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Piyush Gahlot Aug 2018
Saw her first at cousin's weddinG,
She looked astonishing I knew where it was headinG
Escorting the bride she came in smilinG
My eyes got glued on her and my heart started poundinG.

Afraid of her brother but she agreed to meeT,
I got there first, where the buses fleeT,
Time and place was on her to fiX,
Excited, I reached before the clock tickS,
There I saw her waving at platform thirty siX.

Time freezed for a while,
Walking towards her a million thoughts ran through my mind,
Was that really her or someone else!?
But that same magical smile and my heart again melts.

Simple, yet pleasant I liked her stylE,
But the best thing was definitely her smilE,
I got lost , stammered in speech for a whilE,
She was confident and I got nervous blood profilE.

The place was new ,
None of us had any clue,
I was sweaty , the day seems hottest,
Perhaps the oddest in the whole August.

Black and white top and she blingS,
Leather sandals and those shiny earingS,
The watch was pink , hairs were perfect readY,
But **** her luggage was real heavY!

Got in a cab, and some comfy place to talK,
She was in a hurry, but i had all the clocK,
She was bold at the same time cooL,
And I was smiling for no reason like a fooL.

More time I wanted to spend,
But getting her home safe and sound was important in the end.
Got her a bus had to bid a good bye,
And my hopes of meeting her soon are sky high! :)
Met the girl for the first time whom I saw at my brother's wedding.
Jayantee Khare Nov 2018

some memories preserved
for special one, some reserved
for long, some freezed
with time, some released
some memories' fragrance
yet infused in the ambience
when they cross the mind
the life gets new vibrance

Seema Aug 2017
My heart is not made of stone!
I feel the piercing pain
Spending my time alone
Walking in this heavy rain

The thunder roars rumble
But my mind has freezed
Upon a stone, I stumble
This time I am not teased

In my room, I sit wondering
What would hurt the most?
A betrayal of hearts pondering,
Or promises washed away and lost

I give leads to my sorrows
Letting my tears fall upon
Shall it be my last tomorrow
From everyones life gone

As I take in a half glass of wine
My tears fill in the other half
Every fault becomes solely mine
The rest sit back and laugh

My love went unnoticed first
And you gunned me with cheat
Betrayal came in with the rest
Your love showed in your treat

I shall go, far away from all
From your life to my pained soul
I know you'd never dare to call
The flames died, left is just, coal...


With each turn passing
My shadow was following me
Winter wind was blowing
My shadow was freezing cold..

With each turns and hedges
It just ran through the corners..

With sun getting high
It got wild and strong

With my frequent desperation
to get rid of it
It got bigger and bold..

The more I disliked it's free attitude..
It showed me it's competing style..

The more I drove faster
It lingered me thin and bigger..

Finally came the setting sun..
It became taller than me

I called it loud names..
It grew bigger so could
not hear me..

Tall mountains and tall shadow
Was both chilled and freezed..

It continued it's run behind me
Guess that was the reason it did
not freeze..

I was getting annoyed with it
My whole time went away
Watch and try to shed it away
So I could move free..

It lingered around me
With claws of it's own
The more I drove reckless
The tighter it's grip grew..

With night setting in
I searched for it in vain..
In desperation to rid from it
I had driven deep in terrain..

Now darkness engulfed me
It hid some where,
frozen cold winds
knocked my car away..

I started missing the company
My shadow had given me
Instead of trying to rid from it
I started longing for it's company..

In that winter night
With that smoked air coming
from my month,
I tried calling it with my shaking voice
I looked for it's company to keep me warmed..
Yet it disappeared till
night waned away
Sun came by..!

In those colder dark hours
I realised the value of my shadow!

From undesired company
It became my closest friend
From unwanted distracter
It became my priority partner..

