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Waverly Mar 2012
Hometown girls
are real with you.
If they don't like you,
they'll even make their *****
look ugly;
pulling them in all the way
to the tops of their thighs
through their buttholes
and you can smell the stench
in your brain.

But when they let you in,
when they let you sit on their ears,
it's like warp-drive.

They smoke virginia slims,
because that's what their mom's smoke,
and the bags under their eyes
are filled with nicotine,
but they're pretty bags,
purses of flesh
full with the kinetic beauty of coal.

Hometown girls are mostly black,
mostly white,
but nobody's checking
and when they whisper something nice in your ear
it's colored with a microbrew
or a wheel of Jim Beam.

Sometimes they'll take you by the wrist
into the bathrooms;
sometimes they'll take your drink
when you're not looking
and smile when you catch them
with it on their lips.

But that smile is good even,
on par with a supernova
in its ability to crush
and make beautiful.

But most of the time,
they stand around
outside Casbah
and Motorco
--if they're bougie
it'll be West End--
in the middle of the night
under the porch of the sky
looking out with amber
slitted eyes
like cats,
their legs twitching thoughtfully
as they wait for cabs
and pick at the night.

Hometown girls
are ****/beautiful
because they'll watch your every move
from the gallery
out of empathy,
knowing they've been that ***** before,
knowing they've been that lonely,
knowing they just want to get drunk
and want to be around randoms
that aren't so random.
wordvango Sep 2014
On the curvy shoulder of my (i want to say, girl but
know that offends her) presently both of us red-eyed
looking so un-real on this back-assed country
road with only shoes for transporting
a long way from being home
smiling all the while
hitting it again
smoke arounds her green red eyes slitted
baby, I cry, as we  walk again,
Are you  my girl?
She keeps walking.
Olivia McCann Sep 2014
I've walked into a tunnel.
Following coats,
Dragging behind in
The light is slitted
The shape above is
Too Close to my head.
The sharp,
Undecided angles bother me
And a nervous twitch begins.

I imagine it like a funnel,
Sorting population
To pass through in
Close quarters,
Contact guaranteed.

I sneeze
And cough.
My fever smolders
Making my skin chill,
And the thought of disease
Enters, and crowds with me,
Suffocating me to one side-
But not too close-
Don't touch anything.
Fear grows.
I am already sick
But I could get sicker.

Conspiracy drips over my thoughts,
My fever leaving the
normal functioning funnel
In my mind
To be burned away-
materializing in the city-
Around me.
My thoughts bunch
In clusters
And pass all at once,
Leaving waves of nausea
And claustrophobia
As I continue through the tunnel,
Paranoia worsening my symptoms
By the step.
Was very sick yesterday and foolishly made the mistake of busing into the city instead of going to school.
And the trees about me,
      Let them be dry and leafless; let the rocks
      Groan with continual surges; and behind me
      Make all a desolation. Look, look, wenches!

Paint me a cavernous waste shore
  Cast in the unstilled Cyclades,
Paint me the bold anfractuous rocks
  Faced by the snarled and yelping seas.

Display me ****** above
  Reviewing the insurgent gales
Which tangle Ariadne’s hair
  And swell with haste the perjured sails.

Morning stirs the feet and hands
  (Nausicaa and Polypheme).
Gesture of orang-outang
  Rises from the sheets in steam.

This withered root of knots of hair
  Slitted below and gashed with eyes,
This oval O cropped out with teeth:
  The sickle motion from the thighs

Jackknifes upward at the knees
  Then straightens out from heel to hip
Pushing the framework of the bed
  And clawing at the pillow slip.

Sweeney addressed full length to shave
  Broadbottomed, pink from nape to base,
Knows the female temperament
  And wipes the suds around his face.

(The lengthened shadow of a man
  Is history, said Emerson
Who had not seen the silhouette
  Of Sweeney straddled in the sun.)

Tests the razor on his leg
  Waiting until the shriek subsides.
The epileptic on the bed
  Curves backward, clutching at her sides.

The ladies of the corridor
  Find themselves involved, disgraced,
Call witness to their principles
  And deprecate the lack of taste

Observing that hysteria
  Might easily be misunderstood;
Mrs. Turner intimates
  It does the house no sort of good.

But Doris, towelled from the bath,
  Enters padding on broad feet,
Bringing sal volatile
  And a glass of brandy neat.
Bethany Davis May 2011
Darkness, shadows,
Twisted thorns,
Twisted trunks,
Like hunched hags,
Crooked trolls,
Thorns and vines,
Like a maze,
A thicket,
All around,
Casting shadows,
Thorns piercing,
Blood black in the moonlight,
Shining through the branches,
Tree trunks,
Vines and thorns,
But movement,
Half seen,
Life hidden,
Where only barrenness was known,
A creature,
Looking up,
Through slitted eyes,
Like a frog,
But grey,
Something from deep within,
Clinging to the thorns,
To the branches,
Spirit or animal,
Phantom or subconscious image,
In this forest,
This warren,
This thicket,
Dark beauty,
Life within the lifeless,
The depths of a soul.
Justin S Wampler Dec 2021
We were a trio.
Gone together,
mentally alone.

