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Dylan Dec 2018
Homunculus Feb 2019

Today, I learned the true extent to which I loathe the IRS. To be fair, I've always known that I hated them. I've had plenty of legitimate reasons for this in the past. For instance, every year, they casually extort our wage and salary, pretending to allocate it for the building of bridges, roads, and schools. While in reality, the infrastructure and educational system crumble, and defense spending grows without limit.
But then again, I do suppose that in a certain sense, roads, bridges, and schools are built indirectly with these funds; but only after the funds are used to blow these institutions to smithereens in third world countries, and private corporations like Halliburton are contracted to rebuild them for egregious profits. Profits, mind you, which are shuffled to dozens of offshore shell corporations, ensuring that they are taxed at a rate exponentially lower than the profits of the average working citizen.
But today, I experienced a type of hatred entirely novel to my conceptions of what is even possible in the realm of consciousness. A loathing so intense that it paralyzed my rationality, sending me into fits of rage and bewildered astonishment that I would wish on NO ONE . . . except Cheney or Kissinger, the ******* *******. For today, for the first time in all my 28 years of life, I filed my federal income taxes. I knew that one day the chore would inevitably arise, but I still consider it an accomplishment to have made it through an entire third or more of my life without ever actually dirtying my hands with the wretched muck. All that aside, the story goes like this:
I work as an “independent contractor” for a friend who runs a small business. I perform various services around the office, and he cuts me a check at the end of the week. I've been working there “on paper” for about a year, really a bit longer, but “what they don't know...” so goes the old adage. We had, the both of us, anticipated with tempered irritation, the arrival of this bureaucratic beast of burden. However, neither of us knew that the deadline mailing date for “independent contractors” comes nary two months sooner than for payroll employees. This information was sprung on us at the very last minute by his tax attorney who, from this point on, will be referred only to as 'G.S.' (grease stain).
As I was fulfilling my duties, my friend urgently beckoned to me “STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING. TAXES ARE DUE TODAY, AND WE HAVE TO FILE THEM NOW!” Naturally, I panicked. I had seen an income tax form . . . perhaps once or twice? . . .  much less filled one out . . .  maybe once at 17 during the employment process at a fast food joint? . . . Initially, we had thought it would be a simple matter of the W-2, the likes of which had been filled out automatically for me by employers in the past as a part of the hiring phase. Nonetheless, since my status of “independent contractor” placed me into a different tax category, I had to fill out what is known as a 1099-MISC. “Simple enough!” thought I, “I'll just fill in the relevant details and get back to work.” . . . “NOT SO FAST, CASEY JONES!” screamed the form, with all its talk of “fishing boat expenses” and “crop insurance” . . . “O...K?” “and what precisely has this to do with me?” thought I.
My employer, courteous as he can sometimes be, called up (t)rusty old G.S., who referred us to a site where the form could be understood more intelligibly. After a bit of head scratching and chin stroking, we figured it out. No matter, though! Because once we figured the form out, we couldn't figure out what to DO with the ******* thing. 'G.S.' was once again consulted, and he told us that we could simply print the form, and take it to an H&R Block office for submission. “Okay, simple enough!” thought I . . . but alas! It was not to be so. When we arrived at said office, the agent . . . who looked like a burned out caricature of William H. Macy . . .  reviewed the forms, and said that to apply the deductions I had calculated, he would require a $300 fee for his services, and that I would need to fill out a “Section-C.” This lanky, rasp-voiced, twig of a man then withdrew from his cubicle, at which point, my employer whispered to me “**** that, I've done Section-C forms hundreds of times, we're ditching these crooks”
At this point, we retreated back to the office, found what we thought to be the relevant forms, but were soon swept up in a vicious monsoon of bureaucratic legalese which, although it resembled English, bore few similarities other than word spelling and grammatical form. It is sometimes alleged that Kafka was haunted by ghosts which had an insatiable appetite for stories. The legend further has it that he would write for them to quell their unyielding wrath. Those of us who have read Kafka know intimately of his satirical preoccupation with the absurdity of bureaucracy. Perhaps these stories pleased the ominous specters which loomed over him like the fluorescent light beaming down upon me as I type these words. Some things can never be known for certain. If, however, this were truly the case, then it would seem that Kafka's ghost had now taken the role of writing MY story for his own amusement. Every cliché of the DMV and social services building was present in this ghastly affair. “Fill out this form; stand in this line; oh, I'm sorry, sir. You've got the wrong form. You'll need to file a (…) and take it to (…), their hours are MwAhMwAhMwAhMwAhMwAh” This futile circumlocution went on for SIX HOURS. All the while, thoughts of a perfectly wound noose, crafted of thick hemp rope, with thirteen pristine wraps forming a slipknot to be fitted as though tailor made around my neck filled my mind, as the acute stages of benzodiazepene withdrawal began to set it. Luckily enough, or so we suspect. We figured it out, and now I have only to wait for my return to come in the mail to see what I owe.
But once I got home, I got to thinking. There is a copy of 'Infinite Jest' on my coffee table. A literary epic whose magnitude cannot possibly be overstated. I began to think deeply reverential thoughts of the author of this book, and then something clicked in my mind: on that fateful day when Wallace took his own life  by the noose, he was in the middle of writing a novel about nothing less than the 1985 Tax Code in Illinois, and a group of IRS agents. Being the adamant researcher of all topics that he was, we can hardly imagine that he did not give this terrible ******* of language what he felt to be its due diligence. Of course, any responsible thinker understands that correlation does not equal causation; but as the admittedly ironic thoughts of suicide filled my mind over the course of this afternoon and evening, I can't help but be left to wonder if a mind so vastly superior to mine as his did not experience these ideas with markedly less irony as he reveled in the vile idiosyncrasies of bureaucratic jargon. Again. Some things can never be known.
I have begun keeping a journal. Not so much for the sake of documenting my daily experience, but more so to experiment with different writing styles and, perhaps to help clarify my own thoughts. I will also continue to write poems, of course.
Sharnna Mar 2016
Pinks, purples and blues;
A bubblegum daydream;

