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Wheer 'asta bean saw long and mea liggin' 'ere aloan?
Noorse? thoort nowt o' a noorse: whoy, Doctor's abean an' agoan;
Says that I moant 'a naw moor aale; but I beant a fool;
*** ma my aale, fur I beant a-gawin' to break my rule.

Doctors, they knaws nowt, fur a says what 's nawways true;
Naw soort o' koind o' use to saay the things that a do.
I 've 'ed my point o' aale ivry noight sin' I bean 'ere.
An' I 've 'ed my quart ivry market-noight for foorty year.

Parson 's a bean loikewoise, an' a sittin' ere o' my bed.
"The amoighty 's a taakin o' you to 'isen, my friend," a said,
An' a towd ma my sins, an' s toithe were due, an' I gied it in hond;
I done moy duty boy 'um, as I 'a done boy the lond.

Larn'd a ma' bea. I reckons I 'annot sa mooch to larn.
But a cast oop, thot a did, 'bout Bessy Marris's barne.
Thaw a knaws I hallus voated wi' Squoire an' choorch an' staate,
An' i' the woost o' toimes I wur niver agin the raate.

An' I hallus coom'd to 's choorch afoor moy Sally wur dead,
An' 'eard 'um a bummin' awaay loike a buzzard-clock ower me 'ead,
An' I niver knaw'd whot a mean'd but a thowt a 'ad summut to saay.
An' I thowt a said what a owt to 'a said, an' I coom'd awaay.

Bessy Marris's barne! tha knaws she laaid it to mea.
'Siver, I kep 'um, I kep 'um, my lass, tha mun understond;
I done moy duty boy 'um, as I 'a done boy the lond.

But Parson a cooms an' a goas, an' a says it easy an' freea:
"The amoighty 's taakin o' you to 'issen, my friend," says 'ea.
I weant saay men be loiars, thaw summun said it in 'aaste;
But 'e reads wonn sarmin a weeak, an' I 'a stubb'd Thurnaby waaste.

D' ya moind the waaste, my lass? naw, naw, tha was not born then;
Theer wur a boggle in it, I often 'eard 'um mysen;
Moast loike a butter-bump, fur I 'eard 'um about an' about,
But I stubb'd 'um oop wi' the lot, an' raaved an' rembled 'um out.

Keaper's it wur; fo' they fun 'um theer a-laaid of is' faace
Down i' the woild 'enemies afoor I coom'd to the plaace.
Noaks or Thimbleby--toaner 'ed shot 'um as dead as a naail.
Noaks wur 'ang'd for it opp at 'soize--but *** ma my aale.
Dubbut loook at the waaaste; theer warn't not feead for a cow;
Nowt at all but bracken an' fuzz, an' loook at it now--
Warn't worth nowt a haacre, an' now theer 's lots o' feead,
Fourscoor yows upon it, an' some on it down i' seead.

Nobbut a bit on it 's left, an' I mean'd to 'a stubb'd it at fall,
Done it ta-year I mean'd, an' runn'd plow thruff it an' all,
If godamoighty an' parson 'ud nobbut let ma aloan,--
Mea, wi haate hoonderd haacre o' Squoire's, an' lond o' my oan.

Do godamoighty knaw what a's doing a-taakin' o' mea?
I beant wonn as saws 'ere a bean an yonder a pea;
An' Squoire 'ull be sa mad an' all--a' dear, a' dear!
And I 'a managed for Squoire coom Michaelmas thutty year.

A mowt 'a taaen owd Joanes, as 'ant not a 'aapoth o' sense,
Or a mowt a' taaen young Robins--a niver mended a fence:
But godamoighty a moost taake mea an' taake ma now,
Wi' aaf the cows to cauve an' Thurnaby hoalms to plow!

Loook 'ow quoloty smoiles when they seeas ma a passin' boy,
Says to thessen, naw doubt, "What a man a bea sewer-loy!"
Fur they knaws what I bean to Squoire sin' fust a coom'd to the 'All;
I done moy duty by Squoire an' I done moy duty boy hall.

Squoire 's i' Lunnon, an' summun I reckons 'ull 'a to wroite,
For whoa 's to howd the lond ater mea that muddles ma quoit;
Sartin-sewer I bea, thot a weant niver give it to Joanes,
Naw, nor a moant to Robins--a niver rembles the stoans.

But summun 'ull come ater mea mayhap wi' 'is kittle o' steam
Huzzin' an' maazin' the blessed fealds wi' the Divil's oan team.
Sin' I mun doy I mun doy, thaw loife they says is sweet,
But sin' I mun doy I mun doy, for I couldn abear to see it.

What atta stannin' theer fur, an' doesn bring me the aale?
Doctor 's a 'toattler, lass, an a's hallus i' the owd taale;
I weant break rules fur Doctor, a knaws naw moor nor a floy;
*** ma my aale, I tell tha, an' if I mun doy I mun doy.
RG The Visionary Aug 2014
I was a lost soul
In this world so cold
Where everyone knows the mind becomes corrupted
Because everything in life is about money cars
and that ****** seduction

Just becareful bcus if u get ****** in
Ull cnfuse love with lust
Money for power  
In it's self a contradiction
But still has Everyman wishing
For the life of a superstar when really it's the little ones that make galaxies

but see we are confused by our own infatuations nd a touch of insanity
So here I am trying to figure out my souls anatomy
Ryan Gabrish Apr 2013
Less ‘ave a spot of fun, shall we?
Sumfin fun to do in ma spare time fo no particula reason,
An’ I like ta share it wif you.

Drop the T’s and pronounce yeh U’s like ew’s
Enunciation is key on heavy consonant words.
Forget practicality an be silly wif it.
Pretending fo a moment,
That there is a glob of peana butta,
On the ref of  yeh mouf.

****** ell and bullocks only take it so far,
Yew must remain natural wif towne
But, simply mumble mimzy’s
Followed by ratulsnakes ‘n’ wota fawllls.

