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Jan 29 · 39
Discern Over Despair
Descovia Jan 29
My wordcraft game is mad insane. They say no pain, no gain.
What would you gain if my words tore you into atoms. I am suffering, from feelings I'd rather not explain. I crash out. No parachute. I am not talking Crash without Bandicoot. Mad when they hear truth.  In this Raging Revolution atrocities, are destroying our youth! People nowadays never question, before they decide to shoot!

These boys better learn, to go about the flow as the table turns. Playing with fire only will leave you with burns.

We have our worries and concerns.  But I know this for sures.
If you live by love, then that love will be returned.
Ego vs Logic the warzone in my dome  contradiction of actions can misdirect words!

Hating on me, without understanding my intentions. Hating on me, for wanting simplicity. Life been constantly complicated since my existence.
Putting on bars it's just a hobby for weekend. Don't get it twisted. Winning is my only addiction, hella gifted with brutal ambition. One of the best by definition. Haters? I never seen ya'll... as competition.  Third eye gaining focus, so everything implemented barely reaching my mind's vision!

Without condescending and threats.
What else you can bring to share?
Trying to move me?
We'll fly places,  steel-toed patience can't stand to bare
My mind in despair descending into depths of irreversible hell.
You wouldn't make it there!
If you wish. Be my guest.
You can have your space.
I am not easy to scare.
I been treated all kinds of ways
This is why I treat everyone fair.
Your toxicity is killing the air.
The shackles on my heart
are barely beginning to wear.
Everyone out there just needs
That one homie or friend
who will show care.
Another reason why ...
I choose discernment over despair!

© Descovia

#positive  #DISCERNMENT.  #Descovia
Nov 2023 · 341
Descovia Nov 2023
Swinging with flow of time
Building chains of memories
Ambitions giving me aspirations for flight!
Descovia Nov 2023
Happy birthday Isaiah!
My heaven-sent, remarkably brilliant and outstanding son! You break records, love endlessly with a heart having more mass, than all matters in space. You bless people everywhere with your creative imagination and your curiosities spark inspiration!

8 years here, you have accomplished numerous achievements!

You make me proud and beyond grateful to be living through life's excitement to experience all as your father!

Through challenges and changes we're still pushing through together!

Today will be a great day!

You make me the proudest
Only ones who love will see
You honor the definition to family.
You will grow to be enormous
and strong like a tree.
Time will change us
From what we are
Into what we are meant to be
In my eyes, you will forever be my mini me.
Happy birthday my beloved son. You still inspire everyone, everywhere you go!
Descovia Nov 2023
I pray to the universe guide me with light
Patience and forgiveness.
Bless my essence to acquire God's  
strength to heal and be humble.
This adventure takes me through the tide of deep emotions
memories of a troubled past and discoveries in nature,
reminders to me change is a savior.

I walked, many steps today.
Any unfortunate soul dreads to wonder about
As I went home and had myself an aperitif
Burdened with thought-shattering, uncertainty
at this late hour
I am consumed by doubts!
I know tomorrow is still yet to come
with all it's silliness and pranks
But tomorrow wants nothing more
than its compliments and thanks
they may think tomorrow must for us come
yet i say, today is yet to be done!

Today's journey, is a mere stepping stone towards tomorrow's
successful aspirations!
Believe in your strength
Nov 2023 · 872
The Light
Descovia Nov 2023
Allow your words to radiate
You are bright
You are glowing

Why is it tho?
Why is it the sun
Finds away through my concealments?
In order to reach me.

Why is that?
No matter, where I reside in solitude or darkness....

The light finds a way to me.
Determined as many truths.

The light reaches you. No matter where you wonder. You are light.
Believe in your light.  It empowers all in this very life!

Nov 2023 · 374
Trust In God
Descovia Nov 2023
Don't take anything personally.
Take responsibility and accountability.
Do not carry grudges.
Carry God's prayer.
Do not pray for an enemies downfall.
Pray for peace to be restored.
Don't give up.
Have faith in yourself
Your emotions determines the outcome of your reality.
Let God handle all.
Miracles are waiting for you to unfold. Believe in yourself.  Have faith in your destiny. May good reward your aspirations.
Nov 2023 · 1.2k
Complexities of words
Descovia Nov 2023
These words that have pull and plunge your being into an intense trip. Watch the words, fly off the page and take you through time faster than any Uber or Lyft.
For this neat little trick, we employ the words that grip.
The ones that squeeze and then some that suddenly hold until the reader drips. Fill their bottle with a cuffing concoction, with every verse, they'll take a sip!
Descovia joined forces with Alma/Rota to deliver a compelling masterpiece for genius minds!
Dec 2022 · 282
Spirit of an Awaken Artist.
Descovia Dec 2022
Art is my universal love language.
I speak it. I create it. I live it!
Contribute to the greater good.
Evil cannot suffice my intentions.
Dec 2022 · 636
Descovia Dec 2022
I stay high.
Life is too
short to be low
Feel me?
Dec 2022 · 241
Words From a Realist.
Descovia Dec 2022
You love her?
Give her the same
respect as your mother, aunt, sister a woman figure deserves.
Treat her with respect and loyalty.
Support and build with her.
Become each other's peace and not the problem.

It's a "realationship". Hardships will come, you can accomplish anything as a team or with an opened mind.

Forever now.
Through sickness and wealth.
Until death do us part.

