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Joshua Haines Aug 2017
Conservatives cannot admit
that the White Nationalists were wrong
"But what about Black Lives Matter.
But what about the Alt-Left.
But what about what Fox News said.
But what about what our ******* cartoon of a president said."

Think for yourself.
You are feeling bad for Neo-Nazis.
They killed people.
They have a history of killing people.
They would **** everyone that isn't white.

This country has become disgusting.
A large portion is defending the actions of terrorists.
White Nationalists, ISIS--
They are, literally, the same.

You cannot be peaceful
when it comes to Nazis.
By sympathizing with them,
you are condoning them and creating more.
The only good **** is a dead ****.
Be a ******* person,
think for yourself,
recognize true evil
when you see it,
you brainwashed *****.
Ashley Centers Dec 2014
Let's hold out hope for the crippled.
Hope for the crippled?
No thanks, this crip doesn't need your hope.
This crip needs you to stop.
Stop labeling me.
Stop feeling sorry for me.
Stop pitying me and my 'poor life'
Just ******* stop!
No, really, I'm okay. I don't need you.
I don't need you or your miracles.
Don't tell me God works miracles
And to hold out hope
Because maybe one day I'll walk
Or maybe I'll get to see from both eyes
Because God works miracles
But you're too busy fixing what isn't broken that you forget
If I was truly made in his image this crip doesn't need healed.
This crip doesn't need your prayers or miracles.
This crip doesn't need your God or your salvation.
This crip doesn't need your hope.

Poor soul, she's diminished by her disability.
Diminished by my disability?
The only thing I'm diminished by
Is your inability to understand
That before anything else I am human.
I make mistakes and have flaws.
I feel, probably more than most,
And sometimes those feelings get in the way.
I empathize but I am done sympathizing.

You say my wheelchair is a blessing in disguise.
Why can't it just be a blessing?
A blessing that comes with lots of lessons.
Some that I learn the hard way and some that come easy.
But this wheelchair doesn't need a reason
To teach me (or you) a lesson.
Sure, it frustrates me when a wheel breaks or I fall on a broken sidewalk
But it teaches me humility and patience.
And there's no reason to disguise that this wheelchair is a blessing.

So, please take your hope and pity
Your guilt and salvation elsewhere
Because they're defeating the purpose. They're detracting from the point.

I am not diminished by my disability.
I am not to be quieted or pitied
I am not your reason to feel guilty
I am not a burden
I am human.
Umi Jul 2018
Even if I’m alone now, from our yesterdays,
Today is born sparkling,
Like the day when we first met
But what good is a heart if it keeps on aching,
Spirit away in the stream of thoughts, the answer is unclear, always.
Even if I sink even deeper into the embrace of the sea,
I will remember the light of better days,
The whereabouts of the heart have faded,
The kiln has no flame to possess,
Cinder is what is left of this burnt away past.
Mother Purity has been staned by anger,
Sympathizing with fury is a lost cause,
A widdow without a child who cries for help,
But who will answer but the voices from within ?
At least the ghost of the night carried her to sleep,
At least she doesn't have to die in a dream.
The dream which shattered long ago

~ Umi
Devashish Kumar Mar 2015
She was vengeful.
But against whom could she retribute her vengeance?
The rich guy who ***** her and ruined her life?
The police for harassing her in the name of interrogation?
Lawyers who tormented her and ***** her all over again with the twenty questions?
The inconsiderate jury who were bent on paying their children's school fees?
The lab assistant for lying to the jury that she had absolutely no sign of being ***** and she was making this up only because she got pregnant in the act?
The parents and teachers of the evil vandal who made him that way?
The media who were more interested in making it to the front page rather than sympathizing with her?
The government for taking safety precautions so lightly?
Neighbours who looked her down with contempt?
Or herself for not being strong enough to protect herself.
Whom could she blame?
JJ Hutton Dec 2010
Some get that way by playing it safe,
memorizing mantras, righteously abiding by rules,
some get there by cutting seams,
lost in purposelessness, partaking of
ether, marijuana, alcohol, or anything
that's buzzy enough,
some find their sweepstakes in curls,
in fantasies, on the internet, or in the aftermath,
some claim the spoils, some gracefully accept
determination, some divorce their wives,
some happily raise their pulse to the heavy metals,
some review albums and cut down the *******,
some write love stories for our grandmas,
our moms,
our ex-girlfriends,
some find it in politics, right winging, left winging, chicken winging,
some in bomb threats,
some find it in supremacy,
others in melting pots,
some cheer up over breakroom chitty-chats,
some in **** ***,
some in sympathizing with pedophiles trapped in iron lungs,
some when they have hit the bottom rung,
some by rationalizing,
boosting themselves above half-wrongs,
to coast on the half-rights,
some by breaking up,
some by declaring war,
only to get discouraged, yet proud of the scars,
some kids dance to experimental music,
some write blogs about capitalism,
some find it kicking it with bitter vegans,
others while murdering their parents,
but everyone is a winner,
everyone is right,
everyone has earned the paycheck,
the vacation,
the **** wife,
and the key to eternal life.
Copyright December 16, 2010 by J.J. Hutton
Deep Thought Jun 2018
Today was the day.
Thinking how mad could I actually be.
Even thought of the ways I'd do the deed.
I knew exactly how to succeed.