Tha best practice comes wif accenting ull day.
An than ull tha kids will think its ace!
Dowent get aggro, jus ease into it.
An fa ***** sake its Herb not erb.
News Feed

Knowledgehater Gonzalez
July 30, 2012 ·
I hold u and wonder what
You'll be like when ur old
I can only promise u won't
Go hungry unloved or cold

But I can't promise ur life
Will not have pain or sorrow
But my blood, my liver, or bone
Marrow are all urs to borrow

Lol or keep but I can't promise
Ull feel accepted by peers
Can't promise u happiness
Or that u won't cry tears

I can promise to never
Steal a girl from u
But I can't promise what actions that
Other humans will do

I can promise to leave u money
My assets my ear and shoulder
But I can't promise to teach u much
But the basics when ur older

I can promise to clothe u
Or support u in ur arts
But I can't protect u from betrayal
Or a painful broken heart

I can give u all I have
And teach u all I know
But I don't have all the answers
To questions as u grow

I can't promise we won't fight
Or that u won't hear me cuss too
But I can promise that with all my heart
That I will always love u

I can promise to guide u the best
Way I know how to do
can u accept knowing i dont have to
understand u to love u

I can't promise that the boogeyman
In a way doesn't exist
But I can promise wutever demon
Haunts u, I will help u resist

I can't promise not to
Border being hypocritical to u
But it's only because I have seen what
A life of indulging can do

So I promise that I wont always tell
U wut u wanna hear
But I promise to only give my
Opinion then back off as u steer

Wutever u choose even if
It's not my favorite or i feel its not best
i will still support u if u want *******
to hold tight ur dress

cuz if that's wut u truly want
I will love u all the same
Cause ur my son no matter what u
Do or who it is u became

I promise to respect and remain
The friendship we grow to have
Just promise me you'll sympathize
when im strict ur all that i have

if u need someone to talk to
dont think u cant tell me ur sins
cause my love for u never ends like
a circle so dont keep me from things

in your life so i can help cuz
U were the one who saved my life
If ur life was an event on Facebook
I'd hit going! Comment and "like"

see how much I love u tyke?
so much I'd use a cheesy example to
Explain myself, cause looking dumb
Means nothing if it's for u

Cause I'll be the next John Q
I'd do whatever it takes
Cause that I can promise
But some things are not made

For me to be in control of and some
things are out of ur control too
But for what I can't promise I can
Promise I'll be there for u through

The pain it will bring,
And when my opera fat lady sings
I will die happy knowing I got to
Experience the most greatest thing

Which is being ur father
Cause it proved to all those that think
I wasn't capable of greatness
wrong Cause ur the greatest thing

I've ever done or I'll ever do
Next to being there for u
And I promise to do all I can do
If its possible to promise it to u

Promise to be honest with u
And to accept what I don't like
Cause in the end I'll love and support
Anything u chose to do in life

...I love u Juju
neth jones Mar 2024
my mouth hung like an overwhelmed option                        
             i swivel at the window facing
            and stay out the entire day      in this one gawked position
  amazing heat      and an ugg shy of thought                          
    withdrawn     in a mut of mental paralysis
                               by an alcoholic system
                                       on a day off

the day dunks into the eve before i shift any movement
    having sifted the ull                                       
i mix a jar of *** and orange juice
  in the open fridge door

an age dying filter feeder
unk-ing out of brain
Despite my spite, I will forgive
You tonight
I won't wear my pain like armor
Cuz it won't help me fight

Forget wrong or right
Instead let's talk class
But this is no time for laughs
this is u bein left in the past

Your not worth all the pain
Your not worth all the tears
It's funny how heartbroken I
Was throughout the years

Comparing u with my peers
That in my head never could
Measure up the way u would, cuz
On a pedi stool u stood

And I always helped put
You there, blind from seeing
That you were an empty vessel far
from special but looks are deceiving

Intriguing, til it was demeaning  
Feeling not good enough
So all I keep thinking of was ways
To make you think that I was

When you couldn't.cuz I wouldn't
So how could u ever
the reason love hurts is cuz it makes
u forget nothings forever

Like it's emotionally clever
And controls u with levers
Til the day you pay as u endeavor
Your once whole  heart severed

Feeling withdrawn from pleasure
From the love that was lost
Til your consumed by bitter sweet memories that wither and rot

the "I love yous"are now I love u nots
As your Stomachs in knots
The same way it was the day u met same feeling, but twisted plot

How sick is that? leaves u distraught
Petulant and angry
Hiding in my apartment crying
Ashamed I don't react manly

Cuz I'm weak and now im sadly
Feeling lonely from solitude
Trying hard to keep the little dignity
I have left by not callin you

And Begging you to come Back
Or asking how can I make u stay
Ill do anything and everything
I need u here, now,..... today

But it just ....pushes her away
And makes me look so pathetic
Leaving me a bill to pay back the
Self respect I'm now indebted

But that was past tense when I let it
Overwhelm me, not seeing
That she was very distant from the
all mighty superior being

I kept seeing u as but being
Alone forced to go on your own
Makes u realize how to be a guy
That can now be properly shown

How neglected he was when prone
To catering to someone he thought
Was deserving but after serving her
With Respect,that I never got

I Felt so meaningless but stopped
Seeing myself as undeserving
Deprived of the love i needed most
from myself to help the hurting

Cu losing the one I've been serving
constantly giving love away
Not realizing a true lover would give
Something back to trade

Instead of rewarding me like dogs so I got laid as a treat from my master
I felt like pavlovs dog,a lucky ******* Looking back it was such a disaster

So if I was a good boy I'd get an
Ear scratch, or a bone to hunt
I guess to be honest the equivalent more suited would be a leg to ****

Cuz she made me Forrest Gump
In love with a jenny
Too stupid to be offended by the many times she left for any

Man who treated her the opposite
Of the way that I did
Like she wanted to be put Down
Instead of wearin crowns cuz she is

Royalty to me But in time long after she left me for dead
My brain was confused, knowin the aim was happiness but Instead

She's gone so more self aware and  Self repair to bring myself where
I was needed, and now I feel cheated By my own neglect,impaired

So I forgive u cause if incase u care
You'd know that when u left
I didn't see it but I really needed u
Gone to see it was so incorrect

living to please who I respect
And not respecting myself
No wonder I felt beneath her and
Couldn't face the fear I felt

Cuz she left, leaving me blessed so
Yes if u see this u are forgiven
Thank you for constantly teaching
Me the hard lesson I was given

Bringin confidence I had prisoned
And all the sight I lacked from vision
To see how bad I need to be the first
one I love if I ever expect to be given

Another's love which is hidden
In self love that helps reflect
Once nurtured causing it to bounce off What comes off the opposite ***

So after this you'll finally be left
In my past as I have to move on
But I'll never forget all you left for me
as the lesson I keep to stay strong

And as a reminder, that the keeper
Of love is the loves designer
&should; be possessed to address the next love I get if I can find her

And when I do I'll think of you
and Know you gave me the best
Present by not being present cuz subtracting ur presence as u left

Is the reason I am blessed
And I read the email u swiftly
Sent a few days ago to hit me
By saying how much u miss me

And It was sweet but I simply
Can't be weak and entertain
The company of what had come to be the suffering but comforting pain

Cause I see you like I see the casino
Dat left me broke by takin my money
So The teacher of hard lessons Now takes on the form of how ****** ugly

The lesson can be if it's not learned
that's why knowledge is earned
So in my past with tears shed over u
Is where u will now return

