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अंधकार  का  जो साया था, 
तिमिर घनेरा जो छाया था,
निज निलयों में बंद पड़े  थे,
रोशन दीपक  मंद पड़े थे।

निज  श्वांस   पे पहरा  जारी,  
अंदर   हीं   रहना  लाचारी ,
साल  विगत था अत्याचारी,
दुख के हीं तो थे अधिकारी।

निराशा के बादल फल कर,
रखते  सबको घर के अंदर,
जाने  कौन लोक  से  आए,
घन घोर घटा अंधियारे साए।

कहते   राह  जरुरी  चलना ,
पर नर  हौले  हौले  चलना ,
वृथा नहीं हो जाए वसुधा  ,
अवनि पे हीं तुझको फलना।

जीवन की नूतन परिभाषा ,
जग  जीवन की नूतन भाषा  ,
नर में जग में पूर्ण समन्वय ,
पूर्ण जगत हो ये अभिलाषा।    

नए  साल  का नए  जोश से,
स्वागत करता नए होश से,
हौले  मानव  बदल  रहा है,
विश्व  हमारा संभल  रहा है।

अजय अमिताभ सुमन
Once, was a donkey,
so silly so slow,
In wisdom of his,
He saw a wierd show.

In garden he noticed,
A lady tall, fair,
Her hair in braids ,
that woven with care.

And braid of lady long,
Hung from her head,
He thought was a tail,
so he brayed and said.

O Lady why do you,
keep such a long tail?
Behind your head,
What a cocktail?

O lady, young lady,
Your tail gone wrong,
Does not look simple,
Just sounds a gong.

Do you know value of,
tail , back of  waist,
Though looks so funny,
But Not thing to waste.

With tail on the back,
one can swat a fly,
Can calm a kid with,
tail when he cry.

Keep down ,in fear,
in anger can smack,
Can clean the garbage,
with tail at the back.

Lady, O lady, please,
don't take offense,
Your tail, so funny, it,
doesn't make sense.

Hearing this, lady with,
a roll of her eyes,
Replied "O Donkey,
why do you surprise?

And then she laughed
and shook her head,
This question so silly,
O Donkey, she said.

Imagine the walking,
with tail so long,
You  trip and stumble,
all the day along.

And this is my braid,
The beauty encase.
Not tail that hangs ,
no honor no grace.

Dance of strands that,
sway with its move,
It's crown of glamour ,
that I proudly approve.

Braid can be sign of,
Elegance  and art,
With different designs,
This set you apart.

Why do you match this,
Braid with your tail?
It's just like relating,
a feather to a snail.

and then she laughed,
and shook her head,
Donkey observed her,
and brayed with dread.

He thought for a while,
scratched his chin,
Perhaps you're right,
And it would be sin.

My tail at the back,
So long and thick,
It might just make me,
look quite sick.

and he felt guilty for
the way he behaved,
He walked up to lady
said sorry and brayed.

And took life's lesson,
he never forgot,
Not fair in judging,
a book by its knot.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
Why does come Monday first always in Week?
and Looking in East why, West cannot I seek?
Why from month January ,  year to begin?
Is January so great and December mean?

Why yellow looks so yellow and red is red?
Why chair is called a chair  and bed is bed?
Why day is destined to never meet a night?
And there no darkness, where ever is light?

How cement keep together one brick to brick?
When Frozen, turn water ice, what is the trick?
Why the cow choice eating grass, leaf & fruit?
and juice for feral panther never substitute?

Why chilly taste hot so and apple taste sweet?
Why river's bank parallel & never they meet?
Why always two has to come after one?
No body to answer, no reason yet come.

Why eye for watching and mouth to speak?
And Mountain so high and valley so deep?
Why fire for burning and water to wet?
Why language ever need many alphabet?

Only thirty days in a month, when, why & how?
No answers to these questions, leave them you now.
And why the God created this multiple world,
Can not be explained ever, can not be solved.

God is the originator and this is the fact.
This world is how it is, you have to accept.
This is the Nature and this is reply.
Alfa is alfa  , so  pie is pie.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
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When Jesus said I
and father are one,
come to me you all
Before I am gone.

