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Nov 2024 · 403
This Holy Re-loveution
Kamini Nov 2024
I am not exotic
But I am ******
I’m not this flesh
Or these bones
This body is
My home,
My temple,
For I am
Mother and
Sacred Crone

I am not exotic
But I am ******
I am the fire
Of Holy Desire
I am kundalini Shakti
Sacred Power
Life Force Energy
What you cannot
See in thee
You project
Onto me

I am not your
Mother Wound
Projection nor
The cause of
Your demonised
Open your eyes
To the lies
You cannot
Cage me
By category
Tick me off your list
Make me invisible
Divisible by
What is not true
For I am
Another you.

Reclaim your Desire
This Holy Fire
This creative force
You're not seeing
Is what birthed you
Into being

Embrace your Passion
Let your tongue
Kiss the truth
With compassion
Proclaim your name
Without shame
You are not toxic
You are ******
Let your desire
Own your

We need to change
The conversation
Between this nation
Of women and men
Generations of trauma
In the name
Of some sod
They call their god
Defy the lie
Don’t comply
With temptation
They control
Our needs
To spark their
Insatiable greed.
Don’t cage
Your longing
To feed your

This individualistic
To fill the void
Left by
the ban
On Pan
deemed *****
Horn scorned
Turned into ****

Rise­ up
Open your heart
Resist the force
Tearing communities apart
Face your fear
Shed those tears
Cause a commotion
Release that emotion
Lets change
the agenda
That segregates
Our genitals
From gender

Shiv Shakti
Eros Aphrodite
Mars and Venus
Liberate your *****
Own your passion
Penetrate compassion
Don’t measure
Your Pleasure
By some

Embrace your
Inner lover
Honour our
Earth Mother
Stop blaming
Shaming the other
Let’s form a union
Let love be the sacrament
The Holy Communion
For we are ******
We are the fire
Of Holy Desire
Let Compassion flower
Let the power of love
Banish the love of power
Oct 2024 · 250
Crumbling Paradigm
Kamini Oct 2024
Finally the sun has come out from behind the clouds to dry my wet cheeks. A gentle breeze hums through the trees and the sound of a blackbird singing anchors me in the moment. My heart is grateful for this green buffer of solace amidst a world gone crazy. Whilst the angry mobs, baying for blood, stalk the streets of a crumbling power hungry paradigm, there are glimmers of light appearing on the horizon as many more souls gather in love to dance to the beat of a different drum.

Once again I feel myself dwelling on the margins, quietly retreating to the edges to join my witchy ancestors, watching and waiting for the storm to pass.

My bones hold the memories of the burning times as I sink into the quiet earth and the cool wind caressing my skin brings some relief. Walking on the razors edge of longing for connection and needing to lie low, to hunker down in the one place I can feel safe, alone.

Around me I see signs of the storm passing and new buds appearing with the promise of another flowering and harvest to come. In the warm evening light, that kisses the tips of the leaves, a gentle smile wraps itself around my heart and a glimmer of hope returns. ‘This too shall pass’, the wind whispers, ‘this to shall pass’…
Oct 2024 · 231
The Wild Call of Summer
Kamini Oct 2024
All of life is calling me. The land is alive with wild blooms that adorn the hedgerows. Foxgloves mingle with campion, bluebells and buttercups. The wild dance of summer lifts my spirits as my body still aches from the recent prolonged winter she has endured. The scars still tender reminding me that healing has its own season, yet the spirit feels the tug of a new dawn.

In the early morning stillness the light softly caresses the petals of a freshly born rose and my heart is filled with the promise of new beginnings. Patience has never been an easy companion and Surrender even less so. How to let go and allow this dropping, this deep sinking into softness, into the sensual realms of flesh and bone on warm, wet grass? How to rest deeply in every moment as the wheel of life turns slowly and my fear clings to hope as she gently wipes away my tears?

Somewhere in the distance, breaking the silence, a baby lamb cries and I am reminded that I am not alone.
Oct 2024 · 270
Kamini Oct 2024
falling into being
bare feet
find wet stone
tender hands
hold my
trembling heart
as tears
wipe away fear
to be reborn
into a river
of aliveness

And sweet
rising to fill
the empty space
puts a smile
on griefs’
gentle face
Oct 2024 · 310
Last Kiss of Summer
Kamini Oct 2024
Rising from the
womb of the Earth
something is being
stirred inside me.