Like my memories are her urn
That keeps her bottled to turn
Over in your grave for making me a
Slave to abuse but the burns

Sat bluntly"don't be a dummy
Or she will hurt u again"
Cu if I play with fire like my desire
From the attraction acquired then

I'll never allow it to retire unlike the
love I had and It was strongly felt
But I'll resist u¬ kiss u or Ill miss
u but if I fall again I cant be helped

With my issues needing tissues after I get My hopes up for nothing
So this is goodbye,cuz I must deny
the high I get when just one thing

Leads to another2leave me smothered, high by your scent
But I cant help remember how lonely I was, when u left, I jus say and wept

So it's time to accept the debt
We will now pay in our own way
By seeing what u had&did;;'t want but u want now... as it walks away

After forgiving all the bad moods
The abuse and all the cheating
And I'm not sure what my future path
Has but I know my past is keeping

You and I wish u well keep dreaming
And never ever go believing
U can be loved and not love or ull be in anothers past as he's leaving

You behind like I did in time,thanks for the lesson here's mine
Open eyes, don't help love come out
It needs to be felt, til then ur blind

By a love ull never find
if u keep taking but never give
Cuz true love is like a 69 it can find
A way to receive as it gives
Stormy Bailey May 2015
I love the way you look at me,
your eyes so Full of lust.
I love the way yoU kiss my lips,
I Can't help but want you too.
I know you want to taKe it slow,
but baby can't you see.
Read between the lines and Maybe,
you'll undErstand what I mean.
"Ah took a swing."
He said.

His profile raised,
he drops his head to his left, to face me with his lazy eyes.
I was becoming forgetful second by second
of the dull bulb that hung over my nerves; our skin.

He bared his teeth intentionally, it seemed.
"And cracked open his skull."

His eyelids would always droop down.
But he had wild eyes.
We had a description once,
"Satan's eyes." she said. Right before having another seizure.
T'was a god-crazed epileptic; just our luck.

"But ah didn't see 'at.
Y'see, it ull 'ent black. But ah wus swingin'.
Ah know ah was.
Ah felt'et."

He was lying. Those hits were too spot on.
Intentional. Angry. Mad.

"Ah know y'like me doc. Ah c'n see it in ye face.
Ye legs.
'Ey shake when ah speak 'bout how they bled."

My legs shook..
His voice trailed off into a raspy ending, a whispered sound.
"How they begged."

The inside of my mouth was flooding with saliva.
..How embarrassing..

He smiled.
"'Ee should be ***'nis, ye know. We'd make a pretty couple."

There was a pause, almost too long, before he blinked slowly
and opened his eyes to observe a crack on the wall to his right.
He had complained about it before,
"'Tis too ******' noticeable." He'd say.

He wanted it to be like the other walls.
He wanted it to be neat and gray.
So it wouldn't be excluded, so it wouldn't stand out.
So it wouldn't be treated differently, wrong.
So it wouldn't suffer the injustice of the majority.

He hated things being out of place.
Mostly because he was sick of being out of place himself.
Ironic, I'd say.
He had a passion for making a mess out of his victims.


The timer.


"See ye t'morrow doc."


My legs were planted to the ground he smiled on.


..I think I love you.


Twinkle Aug 2014
I've closed my heart
Locked it up
Thrown away the key
No one is to enter here
No escape for any plea

I shall not burden u with my care
You have your own share to bear
My tears in silent streams they roll
Something u shall never behold

I shall push away every chance
To lean on your shoulder and cry
Though I want it very much
That glimpse of my pain you can never pry

For you my demeanor shall always be strong
Even though I am breaking inside
The only memory ull have of me
is  my smiling face enjoying each stride
Docter Jedingaling here
with mah shiny PhD
so shiny
but u dont have one and u are whiny
but worry not peep
not everyone is as smat as me
trust me
ima docder
meby one day ull understand
that im smarterer than u
and theres nothn u can do
so just acept that fact
and eat a chezburger
with out a PhD
mines still shinyer than urs
because u dont have one
BLitZeD Feb 2016


For the second time around, I won't be too gentle.// You turds can't rhyme for *****, soft as a noodle.// Get rid of that shirt, Wordman, do us a favor.// It ain't bad at all, its just, one size too little.// Ill break you fools in half, straw snapping like a scarecrow// Cowardly lion come out, Monster Smashed you innuendo.// The reason why you got passed by the first time around// Like a girl post some pix up, cut my **** in half, now u goin down// You and Wordman teams up, who cares! a pair of freakin clowns//

let um start off first, either way ur a representation of a man in a hearse /hurt um real bad n rubbed his face in the dirt/the pics that I posted was just a ***** in a skirt/sskkirrt! on this *****, like who you ****** with nerd?/ that's a ****** sweater what u talkin bout shirt?/ an what exactly do you think you rhymed off ****?/ ******* from the start, pulled out and drove straight into the curb/ Asian drivers man, they'll never ****** learn/ a coward vs a lion I guess my warning wasn't herd/ why'd you delete the first battle? you coulda reread my words/ then you'd probly remember to go again would be absurd/ but everyone loves a under dog, makes emotion go reverse/ cause then when you go under dog , the wears not even worse/ an no one teamed up on you,/ I tagged in and hulk Hogan lumped a few/ American Dream, elbow jumped at you,/ then to your defense, in ran gorilla monsoon/ the way I see it, the joker popped both of you,/ a heist on ur thread but that's just my point of view./ sights locked retical red, not a sound with the front mount/ knights drop, clown with a crown, and a jester in bed./ leave um slumped out/ /roar/ I messed with his head/ take my advice and this cypher ...just jump out

Round 2

Let um start off first? Now what the **** was that?// Your no king of the jungle, but a little ***** cat!// A blissful of zits in your face a sign disgusting// BlitZed does not show off his face an ugly duckling// My rhyme is in verse, so fresh with multiple gears on my Hearse// You can't spit for *****, so your *** be going in reverse// A fan of hulkamania? That **** ain't real brotha!.// I bet your next line would be "Hakuna Matata!// You ain't no **** Mufasa, your like that fool Scar hangin out With them ugly *** Hyena// I laugh at you BlitZed, I ******, I flip the script with my skills// Your elbow dropped not fast enough a straight kick up your chest!// This is SPARTA!!!! So jump on out! off to the next round// Welcome to the Writer's Creed, A true MC battleground!//

if this is Sparta then ***** I'm Gannicus,/ two swords in my hand while u attack with some shallow ****/ your **** right I'm scar and ull still bow down to this/ u wont get to far hyenas surround in the mist/ Hakuna Matata but theres reason to worry kid/ shoot um point blank an laugh as he say the dots are blury miss/ from his stomach out leaks guts an curry strips/ no lines to connect, his souls in a hurry, drips,/ out his mouth like his mom as she dines in nutty bliss/ bust um quick like his dad, his sister we both miss/ a cute little thing, deaf dumb n blind, snitch/ I think not, i broke her fingers, a tight grip/ dropped her leg and screamed Hogan wins/ layed on top of her and counted to three/ donkey punched that ***** in the head an continued to proceed/ so ask her how much I give a **** about writers creed //


