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It Apr 2013
“They’re killing my art”, I enounced, once more.
I cannot remember how long it has been,
since I’ve taken reason to account me the pleasure of truth.

Too long since I’ve allowed
the eloquence of ambiguity to persuade me
like a drunken, sunken, driven violin
that by its arduous harmony
knows not love
but the expression entangled
between deception and madness.

What a lovely step,
each and every step
of every pronounced pitch; rhyme - never to be heard, once more,
and never again;
should these feelings fade,
should I know any more.

I know not less than written
formalities and informalities,
messages, designs, rules;
they’re teaching me how to think,
how to drool over so-called precious,
unblemished restrictions,
while the only thing I can procure is
“they’re killing my art”.

They are killing me,
with every step;
every step of a pronounced pitch
that only grows louder as I grow older; weaker.

They are attempting to make me a follower,
attempting to rid of all
mesmerizingly morbid sensations
engraved in my sphere - even me, even you.

I could not recall the last moment
I tried to picture your smile,
still now,
I deny myself the ruthless pleasure.
I do remember, it was cold,
I felt a rigid tangent of merciful memories raiding;
all I could bestow of tendered hope,
then I remember dissolution.

“They’re killing my art”,
they dare deny it.
They dare to outstand me
and enforce me to exhibit myself as a self-evoked,
developed work of admiration
only so that they could indulge of a sense of liberty
while they are chained to an unsustainable
glimpse of stability they dare defy as happiness.

Much unlike myself,
much more like you.
It was a fault,
you’ve only ever wanted to be loved, accepted.
The moment in which they took
the blossoming of your efforts
with calid gestures and tinted words,
pitifully glanced upon your seldom eyes
with a misunderstood applause,
you felt at home.

But I could not stand it,
for I am no more than you,
and no less than myself.
I apprehended that while they exalted our blossoms,
they knew not our roots.

They cared not for our feelings,
for the treasures we buried
beneath every step of every word,
in every line.

they only admired what they were taught to,
and diminished what they loved
but soon were taught to forget.

For we are us,
“not them”,
how many times could I have repeated
these words before you stubbornly gave in?

Sometimes I still listen to you,
after all,
you are me, and I am you,
but I chose to evade you
in a sad and solid place,
where I, too, exhibit my sorrows,
and the brief explanations
which one brought me
to become a beautiful being
but are no longer relevant,

Sometimes I still listen to you,
when I am lost,
and I find not an excuse to better,
fearing I have become like them, while I wonder,
“why not? is it so wrong to belong?
Is it so wrong to **** a part of myself?”
For I have done so with you,
and shall never regret it.

While every time I listen to you,
I am comforted,
blindly submerged, yet alive;
reminded that no matter
how cold and frighting
a lonely path may guide me,
it shall never be as empty
as a world without art,
for that, is me.
Purely noumenal or epistemologically maieutic?   Existentially transcendental transmogrification, transmute, transude, transubstantiate.  Spiritual apercu’s incarnate.  Infinite possibilities eidetic prospectus perpetrates incorporeity ideology’s perfectible ontology.  Elan vital’s entelechy’s apotheosis.  Psychic clarity’s evolutional ascension.  Perpetuity’s adamant tenacity.  Sentience’s inevitably irrefragable logistical tactician.  Preternatural’s ostensibly immortal fecund.  Yes, lie with me and I will indeed proceed to exceed the parameters of your mind with mesmerizingly enrapturing ecstatic euphoria.  Sublimely surreal futurity fatidic and  decadently arrogant blatant flagrancy.  Incorrigible atrociously impetuous impudence,  pusillanimous no.  Enthrallingly endearing sensually demonstrative flirtatious flamboyance.  What’s to extravagant exorbitance portray……… exserted protuberance’s indefatigably indomitable.  Sexuality’s infrangibly latent virilities, erotica erectile errantry’s hubris!  Feral phrenic frenzied ****’s salaciously seductive.
Prophylaxis protocol's impecunious obviation.  Irate tirade treatise, vehement escapade tedium.  Corrupt costume counselor siren skeptic.
Travis Green Aug 2022
Your juicy carmine peach lips
Make me crave to chase you
Into the deepest, captivating, and
Enchanted destinations
To kiss you without hesitation

Escape into your amorous scintillating dreams
Touch you with a fierce fervor
Dance in your unforgettable impressive
And extravagant wonderland
Make my heart and soul explode
In the grandly flamboyant night