Dec 2022 · 603
Light of Love.
Descovia Dec 2022
I thought I lost my heart.
Little did I know, she had it
In her possession for care this entire time.
Saving my light, from the darkness which hunger for it.

Fulfilling her purpose as an guardian angel. Restoring hearts to the heartless and healing damaged ones with love.

I will only use my light to protect you....

Pensé que había perdido mi corazón. Poco sabía, ella lo tenía En su posesión para el cuidado todo este tiempo. Salvando mi luz, de las tinieblas que la anhelan. Cumpliendo su propósito como ángel de la guarda. Restaurando corazones a los sin corazón y sanando a los dañados con amor.
Solo usaré mi luz para protegerte._
Poem available in Espanol.
Going to make a habit to practice in all languages.
Dec 2022 · 194
Killer Truth
Descovia Dec 2022
_If the truth can gravitate us to liberty.

Then why must we pay the price for our words?!

F R E E D O M  O F  S P E E C H




Common courtesy fills the endless in volumes. Wield your words carefully. They can also be weapons.

Utilize patience and be more understanding
Justin. Descovia & Kaspir
Nov 2022 · 185
Descovia Nov 2022
_ I am uncertain of the nails and screws which builds me. I must let you be aware I am absolutely

b r o k e n

I was astronomically stripped of my Identity. It vanished seconds within my unorthodox arrival, receiving a massive blow to face and head. The trauma alone was not the pain.
Being able to not express my pain.
That is truly troubling.
Words were fragile as wet paper.
My voice had as much volume as a tv on its lowest setting.
I swear my loudest screams, could be properly heard under water in the deepest ocean in the world. Before in this place of infinite brightness and space. Torment! Blast! Is this hell?
My thoughts were literally eating and picking me apart.
Emotions. All flowing and running through me.
The design of being human with complexities serve no purpose.
Good nor evil lives here.
A place where forgiveness and grief feels the same....
Existing is just living.
I can learn to heal with love
For lies and destruction are powerless!
Life is its own creator
My faith as strong as
My aging heart.
We cannot control fate
Fate and destiny are human concepts never meant to be controlled only followed..
We can only create aspects of our individuality to morph into realty
My purpose may have faded
My impression and impact remains legendary...._
Descovia &Janice (Fireflannel)
Nov 2022 · 549
The Real Deal
Descovia Nov 2022
Short ones at that.
It's all I need straight facts
My lover is a shorter than me by a foot.
Her: 5'2 1/2
Me: 6'1

Fruit by the foot, I can say. I love one that rolls with flavor. I am Hershey kisses and she's my delightful caramel filling 💖.
Nov 2022 · 141
Lucid Illusionist
Descovia Nov 2022
Everyday, I am giving my everything.

I believe in only doing my best.

My moments arise from the good within me, for I have my days.

I may stumble, remaining humble, keeps my mind in order, even when I fumble, slip and catch myself hanging by the edge.

Control over all is power only for a God. My destiny ties me to limitations in a human vessel. I will not revoke a prayer or blessing for strength from her, him, all. I am content with trying to master, only my control for I do not wish to have power over anyone's will.

My love. It does have energy to bring safety and protection to everyone of compassionate living.

Mysterious and complex to explain in any context of terminology.

Dream Realm. It's a place where the lessons remind you of failure, fears, peril, progression.

You cannot wonder too far. You may lose yourself to the unexpected.

Everyday is but a blink. Connecting along through how we think.
Nov 2022 · 1.6k
Play It Right.
Descovia Nov 2022
If you have nothing to say
resourceful or respectful.

Then kindly keep your trap
closed or  end up in one
Descovia Nov 2022
Drive with sense, drive as if your children are present with you, these devices not only aid us in transportation but they can also weapons.

Transformers are not
the only thing in disguise
If you play with safety
You could be the reason
for someone's demise!
I pray, I wish for wellness often.
Traffic signs and Red lights
Should not be limited to being options.

.Although they are custom made to be fashionable, sporty, and exciting to go "FLOOR IT"? Mode. These are not toys. You must be careful on all roads.
Drive safe. Be mindful. It will save lives. Don't drink and drive.

Nov 2022 · 309
Earth Angel
Descovia Nov 2022
She has an enchanting voice
Heart made of gold
She does not harm children.
She only uses love and
patience as weapons.
She's pure like an angel.
Kisses so delicious.
Oh my how you come
from the heavily skies.
You are purity.
Pure for me.
A cure for my cruelty.
Through your teachings
I am understanding
The way to save the world
Is not through war
we need unity.

Another love note for my admirable healer.
Nov 2022 · 213
Cut Me Out
Descovia Nov 2022
I don't feel safe
I am feeling sick
If I go, I am not coming back!
Save me before it's too late.
No I cannot wait..
I don't feel safe...
(No....No...I don't...feel safe)
Can you save
me from the hate!?

The markings on my wrist
Share the chapters included my story.
I'm fighting my demons...
They wish to destroy
my strength out of fear.
My journey is dangerous
My heart is breaking out from home.
I never wanted you out of ours
Nov 2022 · 106
Descovia Nov 2022
Societies fall in minutes
They try to condition our living
March to martial law for freedom or die in your home.