90's alternative had been playing for maybe
three-quarters of an hour, and at this point
we were all mostly toasted.
A shot of beer a minute.

Talking ****, shuffling the deck.

Nick laughed, Luke mocked.
I cheered them both on.
In that moment we all lived in the golden light
of youthful ignorance and concrete friendship
that can only be fully grasped by a drunken trio of guys
in their mid-twenties at 2:00 AM on an idle Thursday night.

We all cracked fresh cold ones and lit up fresh cigs,
and I raised the burning tobacco in a toast:
"To friendship!"

Luke matched my pose, left arm outstretched.
We caught each other's eyes, and without missing a beat
his right hand plunged the cherry into his left forearm.
I looked down and saw myself doing the same,
yet felt no pain. We stayed that way until our embers died,
and relit the remaining smoke off of a shared flame.
Nick never matched our level of commitment,
I doubt he even bears a scar these days.
My scar still itches from time to time.
I wonder if Lukes does, too.

I started seeing tunnels
and soon, gravity took me.
Horizontality was my fate.
I was the first to fall,
the first to succumb to gratuitous consumption.


Birds chirping, deafening in the late morning.
The angry sun cast slotted beams
through the still-lingering twines
of cigarette smoke from the night before.
I watched it slowly twirl and stir through slitted eyelids.
My eyes hurt, and my neck creaked as I looked around.
Nick passed out beside me, I figured Luke got the top bunk.
In the daylight I could always see the apartment for what
it really was.
An escape.
One room, bunk beds, and abject emotional destitution.
I rolled over on to the floor and steadied myself with
closed eyes and a palm planted on the ***** carpets.
My phone was on the desk in the corner, I grabbed it
and headed towards the bathroom.

**** cascaded, and through the open bathroom window
I could hear it echo off of the buildings lining New Street.
My hand floated up to the back of my head
and picked at something. Something hardened.
There was a thick layer of something
on the back of my scalp,
down the back of my neck.
It felt like wax.
We were burning a candle last night.
They must've dumped it on me
since I was the first to fall asleep.
I quit picking when I was struck by a sharp pain in my arm,
my left forearm.
A bit of my hair had probed an open wound,
a round burn mark.
I sat down on the floor and remembered for a bit.

My phone turned on with a melodic series of beeps,
it had been awhile since I turned it on.

One new voicemail.

I dialed the number 1 while picking wax from my hair,
put my passcode in,
and listened.

Mom called me last night, she was crying.
I was used to that sound at this point.
"Otis wont get up, I think he's dying Justin."
A brief pause.
"Please come home."

I'm sorry Otis. I loved you.
More than a dog, you were a canine brother.
Raised alongside me.
Raised by the same parents.

I didn't come home,
at least,
not then.
Seven years.

I still think about that night,
That morning.
That mourning.

My scar itches.
glass Nov 2021
a tongue a knife a rhyme
a slitted try of silence mine
i could never keep it fought
rip the gut right from my life
ill scream the name until i rot
shreik a word so loud ill cry
i tried my luck but missed the cut

a trickled spiggot sputters with it
a soft spot for the eyes that fall out of my skull
flaming pupils burn the crop
the students of the fire
they stop drop and roll into the wretched thought
that comes each time they learn what has been wrought to build this pyre

to eviscerate the weakened soul
the empty rooms inside my home
voraciously in rapture
tearing sinews off my mind
splitting ears and feeding from the captured
nothing left behind my skin no map no muscles
missing compass knees buckled

******* leave me or ill pull the trigger
ill **** the lost and eat the hindered
incinerate your wicked splinters
and in this home
snap each of your twelve ******* fingers

its teeth are gentle on me in a way that only devils can
we're peckish for atrocities and it has given me a plan
a broken handed man within the corridor
his one eye wide
the other in the devils side
a matching type to mine if i still had my sight
the door is closed and i am blind but we can smell the horror more
breaking out we tore into that bodys core
but that devil, him, the house, unborn
as i woke up in a corpse
for i am dead upon the floor
Jacqe Booth Feb 2010
Sitting here, thinking about death, about which death to choose, about which passing of time to write about. I am sweating, like, hold your breath or die sweat. It is hot here, but it isn't the temperature that is making my glands leak, it is the memories, it is the death grip that takes my heart when i remember, when i write about life leaving, silence stealing from the night.

Heroine. She's a tuff-tender ***** with soft sleepy skin, the daughter of Morpheus, who takes your breath and holds it inside you. Somniferous, She likes to sit alongside you while you die, she holds your hand and whispers in your ear, allaying fear and slowly she wraps her fingers around your lungs. So tired, of this world, of this life; you think, i'll just close my eyes, nothing new about being on the nod, nothing strange about this tiredness that follows a quick projectile puke in the gutter.
Let sleeping dogs lie.

Writing about Overdosing. It is a strange thing, a quick story, one minute your blinking, nodding, often murmuring, then asleep.

Lucky the dog who runs in a pack.
Lucky the man who walks with strangers by his side.
I don't remember much of what happened before i closed my eyes.

