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4.6k · Sep 2012
Seaside Symphony
cassie sky Sep 2012
This cave is my sanctuary; cold, damp, filled with minerals and creatures.
I sit cross legged peering out through the crescent shaped doorway mama nature has created.  I have never been more at peace than I am when I’m here.  

The water crashes ******* the barnacle covered rocks beneath me.  The mist from the waves whirls its way up to sooth my aching skin.  The sea calls my name in the way that an angel calls you into the light.  
At first it’s just a delicate whisper.  The voice is so charming and playful that it begins to lure me in. As i begin to drift further, letting the voice carry my thoughts, the waves pound harder and the symphony the sea has written me rapidly grows in volume and intensity.  

The tension becomes so strong that the sky starts to erupt.  The clash of the clouds creates a prismatic light sequence leaving the sky looking magnificently iridescent. I sit unstirred, reveling in it's beauty.

The sea is now agonizingly screaming for me to succumb to its cool paradise.

For a while I just sit and enjoy the elegance of the symphony.  Once the sky starts to lower its darkened veil, I know it is time to go.  
I stand up with more certainty than I had ever felt before.  
I slowly take three steps forward, embracing the feeling of the dirt in between my toes.  
Two long strides, and then I leap.  The thick foggy air caresses my body as it swiftly careens downward.  

The symphony ends with a splash.
3.7k · Apr 2017
Sonnet for Freedom
cassie sky Apr 2017
These bars on the window, they keep me in
Though they are not quite what you would expect
They're not strong or thick, but flimsy and thin.
Instead of iron, they're made of plastic

Although they do stop me physically
It is not in the conventional sense
Of "lock her up and throw away the key"
More like the subtle warning of a fence

They shun the thing that is fueling my fire
Leaving me in darkness, too familiar
The heaviness keeps at bay my desire
To leap into unknown, the barely blur

They trap me not like the bird in a cage
Rather, they stifle, like the soul in rage
My students have been writing sonnets as we study Romeo & Juliet and I felt inspired at 10pm to write this when I should have been reading for my book club meeting tomorrow. Oh well! The line about the barely blur is a reference to a song by the band Why? off of their new album Moh Lean.
3.7k · Nov 2012
Sweet Dreams
cassie sky Nov 2012
I watched him light up a cigarette behind the bleachers during lunch break, as I always did.  I examined the way he drew it to his lips and wrapped them around the filter so softly, but strong and sultry at the same time.  I could see through him; deep into his soul.  This is one of the perks of being so distant, and observant of others.  It’s not like I’m some loser with no friends, I prefer to be alone.  Why go sit with a bunch of people you can’t stand just so you don’t have to go through the “embarrassment” of sitting alone?  Well I say ***** that!  I’d much rather be by myself listening to the music that they’ve never heard of¸ watching them scurry shamelessly trying to be well liked by others.  
Anyhow, even his name sets him apart from the others: Chase Marcum.  He’s got the perfect combination of characteristics to make him tool of the century, but he’s not; he’s actually like me.  I want to go up and talk to him some time, but since he is like me, he’d probably just brush me off, assuming I was one of the people that I, that we, despise.  The lunch bell rings, and everyone trickles back into the building for more unwanted learning; everyone except Chase of course.  No lunch bell can tell him to stub out his cigarette.  He smokes it down until there is only one centimeter left to the filter.  
He strolls into class five minutes late and the teacher doesn’t even say a word.  I wish I could be untouchable like that.  As Mrs. Hammond drones on about the inner-workings of a cell, I sink into the inner-workings of my imagination.  I doze off and begin to dream about Chase.  I’m in the hallway and one of the lovely bullies of Remington High decides to stick their foot out just enough so that I can’t see it to prepare for the fall to my doom.  He walks away while still looking at me, pointing and laughing.  Everyone joins in, until Chase comes along and sticks his foot out just enough for the bully to topple down a small flight of stairs.  That made everyone laugh a lot harder.  
       He helps me pick up my books, and we walk outside for lunch, together.  Once we get to his bleacher spot, he smokes while I bite deep into my apple.  We converse about anything and everything that can be covered in twenty-five minutes.  When the bell rings, everyone leaves –  everyone except for us.  We become silent, our eyes locked onto each others.  He begins to caress my cheek and to speak to me, but there is no sound coming out.  I’m being ripped back to reality by the worst thing I could possibly hear: somebody shouting “Check it out, Taylor’s got a *****!”  OH. MY. GOD.  For the rest of my high school “experience” I’m gonna be that kid that got a ******* in science class.  Everyone was laughing at me, even the teacher, and I was just numb.  
        It seemed like an eternity before the laughter stopped; with the voice of what I thought was an angel.  I snapped back into it the moment I realized that my angel was Chase: “Hey guys give the kid a break, it’s not his fault Mrs. Hammond is so ****!”  I guess she was kinda ****… if you’re into that.  At least nobody knew what I was actually dreaming about.  This remark made Mrs. Hammond become furious.   She sent him to the principal’s office and me to the nurse.  We grabbed our bags and departed, together.  I didn’t know what to say.  What does someone say in a situation like this?  I just averted my eyes from him so I didn’t make things even more awkward than they already were.  After a brief silence save a few half-giggles, I got the moment I had been hoping for – Chase broke the silence:  “What, not even a thanks?”
        “Uh, sorry… I mean thank you.  It means a lot that you didn’t laugh at me.”
       “Well... I laughed a little on the inside, because you gotta admit, it is pretty ridiculous.  But that could happen to anybody and it’s just rude to point and laugh.  Plus it’s bad karma.”  I wasn’t sure if I should be offended by the fact that he laughed.  I guess it actually was “pretty ridiculous” though.  God I love that word.  Well I guess in the future when I think about this day, I can laugh a little along with the wanting to die feeling.  We approached the hall that led to the principal, secretary and nurse’s offices, but Chase went in the other direction.  “Where are you going?” I asked.  
       “I’m not going to the principal’s office for doing what’s right.  Wanna ditch with me?”  
I normally wouldn’t skip out on class, but before I could even begin to contemplate the consequences, I agreed.  One of the most embarrassing and traumatic incidences in my life happened just minutes before, but I was walking on air.
This is more of a flash-fiction piece, from a few years ago.
cassie sky Sep 2012
You make me sick
Slathering Splenda sweetness
On, all slimy and thick