Warm breeze wrapping around;
A gentle hug for a slow beating heart.

Incandescence a faint memory,
A gentle hum in place.

The smell of freshly new ironed clothes.
The inhale of perfume; enveloping and a long exhale escapes lips.

The sweet sound of birdsong and the calm that nature brings is easily rivalled by you darling,

I am home.
Thought of this earlier because the sky was nice
ceara Sep 2011
10/12/2008, FOOD

Tom Yum Soup
how you held my hand
growled in hunger
how I didn't know
if we were a couple

15/12/2008 FOOD

how happy I was
to convince you to diverge
from healthy eating
to Vanilla cream and wafers

21/12/08 MISC

a tinsel hoop
and drawing pins
for a sock to hold
a chocolate reindeer
to your door

new year
we were a couple no more
R King Mar 2013
Sometimes I get a thinkin’
About all in life that’s stinkin’
And yet at other times
I start spewing out rhymes

Some parts cease to make sense
But they serve as emotional vents
For my feelings on the day
That have been held at bay

Yet to think I could compress
All of my stress
Into a few simple lines
People must be out of their minds

Yet that ain’t what this is about
This isn’t a way to shout
For help or attention
Its just here to mention

Anything in my head
From baked beans to bread
Or a man without a clue
To why he’s coughing up glue

It could be about
An animal’s snout
Or maybe sometimes I think
About the color pink

Perhaps there was a thought
About a battle that was fought
Between a chair and a lamp
And a fat kid at camp

Maybe there’s a story
All ****** and gory
Of an accidental chop
Taking the head of a fop

And there’s the Grim Reaper
Taking the soul of a sleeper
Who wakes up to find
He has retained his mind

I could write like this ‘til the end of time
About Bigfoot or cupcakes or the hind of a mime
But eventually I’ll cease
And maybe then I’ll find peace