A shot, pin ***** relief, then, quickly/slowly/gone. It is night out, with a dark and steady sky, I am watching the stars through slitted eyes and loving my life, loving my wife; ******, how she makes my heart sing. I am glad to be far from withdrawing, i am happy to be in sin with my lovers, stainless steel turemo picks.
It is my first blast for the night and apparently my last.
There is no warning, no red flag that appears in my minds eye. Just silence and a world fading away. A heartbeat disappearing. Short shallow breath and a small niggling concern that soon will come the time when i am not high then...

I am going. I am gone. I have died.

The strangest thing about dying is not dying. The hardest thing about it all is waking up and realising you were finally gone, you were finally done with the rigmorale, the procedure, of living, of life. You had reached the ultimate goodbye. And now you are back. Still high but not high enough to be faced with the living. Narcan gives your lungs back, it breathes back into you what She stole away. Wanting more then ever to ***** but not wanting to puke on the paramedics lap. Fear of police and reprisal, anxiety soars high on the agenda of the recently revived. A trip the hospital, a free ride, then signing out early, i have shots to blast, a past to wipe out, a life to live or die trying.
alliyah Dec 2018
Let me walk you through inside a writer's mind.

Aren't you curious?

How can someone write like that?
How can someone have those sick emotions?
How can someone be so dramatic?
How can someone be that suicidal?
How can someone be so sad?

You know what?
Being able to write about those things is a privilege.
If I have no one to talk to,
if I have no one to vent all my sentiments,
poems are going to slap me with a pen and a paper.
And i'm all good.
Once i've let go of that burning pen,
the moment I read what I wrote into that ****** paper.
My diaphragm finally relaxed,
I can finally breathe.

And when a writer doesn't have any inspiration,
that soul must do all thy take to feel everything and anything in order to fill those pages, those ****** pages.

You must value every word you read inside a poem or any kind of literature.

Because you didn't know what emotional ride that living flesh took just to serve you those burning hot raw words.

But aren't you curious?
Don't you want to know what it took?
What it took to serve those emotions to you?

A writer...
Scream, screamed like a mad sicko.

A writer...
Cry, cried like a new born baby.

A writer...
Laugh, laughed like there's no tomorrow.

A writer...
Burn, burned in their own oil.

A writer...
Slit, slitted thy skin and...

A writer...
Cut, cutted thy flesh and...

A writer...
Bleed, bleed until there's no more left.

Bleed until that living soul can write something.

A writer...
Is empty.

A writer...
Is a lost soul who can't find it's way back.

A writer...
Is dead... inside.

Then, viola!

A burning hot literature is served.

And that, my friend, is what inside a writer's mind.
wanna go deeper? nah, you probably shouldn't.
Redshift Jun 2013
finger-paint yourself a picture
on a canvas destined for nothing more
than late-night

arrange fabric on a doll
that was store bought
for perfection
owned by jealousy
mocked by

stain lips
to never speak
gentle words
train lips
to reside
in perfect pouts

school eyes
in fluttering
arrange toes
into smooth, unbroken shapes
to be molded
in a set of high heels
high ballers
high flyers
being higher on the food chain
only makes you
more likely
to be consumed
and if we are anything
we are

to materialistic consumption
we dress ourselves up like
a sweetshop-confection
topped with gucci
and laced with victoria's secret

it's not hard to see
what we're about
if this is a judgement
of clear intentions
we are the clear

our faces are perfect
optical illusions
standing on an assembly line
waiting for someone to take a shine
to the curve of our hips
there is nothing to confess
our cards are laid
only after
oh, humanity.
Enygma May 2015
We live in a world
Where promises are always broken
Where words leave hearts frozen
Where friends never stay
We're immature, all we do is play
Where happiness is temporary
It lasts until our wallets run out of money
Where we wake up, never feeling the same
From staying up at night, waiting for the reply that never came
Angels have horns
Even beautiful flowers have thorns
People crave for pain
Slitted wrists, tears and blood pouring down like rain
A hello is easier said than a good bye
And forever is the world's biggest lie
We should stop changing for other people
Instead, we should strengthen the hearts of the feeble
Together, we can still change this wretched situation
For we are the youth, the leaders of the next generation
Merry Sep 2019
She’s the spider on your shoulder
Holding you, cold and tight
She’s all eyes, slitted blue,
And the longest legs you’ve ever seen
With flaming locks of orange
Which burn brighter than the embers
Of bridges she’s destroyed in arson
And when she smiles, corner to wicked corner,
It’s not hallowed beeswax on her lips
Which gives them that crimson hue
She’s slow and steady wins the race
That your pounding heart
Is susceptible to losing to
Saccharine sweet with a smile to boot
She will have you licking hers
Steeped in honey, polite and courteous,
She spins you into her silken web
Not even of lies, but you fumble regardless
And then she eats you whole
tricia lambert Jun 2013
There’s a dragon lying coiled                                        
At the base of my brain
In a dank dark crypt
At the top of my spine.
It is a foul and feral beast
Self centred as a dinosaur

No iridescent shining scales
No filmy farstretching wings                                    
No soaring spiraling flights
Over legendary landscapes
For this one.