All of this need to be taken from this world.

From the beginning,
I felt abandoned.
My 17-year-old birthmother gave me up.
& my birthfather didn't even show up.
12 years later,
God took the only mother I'd ever known.

I'm writing to the ones who drown in these turbulent waves.
Sympathizing with how suicide seems like the only outlet.
Especially when you sense is the walls closing further in.
Perhaps this is where we must begin.

We're all in pain.
Few of us choose to admit.

There must be people who ask "what's wrong?" & truly listen.
Don't assume you know what we're going through.
Chances are you have NO CLUE.

I told God this was truly my lowest point.
Even asked Him if He could sit by me & eat chips with me.
I believe He did.

The Holy Spirit began to say,
look at Matthew 4:1-11 the devil tempted me too.
Christ said,
I've been there & I didn't eat food for 40 days.
Which is why my Father sent me to save you,
& to show you how much I love you.

This was when all my worries passed away.
My hope is our stories will get better from here.
Matthew 4:1-11
Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward hungry.
First born of Chaos, who so fair didst come
        From the old *****’s darksome womb!
        Which when it saw the lovely Child,
The melancholly Mass put on kind looks and smil’d.

Thou Tide of Glory which no Rest dost know,
        But ever Ebb, and ever Flow!
        Thou ******* of a true Jove!
Who does in thee descend, and Heav’n to Earth make Love!

Hail active Natures watchful Life and Health!
        Her Joy, her Ornament, and Wealth!
        Hail to thy Husband Heat, and Thee!
Thou the worlds beauteous Bride, the ***** Bridegroom He!

Say from what Golden Quivers of the Sky,
        Do all thy winged Arrows fly?
        Swiftness and Power by Birth are thine:
From thy Great Sire they came, thy Sire the word Divine.

’Tis, I believe, this Archery to show,
        That so much cost in Colours thou,
        And skill in Painting dost bestow,
Upon thy ancient Arms, the Gawdy Heav’nly Bow.

Swift as light Thoughts their empty Carriere run,
        Thy Race is finisht, when begun,
        Let a Post-Angel start with Thee,
And Thou the Goal of Earth shalt reach as soon as He:

Thou in the Moons bright Chariot proud and gay,
        Dost thy bright wood of Stars survay;
        And all the year dost with thee bring
Of thousand flowry Lights thine own Nocturnal Spring.

Thou Scythian-like dost round thy Lands above
        The Suns gilt Tent for ever move,
        And still as thou in pomp dost go
The shining Pageants of the World attend thy show.

Nor amidst all these Triumphs dost thou scorn
        The humble Glow-worms to adorn,
        And with those living spangles gild,
(O Greatness without Pride!) the Bushes of the Field.

Night, and her ugly Subjects thou dost fright,
        And sleep, the lazy Owl of Night;
        Asham’d and fearful to appear
They skreen their horrid shapes with the black Hemisphere.

With ’em there hasts, and wildly takes the Alarm,
        Of painted Dreams, a busie swarm,
        At the first opening of thine eye,
The various Clusters break, the antick Atomes fly.

The guilty Serpents, and obscener Beasts
        Creep conscious to their secret rests:
        Nature to thee does reverence pay,
Ill Omens, and ill Sights removes out of thy way.

At thy appearance, Grief it self is said,
        To shake his Wings, and rowse his Head.
        And cloudy care has often took
A gentle beamy Smile reflected from thy Look.

At thy appearance, Fear it self grows bold;
        Thy Sun-shine melts away his Cold.
        Encourag’d at the sight of Thee,
To the cheek Colour comes, and firmness to the knee.

Even Lust the Master of a hardned Face,
        Blushes if thou beest in the place,
        To darkness’ Curtains he retires,
In Sympathizing Night he rowls his smoaky Fires.

When, Goddess, thou liftst up thy wakened Head,
        Out of the Mornings purple bed,
        Thy Quire of Birds about thee play,
And all the joyful world salutes the rising day.

The Ghosts, and Monster Spirits, that did presume
        A Bodies Priv’lege to assume,
        Vanish again invisibly,
And Bodies gain agen their visibility.

All the Worlds bravery that delights our Eyes
        Is but thy sev’ral Liveries,
        Thou the Rich Dy on them bestowest,
Thy nimble Pencil Paints this Landskape as thou go’st.

