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Dec 2017 · 969
The screen between us
It's like i play a video game
A third person shooter
Or a badass RPG
My Avatar interacts
With the world
While I control him
From my comfortable room
My avatar talks to you
Not I
My avatar laughs at your jokes
Not I
My avatar holds your hand
Not I
My avatar is who you know
Not I
But I'm done playing
I want to destroy my avatar
I want to lay my hand on the screen
And push right through it
And enter your artificial world
And find you
And hold your hand
with my
real hand
Dec 2017 · 594
My psych-plee
droppin off of the face of the earth
so ******* and ******* betta make a wide birth
im destroyin cities
grabbin *******
causin ****** choas
my brains gone n busted
give me your babies and keys
or dont ill just ****** rob these
houses and homes and GARDEN GNOMES
im tellin ya it obviously aint me!
im as psychologically stable as can be!
ya see my doctor says i should lays in bed
pretend for all the world to be dead
he said eat fat foods and shoot up them noobs
no eating your greens
no ******* sweet dreams
and make sure from the sun you hide
just remember ya lil **** dont ******* go outside
well now ive been
so here comes sin
put away your fragile psychi
caus this ******* gotta psych-plee
i was born for one reason
to commit massive human treason
to be the human A explosion
giving way to the long awaited erosion
of you
ya stinky piece a poo
Dec 2017 · 681
Also dead people
If i could, i would totally mass ****** you all
its nothing personal i swear
i just really wanna be most tall
and i wanna go to the store in my underwear
i wanna drive boats through streets. YOUR boats
and i really cant stand lines
honestly, why is it so hard to buy some oats?
its super not-personal guys so dont wine
but id totally mass ****** you all
ill do it gently so dont worry
i dont like blood or dead stuff
but i do like not risking my life when i cross the street in a hurry
im sure you understand why its tough
but the decision has been made
these things are vital and necessary
i must accept this life trade
in exchange for me being merry
in my boat
in my underwear
at the store
also dead people
I have a serious problem with this system
Stop trying to shove your ******* 'wisdom'
Unconcentually down my throat
I dont care what they wrote
Old ***** hundred years ago
Writing about things they dont even know
Makin up rules im supposed to follow
Despite their logic being hard to swallow
But they got the big blue boys
With their loud shiny toys
Making sure we do what we're told
Dont act right, they'll do more than scold
Theyll hide you away so no one can see
The realities of our society
Dec 2017 · 3.9k
Anni the badass Satan Slayer
I miss your *****
Almost as much as i miss your *******
I want you more than i can comprehend
These perverted thoughts i dont even pretend
Theyre not all i think about all day
Also i can honestly say
I ******* to her
At a massive rate
It blows my mind
How one of a kind
This georgious ******* girl is
Please oh please will ya be my miss
I swear ill be better to you
Than anybody ever you never knew
If you swear down youll be mine
Ill bring you flowers on valentines
Black roses that remind us of death and ****
Ill make sure you are aways well lit
High as a kite you know what i mean?
And dispite of how crazy it seems,
When i do finally greet death,
Hopfully overdosed on some neat ****,
I will be embraced by satan himself,
Out flys a glorious Anni
Chariot pulled by badass pegasi
She pulls out her mighty scabard
Slices and dices the decaying *******
wait wait went off track a bit
That last part...didnt quite fit
But im just obsessing
Seriously not messing
I want you so bad
It makes me so mad
I want you and all of you
Im not queit sure what to do
From there
But i dont care.
My one and only demand
I just want to hold your hand
I ingest these poisons
with the hope
That they will help me
Forget work and
it's opposite,
To forget who I am
what I think
what Ive done
I ingest these poisons
because of how
the alternative is
Because this mind
isn't mine.
It belongs
to someone else.
Rembering this
is frustrating.
Which is why I ingest these poisons.
Dec 2017 · 403
Be different
people scare me
with their ability to ensare me
in thoughts that they might be right
and sometimes no matter how much I fight,
i'm wrong
but i could never just belong
to fit in feels like a sin
how could one waste their lives
with haste for their distaste of
being different
to me it seems sad
the way you won't do
the things that make you glad
am i the only one with ****** up desires?
or am i just surrounded by gutless liars?
seize the day!
mold that **** like clay
its yours to do with what you want god ******
otherwise years from now these thoughts will haunt
till the end of your days
they will follow you to your grave
rearrange the status quo
show us what
you want us to know
I’m a mess