Electrify my subconscious mind
Strikingly splashy rarity
You are a flawless awe-inspiring delight
With enormous high-level splendor
An aesthetically appealing atmosphere
Bursting at the seams with magical *** appeal
So enchanting like a dreamy and adventurous fairytale

Mister colorful, charming, and ****** lover boy
I wish to live in your delightfully shining mantuary
Delight in you like pure, brilliant, and stunning diamonds
Mesmerizingly dangerous and luxurious smash
I want to hear your unbelievably deep
And untamed voice roar through my core

Make me stare in wonder
Make me sizzle and spin around
In unstoppable cosmic and hypnotic heat
Let your machoness echo dopeness
In the eclectic depths of my rainbow room
Steffi Mar 2016
The city is shut, sparing its prey until tomorrow. Night rules, dreams creep down the street, eyes dead
Her poised being is the center of universe, that girl
She is loath to beg yet for the twenty fourth time of the night she sings out, God?
It’s two in the morning and they are sitting at the balcony, God and her, both holding a cigarette
Mother and father are in screaming colors but she is, only, the darkest blue
Two of them are contradiction, a vexing rendezvous but they yearn for each other so once in a while they talk

People talk
A boy across the house is found dead
Parents roaring, raging, crashing the ground, he’s wearing a pair of new basketball shoes. Blue.
He is one of million, a delicate kind, very comely, a subtle presence. Neighbors murmur maybe God
fell in love, maybe God enraptured by the boy. But God is peeking behind the closed door with the girl
Between their fingers still a burning cigarette

Maybe it’s the taste of Marlboro Red, the girl
wishing an epiphany, a revelation, for its been too long, the girl and God
writing each other’s eulogy. The girl has been dead for God and God has been dead
for the girl, ruptured for a very long time, there’s no way back. No long talk
can fix the burn of cigarette,
the eternal crippling affliction taped up in every cavity inside the holy temple of their body

A lady in the house with doors and windows painted blue
is murdered. She was having a dalliance and neighbors talk
behind their open bible. God cringes, God recoils, her god is a beige-tied, cigarette
scented with hair slicked back. She was in his thrall, calls her name in a mesmerizingly fetching way making her girl
again, an ingénue with a pair of chatoyant eyes. Bodies clashing, her muse, they fuse, he choose to ruse, dead,
God is amused, time is lapsed, but perhaps she was not divine. A lady in someone’s car trunk, murdered, dear God!

Inhaling. Conflating. Cigarette
smoke all over the veins. A bright blue
car parked across the street. A week since the boy died. A week since the lady went missing. People talk
about somewhere this week another dead
body is going to be found. Maybe in the park under the slide or on a high school bleacher, like the girl found God
under her bed. The first encounter of God and the girl.

and the girl run out of cigarette
counting the days God and the girl
Next time won’t be cigarette and balcony. God and the girl next time at a bar with blue
sign where sinners and saints sipping absinthe because God won’t talk
to anyone but the girl. God and the girl sipping absinthe because the city is shut. Eyes dead.
it's really hard to see the sestina pattern, but the six words i use are dead, girl, god, cigarette, blue, and talk.
K Sep 2024
I tried looking away
your beauty still lingers on me
mesmerizingly evil.
A shame to look at
I rather bleed on paper.
A sin to think about
I much rather talk in sly secret.
Being fed to the wolves isn't too bad.
get away from this dangerous,
Devious thought of
desiring you.
It's always good to take a break from anything;
until the break is permanent
AfterImage Feb 2016
I understand now when they say he spoke with a silver tongue. His words flowed from his lips like beads of mercury, mesmerizingly beautiful, but toxic nonetheless.
Daan Feb 2014
More than just tanned skin over bone,
just the long brown hair on it's own,
that giggle when I try to look, manly,
like one who can be the man Leigh

desires to interfere with. Myth, mystically
beautiful, mesmerizingly enchanting, step
by step, gracefully, carefully granting
me another chance, glancing optimistically.

Her eyes, not caring about the colours, staring
across the hall, my nose can reach her forehead,
her taste in music, juicy yet elegant, in bed,
slightly humming along, god, she must be a dream.

She can just pick any guy she wants, a team
of athletes all at once, or just the one that lead
the journey to her lust and center. I misread,
excuse me for swearing, but the skirt she's wearing

is more than I can handle. Enter the room
without a hint of fear, she's near, like perfume.
When in doubt, always remember to not eat the yellow snow.
Hashim ZK Mar 2015
In the arms of infinity
Blooms a flower so tender:
Mesmerizingly flawless-
My heart does surrender.