For anything out of my imagination
Could have laid the foundation
For these things I have penned
And thusly I finish with a simple

The End
sophia Nov 2018
love shame and
it will heart break,

eyes hurt and
confusion hurts

lovely falls
and kind cracks.

times broken
and healed clocks.

all lead me
back to you.
Terra Lopez Dec 2015
every note, a reminder
of you
every note, a reminder
of why i have to leave


wait for it
that's what we say
when we don't know what to do with pain.


if i could undress your thoughts
and disregard your arms for armor
we could go there every night
we could go there every night

if i could undo this love
would i want to
(as armor)
we could go there every night
we could go there every night

understand that things got lost
understand that i got lost
understand that things get lost
understand that i got lost


in this moment, i don't exist
make me forget
holding my own hand
just for the sake of it
this modern truth
was not made for you

father, make me new
just like your used to
take me blindly
forced to understand you
and you can have what's mine
you can have your time
take me blindly
forced to understand
hadley Jul 2016
fantasize about the veins in your wrist popping
like his eyes did when you said the words
"i love you."

grow uncomfortable with the lasting silence
within yourself
an itch that you can't scratch.
a self that you can't love.

know that though it may be temporary
you feel like glass has settled in your lungs
a metallic edge to the blood in your heart.
i'm in love and it hurts like hell
Dylan Jan 2019
I knew she was the one for me
when I fully lost my sanity.
I was the lowest I had ever been
and never thought I would find love again.
I found her on the internet
and never thought she would be my wife.
I wanted to keep it casual
but she soon became my entire life.
She was waiting for me when I left,
when I thought I had found my cure.
When I finally first saw her
my heart skipped a beat I'm sure.
She was just as I expected
and as caring as I hoped.
She understood my illness
without the need to keep it cloaked.
She will be the one I marry
and I will never doubt our flame.
I cannot wait to wed her
and could not be prouder to give her my name.
Olga Valerevna Jul 2015
It feels as though I never knew the person you've become
A black and white chicanery that's breathing through your lungs
The only thing I think about is how this came to be
Forget the present as it were, there's nothing left to see
I must've spoke a thousand times but nobody could hear
I tried to make myself believe before you made it clear
Uncertainty would linger in the spaces you would go
And leave me with an emptiness that lived inside my throat
I had my words and you had yours, the conversation's changed
We may have once been lovers but our hearts are now estranged
Lyss Gia Sep 2016
you can let your body be fragmented into one hundred bleeding pieces
and sewn back together.  
you can see the future,
the past
and humanity’s frenzied crusade through them.
you can grasp the infinite complexities in the world.
simplify them
you can make constellations from the stars.
july hearne Jul 2017
he was forty but lied about his age,
told everyone he looked young for his age,
and still shopped at hot topic

he is in late forties now, still thinks he looks young,
and still shops at hot topic

he buys the same stuff that people were buying
in the 80's before hot topic existed

he describes himself as having such a brilliant mind that he is easily bored with people. he is an intj, so this means that he knows everything. he is very intelligent according to the re-occuring craigslist misc. romance ads he has been posting for the last decade.

when he gets inspired, he updates his fetlife profile
(or his ok cupid profile)

i met him when i was too alone, but not numb enough yet
he kept on telling me that depressed people were really just narcissists who couldn't stop thinking about themselves

i couldn't tolerate him, but had nothing else to do, so i had to be drunk and ****** at all times in his presence and i don't drink very often
prior to that i was only a weekend stoner,
but that changed real quick

he made himself too comfortable
and bought me a bob dobbs book for my birthday
because he thought and still thinks bob dobbs is hilarious

he kept on using my bathroom for long periods of time
and bringing the bob dobbs book in with him every time

i told him he could keep the bob dobbs book
but he said, "no, it's more the kind of book that i want to read when i come over and use your bathroom"
so i swallowed the throw up in my mouth, asked him to leave, threw the book away, and never had anything to do with him after that.