Could there be anything
more sensually satisfying
than a stew
laced with the
romance of
crushed roses?

Slowly, wrapping
around my tongue,
savouring each bite,
I feast with each nibble
peppered heat
spiced with the
woody caress
of cinnamon;
An invitation
to pause in

Soft apricots
pulsing with
sweet nectar
explode with
the essence of
The Goddess
sending a wave
of warm bliss
into the cauldron
of my belly.

tasting the
last kiss of
Summers rich
harvest, I rest.
Oct 2024 · 402
Kamini Oct 2024

staked in
the pyre
to burn
in Hell
and Fire


cag­ed in
the dark

gone out
of fashion
banished with
Adam and Eve
still no reprieve

Time to
Rise up
the lament
give and
your inner

Resist the
turn the
wheel to

this flame
this fire
this unbound
let pleasure
reign in
the garden
Oct 2024 · 208
Love in Winters Wake
Kamini Oct 2024
I’m stuck in
a frozen trap
A spiralling web of
fear and longing.

Falling into love
diving headlong
into this terror
a rabbit in
blinded by

Does he?
Does he not?
Both fill me
with dread

If it is so
then Loss stands
banging on the door
‘Remember me?’
She whispers
through the keyhole
ready to unlock
The Box of Grief
hidden under the
floor boards of
my desire

If it is not so
then the loneliness
of lost dreams
creeps under
the threshold
to wrap the noose
round my wanting
tightening the
knot of numbness
that death left
In his wake

To love again
Is to open the
door to my heart
and stare loss
in the face

To surrender,
tumble, head
over heels
like an
autumn leaf
trusting that
spring always
blossoms in
winters wake
Jul 2024 · 317
Empty Box Red
Kamini Jul 2024
If the red box
were yellow
Or square
Or round
Or blue
Or Green,
Short or tall.
If it were of wood,
Or paper,
Maybe cardboard
Or bamboo.
If it were you
Or me
Or both…
Or not red at all
What would that mean?
Jul 2024 · 1.1k
Kali Speaks
Kamini Jul 2024
I ask: Kali Ma what do you want from me?

SHE replies:

There is no love waiting for you out there.
Feel this empty place, this place of aloneness.
Yes you are totally alone;
your expectation is never going to be met from out there.
No one is going to love you for you to know love.

You don't have to do anything.
You don't have to be anybody.
You don't have to to do anything on your list of tasks.
You don't have to fill your time with meaningful activity.

Waste as much time as you like.
Be ashamed of not doing, not achieving if you must.
Wallow in this idea that you are a failure
That everything you have done is for nothing.

There is no love waiting for you out there.

No, I want nothing from you.
I want nothing from you for I already love you.
You cannot give me anything for I already own your soul.
You are mine and I am yours.
I am in every cell of your being.

I want nothing from you.

This is not the love that you seek
This is not a love of safety and sweet hearts.
This love is unbounded.
This love is the force that blasts mountains
And triggers earthquakes.
This love rocks your foundations and
pulls you from the rubble of your ignorance.

I want nothing from you.

Can you not see the foolishness of your seeking?
Wake up to your arrogance!
Open your eyes to the love staring you in the face.

Don't ask me what I want from you,
It is already given.
© Kamini Gupta, 2015
Dec 2018 · 627
Conversation with Fear
Kamini Dec 2018
4yr old me: “I really liked him. We were having such fun playing in the shallows. He knew all good pools to find exciting stuff in.”

Adult me: “yeah I liked him too. He’s a good listener, interesting, gentle and attentive.”

“He made me giggle and shared good stuff to eat. He didn’t care that I’m just a girl, made me feel special. Told good stories too…”

“yeah he’s sensitive and made me feel desirable …”

“now he’s gone… why did he go… what did I do? What did you do? Doesn’t he want to play with me anymore? Was I too noisy… maybe I talked to much, asked too many questions… you are always telling me not to talk to strangers… but YOU were snuggling up to him!”

“No you didn’t do anything wrong… you’re right it was me I got carried away with the play, the conversation… my desire…”

“but why did he go he was having fun too…”

“he got scared”

“scared? of what?”

