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Paul Celano Jul 2010
I have dejavu
Why do things keep repeating?
I have dejavu
©2010 Paul Celano
"This is true to all"
Ken Pepiton Oct 2018
This is not where this idea began but it ran and I

missed my mark. Mark sin.
-1 deficit reality quotientcy
currency.  Sure.
(Press Sure, to let the bursting pressure equilation expand at will)

That fine a level of reality
demands more attention than I have to pay.
Patient agent wait and not see or see if/then

you suffer, is there ought that I might do now
for you
that these words are not doing?
All I am is words, in a sence, sense, since

we come in threes, we are some of those sets of thoughts tangled in complexes
better left alone.

Untangling twisted knotted realities is what we do best.
We've been wadding up proteins,
since God knows when,

time's less twisted than people think it is,
but it is silly to imagine
time's arrow is a metaphor for these meta-gnostic moments.
Is it?

or mere
Dejavu, you believe,
what if it is your memory lying by ignoring time
attention ratios determining the observations stored in HD?
What if it's just a glitch?
Blue screen of death.

If you suffer, is there ought that I might do now
for you
that these words are not doing?
All I am is words, in a sence, sense, since

we come in threes, we are those sets of thoughts tangled in complexes
better left alone.

Untangling twisted knotted realities is what we do best.
We've been wadding up proteins,
since God knows when,

time's less twisted than people think it is, but
is it silly to imagine
time's arrow is a metaphor for these meta-gnostic moments?

We come and go. To and fro up on the face

messengers bearing news in both directions, watch
the trickster, Jacob, in this story, he sees the messengers from
heaven bearing leaven thither and hither

upon the face of the earth.
the wrinkling mother, smiling now, chuckle head
I ain't no ***** saint.

Jah, I know. Joy is my dance, this is my song.
Is it good Grandmother?

---- on the porch facing my west gate ---

fences don't play exactly, out acted, the role of walls.

The idea that something
there is that does not love a wall,
has frozen my pond

the stillness beyond the sylvan **** crowned head
radiates through the medium of the message to me in time
to you.

Miles to go, you recall the feeling of feeling miles to go
I sleep.
That was yesterday, and you know yes ter everything's gone,

Aslan can pierce the barrier between mere Christians and me,
how would be fun to know, but
knowing why would help us keep the story interesting as life goes on

Who controls my peace?
Am I a mercurial sheen in between chaos and order,
chronus and zeus?
Could be, ya thank so, ye know so, less unlessed as

unlessing means nothing to you,
that means you are visiting here.

Visting whom, vis it ing whom?
Who's in charge, where's the power

age, wrinkles in time, rogue waves at the quanta scale,
we were dancing
with the thoughts emanating

from some IDW smart guy proffesing
Critique-technic-magi action, post mode'r'ism
at the point of Dada und Scheizkunst,
the unmass-queque,
the line of lies awaiting unbelief,
idle words lingering,
to be noticed and added back into the story book of life,

a simple wish.

It could be every child's, should we think that
if we can or may,

sometimes I'm still, and

confusion troubles the water,
it seems,
then another hurt is healed, another lie is gone and life goes on

we won again, this never gets old,
I do love my opposition,
pressure pump
pump pump. De-us-me-can-onbeoffbeyond

five years ago unmasking and rhetoric meant nothing to me
the purpose of learning forever and never
knowing anything beyond all things

our bubble is metastasizing, a mercurial film forms
informing us
in its reflection,

this is the ying yang thang in 3 or 4 d, HD+ chaos one half

order the other,
sharpest imaginable thing
me trick being mag ift just if eye winged show

how beautiful are the feet of them who bring good news,
you see, it flows, sweetwater flows
winged feet
whish through leaving, leavin' leaven…

unleaven that which has been leaved?
Fat chance, all who
eat this bread and don't get gas,
they are our same bread people. Companions.
Vectors of sour dough,
webs of fungal
make a way
bore, pore, poor-with-us, pour

in to it ish, that idea, an opening through,
trickle down good gravity leveling stillness,
gentle rocking earth
roll round and round and round

the pythagorean version
of Euclid's point in his mother's story,

the point of this song? To know the point you must have been

to the point of in-forming the point on which we dance and you recall

we come in threes, and just, we are, just, if it, that idea,
rests in your
back roads, gentle on your mind. We make peace.