No it just squats there                                                                      
Peering out at the world
Malevolent eyes slitted

If it sniffs
The faintest whiff
Of a threat to its survival
It rushes out
Breathing fire
Reptilian talons scything,
If you are quick
You may see them flashing
In my eyes

Before I slam the portal
Send my protector back
To seethe silently
Keeping watch
Over me
From the dungeon

Trish Lambert
Yo **** the government
Imfor embezzlement
They neva gave a ****
About the poor residence
We on the verge to ****
So **** free will steel
Is packin'
For those who aint packin'
Ya slackin' blackin'
Is apart of my skin uniform
Im causin' harm
To the nation power to
My peeps hangin' in haitain
Freed they self from the frustration
Of the congregation
The bill never has appealed
To us blacks
So wake the **** up why not?
Cuz they killin us one by one
Dont be mad just pack ya gun
For fun
******' up the covert imperial
Threat to their serials
Now we got them stuck as ****
Call the NRA
Im still gonna abrupt
The station
As i corrupt  
we'll have to tear this muthaphukka up
Ugh !!!!

I gotta mack 11
For george zimmerman
So he can go heaven
Or better yet hell my cell ya dwell
**** the media the press
And all the bs they yell
I can smell
A rat from miles away
Bless the AK
Combat skills in me are here to stay
Gangsta gangsta far from a prankster
Watch ya back cops
I gotsa gank  ya spank ya
Witth my fire i light like stars in the night
My desire to crumble empires
Like 322 romans biggest fall
Got the biggest nuts
They even made it to the hall
Of fame crime  shame got mas game
Like Allen much luv to brothers
In State Pen Rikers Island
Whites folks smilin' im wildin'
Crazy as a swarming buck
To get some props
We had to tear this muthaphukka up
So what the ****???

Now that im that im th3 commander in cheif
Deputys and FCC cant get to me
Cuz my peeps be
On alert hide out dirt
Death to imma flirt ya with
From the sizzler guerillas
Living in the midst sunkissed
So i know im blessed with
The skills dunk on ya like Oneal
Static to the satellite  channels
So ya can feel my skill get real
**** Dr Phil
And them ******* tryna hand me a red pill
Erase my brain
To reprogram my brain
Foo ya must be insane forget it
Aint gonna be admitted ya *******
Cap ya head like a fitted wig slitted
Get it
Or get with it
Black society get ready to unite
And **** up
Capitol Hill goin down in history
For black history yall aint a friend of me
Lets let these ***** and politic goons
Know whats up? showin' up
With mad artillery
Abrams and Howitizers
Cities in distress and goin nuts blowin up
Cuz we had to tear this muthaphukka
Up so whatttt the ****??
Innocent Tata Sep 2016
I saw it through the breakage on the pane
Through the cleavage on the drapes
From the back window I saw it
A man has never been this low I promise

You are the architect of your choices
You are a sum of your choices

I remember the boom
I remember the bass
The Shads of glass
She closed her eyes
She wished it pass
Anywhere but here
He grabbed her hand
She screamed and cried
He pushed her to the ground not a sound with his finger on his lips
As he proceeds gabbing her hips
She tries to push him off
But he was too strong
Just like her dad they were brothers afterall
But I said to myself
It ain't a nothing  that a baseball bat  or golf club couldn't solve
I ram on the door with my shoulder
I heard her cry out to God to save her
But he didn't answer
Something about free will as usual

He ripped her *******
He Unzipped his pants
Every ****** peaked a scream with his hand on her mouth
Until she became numb to it her resistance faded out...

She lied there like a piece of meat
Motionless not even a blink
And every tear that drifted to her chin from her eyes
Slitted a vein and artery in my heart
She was only 13, couldn't comprehend what had happened to her

Your honor
He was drunk, one too many bourbon
He's a man, ultimately human
You know how men are
Boys will be boyz

It's her fault for being drop dead gorgeous
Way too presumptuous
Not taking precautions
Too kind, too friendly, too nice
When those eyes that outshine the stars
Looked at him!
They were asking for it.

A beautiful suicide to an ugly life
A tender touch to a hurtful bruise
Am sorry I couldn't breakthrough the metaphorical glass door to you
Am sorry for what I did to you.
Never ***** no one in my life and vice versa. Please sniff out the irony..
Megan Williams Sep 2016
She had to reach inside herself
and pull out pine needles. They stuck to
her inner thighs, where his fingers had first grazed,
trailing up. The lights in a police station
post-**** are jarring.

She looked through slitted eyes
and faced a dumpster staring back,
her mouth reeking of stale beer and blood.

The cool infinity of last night loops
into a tightly-knotted ribbon of forever,
a graveyard of bruised hips and phantom touches.

When the story stretched wider than
the picturesque Stanford campus, ivy-covered walls that distract from dark dumpsters,
a news anchor gave the viewers vital facts:
“Brock Turner’s freestyle time is one minute and thirty-nine seconds.”