“I don’t know.”

“Will he come back?”

“I don’t know.”

“I’ve got a pain in my heart.”

“Me too.”

“And in my tummy…I’m scared it feels like I’m going to explode.”

“what are you scared of”

‘ the pain. If he never comes back will the pain be there forever?’

‘ I don’t know’

“But you said you would look after me. You said you wouldn’t let it happen again. You promised.”

“I know I blew it”

“ please make the pain go away?’

‘I can’t’

‘why not? You’re the grown up’

‘I’m afraid too’


‘because the pain might last forever and I don’t know how to make it better’

‘so what shall we do?’

‘we’ll hold each other tight and feel it together’

‘that feels better… I’m still scared’


‘if you’re scared… you might leave too’

‘If I do I’ll take you with cos we’re inseparable’


‘cross my heart and hope to die.’

‘I feel like dying’

‘shall we go to bed instead?’

‘Ok but can I have a story….’

‘ sure, but no more fairytales’
May 2018 · 1.9k
I am not here now
Kamini May 2018
I am not here now.
Not available,
Absent. Not present.

Held hostage,
******* in a tangled web
Of locks and chains.

Houdini like,
In a cage and thrown
Into the turbulent waters
Of my shark infested mind.

****** in by a
Whirlpool of stories,
My thoughts spin
Epic myths,
Fantastical tales,
Dark fantasies and
Cheap thrillers.

Each teasing,
taunting and
goading me
To disconnect,
To flee from
This moment.

This tender,
Aching moment.
This unashamed longing,
Drenched in the desire
To be penetrated by
Your presence,
To free fall into
The lap of the Beloved.

But you, like me,
Are not here now,
Not available,
Absent. Not present.
Mar 2018 · 511
Empty Box
Kamini Mar 2018
Sometimes it’s not possible to tune in.
Sometimes it’s not possible to find meaning.

Sometimes the box doesn’t fit me,
Or I don’t fit the box.

If I could find a box to which I fit
What colour would it be?
Mar 2018 · 377
New Dawn
Kamini Mar 2018
21 April 2009

I took my aching heart for a walk up on the moor today.

Past the lily pond and wild flower meadow to where the sky opens up over the valley. Seduced by the teasing scent of coconut and honey from the blazing gorse smouldering in the sunshine, I take the grassy path strewn with violets and head up the hill.

This morning the sun woke me to a moment of bliss. A stillness so expansively sweet that even the clattering of the refuse trucks making their weekly collection caused but a tremor to pass through. It feels like the debris of the past has been spirited away in the night leaving me swept clean and naked to this moment that stretches it’s arms wide to embrace a new dawn.

Yesterday I was shaken awake to face my Passion. Surrendering to a swell of knowing rising within me like a tidal wave that drowned all remnants of security to leave me standing on the precipice and, once more, like the Fool, I step off.

Free falling to find my wings I soar over the valley of my past, eyeing the rocky depths below through which a silver river of tears cuts through the darkness. This torrent that flooded my heart and broke through its’ defences to leave a gaping, empty hole. Empty of dreams, illusions, the fantasies that conjured a make believe world in which I could pretend I was in control.

Softly I tread up the path, walking on shifting sands, everywhere new life is emerging from winter slumber. Ponies graze and grunt in the spring sunshine, mother and foal amble past connected by that invisible thread that connects heart and mind. The past no longer restrains me. I am free to run, headlong into my heart and fall completely, passionately, and blissfully in love with this tender, raw shoot rising within me and calling to me like a hungry new lover.

The longing for a passionate life in which each intimate moment connects me more deeply to my true Essence into which I die and am reborn over, and over into it’s ocean of emptiness and bliss.

I took my aching heart for a walk today and found a path to freedom.
21 April 2009
Mar 2018 · 453
Love after Death
Kamini Mar 2018
23 September 2009

There is an ache that has imprisoned my heart, wrapping itself round in a tight hug. Selfishly it stands guard like a jealous lover allowing no other to tease open its grasp. This ache, a memory trapped in a web of fear and unconscious, unresolved pain.