Embodied with ruthlessness;
Its fragrance a subtle weapon:
Captivating the senses-
My mind lies a prisoner.
Shileigh22 Mar 2016
Onyx wings and silky feathers
Sadly beautiful and mesmerizingly furious
A broken soul and a shattered heart to pair
Scarred, pale skin appears translucent
A face that is beautifully depressing

Once upon a time
They walked among the stars
Now they are forced to walk amongst humans

The devil showed pity
For he was God's favorite and an angel once long ago
One wrong choice
Now he rules below

So angels become demons
Because they were once loved
But wanted more

So Lucifer showed mercy
Now they have their beauty again
Now they are angels with a dark side
makeloveandtea Oct 2013
"Nice to see you again!" she said, while she warmly hugged me. I couldn't help but notice how intoxicating she smelled. I was a straight woman but she fascinated me.
I watched her constantly as she walked to the kitchen and with a tiny jump, sat herself at the counter. "You look great!" I complemented and she tucked a lock of her hair delicately behind her ear and her lips beautifully parted and she said - "Thanks. I just took a shower." Shower. My heartbeat started to raise it's pace and my usually pale face started to change color. I was all of a sudden, blushing.
I wanted to touch her. Caress her face and maybe loosen her hair a little bit. She looked so fragile. So perfect. She looked at me with her mesmerizingly big brown eyes and gave out a tiny laugh. "Why do you look so lost?" She asked. "Oh, it's nothing."I lied and put a *** filled with water on my stove and suddenly she got down the counter. "What's wrong?" I asked and she did not utter a word. Instead, she leaded towards me and her lips met mine. With such desperation, she chewed on my lower lip and passion burned in me. We broke our kiss, our eyes blazing. And before I could say something, my husband called out "Honey, I'm home." And in that moment I realized that maybe her and me, we could be lovers. . . Or maybe not.
Jermon Jun 2019
The moon glistening through the sky cuts a silver through my whisper of thoughts.
Unwavering gaze imprisoned by that crystal kingdom
Of darkness.
Of pits and craters.
Yet so mesmerizingly beautiful.
Mesmerizing enough to blacken out my heart swirling around the shackles of yesterday.
Mesmerizing enough to pull me out of my trance that might've not seen me through the day.
Mesmerizing enough to forget the universe whirling around me in shades of sadness and confusion.

Beauty can go far in healing.
Especially the beautiful strokes bringing us to Him awestruck on our mesmerized knees.
A sudden inspiration that arose when I imagined a scenario where I'm confessing my brain is too pre-occupied and busy with things to be inspired to write poetry.
Purely noumenal or epistemologically maieutic?   Existentially transcendental transmogrification, transmute, transude, transubstantiate.  Spiritual apercu’s incarnate.  Infinite possibilities eidetic prospectus perpetrates incorporeity ideology’s perfectible ontology.  Elan vital’s entelechy’s apotheosis.  Psychic clarity’s evolutional ascension.  Perpetuity’s adamant tenacity.  Sentience’s inevitably irrefragable logistical tactician.  Preternatural’s ostensibly immortal fecund.  

Yes, lie with me and I will indeed proceed to exceed the parameters of your mind with mesmerizingly enrapturing ecstatic euphoria.  Sublimely surreal futurity fatidic and  decadently arrogant blatant flagrancy.  Incorrigible atrociously impetuous impudence,  pusillanimous no.  Enthrallingly endearing sensually demonstrative flirtatious flamboyance.  What’s to extravagant exorbitance portray……… exserted protuberance’s indefatigably indomitable.  Sexuality’s infrangibly latent virilities, erotica erectile errantry’s hubris!  Feral phrenic frenzied ****’s salaciously seductive.
Prophylaxis protocol's impecunious obviation.   Splurgeness spry sporadic sprawl, spurious staunch succinct stymie tacit, irate tirade treatise vehement escapade tedium.   Corrupt costume counselor siren skeptic.
Alexandra J Aug 2014
I am nothing but a spring flower,
waiting to rise from the once frozen ground
and claim her return.
I am nothing but the summer air,
with a tint of hope,
with a tint of freedom.
I am nothing but an autumn leaf,
counting down to the day
I let myself fall.
I am nothing but winter frost-
born from the cold.
V Apr 2017
if you may now my dear, let me speak
because my words are a dead language that only you could read
my thoughts are prisoners and only you could set them free
and my god it makes no sense and i was never yours to keep
but somehow you manage to look through me so mesmerizingly
my dear, I wish I wasn’t but I’m in too deep
and what truly upsets me is the fact that
we never meet
except every night
when i see you in my dreams
Purely noumenal or epistemologically maieutic?   Existentially transcendental transmogrification, transmute, transude, transubstantiate.  Spiritual apercu’s incarnate.  Infinite possibilities eidetic prospectus perpetrates incorporeity ideology’s perfectible ontology.  Elan vital’s entelechy’s apotheosis.  Psychic clarity’s evolutional ascension.  Perpetuity’s adamant tenacity.  Sentience’s inevitably irrefragable logistical tactician.  Preternatural’s ostensibly immortal fecund.  