shortly thereafter, he started diagnosing me and every other woman who is not attracted to him as having borderline personality disorder via craigslist missed connections and/or his fetlife profile (which i still read for laughs).

then he broke into my apartment through the back door the night before he got married to a woman who needed a green card. i'm not sure why he did that, i'll never know. he broke the door, so it wouldn't shut properly anymore and i smashed my fingers in it once while trying to shut it. my fingernails fell off.

and this is why i have been celibate for the last 7 and half years.
he is also a vegan who eats cheese, fish, and chicken.

the woman who needed the greencard ended up divorcing him.

i really like the tags feature on this site.
Dylan Jan 2019
I found love in the loneliest place.
At the absolute end of the line.
I had no will to continue,
and for nothing did I pine.
Then I saw her and was taken
with her presence and her stature.
I was transfixed upon her aura
and the notice she did capture.
It was not supposed to happen
but I fell in love abruptly.
She was far, far too special
for the rules to constrain me.
She was not without her flaws
but never once did I see them.
She was the one for me.
She was my uniquely beautiful gem.
Sadly I had no courage
and I never did approach her.
I will forever love her from afar
but I will never go near her.
R Aug 2015
I take sleeping pills every night
and I don't really remember when this started
but I don't think it's such a bad thing.
I like them because they help me fall right asleep and
I don't have to worry about what awaits for me behind my
drooping eyelids.
I'm finally starting to get on a schedule thanks to these pills.
Linkuya Nov 2017
-Trampled Under Hoof-

Thick dust kicks up from this sulfur tar,
Suffocating the fools dim enough come near,
Ultra violence breeds screams from afar,
Thunder Puncher gored on a topaz field.

Trampled under hoof,
No escape from this fate,
Wishing he was saved,
Filling up with hate.

Even mutilated by nature his fists rose high,
Thunder Puncher still has the will to fight,
Standing as the warm blood still escapes his thighs,
Bloodied and muddied, fists flying with all his might.


Ripping and tearing,
Scorching and staring,
Never with bearings,
Always out scaring.

Who is he to fear,
Violently attacking all,
Sharp as a spear,
Hand held in a ball.

Now they've all fallen,
Trilobite the victor,
Blood falling like pollen,
Death the constrictor.
Trevor Dowe Nov 2017
still waters rage cold
ice bears no malice this night
fire warms tired hearts

stars wheel across night
moon glows brightly to reveal
waves crash silver dark

worn hands outstretched
waiting for gifts ungiven
quiet desperation

warm rain falls swiftly
the approaching torrent comes
washing away fear

leaves fall orange red
trees barren whistle  in wind
grey skies lingering

If the crows shall feast
I won't be alone, two corpses
Will be in grave need

Raised by poets
Through the long summer
To wreak havoc now

Perish the thought
Of my demise, dream on
I will one day rise
ohNoe Oct 2014
the voodoo doll I have for You
  I speak to every night
with babble beg plead please
  and then a wish for Yur sweet dreams

the tattoo I have of You
  I stare at every night
with a sentimental smile singing please
  and then a wish for You in sweet dreams

I Love You Shannon Hickman (S.H.)
  Stud Hero (S.H.) Inspiration
I was put on this planet
  to be the being who whispers to you
Let's hold hands as we journey even further
  let's Love where we are
    & then Love the journey however far

I'm supposed to bring You Happy Fun Joy
  I'm supposed to be Yur Happy ***** Poet Boy
I should show You the You of You
  Incredible Wonderful Awesome Amazing True
That's the only possible reason I exist,
  unless you'll kiss me inside a dream mist
    which You share with me

Every time we were together
  didn't You feel the Forever?
Didn't You hear the tremble in my voice
  which mirrored the Miracle of Yur choice?

I grieve **** shall always believe...
Please never grieve!!
  **** Please Believe!!
  Please Believe!!!!

Oh Shannon,
  when You listen to a song whose emotions You feel saying You are amazing & Yur touch is the
  primordial nova, do You ever remember that was My touch and that EVERY SINGLE TOUCH OF

    how the **** did I not lift You with me onto clouds where WE could watch Z-O-E climb trees as WE
    giggled at our giddiness?!