No media could be bothered to discuss
the humiliation of getting a **** kit. No one bothered
to mention how helpless it is being
too drunk and resigned to walk,
body like a rag doll left rotting
with banana peels.

The world stepped over a ***** girl
to defend a white boy, to bail out a monster,
all the while wondering where the blood on their shoes could have come from.

She could still hear the music,
a steady beat in spite of it all,
ear pressed soundly into the pavement.
emily doe i love you.
Waverly Sep 2012
Today drunks got up,
on an upended axis.

And wobbled
on driven souls,
driven to ****
and let the hate loose.

A drunk walked in mud
to work,
and his boss sported a smile
of sad pride.

He had done a great job,
and no one knew.

When they were sitting down
on the couch,
cracking the air with laughter,
the country man
looked up
and saw
a daughter of light on the floor,
slitted through the blinds.

He wanted so badly
to cry.
But didn't.

An imp limped
and down, back again
to the basement,
and his old ma
heard him sparingly.

So much happened to day,
so beautifully
clear, and azure,
that the masks
of nails
spiking our faces,
slowly wore down
against steel skin.

When the sun went down,
aching for pain again,
they took the first swig,
then a second.
Starlight May 2019
Fluctuating sentiment
Settled and stocked
We breathe for security
For the ebb to stifle
For the burning chest to breathe.
When the roof came down in the copper mine
There wasn’t much hope, we said,
Those twenty men on the south-west drive
Are buried, and probably dead.
The guys came in from the midnight shift
And they shovelled away ‘til dawn,
Pumping air in over the drift
They propped where the roof was torn.

For nearly seventeen hours they worked
They took it in turns to drive,
A passage was finally opened up
Though the men were barely alive,
I watched them all come staggering out
They’d all survived to a man,
But the last one out had begun to shout:
‘There’s a guy in there, like Pan!’

They sent in the stretcher bearers, who
Were there for an hour or more,
The men were shaken and pale of face
And wouldn’t say what they saw.
The stretcher was bearing a crumpled form
That they’d covered up with a sheet,
‘We’d better be taking this to the zoo,
And everyone, be discreet!’

A rumour, much like a whispering sigh
Was spread through the mining town,
For everyone wanted to know the guy
They’d pulled from under the ground,
The men they’d saved from an early grave
Lay still in their hospital beds,
At every question they looked away,
Just lay there, shaking their heads.

Their syndicate lottery numbers won
On the Tuesday of that week,
A million each for the twenty men
But still, they wouldn’t speak.
I guess I was feeling curious
So I took myself to the zoo,
They’d closed it down for refurbishment
But I knew the keeper, Hugh.

He put his finger up to his lips
And he said, ‘Don’t make a sound!
You’ll get me shot if as like as not,
They see that you’re looking round.’
He let me in through the rear gate
That was clogged with vines and weeds,
And we crept unseen where we’d best be screened
In the shade of the lilac trees.

He pointed me up to the Tiger’s cage
And he said, ‘You go ahead!
I’ll not be going further than this,
But don’t get close, or you’re dead!’
I wandered carefully up to the cage
It was slowly becoming dark,
And something hung in the evening air,
A sulphurous smell in the park.

The Tiger lay all over the cage
Its body was ripped to bits,
Its blood was spattered in violent rage
A snarl was on its lips,
Then from the rear of the cage a shape
Came shambling up to the bars,
It stood upright as a human might
But it certainly wasn’t ours.

The eyes were narrow and slitted, and
They glowed with a dull rich red,
The beard was long and the teeth were strong
Set deep in a goat shaped head.
It seemed to be wearing an evil grin
As it seized the bars with its claws,
And over above its pointed ears
Was the hint of a pair of horns.

Its legs were the crooked legs of Pan
There wasn’t the slightest doubt,
I took one step away from the cage
And stifled a fearful shout,
But then its shape had begun to change
And a tail whipped round at the bars,
It was long and pointed, covered in scale
And marked with a hundred scars.

It grew in size, in front of my eyes
As I stood, stock still and stared,
Pressed its face up close to the bars
And grinned with its nostrils flared,
A sudden flame shot out of its mouth
And a voice rose up from its gorge,
And rasped a name that lay deep in my brain,
‘So we meet again, St. George!’

David Lewis Paget
Daniello Mar 2012
I paid for the two coffees and brought
them back to the table, swear they
chinkled in my hands like the music
in my teeth jouncing around when I
see you. You wrote letters in your
bright notebook and as I sipped you
asked me to discover them. High task.
Could barely read your cursive boughs
and sinewy slippery esses, slip slip
sliding off the page as you smiled
with a pixieish shrug—see, can’t do it.
But I sipped a little more deliberately,
slitted my eyes back to you, wrote
you some mischief on a napkin and
you laughed. It was buoyant and I
floated for a second above the wooden
bench, sustained by other voices like
cushions of marzipan I could dip in
your coffee and you would love it.