If you ask me
They want to turn all
you love into a prison
Pardon me lately
All sides of me been clashing
Who knows? If I am living or trippin.
Blind to the *******.
Not obstructing my vision.
Don't fight without a reason
You can become infinite
Boundless to carry the skies
I am one on the rise
Beyond the sky's limit!
Nov 2022 · 301
Descovia Nov 2022
Snow has covered everything
The unsettling comfort
composed of these
Lonely and cold times
Turns a heart to stone to indulge
In these harsh winter nights
Brought me to become more
pensive than ever before
Because on days like this
I remember how fragile I am!
That time is precious and
I could just melt for you
any given minute!
I’m just a frozen drizzle,
collected on your eyelashes
Just like this snow on this green
The stars that fill the sky of majestic wonder.
Continous love resonates strongly within my inner being. I breathe in your light and it consumes all tainted and misconceived by voices of lies!
Your embrace made me feel secure.
The warmth of your glow gave me infinite energy!
But, soon enough I’ll be a melted drop of snow...
Like the ones on Christmas trees
after the season is over
You will be my glittery ornament,
that embraced me once upon a time
On a snowy day on Christmas Eve.

- DESCOVIA & Instagram: Cinnamonbunpuns
Nov 2022 · 145
May Your Light Shine
Descovia Nov 2022
Hardships are never eternal.

Good follows, where the bad lingers.

Believe in yourself.

Trust in the universe.
Nov 2022 · 205
Holding Together
Descovia Nov 2022
Truth will inevitably make it's way to you.
Avoidance is futile and meaningless to escape.
When you must come to terms with the issues
you must acknowledge and it make it
easier for the problems you have to face.
Take your time and go at your pace.
Life continues on, sometimes too quickly
I feel like it's a never ending race
Things can be altered in your favor
all you have to do is have a bit of faith
Nov 2022 · 307
Racism Drop Dead!
Descovia Nov 2022
Never had a problem with a sister or brother of color from another mother.

I am all for fun and games. You see?

I love the idea of seeing, COLORFUL Yoshis enjoying rainbow sherbert ice cream on a hot unforgiving summer day.

I have more shades of color, than the pride flag representing LBGQT community all the way.

If the color of my skin, serves to be a threat or issue. My darkness, is a problem for you?  When we are not far, from each other on the shade spectrum?

I believe you are in the wrong on your perspective of darkness. You worried about the WRONG darkness. When we bleed the same red!?  Shame on you. I never wished for your downfall. I been down with falls filling me, my soul suffering accompanied with dread. I'd be a different person worse than hell, if I ever ignored my family's teachings and all the rightful words, of what any mindful mentor ever said.

******* racism. You and your whole clique can drop dead.
Nov 2022 · 119
Shots Fired
Descovia Nov 2022
Another day another dollar.
I give everyday my all.
Knock on wood, I not am taken by tomorrow.  Alone in the dark, sitting in a corner. Missing the times being
in my crib, drinking milk from a bottle. Always at my fullest, this world trying, slowly to make me hollow. Now, I am drinking from bottle just to **** the sorrow.

Running in circles. To be consistent on who to follow.
I am persistent at every percent
Everyone to be content, forgive me for  time not being in reach for me borrow.


Glass shattering. Blood stains the floor and ground. Silence fills, sirens sounds.  Running through the city, trying to avoid lights to find you.  It's not the sound of my mind shutting down. It's a sign the Gods in hand with mother nature wanting to keep me around. Get the point? Guess, you wasted a whole round. I treat all as if they are blessed with grace and crown.   A person like Descovia, once lost from your life, can never again be found, he is this, and that. You can associate me as an advocate with any selected desirable adjectives and pronouns.

Here I am...
There's no stopping me....

🎶You can't stop the reign
Where will you go now?
No no no..
You can't stop the reign
Try again Death.
Life has so much in store for me.
For all of us whom live for love and blessings.
I am just a spellcaster trying to assist fallen angels in getting their wings

Descovia & Kaspir collaboration
Nov 2022 · 396
You Are Not Alone
Descovia Nov 2022
You think you're having
it hard as a healer?

It never been easy to restore
_ from the impact of devastation._

Some angels are trying to get their wings back

What hero you heard or know of
had a good life?

Please, riddle me that.
Nov 2022 · 362
Facts With a Grain of Salt.
Descovia Nov 2022
It's okay. To be unfinished or unpolished.

We seek variety, but exclude vulnerability, when it's all part of culture and living.  We are members of  a transforming world  where similarities and opposites come together in unison.  

There's always opportunities...

Remember this
Don't let the issues or worries
Ruin another bound to be successful day.

You may have encounters, that will make you ill with hardships between a rock and cold, cold 🥶 hard place, on a nice plate. That's your entree, pity for an appealing appetizer, I suppose. For dessert it's rough times!

Beautifully stated, something to look forward to hmmm?

That's the thing to remember ...
There's always something to look forward to in case you ever get lost in the past.

Simple as matter of believing

Seeing everything in a heightened perspective in terms of creating light even from mistakes, and having an eye for the good, although the bad may linger for your company.

The titanic was not built in a day.

If you not going to try, then leave it alone.

Can't cry over spilled or spoiled milk.
It will not aid in cleaning the mess in process or reverting it to original freshness.

However it's more than okay to cry.

When has it ever caused problems for another soul?

It's okay to feel helpless, because it does not mean you are hopeless beyond repair.

Take everything with a grain of salt.