Declared the krishna
that I am the one,
Who created the world
all things have come.

And under the Bodhhi
When buddha attained,
Bursting with joy then
Humbly proclaimed.

Which cannot be seen
Which cannot be known,
That nothing is me
That void, that none.

Then often you ask
And wanted reply,
A Jesus , A Budhha
Egoistic so, why.

What they conveyed
you never perceived,
With clouds in mind
Truth seldom received.

When they asserted
themselves so high,
You looked at them
With doubting eye.

Your ego is trouble
And it is the one,
doubtIng forever, in
Always suspicion.

Either you boost it
Or get it nurtured,
At times pretending
You Look so cultured.

In Krishna, in Jesus
Where is me, my,
They refer the source
When speak of I.

Mirrors are they
and simply reflect,
Who ever you are
What ever project.

Until  you know
language unknown,
No one expecting you
Rightly respond.

The Krishna,The Budhha
The Jesus, names long,
recognize them always
After they gone.

The Nanak, Laotse
Same Light with names.
Where ever you touch
The sea remains the same.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
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A man who promises a lot,
One thing but certain has doubting thought.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
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A man, who speaks many thing,
Seldom speaks any thing.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
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A boy is just like a mirror, who mirrors the notion of others feeded in him about him.

If you raise him with
affection and love,
He Wins the all
and Rises above.

And If you scold him
with hatred, dislike,
Defeated one he is
a looser belike.

He is tormented,
annoyed,  in grief,
Heartbroken, in misery,
No passion, No lief.

But blossoms in desert
and rough terrain,
and care sympathy
sets free him from pain.

He can crush hurdle
with his fist and bust,  
But beforehand
your trust  in him must.

If you place reliance
on action, his deed,
Then for him Nothing
impossible indeed.

Since cruel  words
ignited  with roar,
Makes his heart numb,
frozen and soar.

If he  is in fear  and  
you treat him well.  
He gets stronger
this I have to tell.

Since boy and a mirror
are truly  alike,
As Mirror reflects
the image the light.

He  also give back  
the notion of all.
What you put to  boy,
a  rise  or  fall?

Ajay Amitabh Suman:
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Whatever your will,
Whatever is choice,
You have to bear,
for this a price.

Your heart may vie,
desire for name,
Be winner of all,
aspire for fame.

Big money Big wealth,
big palace big land,
The control in head ,
and power in  hand.

But If your  aspire,
for whole of sky,
Price too big and ,
cost would be high.

As this aim imply,
You to be strong,
Quelling the others,
Rivals no one.

Who ever compete,
Comes in your way,
have to be smashed,
Should be faded away.

But when at the top,
you have fear to loose,
Too much of wealth,
Great worry, no use.

and this may spoil
Day night your sleep,
No freedom in laugh,
Heart shaky in deep.

Remember O Man,
what use of this gain?
As it may cost,
Your dear, earns pain.

In wisdom of all,
It always is known,
A Ruler of all,
has to be alone.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
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Your mere presence
on this occasion
is enough.


having Vices many,
Neither you bad
nor a bluff.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
I am the author of  this  poem. This Poem is my Original work. I hold all the right in relation  to my poem,  as available in law. No body is entitled the use this poem , or any part thereof in any form without written consent from me.
Often you feel
a Village , small,
As Homes are big
And Space is tall.

But, City a Person
Claims to be tall,
B'cause rooms are tiny
& you have to crawl.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
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Neither I blame you,Nor you to contend,
Signs not good and , I Telling just end.
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Neither I blame you,
Nor you to contend,
Signs not good and ,
I Telling just end.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
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Neither I blame you,Nor you to contend,
Signs not good and , I Telling just end.
The Buddha that one,
Who renounced the World
For wisdom and peace,

And we are the one,
Who acquire the wealth
For lust and Caprice.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
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The golden
morning rays.

Of Bright
Warm and
Sunny Days.

and I
dew on
greeny grass.

like a
tiny glass.

You hug me
Or I
either touch thee.

