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Oct 2024 · 479
waffle Oct 2024
i wish to not relive
a life, so lonely,
alone and stalling
without a sister

my sister
i love you always, in every one of them
Nov 2023 · 187
waffle Nov 2023
it has been a long problem of mine.
and i convince myself that there is no love wasted, i just care. but i love and care to my core, i could say i have loved you now, that easy. that fast. maybe i did, yes. this is the problem. everything i do and feel is ever-consuming, i would always be too much.

some of part of me really hoped that it was you, after avoiding and scaring off love away. but it wasn't me like it could be you, that easy and that fast.

but there is no love wasted. you have been loved specially. you have encountered love so profound in this lifetime. i hope you know that.

to the new years ahead, i am leaving you behind.
i have loved :)
Nov 2020 · 541
waffle Nov 2020
i don't know why im writing this. but i used to write every so often when i was younger.
i am turning 18.
it almost feels like a fever dream. i never felt this frightened my whole life.
is my life really starting? is this the beginning of a decade?
where am i gonna be after this? how am i gonna feel?

you see, growing up, it's that just simple.
nothing changes, and you still gotta wait for something to.
it doesn't magically happens.

and i hate waiting.
i wanna be older and free.
but, most of the time i wish life was simpler like when i was younger.
i was listening to ribs by lorde and my birthday is coming up.
Jun 2020 · 1.1k
waffle Jun 2020
I've always been in between life.
It's always somewhere over being
uncertain and certain,
optimistic and pessimistic,
and introverted or extroverted.

Despite all that,
there's one thing I'm sure of.
It is holding on to dear life,
going along through it.

I am nothing more than human,
but I am my own future.
carpe diem. que sera, sera.
Feb 2020 · 267
for you.
waffle Feb 2020
writing about you is like
arranging the alphabet,
looking for possible
typographical error
counting the syllables,
thinking of rhymes

i dont know if i’ll ever
equate words to
how perfect you are
Feb 2020 · 114
waffle Feb 2020
the sun sets and rises
the rain pours and stops

but my feelings stay the same
isn’t it too unfair?
Feb 2020 · 335
waffle Feb 2020
here i am
trying to answer
still unanswered thoughts

just a randomness
night filled with sadness
mind in endless wander

wishing to be with the stars
my mind is the universe
the thought of you is the limit

you’ve finally alienate my heart
i could not feel anything
more than how you make me feel

guess i’m in love?
jus adding up some thoughts
Sep 2019 · 789
waffle Sep 2019
you write as if all the letters
in the alphabet are scribbled in your mind,
and all the words are memorized.

you tattooed poetry in all the parts
of your body, and you help me to
let my insides be one of them.

poetry is stained in you,
but the blood of hesitation
in doing what you want remains
been a while... something from 2017
Mar 2019 · 226
waffle Mar 2019
how could i bleed words
if my blood sheds for
unfinished poems written at
the back of the receipts and used tissues

all along wondering
who wrote them
and how could
they leave them

how could i bleed words
i my blood sheds for
people i’ve seen only once
and i coulnf’t forget their faces

all along wandering
inside my brain
hoping one day
i’ll see them again
Feb 2019 · 431
waffle Feb 2019
hiding myself
in oversized shirts
not letting any
defect get out

my mistakes
rumbling down
to edges
wanting to get out

glued into my
clothes wanting
to stick out

they are hidden
for a long time
but now i am
ready to wear
tank tops
and short shorts
bikinis and or

i am bare
i am naked
i am proud
Feb 2019 · 201
waffle Feb 2019
you were
the smoke
i always
wanted to savor
you were
the high
my calm have
always looked for

but i was the lungs
who managed
to survive
without being yours
Feb 2019 · 399
waffle Feb 2019
i want to be able to see myself
as how i see the sun rises and sets

Dec 2018 · 796
waffle Dec 2018
please understand my stretch marks
they marked the mistakes
of people who left me
at least they stayed

please understand my scars
they are meant for people to know
that i am stronger than anyone
who had tried to destroy me

please understand my pimples
they’re not always there
and i want you to be aware of it
that they’re a part of me

please understand my flaws
i am not perfect
and i will never be
but i will remain beautiful
We should not be who the world wants us to be. We should be who we want us to be. Stop living life with how the society is, and live life on how it should really be.
Nov 2018 · 187
waffle Nov 2018
every time i get attached,
i drown to the feeling.
and even if i know how it’s
going to end because
it ends the same way
every ******* time.

i still managed to bet.

and i know how i’m
going to feel because
i feel the same ****** way,
every ******* time.

but i still want it.

knowing what would be the
and the problems.
i still look at you and want it.
Oct 2018 · 376
im tired of being a girl
waffle Oct 2018
im tired of being what the
society wants me to be
im tired of the endless reasons
a girl should be like this and that
im tired of being judged
for what i wear, for what i do not wear
im tired of adjusting to be accepted for who i am

for a time, i want to be
what i want myself to be
**** the society and the misogyny
the inequality and patriarchy
**** all the people who are dictating
for what a girl should be and should not be
im so tired of having to fit in

im still a girl
a woman
no different
despite all the things i want to be
I’m now realizing the things that won’t stop me for being who I am, and who i want to be.
Oct 2018 · 276
waffle Oct 2018
i am sad.
not new,
i mean,
being sad.
being sad
for reasons.
and not just
get sad for
no reasons.