My words made You want me
  **** you bored of the real me
HOW is that OUR Reality?

Stud Hero (S.H.),
  Clint shall now strive for excellent,
    far better than merely partying
      with some misc poeting

I will be everything I can be of me w/out You
  even though the only thing I'll ever want
is Yur life, mind, voice, curves, caress, kiss
  and the Soul in Yur eyes

**** how shall it ever compare
  to when You were forever there
when I was suddenly infinitely hotter
  and am pretty sure I could breathe underwater

Oh, Once Upon A Time Lover
  Forever Fantasy Dream Lover
******* with You
  or into You
    or Both
was the most Man I've ever been
  the realest my lips & tongue & **** have ever been
**** besides beyond the ******
  was the sensual
    & You made my heart's soul whirlpool
      with even the hint of a touch
        (a whisper from Yur look was almost too much)

Yet You were able to eliminate Yur Love for me,
  while for me it is the only Forever I'll ever be.
One day You could suddenly unsay NEED,
  **** Yur the only breath I'll ever bleed

Dumped Discarded
  thrown tossed away
Broken Sharded
  so easily tossed away

  WOW to OW

Not just someone,
  not just fun,
    The One,
Not some ******* Stupid Movie “Neo”,

**** she decided i'm noone
  i am none

every belief i've ever held is unbelieved
  wrong wrong wrong wrong un-believed
                                         (i'm not me)

now mostly Yur a memory
  that personality which spoke words with that voice which sang sighed from that face, oh, that that
  face, through that mouth, sweet mother of the universe, that mouth, with those lips (ohhhh, so unfair
  to have those lips AND those eyes)
now mostly a memory

**** I do remember,
  I remember Every time we touched
                      Every time we talked
and when the nerves of my body
  forget Yur Lips, Yur Fingertips
    & the sweet squeezes between Yur thighs
I will still feel Yur eyes

You thought I saw inside You
  **** it was really inside You seeing me

Oh S.H.,
  the silly sweet stunned smile in my eyes
    is because of You
and Yur what makes them Blue
  (even blind I would see You)

My only philosophy
  is You should BE with Me
tell me to touch You deep inside
  that that's how You NEED Clint,
    in every possible way that can be meant

Other than that
  i'm just the shadow of a shell
and i don't understand
  how you aren't as well
You said I was awesome
  Yur that & then some

In some ways
  I'll be that way always
and even prove
  I can improve

My moonlight is as ever silver nova bright
My soul is still a sibling sister to the sun
I am as always an ocean
  my hand the waves upon the sand

I've decided to be healthy
  and so I shall be
I've embraced positivity
  so I'm as pleasant as can be

Active athletic
  no longer amateur alcoholic
I push to make me
  the Me knowing You
    made me want to Be
Goals for body & soul
  and the Noe I want you to know

And I'm reaching them
  & teaching me
Although other than that
  i'm just a shallow shadow of a shell

And Always
  And All Ways
S.H., S.H., S.H.
  my every realization
  my only information
    is Yur my Inspiration

Maybe Yur future music muse will Someday as a guitar sing my name

Maybe someday as You ride mtb miles
  or rule the road Hickman style
a song will echo in You our smiles
  for miles & miles & miles & miles
Maybe Yur memory music muse
  shall moan laugh sigh
    as a guitar sings my name

Then as You ride on by,
  will You call my name?

I'll be biking or hiking
  or swimming or gyming
    or running or writing
as I'm hoping & wishing
  & wanting & waiting
ben a while, sorry, have a few looong ones to catch up typing, been focusing on physical, triathlon training and miles of riding thinking...
Callum Hull Jan 2011
To sit and stare
Going here and there
Is how I tend to exert some flair.
To try and pass the time
With  solutions to some crime.

For example on a bus
Where there is usually more than one of us,
I delude myself with the notion that I can save the day.
By way of applying some misc aid
Without the luxury of knowing it’s a charade.