And now me and my shadow are company together
I never feel lonely again..
Anyone who join me in my drive
Feels like a intruder between the two of us..
I sing along, my shadow keeps dancing and both of us make a perfect

On each passing turn
It blends to take a bend..!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
1 Jan 2019.
Wrote this in semi sleep condition... Just got the flow of words one morning at 5:00 am.... Took my mobile and typed it with errors.. (some errors are still there)And phone falling and me snoring...
It did happens many times with me when words just flow out from somewhere...I just have to trap them or they will flow away...
Thank you
Delightfully force thyself to a cheap coat
Frayed winter shelter
Sworn fre-nemy of millennial style
Who kills itself in gale
While the master keeps cozy within your skin
Wonder if you’ll ever be so disloyal to dare ask for a bath
Then, in irony,
Loved and wanted by the living freezed
And the envy of the proletarian blanket
, shining in its absence-Your presence.
Under the carless hands of the master
Buttons drop and thread spills as solid blood
Doomed to fulfill the unchosen goal
Depletion will not be salvation
Just a mute shriek
living decomposition
Hope thy ist warm.
Most of the weirdly written words are on purpose. I know it may need some work, but it's something.
Seema Jul 2018
Stop tracing my heart,
With your ***** finger
I smell blood, on your murderous hands

Get out of my face,
You don't belong here
Your breath smells like of dead

Leave me alone,
I owe nothing to a freezed mind
Not even good words of wisdom

Reap your deeds,
Screams, begging and hurts
Is all I hear, from your silent posture

How many deaths,
And whose paying for all this kills
It's all noted, in the hells receipt

Payback time will come,
Your screams and moans
Will never be enough for those souls...

Spilling thoughts and imagination. Tho, monsters like this exist in our society. Keep yourself and loved one safe.
complexify Aug 2016
it took you less than a second to feel how cold my heart was.

i told you.

i told you that my heart had freezed because of the strong winds of my past, and the abundance amount of broken vials of love potions i drank, and the stiffness and sting of the darkness i lived in.

i told you that this icy heart could freeze anyone else's heart too, infectious it had been. it tends to demand revenge out of its misery, and those who are unlucky to hold it in their very skin will suffer of the same pain.

i told you that you can't cure me, even when you stayed up nights to make me a love potion, trust me you're not the first one. you're not the first one to try and make it melt because others have tried to and failed miserably.

now hand over my heart before it infects you too.
Laurent Apr 2015
You, who thought,
You were strong enough,
To vanquish both life and death.
You known you were, silly you,
Man enough to love her the best way,
And that wasn't the right way,
Too much love is often a flaw.
Her eyes turned away from you,
Her heart freezed over forever,
Erasing the present into the past,
Your bliss has disappeared into time.
Sadly way of sneaking up on you,
Tricky way of helping you out.
You will always love her,
Tell her that you will.
Nicolas Andrade May 2016
I've dreamed about ourselves
In the golden Dunes:
Bathed in sunshine,
warm under our feet.

But I'm here,
In the Tundra:
Freezed by the hoarfrost,
and it feels desertic.

before the rise of the lights.
Mc Haley Jul 2010
We're on single bench,
across in a single mirror.
I'm learning by heart you're curve.
Staring  vacantly again,
I smiled exclusively on my thought,
I can't make it detectable
Mirror will spy.
Gauged,angles estimated and quantified.
1,2,3,4,5 and STARED.
Our eyes bumped.

Ohh,beats accelerating
I am freezed.
My heart jumps out.
Sorry,I can't make it,
I am evaporating,
or falling to million microscopic pieces.
Seema Mar 2018
I rather not shout,                      to provoke certain spirits
                               In gain of my own      
                                                           Why should I dig more,
when buried things are known

Out there in the dark,
                                           amongst the old monuments
Find my name engraved,          
                                             when you have lived your moments

I, for thee was once a famous being,
                                       now resting in pieces not in peace

How could I, be happy                when I got locked out alive
My beating heart wouldn't stop,   and my eyes lived to see

                                                    Literally, suffocating myself,
as the way out was none to find

In this dark, pit of horror
                                              even the sun, dares not to shine
                                            The culprit escaped, however,          
by dumping me here,

My conscious returned,        but no one could hear

A pile of mud and heavy stones        carefully braced
                                            My nails dug in deep
and my breathing raced

In a moment,                   all was freezed and gone

                  My heart, my soul, my life......all TORN.

Fictional write, spilling imagination.