A Crimson Garment in the Rose thou wear’st;
        A Crown of studded Gold thou bear’st,
        The ****** Lillies in their White,
Are clad but with the Lawn of almost Naked Light.

The Violet, springs little Infant, stands,
        Girt in thy purple Swadling-bands:
        On the fair Tulip thou dost dote;
Thou cloath’st it in a gay and party-colour’d Coat.

With Flame condenst thou dost the Jewels fix,
        And solid Colours in it mix:
        Flora her self envyes to see
Flowers fairer then her own, and durable as she.

Ah, Goddess! would thou could’st thy hand withhold,
        And be less Liberall to Gold;
        Didst thou less value to it give,
Of how much care (alas) might’st thou poor Man relieve!

To me the Sun is more delighful farr,
        And all fair Dayes much fairer are.
        But few, ah wondrous few there be,
Who do not Gold preferr, O Goddess, ev’n to Thee.

Through the soft wayes of Heaven, and Air, and Sea,
        Which open all their Pores to Thee;
        Like a cleer River thou dost glide,
And with thy Living Stream through the close Channels slide.

But where firm Bodies thy free course oppose,
        Gently thy source the Land oreflowes;
        Takes there possession, and does make,
Of Colours mingled, Light, a thick and standing Lake.

But the vast Ocean of unbounded Day
        In th’ EmpyrÆan Heaven does stay.
        Thy Rivers, Lakes, and Springs below
From thence took first their Rise, thither at last must Flow.
Who taught thee conflict with the pow’rs of night,
To vanquish satan in the fields of light?
Who strung thy feeble arms with might unknown,
How great thy conquest, and how bright thy crown!
War with each princedom, throne, and pow’r is o’er,
The scene is ended to return no more.
O could my muse thy seat on high behold,
How deckt with laurel, how enrich’d with gold!
O could she hear what praise thine harp employs,
How sweet thine anthems, how divine thy joys!
What heav’nly grandeur should exalt her strain!
What holy raptures in her numbers reign!
To sooth the troubles of the mind to peace,
To still the tumult of life’s tossing seas,
To ease the anguish of the parents heart,
What shall my sympathizing verse impart?
Where is the balm to heal so deep a wound?
Where shall a sov’reign remedy be found?
Look, gracious Spirit, from thine heav’nly bow’r,
And thy full joys into their bosoms pour;
The raging tempest of their grief control,
And spread the dawn of glory through the soul,
To eye the path the saint departed trod,
And trace him to the ***** of his God.
Rita G Jul 2013
Fair-weather front seat
Lookin' at the moonbeams
Solid, sympathizing
The sun on the horizon
Sippin' foreign coffee
Listening to redwood heartbeats
Smoking cigarettes in a black dress
At 430 am, nonetheless.

430 am ocean breeze
Quiet enough to hear a stop sign sneeze
Counting all the bird calls
Staring at the fog walls
Making entities out of mist and light
And thinking about where to crash tonight
Or where to drink-

How arousing is pink?
Pink, plush lips on a long skinny straw
It's amazing how I get anything done at all,
Always thinking about ***,
Always thinking about ****.
He asked for a smile,
I said, "Whatever you need."

Got some stories I don't care to tell
Got a family I don't know so well
So, which do you trust?
Your love or your lust?
Have no resistance at all
And get kicked around like a rag doll.

My eyes get withdrawals
When I ain't near the stars
My ears and nose start to bleed
When I ain't near the sea
Bi-ped amphibean
Transplant Caribbean
Sittin' here wrongin' wishin
I was belongin'

Sympathizing with my old friend Penelope Cockwad ~ "What's wrong Penelope Cockwad? Why are you so sad?" ~ "People judge me unfairly because of my name." ~ "That's tough. Why don't you change it?" ~ "Change it?" ~ "Yes, Penelope Cockwad. Change your name." ~ Six months later I meet Penelope Cockwad by chance. "Hello Penelope Cockwad," I say, "I've not seen you since March." ~ "Yes," she says with a grin. "I took your advice." ~ "My advice?" ~ "My name, silly. I changed it. You can stop calling me  Penelope Cockwad & call me by my new name, Paula Cockwad."
eileen Dec 2017
It was a warm day
The wind rushing in
clouds covering the moon
tomorrow it won't be so sunny

You messaged me you were sad
I was so glad
I could finally
feed off
your emotions

told me I was awful at sympathizing


cold blooded
I can't share my blood with no human
I'm a cherry bomb
the drugs you really love

please tell me you're sad
so I can smile
& sleep well

I can't comfort you
or myself

why bother to write poetry
without emotion
"You're horrible at sympathizing with people"
Based on a true story :)
C S Cizek May 2015
From across the hall, I watched her double
over Coleridge, sympathizing as she looked
up to the thin curtain filtering the street-light
universe past the pane held in hot glue.
The click-heels, car barks, ceaseless L-Train
turnstiles, tipsy choirs in cracked-door taverns,
hinges, keys on carabiners, bus hydraulics,
the wall clock, and her fingers caressing the page.
She loved a soft wind carrying birdsong
through screen doors and dowel chimes.
She used to leave her shoes lace-tangled
by the key rack until she saw glass pollen
sparkling in a caged tulip blossom.
She raised the book and sullenly whispered
the last stanza of Frost at Midnight
into the spine, wondering how anyone
could live away from impressionist-dandelion
forests, children's plastic toys in the front yard,
and church bells at every hour.

