they breath in the night
inhale the silence
rewards of their flight
a thousand plus years from the past
they return
they are back to
who shall remain to salvage their home
that once was their garden
their Eden
their Rome
like the ancients before
it is time for rebirth
and the few that are spared
shall renew Mother Earth
861 · Aug 2018
my Father wrote poetry in younger years
of love and loss
of joy and fear
i discovered his work tucked away in a drawer
castaway drifter
returned to the shore

who was this man of sentiment
whose gift of prose is long since spent
who spoke so rarely
and laughed not at all
i knew him not
beyond the wall
that stood in stone
grew stronger with age
his soul now resides
in this book
on this page
01/07 - slightly revised
860 · Jan 2021
Bad Gateway 502
rendezvous 502
made it through
is this happening to you?
856 · Feb 2018
so quickly gone
night colors drip
from the hand not raised
from the smile unfazed
by the empty space
that lay beside me

nightmares slip
into my soul resigned
into my world designed
to hold in dreams
the love denied me

waking to the burning light
her voice now fades from blue to white
her smile a thought so quickly gone
a memory lost
to dawn
845 · Apr 2016
before my death
How I arrived there
I'm not quite sure
through a rabbit hole
or through a door
was it a fraction of a second
or a thousand tears
a world that lives
within my fears?
what I saw with my mind's eye
were shades of me
against the sky
I traveled still through
realms of blue
I touched a dream I had of you

in a life that awaits
our souls would remain
together as lovers
we danced in the rain
I felt a hope I had never known
I saw a light that had never shone
and all the doubt and fear within
had vanished in the very thin
before my death
844 · Mar 2016
lucky man
I hear soft music
haunting sitar riding the low wave of a synthesizer bass
I am perplexed by the choice I must make
be taken by the song
or fight the twisting pain in my chest
'In search of the lost chord'
that Moody Blues title
I've found it!
here in the between space
'Visions of Paradise'
'Steppin' in a Time Zone'
I'm dying
and I can't stop listening
can't stop
the pain subsides
and I am crossed
I think
the music and vision now clear and strong
George is playing the sitar
and the synthesizer is not a synthesizer
but the wave itself
the beach I return to each Summer
Vincent hums along as he paints a wheat field
that fades in and out over the horizon
and the Sun is blazing
there in a white suit I see him
"The Lucky man..."
John says to Marilyn
as he turns toward me
..."you've made the grade"

the Sun suddenly falls behind the horizon
the music fades
I begin moving back to the center of all there was
and for a moment there is nothing
no sound
no light
then a voice
"It looks as if he's decided to return"
I awake to see a man in a very long beard,
dressed in white
with round spectacles staring down at me
"I'm Dr. Wall...Russ Wall"
"You're a lucky man! looks as though it's just another day in the life of...
what was your name, friend?"
just a little tribute to a band I spent some time listening to
843 · Jan 2022
of poetry
a quiet man he was
the smiles were rare
signs of affection
yet his soul came through
his goodness
his quality
his concealed intelligence
I can see him in his sleeveless tee-shirt
cigarette in right hand
a pen in his left
doing the New York Times crossword puzzle
at the dining room table
he would watch Jeopardy
and reel off the answers
one after another
under his breath
he'd survived 3 heart attacks
diabetes and emphysema
years of working 2 jobs to support 8 children
but the alzheimers was unforgiving
and eventually wore him down
my Father
like his son
had buried a facet of his early years
his gift for verse
which I discovered unbeknownst to him
before his passing
in the early hours of one recent Winter's morning
I heard him call my name from the foot of the bed
I take it as a sign that one day
we will share our love of poetry
my youngest daughter brought to my attention a poem she had discovered by Ezra Pound. I liked it so much I did some research on Ezra and discovered that he had been arrested in Italy and returned to the US to face trial for speaking out about Capitalism. His attorney's pleaded insanity and he was sentenced to do his time at a mental facility called St. Elizabeth's hospital in Washington DC. For the length of his stay, my Father worked at that hospital. I picture them in my mind sitting at one of the benches in the yard and swapping stories and discussing poetry
841 · Jul 2017
poem in the attic
I found a poem
it was packed away
in a box in an attic is where it lay
dormant in the dark
unable to say
the words he had written
his final day

the attic has light now
he heard the switch click
come to me come to me
hurry! be quick
I've waited for years
for ions to be read
then the sound of turning pages
danced in his head

he awaited the light when he heard paper turning
and the smile of a face would have his heart burning
closer and closer as the pages were freed
then stopped at the title and did not proceed
did not proceed but the eyes he could see
through the thin journal paper the eyes he could see
and the tears ran down cheeks of a child all but 3
Daddy, he said, 'Can you read this for me?'
'Perhaps you can read it some other day
when you're old enough to know just what it might say
Off now my child, we can't be all night
lay down the book and turn off the light