At times my heart is still, unfeeling, disconnected from the pulse of this pain. In denial, split off, ambivalent. Easier to hide, to slip peacefully into the warm treacle of numbness, pushing away anyone or anything that will trigger the tremor, the after shock of that quake that shook my foundations and brought me face to face with my terror and rage.

My heart is lost with no map for this uncharted grief. His death caused a tsunami that swept away the familiar landscape in which my heart travelled, weary but with faith, along a well trodden path.
Now it surveys a desert devoid of familiar landmarks, open to the elements with no shelter from the dust storms of emotions that create a whirl of confusion through which I can see no way forward. Left with no option but to lie low I must keep faith that this too shall pass.

Can there be love after death? My heart aches with this quest. He went out with the fading light of summer and my tears fell with the leaves from the trees. A blaze of colour lit the moor as his body burned to ash and my heart went into hibernation, drawing in the light to wrap close for comfort from the cold shock of his sudden disappearance.

To love again is to face this loss over and over. To love again is to become intimate with the fear, this terror of the pain and embrace it without shame. My battle weary heart longs for peace, for surrender so it can come home to rest in the tender arms of a new love and feel the soft breath of longing like the spring sunshine on a new born lamb.

As love born after death takes her first wobbly steps my heart trembles with anticipation of the fall. But if the first shoots of spring were to fear autumn there would be no flowering, no opening to the light, no summer and no harvest. To love again is to trust again. To fall over and over, like the canopy of a tree returning head over heels to the earth year after year.

I feel the soreness in my heart as the light draws in and the leaves turn to fire in the cool night air.
23 September 2009
Mar 2018 · 795
Kamini Mar 2018
My bare feet walking across the green fields connect deeply with the cool earth, they know the way… this is the path home, this is where I belong. Do you get that feeling about places and about people too, like you’ve met them before or known them all your life?

You ask me ‘where are you from?’. ‘Right here’ I say, knowing that the answer you are waiting for, expecting, is only skin deep. Because what is visible to you, the mask of a distant land, is not my true face, and the question you are afraid to ask is ‘Who are you and where do you really belong?’

When you catch my passing reflection who do you see? Who can you see beneath this earth-toned façade? Can you see my mothers legs walking toward you, my father smile as my grandmother’s eyes search your face and my grandfathers hand reaches out to take yours? Who are you and where do you really belong?

Come, dance with me, your answer is not in my words. My answer is not in your eyes. Let your feet move to the rhythm of my heartbeat, let me feel your ancestors dancing in my DNA. Let our bodies tell their tale for my blood holds the memory my tongue forgot, my sweat the taste of ancient prayers. Who are you and where do you really belong?

Which Mother land gave birth to my soul? Lashmi, Durga, Kali, Saraswati in your womb I dance… with Venus, Isis, Aphrodite, Yemaya, Sekmet, Demeter… ******, mother, crone… who are you? Where do you really belong?

The eternal quest to find the source, ashes to ashes, dust unto dust the earth swallows my dance and I stand still with mud between my toes. For an instant your mask drops and I know who I am and where I really belong….
Mar 2018 · 388
Where are the Words
Kamini Mar 2018
Where are the words my body whispers
When the dance moves flesh and bones?

Where are the words my feet search for
Deep in the compost of my Soul?

Where are words taking flight
On the wings of birds as
Hips circle knees and belly tickles toes?

Where do they flee, these words
Fear wraps round heart and lungs?

Where do they hide ready to trip the
Light, Fantastic, fleeting truth rising from
The deep well of my being?

Where are the words?
16 June 2015
Mar 2018 · 317
Wings Open
Kamini Mar 2018
This tremor burns up my spine
As a vast ocean of aching promise
Washes up on the shore of my Being.

Why do I question the
Unknown territory of my heart
The shattered past has
no home there.

Why do I fear love
When it slips unsigned
Through the letterbox
Of my longing?

Like a seagull surfing the wind
My Soul hangs suspended
Wings open,
Waiting to swoop
into the embrace
Of the Beloved.
Feb 2018
Mar 2018 · 317
Entering the Garden
Kamini Mar 2018
Entering the garden
Where Krishna plays
I taste the sweet music
Of your smile as a
Pair of pink lotus
Blossoms caress
In the stillness.