My apologies for my poet friends for not posting much on here as for some situation. But I'll try reading most of your writes as I get time and will atleast post one poem daily.
REAL Nov 2013
the wind blew sofly
and the snow felled quietly
the trees dipped in snow
and the sky's body is filled with grey
the snow covered the green field
buried those green memories

i stood there
stiff as hell
the cold probably reached my bones

The cold plastic of the headphones dug into my ears
and the music played loud as hell

♪On a thousand islands in the sea
I see a thousand people just like me♪

in the faint distant i hear the snow being compacted
under her feet as she walks away

♪Take me away everyone
When it hurts thou♪

my hands curled into a fist
frusterated by her thoughts
filled  with uncertainty...

♪From my head to my toes
From the words in the book
I see a vision that would bring me luck
From my head to my toes
To my teeth, through my nose
You get these words wrong ♪

Angered with the thought
that the winters chill
freezed her heart

♪ Everytime
You get these words wrong
I just smile ♪

i Turn around quickly
and i see her  walking away
looking at the clouds
as her arms are crossed
her hands holding her arms

♪For these last few days leave me alone♪

i yelled at her
she stops
but doesn't look back

♪Leave me Alone♪

i smile really big
smiled with madness
"**** you, for making my head
hit the clouds!"
she turns back to look at me
but i was gone
far away
i was gone

A poem i wrote a while back

i found it in my laying in between two pages
in my notebook
Way to the lane
Sam stood under a tree
waiting for Jane
says to himself, "I love thee."

Sunshine furnished the day
it was half past eleven
Sam frenzied and gay
for he will get to tryst Jane.

Past the lane was a park
where lovers hummed songs of love
along with the tune of larks
beneath the heaven above.

Sam walked to and fro
eyeing on the lovers kiss
dreamt of kissing Jane's eyebrow
something he never wanted to miss.

Minutes passed into hours
and Sam worried presently
for Jane's arrival undiscovered
he calls her hurriedly.

Jane's mobile rings aloud
awaiting Sam for the response
some questions maked Sam doubt
he stormed towards her home at once.

On the way his phone rings
immediately picking it up
he says, "Jane!!", curiously
the voice of an unknown cop.

Asking, "Is this Mr. Sam?"
"Yes, it's Sam," he replies
Cop says, "I found your number with this Ma'am,
Middle of the road she died."

Sam stunned and shocked
with a shaky voice he asks, "Where are you calling from?"
Cop replied, "Before highway, near shop Reebok"
and Sam destined for the zone.

Reaching there he finds her carcass
while returning with gifts
sweet Jane crashed with a bus
while she was running swift.

Shattered Sam stood still
his mind freezed and tears dried
woven dreams at once killed
dark clouds defeated light.
Priyanka Bhowmick (C) 2010
RSV Feb 2014
I sail through utter silence
Words are ceased
And thoughts freezed
Nothing more remains to be said, I reckon
Or there is too much
It is too much
that words cant capture
thoughts cant express
yet it flows
like an ocean which moves from shore to shore
and never finds an abode...
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
Treading down the steps of your heart,
A string of wire holds itself from breaking,
A neck is forming in that string so dart,
And this action of fate, my soul isnt taking.
You came to me for a friend to seek I know,
Now what can I do If, my soulmate inside you, your eyes show.
And this is not at all **** what I am trying to say,
Folded are my hands to almighty every night to pray.
My mind counts numbers and alphabets to get some sleep,
It does so to console my heart, wound embossing in it is so deep.
Is it my fault that I have found true love in you..??
Yes I think its mine, cause you werent wrong, your feelings werent of deciet but of true.
But what can I do now if I cannot live, without talking to you.
If not love, would u give some minutes of your life.? please, only a few.
So that I can show you, what I used to say were not just words,
I want to marry you. Hey please dont pick up ear buds.!
When I try to forget all the time I spent with you, this cruel heart starts to murmur you name,
Oh **** I am unable to control myself, its such a shame.
But I am not a bad guy and wish for you to live happily with the person you love.
While Agony spreads from tip to toe and my heart gets freezed to see someone else with my dove.
softcomponent Dec 2013
slumbering cream-cheese on the tip of
an unhungried tongue... in past lives,
we met and you called me crazy. for
once, we are on the same level and
neither of us are not untethered in
the nether of whenever. kindred
souls know how to laughalot,
whereas unkindred soulzzz
bite each other with
elongated continuities
of 'Zed.'