and from that day forward he waited for me
the child to return
to set the words free
837 · Mar 2017
view from the moon
you mustn't be so impatient my child
our time will come
you know the numbers are limited
we will be leaving soon
I promise you
and the adventure that awaits us
will be beyond our imagination
we will be kings
and they will love us
because we are what they strive to be
but it cannot be rushed
we must move slowly
they will not even realize that we have saved them
and in a thousand years
it will be all ours
as their species fades to relics
now come inside after the earth sets
and just remember
we shall be there
before the next eclipse
an ET fable
836 · May 2018
if given the chance to relive my days  
would I sacrifice to choose that which I left sighing in the Sun
I do not truly know if the love I chose to abandon
would have survived the years
would have burned through the days of darkness
our mornings wrapped in warmth
I shall never know
and I shall never see again
the vision of you etching your soul
on canvas
silently opening your heart to me
a moment in time beneath the Sun
oldie - for Yve
836 · Feb 2017
spoken for
I visited my home for a few days
smelled the ocean as I thought of the time
we decided to drive to the beach and lay there
in each other's company for a few hours
I got wind burn and we drove back in a storm
leaning forward, my back on fire
we laughed because we were happy
to be with each other
I loved You
you know
as crazy as it was
I didn't know where we stood
we didn't talk about the possibilities
of you and I beyond this day
you were spoken for
this I knew from the start
and I waited for you to tell me different
but it never came
even though I saw the burn
in your eyes
we would get high together
and sing as we sat around the candles
on your living room floor
though we kissed like vampires after blood
and held each other until the Sun arose
we never made love
perhaps we both knew that
we could never turn back if we did
this was what I wished for

I am back to the place where I live
and must return to my life such as it is
put the memories of you away
until I am home again
I loved You
you know
for Lisa
true story
long ago
835 · Dec 2020
blue is the color that I choose
when I choose to sing the blues
in blue bow tie and navy shoes
royal, sapphire, midnight, who's

24 shades will I unveil
aqua, turquoise, powder, pale
Ocean blue escorts winter's hail
Carolina skies, electric eyes
of baby blue
a friend asked for a poem of blue
it's raining today
bouncing off the roof and glass
of this 100 year old building
the room is eerily dark
as only faint Sun makes it through the skylight
the ghosts whisper and shuffle about
the cat is timid and disappears under the bed
the hum of early traffic is constant and tires splashing
through rain is irritating
I recall a dream just before I awoke
I helped a friend who's old white Cadillac wouldn't start
she had to drive to Michigan
and in the dream I thought;
'this ******* ain't makin' it to Michigan'
but I couldn't stop her
and now I wonder;
is she broke down and in a panic along I-80?
maybe I should have tried harder
but that's where I woke up
or is that where I fell asleep?
perhaps I am dreaming now
the ghosts love to watch me ponder
821 · May 2018
sniper in the wood
fifty years have come and gone
since that fateful November day
when men of greed and fear of peace
took the chance away

removed all hope of paradise
a world serene and free of hate
divided not by war, but sea
where love directs our fate

we run and hide from truth we fear
denial is the easier pill
we laugh at those who held the truth
whose innocent blood did spill

should the Sun soon set
on our Camelot lost
when evil conquers good
they will find no mention in our history books
of the ****** in the wood
813 · Mar 2016
the second Sun
Worm twists on a shimmering hook
and streaks towards it's deadly splash
backyard wedding, laughter echoes
on the wings of a camera flash
starlings find a telephone line
to rest, review the day
starlight prepares to greet the moon
born millenniums away
traveling whisper, undisturbed
a million years in flight
to catch the eye of desperate souls
to spark a dream this night
infants final cry is heard
above the halted wind
Stevie Nicks sends frozen love
through the silent, somber din
in a million years on a distant land
our final light is done
as the worm evades it's watery grave
at the edge of the second Sun
one of my personal favorites
810 · Jul 2021
they dance on the edge of nearly
unperceived breezes
the sighs of dead men's final breath
that follow me to the edge
of the thickets
many lay at the feet of those who wish to taste death
but not know it
brothers in arms
who cross from the horrors often placed upon them by man
into a swath of light that holds no measure of time or space
or pain
they are free to walk from the remnants that linger in living consciousness
yet remain
tied to the moment of their crossing
the essence of their love for kindred souls
807 · Jan 2017
Shoreline (a collaboration)
your voice reaches me
how it soothes my spent mind
caresses and convinces me
we are joined for all time

we own the ocean's distance
it is you that I can see
are you only in my thoughts
an elusive fantasy?

yet here on this shoreline
we absorb, we feel
this island of dreams
where our love becomes real

daybreak approaches
the Sun beckons me
as your voice like a ghost
washes over the Sea

but I shall return
in the stillness of night
to rekindle our dream
to recapture our light
Deepest thanks to my dear friend; Alisa...who has always been there to listen, to help and above be my friend! Love you!
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