Being young is easy from my POV.
I've lived in my future for sometime now

I can't say how, beyond saying aloud, this was never hidden,
in my accounting of idle words I claimed,
upon hearing the stories each contained.

i'da swore i hear that wise *** o'balaam's abrayin'
Braindeem, deemed 'eem. Wham, uptheyhaid. Relig, fool,

or chaos wins and no hero ever lives again!
Drop anchor, wait it out.
let patience blow her nose, gnostic snot caught in the nets,

nonono nothing's wasted in patience work, we make glue
from gnostic snot that patience sneezes
when reality grows cold,

that has happened, you know, temperatures are just now,
oh, wait global warming, bad dam,

Script, bust it,
leveling is essential to eventual temperature
The heat is on, the bubbles are forming, informing one to another
below the surface
greasy tension, slippery slopes putting pressure on chaos
to conform to the curve

Ying yang, mercury film upon the sea of time and the scene of chaos
in this bubble of all you can imagine real.

Hows' that feel? Why?

You want that? What are you standing under? Does chaos win?
You are, as we say, cognisic magi we-ified,
practical magic at
the moment
the point
is made, then the creation begins fractalling outward

and not before or is this all
unrolling ex nihilo, no magi ever knew…
come, let us reason together,

why am I empowered? To live, first thought wise, that's good but
evil forces me to think again and I see the pattern

life goes on, John Molenkamp, Sam, soldier 4,
(as the credits role by, the name catches my eye)
never in a thousand years,
'cept unbelievable is one of those lies I came to **** by strangling
on bile while
rescuing every idle word ever involved in the infection

from the point in the absolute center of the bubble,
objectively, you see everything
that is

but would good prevail if evil had no hope?

I know that one, yes. why?
evil has no mind, soul, some think--
same same medium message spoken spelled chanted danced
who care's?
*** 'er done. Life has a chaotic side, the churning creates

number one from none, the cult of one divides itself
go do be
we three we three we three a wavy song ding ****.

Aware? Awaken? Avowed-wowed-wit-wise,
fullcomp, retired
Peacemaker. Me.

All my hero's imagined or real, were Peacemakers.
Just now, peaceful now, mindful now
we remain
the same blessing promised in the package of yeses
stolen from Cain by his older sister, his
keep that quiet, eh?

Secrets made sacred, always
those are lies, no lie is of the truth,
all lies are about the truth.

What empowers you, poet or poetry? Right, you know,
God, good god knows, resentment lives in lies

the rotting idle words deemed curses at best, secret at worst,
those idle corrupting thoughts sparking as if absolute annihilation were thinkable by rational minds

of ---wait, there's arub, a sore
ex nihilo, the homeless wanderer screams,

"May the whole world perish, may you all go to hell,"

the mad man wept his hell, and imagined his curse,

not mine,
I don't have one. I did, but I went back so often to find pieces of my heart that now I have an Elysian network woven through All-hell, the big idea that broke loose infecting the mind as wisdom's leaven builds her womb
stem cell informing builders empowered, pressure empowered, what must be, but is not verse, versus
us, the we that be
we must

let this be, come and see,
life goes on.
Agree, or empower us as we bubble by and
takenallwecan expanding gobbling bubbles,
by ye.

Once we flushed the Dada poison and let mito mom
instill the patience gene with
epigenetic peace we can pass on with a touch or a word,

we've never woven lies for no reason,
if a rung breaks
and they can, last straw and all that weight,
you know,
Jacob's ladder is an escalaltor-ladder, wittily invented,
with knots and twisted fibers electricked,
there are automated steps, algoryhmes of reasons to repair the broken rung
with a reason to believe the rung has been repaired,
only believe, take a step,
paired again with the idea of meaninglessness masked in create-if-ity