You claim to be a Marvel-Super-Villain-God-Like / If you are Galactus" I'm Lactose - Bacilli / Fermented like Lactic Acids what I spit!/ A genus of original but your just a make belief/ BlitZed please! step it ^ up a bit higher/ Your dealing with an oldskool underground ****** / None of that Kindergarten *****' of entry level / My words may be shallow but yet sharp as a Razor / Your write- wrist slice the veins blood burst just like a geyser / My word plays undefeated so try a little Monster / I sMashed your Baked Potatoe with chives a little butter / On side some bits of bacon a Cub is now a Lion / If you don't understand, im at work im eating Lunch / Im on break and wasted half of my time you little punk/ But its cool It's all in fun and that's what its all about / In a place full of infected A cesspool full of talent / Respect to my opponent a true Warrior of Poets / A Monster Mash Creator, A Master of Salvation / The bad *** Mr. BlitZed, Will continue this ***** later-/ Here at Writer's Creed, or where ever else you pleased/

A mutant, a radioactive contusion./My ***, gave it gas, now im ******* moving./Onto the end, the finish line, a ******* shoe in./Im new an, your old news, news i knew and /screws im loosing, as we pretend this battle im loosing, wrap it up with a few loose ends, /confusing, a thriving city, up an left it in ruins./Black cloaked, hooded druid, IV fluids, /Gat broke, firing pin, out i chewed it, trigger squeezed now, told you id do it./Ten teeth marks on the barrel, yea EG blew it./Face on some blue ****, stiff Elmers glue tip, /sticky grip, stick um up, Richy Rich, Jackson upper cuts, a Rampage, no *****./Bomb on the stage, chickens with no cluck./Took a bomb on stage, chicken heads, my ***** well ******./Salmonella poisoning, chocked the chicken, she likes it real rough. /In an out, left and right, my blade keeps the feathers well plucked. /Goose and a swan, I recognize no duck, bad luck, body covered up in the back of the truck./One G, no UN, i see, just pun./Mission complete, no fun, grey skies, trust me, no sun.. rains not done. /Bars run from bars, bring the heavens down from the stars, impacts bombard/even from behind bars locked cars explode far, gorilla tactics, no holds bared, reload the AR/Re-roll a new cigar, as i retold, another page from Scar/12 bubbles Gage the contents of this unmarked mason jar./I know your popping some corny something, but i wasn't listening./Busy kicking it with Popcorn Sutton, drinking an smoking **** in the kitchen./These lines must be glitching, space-time the fabrics ripping./Physics are ******, i need a new physician./Watch as my feet move, roots grew planted in a quantum position./Like Groot, stomp um like a twig, raging tunnel vision./A ton of incisions, a gun mixed with questionable decisions. /A life for a life, changes nothing, for both sides the death penalty still glistens./the only difference is the same as this blunt. *****, BLitZ3D is still hitting. /Next time i roar a warning make sure you ******* listen... /
Im already bored with you
I pulled a gun
And a sword you drew
David Nelson Jun 2010
Is there a reason

is there an aisle, for the pile, for just a while
a box, that holds rocks, and room for my socks
  a clamp, to put on my cramp, hold my stamp
   a day, when I can say, it's gone my way
    an eye, made for a fly, without a sty
     a flag, or a paper bag, to cover the drag queen  
      a goat, that you know will float, without a boat
       a house, for my mouse, a lacy blouse
        an imagination, for a nation, needing salvation
         a jeepers, without a creepers, and no peepers
          a kite, that flies alnight, until it's right
           a lesson, learned from confesson, without guessin
            a mole, in every hole, who likes rock and roll
           a nerd, who looks like a bird, that's what I heard
          an oil, our waters will boil, you've ruined the soil  
           a potion, or a lotion, that enhances the motion
          a queen, whos really keen, on old James Dean
         a reason, for commiting treason, in any season  
        a space, in this place, to put my face
       a time, to do my rhyme, is it a crime
      an Ull, unknown to Krull, whose blade is dull  
     a vacuum, in every room, or just a broom
    a way, to ever say, you need not pray
   a Xe, to strong for me, a trace I see
  a yak, the color black, behind my back
a zama, in Alabama, Phi Slamma Jamma

Gomer LePoet...
She deserves recognition
For her work as a technician
Who's expertise is ball bustin
Who majors in *******

Excelling in the field of advance
Hot air production
A profession heckler who
Composes an orchestra conductin

A firework show eruptin
With colorful rants red, and purples
She's acclaimed for rhetorical
Questions that repeats in circles

An elite linguistics scholar
Who's sarcasm is an accomplishment
Very gifted at making
An insult sound like a compliment

And Her stamina to do so
Is like an Olympian who's pleased
Only when her track and field
Meet of slander makes ur ears bleed

A masters degree in belittling
A graduated philosopher for the bitter
Must be a psychologist the way
She attacks my sanity to litter

Insecurities, and doubts and I
Heard she has a phd in hypnosis
Until u start to believe her *******
And this psychosomatic is ur psychosis

A world class magician who's
Tricks leave u perplexed in thought
A novelist who narrates to taunt
Controlling all characters and plot

She wrote the book on torturing
A man and emasculating him so
He may never move forward and
She was in the military I'm told

Historically known for her
intellectual Warfare
Manipulating soilders and utilizing
The grounds to ambush u there

A social tyrant who's brilliant
Political ties help her achieve
Her plan like constituents are
Biased so they're all after me

A paralegal who's unfair and lethal
And to her it's titalation
Unfair is her terms but like a
Perm ull get burned in litagation

A degree in early childhood
Education so she acts like a rebel
Perfecting being childish and
Unaffected by ur feelings on levels

Only a schoolyard bully could
Match, she's my jailhouse warden
Who's power is focused on me
Relentlessly constructing like a foreman

With Her future blueprints to
See what the hell she builds for me
Will look like, and she's also a director
In the ******* industry

So she tells in great detail
Just how I'll be ******
She must have been taught by
Peter pan how to never grow up

Trained as medic who specializes
In one area over them all
Nudering human males
So surgically she removes my *****