I wondered the same thing.
This poem will be relevant to my girlfriend and I's situation in a few years.
Chris Renninger May 2014
You were never really there when I was younger.
The divorce set us apart with your constant job sprinkled in.
You were never really there when I was younger.
I had no one to play catch with.
You were never really there when I was younger.
I had no one to watch to run like a man so I learned from the little girls next door.
You were never really there when I was younger.
I looked around and saw my friends with their perfect parents as I sat with my broken parents   wondering what it feels like.
You were never really there when I was younger.
Ao I found myself sympathizing with fictional character that either had one parent or didn’t have any at all.
You were never really there when I was younger.
So I thought of myself as half the kid others were.
You were sometimes actually there when I was younger.
When you did see me, you took me to fun places like baseball games and the zoo.
You were sometimes actually there when I was younger.
I found friends to play baseball with and you came to see my games.
You were sometimes there when I was younger.
How badly I run doesn’t change the man I am.
You were sometimes there when I was younger.
Though kids had perfect families, I had two time the family they had.
You were there when I was younger.
I had clung to superheroes without parents like Batman and I had clung to you.
You were there when I was younger.
I was never half the kid.
I am a whole kid with a perfect, broken family.
And you were always there.
When I fingered the thin skin on my left, vein-bulging limb
Where the forearm adheres to the costly little hand
I realized in all my intense ardor for pain
That there in my penitence, self-pity, self-loathe
I am a narcissist.
Laden with self-obsessed sorrow
There is a selfishness in being a dreary,
To feel for oneself,
When others care too much
An aggregation of sympathizing sobs and tears
Too much for an egoist
Who would rather wallow alone
In the orange-tinted hue of twilight turned nightfall
A ray of the luster in all subtle shades,
Can I summon the force to recall
Why I hate myself
Is it not that all despise me for a purpose?
And those who are inept at reasonable loathe
Are marooned in deep shame
That they had degraded themselves for what?
For a felon? Such as myself?
Deep in such sorrow,
Deep in my self-loathe
I have encountered the truth of all fruitless self-regard
I am a narcissist, egoist, one who self-loathes
Who slashes and severs and cannot speak love
Anayo Oleru Apr 2016
The rain has fallen again,
The streets are isolated,
Everyone is filled with sadness.
Houses and shops have been abandoned,
Villages and towns have been inundated.
Bags and cargoes floats unsteadily,
Cars and buses are deeply buried
deep into the water in a hazy manner.
People, animals, all are transported
by little wooden vessels.
With no idea of when
to take over their properties,
With no idea of where else to go.
The cities, their streets,
houses and cars have being flooded,
Properties, expensive
and extra expensive have been left over.
East Delta had been covered
by the unmerciful ocean.
Precious lives were gone
and more were at stake.
Families and close friends- divided.
Farms with large crops- destroyed.
Hunger and thirsty, hugs my people with sadness,
begging for aid.
Sickness and diseases fill people
with sympathizing outcome.
A land of peace is now a land of disaster,
A land of Labor is now a land of turmoil.
May peace always reign,
May ignorance be neglected,
For the dying heartbeat of Delta.
Wrote this poem when one of the Elaborate Village in the some part of Delta state in Nigeria, had a terrible disaster attacked them. Leaving some homeless, hungry, even death. Its a lyrical poem.
Z Aug 2016
Reading bad poetry,
writing bad poetry,
existing as a subpar slice of
unemotional prose.
I'm a singsong
last-ditch singalong;
ding-****-ditch me,
***** me out.
Slice me up and
lay me out to dry.
I cut onions:
I don't cry.
You ignore me:
I don't mind.
Remember me
as a sad story and not a person.
It'll be gratifying,
albeit dehumanizing,
but at least you'll be sympathizing
as I'm unsurprisingly capsizing.
Right now I'm realizing
that I wanna be the hungry waves
and not the sinking ship;
the sharp harpoon and not
unfortunate Moby ****.
I wanna be the brick
instead of the window pane;
I wanna be the ****** sword
and not the bleeding slain.
So the inferiority complex that's been harrowingly ingrained
inside of my needlessly idle brain
can ******* once again,
because I'm gonna be the poet now,
not the reader, page, nor pen.
zoe Apr 2016
we'll sit on the roof of the '69 chevelle,
legs intertwined,
curves and crevices illuminated
by a motel's flickering vacancy sign.