good enough. okeh. don't believe lies.
Don't pass undigested lies to see if farts burn.
Listening to Hicks Explaing Post Modernism after watching Tenant's Voltage Within spark a fire. This reality is storyteller heaven.
For all of them, greatness ekes not on goodness,
but on mysterious and spectacular humility,
semitism  cradled from epileptic Tehra,
Hebrewism from Abrahamic despair,
Jewry from shrewd Israel of Isaac,
Christianity from lame footed jesus,
Islam from an epileptic desert oat;Muhammed,
Africanism from warped emotionalism,
Hinduism a mere avatar of godly imaginations
all these calls for a pious dejavu
Natasha Meyer Dec 2014
Here we are again
this cross road again
passing the beginning
and collecting nothing
A chance card is all we have
Maybe this time
Maybe not
Here we are again
Dejavu... my friend.
Softly spoken Oct 2011
Been ******* ova a thousand times
Result of that is trust isnt on my mind
Thats one thing i dont have
So i kno any relationship i start wont last
I try to believe that your not like my past
But after you gave it all its hard to redo that
I have put my heart on the line
Covered my eyes to lies i played blind
Closed my ears to gossip in the streets
Of her cheating and not claiming me
Who would of thought the one you give your soul
Would trade it for what they thought was gold
Make you out to be the fool when time of approach comes
And i loved her so much i believed her how dumb
So now you come in singing a song i have heard
How you would love me forever and my heart you wont hurt
Sorry to be the barrier of bad news
But i must be real and say i dont believe you
Yes i heard you when you said you'd love me on dieing knee
And your promise to never cheat
But your words are oh to familar
I have dejavu with your words this is a bad delima
Trust isnt something i can give easily
As well as my heart my mind cant you see
Take it slow with me i cant go fast
I refuse to get out of us what i did in my past
I be ****** if i get hurt again
Having to hear gossip from my friends
I will not hold the sign of pain any more
Before i go thru it again i will show you the door
I dont want to wait up at night for you to walk in
Or get scared when i see you around another woman
I want to be free of playing the fool
And to be honest i just want to love and be loved without trust issues
Atlas Dec 2013
Oh hello again
Familiar feelings
Feelings of vacancy

I remember
When I thought
I could fly

I remember
Learning about

Hello again
Old feelings
I remember
How empty I was

I remember
It only lasted a sort while
Then time went by
As I was deflated

Falling is a  familiar feeling

This desire keeps coming back
It wont escape me
Every single dream
Emptiness escapes
I suffocate every time

Mistakes keep coming back
One after the other
Rows and rows
Of the emptiest time
In my life

