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Jul 2017 · 683
Life #52
We were kids, wanting to become adults
but when we became adults
we wanted to be kids again....
Jun 2017 · 941
Love #83
I want you to understand how I feel
I want you to understand why I am the way I am
I want you to realize what you've done to me,
that when I see your face and hear your name, I lose myself completely...
Jun 2017 · 991
The Cottonwood Tree
Little black fruit swaying in the hot summer sun
such succulent skin shriving, baking beneath the crisp, green leaves
what strange fruit hangs from the cottonwood tree?

What sour fruit falls to the earth and makes a thud?
whose blood soaked flesh leaks into the underbelly of the earth
whose body lays motionless....
whose once sweet flesh now sways in the autumn breeze

what strange fruit hangs from the cottonwood tree?....
May 2017 · 1.5k
Love Quotes #147
"I undressed you with my lips
my tongue was a blanket that covered your insecurities, your flaws and your fears, your naked body look beautiful behind a camera and the whole world laughed, I convinced you that you were everything to me, only to watch you crash and burn...."
Apr 2017 · 995
Love Quotes #133
Her eyes swallowed my heart like
a black hole swallows a galaxy
Apr 2017 · 1.1k
Love Quotes #153
She jammed her tongue down my throat
and the taste took me back to simpler times
truth be told, I loved it, her kiss reminds me of my favorite ice cream
but it leaves a bad aftertaste, it's a killer addiction, like poison
she slowly eats me alive, I'm addicted to the heartbreak....
Apr 2017 · 879
Ice Cream
Your lips taste black cherry
and your tongue melts in my mouth....
Apr 2017 · 1.1k
Vodka and Ice
I want to kiss those ***** soaked lips
your mind's like chaotic cocktail,
swirling in a big red cup of confusion
your heart's like ice, floating and melting
I'm tipsy, yet I wanna be wasted....
Apr 2017 · 779
Love Quotes #116
She's my ray of sunshine in an otherwise, gloomy world....
Apr 2017 · 895
Love Quotes #111
I sit here in a coffee shop,
staring at old photos and smiling like an idiot,
this coffee is bittersweet....
Mar 2017 · 1.6k
Thunderstorm #150
I sip my coffee as I gaze into her eyes
we listen to raindrops drip on the windowsill
she reminds of a thunderstorm with no signs of a rainbow....
Mar 2017 · 998
Love Quotes #32
I want my kisses to burn a hole in your head
your body, pressed against mine
your moans and screams salvaging my ears
I want to make love to our memories....
Mar 2017 · 1.0k
Love Quotes #75
The taste of your cherry lipstick
ripped the air right out of my lungs....
Mar 2017 · 1.3k
Miscellaneous Jokes #1
I applaud *****, even though her roommate is an *******
and she's constantly beaten up by a ****
she keeps her spirits high and she keeps right on moving...

I applaud you *****....
Feb 2017 · 772
Love Quotes #62
We locked eyes, met lips, and put bullets in our heads....

"This world wasn't made for love...."
Feb 2017 · 493
Sober Minds
When I saw the bottle of whiskey hit the back of his throat
it was like the devil making love to his tongue....
Feb 2017 · 558
I write on my skin
and let the pen dance on my flesh
I write about old memories and old thoughts
just so I can reopen old wounds...
Feb 2017 · 943
The Man And The Monster
We walk side by side
our path's diverged by a lonely road
face to face we stand as one

our anger, our confusion and our hope
together, we are the man and we are the monster.
I looked into her eyes as I slit her throat, they screamed, “Why?” I didn’t mean to **** her, I watched as her body went limp, crashing onto the cold, marble floor, I had to hide the body but where? I found myself grabbing a shovel and hiding it in the backyard, I had to wash the blood off my body, I soaked the sheets in bleach and burned all the furniture, there was nothing left but ashes and dust, I knew her family would start wondering where would she be, I was nervous, frightened at the fact that they would soon learn the truth, her father was a strict disciplinarian with a catholic background, he preached purity yet practiced adultery, sometimes his lips would kiss the heads of whiskey coated bottles.

During his drunken stupors, his fingers would slip between the cracks and crevices of his daughter’s white skirt, his drunken stupors soon turned to violent outburst, his large, gaping hands grasping the soft, tender flesh of her mother’s throat, she was a quiet woman, she would sit in her recliner and sip on her ruby red wine, her cigarette ashes would be scattered across the floor, her eyes would slip into a stupor, she would sneak her lover's home and fornicate in the master bedroom, their violent ******* would shake the walls, rattle the cabinets and keep the neighbors awake, the whole neighborhood knew of their infidelities yet said nothing, especially her daughter, who would watch their father and mother take home various strangers for their twisted ******, then she met me, I would listen to her, she spoke as the whole room went silent, she would speak about her dreams and fears, I would become her shoulder to cry on, I remember one day, as my fingers would fiddle through her soft, black hair, her eyes, dull and dim, would lay their hints of a tortured life, they were brown, a dark brown, her eyes slowly lost their luster, she would stare at me and the world with such contempt, I knew, I knew that she only wanted love.