i often
let myself
just get sad
or i’m just
really sad
as a whole,
literal sadness.

but tonight
is different.
there’s like
a lot of things
that repressing
my emotions and

maybe this is
real sadness.
Sometimes I don’t know why I’m all sad about, I just feel it. And tonight, realisations hit me like a truck.
waffle Oct 2018
‪i don’t wanna live anymore‬
‪well probably because‬
‪i already saw everyone‬
‪i drew different faces on my mind everyday‬
‪they appeared in my dreams every night‬
‪they’re blurry and happy‬

‪i don’t wanna live anymore‬
‪well probably because‬
‪i already felt everything ‬
‪sometimes i imagine that i do‬
‪sometimes i just felt everything at once‬

‪i don’t wanna live anymore‬
‪well probably because‬
‪my whole existence has been something‬
‪i never really wanted‬
‪and i’m just obliged to live this life‬

‪i don’t wanna live anymore‬
‪well probably because‬
‪i could already picture my future‬
‪i’ll be dead and that’s the end.‬
I think of this every night and every day. Anyhow, death still scares me.
Oct 2018 · 1.5k
every time
waffle Oct 2018
every time he puffs his cigarette
it always got me thinking
about how could he love
the smoke leaving his body
or maybe savoring its aftertaste

every time he puffs his cigarette
it makes me feel sick to think of
the smoke goes in of my body, and not his,
receiving its after-effect

every time he puffs his cigarette
i’ve always think of, that it’s his escape
like me, i’m stuck in between and
he is stuck on his suicidal state of mind
that no one could ever understand
I felt like, this is a mindset, too. Sometimes, we should stop assuming on why people do such things, whether it’s bad or good, we’ll never know what’s behind it. What if it's the other way around?

p.s. I am in no way romanticising it
Oct 2018 · 247
waffle Oct 2018
no one deserves to know
what’s going on inside your mind.
not every post deserves
a ******* caption.
not everyone deserves
a good love story,
a happy ending,

sometimes you just let things
simple and cool.
not deep and special.
you gotta let people decipher you,
let them ******* think.
Knowing yourself, self-love and worth is a must! Please do not invalidate your feeling just for the sake of other's happiness. Don't forget to prioritize yourself.
Oct 2018 · 298
waffle Oct 2018
she asked me,
“why do people think of suicide?
or why do they think it’s their only option?”
i could not compose myself,
i could not construct any words to answer.

mostly, i could not be mad.
maybe, i envy her.
i lost my innocence way too young,
that drives me to do things
she was asking me.
I've always envy her. Sometimes, I couldn't think of things she could be sad about. I've always think she has the perfect life out of all of us. But I also couldn't say that she's being insensitive or inconsiderate. Anyhow, someday I wish that she'd know things about this manner, and just clearly be open-minded about it. Mental health is important
Oct 2018 · 167
waffle Oct 2018
half-bleed poems,
drained out tears.
not too much to
produce ink.

stained heart,
too damaged to
feel anything.
pale hands,
weak to even
hold a thing.

soggy eyes,
to even see something.
mouth shut,
can’t even tell a thing.

i’m too broke,
but i’m trying to hold
myself out of everything.
you see, it’s always the
other way around.
just like what everyone
would probably say.

you were never there,
you never care.
i was dying inside,
and you don’t even
know a thing.
random thoughts
Oct 2018 · 300
when i love
waffle Oct 2018
when i love,
i worship.
you’ll feel like a god.
i’ll praise you forever.

when i love,
i give up.
i sacrifice.
after all, if it means
everything for you.

when i love,
i cry.
every night,
worrying if i was ever enough.
or if it’s real love or
just mere loneliness.

when i love,
i don’t think of anything anymore.
i’ll give my all,
every love in my body that i have.

the fear of falling apart
guards my heart now,
and it’ll be here, for a while.
the sad truth about how i sometimes let my self get hurt
waffle Oct 2018
for a time you were all in my life,
i thought of you all as stars
who will light up the darkness out of me.

but you all just seem to make
a constellation out of my life.
and just like stars,
who leave the sky when it’s already bright.
i hate the feeling
Oct 2018 · 236
waffle Oct 2018
when i say,
i want to die
it doesn’t mean
that i want to
end my existence.

what i mean is,
i want all this
repressed feelings,
and other things that
makes me struggle
to be happy again
to end.

maybe i just want to
live like before.
maybe i want to
feel alive again.
I feel like thinking this way is like infatuation, that sometime we're too pre-occupied of sadness and that we wish for things that we don't really want. It's the opposite of it that we want, and realizing it by now is just so sad.

— The End —