ajit peter Jun 2014
I had seen this
A dream
Now I feel this
reality of the dream
was my dream true
or I see future without clue
nance Jun 2019
i look around and have seen this all before,
we tell ourselves we discovered something new,
but we have lived this all before.
- that feeling when everything modern feels ancient, and i feel like i'm looking into the past
Laurel Leaves Sep 2017
My belly emerges above the ripple in the water
While the rainbow hue of small delicate bubbles pop the moment they make contact with my skin
Exposed the goose bumps grow around my areolas
I think of the small toes
Bumping, tickling the inside of me
While a heart beat
Moves rhythmically with me
How the butterflies sing me to sleep when
Her eyes glow
A burdening row of uncontrollable
I watch as his fingers trace the porcelain
The water cascades in
Roaring, boiling
My lips purse together
While the steam
Emerges from the ends of the mug
Water dripping down my shoulders
Pooling at the ends of my hair
Breathing deeply
Dreams recently
Diego Aug 2018
Luces de una noche igual,<br>
digan como el reloj quebrar.<br>
Distantes; dime esto no igual.<br>
Como... ... <br>
Hayar sentido de la casualidad.<br>
dia noche dia noche dia noche<br>
dia noche dia noche dia noche:<br>
dos partes: Dos: Uno, uno: Uno.<br>
Trabajo, descanso, algo mas,<br>
trabajo, descanso, recrear,<br>
trabajo, descanso, estudiar,<br>
trabajo, descanso, descansar,<br>
trabajo,  estudio pa'trabajar;<br>
Descanso descanso pa trabajar<br>
Dos. Dos. Dos. Dos. Dos: tres.<br>
Tres, uno, ono, uno, uno: dos.<br>
Luces que no sea casualidad.<br>
Noche ya dejame descansar.<br>
Luna tu no importas vete ya.<br>
Luces que secreto esconderas, <br>
ooo favor que se algo mas;<br>
No... Estupida! maquina . . . . . .
Towela Kams Sep 2015
To the boy I met two days ago,
With words designed to suit the solitude I've wanted me heart to cave in.
And the smile that made security no longer appear as a faraway myth but was now as close to me as your inhale and exhale across my neck.
I could feel your heartbeat,
And the way it raced marathons to convince me that it wasn't just oxygen you were taking in, but with each inhale was a piece of me I'll never be able to recover.
And when you held me, I reluctantly allowed the walls of my mind to romp into temporary forevers
But soon I was yet to discover an abstract truth
From what you whispered in my left ear.
You'd given me detailed descriptions of your childhood games that were enough for me to conclude that you liked to play -
With stones
And sticks
And Lego bricks
But never,
Never did I think you were capable of playing a round of hide-and-go-seek with my feelings.
I feel kisses on my cheek,
As I continue reminiscing about the first words you spoke to me,
that night.
If only I'd known your "Hello" was filled with deceit that concealed it's rise to defeat me.
I was under the impression that a fall into an empty ditch of your promises wouldn't leave me scarred.
To the boy I met two days ago,
You asked me why I struggle with trust issues,
Knowing **** well that two days later you'd reaffirm my bitterness for your entire species.
Don't call me stupid.
Don't even mouth the word, "Crazy"
I remember.. that night.
Being oblivious to everything you uttered,
I took all of it to heart.
And everyone knows I usually doubt a guy's intentions at the start
But this time
This time I was just as naive as those girls I tease for believing in guys like you.
Hypocrisy -
That's what I became a product of.
Even now, I'm still trying so desperately to have a little faith in the things you're telling me.
This - This isn't a merry-go-round, right?
You won't take me to Cloud Nine and then tell me to jump off, right?
Tell your girlfriend I said hey.
Go hide the fact that you asked me out that night,
Then made me feel guilty for saying no.
The next time you see her, look deep into her eyes and tell her that she's the only girl you're currently seeing
Be tormented by the clips of dejavu when you realize you that you;ve said those words to me before.
I want you to know that it took a lot for me to actually believe you,
And to have you take that for granted is obscene.
So I've made up my mind:
No more tossing and turning trying to get sleep at night,
No more getting to close to a guy that they can almost smell the vulnerability in me.
No more sweet talks.
No more intimacy that I feel the temptation rising to give in.
No more being another soul ready for your hands to take advantage of.
No words that seem to good to be true that they aren't.
No more smiles and no more laughter will ever have to be seen.
To the boy I met two days ago,
I left out one thing that night:
I'm an artist.
And I've drawn an all-new perception of you now
The old one, wasn't honest enough
And now, neither is your love for me.
I met a boy two days ago that turned out to be deceptive.
Maman Screams Feb 2014
Broken glasses beneath my roots
Scattered memories of a girl I knew
Penetrating fragments through my open wounds
Would it be simpler to be abuse
Leaving taints as the march's wind blew
Opening circles of rendezvous
Dreams may now seems like a dejavu
Was it really you the girl I knew
Now just became part of the muse
The girl I once knew

©2014 Maman Screams
Bee Jan 2019
One phone call,
Is all it took,
To have me in the corner,
Breath ragged and body shook,
Its happening again,
The end will be near,
'Take a deep breathe',
She whispers in my ear,
Rubbing my back,
I try to.. I do,
But the pain is too deep,
I hear her my past crying,
When they think im asleep,
I know its not real,
The black void is coming,
Deja vu all over,
Anxiety attacks are coming back.
Fidel Nov 2018
~For Baby Beast
It started out,
With what it could have been,
What we could have done,
And what I could have said,
It may be too late now,
But better late than never.
I stand in the shower,
As if my mind was traveling through time,
Creating new puzzles and challenges,
That fulfill my nights.
What once was,
Will never once be again.
I stand and think,
As water drips down my neck,
I remember of those rides,
When it was raining outside,
And I looked through my window to the sound of Dejavu,
Just imagining what I could be.
Long cold thoughts,
For my body to feel relieved of the pain.
Long burning waterfalls,
For my body to never love again.
I once heard that we make our own luck,
At the time it sounded nice,
I tried saying it a couple of times,
But never came out the same,
Sometimes it was for help,
Sometimes it was for knowledge,
And sometimes it was the answer.
I walked in the shower,
Loud voices screaming to the sound of Lund,
I closed the doors and the storm started,
The ceiling was the cloud,
The shower was the rain,
My fears turned into acid,
As my tears turned into steam.
I remember feeling my stomach crumble,
My hands shaking,
Eyes sweating,
I hit the door the first time,
The second, she came into my mind,
It felt so real, so real that I could hear her laugh,
Begging me to hit her,
But crying for me to help her,
How could I hit such a beautiful being?
I want my voices to be heard,
Want my screams to be considered,
Want my sweat to be seen,
And want my poetry to be read.
Sometimes I swallow my own nothing,
Feel the emptiness bouncing,
Feel the guard calling,
I created my own little world,
For those who fear,
To escape and explore,
The beauty of my mind,
I see, a clearer world,
With no belongings and no money,
Simply a pen and paper,
A world with no rulers,
A world in which you feel,
The same old sad stories,
But with a happy ending,
With the dead walking freely,
And their causes flying swiftly,
With a pretty bird by my side,
And a bright blue sky that cries.
As I walk through the main forrest, I see a very tall hill,
And so I walk and climb,
For him to be satisfied.
As I approach the top,
I hear a familiar voice,
That sounds like the one,
But screams like the two.
My mind is now back to the lab,
Where thoughts come and go,
Water keeps dripping,
And tears keep sounding fake,
This so called shower,
The one in which I sigh,
For my life to become so high,
That no shall be capable to buy.
I now stand, one thousand feet in the air,
Yet still hear Broken being sung,
I once again, open my eyes,
And check the time for answers,
Dry myself and walk,
As now I face a detective,
“Why the long showers, my dear?”
Well, that’s where my mind finds peace.
And yet it was better than ever.
well, so there is the mystery solved
the case of : who would be there to be there
and                                  yet
I had dejavu, of joking with you about
making pizza, while we were making love
simply the truth tho, make me more than happy
end this skin and bone, lets both get some meat
and ask up front, end it at the right time
real to the tenants , unluckily bellow us
uncertainty, this  trust on a whim
no matter how far you live
trust on the fact of this
at first sight