we are perhaps both of these
at different times, but there
is never a lack of love tho
a lack of passion might
have done us well as
well as done us
harm all
depending on how
bent-outta-shape we'd
cared to be. there is
nothing inside of me
that says winter more
than holding yer hand
down the length of the
pole-line while you wore
flats and freezed and
I was too afraid to talk
very loud becuz a small-
town meant solitude and
I couldn't stand solitude
as I wasn't a solid, but a
gas and a liquid too afraid
to become the temporary
icy toothache of a transient

I will love you forever,
but don't tell yerself that.

there's a dead guy in the body,
but he's only fast asleep.
dedicated to Amanda Munro
Maryam El-Driney Sep 2014
Shrugged the princess
The one with the ice cold guilt;
The guilt of surviving
When nobody else did.

A princess she'd become
For which she lost her soul.
Filled with despair,
She was in the permanent state
Of the freezed misery
She proudly chose.
She was no longer bright,
She had no longer light.
The fancy dresses
Seemed dull,
And the heavy joules
Seemed light.

She saw the stars
For what they really are.
The fearful eyes
Of the hell that awaits.
The vague thoughts of hers
Gave her nothing
But more remorse.

The princess weeped
The Poverty's tears,
Those whom she once
Belonged to.

Shrugged the princess
And stopped breathing.
Left her dress hanging
Along with her neck.
On the ground lied a note
"I'm sorry."
It said.
Masuma Mirza Jul 2015
Wanted a warm hug oh these harsh cool wind
The hot cup of coffee with blanket warped over me
Reading near the fireplace lost in the rhythm of
Ah! Gotcha said winter coming close to me
Restless on the chair I made my way to run
But soon winter holds me tight , I am caught he said
with a
I am so freezed and squirmed a lot
Living with winter , like in prison
Kill me slowly Nov 2015
two more months, and it will be a year since you left.
i still have so many questions...

how come all i can write about is you
how come when it's late at night
and the dishes are *****
all i can think about is ball room dancing in the kitchen with you
and you laughing because i can't dance
for the life of me
and how come i still think of you ******* me against that cheap chinese made sink that always leaks
in the heat of that one summer  
your mom
in the other room
and how we tried to stay quiet
ended up breaking into fits of obnoxious laughter

i always did love your one dimple
and how it always came out at the worst possible times

but ******* and **** your family
and **** all the lions in Africa
i don't need you to rule this world
or regain my pride

you opened your arms to me
and got so use to holding me  
tha you failed to realize that you started to hold me against my will

many nights
you drowned your common sense with that bottle of whiskey
so many nights you ate me like that birthday cake i made you
and so many nights you'd pin me down
**** me when
i was crying about my other ninety  nine problems
and i trusted you
you ended up being the worst one

and you would just hold me there
suspended in time
as you
****** away the day
my life

you just wouldn't let me go home.

my mom was in the driveway waiting
for me
i was too busy crying to notice.
shaken up
and over the top
like a cold coca cola.
for you to give me the okay
to put on my clothes
and buckle my seat belt
and lick the sticky sweetness of you off my lips..

do you
remember that one hot humid summer
when you hydroplaned
and crashed your car into that ravine
and nearly killed me
and all you were worried
about was the police figuring out
you didn't have insurance

and that guy with that lifted ford pulled your car out of that ravine and you laughed
shrugged it off
and sped away

despite what we thought
i died in that ravine
that day

and sometimes i wonder if you ever visit my grave
or hold me high in your head

do you..?

i want to go back in time
before the days
when no meant yes
your hands didn't feel like sandpaper

i want to tell you before you ever set your sights on a girl like me
to cut your loses
and let your expectations

i want to tell you all the things i hate about you
and that
i hate you for not letting me leave sooner.
and that i just
i hate you.


in a twistedly
unexpected way

i think i forgave you a long time ago
but yet
i want to stab you in the throat and drink your blood like sweet wine..
so i can cherish
the ice that runs in your veins
and freezed
me over
frigid months ago
when no one bothered to save me.
i hate your guts
in the best way possible.

you've turned me into a physchopathic lover
robbed me of everything  
but at the same time
given me a new chance and perspective on life.