Yes, lie with me and I will indeed proceed to exceed the parameters of your mind with mesmerizingly enrapturing ecstatic euphoria.  Sublimely surreal futurity fatidic and  decadently arrogant blatant flagrancy.  Incorrigible atrociously impetuous impudence,  pusillanimous no.  Enthrallingly endearing sensually demonstrative flirtatious flamboyance.  What’s to extravagant exorbitance portray……… exserted protuberance’s indefatigably indomitable.  Sexuality’s infrangibly latent virilities, erotica erectile errantry’s hubris!  Feral phrenic frenzied ****’s salaciously seductive.
Prophylaxis protocol's impecunious obviation.   Splurgeness spry sporadic sprawl, spurious staunch succinct stymie tacit, irate tirade treatise vehement escapade tedium.   Corrupt costume counselor siren skeptic.
Tati Sep 2018
Friday, I went to church
The pastor gave his speech about loving your enemy
The flashbacks came back
I try so hard to suppress them and make them go away
But like weeds, they interrupt your beautiful garden at the worst of times
I see myself at the doorway
As she kissed the man I love
Rage fills me until my vision is a deep scarlet
Like blood
How I would love to see her covered in it
But I know this isn’t what God wants
“Forgiveness is the answer” says the tiny angel next to me
His pale face under his golden curls is so mesmerizingly beautiful it could melt me and make me do anything he wanted
Except this
“I’m sorry,” I tell him, “I can’t”
He looks at me. Filled with disappointment.
What would feel better?
The look of despair on her face when I destroy everything she’s ever cared about? Or
The look of happiness on his face when I tell the angel i will forgive
I feel guilt
I chose the first option
Faizel Farzee May 2020
Art pictured in motion, walking elegance.
Words you give life, monocle syllables
Beauty captivatingly imprinted, portraits stared.

Words gliding from your Cherrie lips, mesmerizingly eloquent
Intoxicated my heart listening, convinced by its eloquence
You my wish granted, an answered prayer.

Boastful our love drenched in splendour, Our love grandiloquent
I loved you in past lives, Aphrodite seems envious.
Saving Grace, pulled my soul from despair.
First attemp at the Gammo style writing out of ethiopia,
the rhyming scheme is insane
Mandalyne Feb 2018
You say you're not a writer
Yet your words wrap their silken arms around me
and caress me as gently as you do.
They fall unto me like the sunset over the ocean;
slowly, vibrant, mesmerizingly.
Dark night, dusty clouds,
Mild breeze mesmerizingly made us freeze;
End to end, no one ;
Just me and you, Antony's son;
Dragging your coracle,
Dreaming about this  couple ;
Moving to and fro twice at least,
Finally facing other one north east,
It's the day of the years feast !
In your memories
Travis Green Aug 2022
Enfolded in his steely strong sculpted arms
Makes me feel the sweetest and most vividly pleasurable sensations
I take pleasure in his closeness
Feeling his tender comfort and hotness
Sinking into the incandescence of his heavenly passionate galaxy

He is so unbelievably rhythmic and thrilling
Seductive muscle-flexing delectableness
Enthrallingly gaudilicous bearded machoness
Saucalicious pink rose lips
Riveting peach iced tea eyes
Every eclectic edible sector of him entrances my emotions

I scroll through the amorous scintillating pages
Of his captivating groundbreaking tastiness
Pure poetic prepossessingness
Silky mystical heavy hitter
He unravels my thoughts and feelings
Delves in my consumable creamy confection