And back then you were really in
front of me, I should have limned your
lines and ridges onto your notebook,
just to show you. Should have taken
out my camera in a way you wouldn’t
have seen and taken a picture of those
eyes, the way you looked right there,
right then. Maybe you’d have seen
mine being created then—suddenly
rushing, flushing blood to a created
thing, made out of thin air, substantive.
Seen how you gave me my flesh, how
you made me an unknown drinker of
all life’s subtle blessings, peacefully,
even while within the mist of its
peaceless ecstasy and fury.
uh now to part two
ya know what im about to do
**** you crew then to ya baby boo
crazy as a Brooklyn zoo
jump up if ya want too
my 1 2 make ya body shake
more than a holy ghost
smoke the most givin a toast
death yea so i hate to boast
haters try but cant come close
makin' most im passoverdose
**** seed n liqour got me drunk indeed
ya know how i flow
gotta make money mo
so **** a ** then check tha **
in the clubs still throwin' bows
check how my caddy spinnin' on vogues
white walls about seven inches tall now why dont ya fall
way back like lebron hairline
ya i like to exquisite dines
with red wine
put that on ya mind when ya grind
i go harder slam ya like Vince Carter
fools think im dumb but my game smarter always a starter
ya rhymes be late so ya cant relate
im.old school fool king of dons know the rules
of war
if ya want it come get it
watch ya neck get slitted
and if ya boys wanna jump too
my guns mad ammos
they can get hit with it
Mateuš Conrad Dec 2015
i met a mongol once in amsterdam, we exchanged a tearful stare and said a melancholic hello, as if we were to be brother in cement or sandstone of what the sun rememebred and man forgot but nonetheless carved for enshadowed suave of the shadowing hand on hand upon handed down remnant of the handless kanji... the motherless thus tongueless river of sight utilising hand and hand as sophistication of spying thanks to the hands’ shadows: thus no shadow tongue unless that shadow be thought or the abstract off thought: pre-meditation and the subsequent minded courtsey as requested of the blank page or the buddha’s slitted eyes faking intoxication by western standards of that green plant the mongols despise: and western societies fare to tax and thus exploit.*

and it would be easiest to withhold making talks
with the slavs
by compensation of the northern-most mosque
being established
as true progression...
but then having insulated the slavs
who are "primarily" plumbers and electricians
to make any dent in the politics of the other monotheists...
where the european excludes the european from europe
there you will see war as encouraging the asian
or the arab...
there you will see war, should a
european exclude european from europe
there you will see war
caucausian againts the rooster against the morn!
(in japanese tora tora tora!)
because you did not cherish our shared values
thus become devalued therefore value your integral anti-economic
evaluations that have no place in my land
but concern of keeping brown in the noun and not in the verb
of racism and sun;
i've become a barabbas among you, you messiahs,
you messiah selfies and messiah implants,
what gave you the jews scorned has given
me you as the "jews" scorned in your disorientation
of the fathomed atom bomb already spoken of in
the book of the apocalypse....
but a man ejecting an european from europe
to fantacise a non-invoked colonialism will halve in carving
this world in half for multi-cultarism!
no pole ever spoke of colonialism to see you speak
of post-colonial re-colonialisation of remote areas so ardently cared for:
conquer... and subsequently fall: your sons the additive bullets:
я и pоссия demand: the caucaucus tribes to
fake unity with the danube fools of erected bohemia.
Marshal Gebbie Jun 2011
Time for chewing sanction chasers
Time for calling out,
All those dogs who run for cover
All the slimes who flout!
Time to spin the wheels of change
To cull the slack who bludge,
Time to look behind the mirror
Spotlight those who fudge.
Time for nailing shirkers
Who employ the wriggle out
Time to hit the finger pointers
And the **** who pout!
Mostly time for settling
This old, outstanding score,
Drop your fool pretence
In standing bare arsed on the floor.
Bare arsed in the spotlight
With your sharpened fangs well drawn,
With talons sprung like drawknives
And your slitted eyes of scorn.
It's time to test your metal
In this avenue of pain,
Time to face your nemesis
Or you’ll NEVER stand again!

On the Razors Edge
Winter Solstice, 2011
Tori Hart Oct 2013
I'm writing this poem because I'm ******
And upset and sad and really **** annoyed
But mostly because I'm ******
I'm ****** because I try so ******* hard to get everything right
Every single thing
I am trying my absolute best
To get it "all right"
And for you, for all of you.
And for some reason that is not good enough
To you, I have let you down
To you, I could have done better
To you, I have failed.
I try to make it through my day
and there is a **** hurricane destroying my brain
and I honestly can't take it anymore.
And you know what makes me even more upset?
The fact that you like it
You, sitting at your computer
You will click the heart and you will Like it
Because this world tells you
that Pain is beautiful to you
Anxiety is complex
and Emotional Destruction is Art
And that ******* ****** me off, too.
Emotional deterioration is not Art
My insane hurricane of internal blame
Is not for you to click the heart and "Like" it
Or for you to share with your Facebook friends.
Why don't you like the love poem?
Or the psalm of happiness?
Or the gentle, giggly limerick?
Is that because we only see internal turmoil as beautiful now?
What about rhymes of sunsets and silhouettes?
And clandestine loves and clinking castanets?
Where are their electronic hearts?
Do those only belong to slitted wrists
and broken heart plot twists?
Well, that's not true
And this ****** poem isn't for you.
This ****** poem is for me
and for what I feel
and for what I create
and for what I accomplish
because what I make is beautiful
and there are so many aspects of this life that are beautiful without being painful
And that little red-clicked heart doesn't mean jack **** to me.
I usually do not write this abrasively or full of anger. This day has been long and hard and the hurricane doesn't want to be contained anymore. I apologize for any uncomfortable eyes.
Tom McCone Feb 2014
unsurely, we could have
slept, still: all made
small slitted movements,
all ablaze
in serenade for
something like
life, hanging sterile, like
presheaved diamond litter,
across broken lines
through the dark.