It is fake like your nails
your hair
your skin
And especially -
Your claim to enlightenment

Enlightened ones
feed not on attention -
but on living & giving
Sharing your thoughts
to spread happiness
Cause beauty blooms
In the garden of the mind

So stop sharing your body
the only thing it pleases
is many, many a *****

You exclaim love is your guidance
But internally you shout disgust
Disgust for yourself
Disgust, for all those girls
Whose men you claimed
With your filthy cat claws

Your heart is an empty hole
And pitch black is the color
Of your ever whimpering soul
2.8k · Jan 2013
A Galaxy of our Own
cassie sky Jan 2013
Sing me a lullaby
Put these thoughts to rest
With the best high
The warmth in your chest
I knew you before
But not like this
Did I open a new door?
What did I miss?

I've seen another galaxy
It's just for you and me

It could not have happened
If this were another day
Wouldn't, couldn't, but did
Work out this strange way
It was perfect, you see

Led down the same path
We stumbled blindly into each other
Our galaxy was born, alas
Calm, crazy, hot and happy
How could just one night
Make me feel so right?
Ah, tread swiftly, softly
For our galaxy is just that:
And they will not understand
They will pull back their hands
And curl them into fists
Or damage their wrists

We are their light
They are our shadows
Crouching tiger, hidden dragon
We lie awake til’ our sun shines on

The curtain will draw once more
Never to be closed again
And sun will pour over our bodies
Like an orange being squeezed
Fresh from the trees
It will weaken our knees

It will engulf us instantaneously
And we will be swallowed
By the humbled body of serenity
Left lounging on cloud mounds
Left with each others'
Complementary company
You are my most beautiful muse <3
2.8k · Aug 2012
cassie sky Aug 2012
Springtime begins to prevail
The white blanket slowly shrivels
Lifting winter’s tattered veil
With a slow and sturdy swivel

Little purple ones sprout first
Followed by the dandelions
But until the lilac bushes burst
We’re still enduring frigid times