Yes, some days will be more rewarding than others.

You, are worth more than what money can afford. If nobody informed you.

I don't care if your parents never had faith in your spirited accomplishments.

This proud father here, wants to see his own, all children and YOU succeed!

Yes, times will come where you get frustrated or upset.

I believe our very evolution lies within our emotions.

My inner me, believes in the you that can do anything imaginable or extraordinary!

There's no escape, from the obstacles.
I offer these words in terms of you achieving your destiny

I believe in you!!!
Words from a wise man I have never received the honor of meeting, along with my own grandfather, may paradise bless them both in their departure. I am forever grateful fot the lessons provided to my love for me to revisit and learn.
Nov 2022 · 441
Descovia Nov 2022
Eat you foolish meatheads alive, Yeah.
None of ya'll compare to me at all.
You ******* eyesores.
I been on magic ****
igniting incantations.
fire blazing, Harry vs Voldemort
Got a trick or two up my sleeve
guess, I learned a lot Dumbledore.
My light doesn't shine without my son.
Nah homie, no play on words that's not a metaphor
Remove the light, from your world.
Lay you down like the asteroid that took out the dinosaurs
You grindin with three jobs and hustlin like a body builder to get more?
Nothing is going to stop for us.
Me? Gon-gonna Make it happen.
What the ******* out here waiting for?
Gotta keep flowing and lifting weight like my lyrics
Minus the common denominators,
I simplify complex matters and make it visual.
Cause I see, things take turns. People get twisted.
Cause it only makes sense, if it's vivid.
Why you call it "life?" If you ain't even livin it?
Some days, I feel down under my limits, feel limited.
Double shifting is a way of life,
work as hard as I live, talking 10 (am ) to 10 (p.m)
The sword has much power as the pen.
Yet, I dwell in my head on my ******* trips
My son loves my stuff, alas
I question every aspect of my penmanship.
All rights reserved

Reproduction prohibited....
Nov 2022 · 444
Descovia Nov 2022
Fearless to everything
Immune to whatever
evil decides to bring!
I'm nothing to these
mirror-less illusions
Get trampled if you
get in the way of the movement
I'll try until I'm too tired to retire
I'm with playing the fire
Angels in my choir
I promise watch everything else burn
before I watch the fall of
the children's empire!!!

I stay on the live
Get off my back
or get blacklashed!
Red flags get burned
I see you frontin and watchin afar
I ain't about that!
I'm taking on everything
before I let it add on to tolls
The green light
is on me and
I'm the **** I guess....
cause I stay on the flow!
All over the board
until we pass the GO!
Can't even get the 200
You can't even keep a 100
how can you fix ****
if you always remain broke?!
You might wanna lean back.
Be smart with yo words.
Double D without any cap.
Ya'll trying to landslide on me
like your boy over here is a ***
I'm trying to be a family guy
but I might leave you with
handicaps like Joe! Oh?
Line em up. Line em up.
I run through you with lines
I'm not with the games.
I'll make this simple as Tic Tac Toe.
Breaking your mental. I'm in your mind
Criss-Cross out anyone
That stands in my way as foe.
Patience will connect everything
just bare with it, sometimes I forget
the important things that
reminds me what I KNOW!
Clear the path way, for my
children will follow where ever I go!
Ya'll trying to play my life
as it's **** game.
What I look like being
under your control?
wild out with five stars
and get a call from the general
I might go chaos
without need of any emeralds!
I'll attack and won't power out.
Assault and Infinite Battery!

I'm magically managing my way up to Mastery.
Chaos.Complication. Catastraphe
No matter, where I go in distance.
One cannot elude from premonitions.
I require disaster assistance.
Empathic issues, when anger is sensed
it's  like the whole world is mad at me.
I keep adding on to it all like calories!
I'm a walking delusional masterpiece
Spiritual fire, my ice kept me imprisoned
and I wanted freedom, I needed a release!

I know there's no saving me...
My mind and heart will never be at ease.
I wish all gods could hear my pleas...
I pray myself- destruction brings you
Some form of ever lasting peace!

Let me go....
Let me go....
Let me go..........

Fearless to everything!!
Immune to whatever
evil decides to bring!
I'm nothing to these
mirror-less illusions
Get trampled if you
get in the way of OUR movement
I'll try until I'm too tired to retire
I'm with playing the fire
Angels in my choir
I promise watch everything else burn
before I watch the fall of
the children's empire!!!

Rise or fall.
I will break barriers and walls.
I'll give it my everything
before the world takes my all.....
My song writing abilities. GROWING.
I am inspired by you all!
Nov 2022 · 1.2k
Warming Light
Descovia Nov 2022
Just like this beautiful weather,
everything brings changes
The signs, I no longer ignore
a woman like you is worth waiting for.
I embrace the beauty in moments as these.
She is my twin flame, her light, it's powerful.
It's heavenly, it shields me, my soul from freezing
and bounding itself to ugliness. Her warmth is all I need
Ricky & Descovia collaboration

It combines
Ricky M. Martinez's Quote:
Just like this beautiful weather,
a woman like you is worth waiting for.

Descovia's: Everythng brings changes. The signs, I no longer ignore
I embrace the beauty in moments as these.
She is my twin flame, her light it's powerful.
It's heavenly, it shields me my soul from freezing and bounding itself to ugliness.
_Her warmth is all I need_
Nov 2022 · 433
Freedom Awaits You.
Descovia Nov 2022
Act Boldly

Be courageous

Stay True To Yourself.