Can’t Recollect

When I last felt sane

This dysfunctional brain

Hates me so much

And while I used to have a crutch

The drugs are gone

Now for so very long

No longer numb

Bending over, getting bummed

No escape

From this metaphorical ****

All I can do is close my eyes

Pretend I’m high

Distract myself

And for my health

Send myself away

To a place where I’ll stay

Until I’m ready to return

Until the sunlight no longer burns

I pray

For this day

When I can walk from here to there

Without beginning to stare

In disbelief at the people

Who I only see as sheeple

The day I become one of them

The day I no longer need these chems

Or maybe they’ll pump me full

Of their pharmaceutical bull

And while I might be stuck on those

At least I tried and chose

Instead of falling back

Powerless to react

Answering impossible questions

With narcotic mind extensions
Lonely but not when you hold me can you see that there is no me with out that part of you that grew like two seeds into one tree youre all that i need
Lonely but not when you hold me youre beauty weighs on me this feelings too good should i be allowed to be this utterly happy baby tell me am i good enough for you, are your morals as asque as mine do you find existence divine even though it brings you to tears do you fear theres no point to this all but anyways ya stand tall so they dont see just how scared you can be at times and do you think that its a crime people being so closed minded do you feel like if you could youd get rid of just about every person but if ya really think about it ya realize thatd be kinda irksome lonely and youd rather just be occasionally a very great distance from everybody
Nov 2017 · 658
Just how I am
Woah woah woah as i go i know its too late and i hate that i dont appreciate the gifts i have until have i dont no i wont make that mistake again im a grown man now outta the play-pen and as i hold this pen scribble these lines i find myself looking back black and white memories of shes of the past lasted so long but went so fast now theyve moved on no longer held back by thoughts of me but all i can see are the mistakes and what couldve be if i hadent been me but thats okay there are seven billion humons on this planet so granted ill find another who will see all my destructive tendencies and be pleased or at least put up with me
Nov 2017 · 381
Family of Insanity
I try to hide but my mind thrives as i understand how people of this land have a handle how they hold up a candle in the darkness honestly i confess im too scared to dare to allow my eyes to open so now i walk around looking at my eyelids getting rid of any sources of external forces that get me down but im left to go round and round in my head lifting and dropping these thoughts heavy as lead tryina tread lightly so that some part of me can stay free but as i age i see that bit i used to be has become smaller hopefully i will find my way again soon til then im happy to be a loon shootin for the moon they call me a ****, i prefer the word eccentric i dont suffer from insanity, you see, i enjoy it greatly and one day ill definitely find somebody to enjoy it with me ill call her baby and eventually we’ll make mini-wes we’ll be a family of insanity
Sep 2016 · 549
Death's Rattle
I'm followed by this Rattling sound
It's source I cannot see
The source's feet don't touch the ground
It floats along behind me
From time to time I feel it surround
My vulnerable body
It waits until it's finally found
The perfect opportunity
With my guards low, it begins to wound
It's tenticals, dark and cold, all the way around
My soul, it does not let me free
Inch by Inch it pulls me down
Leaving but debree
The Rattling to which I'm bound
Is everybody's destiny
Aug 2016 · 536
99 percent of the day
I have no idea of what to say
They all expect a response
To comprehend their complex wants
They set their claim
In ways found tame
But as soon as socially allowed
They suddenly become so proud
Of things they claimed untame

I watch them when I’m at the club
The sudden shift of their conscious sub
Their fundamentals seem to change
Their ways seem to rearrange
As soon as they go through that door
The Princess becomes a massive *****
A man with thoughts impure and perverted
Becomes one with those thoughts extroverted
As these people become untame

Not a second thought is spent
On wondering where it all went
The self-respect you used to hold
Before you entered this loud abode
What happened to personal space
That’s so important to our race
I too am a perverted *****
But I don’t pretend to be more
I accept that I am untame

— The End —