After she breaks them and
So I am the constant fool
This exceptional jack of trades
Makes me wish that I stayed in school
sab ariana Oct 2020
i'm on a drug binge
poison leaking from me like i'm singed
singed is a character from league of legends, he leaks out this poisonous gas. after a long night of hard drugs i feel like poison is leaking from my pores much like that guy.
antxthesis May 2015
"I'm content"
"Something's gonna happen, i don't know what it is, i feel it"

three weeks later i'm sitting, wallowing in self pity,
mourning over a love that has gone sour
making cuts after cuts in my skin,
hoping you'll somehow feel it and hear my cry for help.

i carved the word "perfect" into my skin on November 17-18, 2012
hoping that despite everything that happened that day
i'd still feel perfect
or hoping that seeing it every day,
i'd start believing i'm
Pretty even when drowning in tears with swollen
Eyes that are filled with stars, stars that i often fail to see and that
Regardless of these scars that are etched into my skin, i am
Full of life and
Energy that is immortelle and
Contagious even though i always feel as if i can't go on and
Things are too much.

i guess what i'm trying to say is, i should've carved my name into your heart,
Hoping you'll
Always remember that
Someone like myself is hard to find so therefore
I'm yours always and you are mine and i'll
Never leave nor would i hurt you intentionally, and
Although it feels like we're drifting, i still want you here.

but the ice which we stood on which was our love
has broken,
and is melting and you're on one piece
and i'm on another and if we reach for each other,
we'll drown in the ocean of our love.
and i  don't know what i'm saying anymore,
because my eyes are getting cloudy and so is my mind
and all i can think of is you and if you'd cross that ocean for me.
the first letters in bold spells perfect of course
and the second set spells my name
its the rip comin' up

with much reps i keeps my eyes on the prize

g'yeah i improvised on a uprise

cuttin' all the dead weight competition

my ammunition keep suckas in suspension

or lock down when i come around i clown

with the homies and the homettes

got the wet wet to get my brain set

for a drive-by suckas slippin' 40 sippin' 4 dippin' hittin'

multiple switches laughin' at these

punk sons of ******* unload my clips

throw there bodies in the ditches

cut off they ***** n leave it in they mouth

so they know the south

aint no joke loc cuz we smoke

suckas til they wesley snipes color brothers

like me bound for the penitentiary

its a gang were all the low-lifes hang

but things don't ever change

im trapped inside a maze with much blunder

i could've have been successful maybe

if the hood didn't take me under!!!

so many after me cuz we enticed to the same

epitome rap is mind my mind is rap

can't shake the flaks

see my homie in the caddy rollin' with tha **** daddy

gangsta mack kickin' drag to all the hoes with big *****

skipped hardknock classes

went straight to hoods college gainin' knowledge

graduated with honors

from the big timers tellin' me how to make a move

and don't get caught up in the groove

u gots to play it smooth

and be vigilant on ya closest friends

cuz they'll pretend to be ya homies but after ya dividends

thinkin' this bank roll they gone spend? but i lends

my lue to no one only a gun

up in ya grill piece thats the only peace

i see you laying and becomin' one with death

heartbeats slow no hards breath

when i commence to ****** know ya never heard of

me cuz i strike unexpectedly im makin' money

by the ton thats on the one son

ull catch me rollin' in a pimped out 97 honda

maybe id be better off dead if the hood

wouldn't take me under!!!
Not in the mood to be serious,
I'm serious about that..tho..geez
I guess we have to be what we
Don't wanna be like wannabes

I may have a disease
That isn't a disease yet
So they'll name having brain
damage With no brain damage  I bet

After me, cause my condition
Is this affliction, in addition
Ive lost my sense of Volition,
i need a placebo prescription

Which is how they treat symptoms
Of depression and god only knows
What else where's dr House to help me out?
I'm also sick with growth

Without the growing up,I'm
Going nuts or am I there?
And I guess if unfair is fair
In life then I'm exactly where

I'm suppose to b but exactly where
That is... I don't know
I feel like I dropped my uppers
And downers and have no

Clue which pill is which, cuz I
Can't tell up from down
I didn't need clown college at
All I am a self taught clown

Wearing a Burger King crown
In a hospital gown
I need a human lost and found
Cause I'm lost but I found

Myself being lost
so am I found Or not
I'm starting to feel exhausted
From all this intellectual thought

That's habitual so I'm not
Thinking straight at all
No wonder I'm driving crooked
And when ppl call

U can ignore it but important
Is knowing if u dare
Try that with nature ull understand
Why I just changed my underwear

I need to repair my impaired
Brain functions I'm scared
I feel confused and weird like I
Shared my **** pipe with the mayor

Or ex mayor but expect there
To still replace him with a new
Incompetent with a  conglomerate
System so if rob ford in truth

Was high what's the others
excuse But I don't really care
Cuz u can't pick a ***** if its
All **** so ill just skip aware

That I can't complain or dare
Want change and that is fine
We're kept so in the dark that we
All vote def dumb and blind

Cuz who knows which **** hides
A secret agenda, well in truth
They all have plans but some are
Not as destructive so you

Never know but I know abuse
Is a temptation coming with power
And no man in power is ever
Clean I mean I wouldn't be so sour

I'm not but look at the twin towers
That's what power can do
It's too complicated I rather be
Jaded and throw dead pigs just too

Fuvk with the ppl who say
"Not til pigs fly, will I" and you
Probably would call that Crazy
But I call it swine flu

Where are u? I can't find you?
But I keep calling your name
Which ended up being my own
Name which isn't as insane

If u thought like me, but a monopoly
On crazy town property is mine
So for now you'll have to setts
With normalcy and define

Things as crazy or not crazy
But to me it's not that way
Cause the truly coo coo are the
Ones too quick to label insane

As if to make them feel sane
But thoughts are the same
In the sense that we all view something
and instinct detains

Our response to a situation
With consideration of morals
Ethics, etiquette and if they
Have a false sense of bein immortal

Making our decisions a portal
To the world as we see it
Which proves that we can be on
Different planets and still be seated

Next to each other Jesus
Id say That was brilliant if you
Asked me but if u don't ask me
I'd be, like....pshh..? Who asked you?