(as far as i'm considered i still hate you though)
Akash mazumdar Aug 2014
I cheated myself the way i never wanted,
hands does'nt move but scroll to be granted,
eyes take a snap of feets,
enourmously both hand bleeds,
knees are bent eyes are narrow,
screams are so loud can make a hollow,
space between concious and unconsiousness,
the cloths are ***** and the fellings are pressed,
be within limits is now a deed,
what i will define is the tear's of need,
lips are died to say anything that i want,
i want to do many things but i cant,
breathes are borken,
my thoughts are frozen,
want to define each and ever thing i feel,
but i have to take it out from the kneel,
beside chest nothing is there,
the thing was freezed and can't flair,
hollow bones but filled with air,
still i cant fly because i am here,
for just crying,
but still i am trying,
for my mind to on it,
cheeks are streched but a little bit,
i have to fight and i cant quit......
KT Feb 2015
It’s raining here,
and it won’t stop.
I was waiting in fear,
soaked like m’ nana’s mop

I’m cold, I’m shaking,
my legs are trembling.
I’ve got no more heat,
and my hands ‘r like a dead-beat.

I pulled ‘em out,
of m’ leather pockets,
what will I see,
frozen chicken nuggets.

All blushed up,
hard like a brick,
all freezed up,
rollin’ like a stuffed up *****.

Pulled my hat up,
got my jacket tight,
from thumb to toe,
I was like the reaper Joe.

Trying to warm ‘em,
trying to rub ‘em,
but they are more stiff,
than an ice-cold shiv.

I need something
to make ‘em move again,
I need to feel your
warmth, dear woman.

They’ll start moving,
they’ll be bouncing,
they’ll get red,
and I won’t be sad.

Just get me in,
I promise I’ll behave,
I’ll do what I’m told,
just get me out of this cold.
Seema Jan 2018
The unseen forces dwell around me,
Some just whisper to be free, just free,
They house on the old ancient trees,
It's quite nice to enjoy the breeze,
But once you are a target,
That's the start of their game,
It's evident that most people say the same,
That you hear a whisper of your name,
Little unfortunes happen as people say,
Mostly experiences encountered during the day,
I have heard lots of stories from people around,
That people insanely do rounds around the trees,
And later found fainted or sitting freezed,
Some babble and laugh or just giggle,
The old stories keep people away from this area,
As the community has created sort of a barrier,
A notice read:
"Caution: Ghostly Whispers on patrol
From 12.00pm-2.00pm
Keep out of this area"

I was quite curious to find out about this,
And later decided to take a stroll to meet the risk,
The trees were quite old but stood bold,
With soothing breeze cool to cold,
I stretched my hand to catch a branch to hold,
My heart thumped as I heard a whisper in my ear,
Startled I turned around in fear,
But no one was even near,
I felt my cheek slightly pressed,
Then I saw a figure in white dressed,
An enchanting smile,
I stood helpless frozen for a while,
Then as fast as I could...I ran,
I knew the stories were true man!
Till today I've never tried walking near those trees,
Even though they provide the most enchanting breeze...

Fictional write. Spilling imagination.
Riot Sep 2014
she was a gift to the world
but words silenced her
the only escape she had
was a gun

to the person who made her feel that way
you've just killed an angel

he walked in confidence
he was on the right track
nothing could stop him
except the fact
that he was christian
and gay

do the church that made him bleed
to bleed out the different in him
you've just killed an angel

she had the voice of an angel
she didn't let anything hold her down
her spirit filled the room with happiness
but the only thing they cared about
was the size of her body
bringing down the size of her love
until she couldn't even love herself

to whoever told her she wasn't skinny enough
you pulled the trigger on an angel

she was only in 7th grade
when her life was taken away
but she tried to hold on longer
an angel
who did nothing but make a mistake
when she turned 15
she decided she couldn't hold on any longer

her name was Amanda
and she was only a girl
but her story lives on
because she's still in the world

suicide is still yet to be stopped
and though we cannot
turn back the clock
for Amanda
we can save those who live like her

and to the man who blackmailed her with her own picture
to the girls who beat her up over a guy
to the parents who didn't see
to all the different schools that didn't do anything
to the friends who freezed her out