So rich, romantic, and intoxicating
So fresh, velvety, and extra exotic
Swirling smooth sumptuousness
An enjoyable blissful beauty to see
Honeylicious hot boy, take me inside every dimension
Of his wildly gratifying dreams
At the entrance of treasured pearly passion

Feel the mesmerizingly delicious slickness
Of his hardness against my hands
His lush, expressive, and manly center
Enormous arousing girth between his tight, taut thighs
Press my hungry hot mouth on his ****-smelling piece
Lick it, wet it, relish the *******

Create a magical dancing wave
Of essential undiminished sensuousness
Feel me reach beyond the barriers of time
In his unconscious mind, acquiring my prize
I devour his mightily mind-blowing magic wand
Spit on it, slurp on it, work my hands up and down
****** with his full, fun-fulled *******

Get lost in his slithery spiffing succulency
Feel it all over my mouth
The essence of  transcendentally poetical ecstasy
Tasty oval-shaped crown
I savor its lickable ***** length
How my tongue creeps all around its astoundingness
How it navigates to my throat
I am so sexed up, stranded in his sexaliciousness
The way he sticks your astonishing pocket rocket
In and out of my mouth

Leave me in an immaculate crashing path
Of breathless, irrepressible, and poetic rapture
Endless sweet and heady fragrance
How it screams around me
He plays with my hoppingly ****** hemispheres
Pull on my proud pebbled points
While I give him ultimate satisfaction
Kiss his ***** hair, admire your smoking macholicious abs

Explore his extraordinarily capital allure
Mister feelable freaky finesser
**** my mouth remorselessly
Spread my world apart
Grip my aromatic aristocratic neck
Talk desirable foul language to me
Plant long and ardent kisses all over my face
****** me, bright and revitalizing smoothie

Let me feel the compellingly wicked weight  of his captivatingness
So delectably exhilarating
How he reaches a deep, covetous crescendo
And pump out foamy white pudding
On my keen fine-featured face
Shubham Dimri Oct 2017
I've always loved the ocean and the boats,
both have their own existence,
their own nimbus,
contrary too.
One Living and other Dead.

But in the end the twain are ticking to kiss each other.
Isn't it mesmerizingly ****?
Fading twilight
Twist in dusty night
Wonderful stream of dreams
Vapours of dew drops
Kissing mesmerizingly
Dancing... fog
Travis Green Oct 2022
I wanna be your marvy starry hotness
Your bright and delightful object of desire
Your fiery red-hot charmer
Lean closer into your potently smoking dopeness
Your pulchritudinous studious coolness
Tall, broad, and strapping lad
Refreshing ebullient delectableness
Muscular, hot-blooded stud

Glistening, strong-willed, and irresistible big hitter
Your bright, superior, and hairy hotness
Sexually arouses me, lights my gayness up
Fascinates my inner space
Carries me away into your wild
Handsome dreamland
Gallant, radiant, and extravagant macho man

You are so ambitious and worthy
So amazingly dreamy and eccentric
Lustrous industrious robustness
Deep southern lover man
Starry ardent marvelocity
I give myself up to your immersive
And wayward seductiveness
Your radical black-haired incomparableness

I marvel at your tight, slappable backside
Your thick, powerful thighs
Your monolithic veined legs
Crash-hot magical rarity
Your beefy, brawny charmingness
Makes me want to caress
Every open, moist crevice
Of your impossible lush structure
Your juicy, incredible, and spreadable manhole

Stroke your jerkable jolly rod
Let it swirl in my jaws
******* your delicious vicious bigness
Lick your slick irresistible tip
Taste it from side to side
Up and down, drown in your mesmerizingly
Shining and intoxicating invitingness
Worship your whole thought-provoking world
As I become unbelievably fevered
Lost in your dazzling and fashionable magicalness

Take all your unmerciful torrid joystick down my throat
Treasure the delectable and **** smell
Your finger-lickin’ treasure trail
Hear you breathe, hear me moan
Feel my hands ease all around
Your massive, thrashing glory
Let you play with ***** gaudy knockers
Nibble at my plump succulent points

Let me bask in all your splashiness
As I ferociously **** your machoness
Let your wet, firm flesh dance on my tongue
Feel it massage my jaws
Enthrall the entrance of my throat
Make me choke, envelop me in
Your elegant manly freshness