bellies warm with tennessee whiskey,
we'll stargaze, and i'll stop to
constellate our initials in the sky.

the cicadas will hum to us a waltz,
and we'll dance and twirl
and hold one another close.

then, dawn will come,
and a love kindled at dusk
will quickly burn out.

the sickly sweet viscous liquid
in our bowels
will turn to blood,

coughed up,
staining cheap,
thin sheets.

and i'll find myself sympathizing
with the red glow
of that flickering vacancy sign.
J Jan 2011
An obscene, sickly beautiful scene
Met me with a ***** sheen
It dulled the tightness in my chest:
The butterflies when I misstep.
Like the second-guessed ache of paranoia
that left me curled at the foot of the sequoias
waiting still and tense, for your voice to fade.
Never for a moment dropping my charade
as I paraded proudly back inside declaring
my true innocence; I found you unsparing.
You swallowed my word and I found you even
Requesting repetition, so you could believe in
the obvious lies leaking my lips,
and you know what they say: loose lips sink ships.
So when you come to grips,
I’ll still be installing microchips
Inside that open wound of yours.
While you’re hugging porcelain on all fours
I won’t be sympathizing with all the ******
Who leave their lipstick napkins on your lap;
Who fall into your egocentric death trap.
I was never one of those,
To be used and then disposed…
So while you’re trying so hard to make me jealous;
I’ll just tell you your method is overzealous.
You had your chance before;
You’ll have no chances anymore.
You can finally stop trying to request the help of cupid,
I promise you I only ever loved you young and stupid.
written 01/28/2011
Sam Jul 2018
What if I told you,
All I had to do is snap.
And just like that,
All misery and sadness,
Would be gone with a zap.

I bet you wouldn't believe me,
You'd bully, bother, and tempt.
I'd hear "snap me" in a million forms,
As you laugh and mock, giddy galore,
Rolling on the floor, oh, oh you tempt.

And I just sit there with control,
Not killing you, despite the way you act.
No one recognizing the all the control,
Mocking or ignoring, but sympathizing?
No, they'd just laugh, laugh and roll.

Maybe that's why you never hear,
About someone who could snap you away.
You're all closed minded inside,
despite what you may think,
You all act however you want,
and say whatever you want to say.
DG May 2019
It is dark and it's raining.
Your beings are enchained but
The Book, The Book,
Your Book is not explaining.

Rain: Is it You crying
from the sky and
smiling and sympathizing
with me?

Or is it You humming
to Taylor Swift and
doing laundry, not hearing
my screams?

Your Book, Your Book
It is misunderstood
God, Your beings are being
oppressed for just being.

It wasn't Your intention then
But now, don't You see?
The powerful use the Book
To have power over the weak!

The Book, The Book
Says your Golden Gates
are closed for me.
For just showing sympathy?

When did it become
a choice between,
The Book, The Book
and humanity?

The Book, The Book
Says You care a lot
And then it says
you don't care at all.

Which creature to love
and which to not.
To help you decide,
Is there a Lucky Draw?

Why will you let,
those who repeat
"The Book, The Book",
easily off the hook?

But those who dare to think,
judge between bad and good
are the ones who get
The Look, The Look?

And if behind those Golden Gates
Are bad people chanting
"The Book, The Book"
I'm not sure I want to enter.
Kaylee Sep 2017
Beaming of passion’s warmth
The curtain of light, leaving its impression
Giving life and energy to the earth
Enveloping the land in its tenderness
Charity of enthusiasm to the seamless sky
Seeming to fond away from darkness
Darkness, fills as the clouds cry

Pattering of peace’s wave
The drapery of liquid crystals, washing away pain
Sympathizing with unfathomable ache
Engulfing the land in its serenity
Subject of ambedo
Calming as there is tranquility
Lightens and dazzles, ready for photo

Sun and Rain
Together to make the majestic
Yin and Yang
Variety of hues, washing the skies with aesthetic
Is this poetry? I hope it is.. I tried.. hard
Fish The Pig Nov 2014

I have trouble sympathizing
and empathizing
and condoling
those who open up their dark secrets
when it comes alight
that their secret is of the weighted, edible variety.

You say you struggled with weight
you couldn't keep it on
barely swallow a bite
you got so sick
and it was so bad
I must refrain,
as you speak,
from bowing down,
from praising you,
from questioning how you achieved
such beautiful strength
to become so skinny.

Your nightmare is my fantasy
your dark memory
is my desired future
Your shame
is my pride
Your wicked sorrow of the events
is glory in my eyes.