**to the people who harassed her on Facebook after she tried to commit suicide the first time
to the people who commented on her story video telling her she
"deserved it"
to the ones who never cared enough to ask if she was ok

you tortured
and slowly killed
an angel
Pallavi Dec 2018
Winters are on,
Making me frown....
My heart is freezed.
I don't think I could,
Love anymore.
Erom elims Oct 2014
Share the world I'm alive
haunting brain archives
Thrives till dust then at dawn hearing your vocals
Vibrate luminosity across the smokers domain stuck
Freezed into the glaze of your mind
Own senses draped
self-spilling emotions on reality tap
Screen vented this day
the unknowing longing
To converse about
the gleaming at gorgeous eyes
Minding me intrinsically cumbersome under my skin
An image engrained into my head
Writing for the quintessential relaxed ears
Mind breathing without ageing thoughts
Breaking my weak twigs knees
Wanting your eclectic self-yearning
Nothing more
Byzantine accomplishments  
Cemented on bricks buried on the floors
Passing artistically
Butterflys invade my consciousness
Then drifting back on wheels swilling untitled
Lonely human actions
Collecting copious mental photographs sloshing Amongst my neurons dreaming
Once more of a singers delighted painted green
Leavings as she bounces the surrounding scene of her european leaves juxtaposed
I remain still unseen with this non-emoted
Feelings ghost bound holdings
Gigantic bugs my ****** host as you fade away
From earth perceptions
Left burning wrapped beatnik-esque sunglasses
Reverberations haunting
My cranium nearly dejected frustrated
Shyness awaking my tripling typing monstrosity admirations
laura Mar 2014
His deep voice is hitting my chest
Growing my smile
I've falling too hard

This one question has freezed me
"What's your favorite number"
"Eight", I said

And on the next day
I found 8 roses
In my locker

I mean
How can you not falling so hard
With this kind of guy
sadhealer Mar 2019
It’s just a gesture
I freezed disgusted
He crawled his pleasure
And I’m corrupted