ahhh New York
Mercurychyld Aug 2014
Demagogues of our society; daftly delivering
disarming delusions of decrepit delights.
Dealing in powder, rock and liquid death,
demurely doled out in droves to the
willing unconscious, dysfunctional deviants
of the land.

Blindly offering devotions, flaccid devotions
to plastic, white collar deities; giving new
definition to internal deformity, through
decelerated dejection.

Desperate and emotionally dismembered,
defrauded by quick, cheap decadence,
debauchery, and mental decay in many
deliriously delicious forms...pick a flavor,
name your poison!

Delegate your defect, as those with
doctoral degrees in defunct traditions
do deviously delineate their demented
designs...for our future.

Perhaps, but in fact, it is we
who sniff, inject and drink up their drivel,
decidedly and dutifully depleted of
intellect by way of dubious data.

Duplicitous dullards...sanitize and
deodorize their fiendish we,
WE do nothing!

Not enough of us dumbfounded or
dumbstruck by their deceitful smiles.
Full of dread and deep dismay, by
the statutes of the day...I, for one,
will dream of better days, when we
shall defeat these diabolical demons.

But for now, down beaten, downtrodden;
we will continue to be denigrated for
the duration.
Clever dissection; dumb as they want you
to be,
disparity of all creativity...individuality...
and all of your rights...controversially.
Our disgruntled displeasure
fall on dormant hearts...and we,
debilitated and daunted, lives dismantled,
are now forever haunted, by our freedoms days we could question
their smiling lies.

Demagogues; Big Brother...such delinquents
dosing up the masses with a deluge of powder,
rock sedation and liquid elation...pick your flavor,
name your poison.

At the end of the day WE are ONE...duped,
defaced, defeated...and to continue on this
road, our final denouement will come
disturbingly DEATH!

-by Mercurychyld
Inspired by a movie I once saw.
I have rolled four big wheels
hung on a freaking clock tower
Unsheathed a million craps
I still have zero power.

Consider, I fought on top
of War ongoing,
despite the pain
which I kept hiding.

Still the world shunned
the movement I rippled
cuz they don't give a ****
even after I've made myself a *******.

Oh, I'm sorry, has peace been signed?
Hmmm.... a sense of dejavu, I think.
I remember what history has shown:
Always being signed by ******* ink.
Descovia Jul 2021
Taking over.
No need to brag.
Ya'll compared to me,
I am a different breed.

Thinking that you are big and bad
but you ain't even in my league

Cut that small **** out
or get TAGGED
and become a memory.

Words of wisdom
order of fellow OGs
Keep your friends afar
a closer eye on your enemies

Trying to help these
babies live their dream

What we represent is
bigger than any team

in a your field of vision
perspective of a side mirror,
everything you see, is not as it seems!
Always Grinding Never Sleep.
You fools be getting lost in CREAM!
I Battle with both sides of me
Breaking limits, beyond dimensions
Dejavu Detrimental Disaster
I'm a living monument of duality!