Explore your glorious joyous hardness
Plant demonically hypnotic
And passionate kisses all over
The long, fervent surface
**** it faster and faster
While you take me in your deep
And gratifying rapture
Fill my mouth with all your super rude wood milk
Ananya Dubey May 2021
I was never as mesmerized by mysteries,
as I was when you became one.
From your "I smoke to die"
to the best/worst day of your life,
every essence of your presence
was mesmerizingly beautiful.
From your drinking till you drop,
to believing that the eagle loved you,
to proving that you are not a rat,
you were always the perfectly flawed one.
Underneath that emerald eyed reader,
surrounded by piles of books...
you were still the little girl,
who blamed herself for her mother's death.
who still doodled white flowers everywhere.
Miles could never have been more correct when he compared you to a hurricane.
You left, but with yourself,
you took away, the crime partner
of the Colonel, the greatest prankster
and the love of Takumi and Miles.
But, I could never forgive you
for breaking your promise to Miles...
If you could, would you, come back
and continue, that unfinished "To be continued?"
Travis Green Nov 2023
He is so incredibly sexalicious
So appealing to the senses
So mesmerizingly dreamy
With his manly appearance
He has such a hypnotic hold on me

Charms me deeply
Makes me trippy
Takes me away
To his enchanting playland
Romances me round-the-clock

Makes me lose control
Float in his globe of dopeness
Penetrates my inner space
Takes me down
Goes all the way

Makes my body shudder
As he merges with me
Caress his outstanding
Dominating rears
Suffuse my smooth lips
With blissful, unforgettable kisses

Straight up slay me
Unlock the door
To my candy store
****** me to the core
Give me more and more

****** every inch into my innerness
Make me crave the sensation
Of his masculine touch
His closeness and machoness
Make me burst into an eruption
With his heavy-duty construction
Meshed with my voluptuous figure

Stoke my drive
Make me comply with his rules
Part my thighs
Stretch me out
Make me feel like

I am high on crack
Carrying a torch
For his extraordinary masculinity
So addicted to his imposing tumescence
Feel the magnitude of his passion
As he rises to a satisfying ******
Provides me with my prize
Slathers my superb posterior
With his hot, sticky love butter
Travis Green Jun 2023
He is so massively macho and man-nificent
With mind-blowing moist muscles that allure me
My gorgeous, well-proportioned hot boy
So magical, unmatchable, and beardazzling
Such lush seductiveness and thugness
Ardent ponderous sauciness

I lose myself in his mega-majestic manliness
So mesmerized by his beguiling and shining enticingness
I wanna feel him fold me in his long, remarkable arms
Caress me all over with his cleverly impressive hands
Make me feel the astounding power
Of his  unrivaled high-octane game

Sign his name all over my entireness
Take me deep into his mesmerizingly
Electrifying hurricane abounding with flaming hotness
Entwined in his wild fiery delight
He confines, entices, and devours me
Makes me pine to kiss his full chocolate lips

Stare into his incomparable ravishing eyes
So connected with his measureless treasured perfection
I wanna be in his tremendous seamless museum
Of stupendous eccentric masculinity
Feel him engulf my voluptuousness
Hunt me down, shut me down

Make mind-blowing love to me
That leaves me so sprung on his hunkiness
Bare my heart to him
Feel him slither into my system
My brick-solid bewitching beast
He doesn’t know what he does to me

How he makes me feel
Melts me in his unequivocal thrilling heat
Of deep sweet passion
Make me ache for him always
Forge our glorious worlds together
Love on him forever
Travis Green Sep 2022
Your handsomeness kindles my inner sensuous dimension
Has me lost in your raw macho sauce
Dope, strokable, and ardent marvelocity
Rare impassioned attraction
Dreamy denim blue eyes
Full, juicy, and masculine lips
Bushy beguiling beard
You are forever my lover
You shimmer like gaudy polished chrome wheels

I hanker to devour your immortally tasty ambrosia
Feel your dopeness flow in my heart and soul
Deep in your starry stalwart arms
I traverse my tantalizers on your staggering strapping chest
Meddle with your lickable **** crests
Mesmerizingly commanding and relishable abs and biceps
Flamboyant meaty thighs, firm, lush legs
Such fluid smoothness in full view
Shining superfly kryptonite

You are so totally absorbing
And inspiring to delight in
You preoccupy my unconscious mind
So worthy of note, steamy adventurous winningness
I flourish in your fervidness
Take in your saucy sharply-etched flex
Swagged out brag Daddy