I listen to the flowers
Breathing their fragrance
Into the evening air
As I walk, bare hearted,
Through luminous grass
Damp with desire.

Entering the garden
Where Radha sighs
You touch my rawness
With your longing
Innocent of the storm
Brewing in my silence.

Then without warning
The clouds of grief break
To unleash a tsunami
That takes no prisoners.
May 2015 · 5.6k
Going Home
Kamini May 2015


India, Feb 2015
May 2015 · 1.2k
Trembling Beauty
Kamini May 2015
Feel the tremor…
…The flicker…
The static charge
Of bliss
Whisper HER sweet
Breath through
Your Being.

No time to stop,
No time to be waylaid
By Fears’ tearful face.
Kiss this moment awake
Caress it’s cheek,
Open your eyes
To the Beauty beating
In your trembling breast.
Kamini May 2015
Sometimes life is quiet, don't push.
There are no 'shoulds'.
Peace is inner silence,
Be still and listen to the
Quiet whisper of your soul.

She is powerful in her silence.
No need to make noise to be seen
No need to make show to be heard
Get in there, deep inside
And rest in the dance.

Know your flow that
Bubbles and burbles along.
Don't be clever, simple is good.
Simple is quiet.

She is sleeping in the shade,
Your inside self.
She who dances to the song
In your heart is quietly listening
To the rhythm of your soul beat.

Cradle your knowing,
Your hearts lullaby will
Rock your soul and
Fan the fire of sleeping passion.

Come little one your feet
Have wings that angels envy
And your eyes closed to darkness
Sparkle like a galaxy of stars
On a moonlit sea.

Come, rock gently, rest.
Sometimes life is quiet
Don't push or pull.
Listen to the hum of the silence
Be still, let HER dance.
2 May 2013
May 2015 · 4.8k
Call of the Goddess
Kamini May 2015
Stain your body
With fingers dipped
In the colour of
Joy and peace
Wet with the tears
Of the World
And know HER

Drench your heart
In a shower of petals
Dripping with the sound
Of silent thunder
And sink deep
Into HER embrace.

Fill your womb with
Sweet nectar ******
From the agony and ecstasy
Of HER love making
And bleed compassion
Onto a parched Earth.
India, Feb 2015
May 2015 · 2.3k
No Doubt by the River
Kamini May 2015
The bird by the river
Does not ask ‘why was I born?’
The bird by the river
She sings HER song.

The tree by the river
Asks not ‘what shall I do?’
The tree by the river
She blossoms and blooms.

The stones by the river
Ask not ‘wherefore or why?’
The stones by the river
Sit still and sigh.

The river
She sighs,
She dances,
She sings.
The river lets
Each moment
Give her wings.
Mar 2012 · 1.2k
Rib Cage
Kamini Mar 2012
Breathe in
Breathe out
Oh Temple of
Flesh and bone
Blood and tears

Breathe in
Breathe out
Oh caged heart
Touched tender
By weeping fears

Breathe in
Breathe out
Oh dancing drum of
Pleasure and pain
Re-move this stain

Breathe in
Breathe out
Oh Scarred, Scared,
Sacred Fledgling

Spread your wings
And fly home to
Roost in the breast
Of The Beloved
Nov 2011 · 1.3k
Kamini Nov 2011
There can be
Little said about
The hearts desire
amidst the bustle
of waking life
as the sun
scorches the sky
and burns a hole
in her confusion.

A lazy, discontented
lover strangled by
words that stick
in his throat languishes
in the heat as she
cools off in the breeze
of his indifference.

Exposed, alone in a
translucent ocean of
discontent, she floats on
the surface of indecision
and ambivalence

When at last the
changing tide sweeps
him off to another shore
leaving her free to dive
deep for her pearl and

Much more… much more.
Nov 2011 · 598
Kamini Nov 2011
This beauty
This light
This dance
This healing

This wealth
This leaf
This sigh
This feeling

This tear
This bud
This dew
This fear

   is love
   is me
This love
   is You.
Kamini May 2011
I read between the lines
of black and white faces,
that stare, unblinking,
from the other side of a dream,
a child born free *******
on the fruits of a lost Empire.