But I won't say that
I can't.
can't tell you how I envy
something that hurt you so,
but you can be sure
I'll be thinking it
feeling it
breathing it
Wish I had the strength to keep off the weight,
wish I had your determination.
You feel so ashamed well darling don't,
what you did, it was beautiful, and you, are beautiful
Brian C Sep 2015
I laughed as the gift receipt fell to the floor,
The one for the gift I bought before you ended us.
You no longer deserve the chance
To return this last piece of me,
Not after how you tore at my heart.
You cannot trade this in for something more fitting,
As you did with me,
As you did with us.
I want you to see this everyday
And to know what you’ve given up.
I tear it up and throw it out,
Hating and sympathizing with those shred of paper.
They’ve done far less than I to destroy us,
But I far less than you.
Or was it me all along?
Gautam buddha was travelling a village. When he was about to pass the village , he saw many children were standing in a playground but were not playing. Out of inquisitiveness Budhha went near to them and asked them the reason for not playing their game. One of the child replied that they were not playing because their ball had gone to that direction. The boy pointed towards a big Bunyan tree and said that there a dangerous snake was hiding under the grasses of the tree. Whosoever tried to go there, had to die because of the snake bite. This is the reason why, the boy said ,not playing our game because our ball had gone under that big Bunyan tree, where the dangerous snake was hiding.

         Having heard this, Budhha started to move in the direction of big Bunyan tree. Child tried to stop Gautam Bhdhha but no body could succeed. Ultimately Gautam Budhha approached near to big Bunyan Tree. The lucid hiss sound came across his ear and within few minutes the King Cobra appeared before him.
           With Red Eyes King Cobra made loud hiss sound to intimidate Gautam Budhha , but of no avail. The snake was surprised with the calmness which was appearing on the face of Gautam Budhha. He tried many ways to instill fear in the mind of Gautam Budhha , but remain ineffective. At last the snake asked Gautam Budhha what was secret of this calmness and strength.

             Gautam Budhha replied he was calm because he was not looking to acquire anything. He was fearless because he never intimidate anybody. Budhha asked the snake why he was biting people and there by creating hindrance for his spiritual growth. Snake requested Budhha to teach him the ways to lead life as he also felt useless in leading such life. The snake said he himself was afraid of every body that's why he was trying to bite everybody. At last Gautam Budhha taught the snake , lesson of love and non violence and left the village.
                 The snake turned out to be true follower of Gautam Budhha. He stopped biting anybody. He started to live on only dead animals and dried fruits. He never killed anybody. Graduallay everbody started to realize that the snake has become harmless. Now any body could throw piece of rock on the body of snake. But snake never retaliate. Even children started to ***** needle in his body , but the snake, instead of biting them, used to run away. Leading the path of not harming others and non-violence costed dearly to the snake. Ultimately the body of snake became weaker and weaker and was about to die. The only desire ,the snake was nurturing ,was to see Gautam Budhha become his death.

          The sincere desire of snake shown its fruits and Gautam Budhha visited that village again. When Gautam Budhha was passing the village he saw group of children, playing under that bug Bunyan tree. The memory of the dangerous snake flickered across his mind. Gautam Budhha inquired about the dangerous snake. Children replied that the snake was no more dangerous . In fact the snake had become teeth less and harmless and was lying in his death bed. With sympathizing eye , Gautam Budhha searched for the snake and after much effort he found that snake was hiding himself in a cave near the Bunyan Tree. When Gautam Budhha asked the reason for such a condition , the snake replied that he had stopped biting anybody. He has stopped hiding anybody. Now everybody could bite him, could throw stones on his body. This was the reason how his body was injured. The snake further said but he was happy to see Gautam Budhha again.

         With tears in eyes and love in heart , Gautam Budhha said the snake that he could not understood the true meaning of non-violence. Gautam Budhha stopped the snake from biting others but not from hissing. Meaning of non-violence never warrants a person not to protect himself. While biting was prohibited but not hissing. By hissing you could have saved yourself. Gautam Budhha then advised the snake the true meaning of non-violence and left the village.

                After that the snake began hissing. Though he never bitten anybody after ward but was able to save himself.