His priority
His goals
On my property
On mine of gold
lijo jose May 2015
When I saw him that day
I left the room where I was supposed to stay
The day I looked at him
I saw his eyes had gone dim,
I saw him for the first time,
And he looked at me as if I had done a crime
By his eyes I could make out he had something to say,                                          
We all sat down for lunch,
He sat still while I began to munch;
Coz of the spicy food I coughed and sneezed
And he looked around as if the world around him freezed,
A little did his hand shivered
Sitting beside him I quivered
He shifted his glass of water a bit
I drank the water, he looked and passed a smile;                                                           ­       
And I felt as I had walked with him a mile ,
Different from mine he chose a way,
And my hopes began to fade away.
To him I gave my heart,
Though I knew the next day for whom I d start.
He turned to the left and crossed d arch,
And left me behind in d dark ,
The next day I woke up with a start.
And listened to my moaning little heart.
I wanted to see him again,                               
I went for a walk with my dad,
Seeing everyone happy, I became sad
All of a sudden my dad said,
As if it was my mind dat he read;
He said we had to go somewhere,
I made a face and said that I wasn't ready and what he did wasn't fair,
But I couldn't help coz we were at the gate,
I had no choice than to meet my miserable fate,
I knocked the door .
And yes I kept lookin down at the floor,
When I looked up I saw
And forgot every rule and law .
I looked deep into his eyes,
And tried to find what he hides;
To move forth I fought,
I just don't know why I could not.
So I fought back my urge and he just smiled
And that smile is still pure and kind :
Alexandra J Nov 2014
In one year,
I've wandered around like the seasons,
in search of a place to let my scars
turn golden.
My blood has freezed, and now
I'm carrying ice-bergs in my tired veins.
I am a product of fog and dust,
slowly becoming invisible
and unsettling.
Not even the moon could reach out to me
for I've sunk so deep into darkness,
its light would die here.
There's a different king of living in this land,
all marked by agony and madness,
and grim laughs that terrorize human souls,
whispers that play with their minds.
I've reached the end,
the cruel end,
and now,
there's nowhere to go.
What a shame that colours had to fed to
The picture blurred and the journey
came to an end
when the killer came around, dreams
were murdered
Breath was taken away together with
Ice cold was the blood freezed in his
There was no way to keep the Artists
soul within his body
What a shame that the sunset colours
waned to shades of grey
The moment doors were closed and
light hid in the darkest night
The whole ordeal was sad,
It was a tragedy to witness the work of
a legend with a dying breath, giving up
Trying to sail around the world, he
Trying to fly with broken wings, he
touched the ground
Dust to dust, the spirit moved on,
But his work remained behind and was
purely glorified
Ashes to ashes, his name lived on
In the papers, the magazines and
pictures on the Tv's
A life lived in stardom, a soul burried in
Gavin Sebake Jul 2017
I collide with my dreams in a dark gloomy night,
All its premises getting wider and darker,
Wearing my sleep and falling to my nuisance,
Wearied my eyes along with my greatest fear,
My brain freezed and fails to interpret its sensations,
I rolled to one side to another,
Yet confusions spoked with its creepy voice,
I listened to the knockings on my windows,
Holding my heart as i call for protection to my Master,
I prayed yet my eyes failed to participate,
They crawled to one corner to the next,
Forming images before my presence,
I cried,
Yet my tears were clouded by fear,
There i was frozen from head to toe,
Lying helplessely on my bed,
My waterfall crawled like a piece of dirt wandering the street,
My senses broked yet the mess is already have been done,
Was i been saved from the hunger of the unraveling thirst of nightmares?
©19 July 2017 - South Africa
My First Fear
What a shame that colours had to fed to grey
The picture blurred and the journey came to an end
when the killer came around, dreams were murdered
Breath was taken away together with hope
Ice cold was the blood freezed in his veins
There was no way to keep the Artists soul within his body

What a shame that the sunset colours waned to shades of grey
The moment doors were closed and light hid in the darkest night
The whole ordeal was sad,
It was a tragedy to witness the work of a legend with a dying breath, giving up life

Trying to sail around the world, he drowned
Trying to fly with broken wings, he touched the ground
Dust to dust, the spirit moved on,
But his work remained behind and was purely glorified
Ashes to ashes, his name lived on
In the papers, the magazines and pictures on the Tv's
A life lived in stardom, a soul burried in legacy
Raven Feels Mar 2024
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, freezed not a word:>
_four year old poem alert

can I leave
although my returns can’t handle mistreat
choking on the shields that they reveal

the stack is packed
the thoughts are hacked
and my acceptance to the fate is verging on stance

do I sore free for the sake of my flee
and redeem the escape
of the torturous bleach under my feet
or do I abandon my daemons of feels
and scratch a sinful crime of a resentful scheme

the ties are secured
and the doors are uptorn
my legs give up to the shore
and I stand up to no more

the search is at stake
and time flicks with no shame
but the place is not here to be faced

the venture is trapped
in a venging mishap
the yellow is freezed to an uptown
and everything becomes diseased to drown

the green uptakes
and the lakes create
an explode of scents
in the middle of no ends
in the ashes of the questionable whens