I promise you. I will fly with victory.
I feel empowered. I feel alive.
I do not know, what the world want me to become.
I'm alone in my world, there's only few of us trying to save and change lives.

Your strength moved many forward.
I'll find my place in power, in all due time.
Love to give, plants to grow, water to spread, mountains to climb.
Puzzling encounters I must navigate with obstacles to surpass.
Changes in the wind all moves with earth so fast.
In the center of the blizzard, I'm fighting all to stay here.
I conquered demons my other side feared.
When we dream, it's true.
We dream of flying.
We can only soar so far in life.
Until one is too sore to soar anymore for amor.
Your wings spread grace and liberty awaits you.
Believe in your destiny.
May you receive from angels above.

Do not forget the people you love.
Dedicated to idol and mentor Jason Vukovich.
Nov 2022 · 492
Happy Halloween.
Descovia Nov 2022
The day of the year
From past times, where we
traditionally commemorated the deceased.
Where witches, ghouls, and minons are
Participating in the festivities  
Deciding between tricks and treats.
The night filled with mystery, magic and superstition
A character from disney or nickelodeon
Might, go to extremes just to get your attention.
Happy Halloween
Oct 2022 · 320
Descovia Oct 2022
You are sweeter than honey.
More valuable than gold.
The goldmine isn't contained in your clothing.
It's behind the walls of your chest.
Few have a place in my invincible heart.
You are connected to me deeper.
You are more than the other
part of my soul.

Dedicated to the love of my life.

I believe in you baby.
Stay strong!
Descovia Oct 2022
Ya'll play around
Ya'll play around
Play around get smoked!
Might put you down
and show you how
I conquer as a goat! (WHOA!)
Don't be a sitting duck,  don't get f* up.
Nip-tucked, get dumbstruck, just hold yo ground
I got your back and stay ready to reload!
Everyone's not your friend but that's okay
don't let them ruin your mode!

Limits come with all that's free expect a fee
They are constantly after my energy
I have a lot of fire in my inner me
I'm no saint, no sinner although sin living in me
I have an arsenal words that hit harder than hennessy!
but they want to destroy every bit of thee but I am not enemy.
When I'm gone, promise they will remember me.

Remember me...
Cursing my essence will not aid your hustle
We all compacted in our own bubble
Feeding the system living off our struggle
While I can, I am making moves
might as well be moving weight with these muscles.
Triple threats hitting me at all angles
**** got me seeing things in doubles
Through it all, I will remain humble
Get on the road. Let's ride. Let's go!

I can disappear like your favorite celebrity going ghost
Hating on me  will not give you faith or strengthen your growth
My emotions been riding through highs and lows
In the waves, I find myself a float as I coast to coast.
Dust to Ash, it all ends if I burn it all. Before I reward the
world with the grace I bring.
For anything, I put that on everything. You all mean everything!
I deserve no God's forgiveness, I'm simply existing
I cannot explain what I been feeling, I know need more than self healing....
Oct 2022 · 224
No Other Like You.
Descovia Oct 2022
If a child ever says "You're beautiful"
They are the purest form of innocence on earth.
Believe in them.
Nobody had it perfect growing up.
Our parents are only human.
They are not designed without errors.
Last time, I checked it's okay to make mistakes.
You're stronger than your situation.
Life is what you make of it.
So don't stress yourself over today.
If tomorrow will provide a continuation or series of opportunities.
It may not be perfectly flawless.
There's no other you.
That is what truly beautiful about your individual uniqueness.
Embrace your authenticity. It's rare now a days.
Handle the toughest situations with a smile.
Cause the tears, do not make you weak.
It's cleansing, refreshing
Remember, from that very thing that once sadden you...
You will acquire new found strength to aid
another going through the same battle.
Your strength much like your presence
impact many lives and builds bonds.
Believe in yourself.
Love yourself.
As you should.
There's no other like you.
Oct 2022 · 206
Silence Falls.
Descovia Oct 2022
When all is surrounded in darkness.
My light will lead way to shine.
Life gives me the high unlike any drug.
If we were to be without color or sound
I rather relapse before I stand down.
My voice will be heard breaking the silence

Oct 2022 · 1.3k
Descovia Oct 2022
I'm cold and dehydrated from vomiting.
I wrap myself up like a taco with
these blankets for warmth and security.
Speaking of which, I only eaten half of one for a meal....

If you are what you eat.
Then trust me, I'm never feeling super sweet.

All the animosity of every living member
increasing weight of gravity on earth
My insides feels as if they are frying on a foremen grill
My stomach gurgling and swishing in my ears
Intensifying pain crushing me
Dragging me by my soul.

Going to spar rounds with Mike Tyson
sounds more appealing. Laying here is beyond eternal suffering.
I rather go through the process
of having all the hairs on my head and body plucked

Before I go through 48 hours of being confined to a bed.
Death **** near gave me the last run for my funds.
I hate this ******* place!

I feel like I'm going to die if remain here!

My appendix was stressed from the amount of anxiety and it decided to depart with an exciting and rather booming fashion per se.

I have went through a lot. I cried until my tears ran dry. My heart feels heavier than the thoughts that loom my mind. Questions float around, my heartbeat and ****** functions doesn't align. The nurses and doctors cannot read mine. I just want to go home. I just want to go home. It's the only place where I belong.