One thing
But certain
The grass
Gets unburden.

And me
To loose sight
The tiny my life.

But why this
eagerness so
I can not

What is this joy
Celebration of Death.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
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Life is Like A Cinema Hall,
But Choice is yours,
what kind of movie you want to see.
is worship
here namaaz,
Sun Temple
here is Taj.

singing in temple
Dancing day night,
While shutting
His sight.

Is here
Here Ardas,
This India
Not Country
but a collage.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
You are suggesting my Soul to wait,
When time is ripe and future in shape.
But present in sight, which I may control,
This body may fight, and not my soul.

Water change its form, and Man his faith,
But sitting and waiting not changes the fate.
By itself the Water, not changes its nature.
When freezes, turn ice, when heated is Vapour,

Lord Rama killed Bali, Behind his Back,
Bhima picked  thigh, in war to Attack.
Krishna once broken his promise his word,
Pandava bet wife, lost pride and Sword.

When time hostile , situation more worse ,
Condition challenging and getting adverse .
Then character of a man examined indeed,
Standing on your feet or changing in need.

Things which eternal in world,  not I met.
It depends how handle , example you set.
Deed of a man earns name bad or earns fame,
This only decides, one's fortune, ones fate.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
You are suggesting my Soul to wait,
When time is ripe and future in shape.
But present in sight, which I may control,
This body may fight, and not my soul.

Water change its form, and Man his faith,
But sitting and waiting not changes the fate.
By itself the Water, not changes its nature.
when freezes, turn ice, when heated is Vapour,

Lord Rama killed Bali, Behind his Back,
Bhima picked  thigh, in war to Attack.
Krishna once broken his promise his word,
Pandava bet wife, lost pride and Sword.

When time hostile , situation more worse ,
Condition challenging and getting adverse .
Then character of a man examined indeed,
Standing on your feet or changing in need.

Things which eternal in world,  not I met.
It depends how handle , example you set.
Deed of a man earns name bad or earns fame,
This only decides, one's fortune, ones fate.

Ajay Amitabh Suman

Ajay Amitabh Suman
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Inhaling the toxin
And sinking in dust.
Here comes winter
The Choking is must.

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Inhaling the toxin
And sinking in dust.
Here comes winter
The Choking is must.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
I am the author of this poem. This Poem is my Original work. I hold all the right in relation to my poem, as available in law. No body is entitled the use this poem , or any part thereof in any form without written consent from me.
That pen was not just
another pen like,
Was close to his heart
soothing moonlike.

He bought that pen
after paying huge cost,
That was one reason
he liked that most.

For sbowing status for
showing the fame,
What he had achieved  
position and name.

Pen was a symbol for
flaunting repute,
That he was on top this
no one dispute.

It reminds him also
reminds the all,
He reached at the top
after many so fall.

But one day in office
that pride was lost.
It was that pen that he
liked the most.

He doubted in office
workers and staff,
At times in office
abruptly he laugh.

He had suspicion on
ally and friend.
Driver & sweeper too
themselves to fend.

One day in office clerk
found  that pen.
Was hidden in file and  
lying since then.

He wished to say sorry
and  admit the guilt.
His ego but came in
his way as a hilt.

Ajay Amitabh Suman:
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In many cases, a man is willing to apologize for something he has done wrong, but his ego stands in the way. What could be the result of this, except regretting the mistake?
Every body Knows that the Population of the Human is increasing every day.

In the Year 2016, the Global Human Population was estimated as 6.9 Billion approximetely. The Human Population increased upto 7.6 Billion approximately in the year 2017.

The total human population of the world is sharply increasing day by day. The birth rate of the Human Population is approximately 15,000 man every hour. While the death rate of human population is 6316 man per hour. The birth rate and the death rate of the total global population is as per data available in the year 2017.

This data clearly shows that human population in the world is increasing approximately 14,400 human every hour in the world.

Now it is a well known fact that every individual human is possessed of individual Soul. In other words, it can be said that every individual human needs one Soul.

