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When I gave you my heart in Pandora's box,*
locked and sealed, and safe from me,
You did not taint nor break my heart,
You simply lost the key--

*It is there where all my hatred starts...
Is all that is required
To write a haiku.
she wrote lonely
on her body
because that's what she was

she wrote ugly
on the mirror
because that's what she saw

she wrote broken
on her heart
because she was hurt

but in the end she was a human
drunk on the idea that love
only love
could heal her
Tumblr Inspiration.
I wanted to
give you the world
but all I have
are these
two small hands
and they
only hold so much
I am in love with one woman.
She was the most stunning system
Of meat, bone and spirit
I had ever witnessed
In my life.

Seeing Munch's Scream
For the first time was dull in
Collosseum was a pile of rocks,
Las Vegas an epileptic's nightmare.
All the places I have been and seen
Are no longer memories,
But places I have no peace with
Until I bring her there
To share

Them with her, and visa versa.
Look what the Romans built
Before Vikings roamed.
Romans, behold this beauty,
This blink of time, this mild drop of
Breath into oceans of atmosphere,
The art of arts in my humble
Gallery of Man.
This love that I love with the full
Weight of my person and will,
That loves to make me laugh,
Call me old; even dinosaur,
To make me angry, then mellow.

That plays me like a child plays
A whittled flute
With no single thought
Of Mozart or

I am in love with
The Just in
*Just One.

— The End —