"I'll bring myself to stop complaining
I know for sure, what I'm doing living is enough.
Praying to the stars above
I return back home to the ones I love

Thinking, knowing and being
are three different things
The only thing between death and me is the...


I'm strong. I'll keep fighting until I cannot anymore.
Toby you are stronger than you believe.
Keep pushing yourself.
Cancer will not defeat you.
We believe in you!
Sep 2022 · 123
Descovia Sep 2022
All my life
I had to go
through so much
just to get right....

ALL my life...
Here we are
I lucked up.
Kick me down.
I'll get back up.
In karma I trust.

The universe will protect us.
No matter the fight.
We'll be alright!!

I miss those days
where I could lay up.
Dreams don't play out
Gosh **** Descovia wake up!
Black on black going in again
it's a crime, get your keys off the table
before the SHAKE UP.

Kickin the doors in
running through the halls with adrenaline
I blasted off like I was another minute man.
****, boy I'm so glad I didn't take the Benadryl
I promise, to call Lin but if I hit the Gin again
I wouldn't have freedom to break
bills with Benjamin.

So you think you can live OUR LIFE???
I been at this 30 years
just tryin' to get right
Lights all in your face.
You ready for the highlights?
You really buzzin to live the high life.
Gossip and *******. Fuel me up. I am ready.
I'm on the gaslight

Oh whoa.
Momma forgive me.
I never wanted it hard or easy.
My word is all I got. Please, believe me.
I don't want the same mistakes, on repeat.
Do the right thing. My boy... I'll stand by this truthfully.
Life will be on your case like Judge Judy.
I ride the wave, my life feels like a movie
Say what you want
Your words do nothing to me.
Regardless of what I go through
We gonna be (ALRIGHT)
All this darkness, trying to absorb my light
But it's okay we will be (ALRIGHT)
To the *******, nevermind, I know what's mine
we will be just fine (ALRIGHT)

I kept my power surpressed.
Abilities will overthrow the best.
Mindset is complex, you're too far-fetched
I roll like vex, you roll just to flex.
I can go Broly, with no need to flex.
If I go for your head, it's off wit your neck (OOOh!)
Save the children, keep it all check.
Don't let the empire fall. Clean up the mess.
I put on for my city like my man Tex.
9 to the 5 to the 6, we play no games.
Got no time. To an enemy catch wreck. Sayless.
Burning attack. Run it back! Snap my finger
and release the flames to eat the rest!
If you want a blessing
You better pray for Grace
I keep this **** running
you better keep with the pace
I never move faulty with haste
Trying to keep up with me
This went from a race to  a chase.
I am just trying to suffice and find my place
Only sparing all I can from my own plate
The many problems I gotta face
I am stressing on how to keep people safe.

**** a ******* and you too if you consent to
Aug 2022 · 265
Never Forget Your Destiny.
Descovia Aug 2022
No man or force alive. Can break you down.
From what is meant for you accomplish.
Your heart holds many beliefs, follow them with a strong mind!

There's always room, for a new beginning. There is no need for permanent solutions for temporary problems. You were worth everything poured into your creation from blood to tears in terms of your creation. You do not have to give into the will of being your own destroyer. Your impact is greater than your downfall.
I hope my words are evidence of salvation is obtainable to all whom seek purity and wishes to succeed. The only failure is a person whom does not wish to try or seek guidance.
Aug 2022 · 129
So Far From Home
Descovia Aug 2022
Reaching a place far
beyond my breaking point
I'm in the middle of nowhere
Trying my best to recover it all.
My efforts were absolute meaningless
Perhaps, I am not good enough
I am not perfect but you made me believe so.
I will never come back home.
I never want to leave either.
Where will we go?
If I decided to never come back home?
Aug 2022 · 996
Self Destruct
Descovia Aug 2022
I don't even care on how it be.
I am going to continue to do me.
Fast or slow, why are they stuck?
What the ****?
For real.
Ya'll need to chill
over here busting commands
Recycling hot air, false claiming as a fan
Can't handle the heat from the grill!
Get baked like an oven
I do this as if it's nothing.
Get it right.
Supply and demand
I can do this eyes closed
Look ma, no hands!
You better understand.
I am going to be grand.
One of kind, credit to Stan-ley.
Everyone be on my ****
Trying to get piece of me
I'm not candy, not the begging type
but ***** please, give me time to breathe.
Playing with my patience, is suffocating
frustrating with the fact, you instigating
I'm finalizing what I've been contemplating.
Lack of interest and motivation
Isolation withdrawn by limitations
I am not going, to make a fool of myself
I'm not Mr Satan. I'll absorb all this
like Majin Buu, blow this **** up.
No need for a demonstration...
Watch you all burn and  watch ya'll fall flat.
I Sling and I slash.
Cut you down to size. Just like that.
If I transform there's no turning back.
I'm powering up, going all the way up.
I been dealing with ENOUGH!
I have anger issues

Truthfully, honesty will set you free.
I'm staying on my turf, regardless if the surface gets rocky.
I forget with my ptsd
I fear no hollow or titan. I'm for Blood-C
Which side of us, you want? Don't you with me!!
That’s my bipolar coming in
I cannot be substituted or copied.
I can go for days to weeks without sleep.
Shadow step like a shinagami. OoooOOh.
If I was you, I would be watching my moves. True....