So in conclusion I conclude
With ....nothing at all
I am no more enlightened than I
Was before I wrote this so we all

Can agree I just wasted your
Time and some of mine
But a hen in the hand is worth two
In the bush or something that finds

Better suited to this foolish
Diluted convoluted and stupid poem
plz excuse it as it comes straight from my  
haunted house of a dome

where fuses are likely blown
Which is why I don't know
Why my parents say the lights
Are on but nobody's home

I guess it's a figure of speech
I want to make figures with speech
But I can't even fix my figure I'm weak,
so I may wither while Greek

Is how the world speaks to my
*** dont get that? Let it pass
And it's time I end this poem of
Literary genius sprinkled with class

Live well and prosper. Or live in
Self created garbage like Oscar
Quote 4 IQ:a doctor,then 4strength
a boxer,&end; with ...Jodie foster

A witty quote from a philosopher
Or Maybe even an author
So u end the poem soundin smart &
Strong then run off like a robber
didnt feel like being too serious and wanted to keep my readers in a playful mood
Juliana Apr 2021





Phantom Poet Oct 2018
Sometimes let go,
It's less painful than holding on,
To let yourself evolve and grow,
It hopeless to hold on,
To hope,
To barely survive,
To hope for something to never happen,
To expect and believe,
And eventually be broken,
Because you didn't let go,
Because holding on,
The rope will break,
Ull be taken for granted,
You loose your value,
You won't get what you wanted,
It's an ugly thing but true,
There is no point in holding on,
When eventually ull be left,
Left to eat dirt,
Left alone,
There is nothing as hope,
It's a lie,
So just let go
*** ever you want to percieve  it
poetrylover17 Jun 2014
ure the slow poison,which looks otherwise
the patient killer with a criminal mind
im that moth attracted to the light
im that victim completely blind
ure the flame which ignites
the matchstick that shines bright...
at first,for a while...
n then only to die...
but my ashes will remain
n time erases time
n ill be the one who will survive
ill be the cure to ur bite
ill be the one with the fresh start
n ull be the one alive,but a with a dead heart
Desire Jan 2019


Inspired by my good friend/Marine: @justinebashour_ YOU ARE AWESOMENESS!!
Turn your flaws into FLAWS, learning from experiences and responding to them accordingly and appropriately.
Katrina May 2013
another night sparks the dark to light,
a family is seen.
a home, a job, a life

u begin to search for the thunder.
only to find the other path is chosen.
things make sense as u see him.

an unexpected smile apears on ur lips
knowin that happiness has grown
with the comfort of a home.

u still wonder wat caused the confusion.
thinkin bak u wonder.
what was so appealing to this path

the other was so thrilling.
but just a phase.
somethin that wasnt real.

time to wake.
u look next to u.
hes asleep still.

he snores and twitches.
u smile and no wakin up to anythin different
would never b right.

u stop to think of what if.
if the thunder was chosen wat would happen
u no ull always b curious.

always wantin another taste.
always able to enjoy its presence.
but nothin will change wats meant to b

no matter how thrillin thunder can b.
ur heart is taken...and thats that
Stories of Exes.2
japheth Nov 2019
dear you,

im hurting so much. i don’t know what to do. you gave me an idea of what it could be to fall for someone again and when i finally figured that i should give back, you started drifting away. it started with you being busy and then you just slowly don’t text as much as you did before.

i’m sorry if i lashed out, for being honest. for telling you that im hurt. because you told me you could put up with it. you told me it’s okay. you told me that u like me. but i guess you’re  now starting to regret ever saying those words because i don’t even hear u say it anymore. you’re not assuring me that you’ll be here. that you’ll stay.

my friend told me that i should go all out. that i should start loving and making an effort to fall for u even if it hurts. im doing that now. i learned that i should just give out love because once i get tired, it’s gone. but i don’t think mine will just be gone.

im giving out 80% now that you’re giving 20%. it hurts so much. i never thought actually telling u that i like u ever helped. it’s as if, you’re done playing with me. was this all a joke? u got the *** since we were both *****. but is that it?

i know ur going through a lot of problems now and i dont want to be part of it. but the more i try to disassociate myself as part of your problems, slowly im becoming one.

u know what hurts? when u told me na ur disappointed in urself because you cant keep up with my efforts. the fact that u know it and cant follow through hurts so much. but i will stay. ive never given myself fully to a person so if u suddenly tell me na u dont like me anymore, then i wont have any regrets, let this be my way of testing my own limits. on how long i can stay till i finally realize this is worth it.

retrograde is ending in three days. im afraid that when it ends, our relationship will too. and u know what scares me? if we do end, in three days, ull go on with ur life the way it should be and mine will never be the same again.

as if from the very beginning i was only an option. a game u won but for u has no bearing.

but in the bright side, retrograde is ending in three days. im excited that when it ends, our relationship will start fresh again. and if we do start again in three days, we’ll go on with our lives the way it should be and both will never be the same again.

telling me from the very beginning i wasn’t an option. i am your choice. we stopped playing the game.
Not in the mood to be serious,
I'm serious about that..tho..geez
I guess we have to be what we
Don't wanna be like wannabes

I may have a disease
That isn't a disease yet
So they'll name having brain
damage With no brain damage  I bet

After me, cause my condition
Is this affliction, in addition
Ive lost my sense of Volition,
i need a placebo prescription

Which is how they treat symptoms
Of depression and god only knows
What else where's dr House to help me out?
I'm also sick with growth

Without the growing up,I'm
Going nuts or am I there?
And I guess if unfair is fair
In life then I'm exactly where

I'm suppose to b but exactly where
That is... I don't know
I feel like I dropped my uppers
And downers and have no

Clue which pill is which, cuz I
Can't tell up from down
I didn't need clown college at
All I am a self taught clown

Wearing a Burger King crown
In a hospital gown
I need a human lost and found
Cause I'm lost but I found

Myself being lost
so am I found Or not
I'm starting to feel exhausted
From all this intellectual thought

That's habitual so I'm not
Thinking straight at all
No wonder I'm driving crooked
And when ppl call

U can ignore it but important
Is knowing if u dare
Try that with nature ull understand
Why I just changed my underwear

I need to repair my impaired
Brain functions I'm scared
I feel confused and weird like I
Shared my **** pipe with the mayor

Or ex mayor but expect there
To still replace him with a new
Incompetent with a  conglomerate
System so if rob ford in truth

Was high what's the others
excuse But I don't really care
Cuz u can't pick a ***** if its
All **** so ill just skip aware

That I can't complain or dare
Want change and that is fine
We're kept so in the dark that we
All vote def dumb and blind

Cuz who knows which **** hides
A secret agenda, well in truth
They all have plans but some are
Not as destructive so you

Never know but I know abuse
Is a temptation coming with power
And no man in power is ever
Clean I mean I wouldn't be so sour

I'm not but look at the twin towers
That's what power can do
It's too complicated I rather be
Jaded and throw dead pigs just too

Fuvk with the ppl who say
"Not til pigs fly, will I" and you
Probably would call that Crazy
But I call it swine flu

Where are u? I can't find you?
But I keep calling your name
Which ended up being my own
Name which isn't as insane

If u thought like me, but a monopoly
On crazy town property is mine
So for now you'll have to setts
With normalcy and define

Things as crazy or not crazy
But to me it's not that way
Cause the truly coo coo are the
Ones too quick to label insane

As if to make them feel sane
But thoughts are the same
In the sense that we all view something
and instinct detains

Our response to a situation
With consideration of morals
Ethics, etiquette and if they
Have a false sense of bein immortal

Making our decisions a portal
To the world as we see it
Which proves that we can be on
Different planets and still be seated

Next to each other Jesus
Id say That was brilliant if you
Asked me but if u don't ask me
I'd be, like....pshh..? Who asked you?