Talk that noise, render your abilities.

Surrender to everything
you pretend to be.

Isaiah prayer for all my people
So please proceed cautiously

Play with my fire and

Kakashi activated sharigan
This is not what you want

I breathe fire hotter than
hell inside the sun!

Giving no option to run
Been like this before the hunt!
promise you on everything,
I am not the one!
Kimmy-Nichole Apr 2011
no advil - my brain is swollen and throbbing so often its uncommon

its dejavu

perhaps even karma

i guess i should take the blame

and apologize -

just so things will be

erased, than put in the past

and a clean slate will emerge

one more time

in this vicious cycle ive commited myself too
Idonotexist Mar 2016
Vacancies left by death
are realized in life.
We wander across worlds
over time, dismissing the old
but there are some worlds
which we do not leave behind
and its the collection of these speckles
that make us realize the symphonies
camouflaged under the monotone of mundane.
Its these speckles that intoxicate us into nostalgia
and dejavu .
and yet its that one speckle that covers our eye
a rising sun that romanticizes the sky
david michael May 2012
We're done here i cannot carry you around with me anymore...

At least not like this...

Not in the form of guilt for tearing us apart so long ago...

For making you cry...

I need to let this go...

Even if it has been the only way we can be together...

Probably why i held onto this for so long...

But this needs to end...


This is the second time i've said this to you...

Jowlough Jan 2011
Ideas come like a pistol gun,
One click on the gauntlet,
Snap, it is gone.

Some thoughts are like birthmarks,
Forever they're established,
like a sculpture on a tree bark.

In our life we have a lot to think,
better be strong,
better swim or you'll sink.

daily living, We have to serve ourselves,
as well as  others,
who make life out of our shelves.

Their are places that seemed sanctuaries,
the ambient surroundings,
dejavu, good old memories,

But some places gives us despair
hopeless grin, in and out
of our closet bin

Only Few People care on what we feel,
They come and go,
whatever has got to deal,

better keep your feet down on the ground,
stay on levels,
all can change in a speed of sound
(c) Ideas - jcjuatco - Jan 20 2011
Spike Harper Feb 2019
The world is grey.
Well...slightly more so now.
The nerve endings have healed.
Yet the numbness has lingered.
I stumble on my own feet getting out of bed.
Is it that hard to believe I’m simply.
I get more lost with compass in hand.
Although I can tell you how to find north.
Theoretical knowledge always worked in school.
But my life mentor is absent.
What happens when there is no teacher in gym.
A bunch of kids wandering the grounds.
Some fighting.
More aimlessly wagging their tongues.
Trying to figure out the social heirarchy.
Then there is me.
Smoking a cig at the edge of the property.
Day dreaming of past events.
Even then I secluded myself.
Unknowingly laying the ground work for the next ten years.
Countless routines repeated with different faces and surroundings.
Sometimes even the words would transition into the other.
In those moments I was living faux dejavu.
Losing my mind to my own reflections shadow.
If only I had read the letter My past self had written to my future self telling present me to listen to the mistakes I already made.
Maybe things would have been different.
The possibilities is what destroys the intellegent mind.
Not pain.
It’s the “why”.
The only question that will truly have no answer if asked enough.
And I can’t seem to stop asking.
It’s strange. Not for the fact that i feel this way but because i don’t know any other way to be. I don’t consider it holding it in because it’s not a burden. My fathers memory will never be a burden to me. His that is a different story.
im lost and comfused. i dont know what to say i dont know whats wrong inside me. Questions and fears repeating on my mind like a dejavu. Regrets and agony in my chest and burned inside like a ritual crest. Lies with a sharp toungue but with a heart filled with stitches and cuts. Telling a girl lies saying its love but truly i just see it as lust. Why do i play this game if my heart belongs to one? You cant replace a girl you gave your heart to . But its harder to forgive yourself knowing because of you. You lost the woman of your life all because you dint know how to say no and wasent selfish for your own. There aint a day i dont think about you. There aint a time where i just lay down and remember every little thing about you. All i can truly say is someday. I hope you can forgive me.
Abadeer Apr 2019
You are the thought
that i have in mind
as i watched the sunset
and felt my heart breaking

You are the pieces
of my broken down dejavu
that plays in my mind
constantly on repeat