                  In a similar fashion in our daily life also we should not harm anybody. We should not rebuke any body. But we should equally be careful that people should not take us lightly. We can hiss and not bite others. We can act to be angry without being angry.
NeroameeAlucard Jul 2021
A megaphone is a device
Used to amplify sound, most commonly speech
Into the ears of the masses gathered around
Usually in an act of protest.
It's an electrically powered portable amplifier
But I don't possess one.
Not yet, anyway. But I know someone who does.
Someone who's shouts of frustration cause pity and anger at the same time.
The person I'm living with, isn't that divine.
I'm stuck between sympathizing and bewildering blind fury
Her condition is not through fault of her own but surely
She can stop taking her frustrations and misplaced aggression out on me.
I wish I knew how to stop her pain, stop her anger.
I wish I could do that without it destroying me.
And, mother I doubt you'll read this but on the off chance that you do.
I love you. But I don't know what else that I can do.
I'm learning to carry a house hold on my shoulders, and I can't do that if you keep taking crowbars to my knees.
But, I fear it might be too late that that fact is what you'll see.
lionheartlion Jul 2015
A torrential, tranquil down pour from the heavens is the world sympathizing with you through Gods physical tears,
A most comforting and peaceful place to be, while he holds you in your promising future of happiness.
"What's wrong Penelope Cockwad? Why are you so sad?" ~ "People judge me unfairly because of my name." ~ "That's tough. Why don't you change it?" ~ "Change it?" ~ "Yes, Penelope Cockwad. Change your name." ~ Six months later I meet Penelope Cockwad by chance. "Hello Penelope Cockwad," I say, "I've not seen you since March." ~ "Yes," she says with a grin. "I took your advice." ~ "My advice?" ~ "My name, silly. I changed it. You can stop calling me  Penelope Cockwad & call me by my new name, Paula Cockwad."
Mitchell Apr 2014
Cold candle
Forgotten word
Minstrel maid
Made of cake frosting and
Snows winter lasting

I told her to wait
She said she couldn't stay
Her love was a forgotten battlefield
Strewn with bullet casings
And fields we couldn't till

Out on the moon struck landscape
With memories we couldn't escape
We talked over plans never to be fulfilled
And of soldiers
Born to be killed

I couldn't look her in the eye
I couldn't say her name
She'd done things to me
That would never set me free

Allow no substitute
For love or lack there of it
A hollow moon is rising
And the tide
Is far from ever abiding

Catch me by the willow train
See me underneath the entranced stars
Enter me near Plato's last words
Smell the rotund spin
Of a life bent on curdling

Obtuse soul form near the last light of life
There's no need to be wordless
There's no need to live your life in strife
I've got the cure, no need to fear
You know I'm close, you know that I hover near

Dear street heart:
I've got your hand in mine
There's no need
To think about time
Every second passing
Is but a riddle drenched in rhyme

We have our pens to write
We have our tools to mold
See the acid skyline
Melting with the ***** stench
Of our kind

I can't take the sense of this place no more
What are we waiting for mi amor?
The last train to nowhere,
Or the place we know that doesn't exist
To our core?

Use my love
Take me granted
Steal my desire
Take my name
Call me sire

The last arrow was never shot
All bets are off
Once the words start
Ms. Daisy laughs as she pushes
Her overflowing cart

Apricot proletariat
Smelling of dew drops and wine
The dust never settled
On the dead daughter of the caste
Who could they get
To ever replace you?

Pinch me
Because I'm more beautiful
Than the cup in front of me.
Punch me
For I'm so uplifting
The cops can't even touch me.

She can't see
She can't feel the Earth below
The only thing
She thinks about
Is her left big toe

Can't we be the people we wished to be?
Can't we be the dreams we said we'd be?
Our answers are as elusive
As the poison
We drink ourselves to death with

Kissing hand
Forgetful frame
Each painting
Is a live unwilling
To be tamed

There's no string woven
Through the
Cloth of my life or yours
See your structure
And destroy it

Dead angels blink
As they sigh and think
Sympathizing with fault
Was your mistake
From the start

Still breeze over a torrented lake
What you've got to live for
Is everything you wish to put at stake
Sad eyed darling
Obsessed with the magazine husband
And the white picket fence starlet

I can't tell you how to live
Or would I ever want to
There's too many cracks in life
Each road a calling to listen through

Never a dream
To high for the steam
There's no top
That doesn't have the cream

Ain't it just like the morning
Like a lost graveyard in the sky
Too far for any kind of mourning
To turn you on your heel
And make everything that once was real
Into a curved zest of intangible zeal

I asked her for a light
And she gave me her heart
I knew I was in trouble
Right from the very start

No need for sleep
When you've got the keep
Of a hundred
Cold shoulders too willing
To brag
Of its own self-entitled misery

These thoughts are like
Stray fire:
Too many,
To much;
Killing for the

Sake of dying.
Katie Lo Jun 2014
I've heard and read this story over a thousand times.
Two kids at the age of 14 falling in love and calling each other "mine."
Two years later and things aren't set so well.
What felt like heaven morphed into a darker hell.
"How silly of these two to believe in young love.
How ignorant of the girl to put the boy above."
I repeat those words as I continue to read.
Sympathizing what the boy wanted and what the girl felt she needs.

I've since then fell in and out of him.
I lived the story, my mind now dim.
We believed in young love.
I put him above.