Their beauty brings warmth and light
To the wasteland winter left behind
Clearing the path for illuminated nights
Of the blazing, treasured, never-ending kind

The breeze whispers soft to the trees
Sweet summer air flows everywhere
The peepers chirp in splendid harmony
The sweltering sun seeps gold into my hair

The vines, the grass, the flowers; they flourish and they thrive
The delicate side of Mother Nature is so gorgeous, and so fair
She breathes us; gives us our homes, our food, our lives
But her harsher side can take life away with just one breath of her frigid air

She can devastate an entire town with her roaring winds
She trembles and buildings crumble, tearing people apart
Limb by limb
So treasure every moment of her beauty; but be well aware;
She will do what she must and cannot be forced to care
2.3k · Oct 2012
Set Still the Tide
cassie sky Oct 2012
These oceans are swelling with passion and grief
Emotions tucked away tightly in the coral reef
Protected by the old, wise octopi tribe
I’ll swim right past them to get inside

When hidden among the deepest blue,
Your light still shines on brightly through,
Radiating a path for me to travel on.

Once I find you in the wake of dawn,
Take me sailing into the sunrise,
Set still the tide with those glowing eyes,

Once these waves do curl and break,
My heart will be all yours to take.
2.0k · Oct 2012
cassie sky Oct 2012
i used to think
that i was an alien
not of humankind

never did see things
as others had, in their
more normal minds

it took me all too long
to realize, that people
have two choices

be their own beautiful snowflake
or melt into the puddle
of conformity for comfort's sake

so what if i'm in left field
the grass is greener over here

so i'd rather be
cause it's funny how
most humans
are not kind
1.9k · Nov 2012
The End of an Era
cassie sky Nov 2012
“What a long strange trip it’s been”
I want to thank you again and again,
For bringing me into this kitchen-family,
Back when you didn’t even like me.

We’ve been through thick and thin,
*****, **** and **** then friend.
But now it’s your time to move on
And it couldn’t feel more wrong

You carry half of the energy in the joint
You laugh like SpongeBob, case n’ point
But hey, what better way to say goodbye
Than getting slapped in the face
With a rainbow-sprinkled pie :)
First line is a quote from“Truckin” by The Grateful Dead
The poem is for a friend who is leaving work after 6 years and the pie in the face is a tradition
1.9k · May 2017
A Post-Gloom Twilight
cassie sky May 2017
Maybe twilight time
Is a small slice of heaven
Seeping through the cracks
1.8k · Nov 2012
The Statue
cassie sky Nov 2012
Today marks the revealing,
Of a fresh and welcomed slate.
For his crudely tyrannous empire
Crumbled to dust on this date

Built on corruption,
Blood, lies and tears
Should’ve known they’d discover
That he’s nothing to fear

With torches in hand,
For they knew they’d need them
One hundred strong;
They marched on,
To the beat of their freedom

Hearts pounding feverishly,
With excitement and nerves.
Finally they arrive at the gates
…And let that ***** burn
1.8k · Sep 2012
Primus where art thou?
cassie sky Sep 2012
It’s pudding time.

Lose your thoughts
Let down your hair
And your bra
Tap into **the electric grapevine

Let it transform you
Into your truest form
Shed your skin
Show off your soul
You don’t have to dance
On a phantom stripper pole
Feel the music, it feels back
The air is getting slippery
Melt with it

Wounded knee?
No reason to flee!
Face your fears,
The free and loving soul
Feels no shame
No shame - less pain,
or you're money back
But serenity is free
It's everywhere
Just breathe...

So kiss Mr. Krinkle

Right on the lips
And ******* dance
Cause it's pudding time.
A poem inspired by the ridiculous beauty that is Primus <3   I still can't get over how much they blew my mind when i got to see them play at The Vibes.  I wove in some song titles (one partial) that are in bold print.
cassie sky Sep 2017
The sun, the moon, the stars
They can only be all they are

The sun cannot guide you at night
Just as the moon
Will never shine a sliver of daylight

The stars will always be so very small
But the sun and the moon
Will never know what it's like to fall
My friend told me to say something poetic, after doodling the sun, moon and stars all day this is what came out
1.6k · Aug 2012
cassie sky Aug 2012
Love me.

Need me.

Feel me.