we breathe.
we trek out motions,
taking step in each other's

and i, caught, dividing
through the time either of us still
could sleep. well, i
can't sleep. i can't
wait it out. i can't
do this. didn't
you say how i'd
lie? well, sugar,
i can't lie.
at least not tonight.
Emmie van Duren Apr 2017
Sunlight flares across the glass as her face stares out, eyes wreathed in wrinkles and slitted slightly, thin mouth drawn down in pain or bitterness or maybe disappointment.
Blue sky reflects in the faded pupils and silvery hair whispers like fairy floss above the pink scalp.  Pale blotchy skin creases and pleats itself over the bone structure.
She lifts a veined, liver spotted hand, knotty with arthritis, to her lips.
I study the outline of her face, looking for the young girl with long, glossy brown hair I remember. She of the thrown back throat, ready laugh and warm smile.
The passionate one - forgiving quickly because she loved much and was loved in return.
She's survived her husband by many lonely years.  
Ah, wait! - there's the dimple hidden in the folded skin.  
Time stands still as we search each other's eyes, looking for a connection until I notice a tear sliding down along her nose.
I turn away from the mirror.
© Emmie van Duren 21st April 2017
Redshift Jun 2013
every time
i am too hurt to move
or say anything
to anyone
my cat comes
and lays down on my stomach
and purrs
and looks at me
and her slitted eyes
tell me
to be ok.
Nicole M Grubbs Sep 2012
When I dream, I dream of you.
And when I dream of you it's in colors that don't exist.
Mind twirlin, boggling away.
It's in my sleepyhead, in my bed where I wish to stay
and perhaps find a name for these colors I cannot recite
and dream of you for always just like day turns into night.
Still I awake from a fuzzy view and find the pillow I'm holding isn't you.
Salted drops form in envelopes of my eyes that are slitted open when I think of how my dreams lie.
And the letter I cry to you is carefully folded inside.
Ink made of tear drops and moon beams and rainbows that leave me starry eyed.
Liz Anne Dec 2013
Colors blur and time becomes more than a little unstuck
Lavender and amber pour in through shutters
Slitted and still as my hazy eyes
Cool sharp breezes trickle in with muted light and
Run like the slow teasing slide of knives against my cheeks
Goosebumps and the heady scent of last night's incense
I am cold in the early morning light and it pulls me from a dream
Barely awake, blinded and chilled and alone
But my lips are alive in a memory and though my throat is dry
I find my quiet mouth seeking to fill the
Silence with the momentary ghost of your name
Anonymous Freak Jul 2016
What if we had two faces?
One for night,
One for day.
One with curling red lips,
The other with
Smiling freckles.

What if we had two faces?
One for cold,
One for warmth.
One with a rosy red nose,
One toasted brown
From the sun.

What if we had two faces?
One for crying,
One for laughing.
One with damp, sea water
One with happy slitted eyes.

What if I had two faces?
One for people,
One for me.
One practised,
Taken apart until perfect,
And giggly,
And girly,
That wipes away.
One with heavy eyes,
And trying to be wise,
One with stinging cheeks,
Left by tears
From decisions no one
Should ever have to make.

What if we had two faces?

What if we had one?
Grey Jan 2016
From black to thinning darkness brings
a golden fire,
a ring of brightness amidst the grey,
unhinged jaws,
I grow and grow, unlike tree, unlike living beast,
like a mountain, cold and unmoving.
I rumble like a volcano, a laugh to rival the Gods'.
They make creation,
I make destruction.
I form chaos with my claws, rip richness from earth,
from open graves, from open ribs.
I drink the body's wine, dripping from lips, sizzling on skin.
Smoke rises, obscures slitted eyes.
Serpens, adored;
a symbol.
Emblazoned, glittering,
golden against the silken sky of night.
Out from thinning black, the light of the sun.
wordvango Jul 2015
Snell's law in life a medium
of a mind prism, as sure as ,
the wavelenths have varying temperatures:
Wide open aperature of high
the slitted view of depressions,
purpish absorbing the green, yellow
echoes, yellow absorbing the hot red rays.
If only I saw what was absorbed, the waves that came I ignored.
Blue with depressions, colder than all the feel of ultraviolets.
Or intense as the white paper absorbing the infrared rays.
I pass , like a prism, the negative refractive indexes.
Jago Lantz Sep 2013
There is a side that he refuses to show
With fangs, claws, and a menacing glare
A beast he is called, yet I love him so
For I shall always be his to ensnare

Nevertheless, all he sees are paws
All furry and covered in dirt
So, everyday he opens his jaws
And howls at the sky in hurt

But paws, I tell him, can still embrace
They can hold me near and away from hate
That brews within the beats that lustfully chase
Until they find him instead, and suffer a ****** fate

Paws that protect can't possibly be tainted
By the gore that he sees through slitted eyes
All he needs are hands to be painted
In order to reveal a man in disguise

But I love the beast that he tries to hide
From the tops of tufted ears to the tip of his tail
I'd enjoy much less the company of tainted hands that lied
Than that of ***** paws that I know will always prevail
Anonymous Freak Jun 2017
"Layna, this is Seth,"
Our father breathed into
My ear.
"I think you two should play together
For a while."