Now as the Human Population is increasing at the rate of 14,400 human  per hour. It means that 14,400 humans are being added to the total Human Population per hour. So by necessary implication it can be presumed that new 14,400 new Souls are also added to human population.

Just for example , let us assume that there is a room , where three people are sitting. Every man needs one cloth. If one people is being added each hour in the room, then certainly one extra  cloth  is needed each hour.

Now the question which perturbs my mind is that human population is increasing by Biological process of procreation. Then do the Soul also procreate?

It is said in the religious text that the Soul never indulge in ****** activity. Then it is a matter of surprise, how the new Souls are being generated for added human population?

What is the process of increase in population of Human Souls. Human Soul and Human Body is separate. By ****** activity, two human individual (a male and a female) give birth to a new human body but do not give birth to a Human Soul. It is said that when one ***** successfully penetrates the ****, then the process of formation  of an embryo begins. But it never initiates the process of formation of new human Soul.

When the Soul enter into  the embryo from Spirit World, there is small spark in the Spirit World. This has been explained by Yogananda Paramhansa. It is clear that Soul is different from body. So has been claimed by Lord Krishna in Geeta. Body perishes but Soul is eternal. Thus Soul is different from Human Body.

As each human body requies a Soul, then increasing human Population also requires increase in population of Soul. The Human Body increased itself by ****** activity of procreation , then Question arises, how do population of corresponding human Soul is increasing?

Is it like that the Soul also procreate? Is that the Soul also indulge itself in ****** activity??

Religious Text deny such explanation. Then how the increasing demands of new Souls for increasing human population are being met by the God?

This can also not be said that Soul of animal, plant or bird are being converted into the Human Soul. This can only be possible when the total population of plant, animal and birds should proportionately decrease, corresponding to increase in human population. But there is no such evidence.

Then this question remain to be answered, as to how the  the Human Soul population is increasing as per the demand of increasing population of Human. Do Soul procreate or there is any other process of formation of Soul? Do Soul multiply itself like Amoeba or like a cell? This is the question which is a matter of debate and evidence.
Standing on Ground
and dreaming for sky
How can you realize
Unless you fly

Ajay Amitabh Suman
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Standing on Ground,and dreaming for sky
How can you realize, Unless you fly.
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Pulling the leg
Of persons who grow,
And making them fall
And making them slow.

One thing but certain
Getting you jealous,
Ruining your soul
And blocking its flow.


  Ajay Amitabh Suman
I am the author of  this  poem. This Poem is my Original work. I hold all the right in relation  to my poem,  as available in law. No body is entitled the use this poem , or any part thereof in any form without written consent from me.
As the new year
approaches with glee,
We must remember
one thing, you see.
Let's ring in the year
ahead with cheer,
But not to forget the
threat that's here.
The COVID not gone,
still here to stay,
We have to take
precaution every day.
Washing one's hands
wearing the mask,
Social distancing
should be one's task.
Avoiding the crowds
staying at home,
This is only way left
not to be alone.
The vaccine of COVID
brings hope to heart,
But everyone has to
take vaccine take part.
By following instructions,
all duty assigned,
We can help each other
and ease our mind.
I wish you all happy
and healthy new year,
May it  bring you bliss
and joy minus  fear.
Ajay Amitabh Suman:
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They warn us of black cats ,
and broken glass,
And that number thirteen ,
brings fear in mass.

By tales of black magic and ,
tales of the dead,
In the name of tradition ,
we are often mislead.

Why to swallow these lies,
hook, line, and plot?
Why  not  to question if ,
these are  true or not?

That how can a dead ,
speak through a mouth?
If suspicious arises  ,
have faith in your doubt.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
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Though accumulated
power and wealth,
A King was depressed
with anxiety and bad health.

Once he saw a man
With peaceful face,
Mind without qualm
and not in any haste.

He approached the man
and asked ,O peaceful mind,
Life turning out to be mess
Have mercy , please unwind.

You must have seen
The heaven and Hell,
Please show me the way
King started to yell.

Mocking at him
With viscious smile,
Replied the man
Your effort is futile.

Asking useless question
such an idiot you are,
Heaven and hell, imaginery
Donot you know so far.