The thought in my mind
The music in my ears
The art for my eyes
The ache in my heart

But at the end of it
Ive learned to love the night
And how the moonlight kiss your face
And the stars shining bright for you
Harmony Sapphire Apr 2015
Exemplifies everything we try.
Purgatory trapped in dejavu tells a story.
A time warp to another place.
Different years past, present, & future erase.
To cease to exist from this time & space.
No recogination in my face.
Paroled to abuse victims to use.
For themselves solely to amuse.
Insanity has blown a fuse.
Innocence & development is confused.
Never an essential priority.
A false undeserving authority.
It shouldn't of happened to us.
A stranger "mom" mistakenly trust.
Corruption & sin confines.
A hellish nightmare of mine.
Could not foresee to prevent this crime.
Unspeakable at the time.
Disbelief of this unstoppable grief.
I can feel what is real.
Unbelivable & inconceivable the past can't heal.
Of what is real & what is fabricated.
Blurry, foggy, memories that's debated
No perception of time that is waited.
Delirious, confused, & dehydrated.
My agenda & purpose is contemplated
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
If I had one wish I'd go back to the beginning none of this stealing kisses and mischievous sinning
  way back before I ever had feelings, for you now it's my problem, I'm dealing. I had it up to here with my emotions through the ceiling
you left a nasty sun burn and now I'm peeling. Your radiance overbearing and non concealing.
  I'm lost without you but I lack direction. I've spent too much time looking at my reflection. Hoping youd appear ever again was my misconception. I loved you in more ways then one, back when we were friends trying to have some fun.
I wont lie because I do miss you, the fact that I feel this way is not my issue.
Its that it came to an end so quick and abrupt cant you see I miss you, do you give a ****? Dejavu yes we meet again, another time another place for me to rewind yet another friend.
Stephanie Feb 2018
I grew up realizing perfection doesn't exist
But if it does, I think you are the closest meaning of it
Your hair again falls stylish without effort
Your dimples showing off
Your music tickles my soul
It touches the very strand of my allured mind
Your shine is more than enough
To light up my world forever- like in movies
I couldn't forget the day I saw you on the screen
You are making the huge crowd admire you more,
Without even noticing it,
They shout your name with enthusiasm
As my heart does when I'm never existing to you
Just plain. You and your bass, you set the stage on fire
You hit every note with the so-called "perfection"

I knew it was back then
I couldn't forget every detail of how you looked
I memorized everything I recognized about you
Curly hair, charming eyes, gorgeous dimples
They mean "perfection" to me

Sounds eccentric but my mind is dictating
That we should know each other, we must
Too bad, we didn't. Not even a single glance of dejavu
Our lives resides on different galaxies
No memories, no talks, no interaction - plain nothing
I tried to search our lost, stolen moments
But I got nothing but eyes full of tears
Begging the Divinity to somehow collide our stars
But no. Because I forgot the most important thing
You are the bright star and I am a dead asteroid's dust
A particle unseen in a vast majesty of celestial bodies
All I could do is watch you from here, lightyears away
You are embracing the sun.
A dust like me will never be the sun.
I'm crying. Zildjian, this one's for you. I really hate it when I admire someone too much that my admiration became equivalent to the amount of pain I felt realizing I'm just a fan. JUST a fan forever. But what should I do? I love being a fan of you.
stiletto quill Apr 2019
combustion was concealed
as flashes of despair,
created plaque throughout
bruising memories.

catastrophic events
euthanized rational thoughts,
as grinning cheeks sparkled
upon dawning drizzle.

dejavu sprinkled sunshine
on a fainting glow,
as the moon smiled in
devious nightmares. .

pergatory a permanent domain,
sleeplessly engaged with ghosts
haunting her final dormitory.

life embezzling imperfections,
death welcomed infectious diseases.

limbo remained faithful
between pulsating beats,
while inhaling peculiar oxygen
embezzled immortality.

pulsating heartbeat expired,
long before the coffin nail
unearthed its final target.
Luís Oct 2015
I wish i could only start over
I been felling my life's a mess
I wish could heal this huge hangover
Do i feel bad? Take a guess!

