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Miss Me Feb 2018
Pain once again rushing beneath your feet
The force of the blow left undetermined
Love was right there and to not be a cheat
Just like the man who comes to be confirmed

Then slips in the mind of  a troublemaker
Taking it's hand and dropping like a hammer
Then there lay upon the loved and it's maker
Beauty of it shined enough to calm her

Then the attack from whence it once came from
Lay blistering and bleeding from then on
Then brought together like beats of a drum
Nowhere to be seen only heard and then gone

Playing with betrayal will cause the burn
Life's greatest treasure left a grave concern
Scarlet Niamh Oct 2017
Something inside me is like a blade
sawing through a nerve,
jittering with the harshest of sounds:
a crash of instruments so horrendous
it pulls the teeth from your skull
and plucks the nails from your fingertips.
Why am I broken? Why is there nothing inside me?
I tried so hard to love, I loved you
the moment you danced for me
that September night, yet I'm fading away.
There's a plastic shell filled
with the thin liquid of my soul
and I'm seeping out through the cracks.
Soon there'll be little left of me,
only the slightest trickling of leftover fluid
which managed to elude the cruel, thieving hearts
who took me for their own. Where will I be
after your hands brush the surface of my cheeks
and try to fix the many fractures in my body?
I'm going to be left alone and afraid
in the dark at the end, regardless
of who looks at me with light in their eyes
tonight. All of them are the same
when the clouds fall around my mind
and I'm blinded by acid rain
burning the eyes out of my head.
Brianna Aug 2017
I was once Beautiful and Wise- but I'll settle for being Decent and Senseless.
I once considered you Handsome and Loyal- but I'll settle for you being Ugly and Dishonest since we know that suits you best.

Please remember - I don't need your permission to be lonely and sad sometimes.
And Please remember- I don't need your approval to find myself again.

Your words used to cut through me like knives and I would run to nearest bar and drink my sorrow away while I cried to strangers.
Until I remembered that my worth isn't measured in what you think about me.

So all aboard the Heartbreak Express we are headed straight into traffic as we dissolve all memories of you and your ugly words.
The time has come to leave the past in the past and move on to the future full speed ahead.

I'll drink to the memories we shared- they weren't all full of pain.
I'll drink to myself! You're not all that bad most of the time.
I'll drink to my people- thanks for sticking by me when the times have been rough and the going gets tough!

I used to be Senseless and Decent - but then again that was all in my head and I am better than that babe.
You used to be Ugly and Dishonest... oh wait, you still are.
Marilyn Sistinas Jan 2017
So, I grew up, built myself to be more than just walked all over,
Is that what made you all turn your backs and cowardly walk away?
Yeah, I ****** up, yet admitted it, that's more than any of you can say.
I finally stood up for myself and stopped taking ******* with a closed mouth,
after all I did hold something worth value, maybe not to any of you, but to those who truely matter.
If I were the puerile person, I'd harbor tons of grudges on you, like the ones you callowly place upon me.
No, I'm not claiming to be above it all or some kind of self righteous *****,
I've done enough **** to fill the septic, but all I'm saying is you have to own it.
We're all human, all the same, liars and cheaters, lovers and seekers,
we all have our own blame to take.
Yet, you'll get no where blaming flaw and fault on those trying to help.
Open the eyes you so blindingly use to perceive your own made up lies,
Maybe then you'll be able to see love conquering those who choose to hate only over their own self deprecation.
Brent Kincaid Nov 2016
How do you sleep at night
All the stuff you did ain’t right
You cheated and you lied
It’s known about far and wide
Every day more comes to light.

How do you hold up your head
You should be ashamed instead
You’re the cause of many quarrels
You have few detectable morals.
Your honesty balance is in the red.

We all know all we get from you
Is promises that won’t come true,
You don’t care about any one else
All the matters to you is yourself.
You’re outrageous trash in all you do.

So how do you live with yourself
As Santa Claus’s very nastiest elf?
Every rule you choose to break
Is based on whatever you can take
Regardless of hurting someone else.

Wishing you bad usually isn’t cool
But in your case I’ll break that rule
Since you so often serve up hate
What you deserve is that same rate.
I’m polite, but I am nobody’s fool.

So, I hope you get exactly what
The people you have cheated got
That you end up with just a stone
And spend your time all alone
With your hopes and dreams all shot.
I lived a never-ending nightmare
Until I said the words I thought would seal me

Common life never stung so painfully
My faith was lost, gained and now is lost again
Routine's turned into a tragic play
Every image flashes as a poignant nightmare
Spontaneous and on repeat

My essence wasn't wholly offered
Succumbing to bottled desperation
I blinded my internal being

Through inexperience we all become audacious

Now the nightmare from before has returned
The true nightmare that withers me whole
An eternal nightmare that neither flashes nor stings
It never hurts, it only numbs.
Nathan Wilson Dec 2015
I miss my home.
As I walk along this long and lonely road.
Exiled for **** I didn't do.
No one cared but you.
Although now it seems like you didn't care too.
You just let me leave.
And pretended to grieve.
But I came back to ask you something.
That's when I saw you in his arms.
He was seduced by your charms.
I walked away vowing to be somebody.
To bring the world to its knees.
And when I return with my new fame and wealth.
You'll beg me to take you back.
But I'll throw your heart in the dirt
Like a worthless flirt deserves.
Banana Dec 2015
I broke up with you
Because I'm dishonest; a cough syrup symptom of walls I built so high.

I broke up with you
Because when I look at you I hate you; that glare of pain in your eye. The pain I've caused it hangs like smog over once beautiful hazel-greens.  

I broke up with you
Because you remind me of my parents' relationship... If you could even call it that. Doomed from the beginning, loomed and grinning over my sister and I.  

I broke up with you
Because I'm an *******.
Because I'm afraid.
Because I'm selfish.
Because I don't deserve love.
Celeste Nov 2015
Do you argue your point
To argue for love
Or do you argue
Just because
Do you really care
For every American out there
What are you truly fighting for
Helping the millions poor?
Or are you morphing with society
Doing things unjustifiably
Our hypocritical democracy
A nation full of dishonesty
Soldiers dying left and right
Parents send their kids to school with fright
But all we care about are insignificant things
I’m told, “the ends justify the means”
A country full of hate
Keeping people out because of race
American is so blessed
But most are too obsessed
Many can’t even imagine
How a nation like us can have no compassion
We do not know others lives
For we walk vigilantly in our opportunistic thrive
So forgetful of where we’ve come
For a God whos love cannot be undone
To give back what he gave us
Something we always fail to discuss
We blindly became a nation
Who has no purpose for its creation
Future president, can you do it?
Will you help us get through it?
Maybe you can change it someday
Please. Change us back to who we were yesterday.
A nation without God.
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