If they wanna talk about it. Then be about it!
You full of yourselves. This why you doubt us.
Putting on show. You fools be the loudest.
I want to keep my son every bit the proudest.
You got too many people, out here wanting to out us.
This is why I put my faith in the universe.
Before I turn you all into angel dust.
If it was up to me, I would ******* any wrong doer
by simple thought or touch
Forgive me, my mindset is bent on justice
through fighting with violence and it's a bit too much
My queen got powers only the blessed can trust.
Other people had it worse, so think before you fuss.
Think twice before you go in a rut, load the chamber
curse it all , and feed the intentions of death's lust.
Because it call could be worse, you could be part of the corrupt.
I know what it's like when it all hits and it's all abrupt.
Now before you let it go, and decide to erupt...
Imagining every impossibility, think before you self-destruct.
Here you are wondering like me.

Another ghetto rhymes and lines piece.
The darkness comes out a bit.
Forgive me, I am not perfect.
Aug 2022 · 656
Memories of You
Descovia Aug 2022
Swimming into the void
everything dying, falling a part
We had an unstable start
We love the feel
of each other's heart
My heart is filled with love
by the mention of your name.
The sight of you does things to me
I am never able to explain
The thought of you still thrills me
I love you so much that it kills me.
I have no complaints. I wanted a life without restraints
The very day we met.
We instantly grew together as a pair
The tinder times we've shared
I can never forget.
World showing us both signs
The feeling of your body
being close to mine.
It's like nothing that I've
Known at any other time
I felt what real love is
looking into your eyes
I want to immortalize
all in your view.
I see something magical
in all the things you do
The dearest thoughts I have
are the memories of you.

Aug 2022 · 514
Descovia Aug 2022
To the pressure, everything's like an illusion
I'll be gone.....
I'll be losing yooooooooooooou......
before long..... before long... before long....

[verse 1]
Not forgetting ****. Big on it too. Like an elephant.
It's obvious and evident. All sides of me in my element.
I'ma specialist-expressionist, still far behind in my development.
If it ain't saving my son, senses, children & women!?
Then **** me. It's irrelevant!!
Meeting my goals seems impossible and
all before me appears indefinite.
I'm a tormentor. Power unmatched I'm feeling stronger than Obelisk.
Make yo bag boy. I don't even care. ****. My mentality is hella spent.
You gotta keep running tho yo.
I am on a wave with a different feel and flow.
I'm back at it to ball, Bring  greens, yo boy ready to roll.
I stay getting high, when I am feeling low.
My child is half my size at 6 years old
**** where did our time go?
I am not keeping up. That's legit. **** all of that, all of this.
I am not tripping on scripted risks. OOOooh!
What more you want?
I am powering up a super sayian and he's learning from a Spellcasting alchemist!
No, there's no help for me now. None of ya'll can assist.
Find peace between the dark and the light
& come together in order balance it.

Bag it all, til we're all bagless. I am not the one, I am NOT done. Going through all these ******* challenges.
Bag of ****, sometimes, I see myself like my dad, over here not pursuing ****,
Incapable and inadeque. leave everything behind with all regret. Sometimes, I just wanna quit.
Ya'll constantly pass the lines, reducing the grind, hating & always assuming ****..
Real *****. Perfectionist. Persistent. Passionate-pacifist.  
I'll lyrically slaughter you all without having to pass a fist!
You worse than over the counter drugs. Cut throat with your fakeness.
You **** with the vision, yet you cannot see it all visibly or vividly.
Realistically. Ya'll don't even count cause most of you are  COUNTERFIT.
Am I winning? Yo, not gonna lie, inside my mind I am losing it.
Their true colors will always come out no need for blueprints
Fire in the summer time, I'm nowhere near cooling it.
War with all sins, in every dimension that exist
I don't wanna live. I don't wanna die.
I rather be me before my child, I'd offer my soul to be a Catalyst.

To the pressure, everything's like an illusion
I'll be gone.....
I'll be losing yooooooooooooou......
before long..... before long... before long....

Our differences makes us unique
Just as I mentioned how our imperfections
Creates our individual perfection
Aug 2022 · 2.2k
Ice Fire 2
Descovia Aug 2022
I been on, and on, and on going at it.
Bring the metal, if you have it.
We can play it out.
I'm paranoid, indulge into the void.
I'm a black Savage, bad as Black Sabbath.
Set your ship, ****-deep,
Your last words, you better
assist with what we can salvage!
The other side of me, asked if you can manage!
I'll take us both out!
Go out. Goku and Raditz
Blasted into King Kait's World
Special Beam Canon.
None of this is common.
None of ths Canon.
I'm no Nick, we wildin' out
Flying high, disregard all by default
without a calculated LANDING.
KOBE!!! ****!  We miss you!
Repent for our sins. Cause we done ENOUGH DAMAGE!
I'm losing my patience and my cool
I'll be ****** if another fool
goes inside a school, with a gun
I'm no mailman. But I will bust out the package.
Go ham on the packet, take it out da plastic!
I'll road-rage-rampage, Laredo Heat
Blacked out Bandit. I am coming for answers!