Being humiliated
And filled with Anger,
King raised his sword
and man was in Danger.

Instead, man laughed
This all I had to tell,
Glorifying self ego
is the way to Hell.

You have broken my ego
and have given a dent,
Realizing his mistake
King started to repent,.

If you desire for heaven
Man said with pity in eye,
Ego is the only obstacle
which you have to pacify.

   Ajay Amitabh Suman
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Gautam buddha was travelling a village. When he was about to pass the village , he saw many children were standing in a playground but were not playing. Out of inquisitiveness Budhha went near to them and asked them the reason for not playing their game. One of the child replied that they were not playing because their ball had gone to that direction. The boy pointed towards a big Bunyan tree and said that there a dangerous snake was hiding under the grasses of the tree. Whosoever tried to go there, had to die because of the snake bite. This is the reason why, the boy said ,not playing our game because our ball had gone under that big Bunyan tree, where the dangerous snake was hiding.

         Having heard this, Budhha started to move in the direction of big Bunyan tree. Child tried to stop Gautam Bhdhha but no body could succeed. Ultimately Gautam Budhha approached near to big Bunyan Tree. The lucid hiss sound came across his ear and within few minutes the King Cobra appeared before him.
           With Red Eyes King Cobra made loud hiss sound to intimidate Gautam Budhha , but of no avail. The snake was surprised with the calmness which was appearing on the face of Gautam Budhha. He tried many ways to instill fear in the mind of Gautam Budhha , but remain ineffective. At last the snake asked Gautam Budhha what was secret of this calmness and strength.

             Gautam Budhha replied he was calm because he was not looking to acquire anything. He was fearless because he never intimidate anybody. Budhha asked the snake why he was biting people and there by creating hindrance for his spiritual growth. Snake requested Budhha to teach him the ways to lead life as he also felt useless in leading such life. The snake said he himself was afraid of every body that's why he was trying to bite everybody. At last Gautam Budhha taught the snake , lesson of love and non violence and left the village.
                 The snake turned out to be true follower of Gautam Budhha. He stopped biting anybody. He started to live on only dead animals and dried fruits. He never killed anybody. Graduallay everbody started to realize that the snake has become harmless. Now any body could throw piece of rock on the body of snake. But snake never retaliate. Even children started to ***** needle in his body , but the snake, instead of biting them, used to run away. Leading the path of not harming others and non-violence costed dearly to the snake. Ultimately the body of snake became weaker and weaker and was about to die. The only desire ,the snake was nurturing ,was to see Gautam Budhha become his death.

          The sincere desire of snake shown its fruits and Gautam Budhha visited that village again. When Gautam Budhha was passing the village he saw group of children, playing under that bug Bunyan tree. The memory of the dangerous snake flickered across his mind. Gautam Budhha inquired about the dangerous snake. Children replied that the snake was no more dangerous . In fact the snake had become teeth less and harmless and was lying in his death bed. With sympathizing eye , Gautam Budhha searched for the snake and after much effort he found that snake was hiding himself in a cave near the Bunyan Tree. When Gautam Budhha asked the reason for such a condition , the snake replied that he had stopped biting anybody. He has stopped hiding anybody. Now everybody could bite him, could throw stones on his body. This was the reason how his body was injured. The snake further said but he was happy to see Gautam Budhha again.

         With tears in eyes and love in heart , Gautam Budhha said the snake that he could not understood the true meaning of non-violence. Gautam Budhha stopped the snake from biting others but not from hissing. Meaning of non-violence never warrants a person not to protect himself. While biting was prohibited but not hissing. By hissing you could have saved yourself. Gautam Budhha then advised the snake the true meaning of non-violence and left the village.

                After that the snake began hissing. Though he never bitten anybody after ward but was able to save himself.

                  In a similar fashion in our daily life also we should not harm anybody. We should not rebuke any body. But we should equally be careful that people should not take us lightly. We can hiss and not bite others. We can act to be angry without being angry.
While living in Berlin
I dreamt for  Sanghai,
when crossing the river,
Never sail, tempted to fly.

