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Àŧùl Aug 2017
I am thinking of a congregation of the Hello Poetry users at the Gateway of India in Mumbai. Anybody interested in organizing such a short and crisp congregation may inform me as well.
Do respond.
Ma Cherie Nov 2016
So I hear,
just today,
in fact,

I'm not certain exactly when it was said,
a reliable source,

So, I hear that great wall,
the BIG & beautiful one
on our Southern border,
the one HE wanted to build?

The one he raged about,
& of course,
while it was always preposterous,

Anyway he says,

It can maybe be a fence,

Oh my ****.

Huh, interesting,

Well, that's not wishy washy,
At all...
solid guy, he is,
& along with all the other rapidly,
changing things,
that he was so very,
passionate about,

And given,
the absolute myriad of obstacles,
from forcing Mexico to pay,
(haha- good one)
making Mexico pay,

By the way,
do you want to work for his immigration?

Cuz' he's gonna need a bunch of new
if so,

Not to mention,
workers to survey & complete,
that ridiculous project,
the complex geological complications,
in an interesting terrain,
& the endless wordly implications,
that and so MANY other problems
we face,
far worse,
& BIGGER ones too,

check it out,
it would literally take,
FOREVER to build,
true narcissism,

he might have single-handedly stopped illegal immigration by being elected.

Mission accomplished?

Do you wanna come live in the U.S. now?

So stupid,
not REALLY funny,
still good to laugh,


This is who we elected?
were we ALL high,
on propaganda?

God help us in times of war.

Cherie Nolan © 2016
Seriously people?
Myriah Apr 2015
Fearlessly in love,
With all of your ways
Shoot an arrow through my heart
With your love and embrace
Running free in the daylight,
Feeling safe in the night time,
With your eyes beside me,
This love I won’t fight
Never really meant to start a spark
But this love
This love is like arrows through our hearts
I’m dreaming.
Rhianecdote Mar 2015
Your cause for concern is
a cause of concern for me
Its greeted very suspiciously
I believe it to be fictitious you see
Projecting your issues onto me
Like I'm some wide screen tv
Go sort out your own "problems"
Before you come and preach to me
And I'll do the same
I'm tired of the hypocrisy
Neither am I easily deceived
Asking "are you alright?"
When really you're
Asking "are you alright with me?"
But I don't work in-security
Guards up, words no matter how deep
No longer move me
Your fault lines
Causing tremors
when there's no need
But not to worry
I'm lucky
Got those that
support sincerely
And know me well enough
to go about it surreptitiously
Pancake hiding the healthy
Mmm yummy!
Ninja motive, Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee
I aim to Inspire through action (movie)
Cause Advice is the biggest vice (city)
And we're all guilty
Talk the talk
But when it comes to walk the walk
Everyone must be claiming disability!
But Life is no Game-Boy
No cheat codes, No PS3
Bond over passions not problems
And BE Happy
Its your own responsibility

So don't look to me
This isn't Advice, or a Preach
It's a rant, wrapped up in
a Vent-rilloquist, Dummy!

You do you,
I'm just doing me:
Seriously, Silly :)
Yh this ***** been buggin me lately, not to sound ungrateful those that genuinely do care I got love for you but the rest psshh jog on! Meeting too many folks with Matyr complexes
Hayley Jan 2015

Those poems were from a year ago.

I just deleted all of them,
are you happy now?
Oh wait, you could never be happy, because anything that I'm involved in makes you angry for no reason.
I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING. The past is in the past, but let's not forget YOU cheated on ME.
******* x 475037290
Hayley Jan 2015
When you take a ****,

And I ain't talking no "ploop ploop" kind of ****,

And then you realize,
*There is no toilet paper.
Fml this just happened hahahahaha.
Sorry I found it so funny.
Toni Oct 2014
I ain’t a ******* poet

But I made a poem for you

I made a poem about the relationship between us

How we were so close that I had lived inside you

How I wanted to stay so bad that they had to force me out of you

Because I knew at some point that I would have to leave you completely

But I didn’t know that it would turn out like this

Where you got so tired of me that you no longer looked at me with that love and adoration whenever I was even in your presence

How tired and exhausted you are of me living off your essence, draining you of energy and just looking at me would make you faint

Ten fingers and ten toes

Happiest sight to see after the confession that dad wanted me when you were ready to do a do-over

I wonder how many times you had looked at me and wish you had done the do-over

I don’t even know if the feelings I had are of animosity

or hurt

You’ve asked me if I hated you and you know I don’t

You’ve asked me if I loved you and you know I do

I wonder if the answers to those questions were yes and no

Cause I think that’s it now
relationship between my mom and I isn't so good anymore.
Anticipation heights within me
I cannot hold this pensive feeling
I'm climbing walls and hugging ceiling
My thoughts won't let me be

This hesitation strives inside me
I can't release this burning feeling
I'm scratching marks and hitting ceiling
My mind hates OCD.
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