Ravish my bones,
Smell my sweet flesh.

Make my hair a mess,
Cherish my curves,
Caress, caress...

Kiss me on my lips,
Passionately press.

Leave me unwounded,
Make me feel **wanted.
1.5k · Sep 2012
Cadence’s Piano Room
cassie sky Sep 2012
A cold man in a suit sits in his intricate leather chair, one ankle crossed over the opposite knee.  He seems to be enthralled with the Sunday paper.  
The beautiful music that is flowing from his wife’s fingertips cannot pierce the thick vines that have grown over his ears after all this time.  
He does not care enough to notice that what was once a majorly cheerful tune, has grown solemnly minor.
Hours later, he is at his computer, typing away.  Probably just work stuff, probably…

He is finally stirred by a gunshot, accompanied by an inharmonious crash of the keys.  The treacherous dissonance left ringing in his ears makes him realize how much he yearns for her sweet music.
He floats nervously into the piano room to find his wife’s body, crumpled over the crimson stained keys; lifeless.
1.2k · Aug 2012
cassie sky Aug 2012
Man created it
Thinking that it just might be
The answers to all of our problems
It will help us to be free
We created it, perfected it,
Put all of our faith in it,
And it laughs at us.
Because we’re no longer in control
And technology has become our master
The day will soon come
Where technology no longer fails us
But we will fail it;
And it will do away with us bro
                                                     en humans
Written after i lost the 4 pages of writing because my laptop hates me  -_-
1.2k · Aug 2012
I'm Watching
cassie sky Aug 2012
I’m the cold air sneaking in through the cracks
That constant itch in the small of your back
The shadow creeping around the corner
I’m a ghost in this house, a timid foreigner

I’m the dust that you wipe off of your TV
The flake of ash that lands in your coffee
The paint peeling off the rickety walls
I’m that last step you take before you fall

I’m the frostbite nibbling at your ears and nose
The thorn they never clipped off the rose
The aisle in the bookstore labeled fictional
I’m… as long as I am here, I remain invisible
1.2k · Sep 2012
Abstruse Lane
cassie sky Sep 2012
Melt me down, wash me away
Down, down abstruse lane
Into somber storm drains

Stream me through the sewer systems
Until I’m drowning in illumination
Submerging my soul in light
Will save me from damnation

Rinse away all but the elegance of my element
Serve it up on a silver platter
For my true lover
And no other
1.2k · Nov 2012
Remember, remember?
cassie sky Nov 2012
All hopes of concentration have been lost
I'm astral projected out of this dungeon
Swooping with the monarchs before the frost
They are royalty in the insect kingdom

This is their time
As it is mine
To frolic and to remember
What comes with November

Remember, remember?

Soon the leaves will decompose
Then the chill won't leave my toes
Once Old Man Winter settles in
Let the internal slideshow begin

Fall is here and you're away
And I'm not sure if that's okay
1.2k · Sep 2012
cassie sky Sep 2012
Cosmic streaks of colored sky,
Their warm sparkle caught my eye.
Sprinkling magic over ocean tides,
Distant moon brings flow; arise, arise!
They crafted a sweet ruby sunset,
Where the ocean and the sky met.
Sun seers earth with powerful rays,
Illuminating all, to see better days.
cassie sky Oct 2017
I empathize with sally
Made up of scraps and stitches
A living voodoo doll
In a time when they burned witches

A product built to spill
Utterly breakable
She sneaks a song at night
But she cannot face the light  

She just can't get a taste
That will satisfy
The endless hunger
I pity her no longer

We want the craze of the chase
There's magic in the displace
We want to never ever stop
Till we rise or till we flop
cassie sky Nov 2012
Dare not go exploring in the cave of curiosity
It lies after the lines that never should be passed
Little good comes from knowing what your eyes can't see

What dwells in the cave makes your mind race at full velocity
The knowledge is scarce, but questions, they are vast
Dare not go exploring in the cave of curiosity

After exiting the fever begins to brew inside of me
Can't sleep. Can't eat. Must confront my fears at last
Little good comes from knowing what your eyes can't see

Although to compare one to the other would be absurdity
I can no longer decipher present wounds from those of past
Dare not go exploring in the cave of curiosity

