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10.3k · Sep 2019
Hi I’m Lonely
Jaslin Goh Sep 2019
I’m afraid I’ve fallen in love
The idea of company sounds great
Family, friends, soulmates
I love the silence
Now some chatter feels good
I’ve changed
I long for company
4.9k · Jul 2017
Jaslin Goh Jul 2017
Windows high or low, windows sing or woe (if they could effect sounds)
Windows are protestants of peace; often the mediator between the inside and the out
They tirelessly shield us from the rain and sun, the dust and even noise, sometimes the wind itself too; so things don't topple over
There are times you open them, when you look out and think of an adventure out
There are also times you close them, when you seek some respite
Windows, if anything, are the forgotten heroes of time
They are your guides, your decision-making helpers, as is the Spirit
Their panes (pains) are to be taken care of, wiped regularly for absolute clarity
They nudge, with the help of wind sometimes, dying not to be ignored
They crave interaction with its user, oh if only our owners knew they cry
Knowing how to operate them for full utilisation is truly, a skill
Notes on the Holy Spirit
2.5k · Mar 2018
Opposites Attract
Jaslin Goh Mar 2018
I was fire, you were ice
You said you'd never crack

I'd like to think you did
Under the flames o' mine

We thought we'd reached equilibrium
Until things got uncomfortable

Fiery as I, bitter as you
We summon blows

I am fire, you are ice
People say opposites attract

We thought the same
Yet we never saw each other again
2.4k · Oct 2018
The hurting tree (a tanka)
Jaslin Goh Oct 2018
The hurting tree writhes
See the ivy all around
Its mistakes they bind
You may not see as I do
There is life if you look close
Trying my hand at a 5-7-5-7-7 syllabus, enjoy!
1.9k · Mar 2018
High hopes
Jaslin Goh Mar 2018
I had high hopes you’d make a sincere lover
I had high hopes despite your dark past
I had high hopes you were determined to change
I had high hopes you understood what I meant by change
I had high hopes despite our differences
I had high hopes we could work something out
I have high hopes now I was truly biased
Inspired by Kodaline’s High Hopes. Another song to suit the mood: Skinny Love by Birdy. Happened to look through journal entries and decided to post this as part of my moving on process
1.4k · Jul 2017
Morning feels
Jaslin Goh Jul 2017
The moment water trickles down your body

The moment you step out of the showers

The moment the smell of freshly brewed beverage hits

The moment amazing breakfast washes into your mouth

The moment you put on music and hum along
Enjoy your morning all! For an introvert like myself, I take breakfast seirously, it's me-time, where I am generally undisturbed. I love my typical mornings. I hope you do too :)
1.2k · Apr 2018
If I do/do not speak
Jaslin Goh Apr 2018
If I speak my mind
I unleash my inner thoughts
You must promise not to get angry

If I do not
I cease to be myself
You are content

If I speak up
I unleash the demons that whisper to our thoughts
You must learn to silent yours

If I do not
I cease to understand you
You fail to connect my mind
(now read it bottom-up/replace ‘you’ with ‘I’)
553 · Jul 2017
I wonder
Jaslin Goh Jul 2017
how people grow up
why people change
who people become
what people fall for
where people find home
if love even exists

these happened to me
one at a time
or simultaneously

it is still ongoing
it is inevitable

you pull through
you get a grip
you kick and move
you start swimming
on adulting so far
484 · Aug 2017
A few things
Jaslin Goh Aug 2017
We should never be frightened by
We should never shy away from
We should never stop questioning

The meaning of life. They evolve with maturity
The reason for our thoughts, words, actions. They evaluate our beliefs and change
The right thing to do. They are necessary pains to wash your conscience with
448 · Aug 2017
The accidental heartbreaker
Jaslin Goh Aug 2017
The well-liked one
But liked none

She preferred joy
Yet chose coy

Expand social circles
Running circus

Maybe we try
Then you cry

Clearly friends
Are never trends

So she sighed
Never aimed high

Till a guy
Gave another sigh

Tell me why
Things never tie

Perhaps some time
The wind shall chime
There are two sides of a coin, as is a story
430 · Dec 2020
The rain patters
Jaslin Goh Dec 2020
The sky amidst
I think of those I miss
Even a day could change
Things we never thought age

I think of us
Sitting on the bus
I will change for us
Why am I holding a dry husk

Of the people I fought for
Some not anymore
Some are ropes
I pull no hopes

I would go back
My mind playbacks
I walk on empty shells
My heart aches as hell

You people are here
But can you hear
My thoughts that linger
Maybe you no longer tingle

The rain still patters
I am in fetters
The sky hangs amiss
I wonder about those I miss
an unpublished quatrain written some time back; fitting for all who’ve lost someone this bitter year, those unable/trying to move on with life
412 · Aug 2018
It’s been a while...
Jaslin Goh Aug 2018
And I want to tell
I just have to yell
That I’m blessed beyond words
Despite fighting with swords
It’s okay now don’t bail (bell)
Sing this!
354 · Jul 2017
Jaslin Goh Jul 2017
Known to some
Unknown to none

Where heart is
Soul search tis

Present to some
Absent to come

Tune that *****
Lest forgotten

Warmth to some
Froth to thrum

Rise a rhythm
Find its freedom
For those who have not
291 · Feb 2020
F stands for Fears
Jaslin Goh Feb 2020
I’m so useless
All out of tears
Just wanna lay here
With no one near
I have so much fears
Crippling up in jeers
“Not good enough” is all I hear
My own thoughts I fear
Audio companion - I’m so tired by Lauv
An attempt to illustrate current anxieties in poetry; here’s to more regular postings

— The End —