The memories are slippery, sweet,
like the ripe flesh of a mango
squelched between eager fingers
stained by the heat of summer.
Shady like the flaming canopy
of a gul mohur tree,
dancing abandoned like a
rubber slipper, bobbing carefree
on a warm ocean wave that
carried my seed across the miles
on forgotten promises
into the arms of a dark night.

Searching for the colour,
I hear the cacophony of racing tongues,
uncommon wealthy mouths closed
to the stench of the natives rotting
like sardines packed into tin can shelters.

In the blackness they awaken me
like a telegram from a long lost relative
arriving on the next train from nowhere
laden elephant like, tin trunks filled
with the treasures still hidden somewhere
in the bottom drawer of my mind.

The technicolour *** bits wrapped
in faded fragments of my imagination,
tied with the string of longing that tugs
back to the creation of this child
ripping open a present from the past.

Unaware of the black and white gaze,
she runs wild, abandoned,
innocent, invisible
child of loves lost dream,
her playground a museum
of passion and pain.

Born free ******* on the fruits of a lost Empire.
May 2011 · 852
Into the Deep
Kamini May 2011
That morning
the path carried
our feet down
to the river
through trees that
tremor like verdant
virgins blushing
in the sunshine.

The water flows gently,
lazily ignoring our chatter
as we sit, two strangers,
listening between the
lines drawn in each
others imagination.

He’d heard the call
of my hearts longing
and answered with
a tumble of words
that caught me
by surprise…
Wise fool and
humble lion
exploring the depths
with this shy fish.

Diving down
again, and again
we surface with
one precious pearl
after another…
Memories, heartache,
insight and secrets,
opening our shells
vulnerable and true.

A voyage began
that morning when
the path carried
our souls down
to the river.
As we stepped
onto our raft of
broken dreams
I felt a shiver
echo upstream.

May 2011 · 964
Royal Wedding
Kamini May 2011
Two lovers wed
as, along this path,
we walk, talk,
shed secrets,
and kick dust,
festooned by
cheering flowers
that tremble with
Nature’s lust.

The brides eyes
like the ocean
shimmer as I
catch a glimmer
of Hope Cove
shining bright...
it’s love,
at first sight!

As joy unfolds
her story,
touched by
the majesty,
the magic
of this land,
we stand,
like royalty
basking… in all
it’s golden glory!

29 April 2011
Hope Cove, Devon.
Oct 2010 · 716
Kamini Oct 2010
You cling to me like
cold, wet socks on
a summers day.
Drowning me
under a blanket
of fog… I’ve forgotten
the reason why.

Flattened under
the weight
of your dull ache
I lie here
like that forest in
the Arizona desert,
lost in time
with no trust
in ever being found.

As you swallow
into your depths
my hurt,
joy and
may you
on my pain,
in my sorrow,
be smothered
by my love.

And, as hope
squeezes out
your last breath,
my spirit will rise
from beneath
your damp corpse
to cry.
and always,
for the sky.
Sep 2010 · 4.2k
Kamini Sep 2010
She moved me.
Dancing in a
circle of women
She moved me.

Rising from the Earth
into my womb
through my heart
to the tips of my fingers
She moved through me.

With her sacred dance
She showed me
how to dip into
Her honey ***,
arousing a lust
for Life’s sweet Nectar.

A longing
so deep that my
blind fingers *****
in the dark for
one touch from
the lips of
The Beloved.
One lick,
one ****,
one sigh,
one moment
of bliss
before I die
to this dance,

to the thundering
in my breast.
Aug 2010 · 836
Road Rage
Kamini Aug 2010
My howling heart
drives me home.
The walls of my car
shocked into silence
by the wailing.

Failing to hide my
cheeks awash with
the fear that she will
swallow me whole,
spit out my soul,
stamp out my flame.

Ashamed, I feel
trapped by my rage.
Compassion has flown
out the window with Love
and I cannot cage
self pity
self loathing
self doubt.

What if I can
never love her
as a daughter should,
a daughter could,
a daughter would,
if she only understood.

If only I understood.
Jul 2010 · 4.6k
Kamini Jul 2010
Seaweed, steamy
piled high
on baked sand.

Fried flesh with
vacant smiles
attracting flies.

Seagulls scream
as dog chases ball.
Jul 2010 · 958
Closer to You
Kamini Jul 2010
One summers day
you left a package
on the doorstep
addressed to my heart.