Everything about her pumps my veins with ferocity
I see her. I snap. My heart starts beating much too fast
Little good comes from knowing what your eyes can't see

Jealous and angry are what I never wished to be
But I see rays of sunshine in my upcoming forecast
I dare never again to go into the cave of curiosity
Because there I found, that no good comes
From knowing what your eyes can't see
a villanelle with some slight deviation
982 · Oct 2012
Mind Bottling
cassie sky Oct 2012
Into the world unknown
Surrounded by strangers
No friends; no foes
My mind is held captive
In the distant place
That I call home
I’ve been stuck here for years
Wasted wandering
I weep for the lies I’ve kept
As I leap for the life I left
959 · Sep 2012
Spider in the Window
cassie sky Sep 2012
There's a spider in the window,
my first instinct says to dart
I'd better go get dad

There's a spider in the window,
spinning a web into a heart
Maybe he's not so bad

There's a spider in my window,
but I'm not going anywhere
because now finally, i know
I'm craving his sweet venom
954 · Sep 2012
The Infinite Question
cassie sky Sep 2012
I am twisted into a thousand knots
But at the hand of whom?
Is it Fate?  Is it me?  
Or is it you?
I’m perpetually stuck in a catch-22
When all I desire is to discern virtue,
The wayward path is where I stay
Day after day, after day, after day…
939 · Nov 2017
cassie sky Nov 2017
I'm at your new girls party
Her arms fold around your body
As I pass by to take a ****
My body, struggling to suppress a hiss
It wasn't supposed to be like this

Her eyes locked on mine
As if to say “you’ve had these times”
I know that, know he's hurtin
Pay no attention, keep slip slurpin

Of course I've had those times
I've seen more than you could fathom
Let him shadow all my shine
These words let loose my inner dragon

Far too long I stayed afloat
Even though I was breathin fire
Gotta find some new ways to cope
Before I end up on a pyre

When are we supposed to let go
I don't think I'll ever know
N what the **** is meant to be anyway
I am a wanderer in an endless maze
The hunts got me slippin away
Slurpin, sippin, slippin away
927 · Nov 2012
Déjà vu
cassie sky Nov 2012
Moisture sinks into tree leaves
Eyes drop tears in a delicate flow
Do you keep the tears that freeze?
People are frightened to show
When they are envious of trees

She weeps in secret silence
Like a bird with a broken wing,
So baffled it cannot sing
Forever perched
On that lucky trees’ limbs

How – how I express,
Where – where I cry,
The journal and the sky
Old man says life ends in a tie
…but I say that he tells a lie

A man deprived
He must decide
Do, or die… or else.
I gathered his thoughts
And I got false.

Then I met her,
She, who deserves,
She, who is reserved,
She’s fond of chocolates,
Crazed: crazed
Eyes an unfaltering maze of gaze

Why can’t beauty find
This time and place,
Strive and trace; trace…
Problems gobbled up,
Once they are raised
Oh, God help us
To ease and face
The dawn of fate
this was a collaboration by me and Kamran Javed.  It is wonderful to know what it's like on the other side of the world, and to be able to see somebody elses' writing process up close. :)
870 · Sep 2012
cassie sky Sep 2012
I couldn't read
I was so upset
tears swelled fluently
as a sink faucet would
but you don't use that much
a device your inner caveman
just cannot understand
839 · Nov 2017
Leaves in the River
cassie sky Nov 2017
Leaves in the river, led astray
Away from the comfort of the trees twigs
The bond, long ago, began to fray
Neither knew it would end up like this

But soon the tree had realized
It was feeling a lot more energized
And then the leaf began to see
It ended up where it needed to be

The tree needed badly to learn how to let go
To save up its strength to face the snow
And now the leaf finally knows
It was always meant to decompose

To break down and feed another life-cycle of love
While the tree soared freely, watching high above
Title was inspired by a song by Seawolf
768 · Apr 2018
Swamps are for Lovers
cassie sky Apr 2018
the swamp water glows
with golden licks of sunshine
reaching deep below

peepers softly speak
the language of mended hearts
so in love, so weak

they both feel the spark
but neither lets out a peep
soon it will be dark
The swamp across the street from my parents house has gotten me through a lot of painful times. It is so immensely beautiful that I may always feel a little more at peace in its presence, of old growth and life that has flourished in seemingly impossible conditions.
721 · Sep 2012
Skewer My Heart
cassie sky Sep 2012
My thoughts are askew
When I sent you away
I went with you
But my body stayed