Your groovy high-quality majesty
Has me mad keen on your dangerously tantalizing fieriness
Vibrant viral diamond, with a mad hot jacked craft
I want to bask in your savageness
Caress and impress your electrifying top-flight muscles
Sink deeper into your absolute royal treasure chest
Brimming with the highest eternal bliss
Travis Green Nov 2022
Your charmingness rocks my world
Your high-powered flame
Your bedazzling and smashing game
The profound sound of your name
When the absorbingly ecstatic words
Roll off my tongue, when I fantasize
About your mesmerizingly

Awe-inspiring and shining likableness
My bright, powerful dream guy
My main riveting squeeze
My infamous luscious dreaminess
My loving, appealing strength
I breathe in your wholly breezy masculinity

I concede to your rhythmicity
Kneel at the alter of your affectionate
Electric heavenliness
Evanesce into your sexually explicit
And lascivious litness
The sweetest long-term hotness

Classic capital captain
Someone I can lapse into
Incredibly shrewd and smooth
My heart beats and leaps
Into your brilliant and beauteous sea
Of vivid prodigious dreams
Where I am forever finessed
By your high-pressure sun-kissed impressiveness
Travis Green Jun 2022
I crave to be with him
To celebrate his greatness
To luxuriate in his tasty
High-grade greatasticness
Fall into his poetically
Chocotastic majesty
Where I kiss his bewitching
Brown lips and ardent prominent neck

Revel in his delectable incredible beardability
Such a prizable lyrical spectacle
He draws me into his hottest heavenly pleasures
He makes me want to swim
In his sheer size, peerless sea
Like an elegant, playful dolphin
Dive into his ecstatic freshtastic galaxy
Emanating with enrapturing immaculateness

His aura is so magicalitatious
So mesmerizingly deep and thick
With fiery hot heat that grips me
Shimmering infinitely like
A long, luxurious limousine
Like a private prisitine jacuzzi
I pine for him to galvanize and surprise my body
Make me shudder and utter
Sweet stuttering words
As I immerse myself
In his artistically expressive majesticness

I am so lost in the deepest
And wisest delightsomeness
I slide into his stupid smooth coolness
Hooked on his rude bulletproof pulchritude
I gulp him down deeply
Like a sweetalicious and nutritious smoothie
So ***** and woozy on his
Groovy heavy-duty architecture

He takes me into his visually
Fantastic and futuristic movie
Where every pay-per-view scene is
Incredibly epoch-making
And flows in slow motion
To relish the treasured thrilling bliss
To feel like I am strung out
On the upper deck of his lusciously
Sleek, impressive, and majestic cruiser
Rendered powerless in his matchless metallic sight
Travis Green Mar 2022
In a world where it’s just you and me
I feel so thrilled to chill with you
To be in your incandescent presence
Marveling at your enthralling chocolate flesh
Lusciously ample cascading dreadlocks
Clean supreme glistening goatee
Impeccable manly lips
Compelling consuming eyes
Oh, how they shine like a bright black jade

I drift into your artistical magnetical maze of attraction
With insurmountable desires lingering in my mind
You are my passionate magical obsession
You sheathe me in ravishing red-hot dreams
My love for you mounts
I can imagine you thrusting deep inside my tight tunnel
Lift my legs in the effervescent air
Tantalize my world with your incredibly girthy Excalibur

My body spasms sexily, basking in the thrilling action
Zaddy, you make me call out your name
I am wrapped up in your whirling wind of winsomeness
Your storm of passion, your libidinous masculineness
You **** me so wildly, stretch out my chamber
You are so uncontainable
You grip my hard burning ******* tightly
I moan, “Ahhh ****, give it to me Zaddy”

I clasp your long-dominant arms
Relishing the riveting ride
How you grab and smack my tasty taut ***
Rub your hands against it
Look at me so erotically
Such a mesmerizingly made man
You incarcerate me in your mancave
Ram your solid striking snake deeper inside my wetness

I scream tremendously
You kiss my lewd lips
Your bewitchment beats me
My heartbeat incessantly increases
You go harder and harder
So much fire in your empire
You utter out, “FUCCCKKK, YOUR **** IS BOMB”
Your deep seductive voice makes my mouth water