So in conclusion I conclude
With ....nothing at all
I am no more enlightened than I
Was before I wrote this so we all

Can agree I just wasted your
Time and some of mine
But a hen in the hand is worth two
In the bush or something that finds

Better suited to this foolish
Diluted convoluted and stupid poem
plz excuse it as it comes straight from my  
haunted house of a dome

where fuses are likely blown
Which is why I don't know
Why my parents say the lights
Are on but nobody's home

I guess it's a figure of speech
I want to make figures with speech
But I can't even fix my figure I'm weak,
so I may wither while Greek

Is how the world speaks to my
*** dont get that? Let it pass
And it's time I end this poem of
Literary genius sprinkled with class

Live well and prosper. Or live in
Self created garbage like Oscar
Quote 4 IQ:a doctor,then 4strength
a boxer,&end; with ...Jodie foster

A witty quote from a philosopher
Or Maybe even an author
So u end the poem soundin smart &
Strong then run off like a robber
didnt feel like being too serious and wanted to keep my readers in a playful mood

Hey steph wats up
I was gonna jot something down that would make u tear.
But i dicided to spare you, but let me make one thing clear.
since ur moving away and trust me that sux.
im gonna make u feel sad cuz I GIVES NO ***. (lol)

Big deal ur moving its not like i care.
But some things ill miss are ur eyes and that STARE.
Ur smile is ok, i guess thats cool too.
And THAT *** OH! THAT ***, girl wat that *** do?. (****)


Your as cool as they come steph, what else do i say
I wish for you all the best,    EVERYDAY!!!!!
Keep urself focused on what u wanna do
I know ull help alot of people problems even the KOOKOOS!

"I admire the strength u have and the courage u have shown"
"In facing all your hardships and troubles that youve known"

I stole that one.

Love ya googz its not goodbye cuz goodbye insinuates "forgetting"
It may sound like tragedy
But beauty lies in calamity
The obstacles that test us
That make us and test our sanity

Self consciousnessness vanity
insecurities causing pressure
Forcing us to experiment with
Our limitations that help measure

What's important, what we treasure
What we sacrifice for pleasure
Giving us vision of clarity to find
What were carrying buried never

To be seen until bad weather
Makes us reach deep inside
To pull out courage that couldn't
Flourish without desperation to try

Our resilience that's why brilliance
Comes from hardships facing
Us opposed to expose weakness we
hold and learn to control making

The wrong move or fall to the
Inevitable damage inflicted
Helping us discover the strength
Covered never needing it evicted

But the loss of comfort from
bad situations start to train us to know
Our capability til like a distillery
our body produces an adrenaline buzz

That gives confidence like beer does
Like whiskey like ***
A natural substance like adderol
Now seeing the potential that some

Never uncover until there smothered
In fear nerves and sweat
Reminding you that a man
holds in his hands all he needs to stand next

To hurricanes and endure the rain
Cuz if he boards a plane and runs
He'll never know if he can survive &
if he runs the next time u come

To face fear it'll never be done
You'll always live scared your not
Able to stand your ground and reach
Deep down and evolution will stop

So sacrifice causer a loss
Is the cost of what will be found
Learn to be the master
of what happens after a disaster surrounds

Cause a master sees faster means of
recovery then goes to master these
Compilations of complication
s in the Situations of a catastrophe

And then he'll always have with him
the tools to fight Cataclysm
And learn to shape fate and hate
to tolerate misfortune like its Fascism

And by the end the little mishaps
And trials and tribulations
Will be welcome as u learn the pain
is worth the outcome&inspiration;

Not to mention the confirmation
That misfortune brings fortune
Like any adversity brings pain like
Surgery but the aftermath assuringly

Will be more asset than liability as
your left with something intangible
The knowledge that you are stronger
Than you imagined& still amicable

So charge toward fear, stand tall
Never hide or run away
Cuz unless the earth breaks
ull survive the earthquakes, and be ok

Hardships, cataclysm catastrophe
Calamity&disasters; are unusual
Cuz their misfortune brings fortune
So remember tragedy is beautiful

My flows orbit more than the earth around the sun the holiest one
My gun even pack a gun
Cuz im so ruthless
Even left the devil toothless true rebel
Underground king
Make enemies sing
war cries
my intellectual  lyrics
Beyond the sky
Off the aurora enticin euphoria
Psychedelic illusions
Mastermind of the confusion
Master of the ceremonies
My mic be my crony
So when ya see me act like ya know me
Dont play that never been wack
Ill smack ya so hard ull end
Up back in ya birth sack
Smokin' rat packs blastin' gats
Causin' much chaos
Calamities all over the earth
I been born for the mic since my birth
No girth
Can withstand
The infrastructure of my tactics
Worldwide mobbin'
Figures messages get delivered
When they hear
So many spirits get quivered
Lost in the time zone
If ya dial my phone
approach caution
cuz it might be ya final home
Funeral home another addendum to my tome
servicin' drones
so i bet yall leave me alone
make scrilla thats leave splits
like reciprocals
Residue income battle
any individual
subliminal military minded
Makin' more space than a black hole
Leave all competiton in a fold
Hira malik Mar 2018
hearts are the weirdest place to breathe in.....

one can never understand the meaning of life
so much it unfolds , reveal every time
bit by bit, sort it out in ur empty eyes,
ull feel the rush of world in ur blood..

sometimes it bestows wen u are in no need,
sometimes it snatches when  u are in dire desire
sometimes it dreams when u are in search of real reality
sometimes it runs so fast that tiresome encircle ur feet
sometimes it bings rainbow when black and white is ur attire
sometimes it darkens circles under ur eyes, when u want to brighten up the sight!

breakings , make up the fragile person inside u,it makes u more stronger.. sometimes unsaid talks are more good than one with endings..i always remained a perfectionist, completing unfinished stories, without fearing the consequences, but with time i learnt sometimes leaving behind as it is ,more soothing than when u try to fold things ...

hearts are the weirdest place to breathe in..

Hira malik Feb 2019
Before sunrise
Ull be fine
A reincarnation of a heart
When u just feels like a great loss
Wearing red lipstick
I keep my lips apart
Whirling in my head
Hundreds of thoughts
I as a barren parrot- land
Sing songs of urs
Of ur eulogies
How much this land barren
Needs an ale of ur magnificient eye
Raising hands with thousands of apologies...
I nest my heart up on the clouds
Those breathe my sight, those long for an insomniac eye....
Yet charisma leaves me unsight
A love to ponder, a loss to survive....