No water, all Ice with fire.
Pray for help, if he's old enough
To game and gamble, then he can get scrabbled.... like eggs!
Then give him every sample to lead by example
I am not playing games, off with his head!
i am not soft with the dread.
Get ravaged and dismantled
act hard, then get HANDLED!!
Help me. Help me.  Help me....
White noise bringing the realization
from the brain's static
My mind's eye open, I'ma black man,
I know, I know, I know, I know, I
no **** with black magic!
Playing board games, got me bored with your tactics
Try me, you be in Monopoly, figuring why you're "Sorry"
The trouble is on it's way and Trouble is bringing damage
I got nothing else to lose,
My life more wasted than CJ on
highway drifting on xanax.

I will make the best out of my skills.
I am empowered by you all.
Thanks for believing and honoring me.
My decisions to help this world through
the power of words of wisdom and love
Aug 2022 · 1.2k
Descovia Aug 2022
I have never been able to sleep.
Everything toys with me as
my mind wonder into the deep
The clock on the wall
Criticizing my need for momentary peace.
When will I ever be released?
Imagination very active and all is alive.
In my waking moments, I am groggy I strive
only for the feel and desire to survive.
Before, I close my eyes with the sister of death.
Possibilities of the unknown is where it all thrives
My thoughts depart from time to time.
Countdown of spiraling minutes
I'm losing my will to eat and the need to rest.
Shifting away from friends & from all that is left

Aug 2022 · 296
Day Dreaming
Descovia Aug 2022
From across the room
I see your gaze
turn towards mine
even your eyes smile.

Thoughts of you
loom in my mind
my eyes value every
single treasure your heart defines
Making you happy
will never go out of style.
Moments with you are certainly worthwhile
Your love gives me strength and smiles
Cassandra & Descovia collaboration
Aug 2022 · 626
Lonely Nights
Descovia Aug 2022
Maybe it's best if I did disappear
My involvement in life
Improperly positioned in existence
Questioning all within
never will it be clear
I miss you my dear.
Wishing you were here.
Reminding me of all in sight.
Kissing your lovely lips.
Making everything better.
Telling me "Everything going to be all right"
I been feeling off, and in need of recovery.
Praying and hoping, you love me and it's true.
Immensely, my heart beats and yearns for loving you
Looking up at the sky
Emotions take on a toll

Weighing heavy on my fragile soul
Heart accelerating faster than speed of sound
You are nowhere to be found.
Nobody else, I rather be with is around.
I begin to cry...
Because being without my love...
It's like depending on happiness from drugs
Is comparable to separating two beautiful doves.
All things remind me of you in the world
In every shape and form everything does
You are the world to me
You embracing me in your arms
Is the only thing that matters, truthfully
I desire you to remain forever with me
The way it should always be
xoxoxoxoxoxo Love,
Aug 2022 · 669
Reflection: Real Spill
Descovia Aug 2022
If looks could ****.
Nothing against the animals
You would get slaughtered like sheep.

The car and mirror are the two main things
That can display your pain.
You may feel like it's all not ENOUGH.
Geniuses make common errors
It's a miscalculation not a **** up.
It does not have to leave you dumbstruck.
You acting as if you are low on luck.
When it's all vivid and clear.
You need an answer?
It's staring back at you in the mirror

Do not fault yourself for mistakes
It's included in the tests of life
Destiny constructs for you to complete.
Aug 2022 · 1.6k
Summer HEAT
Descovia Aug 2022
The sun got me feeling defeat
I cannot get any relief
There's freaking no love in these streets
Mind over matter, it matters to see
every single one of you eat.
Be comfortable to make your bread and cheese
To death with my inner peace
Before I spell another lie, let it be
I'm going through gears to stay solid, to not crumble!
My name is not to walk on, it's not stairs or concrete.
You can run that on REPEAT.
I may lose focus of topic but I stay on beat!
Sad how some of you look at other or myself
as a piece of meat!
I will give anything for my beliefs.
An arm. A leg. Shoulders. My head.
I promise my son he
got nothing more to lose
other than his baby teeth.
Let that sit and sink in your heart.
I hope all of this hits hard and deep.
I have no issue with Karma
I will be ****** all honor
Before you dread another soul to reap.
Resisting Everything Accepting Peace
It's all a matter of what you perceive
I rather give love for, the universe
returns everything you put into energy to receive
I got enough people living out here
thinking they should call it quits and leave.
You could remove Excalibur from the rock
and bring the evil down to it's knees.
You know what it felt like
Running out of clues
When the Blues seep
and we thought we lost Steve!?
Your family won't be only ones devastated
You better in the name of all GODS
YOU BETTER believe!

Aug 2022 · 1.9k
Thinking of You
Descovia Aug 2022
As I lay here thinking of you
All my thoughts grey and blue
I wish I could see you, I wish I could.
Then maybe my life could be understood
But still I'm down thinking of you

Eye for an eye
Heart for a heart.
Tooth for a tooth
Wondering in consistent circles
I am running and ripping myself apart.
I only want to be part of thoughts
That gave me peace to
live for my truths.
It's all in living color.
Yet, I feel grey and only see blue.
I have a reason to hold my head up
Although I am down in my
feelings, thinking of how much
I am missing you.

Cassandra & Descovia
Never stop pushing for your own happiness.
At the end of every day along with your goals
Nobody else, will root for you without issue
unless it's your own child, sibling or that person is legit.
Honor your aspirations and keep living.
The world needs your story.
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