Every time our eyes meet
I begin to remember
What makes me, me
You blaze my embers

Extract the human
That I now lack
Show me who I am
Please, bring me back
712 · Sep 2012
Running out of "one more"
cassie sky Sep 2012
I thought it was just me
I thought I could be better
But two can play at this game
You’re such a sly go-getter

You’ve loosened the tether
Never say never
I may just slip away
But I can’t erase the waste
Of these past one thousand days

Just one more... one more
Just one more big shove
Is this love?
711 · Mar 2015
Stray from the Herd
cassie sky Mar 2015
Just another pair of socks,
Mismatched, all for the shock.
Just another fad to follow,
Act like a raven but you're a swallow
Just another carbon copy
Stay in the lines or look sloppy
Just another flock of birds
Forget following; stray from the herd
Inspired by one of Gary Larson's Far Side comics
670 · Aug 2012
let me be
cassie sky Aug 2012
Cut me loose, set me free
Kind gestures to start
Weigh ******* the heart
Fake world becomes reality

Trying to be righteous
With too many rights
I can’t do it just for us
Cause I’m losing my light

I used to shine brightly
Now I’m just frightened
Of what I don’t feel for you
How does one split to two?
cassie sky Sep 2017
Drunk and rambunctious
I follow in his footsteps
It's only fitting
608 · Aug 2012
The Untrained Eye
cassie sky Aug 2012
Underneath that hardened drift of snow
There’s a beautiful garden
But, you wouldn’t know

You care for what your mind sees
And what your mouth speaks

Behind that caked on layer of dust
Lay the most inspiring books
But my word, you won’t trust

You’re afraid to get close
Love makes you choke

Just past the gate to heaven’s lair
There’s an angel awaiting you
But, you just don’t care

If you live your life in a box
You’ll end it there too
Suffocating on your own breath
591 · Aug 2017
New Beg1nn1ngs
cassie sky Aug 2017
You think you know until you don't
And then it all falls apart
Broke, busted and alone
Time for a whole 'nother start

Pick up all the mangled little pieces
Mold them into another shape
Smear some love into the creases
Pretend there's no escape

The places, they are always changin
And the view never stays the same
Every dripping bit of sin
To no avail could it be tamed

The itch will devour you entirely
Unless you learn how to see
With all of your different parts
And not just your ******* heart

You think you know, but you don't
And its all falling apart
Broke, busted and alone
Time for a whole 'nother start
Second song, sad girl music album is on its way in no time
581 · Nov 2012
To George
cassie sky Nov 2012
Your curiosity is like a wheel
It can’t be stopped by simply ceasing to push it

Your curiosity is like a balloon
Expanding rapidly until it bursts

Your curiosity is like a gun
When unsupervised it can be deadly

Your curiosity is like a spoon
Feeding your hopes for good or for bad
564 · Sep 2017
Heartbreaker Extraordinaire
cassie sky Sep 2017
Her eyes bat innocence
While her hair screams LSD

Learn to embrace the dissonance
Cause she just wants to be free

Autumn is the witches season
Still, summer clings without reason

Grasping at all the lovely bits
That tear her into nothingness

When she's falling she finds her power
Power that's needed to rule the hour

But how is an hour long enough?
For her to look tuff and feel tough?
547 · Aug 2012
Sing to Feel
cassie sky Aug 2012
I sing to feel the love and pain again
Were we meant for something, or for nothing?
I can feel you with me up until the end
But this wall between us is not budging

My dreams show happy times in our future
While my nightmares reveal our crumbled past
We were a few steps shy of the jewelers
Then I woke up and ran before you crashed

You know now you brought it upon yourself
You don’t know you brought it upon me too
I hurt because your head wasn’t in good health
I wished to say I do and not adieu

Now that you know how badly you need me
I must decide if we were meant to be
cassie sky Apr 2018
This space between us
A universe of desire
Felt but not spoken
A sort of re-wording of one of my previous poems titled "You Stalk Me, I Stalk You"
480 · Sep 2017
Practical Magic
cassie sky Sep 2017
When you’re looking back
It's quite easy to say
I've made it so far
No more troubles on the way