Your thick tameless torch teases my walls more
I look at you in complete bewilderment
As you burst your bright pearly paste inside me
My legs shake to the thrill of your gripping thugness
So intoxicating, so tastefully treasurable
With your world inside me
I will cherish this moment eternally
Travis Green May 2022
The words were written
On his supremely poetical lips
Pure, eloquent, and fascinating
Charming, impeccable, and illuminating

He had a fluent and sensational style
That had me fixated on his greatness
He was like a caramel brulee latte
Heavily sugared smoothness
Fragrant, engaging, and delicious

His eyes were mesmerizingly magical
I escaped into a million dreamworlds
Of his flamboyant enchantingness
Bathed in his pleasing, earthy, and
Penetrating fragrance

Enveloped in his masculine ego
The way he gazed at me sexually
Had me ready to relinquish
My existence to his kingdom
Travis Green Nov 2022
Hot off the fire knight of the glowing road
Flaming hard-driving Man Friday
Bewitching far-reaching prodigy
Staggeringly thrilling and fine-tuned cruiser
Your powerful universal rareness
Enraptures and flabbergasts my world

You keep me hanging on, makes me get lost
In your deep astronomical machoness
Hella heavenly symmetry
Imaginative ecstatic splash
Your electric, energetic flex is magical
Your hardness enthralls me

You give me a high-powered hard-on
You give me a bangingly bouncing high
Make me call out your name
Respect your hot, naked flame
Your killer ruthless coolness
Fearless and faultless freshness

How I hanker to slide deep
Into your mesmerizingly jazzy
And flamboyant mantuary
Ablaze with amorousness
Elegant, rich handsomeness
Delicious chivalrous prodigiousness
Worshipful and worthy warrior

I enjoy your most brilliant gleaming dreams
Your cozy machoness, your crisp lit slickness
How your exquisiteness creeps into my existence
Rocks my heart and soul
Makes me so increasingly bewitched
By your sweet, earthy, and fervent rhythm
Of incomparably enrapturing sensuality
Travis Green Oct 2022
I have a thing for your sweet, protective sexiness
Astounding and crowning profoundness
Extravagant ebullient enchantment
Enthusiastic, crash-hot smash
You are intensely inventive and interesting
Infinite, transcendent chemistry

Rare worshipful masterfulness
So entirely ardent and heroic
Tall, passionate, and savage
Untouchable, luscious muscles
Seductive honeyed buns
High-quality, godlike prodigy

Your gloriously oiled and taut sauciness
Enthralls and knocks me out
Immaculate, silken, and tempting kryptonite
So mesmerizingly delightful and tight as ****
I hanker to guzzle your lustfully lekker-lovingness down
Like a spiked hot chocolate
Like a sweet and fruity alcoholic drink

So angelically impeccable and majestical
I need to be with your phenomenally pristine pleasingness
Feel you touch and stretch the depths of my innerness
Bewitch the smooth, luxurious roots
Of my feminine existence
Make me bound to your aesthetically
Prepossessing heavenliness
Travis Green Oct 2021
If we were closer in reach
I would relish feeling
Your superbly perfect lips
Your boldly masculine chin
Your vivid and creamy neck
Tease your tanned, muscular chests
Listen to your ****** slang
How I lose myself
In your mesmerizingly intelligent eyes
Travis Green Jan 2024
Being with him was the only thing
That stayed on my mind
Relaxing with him
Basking in him
Dreaming about him
Sinking into the innermost parts
Of his jaw-dropping machoness

He had me overflowing with happiness
The more I took in his splashiness
Marveled at his flawless allure
Inhaled his unparalleled manliness
Felt his **** hands all over me
Kept me under his magic spell

He made my heart blossom
Like a glowing rose garden
Like growing green trees
His magnetic pull drew me
Deeper than ever into the waves
Of his amorous passion
Left me so enamored with his mesmerizingly
Handsome entrancingness
chelsea Nov 2020
your eyes were made of finely crushed stardust that glimmered mesmerizingly when you told me in this moment, that you felt so incredibly alive being with me.
your voice held the fiery passion of the sun and the enrapturing tranquility of the moon when you whispered all those sweet nothings in my ear.
your tears were the milky way, ever flowing with a certain iridescent grace as we shared our goodbyes, a meteor shower of lost hope raining upon us.
you were a galaxy within yourself, this incredible beacon of vitality that i desperately clung to, yet was forced to leave behind for a course to find a far off one of my own. and all that we have now are black holes where our hearts should beat, and the tragedy of being star-crossed lovers.

— The End —