I watched her as she slept, her fragile hands, gripping tightly on a crucifix and a bible, she would twist and turn out of frustration and guilt, in her mind, she wanted only to repent. I found her one day with her head slumped over the toilet, the pill bottles and ****** needles sat right to the pool of ***** that flooded the bathroom floors, her eyes were bloodshot, her arms were bruised, battered, and marked, I took her to the hospital, I still wonder, how did she survive? When we returned home, I looked at her, her body would shake and she break out in hot flashes and cold sweats, she couldn’t handle the pain, I could tell, she would look at me like sick puppy wishing to be put out of its misery, she grabbed my hand and gave me the razor, she pleaded and prayed, as I paced the room, I contemplated the thoughts of assisted suicide, as I watched her, she look into my eyes and whispered “Please…” I took the razor, with my hands gently caressing her hair, my hands, the blade, dance across her throat, I saw the blood, the luster in her eyes had returned as she slipped into the afterlife, I knew in death, that she thanked me, I saw the pain, I saw the relief.
Burning books and crumbling buildings

The dead sit in piles.....

flesh, rotting from the bone
blood leaks from open skulls
as bullets enter the brain

The dead sit in piles....

Smoke and smog clog the lungs
they blind the eyes, and burn the nose

Locomotives, filled to the brim
with broken bones and blink eyes

The frigid shower-heads spit out smoke
naked bodies collapse on the cold, concrete tiles
The skies rain bone and ash

The dead sit in piles....
A sea of slime and sludge
crawls into our boots
and slithers into our socks
gangrene swarms at our feet

Hands frigid and frostbitten
bodies burred beneath the earth
worms and maggots feast upon rotten flesh

The wounded weep,
bloodshot eyes stare at the darkness of the sky
the cannons crash and the bullets rain
as lighting and thunder rip through the sky

The rats scurry out of their burrows
and feast upon our cheese and bread
our food runs scarce

Blood dries on the bayonets
the soil is our graveyard....
The days have grown dim
and the nights slumber-less
piles upon piles of papers
clustered against the wall

it's ink rots and whither's
against the strands of time
tormenting me with unpaid bills
and threats of a foreclosed home

The idle threats of separation
have grown familiar, the sparks
of romance no longer seem apparent  
I question our vows....

I question my church and I question my religion
rosaries wrapped around my throat
suffocating the faith that I still have left

These wine bottles have become my god
I drink the blood like it's water
the water cleanses my sins and blind my senses    
it's sweet but bitter

I wonder.... What if.....
but, if I knew the answer
then perhaps this gun
would not be laying upon my nightstand....

What if...... What if......
Nov 2016 · 706
Quote #436 (Love)
After so many failed attempts at romance and affection
I've forgotten what it's like to love and I've forgotten
what it's like to be loved....
Nov 2016 · 467
Quote #563 (Hate)
I never realized how much hate is in this world
until I stared at the eyes of a little girl
whose face whispered innocence yet whose  soul
screamed contempt....
Nov 2016 · 1.1k
Love #2654
I don't know rather it was love or lust
but I knew that I wanted her
she was like those fine pieces of art
that you could stare at for hours
but could never touch, she was tempting to the eye
she could burn down bridges with a single gaze
or she could set your heart on fire, I was smitten
she was a tempting tease, these ****** eyes
slipping off her clothes, one garment at a time
I never stood a chance, she stole my virginity
without a single finger laid...
Oct 2016 · 527
Love #1734
Oct 2016 · 478
Love #1053
My love was an illusion, a ****** up illusion
what chance did I have with someone as beautiful as her...?
Sep 2016 · 516
August 24, 2016, 9:31 P.M
August 24, 2016,   9:31 P.M

There's something beautiful about
broken households, alcoholics
hangovers and chaos in general
there's a sense of beauty....

It's beautiful because it's like car wreck
it's horrible yet you can't turn your eyes away
within that fiery metal and twisted pile of flesh and bone
lays a story, it's like poetry, it's poetry because it's real
brutally real, it makes you feel, it makes you think
you think about how it happened, where did it happened?
when and why?

It's beautiful because it hurts
it hurts and sometimes we need to feel pain
in order to grow, it's perfectly imperfect
like life, that why broken households
car wrecks and heartbreaks
will always have a better plot line
than any Cinderella story ever could....
it's real and people like real....