But the moon warns otherwise
When she is wearing crimson
Err on the side of the wise
Pay attention to warnings given

Lest ye not want to survive
She, being the great mother
Is not attempting to connive
So long as you are not a bother

She doesn't take so kindly
To those who wish to harm
To hate, to destroy so blindly
Anyone or thing under her loving arm

To see blood on our mother moon
Is a sign of trouble not far behind
To listen close won't make you a lune
Though to obsess could do so in time
cassie sky Sep 2017
If the good witch catches you
She might just let you be
But if the bad witch catches you,
She's the last thing you'll ever see
A poem I recited for the neighborhood kids who like to climb all over my porch while I smoke cigarettes.. response was "she's really weird, I'm going home". Mission accomplished :o)
cassie sky Jul 2018
The earth was spinning marvelously, rapidly, with such unimaginable force
But the lovers felt not what the earth had to offer - instead, they felt the source
The source of all that they had come here for, all that anyone comes here for
It did not come from a mysterious man that lives in the sky or in earth’s core
It was not made of hours or seconds or appointments or jobs or dollar bills
It is not something that’s ever too far away, it comes back when you need a fill

It came from every one of us and is magnified when we peacefully unite
It is made of the shapes that hands and bodies form when cast in light
It is real, it is invisible to most, it is everything in one small, small shell
Love is and always has been the source, never stop drilling that well
435 · Sep 2017
Fuck the System
cassie sky Sep 2017
**** the system - but first buy it dinner and try to get to know it
You can't take something apart unless you know how it's put together
435 · Oct 2017
It's a Long Way Down
cassie sky Oct 2017
Check the list
Are you missing it?
You know what I mean -
That feeling in between
The layers of bone,
The cage in which it's grown
But the seed was planted
In the river decanted
Flowed through so many streams
Unheard and unseen
But it was always felt
Despite the heat
It did not melt
Crashed hard reaching for the sky
It often withers
But never dies
I was sitting on my blanket watching my friends band play at a music fevstivsl and messing around with words on the backs of used sticky notes when a stranger asked if I was writing a to-do list. I told him what I was up to which he thought was pretty nifty. I was inspired to write this by his comment. Inspiration comes from everywhere!
433 · Sep 2017
Picture Day
cassie sky Sep 2017
It's picture day
I'm watching the freshmen scurry
To fluff their hair
And paint their lips
As the caffeinated college kids
Help to align their hips
With the X on the floor
That gets them out the door

The funniest part of this frame
Is how the teachers also scurry
In their self-obsessed shame
cassie sky Sep 2017
Hey there, do ya like to play with fire
And if so, are you for hire?

See I'm always on the lookout
For the things that bring me self-doubt

Put me down, roll me into a spliff
Light me up, I'll be your death wish

Put me out in a bottle full of ash
Call me again when yer lookin for some ***
Working on a new song about falling recklessly in love and jumping into other wild situations of the like...
429 · Aug 2017
Light Of The Moon
cassie sky Aug 2017
I finally crawled out of my self
And promptly built another shell
Crafted it with empty bottles
And half smoked cigarettes
Glued it all together
With a sticky, love mess

Living heavy by the light of the moon
Dying to escape the bright of the sun
All of these slippin days
They make for wicked ways

Falling asleep as the sun came up
Dreaming about my morning cup
Preparing for another day
Of thinking my whole life away

Sickened by the shadows I've cast
Tryin' anything, everything
To escape my past
Cracking the shell, bit by bit
I think, I think I'll get the hang of it

Living heavy by the light of the moon
Dying to escape
the bright of the sun
All of these slippin days
They make for wicked ways

Won't you help me through this phase?
I finally have the courage to sing again. Years of insecurity suppressed it but now I am writing my own music and determined to hit the stage one day. Looking for a guitar now so I can pick it up to help write the music to it. Music is my whole world and this is my first song <3
425 · Nov 2017
You Stalk Me, I Stalk you
cassie sky Nov 2017
Something between us
Is screamed so loudly inside
Though not a word's heard
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