Like now the lady affront of me could get mugged,
And in my delusion, my fear unplugged
I'd bust a move and bust a jaw.
Thereby giving him the what-for.

Or maybe just a mirage of lust?
That involves one with ample bust.
Not attempting to be seedy or deplorable
But to enjoy company so adorable.
Is one a lad can't miss.
Especially when it leads to steamy kiss.

Perhaps, a vision more complex?

Maybe axles laced with sem-tex.
To throw the vehicle into disarray
That’s how I could save the day.
With flames and smoke
As people choke.
Carrying the near dead
To a temporary bed
There will be no death
When life is resumed with a simple breath.

And all at once I awake in shock
As it appears that I have missed my stop.
These flights of fancy happen quite frequently for me, and im mostly using the topic to pracitce some of my rhyming and structure. i hope you like it :)
That moment
or is it this moment,
the next moment,
That defines how you define, that moment, in your life? ~SacredInkedveins
"Moments," written in a moment on 04/25/2017 in another moment of sleeplessness. Okay enough of that word. Blessings, me © 12 hours ago   life • moment • family • random • misc
"Moments," written in a moment on 04/25/2017 in another moment of sleeplessness. Okay enough of that word. Blessings,
my brother has a Cheshire cat scar
on his ankle,
thin and pale like a waning crescent.
sometimes we tell him that
it's a birthmark from a past life,
or that he got it from getting his foot stuck
in a bear trap
while hunting Bigfoot,
but nobody actually knows how he got it.
only, that's another lie I like to tell.
I know
because I'm the one who gave it to him.

the story I don't tell goes like this:

it is the kind of summer where the cicadas
sound like roaring lions
and you can feel the sweat
trickle down your back so slowly
you imagine there are centipede feet
forming new transit systems
along your spine.
I am seven and my mother still makes me wear
scratchy cotton dresses that I think
I'm too grown up for.
Another lie.
I secretly love them because I can fit my whole hand,
fingers spread apart like starfish arms
in the pocket of the skirt.
we are at the park with my grandmother,
and I am pulling star jasmine
that I plucked from my mother's garden
from the pocket
and stuffing it in the crevices of a rock castle,
cement for our bricks.
I have spent a week building it with my brother
and I am proud.

the brother in question is four
and chases moths in the tall grass,
landing on his face every time
he thinks he's spry enough to catch them.
I'm pretty sure he's mad at me
because I've ruined our castle with my flowers.
actually, no.
he's definitely mad at me,
because when he knocks over our castle
to get my attention,
I run after him
and scream that I'll chase moths with him,
except he's the moth and just doesn't know it yet.
I drive him up the metal slide
that I know he's not skilled enough to climb,
where our grandmother can't see us.
and while he's kicking his way up,
I grab his ankle and I bite him.
there's a heartbeat of silence and then
firetruck wails so loud I swear the playground
will shatter
so I yank him down and slap my hand
over his mouth.

you bit me, he cries through my grimy palm,
you bit me.
he is shocked, because I am his sister,
and I am supposed to love him.
I am shocked, because I am his sister,
and I do love him,
even though I bit him for knocking down
our castle.
but I am also a coward,
and so instead of apologizing,
I tell him that a huge moth tried to hurt him
and that I bit him so that I could swallow it up
to save him.
when my grandmother comes over,
he has stopped crying but his ankle is still bleeding,
and he begs her not to be angry,
because I did it to keep him safe.
she sends him to the bench,
and when we are alone,
she warns me in her sandpaper tongue
that if I keep telling these stories,
one day he will believe them.

he is sixteen now and we do not talk.
so when he calls me I am so startled that
it feels like I am seven all over again,
my heart racing out of my chest
while I watch him sob.
he says he is calling to talk about the scar
and this time I am preparing myself to explain
that he was branded by a crime lord who tried
to kidnap him as a baby.
but before I can even begin,

he says
I had a dream that I got the scar
because you bit me

the line is suffocatingly quiet
except for my unsteady breathing
as I try to process how it is possible that he could
now of all times
finally remember

he laughs
it's crazy, right?
you would never

and I realize he is waiting for me
to reassure him
so I say
of course not, stupid.
don't you know you got that scar
while wrestling with cobras?
we had to cauterize the wound
to stop the venom from spreading.