Shaken this world by trillion words
A pitcher of mine, still so much soaked in thirst...
Someday ill shout out the voice

Hearing a thought, like a murmur in my head
I am gearing a ride, something like that
Turning around on every step
As if i have lost my mind under striking steps;just finding myself!
mûre Oct 2012
I  a m  b e ll y up
w ait ing f or the g ull s.
Latina1813 Jan 2019
I missed my chance to say farewell
You taught me more than ull ever know
I should have grabbed ur number
I should have text
I should have wrote that letter
To ur parents
To tell them
Maybe i didnt know u well
Or at all for arguements sake
But i knew you were great
And ive said b4 i can b corny
But if im serious
You were a slice of humbolt pie
And the icing on the cake
U were someone id call a friend
U were someone i respect
U taught me more than ull ever know
More than i can nor could admit
I miss u almost every day
Whenever i hear R.E.M
Whenever i remember the difference between apple juice and apple cider
The joke was in the question
They r one and the same
Ur wit was amazing
U were amazing
I lost amazing....
I never got the chance to say anything....
That u were important
That u gave me a chance
That u were my friend.
And now its to ******* late.
How could you pass away?
My boss passed away....
Surbhi choudhary Jan 2016
Who is he? ..A stranger ?..
A blessing or danger...
Things going smooth life is fun...
Will u survive with it or jus simply run...
Don't be anxious u never know what's next....
Just be focused n leave on him the rest...
Someday will come ull have it all...
For which u would urself love to fall...
You make it so hard to talk
about serious issues
I never meant to be a
Reason tears hit tissues
It's a tough situation we
Now find ourselves in
And I got no instruction Manual
that tells me if
My next move is right
Chances are its wrong
I want to believe our love
Was way to strong
To be beat by what's at our feet
But maybe it's not
I can only be what I am
And im sorry for all I'm not
My stomachs all in knots
I wanna make the choices
That stop or prevent
our angered, raised voices
But resentment poises
And stands opposed
But when I communicate
U act like case is closed
If I were to give u a rose
It would be the wrong color
I do one thing and it seems
I should have done another
Constantly criticizing me
Telling me what's gotta change
When I've changed enough
Things and yet it's the same
Nothing's ever good enough
You always find a way
To make me feel like I'm the
Problem somethng new everyday
And I just can't alter Everything
that makes me, me
I've never asked u to change who
Your were or ur beliefs
So why should I, and when
Did u start to hate
EVERYTHNG I am like I'm
Gods biggest mistake
I've only ever wanted the best
For you and me but
I have compromised things
And tried to clean myself up
And be better like u asked but
Funny and hurtful thing is
I never asked or demanded u
To ever change ****
Now I feel less loved and
More judged as if I
Am competing when I am
Already the best guy
To ever be in ur life or hey
Maybe I'm wrong, my mistake
So now I win the "biggest loser"
Without a decline in my weight
I won't top that line ...
So that must mean its the end
I'm sorry I did my best ill
Always love u bye , best friend
Soulmate lover, ull always
Be on my over active mind
Are we going seperate ways or
Is someone getting left behind.....?
it's like we're falling apart
And maybe it's goodbye this time
Are we going seperate ways
Or is someone getting left behind?....
Sphoorthy Soma Feb 2015
I love the love u love me
I hug the warmth u give me
I live in the heart u gave me

I wil b lieing if i think ull leave me
Coz one cant leave their home
As home to u is always me!!
It will be ME !
poetrylover17 Jun 2015
under the rain again .

My soul purpose - to get her back up.
She has fallen, & it feels like a part of me is gone.
Something is missing.
something is Wrong.
Nothing else mattered.
None except her existed.
I'm gonna keep her going,
Doesn't matter where i stand.
Ill b her oxygen ,ill do everything i can.
I can see right through it.
I know how she feels.
That expression is just a mask.
How well she conceals!
I admire her strength to keep moving on.
The way she suppresses the pain,remains headstrong.
Ill wait for as long as it takes.
Your shoulder to lean upon.
I believe in u honey,
ull end up better,wiser n strong.

And when ur finally able to smile freely again.
When uve made through all the pain,
Uve kicked away all the stress and strain.
Ill hold ur hand,
And we'll race thru and dance under the rain
Again. :)
Aysha Ahmed May 2014
You sit there next to me
Knowing how I feel.
You act normal.
So is it just me?

Am I the one with thoughts in my head
Insecurities that are left unsaid.

Problems with this
Problems with that
Feeling like our relationship
Has just gone flat.

The world was against us
We thought we'd prove them wrong
Now everything's crashing
It feels like a tragic love song.

The tune so slow
The words so deep.
The pain behind it all,
I can feel it as I crash and fall.

Hoping ull save me
Take me to my destiny.
Hoping its meant to be
You and me, we can be free
How will things work out? Only time can tell. Time heals all wounds but can time fix problems?
Phantom Poet Apr 2019
There are heroes,
Who are people who fight evil,
To save lives,
They have the will,
To stay alive,
But now we have a new villain,
Depression, anxiety,panic,OCD,
And many other pain,
And all it takes,
Is a smile,
Or a 'hi',
Ull see people shine,
Just a moment of happiness,
In their troubled life,
No matter how much Ur broken,
Always make people smile,
And a smile so genuine,
So anyone can be a hero,
So go out there,
No matter what,
Go be a hero.
Inspired by many cool video games
Hira malik Dec 2016
O meet me through the times
When leaving is evident
See the sun, setting its rays far beyond east
And love is blooming in air, inside dead feel of a body
Like a flowing stream, that has no start no end
Likewise my heart beaming tonight, with your love , in ur love
Seek pleasure through my ways, seeking the pain i felt in ur rememberings,
Ull never see parting of clouds or rain or breeze
In ur heart, from my soul, and ; this is my light
A light to the solemn heart of mine
Propelling me towards thr heaven of skies!!
Alexis Rosario May 2016
I gave you my heart, I gave you my soul, but that perfect girl, I don't wanna play that role. Because a role like that doesn't exist, for Gods sake, and in a world like this.. Where you're already penalized and accused for being fake.
I do what I can, not to please people, but to only please my need to do the right thing for myself. And myself can't take another dropped head right in front of my face... Oh wait... That dropped head is me... It's my reflection and sometimes I can't even recognize her.. So is it me? Or is it my dark chapter.
sigh who am I kidding, my story book is unreadable. But my upfront is as clear as I let you see it and maybe to you, I'm unbleedable.. But between you and I shed blood just as well as I shed tears.
Look at me in the face and ull see that my bleeding heart is my tears!
Understand that I may look like a coward, my heart is built like a rhino. Strong enough to take the pain but the ones left like me aren't shy to being endangered, and chance is our risky game.   (more to continue soon)

— The End —