                                                          ­                                  ------ravenfeels
funny how I tried to change the rhythm of the poem, to realize why it is the way that it is in the first place and put it right back to what it was originally
----don't mess with your old self
Seema Nov 2017
I am at peace
Tho my heart has freezed
No more love
My soul is floating above
Looking down at the decompose
I take a while to pose
To see if it's really me in the shallow grave
Laying damp and half decap, in a foam cave
So far from home, in a lonesome forest
Dumped by my own, here I rest
Who would have thought, of me this way
Wonderful words about me, all say
Yet, so brutality tortured and left here
Covered in blood, face torn in fear
Just my wealth was the family greed
So viciously got rid of me, a soul freed
Now almost thirteen days
I am missing, broken from ties
My eyes deceived all the beautiful lies
Trapped here, all alone
Thrown on me, are some big stones
I wished for love
I wished for life
I wished to live
But now, I see my body and grieve
Such a honor, I received
May the wealth, grant them health
From here, I wish for them to atleast thank
But I can imagine, their rejoice at the bank
An orphan, I was with fosters around
So make believe love, in my surround
Now its my decomposition rotting in this ground
Silence dusting with winds, such a peaceful sound
Waiting to be discovered, this known decap
In the news soon, my ****** mystery shall recap...

Spilling imagination, Fictional write :)
Mallary Shepherd Dec 2016
I am searching within for
some source of warmth
but it’s freezed over and
lost its touch. I’m trying to
keep ahold of my happiness
but it’s just not there. Something
inside me shifted. Something
changed. Something’s not
there. I have been on my knees
for far too long, but don’t mind
me, I’ll find it soon enough.
When did I say, like this you wait?
To fix your gaze on my portrait.
In yearning of me, she is dazed,
Thorns in hand firmly she seized,
Without a blink, her eyes freezed.
A girl deep in love with poet waits for him,
when mirza is late enough to make her weep In His Wait.
Mirza Expresses his concern for beloved.
AnEscape Jul 2015
When I first saw you, I would have never thought I would love you this much.
Remember when I saw you in the park, it was the first craziest thing I have ever done in my life. I remember my heart beating so loud as I leave the house heading to the park afraid that someone would expose me.
I remember it was too dark, I was wearing my favorite pair of jeans and a tank top.
I was shivering although it wasn't too cold.
When I saw you, I felt the moment freezed somehow. I remember, it was the first time you hugged me so tight that I could hear your heart beat, or maybe it was mine, I don't even know. I remember how you did not care about anyone around us, it almost felt like we were alone in their. Remember how it was the first time I kissed your hands? You were pulling them away from, as if it was violating your dignity. I remember I did it without even thinking about it. Remember when you kissed me for the very first time? Remember how you did not look right or left, not caring about the place and the people? Rememeber how it felt... It took me away from myself.. I don't remember how did you feel after that.. but I remember how I was so childish and almost felt embarrased all the time after. I miss my old self. The one who loved you "unconditionally".. The one who trusted you in not leaving.. Remember how safe it was when I was with you? I miss it. I miss being safe. I miss placing my head on your shoulders. I miss feeling secure with you, as if you were protecting me from any harm. I miss the person I loved with all my heart without even thinking if what I was doing is right or wrong. Before I close my eyes to sleep, I remember all of these memories which are living in me. Your touch, warmth, smell and love... I can never look pass them.. Even after a hundred years.. You taught me what the word "love" means. You made me feel loved, you cared for me like I was your daughter...
and now I should forget all of that, I should hate you.. I shouldn't remember any of it.. How sad it is that love is fading after years of great memories..
Pallang Mofokeng Aug 2016
My Mockingbird

He wrote her a song, it's the words of his song he left unfinished,
Supposedly it was love, yeah they left it freezed.
Selfish of how they used to feel,
Just each's presence could breathe them peace.

Hand twined hands they could walk the miles,
Loved her as much as she did, read it through her beautiful smiles.
Beauty of an angel? **** she was purely beautified,
One fiction written in and out her eyes, she was ****** fair he could tell a story of lies.

Nevertheless she'll never know his real love, on that his seat is tears are blood,
What a nightmare he sighs he cries
Relief will finish his song, not later but today,
Here he begins it  says:

" You are my Mockingbird,  you mesmerise my world,
With your voice that of the unknown angels, ****! God Jesus I'm outta words
Your eyes are diamonds glittering
**** girl you leave my heart pumping hard, beating and longing hard for your loving. "

That's what he wrote allow me to say,
He wouldn't dare **** throw it away
Oops that ain't how it works, this muhfucken world is bitter and harsh,
Thus something happened and tore him apart...

— The End —