I don't need to see his face
to know that he is rolling his eyes,
and he does not need to see mine
to know that I am smiling.

he snorts because these fishtales
never cease to be ridiculous,
and yet,
we both prefer them.

and I'm assuming you saved me
like always?

I think that this might be my first truth in a long time
when I answer:
like always, dummy.
that's a promise.
what I'd pay to keep that smile
for myself

how can you be so cruel
as to pretend not to know
just how much power
you already have over me?

don't ask the impossible
of me
but don't offer me the impossible

I have nothing to sacrifice for it yet.
ohNoe Jul 2020

Unce tice, fee tines a mady
****, sorry,
eddie murphy buh-weet flashback....

Once or twice upon a time
  or perhaps
     just maybe
        almost what must be forever

there was a woman
she was WOW
she was WOAH, MAN
  she was MEOW

Sometimes She Believed It
  She'd Strut when it Fit
But could be there's Artist's Block
  and the Goddess don't Rock

  Betrayal be the WORST
Try to Fly unto Forever
  with a son-****-father

the ******* height
  ain't gonna be every single night
lead guitar **** star
  don't always play on Wednesday

but the current underneath
  the love lust deep deep within
is supposed to be decades in its belief
  i've seen old people kiss remembering sin

Eyes Afire for each other
  Their Love Still Alive
holding hands hotter
  than any hard fast drive

If you're not in,
  then into the kiln
plate your ***
  this ****** too shall pass

I remember when she was Queen of Beads
  a bracelet had me hummin
    an anklet I wanna be drummin
      a necklace almost satisfied my need...

I had recently learned to be Grateful
  but basically just to expand my Party
    and where I hoped it might take me

KMM was the reason I let the Dead into ME
  a Dead song heard thru her eyes
    was being caught Without A Net
      seeing thru the Eyes Of The World

You see Your Rose
  I saw Mine
You say you Noes
  I say She Fine

did I mention forever ACTUALLY MEANS forever
  and you have every right and reason to be bitter
if you say you gonna stay whatever the weather
  be a man
    if you possibly can
if not
  at least let her know
    uh yeah thanx buh-bye whatever

people think they know what up
  their truth be THE truth
pain be personal is what up
  that truth is THE truth

you'll Noe when you're fully healthy again
  when mind heart soul friends
say uh yeah it wasn't me
  so ******* **** I'm free

there was a Kathryn I met
  only Kathryn I've known as yet
20-ish years later we re-met
  and this won't rhyme with “et”
but I have now Loved FB 3 Times,
  Aly, Eric, Kat, and, um, rhymes