I find your patience and
persistence alarming,
yet the tenderness
soothes my soreness
and in the desert
a smile is born.

Blind to your beauty
I stumble in the dark as,
with feline stealth, you
tiptoed in to curl
gently round my pain.

As my heart rips open
the clouds of grief break
sending a monsoon of blessings
to flood my desire and
soak my parched body.

One summers day
you left a package
on the doorstep
addressed to my heart
only to have it
returned to sender.
Jul 2010 · 803
Night Blossom
Kamini Jul 2010
My soul whispers
in the darkness
‘You are a flower
that blooms at night.
Shine bright, shine bright!’

She hands me
a blossom exploding
with passion.
­her essence
like a star bursting
open the night sky.

‘You are a flower
that blooms at night.
Shine bright, shine bright!
Come, lead me
from darkness
into the light.’
Jul 2010 · 1.1k
You Died
Kamini Jul 2010
You died.
One day in Sept
like an Autumn leaf
crashing to the ground
in a blaze of colour
You died.

The sunflowers
in full bloom
decked the box
in which you lay
too young
too soon
too sudden
you died.

And all that
you left behind
was a scream
where I
had once been.
For Charlie 1966-2007
Jul 2010 · 1.4k
Shifting gear
Kamini Jul 2010
Moving swiftly on
packing my life
into cardboard.
Boxes lie strewn,
filled with folded clothes,
books, bits of paper.

Memories trapped
on the page all pile
into containers
destined for yet
another shelter.

A new home,
lies lost somewhere
in the debris of fast
approaching deadlines.

Beginning to piece together
the jigsaw of suitcases,
bags, holdalls, and
supermarket cartons,
packed like sardines
into the belly of my car
I journey into the future.

The wheels of
life accelerate.
Hardly pausing
to look back,
shifting gear,
I struggle to
I packed
Jun 2010 · 1.4k
Awake and Wanting
Kamini Jun 2010
This is the place where faeries sleep, down,
by the river burbling over mossy boulders, beside
the pink Rhododendron caressed by the sun.
Where I wait, feeling my wanting,
my longing as I meet the Beloved.

The light is everywhere, shimmering
on the wings of a bumblebee as it swings by
lazily unaware of my desire rising from the root
effervescent like the bubbles chasing
each other on the surface of the water.

So alive,
so exciting,
so exquisite,
so magical,
so perfect,
so NOW.
This meeting
this touching
this connecting
this tasting
this falling...

This falling
truly, madly, deeply in
love with this moment,
this tender, fragile, faltering
moment that is me.

This exquisite Eden that I have
uncovered at my core,
this awakening of the unforbidden
so luscious, so delicious in it’s invitation
to taste it’s sweet aliveness that
my heart has abandoned all shame,
and is lost in the lust,
blown open in wonder
at the awesome,
the indescribable
thrill of this dance,
this movement
toward death.

Each moment so precious,
each moment  a jewel,
each moment in which
I am alive, AWAKE and wanting.

This is the place where faeries sleep.
Down, by the river.
Gidleigh, 30 May 2009
Mar 2010 · 1.2k
Blind Date
Kamini Mar 2010
‘What is it like
to meet me
without your
ideas about me?’,
you ask.

The question hangs
between us,
two strangers,
curiously suspended
in not knowing.

I don’t even
know your name
yet we meet
and share this
eyes locked
in tender gaze.

I had no ideas
about you till
you asked,
now they flood in
tripping over
each other with
habitual ease.

‘I have no ideas
about you,’
I think…
But why then
am I surprised
by the softness
of your voice,
the Irish lilt,
delighted by
your insights,
your honesty,
and open clarity?

Enchanted by
this moment,
this opportunity
to meet you,
to dwell in
the mystery
without fear,
no name,
no history,
no map to
show the way.
I cannot fix
you, pin
you down,
fit you in a
box and stick
a label on
your tongue.

And, I have
no mask to
hide from your
unblinking stare.

A Zen master
once said
‘Not knowing
is most intimate.’

Now, knowing
this to be so true,
a smile grows
in my heart
where fear
had once
taken root.
Mar 2010 · 793
Life Line
Kamini Mar 2010
A crimson river flows
as life ebbs away.
body wasted,
all boundaries
are fading as
they cling to hope.