                                          (Antonio Ball)
Sep 2016 · 614
Sorry I haven't written any poems lately, I've been extremely busy
it's my senior year of high school and I've been really busy
with college applications, senior events, etc
speaking of college applications, I've been accepted into the
University of Kansas, Wichita State University and
University of Iowa so it's a great year so far
so again, sorry for the lack of poems, I will be back
with new content soon....
Aug 2016 · 491
It's almost midnight....
usually this is the time where the thinkers think
and the dreamers dream, I'm not a dreamer
so I must be a thinker and sometimes I overthink
I overthink to the point where I can't sleep
because if I sleep, I dream and if I dream,
my dreams become a nightmare.....
Aug 2016 · 550
Love #17
Love..... love is like a drug
it ***** you up, mentally, physically, emotionally
yet... we crave it, we crave it because it's so ******* addicting

I remember the first time I fell in love
It tasted a lot like cherry, with a hint of lime
It wore a short, little pink dress
Brown skin and black eyes
I stared at it.... And I thought about
For hours on end….

love has a face
a disturbingly beautiful face
a face that could **** you
and with a single glare,
You've just committed romantic suicide......
Aug 2016 · 930
Love #236
I took my words and twisted them
I twisted them into different shapes and sizes
Sentences and syllables, stumbling and stuttering
Tripping on my own vocabulary, trying to find the words
That could perfectly describe you....
Aug 2016 · 502
Life #71
As the sun sets on another day
we reflect upon our most current of events
thanking god, that we have lived
to reflect upon these events for another day....
Aug 2016 · 854
Joke #40
I paid a penny for your thoughts
and got a dollar back in change....
Aug 2016 · 1.5k
Erotica #16
Your body was a busted pen
with clear, white ink leaking on the bed sheets
and onto my fingertips.....
Aug 2016 · 902
Life's Melancholy
Outside my window, lays a world to wonder and explore
from the kissing couples to the newborn babies
from the opera house to the art museum
from the candy shops to the freshly baked bakeries
the list goes on and on....
from sunrise to sunset, there's so much to explore
it's a pity, that we can't explore it all.....
Aug 2016 · 971
Love #12
It's 2:38 AM, I stumble and stagger
wine bottles, smashed across my kitchen counter
cigarettes burn my couches.... I don't give a ****......

The sounds of Radiohead and Nirvana, blasting in the background
syringes sticking out of my arms
I scream your name....

Aug 2016 · 1.2k
Alcohol Poisoning
Dreaming of the day
that my alcoholic binges
will finally drown my over-thinking mind....
Aug 2016 · 703
A Poet's Suicide
Slowly killing myself
with every strike that bleeds
from my fragile pen....
Aug 2016 · 756
Paprika And Acid
I busted my brains
open and scooped
out the raw flesh
and useless ****** material

only to replace it
with dashes
of schizophrenic paprika
and hits of new world
ordered acid....
Aug 2016 · 762
Confessions of a Heartbreak
Have you ever had your heart broken?

It's like taking a rose and snipping off its petal
caressing it around your hands and crushing it
until it slowly fades away in the midst of the breeze.....
Aug 2016 · 571
Love Poisoning
Imagine..... simply imagine
the boy you admire or the girl you idolize
they're eyes, they're hair,
everything about them symbolizing perfection
the little glimpses and the hopes that they will recognize you
and soon be yours.....

imagine locking lips.....
the moment you've been waiting for
it's a drug, you're intoxicated, you never want this moment to end
you want they're kisses, hugs, late night phone calls
early morning texts, you want it all.... now you have it

Imagine..... every thought in your mind
is simply of them, every picture, every text, every kiss, every hug
every date, every little moment burned into the back of your mind...
imagine..... you are addicted, you crave them, you have them
you never want to let go....

Imagine.... your family, your friends....
they mean nothing to you anymore, simply an afterthought....
your only source of emotion, your source of thinking
is the thought of your lover....

Imagine..... nobody, you've left them, you have nobody...
he or she is the only one left.... your entire life revolves around them....

Imagine..... they're gone.... you have nobody
you've lost everything, your friends, your family
the people who have stuck by your side
through the good times and bad, everybody has left you
you have nobody, you've lost everything
and you have lost yourself.....
Aug 2016 · 1.1k
Erotica #5
Fingers frolic beneath her skirt
her ***** is soaking wet, dripping down her thighs
my tongue, I taste, I devour
she screams, hollers and pushes my head
she ***'s in my mouth, the satisfaction of a well earned ******....
Aug 2016 · 583
Religion #21
Crucifixes leaning against my window pane,
outside, the rain and the wind brush against the trees
staring at my crucifix, staring at a blank religion...
Aug 2016 · 489
Love #37
With every kiss, I taste the sadness of her soul
I'm addicted, I crave more....
Aug 2016 · 1.1k
Comedy #24
**** that ***** is thick....

that's a big *** Labrador Retriever.....
Aug 2016 · 802
Love #75
With lava like lips and tornado pierced mind's
we're hurricanes, born from the sea of obscured love.....
Jul 2016 · 845
Life #7
Every storm has a particular story,
I wanna listen to them all....
Jul 2016 · 1.3k
Love #106
She was my lightning and I was her thunder
together, we were the perfect storm....
Jul 2016 · 1.1k
Love #22
There are people in this world
that will make you whisper,  I love you
and then there are people in this world
that will make you scream, **** love....
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