Been thinking too much of you
And i feel numb everytime
This feels like giant dejavu
I've been through this all my life

Within you, i would lost myself
Drinking jack daniel's every thursday
So i can place my heart on my disgust shelf
Then i only wake up on monday
TheSanguinary Sep 2021
A stinging sensation
Similar to that of a bunch ats having their way with you
A burning unscramble itch
Simlar to that of a couple bee stings
The uncontrollable feeling of anger
Like acid meet metal
Fumes and bubbles
Smoke everywhere
Ready to ignite watever comes close
This burning hot feeling
This uncontrollable yearning for something that someone has
Could it be?

An ordinary morning
Noise everywhere
Not wanting to get out of bed
An errie feeling crept up to me
Like a sense of dejavu
Telling to stay down
Dont get up
It felt like a thousand bugs
Crawling under my skin
Wat i opened my eyes to
Is this the reason why u shouldn't check your phone in the mrng?
Could this feeling be wat i think? could be it
But why
I hve no reason to be
We never had anything to begin with
Then why does my heart feel like this
Like a rag doll..... bound in twine
Untill the thread is almost cutting in
Then like a yoyo
Thrown around only to come back to the thrower to be thrown again
Like a soccer ball being passed around teammates
Only for the striker to give it a more powerful kick
Every second i looked
The string got tighter
And as i closed my eyes in thought
I could taste blood in my mouth
What irony
My head laughed
But only the sound of gritting teeth could be heard
As i endured the tugs froms my hrt
Yes this was it
Its the conclusion i came to
Yes indeed
It was jealous
Not Patty Nov 2014
What are you scared of?
Crashing and burning again?
Did you ever reconstruct at all?
You've seen this
Neutral face in the dark listening to the faint whispers start bashing through your skull not knowing what to say back
Oxygen hit your veins they're turning red again
The serpents coming home
Drowning in the dejavu, you've seen this all too many times.
Bretz Harllynne Aug 2018
I saw her walk through the cold chamber
She was wearing her old pretty dress
Her face was pale, she looked so sullen
I'm seeing her ghost again, I guess

She has long past died and I knew it
I guess I just can't move on, Oh why?
Mourning so deeply full of sorrow
I ask Thee, "Why does she have to die?"

I still remember the olden days
When I had held her close in my arms
And I could feel her breathe securely
I know she feels safe from any harm

But why, my dearest love, oh why?
Why leave me here broken and alone?
Is this a dejavu, I'm grievous
Grief-stricken, because of you I moan

PrinceAlexander Oct 2016
Just before days advance of the cold snowy winter
Autumn's early sunset colors skyline in crimson.
I have dreams of the one, whom I loved in the past,
I am hearing the music, under which we have danced.  

I am dreaming about the youth of the yore,
I have dreams of first love, I am dreaming of her.
I have dreams of first kiss, and forgotten sweet pain,
Dejavu resurrecting comes to heart back again.

Fly to South wild birds to escape winter's terror,
Cleaving sky by flock's wedge, as the tip of an arrow,
And I follow the birds, flying back to my youth,
Reuniting with Spring, leaving realm of dark truth.
Graff1980 Apr 2017
Its dejavu
the things they do
writing the same poem
but for who?

**** near everyone starts
with the same words.
He or she
and what follows is
some heartbreak
or stroke of obsession.

As if their words
are possessed and compressed
into such tiny things.

Where once blue jays sang
as they softly perched
partly leaning over
where deeply green leaves grows,

now their heart moans
and their skin grows
silky red river scars.

Where once chipmunks
chattered and scattered
dancing around each other
in a wild rumpus,
claiming this ground is

now she cries
a ****** without her
drug of choice,
not ******
but his angelic voice.

Where fish scales sparkled
and the pond rippled
in pursuit of what fishes do
while the water was
glimmering to,

now he is perplexed
about how complex
her brown hair is,
wants to know
how she tastes down there
and longs to smack that
backed upped ***.  

Nature evaporates.
Philosophy and poetry
lose their edges,
while I sulk away
to wither in rage
and my own heartbreak
cause I know they are
so much more.

They are vast caverns of complexity,
deep seas of variety,
and a universe inside themselves,
but those are depths
they will not explore.
Everlasting Sep 2015
I dreamt of you in white
Wearing a dress like the sun
Distilling sunshine rays
Throughout the day
But at night

I dreamt of you
Like I always done
But I forgot about your face
I forgot about our conversations
And I meant to remember them

But I just can't

The dreams in which you are
Are memories I lived before
And some days it feel
As if my present days are memories
Like Dejavu
That I have lived before

I smiled and awake
Shaking my head


This is the only life I have

I have not lived before

— The End —