We were only children,
Toddling around
With wild fantasies.
I was bashful and shy,
But I always tried
To make you laugh.
And you always gave me
Reasons why you weren't a good

We played tag,
And the wind would carry
Your feet
And push my hair into my face,
I never liked this game.
You always got so far away.
I'd only catch you
When you were out of breath,
You'd stop short,
And I run into you
"Father she pushed me!"
"I did NOT! He's lying!"

Our small high voices
Would rise up the chimney
Making imperfect
Melodies together,
And not hearing a thing
The other said,
Too caught up
In our own disassociative
Play land.
"Daddy he won't listen to me!
He ignores me!"
"Father I can't get her
To slow down and think!"

Our amusement
Of one another
Started getting rough,
You didn't like
How I'd started getting more
And confident.
Unafraid to poke the bear with a stick,
And I loathed your timid
Out look on life.
"Father she scares me! She plays too rough!"
"Daddy he won't take chances! He's still so shy!"

But then there'd be a blissful
Of perfect harmony,
Under a canopy of tree branches
Woven together,
You'd dare to hold my hand,
And I'd slow down
And breathe it in.
"Daddy why can't he always be like this?"
"Father will she calm down
With age?"

"I love him daddy, he's good sometimes."
"I love her father, she's beautiful when she's gentle."

We built things together,
Crooked buildings out of
You found it funny when they fell through,
I saw it as a problem
To solve.
"Father she's too driven, and bossy. She wants everything just so."
"Daddy he doesn't care if it all falls apart."

We'd wrestle in the grass,
It started out just fun,
Then your pride was damaged,
And so was mine,
And I couldn't let you win.
"Father I don't know if I want to play anymore, she never lets anything go. She won't let me have my way."
"Daddy he thinks I have to be something else."

I would giggle at foolish things,
And sang silly songs,
And you watched me with slitted eyes, Unamused.
"Father she's overwhelming."

"Layna he isn't happy,"
Our father murmured softly.
"Well I'm not happy either!
So he can just leave me alone!"

"What? Why?"
"Because you don't like me anyways!"

Our inner
Traumatized children, didn't play well together,
And they were determined
To come out
And have their say,
So when they couldn't get along,
I realized,
Neither could we.
Nisa Feb 2018
he carved her name across his skin

and burried deep inside his heart

everytime her name slipped out of

a tongue

the wound stings

like a freshly slitted wrist.
May Asher Dec 2015
I’m staggering and stumbling on air
climbing the clouds as I tear  

Because I can’t still see the rays of sunshine
And twinkling starlight in the night

I build hope with fragile beams of light
And sew them into my dreams

It’s constant blue stretching beyond my sight
And specks of white floating in these heights

But sky turns dark again and I shiver
And I soak again and cry and quiver

And I watch while the light fades
From my brittle dreams and false hope

And the clouds beneath me cracks open
And I fall through, tearing the layers of sky

I scream in the dark and my joints snap apart
And muscles tear and eardrums rip

And my shins split and knuckles wrench
I drown into seas and my broken body drenches

And I take breaths through my torn lungs
And try to move my severed bones

And my heart bear scars, all rusted and dried
and failing to beat one more time

And my dreams scatter on the clouds
I want to scream but my voice is gone

My whispers don’t carry through
And tears spill out my ebony eyes,

reflecting all shades of black
But not one beam of sunlight

I break down and let my mouth drop open
As if I could howl despite my slitted vocals cords

But only blood seeps through the blue
And I notice my gashes bleed

And streams of vermillion track around my arms
And neck, hands and legs. I’m all finished

And my veins burst and bloodstream erupts
And tendons break and numbness claims me

I’m gone because once I believed
I could build my dreams amidst the sky

The blue cradles me for I’m tired to stay up
And water gushes down my throat

And leaks into my lungs
And my insides suffocate

My last sight is sheer darkness
And only one star as it breaks away

And streaks across in silence
I smile and let go slowly

As the pain fades
And memories are left behind

I’m leaving here forever  
As moon smiles and draws my soul

And wraps me in shimmering moonlight
And stars show me my place

And I start my eternity as a dim glow
As a star that’ll never fade, never break

As a light that will never flicker
A glimmer, one amongst the thousand others

But I wish I could be a beam of sunlight
And reflect across the clouds

And maybe collect my dreams
And keep them forever.

— The End —