What is there in mind
seldom comes out of mouth,
Say yes with emphasis
When clouded with doubt.

Treading for north
And thinking of south,
while talking of peace
Often I shout.

When hate is in heart
Then soft is response,
Always calculative
cautious of pros-cons.

Pulling the water
when out of a well,
Am enjoying in mind
A flower and smell.

Aspiring for love
and desiring for life,
Spending life as if
a planned strife.

Who is this man
"Amitabh"  I thought,
Replied my mind
I am, I am not.

       Ajay Amitabh Suman
Copyright Claim:.  (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ) I am the author of  this  poem. This Poem is my Original work. I hold all the right in relation  to my poem,  as available in law. No body is entitled the use this poem , or any part thereof in any form without written consent from me.
Looking for Wealth and seeking quick Rise,
A man of spice sought old man's advise.
That trader crossed desert crossed river and Land.
Reached Forest, searched trees as suggested old man.

But found fruits and trees  the useless stone,
But what he was searching, spices were none.
Being frustrated returning after home,
He asked Man wise what wrong I have done?

The Old Man smiled said Road was so long,
Your idea created distractions thousand one.
Spices not there  but sparking stones,
Precious than herbs, were infact diamonds.

Wealth can be made not only from the spice,
Diamonds were there, could given you a rise.
But thinking was faulty, in method a glitch.
You are defeated  by idea of your rich.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
It is a general saying that What You Seek is Seeking You. If it is so , then why the sought for (i.e. God ) is not meeting the seeker or seeker is discovering the sought for (i.e. God). It is very easy to say that God is looking and searching for us. If it is so, then why we deviate from our path. Why we are attracted to the lust, money or other worldly material. If God is searching us, then certainly he has to guide us in tracing him. But the reality is just opposite. If tread the path of God, people will laugh at you. If you are working in any office, it is very easy to talk about politics, movies, girls, foods, clothes etc. It is very difficult to find a companion with whom you can speak about God. It looks as if God has created all these hindrances so that it is not convenient to seek him.

       You seek about movie and you find movie theater. You look for clothes, you find the multiples mall easily. But what about God. Go and ask questions to so called Spiritual Leaders, Spiritual Guru and ask for their experience regarding proof of god, and you do not find definite answered.

       I have met various so called spiritual leaders, spiritual Gurus and asked about their spiritual experience about the God. But I receive only hesitating answer, that too also in Negative. I do not want to name such leaders.

        I have also read many books like GOD SPEAKS by MEHER BABA, LAW OF SPIRIT WORLD by KHORSHID BHAWNAGRI, AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF YOGI by Yogananda Paramhansa, Gospel of Shri Ramakrishna. But the end result is confusion. Each book gives different account of God. If God is seeking us then why the same is confusing us by providing so diverse ways of following him. Ramakrishna says money and women has to be avoided on the path of God. While Osho and Modern Gurus says just contrary. In fact in word of Osho, without treading the path of *** , it is difficult to follow the path of God for modern man.

          For Vedanta, the seeking has to follow the ascetic path. The path the self restraint. While the path of tantra (the Left Marg) to utilize women and wine for attaining the Samadhi. It is Just incomprehensible to believe that just two contradictory path lead to realization of same God.

          When you look to go nearer to a particular cities or places , then on the way you start meeting land marks, evidencing that the path, you are following , is going to lead you to your destination. In fact on the ways, you find many stones, indicating the distance which is yet to be covered in reaching the destination. But in case of God, things are just contradictory. The more people you approaches to seek advise regarding the God, the more disappointment comes to you. The more book you read to tread the path of God, the more confusion you creates for yourself. The more you discuss the topic of people around, the more alone you become. The more you tread the path of truth, the difficult your life become.

            Then how it can be said that WHAT YOU SEEK, IS SEEKING YOU?????

           In   fact , truth is that What we seek, creates hindrance in being sought for.
The More we learn, the little we know,
Shorter we become,the More we grow.
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I failed
Not because
Unable to read
His face.