Kathryn Marie Maletich....not the 1st WOAHman I Loved, but the most WOAH I'd met as yet....She arrived at my house with my Sean telling me dude you'll dig her...pool table, beer, prob some misc, a late night in my suddenly electric backyard under the stars sitting talking about whatever and everything and what she could do with the insides of the washing machine which were currently occupying the back side wall of my parents' house, a Bday party with band at her house she invited me to and took flash pic in my face as she laughed and invited me to her garage room to hang out (nitrous, thy name is “Clint, you're in Kat's room, solo, laughing sharing phasing in and out of consciousness with bliss and I think I helped her Happy and I want to stay here!)  2 days later Sean asked me for you if I Liked you...oooohhhhhh was broken boy, shy, no experience, ******, young but already shattered so many times, how could I possibly satisfy someone as Amazing as you. I said yeah as a friend cuz I had no idea how to just tell you WOW, your lips rule my dreams, can I share those dreams with you....Nope, said yeah as a friend and I was forever locked in that zone. Being Kat's Friend is not necessarily a bad thing. You and I shared so much, and I always felt like I knew more about you than the men you ******. We were REALLY close, and I was conflicted, cuz there was this dichotomy where you were both the replacement for the soul sister who hung herself out of my life just when I needed her more than ever and the 1st Love who chose the other she wanted less but was safer and her family approved of because he wasn't me. Kat, those yrs you knew me were really hard for me. I was NEVER not in pain, my ******* genius boy mind only not flinging images memories entire scenes actual physical sensations at me when I got wasted enough that I could scream them down. School was great when you can remember every bit of info automatically, but when my mind became my sister Carla's needles and Kristy's “your eyes are alive, your kiss is better, I want you more, but we can't go together where you're headed” I kinda went away..still above 4.22 grade-wise, little genius boy blah blah blah, but I was lost. I became a poet to survive it, but then you arrived. I was just kinda accepting 1st love was dead cuz I was a worthless druggie following my dead Sis as Kristy was excelling towards the Teacher we both wanted to be. I did all those drugs with Sean (however many hundreds of hits...a dozen in one night alone, ****.... of LSD I don't even Noe) and quarters of speed in one snort and then moving to smoking ounce after ounce of it. By the time we bid each other adieu I was finally ready to find out if I was going to just die or live on as at least semblance of the beautiful boy I once was. Cleaned myself up, returned to college, eventually got my degree from my San Jose had lunch with a bona fide Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology with a Minor in Chemistry lol. Married twice...divorced, widowed. Worked corporate sales and then drug abuse treatment research (that actually felt really good) and some other blah yada then landed at Vons where I've been higher up than now but actually almost like where I'm at, lol, and the pay and benefits are good enough I can't leave, also lol.......of course I thought about you many times and other times and more (heck, you're part of one of my tats...not in a way you'd like, sorry), but I always figured you were gonna keep being great and Loving Life. Heard you and D made it official and thought it would work pretty fine. Blows my mind someone held you and let go. People are whack. L.M.M.H. (lolololol), I am REALLY glad you found my facebook with paul...Noe idea how much of each others' lives we'll be a part of, how often I'll actually hear you say Hello My Little Friend (don't get me started on that one heeheehee), but stoked is the word for Kat in my life....truly never thought I would look in your eyes was wonderful to do so, Thanks be to You Milady....

some part of me will always be in that garage
  only place those days I almost believed I wasn't garbage
I just tried to survive the moments until the when
  Kat would arrive and re-invite me in again

not that boy anymore
  but you're still Kat for sure
I hope You Noe That
  You Are Still Where It's At

gonna preach
  gonna teach
    bout the things I see
      bout the things I Noe to BE

acoustic strings vibrating in tune with the moon
  kiss your **** like a lyricist linguist lover in june
however whenever you discover the start
  the drum beat can still hit your heart

please take me to your local dive bar
  I'll laugh with you my Diva Star
play darts with me
  and I'll IPA thee
bullseye wins the puddin pie

your art is still your life
  and your inner eye hath grown
so the universe is all right
  and I'm lucky to have known

about out of words for now
  HEY, I can hear that laughter from here
it does happen
  every now and again
     (for a millisecond or three)
so I'll bid thee adieu for now
it was the best of times
it was the blurst of times
******, stupid monkeys...I'm out
Ylang Ylang Apr 2018
The lake has melted
wind and sun
stroke the surface
and birds play there
(deceptively seems the same)

A switch
a 180°
Different realm
A Parallel dimension

    Leaves and misc. items
    are burnt in the gardens
    they crack and disappear
    into the smoke
    (last clear-outs)

            Winter metabolites

    Rain falls
    and cleans the air
    off all the sluggish-dark things
    that accumulated
    through this bad time

            Winter metabolites

Winter leaves a mess
which we're meant to clean
Ylang Ylang Sep 2020
Books at market, sold at night.
Misc items sold at day
Once i read
These words
Casted on white walls
In chamber
Echoed in there

The true artist
A sensitive sponge
Some risk in that

— The End —