I read the same book I read before.
Sympathy became empathy, and I read more.
Every bit of the story sounds familiar.
Reaching the ending drives me crazier.

They always say an old relationship has the same ending.
Rusty trust, salty tears, and repenting.
They say an old love is like rereading the same book.
You know what happens, yet you're still hooked.
"Stop going back, it ends the same, trust me."
But I've always been a fan of painful tragedies.
Al Mak Poetry Mar 2018
We did forget the peace…
It lays in dust, abandoned.
The drums of war don’t cease
The mind of world malfunctioned.
We have destroyed the peace,
The peace is trampled down,
The sanity is labelled “Vice”,
The hope in blood has drown.
We have betrayed the peace,
Replacing words with slogans,
Hysterics and war-cries increase,
As diplomats replaced with morons.
The peace is dying agonizing
Losing count of its endless sores
On hands of orphan sympathizing —
The crippled son of senseless wars.
— ☙ AlMakPoetry ❧—
BraileyVine Aug 2016
Did you really love me, I wonder sometimes, as I browse empty shelves, and I ponder whether I meant enough to you to make you wonder if I felt the same way, to make you hungry, for the knowledge that I wanted you deeply, that I loved you oceanically,  that I saw you profoundly, and, at least for a moment, thought you were the only one for me. Sometimes I ask myself, does my picture whisper to you from the wall (or whatever box you've put it in), are there things you want to hear, like I needed you as much as blood needs a vein to travel, like when I see you I see man, like I look at you and remember why I wanted to do this in the first place?     I am wondering. Was your heart ever empty? Did I ever truly become the thing that filled you, the one you needed most in the world to talk to you? Is that gleam in your eye as dependent upon me as I am upon you, are you looking for someone else, or do your eyes always disobey like mine do, do your lips speak my name when you think of something or even just try to take your mind off the pain?     Do you need me? Because I need you to. Have you tried to replace me, tried hard, so many times, with all of yourself thrown into the effort with more vanity than that of a maze of mirrors, accidental detours all leading you to my name? In your heart, at the center of you, am I eternal. Is this all a failed pitch at loving you in the dark?     Or do I remind you of every good thing you've ever done? Of every accident that's turned out to be for the better, of every unplanned wonderful thing unleashed, but of every pain as well, of every bad thing too? Do I look like guitar strings to you? Ready for your fingers to find me and stir me and make me vibrate with musical energy?          Do you need me? Do you need me the way trees need to grow and be close to their ever-loving sun, the way a mother needs to feed a newborn a child, the way a star needs hydrogen to burn?             Do you think you've done it sometimes? Do think you've managed to forget me, to pry me out of your heart with those skillful hands, only to find out there was another secret tunnel, waiting closer, even deeper, plunging farther into the middle of what you call you, call home?
Am I there? Am I there when you think of eons away, of a place you can go to to stop thinking of anything or am I perpetually clinging to your subconscious the way a man clings to the only one he's ever loved? Or not? I need to know-  do you hate love because of me? or are you still waiting? For someone to come along and teach your heart how to break in every place you thought was strong as it sings the whole time a tune of hapless, bitter truth?
Am I an ache in you? Where I used to be a playful, mediocre spark, am I a bullet so embedded that I cannot be seen, only felt? Farther than anything before has ever pained you, deeper in than can be removed and least of all by you?

Does my name feel like something you can't quite remember, a word on the tip of your tongue, some taboo, a language barrier, hoarding you on one side, like contraband, like something illegal that shouldn't be sold but is, like something you just can't get out of your head, like a song you can't find the lyrics to, like a sentence you just can't grasp, like something your mom told you you couldn't do, not until you're older, like something preciously forbidden, like the ugly treasure at the center of the earth, like a star you can see so easily but is really so far away you come to grips with the fact that you'll never have yours on it, like a form of repossession, like empty hands that once stretched around something expensive, something that shouldn't have been yours, but broke all the rules to melt in your grasp, was too good to be true, but also too good to be false, did my name feel like a lottery ticket before and feel like the aftermath of a crime scene now, a death toll, a graveyard, an obituary, an epitaph, a black-cloaked, scythe-armed thief of all you loved? Do you weep because of me, the lonely clock in the background ticking away the seconds until you'll breathe in the sight of me even though you have to act like my absence doesn't leave you wanting, scrambling to scavenge for some afterthought, do you do silly things now like sympathizing with clocks because all they want is to press forward so that maybe someone else can be happy? Do you feel me? At the beginning, was this child's play? Did you ever dream it would get this out of hand, that we would be burnt in this way? But does some mean, masochistic, self-loathing part of you love it, too? Does it pain you to look my way but you need oxygen in your bloodstream more than you're afraid of being poisoned by little old, love-stained, toxic me?  Or am i just a foolish girl far too caught up in dreams?

— The End —