Clutching the straw
between my lips
******* in the promise
of my last chance
as white figures
surround me
speaking in tongues
that shatter my world
tear open my belly
to rip out the source.

The crimson river
runs dry and
I am reborn.
Floating upstream
on ripples of pain
and confusion
I ride waves
of gratitude
and self doubt.
Mar 2010 · 916
Kamini Mar 2010
Angry flies stick
to the molasses
of my mind
dragging circles
within circles,
Fire flies
who's hunger
consume my centre
caramelising reason.

Trapped wings,
frozen dance,
dead flight,
clenched heart,
fighting for breath,
I surrender and
open the cage.
Letting go,
letting life in.
Mar 2010 · 4.5k
Kamini Mar 2010
Fighting crying
laughing playing
skipping running
playing ball.

Bell ringing
doors banging
voices fading
wind chasing
sweet wrappers
as silence falls.
Mar 2010 · 842
Where is the Lullaby?
Kamini Mar 2010
Her spirit was lost
when I was born,
torn from her heart.

Start, from the
beginning, singing,
no lullaby for
this new born.

Cry baby, cry as
her spirit did die,
she fled, bled, dead.

Alive in body
lightening sent to
her brain drained
what fire was left.

Bereft this child
still cries in the dark,
hark! Where is the
Lullaby, hushaby,
For this new born?
Mar 2010 · 581
What do I know of Love?
Kamini Mar 2010
What do I know of love?

My heart aches with the loss,
the knowing that death
comes too soon.

What do I know of love?

My soul weaves a starlit
blanket to wrap my aching
heart in soft longing.

What do I know of love?

I dance in the eyes
of the Beloved and
blink back the tears.
(A 5 minute poem)
Mar 2010 · 731
I Fall
Kamini Mar 2010
Trying to find words
as feelings expand
in the darkness
I reach out to
discover this ache,
this longing,
this love.

I close my eyes
to witness your smile,
to melt in the memory
of your touch,
and in the silence
you dazzle me
with your words.

But I am not blind
to the innocent one who
winks at me shyly
as he crawls from
under your shadow
to take my hand.

I fall and my love
catches me.
Feb 2010 · 726
Kamini Feb 2010
from my belly,
in my heart,
by my tongue,
this tremor
fills my being
and explodes
to drop into
the space
between us.

Your eyes
but not hearing
this deep,
scream that,
by description,
into a roar
of relief
and release.

As I fall into
the cradle of
she opens wide
her arms
to rock me

You blink
and I rest
in the moment.
Feb 2010 · 773
One Pilgrim
Kamini Feb 2010
If there is
but one thirst,
there is only
one mirror,
one heart,
one ache,
one pilgrim,
and one gaze
in which even
the blind will
see the Beloved
and drown in
a single drop
released with a
blink of your eye.
Feb 2010 · 746
Intimacy II
Kamini Feb 2010
We meet.
Grey blue filling
with beauty
your eyes drip
sweet agony
and ecstasy.

I drink from
the well spring
of your honesty
like dew on
a desert flower.

Your words awaken
a rawness so naked
that truth cannot
hide her scars
and fear has no
place to run.
Feb 2010 · 753
The Call of Midsummer
Kamini Feb 2010
Pink roses festoon the entrance
to the place where I arrive
to meet the Beloved.
Summer has thrown open her doorway
to my confusion and I am lost.

Like an owl crying for her lost lover
You call and something in me stirs.
Answering this whisper that pulls
my soul from it’s slumber,
feeling my wanting,
lost in my longing and
not knowing, I am here.

In the stillness you meet my gaze.
In my question I feel your embrace,
your desire, your love.
But, there is no you
there is no me.

Only this Passion
Only this Presence
That tickles my toes,
thrusts through my core and
erupting in my heart, expands
to answer my question,
to feed my yearning.

Then, tasting the fruit of
summer’s first harvest
I rest.
Feb 2010 · 6.7k
Spring Awakening
Kamini Feb 2010
I heard an owl cry
in the distance,
as the snowdrops nod
to the howling moon,
Wake up!
Fan that spark!
For under winters’ blanket
Spring is blushing
in the dark.

— The End —