I failed
Because he is not one,
In fact Many
Trapped inside a case.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
I am the author of this poem. This Poem is my Original work. I hold all the right in relation to my poem, as available in law. No body is entitled the use this poem , or any part thereof in any form without written consent from me.
I failed
Not because
Unable to read
His face.

I failed
Because he is not one,
In fact Many
Trapped inside a case.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
How many of us would like to Die?
I think for certain, No would be reply.
But in case happens only by chance,
Just I'm guessing asking in advance.
As none of us is having  any control,
One day, but certain death be on roll.
For time of death, uncertain unknown,
But you can rejoice no time to groan.
God  has given this freedom  to you,
Have option to cheer your death too.
f you decide for gifting someone a life,
Post death, donating organs to survive.
This Choice of gifting organs post death.
Makes you stronger in facing the wrath.
And Goddess of death shall  also be shy,
Salute you surely if this option you Try.

Ajay Amitabh Suman: All Rights Reserved
Life is extremely uncertain and so is the death. As a man can not decide his time of death, his parents , similarly we also do not know as to when our time has come tell this world a good buy.  We do not and cannot have any control over the Timing of our Death but certainly on the quality of Death. Still we can choose what kind of death we are destined for. God has provided us an opportunity to turn this misfortunate incident into delight by gifting our ***** post death, to some one,  gifting a life. This act of donating our organs to some one , post our death, we can still see this world , through others body. We are having option to outlive our life and death too.
Raising the pitch of
Speaker so high,
Drinking a bear
Without any shy.

Going berserk and
Frenzy on road,
Raising in hand
a flag and rod.

Creating a noise like
animals gone mad,
Making ill gestures
Behaving so bad.

In the name of god
You fiercely occupy,
The road, the place
and law all defy.

You think god likes
this drama this rush,
This chaos, this shout
pageant this rumpus.

Creating a ruckus when
ugly you dance,
One thing but certain
You have no chance.

In the realm of god
and at his place,
No scope for such non sense
No room, no space.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
The Lion is Lion, fearsome of all,
And rat is a rat, So poor so small.
But when in net, Lion was trapped,
One who freed lion,was that puny rat.

In forest a tiger,can Pounce at prey,
But can it run like,on Sand camel may.
The Mango tree mighty, but ever it laugh?
That I am gigantic, and you mere a grass.

A serpent can bite, and Peacock a dance,
But Monkey can jump, on  tree by chance.
A rose is so minor and banyan so tall,
But in the fragrance, seen banyan to fall.

Frog of a pond when, hears a cuckoo song,
Does he regret his, sound hoarse, so wrong?
A candle throws light, but does it complain?
have pity, have mercy, please put me in rain.

Can a fish fly and,  Eagle a swim?
Singing for cow, is always a dream.
When on the branches, flutters a crow,
Does ask tortoise, Why lazy, so slow?

When does a panther, run fast for ****,
Never he worried,how does prey feel?
While river gets solace, in making a flow,
But Moon in its cool, ‎and Sun in its glow.

A banyan is Banyan, And grass is a grass,
Never judgemental & No creed, no class.
The Being assigns this knowledge to man,
Tranquil , equable should always remain.

Seldom it care what, darkness what shine?
This is the sinful or that is divine,
With beauty is playful,with grave also fine.
Not worried for virtue, Nor guilt it define.

Always sustaining,No ego,no greed,
Feed vegitation & also Feed ****.
What tiny what big & minow what tall,
The existence provide, A shelter for all.

In cloud, in thunder, in rain that you found,
In roaring of lion & bird's chirping sound.
If fire then glow, in human is thought,
If air then flow, is water when drought.

In Color is rainbow,is morning of  day,
In fragrance is mellow,if Sun then it's ray.
In blossom of flower and growth of seed,
Pervading eternal & all that you need.

What right,what wrong, it never support,
Although indulgent, but never put force.
All that surround, but separate indeed,
Such is this isness, Not captive, nor freed.

    Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
Why you are looking
For Anger Free place?
Freeing oneself from anger
is key to Success.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
The More we learn
The less we know,
The little we become
The More we grow.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
Life has taught her only this Trick

How to mis-present herself as sick.

   Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
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